Multihop Localization with Density and Path Length Awareness in Non-Uniform Wireless Sensor Networks Sau Yee Wong1,2, 1

Joo Ghee Lim1, SV Rao1,

Winston KG Seah1,2

Institute for Infocomm Research (Member of A*STAR), 21, Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119613 2 National University of Singapore {stuwsy,limjg,raosv,winston }

Abstract— Localization of wireless micro-sensors which are non-uniformly scattered over a region is a challenging problem. Solutions relying on simple inter-node ranging and then summing up ranges between a node and reference nodes do not necessarily provide reliable position estimation. Besides, in multihop localization, error in distance estimation tends to accumulate with the increase of path length. This is because by increasing hop-counts, the disparity between the actual progressed distance and estimated progressed distance is accumulated. In view of this, a novel multi-hop localization scheme that incorporates density and path-length awareness is proposed for non-uniformly distributed wireless sensor networks. Also, we seek to reduce errors in position estimation introduced by long propagation path.

I. INTRODUCTION Spatial localization is of paramount importance to ad hoc wireless sensor networks since location information is vital for target detection, data aggregation, sensor query, position-based routing, etc. However, sensor networks, which are often deployed outdoors, are subjected to uneven node distribution arising from various factors, such as methods of sensor deployment and terrain contour (e.g. air-dropped sensors tend to accumulate at the bottom of a slope, thus, node density is higher at the bottom than the peak of a slope), hostile environment (e.g. sensors can be swept away by currents, corroded by chemical solution, or moved away by animals) and network dynamism (e.g. the power of a sensor may have depleted and it is no longer functioning, a node may move out of the transmission range of its neighbors or switch between active and sleep modes). The uneven node distribution poses a challenging problem to position estimation in sensor networks. Besides, in designing a localization algorithm, some network constraints such as lack of infrastructure, cost, form factor, limited computation and communication capabilities, and finite energy supply should be taken into consideration. In addition, some influencing factors need to be taken into account. A localization algorithm should be (a) distributed (i.e. does not rely on some powerful nodes to do centralized computation) (b) self-organizing (i.e. does not rely on preinstalled infrastructure or set up) (c) robust (i.e. tolerant to network dynamisms like node failure) (d) energy-efficient (i.e. does not incur large computation and communication overheads) and (e) scalable (i.e. practical for large number of nodes).

0-7803-8887-9/05/$20.00 (c)2005 IEEE

In view of this, we propose a Density-aware Hop-count Localization (DHL) scheme for these network scenarios. The main contribution of our work is to identify two potential issues that have not received substantial research attention but have great impacts on non-uniform ad hoc wireless sensor networks. The issues are: (i) Density issue: Localization accuracy is not guaranteed for non-uniform and sparse networks; (ii) Path length issue: Cumulative error in distance estimation becomes significant for long hop-count propagation path (especially common in large networks with small number of reference nodes, i.e. nodes with a priori knowledge of position information). II. RELATED WORK There are many works done for localization in wireless and mobile networks. Tseng et al.[16] review the importance and applications of location awareness in ad hoc wireless mobile networks. In another study, Hightower and Borriello[6] survey the existing research in location systems for mobile computing applications. Niculescu and Nath[12][13] propose a distance-vector based ad hoc localization algorithm, Ad Hoc Positioning System (APS). This algorithm uses the hop-by-hop propagation capability of the network to forward distances to the reference nodes. There are four methods in measuring the distance to the reference nodes, i.e. DV-Hop, DV-Distance, Euclidean, and DV-Coordinate. DV-Hop is the only method that uses hop-count information without requiring range or angle measurements. However, DV-Hop does not provide good performance when the variance of hop-distance (i.e. the mean distance per hop) is high[8]. The Robust Positioning algorithm[14] enhances DV-Hop by proposing an additional Refinement phase. After a node has computed a coarse estimated position of its own location using DV-Hop, the node obtains the estimated positions from all of its immediate neighbors. The node also measures the ranges from each of these neighbors. Then, making use of this information and assuming that these neighboring nodes are some reference nodes, the node re-computes triangulation to refine its estimated position. The process is iteratively computed until certain stopping criterion is met. However, the complexity of Robust

Positioning is difficult to measure since it is a priori unknown how many iterations it takes to reach equilibrium[8]. In N-hop Multilateration[15], cumulative ranges are used to gauge the distance. However, this method is subjected to range error. Nagpal et al.[11] propose local averaging where each sensor collects its neighboring hop-count values and computes an average of its own and its neighbors’ values, a method that is only suitable for evenly spaced sensors. In a study conducted by Lim and Rao[10], they show that mobility can help to improve the accuracy of hop-count localization. A small group of mobile nodes is intentionally introduced to do averaging and correction. According to Cho and Chandrakasan[4], sensor density can range from a few to a few hundred in a region that is less than 10m in diameter. Cerpa et al.[3] point out that in habitat monitoring, the number of sensors can range from 25 to 100 per region. This implies that node density is not uniform throughout a network. A region can have many times more sensors than the other regions in a sensor network. Therefore, the impact of non-uniform node density should be taken into consideration in hop-count localization. Node density also affects power management, network connectivity management, and data aggregation. Intanagonwiwat, et al.[7] state that in a high density network, the greedy-tree aggregation approach achieves more significant energy savings (up to 45%) than the opportunistic aggregation. Ganesan, et al.[5] discover that at high node density, the maintenance overhead of localized two-disjoint paths is nearly an order of magnitude higher than localized braided path. On the other hand, at low node density, they find that localized path construction sometimes fails to find an alternate path. The Geographical Adaptive Fidelity (GAF) algorithm[17] suggests that network lifetime increases proportionally with node density, where a four-fold increase in node density can lead to network lifetime increases by 3 to 6 times. Bulusu, et al.[1] improve localization quality by placement of new reference nodes at low node density and rotating functionality among redundant reference nodes at high node density. Thus, node density is an interesting issue not only in localization, but also other areas in sensor networks. III. ALGORITHM DESCRIPTION In comparison to the abovementioned algorithms, our algorithm introduces density awareness to dynamically estimate distances in non-uniformly distributed networks. The aim is to reduce distance-overestimation and improve localization accuracy. In our network model, there exists a total of N sensors, of which only K sensors (where 0
rest of the nodes seek to discover their positions through multi-hop communication. Two nodes can communicate if their distance is less than R, where R is the radio range (which varies with the transmission power and technology used.) An omni-directional radio propagation model and a 2D (which is extendable to 3D) network model are assumed. The sensor network is assumed to be fully connected and there is no node partition. The sensors have moderately low mobility. A. Density Issues Assume an arbitrary reference node, Pi i=1,…,K, is deployed at point (Xi ,Yi ). For an arbitrary sensor Sj at (uj,vj), j=1, …, N-K, we denote the Euclidean distance between them as d(Pi, Sj) = (Xi −uj )2 +(Yi −vj )2 . We define the Euclidean path as a path consisting of the minimum number of hops, m, to propagate a packet from Pi to Sj, i.e. where d(Pi, Sj) = mR (Fig.1a). If sensor deployment is very dense and uniform (Fig.1b), a path approximating the Euclidean path can be constructed, and Sj is able to approximate its distance from Pi by d(Pi, Sj) ≈ m(λR), where m is the minimum hop-count and λ is the average range ratio; λR is also known as the average hop-distance (i.e. distance per hop). However, in a non-uniform network (Fig.1c), the variance of hop-distance is high, causing d(Pi, Sj) ≈ µ1R+ µ2R+…+ µmR, where m is the minimum hops and µ is the range ratio (0<µ≤1). µ is a function of an intermediate node’s local density (i.e. connectivity/πR2) since hop-distance depends on the availability of the next node close to the transmission range and at the direction of propagation, i.e. µ=f(D), where D is local density. Thus, we propose to incorporate density awareness and assign hop-distance dynamically based on a node’s local density. B. Path Length Issues In reality, an estimated hop-distance, L, is imprecise and the uncertainty should be reflected in the expression, i.e. L ± ε, where ε is the maximum error. If Sj is m hops from Pi, its estimated distancem is m(L ± ε), i.e. mR[λ ± ε/R] (uniform networks) or R ∑ [µ ± ε / R ] (non-uniform networks). When R is infinitely large and sensors are within hearing range from one another, the error is negligible, but this is infeasible since the transmission power of sensors is limited. However, error can be reduced if the distance is associated with fewer hops. To further improve the performance of our scheme, path-length is taken into account in DHL, where an estimated distance computed from a comparatively fewer number of hops m is given a higher confidence rating. C. Main Algorithm Due to the broadcast nature of wireless channels, Sj is assumed to know its local density after a network is deployed. A

Figure 1 (a) Euclidean distance, (b) uniform network, (c) non-uniform network

network manager predefines a set of density categories, e.g. low, medium, high, etc and each category covers a certain range of local density. Then, Sj deduces the category it falls into based on its local density. Each category is mapped to a corresponding range ratio µ that reflects the ratio of transmission range a packet most probably advances if forwarded to the next hop. We perform a one-time computation, as follows: Step A: Pi broadcasts a set of tuples, consisting of {ID(Pi), Position(Pi), Total Hops to Pi , Total Range Ratio to Pi }, i.e. {ID, (Xi,Yi), ∑ki=0, ∑µi=0}. Step B: Sj stores {ID, (Xi,Yi), (∑ki)+1, (∑µi)+µ} and forwards the information. Step C: Sj estimates distance to Pi by Li=(∑µi)×R. Step D: If Sj subsequently receives packet with smaller ∑ki or ∑µi, it repeats Step B to C. Step E: Sj associates Li with a low or high confidence rating, as described in the next section. When a sufficient number of distances from the reference nodes have been received, Si will perform triangulation. Where possible, only Li associated with high confidence rating will be used. The algorithm is basically divided into two phases. The purpose of the first phase, Density-aware Phase (Step A to D), is to enable individual nodes to share hop-count information collaboratively in order to determine their distances from individual reference nodes. The hop-count information incorporates density information so that it provides more accurate distance estimation. In the second phase, Path-Length aware Phase (Step E), a node determines the confidence level for each estimated distance and decides if the distance should be used in position computation using triangulation. The first phase uses a node’s local density information to address density issue whereas the second phase assigns confidence level to address path length issue. In Step A, a reference node broadcasts information that consists of its ID, its position, total number of hop-counts from itself and total range ratio to itself. Immediate neighbors that hear the broadcast discover that they are within one hop from the reference node. Thus, in Step B, the total number of hop-counts from the reference node is incremented by one. The range ratio, µ, is estimated individually based on the receiving node’s surrounding density. Subsequently the receiving node forwards the information that consists of the reference node ID, reference node position, the new total hop-count and the new total range ratio. In Step C, a receiving node estimates its distance from the reference node by computing the product of total range ratio and transmission range. The rest of the nodes repeat the same procedure, i.e. increment received hop-count and range ratio and then forward the information. If a node subsequently receives hop-count information that gives smaller total number of hop-counts, it discards the old stored values and repeats Step B to step C. In Step E, each estimated distance is associated with a ‘Confidence level’ which value is in the range of [0,1]. The confidence level is inversely proportional to the number of hop-counts from a reference node. This is because comparing actual hop-distance and transmission range, the actual



Local Connectivity

Range Ratio

<6 7-12 >12

0.6 0.7 0.8

hop-distance can be equal to or less than transmission range. If a localization algorithm assumes that hop-distance is equivalent to one transmission range, the shortfall from transmission range becomes estimation error. Thus, localization error accumulates with the increase of hop-counts. Also, the chance that a propagation path is straight and direct decreases as path length becomes longer. A winding path tends to accumulate more unnecessary hop-counts than a direct path. Consequently, a sensor node that is positioned far from a reference point tends to pile up more errors. After assigning confidence level, a node can select only those estimated distances with high confidence and ignore those with low confidence in position computation by methods such as triangulation. D. Determination of Range Ratio and Confidence Level We now describe how we determine the range ratio to be used in our scheme. Range ratio as a function of local connectivity, c, has been derived in other literature[8]. Using a continuous function to determine the range ratio can result in unlimited density categories and immense transmission overhead. If densities are divided into n categories, a node at m hops from a reference node can potentially receive n+(n-1)(m-2) different accumulated range ratios, triggering more packet forwarding. We decided to take a more heuristic approach by investigating the relationship between local connectivity and range ratio through simulations (Fig.2 & Fig.3). To create a network of connectivity c, a total of cA/(πR2) nodes are created randomly, where A is the network area. We define “accuracy” as the percentage of nodes with estimated locations that are within one transmission range from their actual locations. From the results, we decided to use three main categories with three corresponding optimum range ratio (Table1). We next describe the way we determine the confidence level to use. Assuming network diameter is x, a distance computed x hops is unlikely to approximate a Euclidean from more than R path and thus can be associated with low confidence level. Since a node requires at least three reference nodes to perform triangulation (for 2D), it assigns hop counts from the three nearest reference nodes with high confidence. A confidence x threshold can be determined within the range of y and to R select hop counts with high reliability, where y is the largest hop-counts from among the three nearest reference nodes. For simplicity, a node can assign hop-counts from other reference 1 x nodes with high confidence if they are less than ( + y ) . 2 R Only hop-counts from reference nodes with high confidence levels will be used in the triangulation.

IV. SIMULATION RESULTS To evaluate and analyze the performance of DHL, we conducted simulations using a discrete event-driven simulator written in C language. The simulator consists of a single event-list managed by a scheduler function. A broadcast from a reference node is designated as an event. The broadcast from a reference node triggers hop-count packets forwarding process in a network. The hop-count and range ratio are incremented and forwarded in packets by each node in the network. Each of the packet broadcast is considered as an individual event. Thus, a sequence of events is generated. Each event is associated with a processing time. The time designates when the event should take place. These events are queued into a linked-list to be processed when the virtual simulator time reaches the specific processing time. We investigated the performance of the algorithm in non-uniform networks using the simulator. A non-uniform network consisting of four regions is assumed (Fig.4). Both Regions I and III have three times more nodes than Regions II and IV. Total number of nodes, Ntotal, is 500, of which 2% are reference nodes, R=5m, and A=50m×50m. A node of certain connectivity updates the received range ratio by an increment value as shown in Table 1. A distance associated with less than 10 hops (the selection is based on the method described in Section II.D) is assigned a high confidence rating and used in triangulation. The accuracy of position estimation is compared against DV-Hop[12][13], a hop count-based localization scheme without density and path-length awareness mechanism. With density-awareness, approximately 78% of the nodes managed to estimate their locations within the transmission

Figure 2. Optimum range ratio for variable local connectivity.

Figure 3. Range ratio as a function of connectivity

Figure 4. Simulation Topology.

range from their actual locations in contrast to 63% using DV-Hop (Fig. 5). With the average connectivity of Regions I and Region III at 23 and that of Regions II and IV is at 7, the ratio of connectivity is about 3.3. Based on the findings on the relationship between range ratio and local connectivity (Fig.3), the distance covered per hop tends to be further with larger node connectivity. Thus, it is clear that by assigning appropriate range ratios, better position estimation is achieved. Fig. 5 shows that with both density and path-length awareness, the percentage of nodes with estimation errors within their transmission range rises to 83%. Fig. 6 compares the relationship between estimated distance errors and hop-counts. The figure shows that localization error increases rapidly with hop-counts and the rate of incremented is higher for DV-Hop. This shows that nodes further from the reference nodes tend to miscalculate their distances with greater probability. Therefore, by applying path-length awareness and filtering distances with large hop-counts before computing triangulation, DHL can further improve localization accuracy.

Figure 5. Cumulative error distribution

Figure 6 Distance Error vs. Hop-counts

Figure 7. Geographical Error Distribution - DV-Hop

assignment of range ratio based on a node’s surrounding density. We also assign high confidence rating to distances computed from small hop-counts. In future works, analysis can be performed to define local density for nodes that do not have circular coverage, for example for nodes that are located near the network edges or nodes that use directional antenna. Further theoretical studies can be conducted to map the relationship between range ratio and local density. Besides, studies can also be conducted for networks that comprise of high-mobility nodes in which the network density changes rapidly with time. The strategies of placing reference nodes to reduce the impact of large localization error at network edges could also be a good future study topic. REFERENCES [1]



[4] [5] Figure 8. Geographical Error Distribution - DHL

Another useful way to investigate error distribution is to take into account individual node’s geographical location. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 give detailed looks at the distribution of position error as a function of the nodes’ physical locations in the square network area of 50m × 50m. Comparing Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, DV-Hop localization error is higher than DHL localization. The range of DV-Hop error distribution is approximately 100%R for most of the interior nodes whereas a small portion of nodes at edges have localization error up to approximately 300%R. In contrast, localization error for most of the interior nodes of DHL hovers around 50%R while a small percentage of nodes at edges have up to around 250%R error. This shows that for most nodes in the network, DHL has better position estimation than DV-Hop. The observation also shows that both DV-Hop and DHL share a common phenomenon, that is, the nodes near the network edges and corners are susceptible to higher localization error compared to those located near the center of the network. This is mainly because areas along network boundary tend to have lower concentration of reference nodes such that the propagation paths from a reference node to surrounding nodes tend to accumulate more redundant hops. Strategically placing reference nodes near the network edges so that most nodes at edges can have direct communication with reference nodes can be one of the methods used to reduce the impact of such phenomenon. V. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS We have proposed a multi-hop scheme that addresses localization in non-uniform networks through the dynamic


[7] [8]


[10] [11]

[12] [13] [14]




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Abstract— Localization of wireless micro-sensors which are ... distributed wireless sensor networks. Also .... with the transmission power and technology used.

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