National Cancer Research Foundation Ltd.

Testimonials Cancer conditions only Also see “non-cancerous conditions”

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved



Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

NATIONAL CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION NCRF, or any person relative to this research, do not make any implications, promises, nor guarantees that the research findings will guarantee the reversal of any disease. All information contained in the NCRF booklets is determined educational and observational. Although observations and documentation of NCRF have shown positive results, it is the reader’s obligation to discuss with their medical professional to make their own decisions. All decisions are the reader’s responsibility and common sense of it shall apply.

Table of Contents

6 - 7 Summary pg AIDS


Revised: June 2, 2004 pg

AIDS and pregnancy


Bladder Bladder 8 8

1 4



11 11

1 4

James Joe – bladder and liver pgs 8-9

8 10

2 5

Doris Bill – Bladder & Crohn’s




11 11

2 5

Craig Gloria

11 12

3 6

Louis Donna

13 13 14 15 15 16

2 5 8 11 14 17

Debbie Mary Jeannie - RN Lisa Yvonne Donna

13 13 14 15 15 16

3 6 9 12 15 18

Lynette Valerie Yvonne Pat Marianne - lymph & bone Andrea – monosarcoma

19 19 20 20 21

2 5 8 11 14

Claude Jim – declined surgery Duane Patrick Wayne

19 19 20 20 21

3 6 9 12 15

Patrick Jason – with trials Andrew – non-operable Maureen Rita - Colon, Lung, liver




29 30

2 5

Mike - 85, was in last stages, Yvonne



Blood Blood Cancer Clare Multiple Myeloma

Brain Brain Deirdre Kelli

Breast 12 13 13 14 15 15

1 4 7 10 13 16



17 19 20 20 20 25

1 4 7 10 13 16



Barbara - LPN Gwen Violet – numerous nodes Ann – numerous tumors Ann Karen - inflammatory

Cervical Liz

Colon Cesar pgs 17-18 John Gwen Edgar Jessie

Pat – football sized 25-27

Endometrial Yvonne

Kidney 28


29 30

1 4


Liver Don - 59, was in last stages Nora – 60’s

PO Box 131 Main phone (631) 584-3100 Web Site:

St. James, New York

Bill M. - age 60


(Toll Free) 1-877-CANCER-FREE NCRF is a Federally Registered 501(c) (3 & ) State ST-119.1 Not-For-Profit Corporation

Fax (631) 584-4833. . Email: [email protected]

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Lung 31 31 32 33 33

1 4 7 10 1

Steve 31 Valerie 31 Thomas 32 Howard 33 Julie - Lung & Uterine: pgs 33 - 40

Lymphatic 41 42 44

1 4 7

Connie Evelyn









50 50

1 4

55 63 66 69 70 71

1 4 7 10 13 16

2 5 8 11

Wanda Marie Lillie Ron

31 32 32 33

3 6 9 12

Doris Anthony Jessie Gail

41 44


Martha Jane’s mom

- Also see Lung – Ron (11) & Gail (12)

42 & 43


41 44 44

2 5 8

Patti A Gordon
















Mesothelioma Joe

44 - 48

Multiple Myeloma Neck Ovarian + Hep ”C” Liz – also see Cervical Cheryl 50 - 53


Summary – pages 54

Joe pgs 55 - 62 Mary pgs 63 - 65 S H Gini Charlie 71 – 75

2 5 8 11 14 17

James Linda Philip 66 - 68 Juleigh Gail Tracy F 76 – 82

63 65 69 70 71 83

3 6 9 12 15 18

Marianne Renee Pat’s dad Kathi Lauren Barbara 76 - 80

David 94 - 96 Joe Gordon Pete Hanns pg. 106 - 108 D 8 Case Studies

97 98


3 6 9 12 15 18

Lee A John David 102 Steve Bob


2 5 8 11 14 17 20








2 5

Inez Armand











63 65 66 69 71 76

Parotid gland 88


91 97 99


1 4 7 10 13 16 19




Prostate 100 103 111

Summary 89 - 90

Steve 91 – 93 Daniel pgs 97 – 98 Bernard Bart Albert Mario Glen

94 98 99 101 106 111

100 102 109

Renal Cell Ann

Skin 116

1 4




Emily Pat

Testicular Sam

Throat 116





Uterine 4


Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents Page 118 Page 119 Page 120 -



Tips to Good Health Questionaire - please answer to help us help others PrePre-printed “Fold & Mail” for Questionnaire please answer questionnaire, fold & mail - Thank you.

Dietary Ideas to consider - Pages 16 – 17 in the “Primary Discussion booklet”


When you are diagnosed with cancer, you are introduced to yourself, you find out what you are made of.

* Humans are like tea bags, you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are. In addition to cancer, we have observed positive responses to non-cancerous conditions, showing improvements or “No Evidence of condition”

NonNon-Cancerous conditions: Acid Reflux ADD / ADHD Alcohol Dependency

Allergies Aneurysm Anxiety Arthritis Asperger’s Syn. Asthma Autism Autonomic disorders

Back pain Bi-Polar Bursitis Candida Yeast Chemical Poisoning

Cholesterol Chronic Fatigue Cirrhosis Colds / Flu

showing improvements or “No Evidence of condition”

Colitis Crohn’s Disease Cyst/ Fibroids Diabetes Diverticulosis

Hearing Loss Heart Conditions Hemorrhoids Hepatitis “C”

Manic Depression Mental clarity Metal Poisoning

Hormonal balance

Down’s Syndrome

Huntington’s Hypertension Infertility Inflammatory Injuries Irritable Bowel Joint pain Kidney Stones Leg Cramps Lung Disease Lung Nodules Lupus Lymes Lymphoma

Multiple Sclerosis Nail Weakness Neck Pain Neurol. Conds Neuropathy Osteoporosis Ovarian Cond Pancreatitis Parasitic Cond Parkinson’s PMS/related Poisoning Polyps Pregnancy Psoriasis

Drug Addiction Eczema ED Endurance Epstein Barre Fibroids Fibromyalgia Fungus - nail Glaucoma Gout Graves Guillian Barre Hair Growth Headaches

PO Box 2204 Main phone (631) 246-8888 Web Site:

Multiple Conditions

Setauket, New York (Toll Free) 1-877-CANCER-FREE NCRF is a Registered 501(c) (3) Not-For-Profit Corporation

Renal Failure Rheumatoid Arth Sciatica Shingles Sinus Skin Tags Sprains Strength Stress Strokes Throat Nodule Thyroid Tiredness - Chronic

Toe nail fungus Tooth Pain Trauma Triglycerides Viral Disorder Weight Loss More to Come

11733-0722 Fax (631) 246-8899. . Email: [email protected]

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Summary 1. We believe that all cancers are the result of a nutritional deficiency to the nervous system, the result is a neurological deficiency. This causes a change in biofeedback communication, all cellular nutrition, DNA replication to altered structure, causing a change in cellular manufacturing instructions. Upon correcting these deficiencies, the body will correct the domino-affect responses and restore its function in a normal manner. The DNA replication and structure will be corrected, resulting in DNA restoring correct instructions along with correct biochemistry availability for the body to correctly manufacture cells and their cellular function will be restored to normal. The cancer cells will no longer be able to survive because the many corrected environmental factors within the body’s chemistry are now no longer correct for the cancer cells, they simply die off in a natural manner. There is no need to kill cancer cells, they die as a natural occurrence, like algae in a swimming pool. 2. The nervous system is comprised of: the nerve cells as, hormones, and lymph nodes. Their functions are interactive, however, the medical field does not acknowledge this involvement or incorrect involvement due to nutritional deprivation as the cause of many illnesses. As a result, the nervous system is further starved by conventional treatments, hindering the progression initially, the body re-evaluates the environment and produces new cells in response to the further depleted environment, which, in most cases, causes a more acidic environment, which increases cancer cell nutrition. As a result, the medical field implies the “cancer is now more aggressive” instead of understanding that their treatment may have killed the initial cancer cells, but, they also manipulated the biochemical environment to nutritionally support the body to manufacture cancer cells more rapidly. 3. Killing cancer cells is not the answer because the cancer cell is the result of the problem, not the cause. Therefore, upon killing the cancer cell, you remove the evidence, AKA - the result of the cause, however, the cause was never addressed nor corrected. Because the cause was never corrected, nothing stopped the sequences that take place to manufacture the cancer cell. Therefore, the body continues to manufacture cancer cells uninterrupted. Over time, the body produces more cancer cells, the doctors then say, “Gee, it came back. How did that happen, we got all of it out !!” They did not realize that they removed the by product of the condition instead of the cause. Killing the cancer also weakens and kills normal cells too, nothing positive is gained. 4. We found that proper nutritional restoration to the nervous system and cell nutrition throughout the body causes corrective domino - effect reactions. Upon nutritional correction, the body resumes correct cell production. When the body’s environmental factors are correct, the body no longer manufactures the cancer cells, the existing cancer cells are no longer able to exist in the corrected environment and die in a natural manner and are replaced by normal cells. When the cancer cells die, or go necrotic, they remain and show up on CT & MRI scans, however, PET scans indicate that they are dead cells. The body will eventually break them down, it takes time. 5. Standard cancer treatment’s high failure rate is due to treating symptoms and not correcting the cause. If the cause is never addressed nor corrected, the progress continues because nothing corrected the pathway. In addition, most conventional treatments enhance the environment to cause more cancer production instead of reducing production. 6. We are showing that if you correct the cause, the body will make the corrective steps, resolve the problem, and restore normalcy. Cancer patients, in general, never take into consideration incorrect diet, lifestyle nor spinal dislocations. Preservatives in our foods prevent metabolism, when you eat that food, the body cannot metabolize it, therefore, although tasty, the nutrition is not absorbed. The depletion takes time to generate changes in effects. Exercise has been replaced by convenience, blood circulation is minimized and therefore, natural metabolism is reduced because of reduced exercise. 7. The body produces acid to break down all foods to simple sugar, high protein being the highest complexity to break down. Normal cells uptake a specific amount of sugar for normal metabolism. A cancer cell uptakes twice the normal amount for its metabolism. The old wives tale “avoid eating sugar because sugar feeds cancer” is misleading because avoiding sugar totally to “STARVE CANCER” also starves the normal cells more severely, resulting in additional biochemical stress to the body. Eat smart and use the “1900 Diet”- make believe the year is 1900, how did they prepare food back then?? Avoid anything preserved, salted, in a can, jar or sealed package. It is fine to eat the very few naturally preserved foods, there are not many naturally preserved. Avoid prepared food because they have flavor enhancers and preservatives to give a shelf-life. Avoid nutrition drinks such as BOOST or ENSURE because they contain the “B” vitamins and iron, which will accelerate cancer progression.


Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Summary (continued) 8. Avoid hydroponically grown food. Eat organically grown quality foods. The body requires 3 ounces of red meat weekly for enzymes. Some people replace with soy, a fad product which biochemically does not replace meat enzymes. A mixture of different meats and fish are best to get a more effective blend of proper nutrition. Cookies or cakes should be either freshly made or purchased at a bakery, if it goes stale in 2 hours, that is good. To minimize acid production, start meals with carbohydrates, then protein and finish with a carbohydrate. Coffee and chocolate are in the highest protein classification because of its bean character, caffeine is not the concern. Avoid caffeine-free because it is an acidic broken radical. Coffee should be eliminated totally, chocolate either eliminate or minimize. Avoid all alcohol, it reduces calcium metabolism, disrupts natural biochemistry, blocks nutrition to nerve cells and stresses the liver. Alcohol is advertised like it is a soft drink, yet causes major health problems. 9. Lactose intolerance is due to unbalanced biochemistry. Instead of masking the unbalance, it should be corrected. Whole milk is the most nutritionally valuable to drink, the feared issues are not accurate and there are important nutritional factors not found elsewhere. When the biochemistry is properly balanced, metabolism is automatically correct and the issues and concerns do not exist. Avoid Skim, Low-Fat, 2%, 1% and similar, there is no nutrition left because the current processing depletes the nutrition as part of the process. Metabolism is the problem, not fat. 10. Avoid nutritional supplements that replace chemistries that the body naturally manufactures. The body will recognize the supplement and interpret that the body has enough and shut down its own manufacture, which then depletes the natural supply and causes a short term benefit and long term increased deprivation. 11. Many people are told that their pain is due to cancer progression. In a large percentage of cancer patients, the pain is due to muscle spasms pulling a disc out of alignment, relative to nutritional deficiencies affecting nerves and muscles, resulting in pinched nerves. The spine is never attended to and the pain is treated as though it were cancer related, spurring a vicious cycle of incorrectly treating pain with incorrect treatments, causing a snow ball effect in severity without correcting the problem. We have seen patients who are receiving pain management go for a spinal alignment and walk out with reduced or no pain. Proper nutrition and spinal adjustments cause good results. 12. There is a strong correlation between Gemzar/ 5FU and ascites, toxicity, blood clots and depression. 13. Urine pH reflects the alkaline/acid chemistry. Saliva pH is not accurate for body chemistry indication because it reflects chemistry related to digestive biochemical responses and will change according to what the body senses as you eat, The diet and choice of foods will affect body pH and therefore influence progress/hinderance of metabolism. The volume of correct nutrients is important. Some people incorrectly focus on pH only and regulate the nutritional intake by the pH, which is not a correct procedure. pH is an indicator reflecting many causes, it is not a symptom. When the urine pH is below 7.0, it appears that the body chemistry is more conducive to cancer cell survival. 14. We observed that cancer markers do not properly reflect cancer status. Chemical intervention such as hormone or Chemotherapy toxicity can cause false indications in either direction. At first, a chemotherapy is introduced to the body to kill cancer cells. After a few months, the body recognizes it as an un-natural chemistry, therefore, an invader. Over time, the responding immunity develops a chemistry to eliminate this “preditorial” chemistry (chemotherapy), rendering the chemo less effective. The enzymes and immunological chemistry eventually becomes picked up by the cancer marker, and is interpreted as an indication of cancer. The marker shows increased numbers, which the doctors incorrectly interpret as cancer progression. In response, they add more chemo to overpower the “advanced cancer progression”. The chemo toxicity increases and a vicious cycle leads to the patient’s death. Meanwhile, an autopsy shows that there was “no evidence of cancer.” 15. Morphine generates an addiction. The body becomes calm at first, then the morphine effectiveness weakens, causing a stronger requirement for increased pain due to withdrawal symptoms. This gradually increases until the overdose causes biofeedback shutdown, the body shuts down and the person dies. Meanwhile, the family was told that the cancer became more aggressive and consumed the body. The accurate fact is that they turned the patient into a drug addict, requiring more morphine until they died from the overdose. The family becomes so distraught that they accept it and never question the accuracy nor do they request an autopsy to verify the statements. 16. Many of the cancer patients on this program who did pass away died because of the other toxic treatments and incorrect diagnosis due to incorrect testing formats. While the doctors refer to the problems as “Cancer progression” , the accurate cause was chemo toxicity and/or morphine overdose, not cancer. Autopsies on many verified “no evidence of cancer.”

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


AIDS Jan’s daughter, born 1975, hospitalized 9 years ago, had a blood transfusion during surgery and got AIDS as a result. After all various treatments failed, she became pregnant in Dec 2001. Her doctors were outraged at her, she declined their demands that she have an abortion because of her AIDS. She investigated and started her nutritional program in April 2002, blood work improved consistently, delivered the baby in September 2002, no evidence of AIDS in her blood work nor the baby’s. UPDATE: 1/17/04 - her blood work maintains no evidence of AIDS or any blood factor related to it.

Bladder 1.

James – born 1963, Dx 10/28/02 with bladder cancer and painful lumps in his groin. Started his nutritional program in early June 2003, lumps reduced in size and pain diminished greatly so far, Only one month has passed so far, we expect a report by end of July. UPDATE: 1/28/04 - Waiting for update.


Doris – Bladder cancer, recent DX, started her nutritional program in March 2003 at dosage 3. She feels better and is waiting for a follow up test during the summer. She never took chemo nor radiation.

3. Tommy, born 1942, was diagnosed with Bladder cancer in 2001, left base, flat in situ urothelial carcinoma, high grade, non-invasive. Ureteroneocsytostomy performed 6/11/01. Follow up care in Jan 2002. Over the next year, he developed problems with healing, cholesterol and triglycerides increased out of range. He started his nutritional program in December 2002 to see if it might help. Healing improved dramatically, pain decreased, cholesterol & triglyceride levels dropped from 214/304 on 10/4/02 to 117/222 by 4/24/03. He felt so good that he decided that he did not need the program anymore, so, he stopped the program upon the favorable report. On July 10, 2003 the cholesterol and triglyceride levels rose to 218/301. He immediately started the program again. We received a note on August 12, 2003 that the updated oncology reports now show “No Evidence” of cancer, and that the cholesterol and triglyceride numbers dropped down to normal levels again, we are expecting the reports soon. This is the first time where we saw that the cholesterol and triglyceride numbers showed a reduction during the time of taking the program, upon stopping the program, the levels increased again out of normal range, and upon resuming the program, the levels dropped to well within normal levels again. Other chemistries also reduced to normal levels as well. UPDATE: 1/25/04 - Excellent


Joe - born 1950, dx March 2001, invasive tumor. Declined reconstruction proposal, started his nutritional program in April 2001, felt much better. Stopped program in mid-May due to Dr’s orders because they claimed to have a guaranteed procedure to get rid of the cancer. Feb 2002, cystoscope revealed new tumors, he refused their demands to get entire bladder removed and take chemo. Started program again April 15, 2002, all cramps and pain gone within 3 weeks, no bleeding, surgical biopsies healed faster than expected. Against his better decisions, he agreed to chemo with his nutritional program, condition improved beyond expectations.

Continued on next page  8

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Bladder Cancer


Dear Fred, This is to confirm the information we talked about. I was diagnosed with bladder cancer on March 16, 2001, when they found a cancerous tumor in bladder, unsure whether it invaded the muscle tissue. at that time, the surgeons wanted to remove the entire bladder and perform reconstruction using the small intestine to make a new bladder, a 6 hour operation, one week in the hospital, and 3 months recuperation. I would not allow that option. In Early April, I started my nutritional program to see if it would help. After a week, I felt better overall, pains and cramps subsided. In May, I started Chinese acupuncture, they told me to get off the nutritional program because the teas and herbs would get rid of the cancer. So I stopped taking the nutritional program by Mid May. Soon after, I was not feeling as well. Detail as follows: In January – February, I started to get symptoms indicating a problem with the bladder again. They did a cystoscope, found a tumor, removed some of it in early April. They recommended 6 cycles of chemo and no promises, I declined that offer. The surgeons demanded that I have the entire bladder and surrounding tissues removed. I refused. On April 15, I started the nutritional program, the new version, and found that I felt better after a week. Now, 3 weeks after starting, my pain and cramps are all gone, energy is restored, and I have no more discomfort. The bladder is healing better than expected, no bleeding, and is improving faster than they ever expected. My doctor wanted to install a port and start chemo, I declined and want to wait a while to give the nutritional program a chance. Because of how I feel, the surgeon and I both believe that the condition is improving rapidly. I will keep you updated, and I want to thank you for helping me to avoid surgery. Joe 5/ 1/ 02 Update: 9/12/02 – doing well, reduction in tumor, surgery is no longer a consideration because of Improvement. Joe and his wife travel all over the new England area and are always keeping busy. Update: 10/20/02 – no evidence of cancer in the liver. Pin-dot evidence in bladder - was scar tissue Update: 3/2/03 – no evidence of cancer in bladder, liver or any part of the body. Confirmed again 2/26/03 Final update: In May 2003, a “pin-spot” showed up on a CT scan. The doctors said it could possibly be cancer returning, they added that it is common for it to return. They told Joe that they were going to give him “just a little Gemzar chemo” “Just in case” it is a tumor. I told Joe that it looked more like scar tissue. I am not a doctor, so I told him to have them do a PET scan to confirm it. The doctor told him that I do not know what I am talking about, and reassured him that it was a cancerous tumor. They told him that he needed aggressive treatments with Gemzar treatments. His cancer markers rose, which I know is more likely from the Gemzar, especially when there is no proof of any evident cancer. The doctors told him that the rise in the tumor markers confirmed that the cancer was spreading, they said that he needed more aggressive treatment. I advised Joe to get a PET scan, and that if he continued, his body would shut down, which will then kill him. He told me not to worry, he felt confident with these doctors. In July, he complained that the blisters on his lips and in his mouth were preventing him from eating, then he lost his appetite and did not want to eat. He lost so much weight and became hospitalized because of an “intestinal blockage”. The Gemzar shut down his biofeedback, so, he was not hungry and the nerves stopped communication to the muscles to move the food down the intestinal tract, as well as other parts of the body. He required surgery to remove this “Blockage”. Joe’s wife told me that after the surgery, the surgeon asked her why Joe was on chemo because he saw no evidence of any cancer anywhere in there. She explained that the CT scan said there was a spot on the scan and the doctors thought it might be cancer. The surgeon said, “that was not cancer, that was scar tissue.” She just said, “Fred, You were right, it was not cancer, he never needed Gemzar.” At that point, Joe was too weak to do anything. Unfortunately, my friend Joe passed away the first week of August. The sad part was that everyone at the funeral knew that he died from Gemzar toxicity and he did not have any cancer.

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Bladder Cancer



Bill, born 1946, diagnosed with Bladder cancer, 3/25/03 CT scan confirmed invasive urothelial carcinoma, left base, flat in situ urothelial carcinoma, grade 3 of 4. Crohn’s Disease and a scaling skin condition were another conditions he was fighting, the Crohn’s limited his treatment options. The medical treatment proposal was to remove the bladder and related organs, providing tubes to the kidneys, leading to an external bag. He wanted to pursue other options. In April 2003, he found a clinic in Mexico, which offered an unusual diet intended to resolve his cancer in one month, at a cost of $20,000. After they made the appointment for his treatment during the month of June, he paid them in full. A week or so after he set up the visit in Mexico, he was told of our research. He came to see us towards the last week of April. He started the nutritional program on May 1st, 2003, went to dosage 4 immediately. At the end of May, he felt so great, his skin cleared up, his Crohn’s disease had stopped bothering him early in his program, and his tests showed 75% tumor reduction in that one month, he no longer needed to have the proposed radical surgery. Because he paid for the Mexico treatment already, he still went for the month’s treatment there. While there, he became sick and physically instable, but continued the program. At the end of the visit, he was so unstable that he fell, severely banged the side of his head, hemorrhaged, and was rushed to the hospital. He almost died from that incident. Although he recovered and went home later than planned, he never felt good after that accident. He did not speak to us when he returned. He continued to have headaches and kept to himself until he passed away in early September 2003. We are devastated by this because he worked so hard to get himself back to health, which he did with the nutritional program. He was either cancer free or almost cancer free. This accident was so unfortunate because he was successful in his effort to get rid of the cancer. What made it more heart breaking for us personally was that he was such a sweet and mild mannered gentleman, a person all respectable people would cherish to call him “friend”. Our hearts are with his wonderful wife and family.

Blood Claire H -Rare type of blood cancer, we are waiting for better documentations for better definition of terms. The blood work showed excess protein, From early March 2002 to April 1, 2002, WBC went from 1.3 up to 3.1, RBC went from 8.6 to 8.9 and in May up to 12.3. 7-2-02, WBC was 2.8 and RBC was 10.6. Platelet’s were 203. Doctors were quite pleased. We are waiting for an update. UPDATE: 4/2/03 status unknown but we understand she is doing well.


Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Brain Brain 1.

Deirdre’ s mom Dx early October 2003 with brain cancer in the base She was not a candidate for surgery or radiation. She started her nutritional program on October 21, 2003. Christmas was a happy time because she was doing so well. In January, she continued to improve. We do not know the exact details or status, only that she improves daily, the doctor is thoroughly surprised, yet has no interest in the program and says, “what ever you are doing, just continue”. We hope that maybe the doctor wants to see how she does after a longer period of time before he shows interest, which we fully understand. We hope to get an update soon. 1/30/04.


Craig, mid 20’s had a seizure at the end of October 2003, due to a brain tumor, which was apparently increasing in size. When he came to us, his sinuses were swollen, he coughed a lot, had post nasal drip, had headaches, difficulty with comprehension and neurological problems. An hour after trying the nutritional program, his sinuses cleared up and post nasal drip stopped. By the 4th hour, the swelling in his face reduced dramatically, his voice was more clear, and he felt more clear-headed. He said that he was going to continue with the program because he felt so great. A few days later, he said he felt great as though he had no problem, we explained that he still had the tumor and needed to be cautious. We have not seen him for a while because he had enough supply to last another month or two. UPDATE: 1/27/04 Excellent


Louis, age unknown, treatments were radiation, physical therapy, and speech therapy, which were not helping him improve. The swelling became more severe, they gave him Dexadryl to keep the swelling down, which was not helpful. He started his nutritional program in early January, the swelling immediately started to reduce, he became more alert. He wanted to read the information we offered to him. While in the hospital, he lost use of his left side. The doctors told him that it was because of the meds that they had to give him, or it could have been from the tumor. He was not able to get around, he also lost 20 pounds while in the hospital. The doctors told him earlier that he would never regain his strength, however, while on his nutritional program, his strength started to improve. As he regained strength, he was able to go back home again. He still takes naps, however, he feels great when he wakes up. He has been gaining weight, about one pound daily at this point. At first, he could only read a paragraph at a time and would need to rest in between, however, before his nutritional program, he could not focus or concentrate to read at all. After a while, on the program, he was able to focus better, he can read a few pages at a time before he needs to rest his eyes. 1/27/04. UPDATE 3/9/04: he is traveling now.


Kelli had a tumor, she was told “nothing more can be done”. As a result of starting this program November 10, 2003, she has shown great improvements, feels great, sinuses cleared up. She is quite happy. 2/15/04 – She is able to get around on her own without help, she is capable of being alone at home without concern.

5. Gloria - Dx in early January 2004 with Gioblastoma, had radiation treatments with no success. Her granddaughter spoke to us, discussed the nutritional program, and reported that she felt better almost immediately. The swelling greatly reduced within a few days, she was able to think more clearly, sinuses cleared up, and she was walking more stable. It has only been a few weeks, it is too early to know weather this is helping to reduce the tumors or only providing improved quality. We do not know when the next scan or test will be, it will be posted when available. 1/28/04 Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Brain (continued) 6. Donna, born 1971, originally dx 2000 with had breast cancer, later found in the lung, found in the brain January 2004. She was told that there was nothing more that they could do to help her. When she came to see us, she was wearing oxygen tubes with a tank, set at 2 per hour. She was uneasy and exhausted. Upon the first hour of her nutritional program, she did not need the oxygen and felt more energetic and felt that she had better comprehension. After 3 hours, she was more alert, walked around the room with better mobility and her reflexes were better, her eyes were brighter, her sinuses cleared up, and her voice was clear by the time she left on the fifth hour. It was impossible to take away that smile she wore. We have seen many wonderful experiences with people, this had to be one of the most impressive and exciting meetings that took place. After a few days, she was trying to improve her diet to quality food and to eliminate the diarrhea, which adjusted easily. She reported that she still needed the oxygen after that time, however, the requirement was reduced. As this report is only one week after initial start, there is no long term effects to note. Short term report includes only positive effects and great improvement in how she feels, breathes, reduced pain, improved thinking/ comprehension, reduced swelling, and feeling better overall. Each day she can feel a noticeable improvement and is quite happy about this progress. 2/1/04 UPDATE: 2/5/04 – To everyone’s shock and upset, Donna was also battling pneumonia as a result of an invasive test, she was given antibiotics for it earlier in this week, she became ill during the antibiotic treatment, and passed away at 2:30 AM Thursday, February 5, 2003. Our hearts go out to Dean. Dean and Donna were such a beautiful couple, this situation is why were work so hard to reach people sooner to help them before major problems interfere.

Breast 1.

Barbara - born early 1950’s’s, Licensed Practical nurse, supervisor of surgical ICU in a hospital. Dx BC in 2001, after 38 radiation treatments, cancer was spread and drs wanted to remove 21 lymph nodes because of cancer present in them. Barbara refused all treatment options, went on nutritional program early spring 2002, by Thanksgiving, there was no evidence of cancer and all lymph nodes were clear. Re-evaluation in February 2003 showed that there was no evidence of cancer anywhere , it was as though she never had it. Her doctors were speechless. She never lost a day of work due to this condition. UPDATE: 4/2/03 status excellent March 16, 2003 Currently, I am a 49 year old woman diagnosed with breast cancer in August, 2001. I also had three ovarian cysts. I was told by my doctor I had to get 38 treatments of radiation, which I did. Never Again! My life was hell through that time, and after the treatments were finished, the cancer was more advanced than before they started. I have been taking my nutritional program 2 years now. First, I started after my radiation treatments ended. My two year mammogram and sonogram of my breasts was perfect. My three ovarian cysts are GONE. My hair looks healthy with new growth, my skin glows, I feel healthy and my energy level is up. There has been a big change in my bowel habits. No more constipation. Yea! And my sex drive has come alive. My central nervous system is coming alive; it’s healing and getting stronger. Thank you Fred Eichhorn! I will never stop taking my vitamins. The way I look at it, it’s a shake or two a day keeps the doctor away! I am an LPN at a major hospital over 20 years. I also have to tell you about my 22 year-old daughter. She had a bad cough, to the point of choking. She also had a fibroid tumor, bad cramping in her abdomen, back pain, and thinning hair. Now she feels great! No more cough. Her hair is growing beautifully. She started the nutritional program a month and a half ago. Thanks again Fred and Lora! Barbara M. LPN


Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Breast (continued) 2.

Debbie – born 1959, Dx breast cancer with bone, lymph node and liver involvement, not given any hope in April 2001. She started her nutritional program Dec. 2001, started to feel better shortly after that. After she started to feel better, her doctor wanted her to take mild chemo. Today after combining her nutritional program with mild chemo, she feels fine with no side effects to speak of. The doctors did : 2 CT’s, 2 MRI’s, & 1 MUGA scan because they could not find any evidence of cancer and her markers were 14, which is very normal. She plans to be retested shortly again, she feels better emotionally and can enjoy her 2 young kids. She found that this fights off her colds and flu as well. UPDATE: 4/2/03 excellent; 7/2/03 cancer markers are so low that they are better that those with no cancer. UPDATE: 1/15/04 status – excellent.


Lynette – Age unknown at this time, diagnosed with breast cancer, mets to the liver. Lynette declined conventional treatments. She started her nutritional program in February 2003. During summer of 2003, tests showed “No Evidence” . As of September, she is on Maintenance dosage. UPDATE: 1/15/03 – excellent

4. Gwen was Dx in the spring of 2003, she tried her nutritional program for pain, which showed results faster than we anticipated. She is on a maintenance amount, and feels fine with it. Her early symptoms diminished, she has no symptoms and is staying on the maintenance amount.

5. Mary – Born 1971, Dx October 2002 with numerous lymph node involvement. She has been feeling great since starting her nutritional program in November 2002. After a few weeks, pain and swelling reduced, with no discomfort at all. After 5 months, her lymph nodes were no longer swollen, all chest and upper back pain was gone. March 26, 2003 evaluation showed marked improvements. Doctors were pleased and told her, “Keep doing whatever you are doing.” Update:10/18/03 - feels great, latest report indicated “No Evidence of cancer.” Update:1/21/04 - Excellent


Valerie was diagnosed with breast cancer which metastasized in the lungs. She had severe sinus congestion, difficulty breathing, headaches and back pain. She came to see us on November 22, 2003. Within 3 hours, she was able to breathe a lot better, sinuses cleared up, and the heavy chest feeling diminished. After she went home, it did not stay as wonderful, however, she felt much better over all, and she was able to accomplish more in the day without getting tired. The one issue that needed attention was diarrhea, which required analyzing her diet and reducing some cod liver oils. We also realized that some of the meds she was on also cause diarrhea, and she has been able to reduce them as time continued, she felt the improvements and had less diarrhea. Internally, she could feel that she was doing better. Her doctor said that after one month, he saw dramatic improvements, he was quite happy. She is supposed to see him again soon, meanwhile, she feels very good.


Violet, BC with node involvement. Surgery 3-8-02. Started her nutritional program in May 2002, August - decreased tumor size and nodes are now clear. Off all pain killers as of September. UPDATE: 4/2/03 status excellent.

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Breast (continued) 8.

Jeannie, a registered nurse, was diagnosed with Estrogen Positive Breast Cancer in Feb 2002. There were no previous signs, a lump was detected by a mammogram. Did not have annual Mammograms. Lumpectomy in March 2002. Upon pathology report indicated Estrogen Pos Hers 2 on 4/4/02, had partial mastectomy with one node positive. Chemo – 6 cycles adriamycin cytoxin/taxotere followed by 6 weeks of radiation therapy. In December 2002, there was no evidence of cancer detected, started her nutritional program at that time. Exams every 3 months since, blood work is always normal and no evidence of cancer. Since starting her nutritional program, overall health has improved, she looks and feels better, previous constipation has stopped. 1/21/04.


Yvonne – born mid 1950’s Dx breast cancer 2 years ago, affecting her lymph glands to the point where she could not play the cello, as she was cellist for a well known singer and band. She started her nutritional program a year ago. During the late summer of 2002, there was no evidence of cancer, again verified in January 2003. She now enjoys her many instruments today and plans to continue playing in concerts without further interruptions. UPDATE: 4/2/03 excellent.


Ann W . – Born 1953. Breast cancer - recurrent.

Dear Fred, Late in 2000, I was diagnosed with recurrent breast cancer, I was originally diagnosed with fibrocystic conditions, and eventually breast cancer in July 1997. In July 1997, I had a left mastectomy. From September 1997 – October 2000, I had a strict macrobiotic diet-life style. In October 2000, I was hospitalized for 2 weeks for a fractured T-10 in my back, I was given radiation to T-10, neck and left hip. I started Arimedex at that time. In January 2001, I spent 3 weeks in a Denmark cancer clinic, received: 3 treatments of hyperthermia, vitamin program and 4 homeopathic injections daily. After I left the clinic, from January 2001 through November 2001, I continued the injections, vitamins, and Arimedex. I stopped because my condition got worse instead of better. I was off the Arimedex and started a new program under my doctor’s guidance, it included: vitamins, 4 coffee enemas daily, 8 fresh juices daily, and I started Tamoxifen. In a few short months, my condition became worse. In April 2002, I had a pelvic fracture and had radiation treatments, I had a weakened right hip. In May 2002, I was at my worst. My May 22, 2002 bloodwork showed the CA 27.29 marker was at “3320”. Between the radiation and cancer taking up so much space in my bones, my HGB was at it’s lowest “7.4”. At that point, my oncologist recommended 2 units of blood if my HGB did not show improvement at my next appointment. I was then taken off Tamxifen and started Armisen and started the new nutrition program on June 10, 2002. My June 18, 2002 blood test showed my marker dropped from 3320 down to 2524 and HGB was up to 8.8. I was very happy. The following tests will show steady improvements and tumor reduction. My markers fluctuate between 700 and 900. As each day passes, I am feeling better and better, stronger and stronger. Thank God the numbers improve monthly. UPDATE: 4/2/03 & 1/27/04 – Ann still continues to feel improvements, the markers fluctuate between 700 & 900, which is a marked improvement from 3,300


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Breast Cancer (continued)

11. Lisa - born 1960, had a breast cyst since she was 16 years old, in addition to a recent colon polyp, borderline high blood pressure, depression, anxiety and constant illnesses and joint pain due to viruses and low immunity. Started late summer of 2002, had some allergy to her nutritional program but after reduced dosage, allergy resolved. As result so far, after a few months, the breast cyst is reduced, blood pressure is reducing gradually, the depression and anxiety are greatly reduced, no joint pain or virus or related symptoms since starting the vitamins, even at the low dosage. 12.

Pat - born mid-1950’s, Dx breast cancer, we are waiting for a detailed report of involvement. We do know that she improved greatly since she started her nutritional program March 2003, she feels better, discomfort greatly diminished.


Ann - Dx 7/12/99 stg 4. Initial symptoms prior to Dx were pains in the back, many visits to Drs. and chiropractors for adjustments, X-Rays, MRI’s. After Dx, chemo: Taxal and radiation, 7/99 MRI showed T-7 fracture, liver lesions, CA125 was 3,200.11/02 CA-125 was 256. She was tired and had a lot of bone pain from radiation & Chemo, and was weak by the afternoon. Upon starting her nutritional program, the bone pain diminished, she had the energy to work two jobs and take care of the children, her legs no longer hurt. UPDATE: 12/28/03 status excellent

14. Yvonne - born early-1950’s – Dx with Breast & Liver cancer 2001, no improvement with conventional methods, she started this program in Nov. 2002 after she learned of liver involvement in fall of 2002. She has felt less pain and breathes better. UPDATE: 10/24/03 Excellent – doing well. 15.

Marianne - born 1934, dx BC in 1999, now recurrent with lymphatic and bone involvement. Started her nutritional program and added 1 gram vit C, and no other treatment, she now feels great. In addition, her original hair color came back and she is no longer gray haired. She is quite happy. I am Steve H's sister. I spoke with you at a Lindenhurst seminar last summer along with my daughter-in-law, Debi, who has level 3 or 4 cancer. She is undergoing chemo now and I would like to know if there is someone who you know who is undergoing chemo but is also taking the nutritional program and having good results so that Debi could contact that person. Her doctors have told her not to take all the vitamins while undergoing chemo but I think she might feel differently if she could talk to a recovering patient who is in fact recovering with the nutritional program. I also had breast cancer 2 yrs ago. I am taking the maintenance amount [about half the dosage...I weigh 103]...I also add vit c every other day. Since I have started them about 1 yr ago, my hair has almost all returned to its original color, become thicker and now is curly. I am 6 yrs older than Steve. Do you know what vitamins can cause that? I was astonished. When I first discovered the hair changed, I thought I had some kind of a fungus or disease as my scalp appeared brown instead of white one day in the mirror. I was horrified until I looked closer and saw it was the roots of my hair instead. I still can't believe it. Marianne S

12/22/01 UPDATE: 4/2/03 , 1/17/04 - status excellent


Karen - age unknown, early middle age, had aggressive inflammatory breast cancer early 2002. was on Taxotere with no positive results. Her husband wanted better options. Started her nutritional program first week of May ’02. 6/10, CAT scan showed 50% reduction in tumor size. Doctors were impressed significantly & she felt great. She stopped the vitamins, then tried heat therapy, shortly after that, she started to fail and passed away Feb 15, 2003.

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Breast Cancer (continued)


Donna, born 1971, originally dx 2000 with had breast cancer, later found in the lung, found in the brain January 2004. She was told that there was nothing more that they could do to help her. When she came to see us, she was wearing oxygen tubes with a tank, set at 2 per hour. She was uneasy and exhausted. Upon the first hour of her nutritional program, she did not need the oxygen and felt more energetic and felt that she had better comprehension. After 3 hours, she was more alert, walked around the room with better mobility and her reflexes were better, her eyes were brighter, her sinuses cleared up, and her voice was clear by the time she left on the fifth hour. It was impossible to take away that smile she wore. We have seen many wonderful experiences with people, this had to be one of the most impressive and exciting meetings that took place. After a few days, she was trying to improve her diet to quality food and to eliminate the diarrhea, which adjusted easily. She reported that she still needed the oxygen after that time, however, the requirement was reduced. As this report is only one week after initial start, there is no long term effects to note. Short term report includes only positive effects and great improvement in how she feels, breathes, reduced pain, improved thinking/ comprehension, reduced swelling, and feeling better overall. Each day she can feel a noticeable improvement and is quite happy about this progress. 2/1/04 UPDATE: 2/5/04 – To everyone’s shock and upset, Donna was also battling pneumonia as a result of an invasive test, she was given antibiotics for it earlier in this week, she became ill during the antibiotic treatment, and passed away at 2:30 AM Thursday, February 5, 2003. Our hearts go out to Dean. Dean and Donna were such a beautiful couple, this situation is why were work so hard to reach people sooner to help them before major problems interfere.


Andrea had breast cancer in late 1996, recurred again in Jan. 1999, revealing recurrent breast cancer, with bone, lymphatic and monosarcoma involvement. Sloan Kettering said that there was nothing that they could do and told her that she had 2 months to live. Meanwhile, She went to the University Hospital, where Dr. P treated her with chemo and radiation, he told her it was palliative and would help her live a few additional months due to the degree of spread. Upon first treatment, she was totally nauseous, bedridden and she declined further treatment. She and her husband came to see me right after that, the end of January 1999, we discussed the options, she started the program on Feb 1. Her nausea went away and she felt better. Upon additional chemo treatments, she no longer had any ill feelings and felt that there was a light at the end of the tunnel again. As of June 8, there were only traces of cancer, which they wanted to aspirate.

On June 18th, they aborted the aspiration because they could no longer find anything. In September 1999, they did a full series of MRI & Cat scans, confirmed that there is no cancer evident in her body. She was declared cancer free. Dear Fred, I hope you received Sam’s last e-mail. Since then I have had my follow-up visit with Dr. P. He showed us the X-Rays and everything looks great. Sam did speak with Dr. P about your ideas and program and explained how you wanted to speak with him about it. He was very receptive and took down your name and phone number, and said that he would call you. He is also into alternative therapy, acupuncture. Please be sure to contact him if hasn’t called in a few days. Perhaps this will be your break through. I hope so! I’ll keep taking the pills for the next month and then start to wean myself off of them, but should I keep taking one dose each day after that, or does it depend on my ph level? I thank you for all of your support and prayers during my time of need. Hope to hear from you soon - Andrea UPDATE: She felt great, but on her own, decided to stop the program totally when she was told shat she was cancer free. Taking 150 pills daily was more than she could do. She never took them again. During the spring of 2001, recurrent symptoms revealed, she still refused the program and unfortunately passed away in the fall of 2001. It was sad because she was doing so well, she decided to stop and let the chips fall, she was such a sweet woman. I am sad about this because if I had been able to formulate the capsule version sooner, maybe she would have decided to take the capsules to restore her condition. We cannot dwell on unknowns, but Andrea will always be in our hearts. 16

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Cervical Cancer Dear Freddie & Lori, I will tell you a short form of my story. I was opening an Internet cafe in 1998 and I smoked. I decided to try the patch and went for a physical and get the patch. I felt fine and had no pain or problems. The Dr. felt my stomach and then said she wanted a sonogram. I said I wasn't pregnant she said no she didn’t think so either. She then handed me a very large cup and said drink this and go have the sonogram they are waiting for you. During the sonogram, I knew by the technician’s face that there was a problem. By the time I got home (10 minutes) the Dr. called twice. She told me I had a tumor and was scheduled for emergency surgery on Monday (this was Friday). I had the operation, 15 pound tumor removed & a partial hysterectomy everything seemed fine. I returned to the Dr. to have the stitches removed and was told that I have cervical cancer. I then had three more operations, during this time, I was talking to a friend and he told me to call Fred. I called and told Fred my problems and he seemed to know everything (medically) I was telling him, I felt I could trust him. He explained the nutritional program, how and why each one worked, so I went and bought them. Although I had a partial hysterectomy, they then wanted to do a radical hysterectomy, I went for a few second opinions and they all agreed. I decided I wanted another child (my son was 15 years old) all of the doctors disagreed with me. First it would be impossible to conceive and then I wouldn’t be able to carry full term. I decided that- that would be in God's hands. Within two weeks I was pregnant, I didn’t tell my Drs that I was taking my nutritional program either. I had no complications during my pregnancy and delivered a full term healthy baby girl. The Drs. said all through that I would have a c-section and then they would do the complete hysterectomy. Sometime in my eighth month my Dr. said I am going to let you have the baby naturally. The cancer is gone. That was 12-99. I am still taking my nutritional program today. I had difficulty taking it before, but, now it is in a pure form and cheaper, and available in capsule and a milk shake form, which is the easiest thing to take. I feel fine. Not only do I believe in the nutritional program, I believe Fred saved my sanity. The Drs. wanted to put me on hormones and other things and basically told me that I would be taking drugs for the rest of my life. I did not feel that this would be an option for me. Once you start taking one drug, then you need another to counter act the side effects and before you know it you are taking all of this stuff and you forget who you are. - Liz UPDATE: 4/2/03, 1/27/04 - Mother and daughter are doing excellent and never even had a cold.

Colon Cancer 1.

Cesar Sr, born 1925 - dx colon cancer, Oct 2000 – rectal ulcerative invasive adenocarcinoma, well differentiated. At that time, a colostomy was done and the larger of his tumors were removed. In Oct 2001, three tumors were found, each the size of apples. In January 2002, the tumors started to bleed, and they found abscesses in colon, he was given 45 days to live. He started the nutritional program January 22, 2002. By Spring 2002, the tumor diminished and very little was evident. In September 2002, all tests showed “No evidence of cancer”, doctors were puzzled, even checked to verify that the imaging equipment was working properly. The doctors were unable to locate his three tumors on the imaging scan. When he told them of the nutritional program, they were not interested, they responded “IMPOSSIBLE.” Documentation shows earlier stage with full metastasis. Doctors refuse to release the documentation showing “No evidence” because they still think the equipment was faulty, yet, he is still alive and well 2 years later. His son started the nutritional program for his own glaucoma and nail fungus- both of which are Resolved with “ No Evidence”. UPDATE: 4/2/03 3/5/04 - status excellent Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Colon Cancer (continued)


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Colon Cancer (continued)

2. Claude, age unknown was diagnosed with colon cancer during the summer of 2002. Doctors only offered chemo as a palliative approach, giving him less than 6 months survival. He declined their offer and started his nutritional program Sept. 2002. He’s doing well with “No evidence” of cancer. UPDATE: 1/14/04 – Status Excellent 3.

Patrick - Dx spring 2002, declined chemotherapy and radiation, decided a nutritional approach would be his first attempt for treatment. October 27, 2002, started with his set amount, showed great improvement. January 2003, reduction to no evidence, reduced to dosage 2. July 2003, reduced to a maintenance amount. UPDATE: 1/17/04 Status - Excellent

4. John - born 1928, Dx November 2001 with colon cancer. It was so severe that they could not insert any testing tools because the blockage was so large and tight. The doctors wanted to do immediate resection and take out 12 inches of his colon, in addition to a colostomy bag. He flatly refused. The doctors were adamant that without the immediate surgery, he would be faced with a colostomy bag, they added, “if you live that long !!” He searched and found the nutritional program to fit his needs and decided to try it at that time. In March 2003, his doctor told him that there was no blockage, no tumor, “No evidence of cancer” He did not understand what happened and wanted to do tests to find out why. They refused to provide his medical records. We are still waiting for the doctor’s letter to verify accuracy. After there was no evidence of cancer, he decided on his own to go on the maintenance level. During the summer of 2003, he was looking pale. We encouraged him to see another doctor who would be interested in him as a patient without an ego. The wonderful doctor he is using followed him closely and is monitoring his condition. His hemoglobin was down, treated him for that with Procrit, which helped him greatly. In December 2003, testing showed some evidence of cancer, but extremely minimal when compared to the original. He realized that the maintenance might not be enough, he went back to a higher amount. He felt an immediate difference, feels great again, his color, energy, stamina have improved greatly. He is all over the place, he is not an idle man of any sort. Another series of tests will be due in June. 2/28/04


Jim was dx early spring 2002, surgeons strongly insisted on immediate surgery, with no options, which he did not want to do yet. He wanted to try his nutritional program to see whether it would be helpful and if it did not reverse the cancer, at least it would be able to help him heal better if he eventually required surgery. He started the program June 2002. August 15, 2002 testing revealed that there was no evidence of UPDATE: 4/2/03 & 1/15/04 status excellent cancer, confirmed in September testing as well.


Jason J – born mid-1967, advanced. Had surgery summer 2002. with Mayo Clinic in MN, on trial for oxocilioplatnum, found the vitamins made him feel better and get through the chemo, Drs. know program and approved him to take it. He is feeling improvements that were not expected. We will monitor progress. UPDATE: 5/13/03 - He went for a vaccination trial at Mayo Clinic, he is very sick, having severe diarrhea, UPDATE: 6/23/03 - Since he took the vaccine, he declined quickly, which we have seen happen to others. He stopped taking our program and nobody answered the phone again, we do not know what happened. UPDATE: 1/23/04 - Jason declined and never recovered from the vaccine. He passed away on August 6, 2003. His mom was so sweet and was such a strong support for him. We felt so bad because she did everything to help him. Our hearts are out to Jason, his mom and his family. Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Colon Cancer (continued)



Gwen – Dx stage 3 colon cancer in February 2001, told that chemotherapy was only palliative and would offer her a year to live. She refused that option. She went to see a Dr. who used alternative methods. He put her on a nutritional program with other methods he utilizes. Her CA 19-9 dropped from 52 down to 31. She showed positive results, less discomfort, less upset stomachs, the body is smoothed out and returned to its normal feeling. She feels great. UPDATE: 12/12/03 – Excellent

Duane, born 1923, a retired pharmacist, has colon cancer, 16” of the colon was removed, he tried chemos and soon was no longer able to get around or walk any long distances. He reduced the 5FU to 1/5 of the regular dosage and started the program in June 2002, at dosage 4. His stamina improved and he now plays tennis and exercises regularly, has no pain anywhere, his immune panel shows excellent results, cholesterol is down, thyroid is up to normal, WBC rose from 30 up to 74. Scans showed a 2/3 reduction in tumor size and ultrasound showed no evidence of any lesions.

UPDATE: Dec. 2003 - Duane was doing so well until he got pneumonia. He died from pneumonia, not cancer. This was such a shame because he was a positive thinker and played golf and tennis as often as a younger person. He was always kind, gentlemanly and interesting to talk to. Our hearts are with his family.


Andrew – born mid-1970’s. tumors large/inoperable. Started his nutritional program a year ago, has felt improved reductions of tumors. After a year and a half, tumors are not gone, but are reducing and he is still able to work full time without interruption. UPDATE: 1/26/04 - Excellent


Edgar – age unknown – Dx with Colon cancer with Liver mets in the fall of 2002, cancer markers were 39. He had a colostomy in December 2002. He started his nutritional program in February 2003 at dosage 4, from there he felt better, symptoms cleared up, markers dropped down to “2”. Cancer is not gone yet but is greatly reduced, not sure if just dramatically reduced, almost gone, or gone. He feels and acts like it does not exist. UPDATE: 1/15/04 - Excellent, he feels great and “No Evidence” of cancer.


Patrick was diagnosed with colon cancer in the spring of 2003, and surgery was not an option, he declined chemotherapy and radiation. He came to see us, we discussed his options. He chose and started his nutritional program in June 2003. He has felt better so far and his stomach started to calm down in a few days. We are waiting for an update.


Maureen – Dx spring 2003, started dosage 3 in May 2003. She got diarrhea, she reduced her cod liver oil intake, the condition resolved, the diarrhea went away, she felt better after that. We are waiting for an Update.


Jessie had colon cancer without options other than chemo and pain management, he was not about to accept that choice and he was referred to us from a friend, he decided to start his nutritional program in May 2003. After a week, his pain was minimal to where he did not know it was there. He has no physical distress anymore and lives his life in no pain and his bleeding stopped. His doctor wants to wait for another month before taking tests because Jessie has already outlived his expectation. As long as Jessie is feeling fine, his doctor feels that there is no reason to test anything except his blood work, which has not been done yet since staring the nutritional program.. 20

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Colon Cancer (continued)


Wayne had colon cancer, the surgeons removed 12 inches of his colon and told him that would give him some time. After that surgery, he had difficulty digesting his food and always had pain. About a month or so after that surgery, he started his nutritional program. He followed it exactly. He felt better in two days while on the standard amount, he then doubled the amount. After a few days, he was pain free and felt great. He went out and plowed 5 acres, cut wood and did a lot of work that most people could never do. Then, after two weeks, he was getting diarrhea and could not take the program, nor eat. After a few more weeks, he went on a trip into the mountains, and came home in pain but not on pain meds. He had his scan on 7/3/03, It turned out that the liver was enlarged, it was the first time we saw the program to fail with the liver. We analyzed the information and the doctors agreed with me that the surgery to remove the colon prevented him from absorbing the needed nutrients and that without this program, he would not have survived as well as he did. During the last days of July, he declined and passed away in August. His wife Joan was so sweet and supportive for him and helped him get through. It spread so fast before he came to us, we were able to slow it down, but not enough. We were so sad because nobody deserves this, especially such kind people as this family.


Rita was diagnosed on February 25, 2003 with colon cancer, metastasized to the liver and lung, she was not given any indication that she would recover from it. She started her nutritional program at full amount & felt better. There were periods of diarrhea and diet adjustment to get everything where she would feel best. Seven weeks later, on April 14, 2003, the PET scan showed no evidence of cancer. She reduced to half the amount as maintenance. During January 2004, tests showed two tiny spots on the brain, not sure if it is cancer. She went back to the full amount, the doctors believe that it is not alarming and that they will monitor it. UPDATE: 2/2/04 EXCELLENT !!

Rita’s CT Scan results on next three pages

There is another colon cancer testimonial story after these 3 pages

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15. Rita (continued)


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15. Rita (continued)

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15. Rita (continued)


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Colon Cancer



Pat born 1929, dx 12/18/97, football sized tumor with mets to lung, not a candidate for surgery, given 2 -3 months survival max at that time. Started his nutritional program 12/18/97, by Easter 1998, tumor size was reduced to the size of a walnut, by Memorial Day, size was minimal, surgeon did exploratory, found some small evidence of mass which was mushy and necrotic, did colostomy “just in case”. Meanwhile, Pat tests did not prove that the soft mushy mass was cancerous, he had no pain nor any symptoms to justify the surgery. During the summer of 1998, he stopped taking the nutritional program totally because he did not want the inconvenience of them in his diet, he led his life close to normal without limitations. August 2001, during a routine check up, there were questionable marks on MRI, without verifying the questionable mark with a PET scan, the doctor demanded that Pat start chemo immediately, after numerous months with no indication of any problems, he did not feel well, and decided to start the nutritional program again while taking the chemo. He maintained his strength much better than anyone at clinic anticipated and stopped the chemo about November 2001. By December, he felt much better. The April 2002 and August 2002 PET scans revealed “no evidence of cancer” and he was in great shape.

In October, 2002, he stopped taking the nutritional program because he believed that he did not need them anymore. Also, he did not want to lug the nutritional program with him or be bothered taking them while he and his wife went on a long trip driving the entire east coast round trip by car. His family reunion expected him to be ill or frail, only to find out that he was healthier and more energetic than anyone else expected, and even had better color, complexion and stamina, he was never tired. Because he felt so good, however, he refused to start the nutritional program again. He wanted to prove to everyone that he did not need them anymore. About mid-February 2003, he started to feel bad, tests showed that he had a reoccurrence. He only started the nutritional program again late March, however, he passed away on March 31, 2003. It was so sad because there was no reason for it, his wife was overwhelmed by it because she could not convince him to start again until it was too late. Although we were happy that we were able to add 5 years to Pat’s life, we were equally sad because it was his choice, which we must respect. He was so nice and good to his wife. We do not understand the reasoning behind his decision.

See next page for reports: look at the bottom where it says “impression”

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16. Pat



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16. Pat


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Endometrial 1.

Yvonne, born mid-1950, history of previous Uterine cancer, now with endometrial and liver involvement. Pain management was a concern. Started her nutritional program March 2002, also had severe osteoporosis. Currently, no symptoms of pain nor difficulties, no evidence of cancer as per scans. No osteoporosis either, bone scans and blood work reveal normal perfectly normal bone density. UPDATE: 4/2/03 status excellent

2. Theresa, born 1955, was diagnosed with Endometrial/Uterine cancer in May 2003. Because this type cancer is prevalent in all females of her family, she decided to do all options. Although we strongly disagreed, it is not our place to convince or deter a person’s choice in treatment, we can only support their decision and provide our help when they request it. She wanted to take her nutritional program, we attempted to get her started on the nutritional program before any other treatment started in effort to boost her immunity and improve the environment for the other treatments to become more effective, and possibly show tumor reduction before the other treatment began. We had hopes that she would give this a chance before she started the conventional treatment. However, her doctors told her not to touch it because they were not familiar with it and they also had no interest in knowing what it was either. After she had her radical hysterectomy, she started her nutritional program and remarked that she felt great. When she started radiation therapy, the radiology oncologist knew of the program and he encouraged it, he saw great results in the past. She took the nutritional program while taking the chemo program and did very well, her oncologist was happy. After all her chemo, her hair thinned out but she did not lose it all, and she felt fine throughout, her oncologist was very pleased with the results. She finished all chemo and other conventional treatments. She maintained full energy with no adverse symptoms throughout the conventional treatments while on the nutritional program and she never missed a day of work except the days she was getting chemo treatments. 1/24/04

Kidney 1. Marie – Dx August 2001. Surgery revealed that cancer spread up the renal vein. She refused all chemo and conventional therapies and has used only alternative therapies. Took MGM-3 for a while, she said that it did not help. She started her nutritional program September 27, 2002, at dosage 3 and she feels great. She feels better when she is consistent. Her doctors have been supportive because they see the results. UPDATE: 1/17/04 - Excellent


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Liver Cancer 1.

This is a note from a liver cancer patient who was told by the VA Hospital on 3/2/00 that his liver cancer was so severe that he was given 3 weeks to live, he lost 40 pounds in 1 month and had 28 lesions. He came to see me immediately. He then went to the store to by the individual bottles of OTC nutritional supplements. After 4 days, his liver pain was gone and he was regaining his bodily functions back to normal. He went to get his MRI and Cat scans again, he showed consistent improvements. ************************************************************************ Date: 8/3/00 11:57:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time To: FEichhorn Hi Fred Well, I had my appointment with the V.A. yesterday and all in all I think it was a good report I lost another pound I am now 140 the good part is my blood work does not show any signs of cancer. The cat scan I had still shows lesions on the liver but the liver is half the size it was. I sort of knew that because I could not feel it anymore so I will stay on the vitamins and see what happens in the future maybe I will start to gain weight soon hope to hear from you soon Donald - August 3, 2000 UPDATE: Donald started reducing the amount of vitamins immediately after the favorable report. I told him to continue the high dosage for a while and monitor it according to blood work results. He refused to get checked and took no vitamins after January 2001. In August 2002, he had problems with pain, tests revealed reoccurrence, he refused to take any medication or vitamins and called hospice in October 2002. He passed away in February 2003. We were so sad because he did nothing to help himself, it was almost like he gave up.

2. Subj: Re: exciting liver cancer at last stage reversed Date: 8/8/00 6:48:55 PM Eastern Daylight lime To FEichhorn@ Hi Fred My neighbor across the street, Mike, seems to be doing well. He is gaining weight and his doctor has postponed a cat scan test since he seems to be doing satisfactorily. He walks his dog twice a day and plays golf two or three times a week. He has been diagnosed with Liver cancer, which metastasized from bladder cancer. Mike is 85 years old and was told 1 1/2 years ago that he did not have a year to live. I am anxious to see what his next cat scan will reveal. However, the doctor keeps postponing it Steve Update: 6/6/02 – Mike stopped taking the vitamins approximately a few months later, he passed away, however, we are not sure when.

3. Bill – born 1942, uncertain dx date. Started program Feb. 2002, CEA was 5.6 and GGTP was 51.8, both high levels, DHEA-S was 328 and PHI was a low normal at 11.6. After 2 weeks, cancer markers started to drop. After a month on program, CEA was 4.6, GGTP was 34.7, DHEA-S was 494 and PHI was a better normal at 23.5. He is doing a lot better today, do not have later reports except that he feels better. UPDATE: 1/17/04 – We do not have any updates from Bill. A friend who knows him said that he is doing well. We have no accurate facts except that he is alive.

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Liver Cancer


4. Letter from Juleigh to her friend Lisa, explaining the benefits she saw in a severe case: Hi Lisa, I would love to know why you do not want to at least try what I suggested that worked for me? You and I have (had) literally the exact symptoms, the exact diagnosis right down to the letter. Heck, we both had people on here telling us we should 'get together' because our situations sounded so similar! Why in the world would you want to keep on going like this? I know of the expense both monetary and personal, that has come with trying to figure out what is wrong with us...I know because we pay the freaking MD bills every month! The new Lab tech or whomever it was that said they want to check your calcium is right on, Lisa...I dare them to check the Ph level in your urine as well. Let me say one more thing and this is another testimonial from someone I work with who's Aunt has third stage Liver Cancer. When I went back to work, they all asked me what happened, did I recover so quickly and my friend, Nora asked me alone about this program because of her Aunt. I put her in contact with Fred's website, last weekend Nora went to Milwaukee to go and find the over-thecounter brand vitamins in her store with her Aunt, she wrote out the schedule of what to take, how much, etc...everything! Well, today, Nora came to my desk with tears in her eyes and sort of this disbelief/shock, her Aunt went to shoot pool this Saturday night which she has not done in an entire year!!! She said she felt better in two days, Lisa!! TWO DAYS!!! This is a woman who is in her sixties, has put her entire life in the MD's hands all her life yet when Nora told her about my suggestion, she LISTENED and TRIED it! I am writing this to you because I care, Lisa. I am not saying that MD's do not know what they are doing, they save lives, they help, they fix, but let's face it, they are not higher beings and they cannot fix everything. This is what lead ME to search out other methods of treatment, Lisa. Every scenario in life has it's purpose and reason for existence, I think we all can say that comfortably. If one thing, program, regimen or whatever - works for people with similar conditions as yours and mine, Lisa and they are thriving today even as we type and read, I say what have you got to lose? Aren't you tired of battling this? Aren't you weary of the doctor's telling you either you're nuts or you're ill? One doc says this, the next one says that...this is how it has gone since I've been sick, too!! So, Lisa...I am just concerned, not worried, you are a grown woman with a family, I am sure you are just as sick of being sick as I was... UPDATE: 4/2/03 status unknown . Juleigh has been doing well but moved to an unknown address.

5. Yvonne – Dx Breast and Liver – 2001 Declined conventional treatments. She tried various supplements, which helped somewhat , however, she did not feel that she was progressing enough. Her doctor recommended that she try this nutritional program because he had nothing else to offer, and he saw previous positive results with other people. She started the program at half the full amount in November 2002. Her update 9 months later, June 2003 indicated that she felt great and did not show symptoms of cancer. She was supposed to provide a Jan 2004 update, we hope to see that soon. We do know that she feels great. 1/27/04


Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Lung ( ALSO see Mesothelioma )


Steve, born in 1950, was diagnosed with double lung cancer, he was a huge smoker since a young age. He declined all conventional treatments and started his nutritional program in June 2003. He felt improvements almost immediately in the way he was able to breathe. His next tests showed stable, but the tests after that have consistently shown reduction in size, and he feels great, and his voice is more clear. UPDATE: 1/17/04 - Excellent consistent improvements.


Wanda was diagnosed with Small Cell Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer. 7/29/03: Enlarged lymph nodes, lost 10 lbs. Prev. did 6 mo. Chemo w/taxol & coroplatin but that made her worse. Now doing alternative trmts. Doing study of RX "Iressa" @ Livingston Foundation, she is not sure if it is helping. 8/25/03 : saw dr. 2 wks after starting her nutritional program - gained 5 lbs & hemoglobin increased - Dr. encouraged her to continue w/vitamins. Still taking Iressa also. 9/26/03: noticed reduction in nodules, some appear to be gone, having some fatigue (advised to drink fluids as daily temps still up to 102 in day and down to 90 at night, may be due to cleansing of system) next appt. w/oncologist is next month. Still taking Iressa. We do know that she is doing very well. We asked for the update and hope to get the update soon.


Doris’s dad was Dx with lung cancer. At the moment, we are not sure which type. He started his nutritional program in September 2003, immediately felt better. He continues to improve. UPDATE: 1/25/04 – Excellent. We are getting a detailed update soon.


Valerie was diagnosed with breast cancer which metastasized in the lungs. She had severe sinus congestion, difficulty breathing, headaches and back pain. She came to see us on November 22, 2003. Within a few hours, she was able to breathe a lot better, sinuses cleared up, and the heavy chest feeling diminished within 3 hours. After she went home, it did not stay as wonderful, however, she felt much better over all, and she was able to accomplish more in the day without getting tired. The one issue that needed attention was diarrhea, which required analyzing her diet and reducing some cod liver oils. We also realized that some of the meds she was on also cause diarrhea, as she has been able to reduce them as time continued, she felt the improvements and less diarrhea. Internally, she could feel that she was doing better. Her doctor said that after one month, he saw dramatic improvements, he was quite happy. She is supposed to see him again soon, meanwhile, she feels very good


Marie had lung cancer, started program in February 2003, has been feeling good, she was stable as of the last time we spoke to her in June 2003. The cancer is not gone, but it did reduce and she does feel better. We hope to get a more in-depth report soon.

UPDATE: 1/24/04 – Her son spoke to us today and confirmed that she has “No evidence of cancer anywhere” in October 2003. A few months after that confirmation, she decided that she did not need the vitamins anymore and stopped taking the vitamins, at her own choosing. We did not agree, and do not understand why she made that decision. In February 2004, she called on her own and said that although she still has “no evidence”, she felt better while on her nutritional program, she started again and feels better at this time. 3-11-04

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Lung Cancer (continued) 6.

Anthony, born early-1940’s, was dx in December 2002, with mets to the brain. He and the family were devastated, he was unable to get out of bed without getting exhausted. Started his nutritional program at Christmas time, he had improved energy and less difficulty breathing. In January 2003, he was energetic again and able to get around. In April, the surgeon tested him again because he was energetic and without symptoms. Tests showed “no evidence” of cancer in the lungs or the brain, the surgeon remarked that he never saw this before and was quite thrilled. In June, he fell in the kitchen, hurt himself, and went to see the doctor about the pain. Although no tests were performed, the doctor told him that the pain was from the cancer and disregarded the issue of falling. He was hospitalized and died in a few days from the morphine overdose. We were very upset and his wife and son were extremely upset by this shock, we firmly believe that he did not die of cancer. We see many cases where the family is too distraught to demand an autopsy. Those who did demand an autopsy found that there was no cancer in the body and that the person died from the medical treatment or morphine, and that there was no cancer, therefore no need for the treatment or morphine. Anthony was like a friend to us, and his son was so gentle and kind, we feel so bad for him, he was so dedicated to his dad, our hearts are with Anthony’s family, and we needed to make it clear that this wonderful man did not die from cancer.


Thomas – Dx with Lung cancer and Squamus Cell on his chin, relative to lung cancer. He has found a satisfactory reduction. At last note from him in October 2003, it is either gone totally or almost gone. We are waiting for an update for accuracy


Lillie had heard about the nutritional program when her father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few years earlier. Unfortunately, her father was unable to take the nutritional program and he passed away. When her mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer in April 2002, Lillie contacted NCRF. Her Mom started the program 3 weeks after her first chemo treatment of Eptoposide and Cysplatin. Prior to beginning the nutritional program, the chemo treatments left her feeling weak and tired. After adding the nutritional program, she felt energetic enough to go shopping, cook, clean, and play with her grandchildren. On July 2, 2002, Lillie was happy to report that her Mom’s liver tumors were gone. The tumors in her lung had decreased and some had also decreased in size so that they were no longer visible on the CT scan. During late 2003, because the chemo treatments continued nonstop, she became weaker and the tumors started to increase again, She got very ill in the fall and passed away in December 2003. She was such a wonderful lady and a dear friend to all in her town, and she worked right up until the end, making shrimp & fish nets as part of the family business. Lillie is such a wonderful lady like her mom, you could not know a nicer family. We were so sad to see this happen. This is why we work so hard to prevent this.


Jessie was brought to us by his son, a doctor on June 1, 2003. He had advanced lung cancer, because his son knew of our work from other patients with good results. He started program 6/1/03 at the full amount. After a few days, he was able to breathe better and was not tired, his chest was no longer tight. He was feeling fine. Early 9/03, Drs. put him on chemo through 10/28/03, he was very sick and lost 25 pounds. CT showed no benefit. From 10/28 – 12/28, he was only on the program, He improved greatly, he had his normal color back, and energy, and gained back his weight, CT then showed significant shrinkage.

Because he was doing so well, they started him on the previous treatments again, he became sick again, lungs filled up with fluid, went to ER for a drainage, he got a staph infection in the lung that did not have cancer, the antibiotics made him more sick. He passed away on January 18, 2004, from the infection in the non-cancerous lung. The cancer was diminished and not part of his cause of death. Our hearts go out to his son and family. 32

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Howard was Dx in December 2001, advanced lung cancer with no available treatment. He came to see us in January 2002, started his program at dosage 4. He showed steady improvements, in June 2002, tests showed “no evidence” of cancer. He was quite happy. In July, they found a spot and were not sure whether it was scar tissue or a tumor. The doctor told him that they need to do radiation and chemo as a precaution. After that, he did not have strength in his one arm as a result of the radiation. He was disappointed because he did not have the pain before. The radiologist told him that the pain was from the aggressive cancer. We asked him, “What cancer” He went to a different oncologist who confirmed that he was suffering from “radiation burns” and that the spot was scar tissue, adding that he did not see any evidence of cancer. He decided to go on vacation, went to Puerto Rico in September. Halfway through, he had to return and went to the hospital for increased morphine for the pain. He passed away shortly after that, from the radiation burns and “no evidence of cancer.” Howard was a lovely sweet man, we will miss him dearly.

Lung & Lymphatic Cancer 1.

Ron was Dx in March 2003 with Stage 3 aggressive lung & lymphatic cancer, he started aggressive Chemo immediately, which did not give good results, He started his program in May 2003, he was feeling better at first, where he was able to breathe better with better energy, However, he was not consistent with the program, we are not sure whether his condition was too advanced for him to physically take the program. He did not rebound, he also had damage from aggressive chemo treatments, which also may have been a significant factor.

In July, he went to visit his sister, and at that time, cancer was found in the brain. About mid-October, he was bed-ridden and passed away on November 4, 2003. Ron and his family are in our hearts. Gail – Dx with 4th stage lung & lymphatic cancer, she started her nutritional program in June 2003, she took it consistently and felt great improvements, breathing and feeling better, and has better energy. Update: 1/28/04 - She called today, she is feeling great, she is scheduled for a CT scan at the end of February.


Lung & Uterine Cancer Leiomyosarcoma


Julie, born 1964, originally was Dx on 4/16/02 with mild, on with advanced recurrent metastatic Leiomyosarcoma, She came to see us during the last week of September 2003. The MRI taken October 6, 2003 clearly indicated full invasion to both lungs as well as uterus. She was steady on her nutritional program while she took a low dosage of Chemo. They pre-warned her that she would be wiped out from the Chemo. Julie’s energy level was never affected by the chemo, she maintained full endurance and took care of her children throughout the treatments. She felt so great when she went for her next test on December 11, 2003, which came back showing the doctor’s frustration because he could not find evidence of cancer in either the uterus or either lung. The two CT scans came back: 1. CT of Chest with contrast – “ No significant abnormality identified.”, 2. CT of abdomen and pelvis with contrast – “No abnormality was evident.” UPDATE: 2/3/04 & 3/20/04 – Confused doctors do not understand why there is “No Evidence” in follow-up scans, they told that this never happens. They told her that they were giving her more chemo “Just in case”. She said “No thank you” . Obviously, Julie and her family are quite happy.

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2 Scans October 6, 2003


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Julie (Continued)


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Julie (Continued)

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Julie (continued)


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Lymphatic Cancer 1.

Connie – treated for lymphoma for many years came out of remission again in December 2003, this time it is recurrent and appeared aggressive. She did not want to repeat previous treatments because she was disappointed with the prior results. She was told that there were no other available treatments and that she had a short term survival expectancy. When she arrived here in January, her sinuses were severely swollen, she had congestion, breathing problems, weakness, poor mobility and dexterity, and swollen eyes. After two hours on the sample of the program, her sinuses cleared up to where the post nasal drip totally stopped, her voice was clear again, energy and mobility increased dramatically. Later that evening, her sister called to say that in the past, they usually get together for lunch at the diner, then she brings Connie home, Connie goes right to bed exhausted. This day, when they left us, they went to the mall, went to a few stores to buy various items, Connie was energetic when she got home. Now, two weeks later, she feels great, we cannot say that she is symptom-free, but she feels much better. 1/22/04 - Her doctor said she is showing great improvements.

2. Patti, born 1950 – Dx - Feb 2002 - Mantle “B” Cell Lymphoma. First symptoms were pain on left side of neck. Chronic neck pain was aggravated after a concussion, finally sent for biopsy. Feb 2001- biopsied left neck and left groin , suspicious, spent 2 weeks in MD Anderson in March 2001. Upon Dx, refused conventional treatment. Instead, she altered her diet, took vitamins, herbs, 60 hours of oxygen/ with light beam generator, and biofeedback therapy. Cancer was stage 3, status was weak and not doing well. Started her nutritional program in April 2003, dosage 3. After a month on program, biofeedback showed cancer to be dead cells, CT showed nodes decreasing. Still have nodes in neck region, but it is suspected that they are dead cells eventually being absorbed by the body. Oncologist stated that she is doing well and that she is “breaking all the rules”. There is still some swelling around the neck, however, it does cause some emotional discomfort and exercising causes her to worry a bit. Meanwhile, the nutritional program has increased her energy, she is not sick as often. There was a time when she felt a little ill, and she changed how she took her cod liver oil, and improved to a smarter diet, the problem resolved. UPDATE: 1/22/04 - Status Excellent

3. Martha suffered from and was Dx with both Lymphoma in 2002 and irritable bowel syndrome in 1993. She started her program in March 2002, she saw the most dramatic progress during the first 6 months. In March 2003, she reduced to dosage 1 for maintenance. As the irritable bowel syndrome caused chronic constipation, she took fiber regularly to help relieve the constipation. A practitioner told her that she had an absorption problem, so, she avoided gel caps for fear of absorption problems. A Jan 2003 CT scan showed stable and that the lymph nodes were not enlarged, and again in March 2003. After a few biochemical adjustments, she is steadily improving. UPDATE: 1/16/04 great status

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4. Evelyn F 's Diary regarding Lymphoma September 29, 1999 - I went to see my doctor, Dr. K, because I had a lump on my left side of my abdomen. She sent me to Dr. O who specializes in that field. Oct 4 - I went to see Dr. O and he did an examination and said I definitely had a lump so I was slated for a scope Oct 14 - Dr. O did a Colonoscopy on my intestines. He said they are very healthy looking and that they were clear. A Cat scan was scheduled. Oct 28 - A CAT scan was done at the Victoria Hospital. Nov 12 - I went to see Dr. O and was informed that the intestines were alright but that I had an enlarged spleen. This suggested cancer and I was referred to Dr. M by my family doctor, Dr. K. Nov 18 - I went to see Dr. M he did a thorough examination, chest x-ray, a number of blood tests, and also took some bone marrow for testing. An ultra-sound was scheduled. Nov 25 - I had an ultra-sound done on my bladder (Obstetrical/Gyneacological) at the hospital. Nov 30 - I went back to see Dr. M for the results and was informed that I had lymphoma. They detected it through the bone marrow. They did a few more blood tests. He advised me that I had 10 years left and that they would treat it as soon as they found out what type it was. Using medication or other treatments. He said the lymphoma can have started in the spleen. When asked if it was Hodgekins, he said it was non-Hodgekins. Sandra & Eleanor were at the appointment with me and were a great comfort when the news was given. Dec 5 – My son came home and was given photocopies of a Vitamin Treatment that Fred Eichhorn, President of National Cancer Research Foundation had put together. My sister-in-law, Rose C, gave my son this copy. He made a copy for me and took the other home with him. He then contacted Fred Eichhorn via email and had the information emailed, c/w the diagrams and sketches. After studying this information, I decided along with my family to do the treatment. Dec 15 - Went to see Dr. M again and was informed that they were not able to find out what kind of lymphoma it was but that it was low-grade (70%) and had probably not started in the bone marrow, only detected it there. Also said that low-grade lymphoma is like a long-term disease, you can never get rid of it. Now more tests were planned for January. I was feeling very weak in spite of the comment he made that I would live another 9-10 years. Dec 16 - Dec 28 - I was feeling very weak and had to spend much time in bed. I did very little physical work. Dec 28 – My son and I went out and bought the vitamins from Shoppers Drug Mart and A1 Nutrition. Dec 29 - I began the nutritional program at one dosage, in pill form and liquid Milk Thistle.

(Continued on next page) 42

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Evelyn Continued January 1, 2000 - I was already beginning to feel a bit stronger and my stomach feels quite good. Jan 3 - I went to dosage 2 - loose bowels, which I'm definitely not used to since I have always been troubled with constipation. Jan 5 - I went to dosage 3 Jan 6 - I had diarrhea bad, so on the following day I quit the nutritional program for a day, because of not being sure if I was having the flu. Jan 8 - I went back to Dosage 2 and stayed on it over the weekend. Jan 10 – My son and I decided to put all the vitamins in the blender and then took it with juice or fruit, icecream or pudding, it might be easier on my stomach. It was better and worked well. Jan 17 - I'm still on Dosage 2. Jan 19 - Started Dosage 3 with no trouble at all. So I'm sure I had a touch of the flu. Jan 20 - I'm back to routine now and doing well. I'm becoming stronger, but have not gained any weight. Jan 24 - Today I had an appointment with at the hospital for another bone marrow test and some blood tests. Blood platelet was a bit lower than last time. This was done because Dr. M said the previous tests had not been clean enough and they cannot seem to pinpoint what type of Lymphoma it is. Doctor said that it was good that I was taking the nutritional program. I told him about the vitamin program. Doctor said that I would likely take Chemo next time. 100 blood platelet should be 150, does have to do with immune system, the white cells are completely normal. Spleen size has not changed at all. Asked what ph level was - they don't take it. Asked what blood calcium level was - 2.39 - normal being 2.10 - 2.55. I'm seeing my doctor again in 4 weeks. Jan 25 - Feb 21 - Still on Dosage 3 and feeling good. The grinding up of the pills made it much easier to take and my body seemed to process it better. Feb 21 - Had more blood tests in the morning. My weight up slightly since last time. Then went to see Dr. M and he checked me and told me the spleen had shrunk some more. 97000 count cell in bone was normal. Nothing showed up like the first time, not conclusive. The first time showed lots of lymphocytes and second time it didn't. The blood count, the spleen size, the symptoms, showed that there was nothing. He then said he was more confused then ever since they couldn't find a trace of lymphoma at all. My daughter was with me, and in the quietness of the moment, she shouted out, PRAISE THE LORD. The doctor and nurse smiled. My next appointment is set for May 11 for a CAT scan and May 26 to see the doctor again.. Feb 22 - Mar 2 - I stayed at the 3rd dosage. Mar 3 - Went to dosage 2. I was feeling "full" on dosage 3 yet when I went to dosage 2 there was a feeling of weakness. Mar 4 - Mar 11 - I'm feeling better now and plan to stay at this dosage until the end of March, and then go to Dosage 1 after that as maintenance. I am very thankful for the miracle and the vitamin program that Fred Eichhorn put together. It has given me strength and energy. Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Lymphatic (continued)


A - had prostate cancer and Lymphoma. Lymphoma treatments over the past 3 years provided no relief and has not seen the numbers drop with either condition. He started the program first week of October 2001, after 6 weeks, his PSA dropped from 6.2 to 2.9, the first time in 3 years, his Lymphoma is not detectible, the white cell counts were perfect and so were the globulins. Currently, there is no evidence of Lymphoma and PSA is 2.6. (this is repeated in the section “Prostate”) UPDATE: 4/2/03 status excellent


Jane’s mother had lymphoma involving her lungs and lymph nodes. They had started chemo, put her on 40 mg prednisone daily and 2mg oxygen hourly 24/7. She started the program in October 2002. After a few weeks on the program, she was down to 5 mg prednisone every other day, 1 – ½ mg oxygen for 6 hours daily, she was able to drive and go to the store, redo her curtains and resume activity as she did before she was sick. She showed increased improvement up through Christmas. She continued the program until April 2003. We never heard from her again. All calls and letters went unanswered. UPDATE: 2/28/04 We were told that she recently passed away, no detail was given.


Ken - born mid-1950’s, with Lymphatic cancer, started his nutritional program at full amount in May 2003. He shows improvements, no longer tired, has full energy, no longer needs a mid-day nap. Doctor’s follow-up in August.


Gordon has prostate and lymphoma. Started the program in January. 2002 for prostate cancer, results were great with the prostate and he noticed that his lymphoma cleared up as well. He currently has no symptoms of either condition.

Mesothelioma 1. Joe, born 1936, Dx early 2002. After various failed treatments, he had advanced mesothelioma in the lungs and pelvic area. He came to see us on April 15, 2003. He initially started the full amount, felt great, was able to breathe better within the same day. There were some adjustments to the body, such as diarrhea in the beginning and cramps a few times. We reviewed his diet and resolved the issues. Some people need a few days for the body to adjust to the corrective biochemical events. After 2 months, in mid-June, they called to say that they were disappointed because there was no change in the tumor size. We reminded them that the doctor expected advancement, therefore, the result was a good sign because it did not progress. After another 2 months, mid-August, the report came back with “no evidence” in the lungs, however, there was still some evidence in the pelvic area, consistent with mesothelioma cases. He was very happy to see these results, unfortunately, he wanted to go to the maintenance level. Then, he stopped shortly after October 6, 2003, we did not hear from his family until the first week of February 2004. The current status is that the lungs are still clear, however, the pelvic area has shown spreading, he has lost color and does not feel well. Our response was that he stopped the nutritional program in October, which allowed the original biochemistry to return and cause the environment for the body to produce the cancer cells. We try to explain this to everyone to prevent his from happening, too often they must learn the hard way. We hope that he will start again before it is too late. We were so proud of his accomplishments. It would be sad to watch him deteriorate and fail simply because he stopped taking the program.

2. Ed, born 1926, Dx in October 2003, refused conventional therapy. He wanted to try the program we had available because he saw positive results with Joe. Upon starting the program, he felt better with less congestion, able to take deeper breaths. And could stand up straight and tall without getting tired. He slept better and woke up without being tired. It is too soon for updated test results, but we do know that he feels a lot better, restrictions have diminished, he has normal energy, the doctor said that follow up exams have shown that he is improving in a surprisingly manner. 44

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Multiple Myeloma 1.

Claire, born 1920, suffered many years, doctor was up against a wall and ran out of options. Started her nutritional program in mid June 2000. After two weeks, her energy was back to normal and required less sleep, body pain was gone. By mid-August, her doctor said she was asymptomatic, blood levels were perfect and that there were no indications that her MM existed anymore. After a year or so, she stopped taking it because she did not feel any further improvement, she never spoke to us about it, she simply made the decision, and we learned after the fact. We have had other people who have responded extremely well, therefore, we have no accurate information.


Allan has Multiple Myeloma and Multiple sclerosis. Previously took thalidomide, which did not help his condition, and he felt worse while taking it. His GA proteins ranged very close to 4,000. He was told in February that if the number went above 4,000, his doctor was planning to switch to chemo or radiation, which Alan did not want.

Started nutritional program March 12, 2003. Three weeks later, they drew to test the GA, it dropped 77 points, Alan was thrilled because it showed that the numbers were dropping already. He was feeling better as a result of the program. Because his wife also has MS, he will be able to help his wife better and hopefully she will respond to this as well. UPDATE: 11/3/03 He is doing great. We do not know status of his wife


Jon is born 1944, had MM, and was exhausted very often, the doctors wanted to do a stem plant procedure. He started the program shortly after they took some stem cells for the future transplant. Within a week after starting the program, he had energy beyond what he expected and his pain was gone. Because he already committed to the transplant, he went through with it. He recovered faster than the doctors ever saw and they were amazed. He has no signs of MM and he started to work and he feels like he was never sick, his doctors were impressed because they know that people generally never recover anywhere near that fast. UPDATE: 1/25/04 – Excellent – Although there is no evidence of cancer anywhere, the doctors talked him into another Stem cell transplant as a precaution, as they really do not understand how this program works. The transplant will not hurt him and will give him comfort, we understand his concern, as it is a tough position to be in for such a decision. Meanwhile, he is doing great !!!

Neck 1.

Tom had neck cancer, which we do not see often. It was on the right side of his neck. The swelling, pain and size of the lump were consistent for a year or more. He went on almost full amount and the swelling alleviated and size reduced. We are not sure of the proportion, however, he feels better and is more mobile when turning his head in all directions without problems. Overall, he feels that it is a dramatic improvement. We hope to get a report to give detailed information.

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Ovarian 1.

Liz, born 1963, cervical/ovarian cancer patient, had 15 pound tumor, which MSK wanted to remove about Nov-Dec 1998. Insurance would not pay for the radical hysterectomy, which would offer her 8 months to a year survival. She started her program 12/15/98, pain reduced immediately. Approx. first week of Feb 1999, insurance approved surgery. On 2/17/99, after 2 months, 2 days on program, MSK attempted surgery, upon inserting scopes, they aborted surgery because testing revealed that all evidence of cancer was gone, further testing revealed that there was no evidence of cancer in her body, they sent her home with confused but good smiling faces. The following month, Liz was pregnant with a daughter, she had no morning sickness, no pregnancy related complications at all, nor any other illness. In December, after a totally natural delivery, now 2 years and 9 months later, the baby has never been sick except for a cough for 3 hours one day, and the mother has never been sick. The baby daughter is extremely healthy and happy with no problems of any kind. UPDATE: 4/2/03, 1/27/04 status excellent See Liz at Cervical cancer for the full story


D, 19 year old, had multiple ovarian cysts, approximately 5.5 cm. She was upset and in a lot of pain, she also did not have the insurance coverage to pay for the surgery. We helped her with the nutritional program, after a few days, pain was no longer evident. Concerned doctors took tests 3 weeks later, only to find no evidence of any cysts. UPDATE: 4/2/03 , 1/28/04 status excellent


Gloria was diagnosed with 4th stage ovarian cancer. She only started the program in May 2003, we are waiting for her documentation, but she is doing well and feels a difference in her body, in a good way. She feels great at this point with new energy and stamina, her last dr’s visit indicated that the tumors reduced in size already. We are waiting for a report.

Ovarian and Hepatitis “C” 4.

Cheryl, born 1960, Dx in 1998 yo with both advanced 4th stage Ovarian cancer and Hepatitis “C”. After devastating news, she did not choose any options of chemo or radiation, surgery was not an option because of its advanced stage. She started the nutritional program in January 2000. Symptoms diminished. As of today, the Hepatitis “C” has been gone for a long time, the cancer is no longer evident in most areas, a lymph node in the neck is annoying her at the moment, but in control, otherwise, she feels great and does what she normally does and eats as she normally does.

Update: 4/3/03 Cheryl had a problem with a lymph node in her neck, upon a biopsy, it became worse, they radiated it to reduce the size and she is fine now. Update: 1/27/04 Doing very well

See next page for details of history


Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


(continued) July 18, 2000

Meik B Dear Meik B: Fred Eichhorn suggested I write to you explaining a little more about my health condition and how Fred's vitamin plan has helped me. At the time this all began I was 36 years old. In March 1999, after complaining to my general doctor about pains I was having in my abdominal area, she examined me and said she thought she may have felt something and sent me to have an ultra sound. Within a few hours of having that test she called me at home to tell me they found two grapefruit sized masses on my ovaries and advised me to see a cancer specialist the very next day! Needless to say I was devastated. I thought I had a gastrointestinal infection and here I was about to go see a gynecological oncologist! After 2 different doctors opinions it was determined that they would not biopsy for fear of disturbing the masses, so we decided to have surgery to remove them. Surgery was performed in May 1999, at which time I was officially diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer at Stage II. Due to the masses having spread to my uterus, they performed a hysterectomy. They also did a wash of my abdominal area and a few days later found cells which raised my diagnosis to a Stage II C. They wanted to start me with heavy doses of chemotherapy right away. However I had complications from the surgery that sent me back into the hospital, which delayed my chemo. I finally started in June 1999 and had 6 treatments, once every 3 weeks. I lost all my hair and was very sick. During my 5th and 6th treatment I noticed my lymph node on the left side of my neck was enlarged. My oncologist thought it was just from a cold. In December 1999 my CT scan showed enlarged lymph nodes in my abdominal area. My surgeon wanted to perform more surgery, a "second look" surgery, to dissect and see if it was cancer. They also biopsied the node on my neck. My doctor came into the room obviously very upset and said the results came back positive with cancer and that this was very, very bad. This meant the chemo didn't work. It also raised my cancer to a Stage IV. The surgeon said no surgery (they figured it wouldn't help since they assumed my cancer was spreading), and along with my oncologist suggested more chemo, offering a success rate of only 20%!! I was devastated and determined to not go through more chemo. I wanted a higher quality of life than being sick with chemo, plus I was determined to beat this. I told my oncologist thanks but no thanks, I'm going to recover with alternative treatments. He said he wouldn't advise it, but respected my decision and asked if he could monitor me. He also said he didn't want to lose any ground, in case I changed my mind and wanted more chemo. I began a macrobiotic diet, which is eating lots of grains, vegetables, sea vegetables and beans, organic only, no meat, no dairy, no refined products like flour, wheat and sugar. I also heard about Fred's vitamin plan through my partner's mother. Her cousin had pancreatic cancer and was making a recovery with the vitamins. I began taking it in January 2000. I went immediately to Dosage #4. In March of 2000 I was waiting for my doctor to give me the results of my first CT scan taken after I began the vitamin plan. My oncologist came walking in smiling and calling me his "miracle girl". He said my scan showed no new growths and no enlargement of existing growths, making me "stable". He said he would have hoped for this diagnosis had I taken more chemo. He admitted he had nothing to do with my being "stable" and said to keep doing whatever it is I'm doing because it's working. He initially showed interest in the vitamin plan, but never followed up with a call to Fred. He is definitely thrilled that I'm recovering, but not willing to share my method with his patients. I resumed my life and moved to New York. I had a recent CT scan performed in June 2000, and it still shows the same lymph nodes are enlarged but not growing or spreading, which means I am still "stable". They are currently comparing CT scan films to determine how much the nodes have shrunk. Needless to say I feel terrific, full of energy and no pain. Fred's vitamin plan and my new nutritional habits are absolutely what is curing my cancer. If you have any questions please feel free to call me, All the Best, Cheryl M.

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved




Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Pancreatic Cancer We believe that all cancers are the result of a nutritional deficiency to the nervous system, the result is a neurological deficiency. This causes a change in biofeedback communication, all cellular nutrition, DNA replication and cellular manufacture. Upon, correcting these deficiencies, the body will function in a normal manner, resulting in normal cell function, the cancer cells will no longer be able to survive and die off. The nervous system is comprised of the nerve cells as we know them, hormones, and lymph nodes. Their functions are interactive, however, the medical field does not acknowledge this involvement or incorrect involvement due to nutritional deprivation as the cause of many illnesses. As a result, the nervous system is further starved by conventional treatments, hindering the progression initially, the body re-evaluates the environment and produces new cells in response to the further depleted environment. The doctors state that the “cancer is now more aggressive” instead of understanding the concept we derived. We found that proper nutritional restoration to nervous system and cell nutrition throughout the body causes corrective domino effect reactions. Upon nutritional correction, the body resumes correct cell production. When environmental factors are correct, the body no longer manufactures the cancer cells, the existing cancer cells are no longer able to exist in the corrected environment and die in a natural manner, like algae in a swimming pool. The high failure rate in treating cancer is due to treating symptoms and not the cause. The cause was never addressed nor corrected, the progress continues because nothing corrected the pathway. We are showing that if you correct the cause, the body will make the corrective steps, resolve the problem, and restore normalcy. Our observations have provided interesting results which tend to confirm our unproven theories: 1. Those without previous therapy appear to respond to the nutritional program faster and more effectively. 2. Pancreas, and other-type cancer patients in general, never take into consideration that their diet and lifestyle requires attention and improvements. Pain is blamed on the cancer instead of the negative reactions caused by the food that they should not have eaten. 3. Dosage 6 or 8 showed dramatically better results than of dosage 4. 4. Pancreatic cancer patients with aortic/vein/liver involvement and without other previous treatments showed stable but slower improvements. In addition, they felt numerous improvements overall. 5. There is a strong correlation between Gemzar/ 5FU and ascites, toxicity, blood clots and depression. 6. Urine pH reflects the alkaline/acid chemistry. The diet and choice of foods will affect pancreatic progress/hinderance. The volume of correct nutrients is important. Some people incorrectly focus on pH only and regulate the nutritional intake by the pH, which is not a correct procedure. pH is an indicator reflecting many causes, it is not a symptom. When the urine pH is below 7.0, it appears that the body chemistry is more conducive to cancer cell survival. 7. We observed that CA19-9 cancer markers do not properly reflect cancer status. Chemical intervention such as Chemotherapy toxicity can cause false indications. At first, a chemotherapy is introduced to the body to kill cancer cells. After a few months, the body recognizes it as an un-natural chemistry, therefore, and invader. Over time, the responding immunity develops a chemistry to eliminate this “preditorial” chemistry (chemotherapy), rendering the chemo less effective. The enzymes and immunological chemistry eventually becomes picked up by the cancer marker as an indication of cancer. The marker shows increased numbers, which the doctors incorrectly interpret as cancer progression. In response, they add more chemo to overpower the advanced cancer progression. The chemo toxicity increases and a vicious cycle leads to the patient’s death. Meanwhile, an autopsy shows that there was no cancer evident. 8. Most of the pancreatic cancer patients on this program who did pass away died because of the other toxic treatments and incorrect diagnosis due to incorrect testing formats. While the doctors refer to the problems as “Cancer progression” , the accurate cause was chemo toxicity and/or morphine overdose, not cancer. Autopsies on many verified “no evidence of cancer.” 54

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Pancreas (continued) 1.

Joe, born 1923, Dx October 15, 2003: 5 cm on pancreas head, 5 lesions on liver, related tumor in neck, pelvis and abdomen. Because of the involvement, the doctor said that he would not offer any chemo nor radiation because nothing will help him and most likely hurt him, advising that the expected survival would be 3 months to 3 years at best. After speaking with the DR. Joe was faced with this problem he had to make decisions regarding his animals. He began to make plans to sell them to someone he knew he could trust in taking care of them properly. His primary MD spoke to his wife, he kept stressing that this disease was very serious, while not coming out and giving them definitive answers. His wife asked about hospice and pain management. After studying up on this disease at JHU message board. The Dr. responded with saying he would be able to take care of that when the time comes. His wife found it most distressing that she had to do research on the disease on the internet because the doctors provided no information to Joe nor his wife. Tiredness was the only symptom he was displaying at the beginning. At that time, Joe’s Dr. ordered blood tests because Joe was on Lipitor. The blood work came back showing elevated enzymes, stopped the use of Lipitor, still, the Dr. was not pleased and ordered a cat scan and then came the horrible news of pancreatic cancer. This was devastating because he was never sick before this, and his life was training horses and other animals various tricks for animal shows. He was very depressed as a result and began making plans for his demise. His wife came to us on Monday October 27, 2003, we gave her samples of the program to see if that would help him. On Wednesday, the 29th, she came back to tell us that he was on the horse that morning and he wanted to go full force on the program. He worked his way up to dosage 6 & 8, still on dosage 8 today. On Friday, 11/31/03, he said that he was feeling great. Was not feeling tired any more and was able to do everything he wanted to do. His wife was very frightened as she watched from the window as he walked back to the barn. Before taking the vitamins he looked as though he was having problems walking that far and would become breathless. It was like he had aged another 50yrs in a few days. The change was so dramatic once he started the vitamins. After two weeks, he was playing golf 4 days weekly and horseback riding almost daily. He has regained all his stamina, walks and moves around more strongly now. Looking at him you would never expect that he is ill or is the age he is! By December, he was feeling so good that he was horseback riding every day, full of energy. At the time of diagnosis His doctor wrote him off , told him there was not treatment for him and failed to provide medical records to the new attending doctor, although Joe did have important previous test results which would help the new attending doctor. He went for tests on December 11, which was his baseline with the new doctor. Earlier, after starting the program, his CA19-9 dropped to 56. The December 11 tests showed that his CA19-9 reduced down to 17, AST reduced from 292 to 19, ALT reduced from 459 to 16, Cholesterol, triglycerides and other factors were great. He felt great through Christmas, he started to schedule shows for the spring. When the temperature is too cold, he rodes the horse in the barn The January 2004 tests show even better results, although not everything was positive, but overall, it was good and most out-of-normal values became close to or within normal range. The CA19-9 went up a little, but everything else improved. The PSA dropped from 13.9 down to 12.70, Iron rose from 31 to 44, Amylase dropped from 164 to 106, Lipase dropped from 205 to 82, Hemoglobin rose from 12.9 to 13.4, Alkaline Phosphatase dropped from 136 to 127, GGT dropped from 230 to 74. All bloodwork indicated strong improvements. PET scan showed mixed results. The area in the neck and various locations showed a decrease or total diminish. The pelvic area and one area in the chest indicated a slight increase. Overall, it indicated a larger decrease than increase. He feels better than he has in a long time, maintains an attitude so positive that you can only be impressed by his motivational power. He is showing "0" symptoms. The doctor is wondering if the cancer is simply not affecting his body anymore. The next PET scan and blood test will be interesting. Joe is looking forward to the next round of tests. All his wife can get out of him is that he feels better than he has in a long time! He is convinced he is going to beat this. To this day Joe is still playing golf almost daily and riding and tending to his animals. His attitude is wonderful.

UPDATE: IMPRESSIVE !!! PET scans : 1/12/04, 1/14/04 & 3/18/04 - reduction 8.9 to 4, see next page:

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Pet Scan Report: November 14, 2003 - Page 1 of 2


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Pet Scan Report: November 14, 2003 - Page 2 of 2

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Pet Scan: November 14, 2003


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Pet Scan Report: January 12, 2004

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Pet Scan: January 12, 2004


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Pet Scan Report: March 18, 2004

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Pancreas (continued) 2. James, born mid-1930’s, Dx with pancreatic cancer in the summer of 2003, He was devastated but did not want to take chemo or radiation. He was in early stage. He wanted to try the nutritional approach first, as he saw his friend use the same approach for breast cancer with positive results. He was alternating between dosage 2 & 4, mostly 4, and he is working full time and leading a normal life as though there never was a problem, He has no symptoms and blood work now indicates “No evidence” of cancer. The PET scan also indicated the same in December 2003. UPDATE: 1/23/04 - Excellent 3.

MariAnne – born 1942, an RN. Dx August 2000, Whipple done. She had surgery once to remove scar tissue from the Whipple. In February 2002, she had chest pains, testing confirmed that the cancer was back on the pancreas tail and in the liver. They wanted to give her Chemo and radiation, which she declined. She contacted us for help, she tried the program, her pain was greatly relieved. Through her improvements, she showed diminishing tumor size. In August 2002, she reported that her cancer was gone, PET scan showed “No evidence” of cancer. She was happy, yet she was not surprised because she felt a lot better.

In February 2003, during her routine bloodwork, her oncologist wanted her to get an CT scan, she did not have any since her last surgery for scar tissue. The CT showed “something”, her doctor said it looked like her cancer was back and said that she needed surgery. I told her that it did not make sense. I recommended that she get a PET scan because it sounded more like scar tissue from the Whipple and there was no need to do additional surgery. Her doctor told her that my opinion was nonsense, he told her to expect two weeks in the hospital. He did the surgery on a Monday, 2/22/03. She called us on Thursday, she said that he told her that there was no tumor, it was all scar tissue from the Whipple, I was correct. She was so happy to know that she did not have cancer. She went home 3 days later on Thursday 2/25/03. She was ready to go out and do things again. On Sunday, 2/28/03, she had extreme pain from a Urinary Track Infection (UTI). Her doctor was not available, her brother brought her to the hospital emergency ward. He told the doctors of the UTI. The doctors looked at her chart, “Pancreatic cancer”, set up an IV and said, this will make her comfortable. The next day, her brother went back, she was groggy and out of it. He asked the doctors what the problem was, they said, “Oh, the cancer is ravaging her body”, they gave her high morphine as a hospice treatment. He argued, “ She has no cancer, she has a severe UTI from the catheter due to last weeks surgery.” They ignored him. They did not confirm anything with her doctor, a week later, they did a CA19-9, it was in “Normal range”. The following day, sweet MariAnne passed away, we were all devastated. Upon tests after her death, she had a severe urinary tract infection which was her sole cause of pain, there was no cancer evident anywhere, she was “cancer free”. Her son and daughter lost their mom for no reason, yet the doctors got away with the death certificate “complications due to pancreatic cancer” when the real cause was due to a morphine overdose and failure to administer antibiotics. MariAnne’s family has documented this information.


Mary, born 1925, diagnosed in Jan 2002 , with pancreatic cancer and a tumor on the gall bladder. CA 19-9 cancer markers were 27,888, she was given a few months to live at best. She was preparing for hospice, as her levels increased. Her son Joe sought other alternatives. She started her nutritional program in the spring of 2002 and shortly had enough energy to start planting flower bulbs in the garden. Joe was quite elated and saw daily improvements where her body overall was strengthened. By September 2002, the CT scan showed tumor shrinkage and she was able to eat better again. Although there were improvements, Mary still had difficulty eating The doctor wanted to try the GFLIP chemo, which is a mixture of Gemzar, 5FU, Luekovorain, Indostatin, and Platinum, in small amounts enough to provide effects, but not enough to cause the usual damage to good cells that straight chemo causes. She was taking small amounts and has done well on the mixture of the GFLIP and nutritional program. As of February 2004 she is doing well and leading a normal life without restrictions. We note that our observations tend to reflect pancreatic cancer patients have better positive results and less negative side effect with GFLIP than individual effects from 5FU, Leukovorain and especially Gemzar. UPDATE: 1-17-04 - Excellent See reports on next page

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved



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Linda, born 1956, with pancreatic cancer and lymphoma. She started her nutritional program in May 2003, she feels better and is resuming most of her activity. She is expecting to get more updated testing in the end of July 2003. She feels confident that she is improving because she feels good and symptoms are greatly reduced. UPDATE: 1/4/04 - Waiting for updated information


Renee, born 1937, Dx with pancreatic cancer, they were giving her Gemzar, which was giving her extreme upset stomach and vomiting. She came to see us, tried the nutritional program and felt better in an hour. She was motivated and had more energy. Then her doctor gave her more Gemzar, she was so sick from it that she was hospitalized again, we are not sure how this will come out, she was disappointed because she was feeling so great while on the vitamins and because she was in the hospital, she was not allowed to get them.

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S - Female, born mid-1940’s. Ca19-9 was 260 in Feb 2002, it is “1” as of August 15, 2002. She had no symptoms of any kind and was doing well as though she was never sick. Her doctor convinced her to stay on Gemzar chemotherapy to prevent the cancer from returning. We were afraid that the chemo would cause further damage. Her decision was to stay on the chemo. After a few months, the cancer markers rose, and the doctors increased the chemo in response to the increase numbers, this continued over a years period. All other tests and scans showed “no evidence” of cancer. She had ascites after a while, which is a known side effect of Gemzar. Over time, her condition declined, yet all tests except the CA-19-9 always indicated that she did not have cancer, the CA19-9 continued to climb, which is significant of Gemzar toxicity. Unfortunately, this wonderful woman passed away in December 2003. We were upset but not surprised. There was no evidence of any cancer, yet the doctor wrote the cause of death “complications from pancreatic cancer.” We firmly believe that the accurate cause of death was Gemzar toxic poisoning. We commonly see the same repeat of symptoms and results from Gemzar, 5FU, Luekovorian, and Tamoxifen. Our hearts are with the family, one of the most wonderful people you will ever meet or know.


Philip, born 1924, was a 76 yo PC patient who came to see us in September 2000. Previously, he had a whipple in 12/98 and had a plastic stent installed at that time. In August 2000, fully jaundiced, he was told that the PC “returned” ( I said that it never left because they never resolved the problem in the first place.) He was not able to walk and had hospice set up in the living room, given a few weeks to a month survival. I urged them to get a metal stent installed, the doctor argued, eventually it was done, the jaundice cleared up almost immediately.

In September 2000, he came to see us, his CA-19-9 was 1265, his bilirubin was 16, and diabetes was severe, his blood chemistry was all over the chart, he was in extreme pain, loss of energy and appetite. Upon vitamin dosage 4, the improvement was dramatic. He had a few up and down episodes. After 2 months on the program, Nov. 2000, CA-19-9 was 698 and bilirubin was 1.4, blood chemistry was great. The diabetes was non-existent with no symptoms. By Christmas 2000, his appetite returned and pain reduced. Over time, he recovered and symptoms diminished, doctors confirmed that he did not have any evidence of cancer, the pain was caused by the whipple surgery, which also developed painful scar tissue, he did not get the necessary therapy to loosen up the scar tissue, which was wrapping around the intestines. During May 2002, the pain increased, he stopped eating because of the pain. He was throwing up his food because the scar tissue was tightening around and closing intestinal passage. We kept suggesting that he get the scar tissue surgically removed, his oncologists would not authorize any visits to any surgeons. Instead, they simply prescribed more pain meds. After such a great recovery, he passed away in September 2002 as a result of starvation due to the scar tissue not being removed, the non-oncology doctors stated that he did not have any cancer when he died.

NOTE:On the following blood analysis, look at how many values are above normal in earlier tests compared to the later values which are more towards a normal range.The tests taken after these results show bilirubin at 1.2 in early December and 1.0 towards the end of December. Hopefully, I will soon get those copies. Jan. 22, 2002 - As per Kathy, many doctors confirmed that Phil has no evidence of cancer anywhere in his body September 17, 2002 – Phil had difficulty over the past few months due to scar tissue wrapping around the intestines caused by the whipple, the doctors refused to do anything about it and did not give any IV until the very end when he was extremely weak. Although there was no cancer evident, Phil passed away from starvation. Everyone was frustrated because the doctors wrote him off a long time ago and did nothing to help him when he asked for help. What made me more upset was the fact that Kathy and her family are friends of mine for 25 years and our hands were tied. I also believe that Kathy was the primary person responsible for keeping Phil alive past the doctors prognosis.


Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Pancreas (8-continued)



2211 Michigan Avenue Santa Monica CA 90404-3900





098—.5192938 XXXXX


SEX: Male DRAWN: 9/15/00 BABYLON NY 11702 RECV.TVF.D: 9/16/00 13 PRINTED: 9/20/00 14 FINAL 1U1’ORT: 9/20/00 14 ______________________________________________________________________________________FINAL______________ TEST NAME RESULTS REFERENCE RANGE CA 19-9 NEW YORK _________________________

CA 19-9


H U/mL

(< 33.0)

For investigational Use Only. The performance characteristics of this assey have not been established. CA 19-19 confirmed by repeat analysis. Report Completed


Nov 22, 11:18 CST by: Fava Medical Lab DR


(11:19) Page 2 of 2 XXXXXX, XXXXX


Tests requested

731 11754


11/17/2000 3544


6.8 2.8




9.3 82 17 141 4.7 104 16 367 168 103



MMOL/LITER 2.8 168 103 867 16 9.6









11/18/200 Complete 6.0-8.5 3.2—5.5 8.5-10.9 65—120 5-26 0.5-1.6 135—148 3.5—5.5 96—110 0.1-1.2 30—130 5-45 5—45 22 - 32 3.2—5.5 5-45 5-45 30—130 0.1-1.2 0.0-0.3 6 — 8.5

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Pancreas (8-continued) SPECIALTY


2211 Michigan Avenue Santa Monica CA 90404-3900





098—.5724393 XXXXX


SEX: Male DRAWN: 11/17/00 BABYLON NY 11702 RECV.TVF.D: 11/21/00 13 PRINTED: 11/24/00 14 FINAL 1U1’ORT: 11/24/00 14 ______________________________________________________________________________________FINAL______________ TEST NAME RESULTS REFERENCE RANGE CA 19-9 NEW YORK _________________________

CA 19-9


H U/mL

For investigational Use Only. The performance characteristics of this assey have not been established. CA 19-19 confirmed by repeat analysis. Report Completed Nov 22, 11:18 CST by: Fava Medical Lab




Tests requested CA 19-9 NEW YORK (11:19) Page 2 of 2 XXXXXX, XXXXX

731 11754







Male 11/18/200

Complete 6.0-8.5 3.2—5.5 8.5-10.9 65—120 5-26 0.5-1.6 135—148 3.5—5.5 96—110 0.1-1.2 30—130 5-45 5—45 22 - 32 3.2—5.5 5-45 5-45 30—130 0.1-1.2 0.0-0.3 6 — 8.5 4.8 — 7.8 4.4 — 6.4 DEGREE OF CONTROLG


Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Pancreas – continued 9.

Fred, I had to write you and let you know some good news. Approximately a month and a half ago, my Dad's tumor cell count was over 6000. He just recently had it rechecked and it was 260. His doctor stated he is on his way to remission. Needless to say, I believe your program had something to do with this. I also had him on Essiac tea (2 ml per day). When he received Chemo there were many days he could not eat anything. He is getting better. He gained 6 pounds as well. Honestly, he was only able to get up to dosage 2 and could not take any more pills. Regardless, I think your program did it.

I do have a question.....what does tumor cell counts mean? I guess I could ask you a lot of questions. Thank you again. I have been spreading your name and Cellect vitamins to others. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks Patrick UPDATE: 3/24/02 Pat’s father had surgery, eliminated almost all of his intestines, the surgeon called it a “precaution”, which caused him to no longer be able to absorb food, and could no longer eat and passed away as a result,


H – in his 70’s , had shrinkage, ca19-9 dropped from 6304 to 180 after 3 months on program. A few months later, doctors noticed something that they referred to as a “mass”. I disagreed because it was “too round” in shape. Meanwhile, they went to do the surgery and said that there was no discrete tumor in the pancreas at all and the “mass” turned out to be a “pocket of puss”. He had difficulty getting through because he was not allowed the vitamins while in the hospital. A few months later, he was overcome by a staph infection from the surgery and passed away.


Juleigh - mid 30’s, had alcohol-induced pancreatitis for many years, there was no relief. The vitamins gave her instant relief and all symptoms dissipated almost immediately. Maintenance level prevented the pancreatitis attacks, depression resolved, energy increased, comprehension improved, she slept well at night. Message Text Hi to all who know me and Hi to all who don't :o) I read postings as of a few days ago per requests from several friends I have met through this great forum. Here is yet another success story to add to the sheer excitement and the new hope of better living for someone WITH Cancer. My friend whom I work with, as many of you know, her Aunt was DX with Liver Cancer. I went back to work a short while ago, everyone wanted to know how I got better so fast, etc - my friend got her Aunt on the nutritional program that Fred Eichhorn SUGGESTS and listen to THIS one - Two days ago, her Aunt is lying in the hospital bed after under going surgery, the MD's, Oncologists are 'concerned' because she wants to go home so badly just to get BACK on the vitamins that were helping her more than any other form of conventional treatment had been doing. Well, at first, the nurses and MD's ALL wanted Fred's name and they got it. To make a long story short Nora's Aunt's MD's told her Aunt to 'go back on the vitamins, we've changed our minds.' NOW, this is living, breathing PROOF, from someone WITH Cancer right smack here in WISCONSIN that this DOES work, for her Aunt, for some other people I know from here as well. And as far as I go, even though my enzymes are ALL back to normal, tumor markers are back to a normal range and my Common Bile Duct is now normal, the Specialists STILL want to operate on me - for what purpose??? 'preventative medicine' I think he called it. Sorry, I think we have to find out WHY we are getting sick and those with Cancer, find out the root of the problem, or better yet, the seed and not just keep on cutting it out, man, find out WHY it is there in the FIRST place. Anybody with ANY comments I encourage you to EMAIL me or call me. The point is, something like what Fred has discovered and researched on HIS time, HIS money and he is offering help to those who freely ask for it, those of you who doubt should perhaps think twice before you fire off those nasty-grams. Mitch, my hubby finally posted after watching me go through the illness and watch me recover and watch me post on here since October. 69 Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Pancreas –

Juleigh- continued

Fred's PC was posted 04/04/2001 11:53 am by Mitch

Message Text I have known Fred for several months now! I will tell everyone out there this. I am not sure where my wife and I would be without him. I can tell you a few things that do not actually concern him but our medical community, you know the ones trying to help people out there. Last October I was home on a Saturday and get a call from my wife's doctor. He tells me something is wrong on a blood test. Then call's my wife at work and when she ask's 'do you think it is cancer?' He says yes. Two days later when we go in to see him he then says he does not know what it is. Several tests, procedures etc later there are still no answers except that she has 'Something wrong with her' Her Pancreatic enzymes are so far out of whack but nobody could help. ERCP, MRCP, ultrasounds, tumor markers rising etc, etc, etc.. To make a long story short, at this point no doctor still has any answer. Even after all of that they still want to cut her. I will just say with Fred's guidance we took a different approach and she is getting better, day after day when months ago it seemed as if there were nothing positive in the near future. Bottom line is that what Fred is doing is helping people. It is up to the people if they want his help.. That is why it is a great country. We can make our own choices!!!


another milestone was posted 04/03/2001 10:52 pm by KathyI

Hi everyone. I'm on my countdown only four more days of radiation! I get a few weeks off before resuming chemo & I’m doing great. In 10 days I'll be 6 months from dx and doing fantastic for someone they said would be dead 3 months ago! For my 2 cents worth do the chemo, do the radiation, and keep on fighting with all your might! I am taking Fred's nutritional program, I buy all the good brand separate vitamins, & I really don't give a damn what it is that's helping... just happy for everyday God gives me. with love, KathyI



Gini, PC Stage IV, UPDATE

Date: 9/20/2001 5:33:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Fred, Just wanted to give you an update on my battle. I have been taking Dose 4 of your supplement program since mid august and feel too good to be so sick. Both Oncologists I've met with have scolded me for seeking new treatments for my type of cancer & say nothing other than gemcitabine will buy a little time but not cure me. I now believe that oncologists chief goal is to distinguish any hope a cancer patient may have. When I returned from one of these visits, it knocked my spirit down for at least a week, but I have kept up the supplements regardless. I had to have a tooth with a chronic infection extracted 9/4 to get ready for chemo and it is now 9/20 and is still healing very slowly, so I can not start chemo until it is completely healed. I will probably go ahead and enter the clinical trial here in Rochester using the new vaccine G17DT made by Aphton Corp. I still have very little pain and great energy. I know how busy you must be responding to everyone who comes to your website for help. I will just leave an update here from time to time on my condition for you and hopefully, soon send you my doctor reports at diagnosis & CT scans after beginning treatment. I am grateful for your program as I am feeling good physically in the midst of the greatest emotional & spiritual battle of my life. The Lord is carrying me. Love, Gini UPDATE: 1/26/04 We do not know status, we have not heard anything good nor bad in quite some time.


Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Happy Birthday Dad! was posted 04/24/2001 01:58 am by Gail E-mail Address: My dear father turns the big 6-0 today.HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! A year ago, I was scared to even think ahead to what the next day may bring, let alone what a year would bring. At this time last year we were only just beginning - Dad had lost nearly 30lbs, but yet looked anorexic, had severe diarrhea, ascites, no appetite, back pain etc etc. When he had his belly tapped the first time, the dr said he suspected pc. On the net I went-I couldn't even remember what exactly the pancreas was, and I certainly had no clue of the grim prognosis. The more I read, the more I cried. How could this be happening? I had just lost my dear Mother of 53 yo to colon cancer 2 yrs ago. My Dad had always been so healthy!His whole family had lived long full lives, this just couldn't be happening. But, indeed it was! By the first part of May we had a dx of pcDad went to a local surgeon who referred him to a surgeon at Strong Memorial in Rochester NY( who had trained at JH)-the day my Dad has his appt there, was the first time I had ever seen my Daddy cry-and oh how that ripped my heart-my soul apart!After further tests Dad was told he wasn't operable. I had already set up an appt with an onc-we went the following week. This was when we were told Islet Cell I started my search on this type of pc. With the help of JackieK (my angel) who sent me in the right directions I came up with sandostatin and Interferon for Dad. I knew there was no way at this point he could tolerate chemo. He was confined to the wheelchair, almost in need of a walker to get to the bathroom, gave up driving (his life) He started juicing, and doing the sando/interferon shots in mid-July and Freds program in October? I think it was. It was a long bumpy road but...he has now donated the wheelchair, tossed the walker, is driving and out and about everyday, (gallavanting as he says) and feels 500% better than he did 1 yr ago.For a man who was scared to death of a needle a yr ago-he has endured the tests, the scans, the needles (at 1 point 68 shots per month just for the sando and inter) He started the glutamine in dec and has now gained back 35 lbs. He is looking like my 'Daddy' again-and I am just soooo proud of him!!! So, Happy Birthday Dad!!! and many,many more to come! I love you! Gail UPDATE: 1/26/04 We do not know status, we have not heard anything good nor bad in quite some time.

15. Vitamins was posted 10/29/99 09:11 pm by Lauren Message Text My mother was dx 3/99 and she’s been following Fred’s program as closely as possible, although she’s not taking quite as much as he suggests. She’s doing great. She’s the poster child for the clinical trial she’s on, but I don’t think it’s the chemo. Others aren’t doing so well. I believe the vitamins are doing it. She stopped taking them for about a week and felt miserable. You have my support Fred, please accept my thanks for your help, and my apologies for the behavior of some people out here. UPDATE: 1/26/04 We do not know status, we have not heard anything good nor bad in quite some time.


Charlie 61 yo, Juvenile diabetic. Dec 28 2000, dx with large mass on panc. head, invading portal vein, common bile duct, pancreatic duct, duodenal wall, total jaundice, bilirubin at 3.6, aborted whipple or any other surgery due to extensive mass, we were not given the ca19-9 levels. They started him on small doses of palliative radiation and chemo. Nutritional program started first week of January 2001. The negative side affects from rad and chemo were minimized or gone. By April 4, 2001, 3 months, blood chemistry was basically perfect and there was no evidence of any cancer. In addition to his feeling great, his diabetes was gone, glaucoma was gone and pressure reduced from 24 with medication to 15 without medication. Blood pressure was now normal without medication as well. During the summer, he had an infection and the doctor ordered Charlie to stop all vitamins, then the infection grew worse after stopping the vitamins. They gave him strong doses of chemo, he passed away on Sept 12, 2001, autopsy showed no evidence of cancer, it was suspected that the infection was dead cancer cells and if it were left alone, it most likely would have resolved itself . Charlie was a wonderful sincere gentleman, he will always be in our hearts . His information on following pages Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Pancreas (16-continued) From: Charlie

June 28, 2001

I wanted to write about my experience hoping that it be an encouragement to others. On December 27, 2000, I was rushed to the hospital with chest pains, rapid heart beat and jaundice. The doctors told my wife and me that I had a heart attack and that the jaundice was caused by a cancerous tumor on the pancreas. It was not operable, but they suggested radiation and chemo treatments, and that there was only a 20% chance that it would shrink the tumor enough so that it could be surgically removed. Needless to say, this was shocking news, but our faith in God gave us a peace that is beyond human understanding. My daughter told me about her husband’s brother, who had been treated for cancer in the throat area, and after radiation and chemo treatment, he was taking a vitamin treatment introduced by Fred. The vitamin therapy seemed to speed up his recovery and now, about one year later, he is cancer free and living a normal life. I was not interested in taking all those pills, since I was also taking so much medicine for the heart problem, diabetes and glaucoma. However, my daughter bought a supply and encouraged me to take them. She even packaged them for me to take with each meal. I took them regularly and whenever I had a stomach problem or questions, I’d call Fred and spend a lot of time on the phone as he explained what to do to get me through the problems. This vitamin program helped minimize the side effects of the radiation and chemo. Three months later, April 4, 2001, I went for a CAT scan and upon seeing the doctor a few days later, he said, “miraculously, the tumor has disappeared.” I believe God used Fred’s program to help accomplish this miracle. Fred has a copy of my CAT scan report from January 10, 2001 where it showed the extensive spread of my cancer and the April 4, 2001 CAT scan report which shows no evidence of cancer. I would also mention that my glaucoma has greatly diminished since taking the vitamin program. The pressure used to be 24 for many years and is now 15. I do hope that people in the medical field, as well as cancer patients, will see the good in Fred’s work. I believe that this program is a great accomplishment and should be regarded as such. My wish is for this information to help as many people as possible in their fight against cancer. Sincerely, Charlie UPDATE: 9/22/01 Charlie’s doctor said that even though he showed no evidence of cancer, he still wanted Charlie to take the chemo (Gemzar) as a precaution. He started the chemo during the last week of August 2001. On September 12, 2001, Charlie had passed away, the doctor wrote the cause as complications to pancreatic cancer. The family did not believe that, so they ordered an autopsy, which revealed that he had no cancer in his body and instead, his heart was filled with blood clots, which were caused from the chemo (Gemzar). So, Charlie died from a heart attack, caused from Blood clots generated by the GEMZAR, not cancer. There was “NO EVIDENCE OF CANCER” in his body. 72

Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Pancreas (16-continued) Hospital 270 PARK AVE HUNTINGTON, NY 11743-2799 PPR 16201 11:38 No.002 P.02 RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT

Date 4/04/01 Time 15:27:47 Huntington

Patient: Ref. Dr: Date:


Med Rec #: Radiology # : Trans Date: Order #; Acct #:



000000 000000

4/04/01 0000000 0000000




Contiguous axial images from the lung bases to the symphysis pubis were obtained after the administration of oral and intravenous contrast. Correlation with prior examination dated 12-28-OO was made. The visualized lung bases are clear. There has been interval placement of a biliary stent with decompression of the pancreatic duct. There is persistent intra-hepatic biliary dilatation however. The previously noted pancreatic mass has dramatically decreased with no mass identified at the current examination. There are no hepatic masses. There are multiple gallstones seen layering within the gallbladder. The gallbladder wall appears thickened with a trace amount of pericholecystic fluid. The possibility of acute cholecyetitis is raised. The spleen, kidney. and adrenal. are within normal limits and have not changed in position There is no significant retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy.

CAT SCAN OF PELVIS CT scan of the pelvis was performed from the iliac crest to the perineal floor following intravenous and oral contrast administration. There is exuberant calcification of the aorta and iliac vessels. there is no pelvic lymphadenopathy. The pelvic viscera is unremarkable. The visualized bowel gas is non-obstructed.

Since 12-28-00, there has been significant decrease in the pancreatic mass with interval stent placement within the biliary system. There is decompression of the pancreatic duct, however, there is persistent mild to moderate intrahepatic biliary dilatation. Cholelithiasie with thickening of the gallbladder wall and trace amount of pericholecystic fluid to suggest acute choleciystitis. MW/lb cc: B. Akhund, Kb. MWON ____________________________


Verified Date: 4/04/01 S i Copyright  1998-09 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Pancreas (16-continued)


Francis P. Arena, MD-, F.A.C.P Anna Kurzyna.Solinas, M.D. Dianne j Sager, M.D. Abraham C. F. Leung, MD. Pauline Lau, MD. Sylvia Fowler, MD.

Initial Office Visit

RE: xxxx, Charles January 10, 2001 C/C:

Painless Jaundice, Pancreatic Mass

HPI: 61 year-old white male with history of juvenile diabetes, ASI-ID s/p CABG, mild renal insufficiency presented to Huntington Hospital on 12/27 with painless jaundice and non-Q-wave Ml. He was transferred to NSUH on 12/29 where he underwent cardiac catherization. Ct was performed for evaluation of painless jaundice which revealed mass in the head of pancreas. (In 1/3/01, he lied ERCP for biliary stent placement to relieve biliary obstruction secondary to the pancreatic mass. EUS was performed which showed pancreatic mass that was invading the portal vein, CBD, PD, and duodenal wall. Hyperbilirubinemia resolved with stent placement. Mr. xxxx was discharged home on 1/5/01 and is here today for continuation of his workup and treatment plan. All: NKDA Meds:

insulin NPH 29 units AM, 4 units pm; Regular 9 units am, 8 units pm Toprol XL 100mg po qday Lipitor 40mg p0 qday Imidur 30mg po qday Vasotec $ wig po qday Trusopt eyedrop, Alphagar eyedrop, Axid 150mg po BID) Procrit 40,000 units SQ weekly

PMHx: Juvenile diabetes, ASHD s/p CABG, CRF, cataract, HTN, anemia ROS: 6 weeks of gastric reflux symptoms; 3 weeks of light-colored stool,; 6-7 lb weight loss over one month. Denies pruritus, chest pain or shortness of breath. PE:

HP: 124/60 Appearance: HEENT Neck: COR: Lung: Abdomen:

P: 74 RB.: 12 Ht 5’7” Wt 154 1b, NAD PERRA, EOM1, Anicteric sclera Supple, no LN RRR, 2/6 Systolic murmur CTA normal BS, no organomegaly

600 Northern Boulevard * Suite 118 * Great Neck, New York 11021 * Tel: (516) 466-661 * Fax: (5l6) 466-6080

Pancreas (16-continued)


Extremites: Neuro:

Francis P. Arena, MD-, F.A.C.P Anna Kurzyna.Solinas, M.D. Dianne j Sager, M.D. Abraham C. F. Leung, MD. no edema, no rashes Pauline Lau, MD A+O X3, Cr, II-XII grossly intact Sylvia Fowler,

Skin: Lymph node:

no ecchymosis, rash Negative



Laboratory Data:

Laboratory Data: 1/5/01 WBC 7.3

Hb 10.1 Hct 29.8 Platelet 266,000 MCV 89.7 Na 138 K 4.0 Cl 104 C02 28 Glu 151 Bun 13 Cr 1.0 T. Protein 6.6 Alb 3.2 T. Bili/ D bill 3.6/1.9 CEA 1.4


CA 19-9 191

Glandular Atypia

CT 1/4/01 s/p biliary stern placement with air within the intrahepatic biliary tree. Enlarged pancreatic head with rounded configuration, suspicious for neoplasm. Low attenuation between the superior mesenteric artery and vein which may represent small amount of fluid or edema.

A/P: 61 year male with painless jaundice s/p biliary stent placement. CT showed pancreatic mass. EUS indicated mass invading portal vein, 031), PD, duodenal wall. Cytology was undiagnostic with elevated CA 191-1. 1 had a long discussion with Mr and Ms. XXXX. The most important thing is to confirm the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Patient actually has already been contacted by Dr. Diaz for EUS-guided FNA to obtain tissue for diagnosis. He will call the office again to arrange for procedure. However, we proceeded with the discussion regarding treatment option if indeed diagnosis is pancreatic cancer. I have reviewed CT with radiologist whom confirmed that mass is encasing superior mesenteric vessels. Based on CT findings and EUS, Mr. XXXX has locally advanced disease and not a candidate for resection. Recommendation for treatment would be chemoradiation which is proven to prolong survival. We proposed Chemoradiation with Gemcitabine biweekly followed by gemcitabine alone as consolidation. Primary goal is to response in reducing tumor size and possible reevaluate patient for resection. Once again, the most crucial step is biopsy to confirm diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. I strongly urge Mr. XXXX to contact Dr. Diaz office for EUS-guided FNA. Meanwhile, patient is planning to seek second opinion at MSKCC. I will continue to follow-up on this matter and assist him regarding his treatment.

600 Northern Boulevard * Suite 118 * Great Neck, New York 11021 * Tel: (516) 466-661 * Fax: (5l6) 466-6080

Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Pancreas (continued) 17. From: Tracy Fitzgerald

May 22, 2001

I am looking forward to a full recovery with the help of Fred’s vitamin program. My life, which was turned upside down from cancer, is now getting back to normal. My children notice that I don’t look or act sick, that is very important. My name is Tracy, I am 36 years old, 118 pounds, a wife and mother of 2 children. I have been a kick box instructor for 2 years. I run about 5 miles every day. My eating habits are good, not too much meat. I mostly eat veggies, fruit and pasta. I work part-time in my children’s school and on weekends my family and I take hikes, we love being together. In January 2001, I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer with mets to the liver. Since the cancer traveled, I could not have surgery. My bile duct was blocked so the doctors put a stent in. I started chemotherapy January 22, 2001, and was wiped out. I was nauseous, tired and depressed. My chemo treatments are scheduled every 2 weeks, each time two days in a row. In the beginning of February 2001, my wonderful husband found out about Fred and his vitamins. When I first looked at it, I thought that I could do the first dosage, but never would be able to do the 4th dosage. Well, I am doing the 4th dosage !! I’ve been on it 9 weeks now. I feel great !! No more nausea or tiredness. I’ve started running and lifting weights again. My hair never fully fell out, and at this point is starting to fill in again. But the best part is that my CAT scans are showing such great progress. The liver tumors have died and are liquefying. The tumor in my pancreas is shrinking and the blood supply is being cut off. Of my 3 tumor markers, two are now at normal levels, the third has reduced from 5,000 down to 1,300. They feel like they have their mom back. What a great thing !!! Good luck to everyone who is faced with cancer. I will keep you posted of my continued progress! If I can help anyone or listen, please contact me. We are all in this together. God Bless

UPDATES: January 16, 2001 - showing advanced involvement with little hope for improvement. – 3 pages May 7, 2001 - showing extreme reduction and liver almost 100% clean - 1 page. September 20, 2001 - Cat scan shows no evidence of cancer, there is an infection and is being resolved. Second week of Dec. 2001 - CAT - showed two pin dots, blood work showed no indication of cancer Third week of December 2001 – PET scan – negative findings of total body scan, no cancer found. Second week of January 2002 – oncologist determined that the stent can come out, it is no longer needed. After the Dec 2001 test results, Tracy basically stopped the vitamins for quite a while, then started them again and took a few here and there, but nothing consistent. She felt confident that the cancer was gone and that she no longer needed them, she was never told anything different, so she felt that she did not need them. Final UPDATE: We learned through a website post that Tracy had passed away on Dec 10, 2002. We were devastated because we were never aware that there was any problem. When we spoke to Tracy, she told us that she was doing fine. At one point, we spoke to her on Halloween 2002, she was a little tired because she said that they were giving her “Gemzar” as a safety precaution, but she was going out with the kids to go trick-ortreating. I was concerned because we saw in the past with other people where Gemzar was related to those who had rising CA19-9 counts when autopsies later showed that there was no cancer evident, so, wonder about whether she had a true reoccurrence because the statement was based on the CA19-9. In the post, her husband said that he never told her that she had any reoccurrence, she was never aware that she had any problem. We do not know any facts other than the post. We made attempts to reach the family, with no response. We are very sad to hear this news, yet we do not know the accurate information, anything we write here would be a guess. Our hearts go out to Tracy, Mike and their children, as well as the family, they are all wonderful people.

History of CAT scans to follow on next page…………….. 76 Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Mark L. Shapiro, M.D. Chief

Nina J. Mattena, M.D. Shari Naidrich, M.D.

Hearns Charles, M.D.

Lawrence Saperstein, M.D.

Ramaish Ganti, M.D.

Indrani Srinivasan, M.D.

Mindi A. Goldfischer, M.D.

Steve Yaron, M.D.

Mark Herman, M.D.

Alan Zakheim, M.D.

Stefanie S. Jacobs, M.D.

Monday, December 17, 2001 Referring Physician RE: DOB: MR#: Date REQ#:

FITZGERALD, TRACY 2/9/65 00613898


00613898 F 12/14/01





Dear Dr. Referring Physician, OTHER TUMOR PET IMAGING WHOLE BODY PET SCAN INDICATIONS: STAGE PANCREATIC CARCINOMA In a supine relaxed position, the patient was injected with 3.0 mCl of fluorine-18-F.D.G.. One hour thereafter, a transmission corrected PET scan was performed of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. Correlation is made to CT of the chest, abdomen and pelvis dated 12/3/01 from Mid Rockland Imaging. There is no abnormal hypermetabolic activity in the chest, abdomen or pelvis. There is a round photopenic defect in the right lobe of the liver corresponding to the dominant cyst seen on the CT scan. There is no definite focus of hypermetabolic activity in the region of a newly described hepatic lesion in the right lobe of the liver adjacent to the dominant cyst. Minimal increased activity is seen near the dome of the liver adjacent to the cyst, however, this could be due to edge artifact. Consider MRI of the liver. IMPRESSION: NEGATIVE WHOLE BODY PET SCAN. CONSIDER MRI FOR FURTHER EVALUATION OF THE LIVER. PLEASE SEE ABOVE. CC: Peter Kozuch, MD 425 West 59th Street Suite 1A New York, NY 10019 tel 212-623-6769 fax 212-623-2004 FITZGERALD, TRACY R348-000401

Thank you for the opportunity to evaluate this patient. Sincerely yours, Jacobs, Stefanie M.D. Signed: Monday, December 17, 2001 Scheduling (201) 894-3640, 41, 42

Fax (201) 894-1924

Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Pancreas (17-continued) MID ROCKLAND IMAGING December 3, 2001 Re: Fitzgerald, Tracy PT #: 36060 D/Exam: 12/3/2001 --------- Date Peter Koruch MD 425 West 59th Street Suite 1A New York, NY 10019 CT SCAN CREST; CT SCAN ABDOMEN; CT SCAN PELVIS-WITH NON-IONIC INTRAVENOUS CONTRAST History: Follow-up pancreatic carcinoma. Technique: Following the oral and during the intravenous administration of contrast, 7mm thick helically acquired axial images were obtained from the lung apex to the symphysis pubis. Images were acquired on a GE HiSpeed NX/I multi-detector CT. Findings: The study is compared to 10/25/2001. In the chart, there is no evidence of a lung mass, nodule or infiltrate. There is no evidence of bilar, axillary or necrastinal lymphadenopathy. There is no pleural effusion or pericardial effusion. In the abdomen, there are several hepatic lesions, most of which are stable when compared to the previous study. Adjacent to the dominant lesion present in the anterior segments of the right lobe there is a new 1.2 x 1.5cm low artenuation lesion. There is resolution of a tiny lesion that was present in the tip of the right lobe of the liver, which measured approximately 7mm. The spleen is unremarkable. There is no change in the pancreatic head mass. There is slightly increased pancreatic ductal dilatation. There is no change in the mild intrahepatic bile duct dilatation. The billiary stent remains in place. There is no renal mass. No hydroureteronephresis. The adrenal glands are unremarkable. There is no retroperitoneal or pelvic lymphadenopathy. There is no evidence of pelvic mass. No ascites is present. IMPRESSION: 1. No evidence of metastatic disease to the chest. 2. New hepatic lesion in the right lobe of the liver with resolution of one of the previous lesions in the right lobe. 3. Slightly increased pancreatic duct dilatation. No change in the pancreatic head mass. Thank you for referring this patient. Kenneth I. Blumberg, M.D. KIB:am R: 01312\4-5 T: 01412\10-11

78 Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Pancreas (17-continued) May 7, 2001 Re: Fitzgerald, Tracy PT #: 36060 D/Exam: 5/7/2001 --------- Date

Howard Bruckner MD 425 W 59th Street New York NY 10019

DOB: 2/9/1965

CT ABDOMEN AND PELVIS WITH ORAL AND NON-IONIC IV CONTRAST Reason for exam: Pancreas cancer, mets., compare to prior study here, chemotherapy. Helically obtained axial sections from the dome of the diaphragms to the pubic symphysis were performed following both oral and non-ionic IV contrast. Images were acquired on a GE Hiqh Speed NX/i multi—detector CT. This study is reviewed in conjunction with the 3/2/2001 study here.

Several low attenuation lesions are again noted. Several of these have continued to decrease in size and several have become lower in attenuation suggesting central necrosis and liquification. The most prominent lesion in the anterior segment of the right upper lobe previously measured about 2.8 cm. in AP dimension and now measures about 2.2 cm. in AP dimension. Its caudal component is homogeneous and low in attenuation with a round smooth margin suggesting a simple cystic morphology. This represents a change from the prior study. In the lateral segment of the 1eft lobe, there is a 2.2 cm. maximum in diameter transversely measured lesion, which previously measured about 3.0 cm. Several other lesions appear to have diminished slightly in size. Several of these lesions appear darker relative to the surrounding parenchyma suggesting less vascular enhancement. The spleen is unremarkable. Again, there is a bile duct stent extending through the pancreatic head. The fullness of the pancreatic head, about 3.5 to 4 cm. in diameter, appears to have diminished slightly when compared to the prior study. There is moderate dilation of the pancreatic duct in the body and tail with a mostly atrophic pancreas at this level. The kidneys are unremarkable. No retroperitoneal adenopathy is seen. No obvious nodes surrounding the pancreatic head are identified. Pelvic and lower abdomen evaluation is within normal limits in appearance. IMPRESSION: Continued improvement. Decrease in size of liver lesions as well as pancreatic head lesion. Several of these lesions have become somewhat necrotic in their appearance. Thank you for referring this patient. Elliot V. Handler, M.D. EVR:ec R: 010705\4-5 T: 010805\10-11

Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved







January 16, 2001

--------- Date

(845) 634-XRAY (845) 634-9729 Fitzgerald, Tracy PT #: 36060 D/Exam: 1/16/2001 Andrew Goldenberg MD Pomona Professional Plaza 974 Route 45 Pomona NY 10970

DOB: 2/9/1965

ABDOMINAL AND RETROPERITONEAL ULTRASOUND: Clinical Data: Jaundice. Evaluate for gallstones. Real time ultrasound evaluation of the abdomen demonstrates hepatic textural heterogeneity. There is a heterogeneous, predominantly hyperechoic 3cm mass in the left lobe of the liver towards the anterior aspect. There is a 3cm solid predominantly hyperechoic mass with a hypodense center more inferiorly within the liver. These lesions demonstrate mass effect favoring true masses. There are other hyperechcic lesions in the liver which may represent hemangiomas. There is intrahepatic bile duct dilatation. The extrahepatic bile duct is dilated and measures 1.7cm in diameter. The pancreatic duct is dilated and measures approximately 9mm in diameter. There is a 4.7cm solid mass in the pancreatic head region. The gallbladder is contracted limiting gallbladder evaluation. The spleen is unremarkable. Both kidneys are normal in position and free of hydronephrosis. CONCLUSION: There is a large, approximately 4.5 to 5cm solid mass in the pancreatic head region. This is seen associated with pancreatic and bile duct dilatation. There are multiple hepatic masses. Malignancy is strongly suspected. Further evaluation of the abdomen and pelvis with computerized tomography is recommended. These results were discussed with Dr. Goldenberg on 1/16/2001 shortly following the procedure. Thank you for referring this patient. Leslie M. Ossip, M.D. LMO:hi R: 011601/4-5 T: 011701/9-10 ICAVL ACCREDITED ULTRASOUND, VASCULAR LAB ACR AND MQSA ACCREDITED CENTER FOR MAMMOGRAPHY AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE ACCREDITERD FACILITY

80 Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved




18 SQUADRON BLVD. NEW CITY. NY 10956-0605 (845) 634-XRAY (845) 634-9729

Andrew Goldenberg MD Pomona Professional Plaza 974 Route 45 Pomona NY 10970

January 16, 2001

--------- Date

Re: Fitzgerald, Tracy PT #: 36060 D/Exam: 1/16/2001

DOB: 2/9/1965

CT SCAN OF THE ABDOMEN AND PELVIS Clinical Data: Jaundice. Pancreatic head region mass and liver masses on ultrasound performed on 01/16/01. 7mm axial sections were obtained from the domes of the diaphragm down to the symphysis pubis following the administration of oral and intravenous contrast. This study is correlated with the patient’s abdominal ultrasound from 01/16/01. There is intra and extrahepatic bile duct dilatation. There is a large pancreatic head region mass measuring approximately 5cm in diameter. This mass is heterogeneously solid. The pancreatic duct is dilated measuring 1cm in diameter. There are multiple hepatic masses. There is a poorly defined mass process in the lateral segment of the left lobe of the liver measuring approximately 4cm in diameter. There is a low-attenuation region in the medial segment of the left lobe of the liver towards the hepatic dome measuring 2cm in diameter. There is a 3.5cm mass in the anterior segment of the right lobe of the liver. There is a 2cm low-density region in the posterior segment of the right lobe of the liver. There are no other low-density regions at the hepatic dome. The portal veins are patent. The spleen is within normal limits. Both kidneys are normal in position and demonstrate symmetric concentration of contrast. There is a 1.5cm left paraaortic region just below the left renal vein suspicious for adenopathy. There is no other evidence for retroperitoneal adenopathy. There is no evidence for large bulky gut-related mass. The uterus is mildly bulky and deviated to the right of midline. There is no evidence of pelvic adenopathy. Limited axial sections through the lung bases are unremarkable. CONCLUSION: 1. There is a large pancreatic head region mass. There is secondary dilation of the intra and extrahepatic bile ducts as well as the pancreatic duct. There are multiple hepatic masses as detailed above. While not conclusive, the above findings are suspicious for primary pancreatic malignancy metastatic to the ICAVL ACCREDITED ULTRASOUND, VASCULAR LAB ACR AND MQSA ACCREDITED CENTER FOR MAMMOGRAPHY AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE ACCREDITERD FACILITY

Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved






January 17, 2001

NEW CITY. NY 10956-0605 (845) 634-XRAY

--------- Date

Re: Fitzgerald, Tracy PT #: 36060

(845) 634-9729

D/Exam: 1/17/2001 Andrew Goldenberg MD Pomona Professional Plaza 974 Route 45 Pomona NY 10970

DOB: 2/9/1965

liver. Biopsy is recommended for further evaluation. The region in the lateral segment of the left lobe of the liver should prove readily amenable to ultrasound guided biopsy. 2. The uterus is mildly bulky and deviated to the right of midline. Sonography is recommended for further gynecological evaluation. 3. The above findings were discussed with Dr. Goldenberg shortly following the procedure. Thank you for referring this patient.

Leslie M. Ossip, M.D. LMO:mg\fls R: 011701\12-1. T: 011701\12-1


82 Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved



Barbara was doing so well, the posts will explain, then her doctor wanted her to do more chemo. From what we understand, as soon as she started the higher strength chemo again she started to decline and passed away on December 28, 2002. We were devastated by this because everything looked so wonderful, we do not understand why the doctors insisted to restart or increase the chemo. Barbara and her family will always be in our hearts. Kristin worked so hard to get her mom well. We have seen that those who stay on chemo, even when done as a precaution, their condition declines and they die, but they have “No Evidence” of cancer. Doctors need to review these facts more intensely. Kristin and Sarah are the two strongest daughters I know of who dedicated themselves to helping their moms.

From: Kristin

Incredible Changes !!

written 2/3/02 9:50;16 PM EST

Fred: We hardly recognize my mom anymore. She used to be a sick woman, hardly able to get out of bed... no life in her eyes. She's been on Dose 3 for about 10 days now and went shopping at Macy's for 2 hours today! She is bright and lively, has wonderful color in her cheeks, doesn't take naps during the day (!!!), and says she feels relatively normal. It's unbelievable. She's had the one chemo treatment (last week) and goes in for another on Tuesday this week. Then she's off for 2 weeks. She's afraid to think that she's on her way to recovery, but I can't help but believe it could be anything but that! Do some people do well and then take a nosedive, even when sticking to the program? We're all afraid to be so encouraged. Thanks Fred... Kristin


- Mom update Sat Mar 16 21:25:44 2002 I wrote nearly 2 months ago about my mom, who was diagnosed on her surgery day of 12/31/01 with stage 4 pancreatic cancer (tumor in pancreatic head with mets to several periaortic nodes) and said I'd post updates. Since that time, she started on Fred's vitamins, getting up to dose 3, which Fred said was okay (for awhile), because she's so small. She also started on chemo (gemzar and cisplatin) at that time. Her CA 19-9 count was 2400. Since then, her CA 19-9 has steadily dropped... as of her last test on 3/11/02, her count is 896. She had a CT scan done on 3/12, and prelim. reports show nothing in her lymph nodes. Her stomach used to be large and hard; for a month now it has been normal. She generally feels good (I think what makes her sick at all is that chemo), though she still has back discomfort if she is upright for a long period of time. It took some time, undoubtedly, for that cancer to grow and spread... we don't expect it to go away overnight. We are thrilled with her progress. By the way, she finally committed to taking dose 4 about 3 weeks ago.... she agreed that if she's going to do this, she'd better go all the way; there's no time to play with pc.


vitamins experience was posted 04/18/2002 01:15 am by Kristin

There IS no down side! My mom (stage 4 pc) has been taking Fred's nutritional program since late January, and she's a different woman now. I don't mean to sound like an infomercial for Fred, but I've watched my mother transform from a woman who seemed to be close to the end of her life into a woman who seems back to normal! This wouldn't have been possible without Fred's protocol. She was in bed most of the time, she'd lost weight, she had no life in her eyes at all, she was in constant pain, she had a hard and distended abdomen, and no appetite. It was painful to watch, and I knew I was watching her get worse by the day. I thank God every day for Fred and for his dedication to helping others with cancer. My mom is now a busy woman... she is out doing normal things, her weight is back to normal, as is her appetite (we just got back from going out to dinner), she looks terrific, her abdomen is back to normal, and she has NO PAIN!! She adjusted to the pills easily... mainly because she was committed to taking them, and thankfully she had no ill-effects getting used to the pills. It's risky stepping out and doing something like this.... but Fred is the real deal, as is his program. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Freddie: Just faxed you Mom's latest blood results with her CA19-9 count, which dropped another 300+ in the last two weeks! I forgot to mention her high glucose number in my earlier e-mail and hope it's one of those things that will settle down over time. Kristin UPDATE : We received notice that Barbara passed away on December 28, 2002. She was starting to

take chemo as a precaution even though she did not show signs of cancer, there is speculation that she may have died from the chemo, as we can not come up with anything else at the moment, as we know many cases where the chemo is the cause of death and that there was no evidence of cancer. The Chemo is given “just in case”. We hope to get in touch with the family to get the further information. Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Pancreas (18-continued)

CA 19-9 = 2199.8 on 2/10/02 84 Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Pancreas (18-continued)

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Pancreas (18-continued)

CA 19-9 = 896 on 3/11/02 86 Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Pancreas (18-continued)

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Parotid Gland Cecilia, born 1921, 3.8 x 2.8 cm mass, not a surgical candidate. Started her program a year ago, the tumor has shrunk by a remarkable amount, the earlier timeframe did not show progress. Currently, she feels better and is more comfortable, also because of the fact that it is stable and not progressing. A PET scan may be considered to see whether the tissue is dead or not because the lesion is no longer hard as it once was and is now “mushy” indicating necrotic activity. Update: 1/5/04 - further size reduction, feeling great, more energy & stamina

88 Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Prostate We believe that all cancers are the result of a nutritional deficiency to the nervous system, which causes a change in biofeedback communication, all cellular nutrition, DNA replication and cellular manufacture. Upon, correcting these deficiencies, the body will function in a normal manner, resulting in normal cell function, the cancer cells will no longer be able to survive and die off. The nervous system is comprised of the nerve cells as we know them, hormones, and lymph nodes. Their functions are interactive, however, the medical field does not acknowledge this involvement or incorrect involvement due to nutritional deprivation as the cause of many illnesses. As a result, the nervous system is further starved by conventional treatments, hindering the progression initially, the body re-evaluates the environment and produces new cells in response to the further depleted environment. The doctors state that the “cancer is now more aggressive” instead of understanding the concept we derived. We found that proper nutritional restoration to nervous system and cell nutrition throughout the body causes corrective domino - effect reactions. Upon nutritional correction, the body resumes correct cell production. When the environmental factors are correct, the body no longer manufactures the cancer cells, the existing cancer cells are no longer able to exist in the corrected environment and die in a natural manner, like algae in a swimming pool. The high failure rate in treating cancer is because the medical society as a whole is treating symptoms and not the cause. Because the cause was never addressed nor corrected, the progress continues because nothing corrected the pathway. We are showing that if you correct the cause, the body will make the corrective steps, resolve the problem, and restore normalcy. Our observations have provided interesting results which tend to confirm our unproven theories: 1. Those who never had any other therapy appear to respond to the nutritional program faster and more effectively. 2. Dosage 7 or 8 showed dramatically better results than of dosage 4. 3. Gleason 9 patients without other previous treatments showed stable but slower improvements. In addition, they felt numerous improvements overall. 4. Lupron shuts down the pituitary gland function and overall hormonal production. Too many doctors focus only on the PSA, the other side effects are not properly considered. They drop the PSA down to almost “0”, which immediately biologically castrates the patient. Testosterone drops from a normal 700 down to about 20, extinguishing many needed bio-chemical reactions and their resulting domino-effect reactions that would naturally follow. Doctors seem to believe that these extinguished functions will slow down the prostate cancer growth, and that prostate growth is dependent on hormonal production. The patients suffer biological castration, muscular and other physical distress symptoms, and the hormones required for numerous bodily functions have been thoroughly depleted. It takes approximately 18 months before the Lupron leaves the body totally, it’s strongest affects are during the first 3 - 4 months, still effective for the first 12 months in the body. Because of this, we expect those on the program who took Lupron, PC-Spes or other hormonal treatments to expect their PSA levels to rise up through 12 months after stopping those hormonal treatments. After that period, the PSA levels should start to decline back down. Those who panicked from rising PSA’s and stopped the program went on to other programs, we did not see them benefit long-term from those other programs. Those who stayed with the program, saw these events take place, meanwhile, they have shown increased improvements all around. Now after time has passed, they are enjoying lower and normal PSA’s and very good overall health. Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Prostate (continued) 5. PC-SPES altered the hormonal metabolism. Most people stopped only because it was taken off the market in February 2002. When they stopped, the PSA rose, they were concerned, however, the primary cause of the rise was not cancer growth-related. Instead, the accurate cause was that the PC-Spes and other hormonal treatments, such as Lupron, were specifically hindering the biofeedback and hormonal metabolism, which lowered the PSA, meanwhile, the nutritional program was causing the biofeedback to initiate the manufacture of hormones to restore the depleted source. The battle between the hormonal treatments functional effort to stop production and the natural nutritional program inducing the hormonal production. The result was additional hormonal production to compensate for the hormonal treatment’s adverse and un-natural process. The PSA picks up on that through the bio-feedback receptors, as a result, the PSA level rises. This continues while the hormonal treatment is still within the body causing this event. 6. Strong correlation between Lupron and bone cancer, blood clots, mood swings and depression. 7. A high relationship exists between PC-SPES, LUPRON and other hormonal treatments with osteoporosis, hip & knee replacements, also related to bone issues and poor calcium metabolism. 8. While PSA may be a marker for prostate cancer, where “4” is an accepted maximum, we have seen many people with a PSA of “1.6”, yet diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer, Gleason 9. Similarly, some people with a PSA of 12 undergo radical prostate surgery and no cancer was evident after all other testing and biopsies. 9. Urine pH reflects the alkaline/acid chemistry. The diet and choice of foods will affect prostate preogress/hinderance. The volume of correct nutrients is important. Some people incorrectly focus on pH only and regulate the nutritional intake by the pH, which is not a correct procedure. However, when the body is producing a pH below 7.0, it appears that the chemistry is more conducive to cancer cell survival. And PSA numbers tend to show higher readings while the person is more acidic. Therefore, it also appears that the higher pH will correlate with a weaker survival ability for the cancer cell, and the PSA may or may not reflect that situation. 10. It has been shown that certain activities will cause a PSA to rise due to any physical stimulation to the prostate, whether it be simply riding a bicycle, sexual activity, hot shower, riding in a car, etc. Therefore, again, the PSA is not accurate. 11. We observed that most PSA numbers did not show any specific relevancy to actual prostate cancer and instead reflected a response to various stimulating affects not relative to the accurate status of prostate cancer, including the disturbance of hormonal metabolic function. In addition, there were many factors to affect the PSA reading, which we believe causes mis-leading interpretations. Instead of correcting this disturbance, doctors or patients themselves attacked the symptom instead of correcting the cause. 12. The most accurate testing procedure that we saw was the Color Doppler, developed by Fred Lee. 13. Prostate, and other-type cancer patients in general, never take into consideration that their diet and lifestyle requires attention and improvements. 14. Those people who never took PC-SPES tended to respond best. Almost all who were PC-SPES oriented tended to focus only on “PSA” and were not coherent of the more important factors. They were extremely nice people, however, we stopped working with them because too many were nasty if they didn’t get immediate results or if we didn’t tell them what they wanted to hear. 90 Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Prostate (1 - continued) 1. To Fred and friends: Things started going downhill for me in the fall of 2002. I started feeling a lot of pain in my hip and groin area, and I was becoming progressively weaker. I could no longer finish my classes and had to let them go early. I even crashed on the floor of my colleague’s office between classes because I was so weak in order to gather enough strength to teach the next class. By January 31, 2003 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, a Gleason score of 6, PSA 5.5. This is when the trouble really began. The biopsy for the PSA exam caused an infection leading to a nasty case of prostatitis. I was loaded up with antibiotics of all types. I reacted to antibiotics with even more pain. I went to several urologists in the New York area including Huntington, Smithtown, L.I. Jewish hospital, Sloan Kettering, NYU Medical and Stony Brook. Nobody would do seed implants and two doctors refused to do surgery. The only option I was left with was radiation. I tried to do radiation and reacted badly to it. Thus, all the conventional doors were closed to me. In the meantime the prostate began to swell in size and became unbearable. I could not sit in a chair period. A doctor in Stony Brook gave me a lupron shot without telling me what the side effects would be. The shot almost destroyed me. It shut down my urinary tract, caused my stomach to swell, my thyroid to under perform, my legs to atrophy, unrelenting bone pain, tremendous stomach upset, blurred my vision, and made me somewhat nuts. On top of all of this I got a raging intestinal yeast infection causing constant diarrhea, itching, food sensitivities and more aches and pains. Additionally I was diagnosed by a homeopathic doctor with high levels of mercury. I went to more doctors with no relief in sight. I had all of the mercury/silver fillings in my mouth removed and replaced with composite materials. I also went through an extensive detoxing process to get rid of the mercury. The mercury levels came down. I tried physical therapy to help with the muscle and back pain. That did not help at all. I went to a Chinese acupuncturist who performed acupuncture for the cancer and muscle pain. The Chinese doctor did help the prostate to some degree, but I reacted severely to the herbs she prescribed. I also went to a chiropractor who provided some relief for the endless back pain. I am currently going to a massage therapist who has been the most successful in eliminating the muscle and back pain I have been experiencing. Throughout this entire nightmare I continued taking the nutritional program at full amount. My PSA went from as high as 7.7 to 0.2. Part of the reduction in the PSA was the Lupron, but the vitamins also played a strong role. I have been able to tolerate the vitamins very well, and I feel they have been instrumental in helping me to get my health back. I learned my body is extremely sensitive to prescribed medications, and to avoid doctors and never take anything they prescribe. I must also state that Fred has been my savior. He told me what I would experience and what not to do. He is the only one who really understood what was going on in my body. I bothered him much more than I should have, and he was as patient as a saint. I am forever grateful to him. Steve

January 14, 2004

2/6/04 - Hello - I have gotten some good news lately. Last week my urologist said my PSA was 1.85 which is low after coming off the Lupron and the physical exam was negative. Today I had a color Doppler exam using state of the art technology on my prostate. They can find no evidence of any cancer in the prostate whatsoever.

Fred's vitamins work. I even enclosed some pictures. If there were cancer in the prostate it would have shown up in color on the slide. The colored spot that is there is a "stone".

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92 Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

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( 2 - continued)

2. David – Dx 1997. Symptoms of blocked urination from swelling and pain. Dear Fred - The doctors wanted to do a radical prostatectomy, I refused to accept that. I researched the subject and used many herbs, which did reduce the swelling and my urination became more normal. After about 6 months, my doctor confirmed that there was no evidence of cancer. I was in total remission. In December 2001, a few weeks before Christmas, I was walking on the sidewalk when the driver of a car lost control, drove up on the sidewalk and struck me with a 40 MPH impact, I was thrown over the hood, windshield, etc. I was in serious condition in the hospital. With all the treatments they gave me to save my life, it changed my chemistry and brought me out of remission, my cancer was back. The doctors demanded that I go along with their intended treatments, I refused again. I went back to my original treatments, only to learn that they did not work this time. I saw the philosophy and program created by Fred at NCRF. It seemed too simple, and I did not chose to go further. I kept the information on my refrigerator. I returned to the doctors, refused the surgery, they gave me Zoledex, (Lupron) which made me worse instead of better. I could not urinate and I had pain. I was told to be patient. I had a total of three shots, I became quite weak, useless, my voice was raspy and gravelly. At the end of the summer, I decided to call and speak to Fred. We spoke at length. I started to understand how it worked, I decided to try it. I started my nutritional program on September 3, 2003. Within a few days, the pressure in my pelvis reduced quite a bit and I was able to urinate with less difficulty. After a few weeks, my voice improved and was not as gravelly, it became stronger as well. My pains were diminishing, and my urination problems were almost non-existent. I previously needed to take a nap 3 or 4 times through out the day, and I was tired all the time. Now I never need any naps, and I have full energy, more than any typical 75 year old. I no longer bruise, and my nail funguses all cleared up. My nails are wonderful again and I am no longer cold. I have better color and I feel great. I also had blood clots, which are a side effect from Zoledex (Lupron) I took the program plus 50 – 60 grams of vitamin C daily to get rid of the blood clots, which worked fine. Because of the high acid in the vitamin C, the urination problem came back a little. Since I reduced the vitamin C, the swelling is diminishing and the urination is improving. I am almost totally back to being myself again.

UPDATE: 3/25/04 EXCELLENT !!!! Dear Fred, These are copies of my medical lab reports that show a substantial decrease in his PSA level over the course of one week. The initial blood test on 3/16/2004 showed a PSA result of 20.11. The second blood test, taken six days later on 3/22/2004 showed a PSA result of 11.81. Prior, I was having extreme discomfort from my very enlarged prostate due to my cancer. By taking my nutritional program at dosage level 8 for six days, I was able to lower my PSA by almost 50% and the pain and size greatly diminished. I have another blood test scheduled for next Monday, 3/29/2004. I will send you the results of that test also. Just one more irrefutable medical documentation of the power of nutritional improvements to help the body heal. Hope all is well. Best, David

94 Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

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96 Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Prostate (3 - continued) 3.

Lee – born 1946, Dx Jan 2002, PSA 2.6, Gleason 5. Never took any hormone treatments. Started program April 6, 2002, at that time PSA was 6.3 and Gleason 7. After one month, PSA dropped to 3.2 , currently below 2.0. In addition, Glaucoma pressure has decreased, no longer requires as much light to read because things are brighter and he can read entire eye chart. His arthritis has reduced considerably and hands do not ache like before, hair used to be brittle and break and now is soft and no longer breaks. Energy has increased dramatically and he feels great. UPDATE: 1/28/04 - Excellent he is doing great

4. Daniel - diagnosed Feb 1999. Initially started PC Spes until it was taken off the market in Feb 2002. PSA jumped from 4 to 6 within 3 months after stopping PC Spes, however, he was feeling very well and energetic since beginning program on the 2nd week of Jan. 2002. Aches and pains dramatically reduced. PSA rose from 4 in January 2002 to 12.9 in September 2002, knowing the PC Spes was wearing off and the nutritional program was causing biochemical changes to his benefit. Also, because he felt so good and because the PC Spes would take about 18 months to get out of his system, it was estimated that the PSA would not decline until a year after stopping PC Spes, he was willing to go with it because the prostate itself showed improvements upon examinations. PSA remained at 12.9 for an additional 4 months. In January 2003, PSA was 11.3, which surprised everyone because the estimate was more accurate than anticipated. May was 10.9, and has continued to drop. He has been on dosage 2, feels great and is happy to see the PSA drop. Letters from Daniel: Hi Fred, No I do not belong to the PC Spes chat line. I am happy with what I learned when I was participating. I agree with you in everything you say. I have heard MANY times that those who took Spes will have a higher PSA, even after the cancer is gone. When PC Spes was no longer available my PSA went over 14.6 very quickly. Then I reduced it again with DES. Then the nutritional program came along and I stopped DES. My PSA went up to 12.9 and is now slowly coming down. My last reading was 10. I feel great, wounds heal faster, and virtually all my old age symptoms have gone away (I'm 63). My doctor loves to feel my prostrate because it is so smooth. I choose NOT to have a biopsy as I think it is an insane procedure. I would do an ultra sound if I could find someone in Oregon that could interpret it. I feel bad for anyone who goes to Lupron as I understand it kills your testicles and sexuality. On the nutritional program, I have a WONDERFUL sex life. Thank you Fred for that! My two brothers had surgery and both lost their sex life. Thanks again... Daniel


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Joe - Formerly on PC Spes Pre-treatment PSA was 0.2. Had radical prostatectomy. Began program in Nov. after stopping PC Spes. Reports excellent subjective results and PSA is stable. As of April 10, Joe is taking both PC Plus (old formula) and full amount of his nutritional program. March PSA level dropped from 0.11 to 0.04, however, after stopping PC SPES and replacing it with the nutritional program in Jan 2002, the PSA initially dropped from 0.10 – 0.11 down to 0.04, then rose steadily up to 0.12, then peaked and started to drop down to the low numbers again; PAP level rose from 0.3 to 1.3, then bounce up and down without threat.


A - had prostate cancer and Lymphoma. Lymphoma treatments over the past 3 years provided no relief and has not seen the numbers drop with either condition. He started the nutritional program first week of October 2001, after 6 weeks, his PSA dropped from 6.2 to 2.9, and in the first time in 3 years, his Lymphoma is not detectible, the white cell counts were perfect and so were the globulins. Currently, there is no evidence of Lymphoma and PSA is 2.6. UPDATE: 1 20 04 Excellent

98 Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Prostate (7 - continued) 7.

Bernard, born 1931, Dx Feb. 20, 2002. Initially sought treatment for BPH to resolve frequent night-time urinary frequency. TURP performed 2/18/02 for BPH, pathology from TURP tissue, microscope examination, PC diagnosed 2/20/02. Hormone therapy for PC began April 2, 2002, Goserelin Acetate Implant with 10-day course of Nilutamide. On 11/13/02, PSA was 1.6, started program at full amount on 11/21/02, continued hormone therapy. On 1/31/03. PSA was 1.3, free PSA 23%, still continuing full amount of program, feels great while on the program. In November, his doctor ordered him to stop taking the program in preparation for a hip replacement. The doctors did not understand the biomechanics of the program, and therefore, were not sure if anything negative would happen as a result. We wish we were able to show them that the program has helped many people heal better from surgery, however, we do not impose. The surgery went uneventful, he healed quite well, resumed the program again, he immediately felt better when he started again. 1/28/04

8. Hi to all, Although I have been following the List for many months, this is my first post. I will be 60 years old in 2 months. History......1981 diagnosis: Lymphoma. Tumor in neck. Had surgery and localized radiation in neck. Cancer never came back there. However.....19 years later.... Jan 2000 diagnosis PCa PSA 6.7 Gleason 3+3 Decided to only try alternative protocols. Never had any mainstream treatment for the prostate cancer. Did PC-Spes 6/day from Feb 2000 to July 2001. It lowered my PSA to under 1 but I had all of the bad side effects (low sex drive, swollen breasts and 2 blood clots in my legs). July 2001 to Sept 28th, 2001, tried GCP 6/day. PSA when up to 4.1 but side effects from PC-Spes diminished. Sex drive began to return somewhat, breasts began to shrink and no clots. Sept 28, 2001, began my nutritional program at full amount. No other treatment at all. Jan 4, 2002, PSA up to 5.1 (up 1 point since on my nutritional program) April 16, 2002 PSA 4.0. (A drop of 1.1.) This is with no other vitamins, exercise, special diet or what have you. It was after about 3 months on the nutritional program that I began to feel a much better sense of well being. Sex drive better now than in the last 20 years. Energy much better than the last 20 years. Interesting note and theory: Fred says my cancer in 1981 was probably related to the prostrate cancer 19 years later in that my body's balance has a tendency to be off now and again. For my body, when it's off, I seem to get some sort of cancer. Other folks may get some other kind of disease. The nutritional program works to get it back in balance. Once it is back in balance, cancer and other diseases can't exist. That's why the nutritional program can help with all sorts of maladies. This is my own simplified explanation. I am so excited (and relieved) at the latest PSA reversal that I wanted to be sure to share. Gordon

Update: May 2003, stable, doing great.

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Prostate (9 - continued) 9.

John - Dx Oct 1999 – stage 4, mets to bone. Refused all conventional treatments. By March 2000, PSA was as high as 364 and doubled every other month. He was living on pain killers for the bone mets in his spine and hips, chiropractic treatments helped at that time. During the 22 months that he took PC-SPES, bone pain diminished and PSA remained 4.9 or less. In early 2001, he gradually decreased his PC-SPES dosage to 8 caps daily in Dec 2001. After PC SPES was no longer available, PSA rose to 62.9 in May 2002. He started PC Plus in May 2002, PSA was 112, and he experienced severe back pain, more frequent urination and edema. Although no scans were performed, doctors attributed the symptoms to “a tumor pressing on the scapula.” In May 2002, John started his nutritional program and reported that his edema reduced significantly within a couple of weeks. By July, he reported that his PSA dropped 62% down to 42 in 4 weeks, urination was normal again. He also began taking Nexrutine, a natural Cox-2 inhibitor for pain, he noticed that the Nexrutine, PC Plus and this program combo provided great results. By July 12, 2002, he noticed that RBC count was up to 42, the highest it has been in several months. By the fall of 2002, he noticed that he began to lose excess weight. His PSA remained at 12.6 from August through September 2002. By January 2003, John noted that his PSA was down to 5.1 and reported feeling great and continued taking the program and the PC Plus. In March and April 2003, he started to experience frequent diarrhea, continued for several weeks. We are not sure if it was a viral or bacterial infection. His PSA was 3.44 in April 2003, he was working outside and started to do normal yard work. We are waiting for an update.

10. Bart has prostate cancer and did not take conventional treatments. He started his nutritional program in May 2003, he found that his urination was improved within a few days and his stamina improved. We will monitor his progress. 1/28/04

100Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Prostate (11 - continued) 11. Pete had BPH, enlarged prostate during he early fall of 2002. On November 13, 2002, he started full amount of the program and had significant improvement by the end of 6 weeks UPDATE: 1/28/04 - he is still on program at maintenance level and is doing great.

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Prostate (12 - continued) 12.

David – born about 1940, had a radical prostatectomy in 2000. In 2001, PSA climbed and blood chemistry was way off. After a few months, the blood chemistry was excellent, cholesterol, BP, Triglycerides, calcium levels and other factors were now in the normal range without medication. He feels great over all with improved function and energy. He had some hormone therapy in the past, the PSA rose, then dropped, however, PSA is below 4, and his other blood work is great.

102Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Prostate (13 - continued)

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Prostate (13 - continued)

104Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Prostate (13 - continued)

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Prostate (14 - continued)

106Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Prostate – (14 - continued)

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Prostate – (14 - continued)

108Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

15. Stephen , born 1921

Prostate – (15 - continued)

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Prostate – (15 - continued)

110Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Prostate – (16 - continued)

Freddy & Jen: I just got my PSA and other blood work today and my PSA went down 3.2 points from 20.9 on 3/6/02 to 17.7 on 3/28/02. While this is amazing in itself, I did something stupid that made this number probably higher than it really is as my blood was drawn less than ten minutes after my doctor did the DRE (Digital Rectal Exam). My Testosterone is in the normal range at 328 and my PAP remains normal at 1.8 !!! This is amazing!!! I am on cloud nine!! I attribute it all to the vitamins!!! I am getting another series of blood tests towards the end of the week to confirm also without the DRE. Regards, and thank you so much. Mario To sum up: No PC-SPES since 02/26/02. Last Catherization to Urinate 3/9/02 Cancelled Laser Surgery scheduled for 3/12/02 on 3/11/02 with my Urologist's Blessing Less straining to urinate since 3/8/02 getting better everyday - no straining at all now Reduced 2 caps/day of Flomax to 1 cap/day 3/25/02, reduced to NO Flomax 4/01/02 Getting up less during the night 1 to 2 times now versus 3 to 6 times 3 weeks ago. Able to empty my bladder much better at every urination. I am urinating better than I have in over two years! My PSA is going down All body functions have returned to normal. My PAP remains normal


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: MNT refers to Metabolic Nutritional Therapy, which is another term used to describe our program

From: D To: Jennifer Subject: JENNIFER, FRED Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 10:28:35 -0400 Morning Jennifer & Fred Bringing you up to date about my situation. My PSA report from last Monday was / is 74. The last PSA was 23 (6 weeks ago). But we expected a spike. I know the PSA may go up even more before turning around. The urination problem has improved greatly this last week. And this last few days I have been sleeping longer between trips to the pot. Energy level is greatly improved. So I go for another PSA around 1st of June. I am off all pharmaceutical little over 4 weeks. I didn’t loose my Onco. I expected him to go ballistic when learning I'm off all medications, grin.... He is willing to track me on my MNT protocol. For the record, I was never on PC SPES but on hormone treatment (CHB). Some dangerous stuff! Presently my hormone level is normal, the way it used to be years ago. Jennifer, I talked to Dino the other day. We need to develop a support group for MNT folks sharing experiences, progress, & blood markers. Any folks with definite ways to communicate with them is appreciated. Dino expects to meet with Fred up Delaware area soon. Since he is closer to you all than I, maybe he & of course Mario are the folks to work with. I am more than happy to do what I can from here (Virginia). More news from me when things develop. Conclusion at this date; everything is POSITIVE! Warm regards to you & Fred & the crew there..... D Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved



Prostate – (18 - continued)

From: robert To: Subject: Fred's protocol, Bad News, Good news Date: Thu, Apr 18, 2002, 5:30 AM

Feb 4, 2002 was my last day on PC-SPES and Feb 5, 2002 was my first day on Fred's Protocol (LVL 3, I weigh less than 150 lbs.) The week prior to stopping PC-SPES I had my PSA tested and it was 7.7 . Last week, after 2 months off PC-SPES and on Fred's protocol I had my PSA tested again. I got the results today, it was 15.7 . Obviously I am not happy about this and a little concerned as it not only doubled, but it is the highest PSA reading I have ever had and it doubled in only 2 months time. For the record, I have had no conventional treatments whatsoever and have no urinary symptoms. In fact, 3 years ago when I had my 11 area biopsy taken (ouch), the technician commented to the doctor present that I had an unusually small prostate for someone with a then PSA of 6.8. That was 3 years ago. For 15 years I suffered terribly with prostatitis and for 25 years with low back pain. The first 5 years of my prostatitis treatment was with anti-biotics, even though no infection was ever found. That is simply the standard treatment protocol, although after the first 6 months had gone by I would have assumed they would have suspected something else. Virtually all of my visits to doctors and hospitals in those 25 years have been prompted by chronic pain. First in my lower back and then with prostatitis. Had I not had these symptoms I probably would never have visited a doctor. Strangely, right now I ''feel'' better than I have in 25 years and have been virtually pain free for the past 6 weeks. I was on PC-SPES for 18 months. When I went on PC-SPES my PSA was 6.8 and I was taking 4 capsules per day. Initially I was taking it with Honvan and got my PSA down to 1.5 within two months. I then dropped the honvan and my PSA rose to 2.0 and then 2.5 and stayed there for 6 months. I then went off of PC-SPES for 3 months and my PSA rose to 7.4 and I remained on PC-SPES continuously from that time until the present. During that entire time my PSA remained between 6.4 and 7.7 . I will remain on this protocol and get another PSA in 2 months. For the 6 weeks of totally pain free living which I have not experienced in 25 years. Fred tells me that many people do not see positive results until they have been on the protocol for at least 4 months. However, I did not expect my PSA to rise as high has it has. I hope this information will be of value to all who are interested and also hope that I will have better news to report two months from now. Regards, BOB Strange that this is the best I’ve felt in 15 years and my PSA has gone up so much. I was on PC-SPES for 18 months at 4 per day.

112Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Prostate – (19 - continued)

Nothing spectacular, fellows; just another indication that MNT could be working for me. After just two months on the MNT protocol, I have had encouraging results with my PSA reversing direction after rising steadily for 4 months. I am on the #3 dose as I have maintained my weight at 148lbs. for the past two years. My complete story in brief is that I was dx'd with Pca in August, 1996 at age 74, Gleason 3+3. I researched quite a bit, modified my diet, discovered PC Spes and rejected all traditional treatments. PC Spes was eminently successful, keeping my PSA between 0.5 and 1.5 for sixteen months, at which point I suffered a serious thrombosis in my left chest (thoracic outlet syndrome). I had taken no precautions such as aspirin or Coumadin, but I also discovered that I have one hyper-coagulative blood gene, and I'm sure my age and computer posture contributed, but I ended PC Spes at that point, feeling it was partly to blame. Thinking I had no other alternative, I scheduled seed implants and allowed my urologist to give me a hormone shot prior to the radiation. I believe that was a mistake. I wasn't told that it was a 4-month shot, and, although I had been very athletic until that point, the hormone shot drained me of so much energy and muscle that I began falling down several times, finally requiring rotator cuff surgery. I decided that, since radiation depresses the immune system and since I was so weak in all other respects, I cancelled the radiation. The hormone shot did keep my PSA at 0.9 for five straight months, during which time I began taking all the highly touted supplements available and watched my PSA climb steadily Jan. through Jul., 1999, from 0.9 to 11.3. I then took PC-Spes at 6 caps/day for 19 days and reduced my PSA to 5.9. On August 1, 1999, I ended ALL supplements, including PC Spes and began a strict homeopathic regimen. For the next twenty months, homeopathy and diet kept my PSA between 6.0 and 7.6, which was satisfactory to me I was widowed in 1995 and around Christmas, 2000, my children introduced me to a delightful and lovely 77-year old widow, who is also a poet and who belongs to a premier country club and loves to travel. With ensuing trips to Palm Springs, Mexico, Las Vegas, Texas and Spain, it was impossible for me to adhere to the very strict diet necessary for homeopathic success, and I had to terminate homeopathy and went back on PC Spes. That was in May of 2001 when my PSA was 6.8. I tried PC Essentials at 6/day for 30 days and saw my PSA rise to 8.9. I immediately went back on PC Spes at 6/day for 20 days and brought my PSA back to 5.5. Continuing PC Spes at 3/day, my PSA continued to decline to 5.2. I was running out of PC Spes, but continued at 2/day and in August, my PSA was 4.5 when I ran out of PC Spes. Friends rescued me with a small supply, and by December 2001, my PSA was still 5.9, but I took my last PC Spes on December 26. Despite a full regimen of supplements, which I will list at the end, my PSA rose to 7.6 in January, 8.2 in Feb. and 10.0 on March 15. On February 15, I began Fred Eichhorn's MNT protocol. My PSA was 8.2 at the time. I am taking the #3 dose. By Mar. 15 my PSA had risen to 10.0, and I considered myself to be skating on thin ice. With confidence in the protocol, I continued faithfully, even though I have been in Southwest Texas for the past three months, and maintaining my preferred diet has been extremely difficult. Yesterday, April 10, I had another reading, and was extremely relieved to discover my PSA had dropped to 9.6, a small drop admittedly, but after four months of a rising PSA, I find it very encouraging. I also had a reading of 1.6 Free PSA, and someone will have to tell me the significance of that as it is the first time I have ever asked for a Free PSA test. Naturally, I am continuing MNT and will report my progress in May, but I will not have another reading until late May as I will not return to Kirkland, Washington, until then. Besides the Fred Eichhorn MNT vitamin therapy, I have also been taking the following : Modified Citrus Pectin - 15g Ginkgo Biloba - 50mg Quercetin - 400mg Saw Palmetto - 320mg CoQ10 - 30mg Selenium - 200m Juice Plus (fruit/veggie) - 1500mg

Vitamin C - 500mg Turmeric - 800mg Melatonin - 500mcg

I was quite apprehensive when I began the MNT, but it has turned out to be quite easy to maintain, and I have had no reaction of any kind, either at the beginning or throughout the past two months. I have managed to take all three doses every day with only two misses in the two months, in spite of eating out several times each week. I will be happy to hear any comments or questions about the protocol and hope that the others on the regimen will continue to report good results. Glen

April 2002

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Prostate (20 - continued) 20.

8 Case studies - prostate cancer

Charles Advanced Prostate cancer patient failed radiation and has a history of blood clots and anemia after a lascropoth of the lymph nodes. Formerly took PC Spes and Coumadin and has not shown any other symptoms of Prostate Cancer. Has been on the program since early March. Is a vegetarian and is having difficulty with digesting the gelatin. No updates to report. No lab results to report as of 3/26. Will be having a PSA test next week. PH averages about 7.5. His aches and pains have improved greatly. Dave Prostate cancer patient, failed PC Spes Has been on the prgm since late Jan. No results to report. Is using dose 2 of the store-bought vitamins. May switch to MNT soon.

John Prostate cancer patient pretreatment PSA of 5.4 Began prgm in Nov. 2001 Nov. PSA rose to 12.5 Dec. PSA rose to 15.9 after stopping PC Spes. Jan. PSA dropped to 9.9 Feb. PSA dropped to 9.3 Is scheduled for another PSA reading and free PSA next week. Reported feeling well. PH is 7. (updated 3/26/02) John Prostate cancer patient. Began on the program Feb 13, 2002, Reports feeling well but no lab results to report. Reports that he was taking the program as a preventive measure as his Prostate cancer seems to be under control. (3/26/02) Jack Prostate cancer patient formerly on Lupron. Reports feeling great Began program in Jan 2002 Pretreatment PSA was 64. PSA initially rose to 140.2 in Feb 2002. Feb 27, 2002 PSA was 135.9. March PSA rose to 209. April PSA jumped to 249. Free PSA reading to follow. As of late April, Jack feels the effects of his Lupron treatments wearing off. Side effects such as hormonal effects and breast swelling are beginning to subside. He has chosen to stick with the program and will continue to watch his PSA. He reports feeling better than he has in years. Update: 6/12/02 Unknown Hutson Prostate cancer patient. Formerly on PC Spes. Also had external beam radiation 1n 1991. Pretreatment PSA was .6 while still taking the PC Spes. Reported dizziness at level 4. It lessened when he dropped back down to level 3. Attributed to using the store-bought version of the program. Will switch to MNT. PSA exam results to follow. 4/8/02 Tim Prostate cancer patient was taking Lupron injections. Has been on MNT vitamins since the beginning of March. Has seen reduction of swelling in his stomach and back pain from prior kidney problems. Has also seen improvement in his appetite. Is still experiencing urinary blockage and difficulty urinating.

Adrian Prostate Cancer patient. Has been off of hormonal therapies for 6 mos. Reports feeling well Lab results are to follow in April. Testosterone levels are still low and he is considering supplementing it.

114Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Renal Cell 1. Ann had renal cell carcinoma and had a difficult time with it. She started the program about June 2002 and found that it cut down on the pain and swelling. Her cat scans showed that it was reducing in size. We are waiting for an updated scan.


Marie – Dx – July 2001. Surgery at that time revealed cancer spread up the renal vein and found cancer cells at the barrier. She refused all chemo and other conventional therapies, she chose only nonconventional methods. She took MGM-3 for a while. Through the winter of 2001, she had a CT scan, showed small spots, but uptake was only 0.2, later confirmed to be pneumonia. She started the program September 27, 2002, and felt great shortly after that. She consistently feels “amazing” . She continues almost full amount, feels great. She feels better when she is consistent. Her doctors have been supportive because they see the results. UPDATE: 1/17/04 - Excellent

3. Lori -

Dear Fred, My father has been on his nutritional program for 8 months and has been doing FANTASTIC!! He has rectol-colon cancer and he is just about in remission. I can't thank you enough for your nutritional program and how wonderful you all have been when they call you and your wife. My sister-in-law wants the information for the nutritional program. She knows how great my father is doing and wants to get the program for her husband. He has been to Sloan Kettering in NY and they say he has ( I know the spelling is off) Mesothelioma. The cancer cell in inside the lung on the lining of the wall. They say they can't do anything until it comes outside the lung. He has a terrible cough. They both would like to try the program. I would appreciate if you could send them something on how to order them. She doesn't have a computer so I said I would ask for her. Thank you for everything!


7 - 12 – 03

Skin 1.

Emily G. – born 1925, melanoma in various areas, one area on shoulder 3 inches wide and 15 inches long, inflamed and weeping. Emily had cotton and gauze to keep it from damaging her clothes. A month later, 3-22-03, the weeping not only stopped, she had no need for any bandages nor gauze because the swelling was down, inflammation was gone, 80% of redness was gone and it was mostly healed at that point Her energy level was better and she greatly reduced her pain medication. We will monitor her progress.

2. Inez was suffering with skin cancer. Her doctor sent her to us to help her after he exhausted all available medical treatments. She started her program on December 12, 2003. She felt better immediately, and he saw the condition diminish in size and intensity. She stopped at the end of January because everything cleared up and she felt fine. In Early March, the condition was starting to increase again, she then started again and felt like the sensations in her skin improved wihin a few hours. 3/12/04 3.

Leslie, born mid-1930’s, had skin cancer, her son started her on this and she saw that the lesions reduced in size. Most diminished, and there was no evidence after 6 months. Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Skin (continued) 4.

Pat - born mid-1950’s, had skin melanomas & polyps (nodes), consistently having them removed for years, more appeared. He started his program at almost full amount about November 2001, did not see any results until the following month. Upon his doctor’s visit 1-4-02, scheduled every 6 weeks, the doctor said that all polyps and nodes had disappeared entirely and was confused until Pat told his doctor of the nutritional program, he is now on the maintenance amount.

5. Armand, born 1925, had skin cancer lumps on his back and shoulder, and internal tumors. He had the skin lesions removed numerous times, they obviously kept recurring. His voice was weak and he did not have much stamina. After a few days, his voice regained strength and the lumps started to reduce in size. His skin color and complexion improved. He feels better overall. He has no other ailments and feels good.

Testicular Testicular Male in mid 20’s diagnosed with testicular cancer. Refused all chemo and radiation treatments, pain was extremely severe about May 1999. Started program shortly after that, the pain diminished, he stopped for a while, pain resumed a few weeks after he stopped, he went back on it. 2/15/00 - the pain is not evident and it is almost gone, he lives in Florida. UPDATE : There was “No Evidence” by summer 2000, he got married in March 2001, and as of August 2002, has no problems and is enjoying his wife and a new career.

Throat 1. Ceilie, born 1921, was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2000 at age 78. They found a 3.8 x 2.8 cm mass, she was not a surgical candidate. They told her that there was nothing that they could do for her and that she had a few months to live. She started her program in 2000, the tumor has shrunk by a remarkable amount, then stopped shrinking. Currently, she feels better and is more comfortable, also because of the fact that it is stable and not progressing. A PET scan may be considered to see whether the tissue is dead or not because the lesion is no longer hard and firm as it once was and is now soft and “mushy” , indicating necrotic cellular breakdown. Update: 3/5/04 - further size reduction, feeling great, more energy & stamina

116Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Uterine 1. Julie – born 1964, was diagnosed with uterine, pelvic and double - Lung cancer. For details, please go to the “Lung” section.


Maryann had uterine cancer and is taking the program as a maintenance/ preventative measure. She found that she feels better and has energy after taking dosage one. She sleeps better, body aches and pains diminished. She was not ill, however, she knew that she needed to improve her health to prevent a reoccurance.

3. Theresa, born 1955, was diagnosed with Endometrial/Uterine cancer in May 2003. Because this type cancer is prevalent in all females of her family, she decided to do all options. Although we strongly disagreed, it is not our place to convince or deter a person’s choice in treatment, we can only support their decision and provide our help when they request it. She wanted to take her nutritional program, we attempted to get her started on the nutritional program before any other treatment started in effort to boost her immunity and improve the environment for the other treatments to become more effective, and possibly show tumor reduction before the other treatment began. We had hopes that she would give this a chance before she started the conventional treatment. However, her doctors told her not to touch it because they were not familiar with it and they also had no interest in knowing what it was either. After she had her radical hysterectomy, she started her nutritional program and remarked that she felt great. When she started radiation therapy, the radiology oncologist knew of the program and he encouraged it, he saw great results in the past. She took the nutritional program while taking the chemo program and did very well, her oncologist was happy. After all her chemo, her hair thinned out but she did not lose it all, and she felt fine throughout, her oncologist was very pleased with the results. She finished all chemo and other conventional treatments. She maintained full energy with no adverse symptoms throughout the conventional treatments while on the nutritional program and she never missed a day of work except the days she was getting chemo treatments. 1/24/04

towards wards better health. We hope that this booklet has been helpful in understanding a better way to

Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved


Tips to good health 1. Educate yourself on nutrition, do not depend on others to determine what is good for you. A good diet will resolve or prevent many illnesses. A poor diet is equivalent to poor material and workmanship in a house, it soon falls apart. 2. Avoid prepared foods if you are not sure of how it was prepared. 3. Steam your vegetables, they release 5 times the amount of vitamins than most raw vegetables. Boiled water has vitamins dumped down the drain and you lose a lot of nutritional value. 4. Skins on most vegetables and fruits hold most vitamins and nutrients, try to include them as part of your meal instead of discarding them. 5. If you must use a micro wave, be sure to let the food sit, usually 5 minutes, before eating. 6. When at a restaurant, if you question how a particular meal is prepared, simply ask the waiter, they will be glad to tell you exactly how it was prepared. You can then determine whether you can eat that meal or chose a different meal. 7. Alcohol and tobacco is not welcomed by the body for any reason, there are no significant functions by either and should be avoided to maintain proper health and reduce vulnerability to numerous illnesses in addition to cancer. 8. Moderation is important, too much of a good thing can and will cause problems. 9. Vitamin supplements are extremely important if taken properly and according to the body’s requirements. Each person’s body has different requirements, therefore, a different vitamin requirement for each person. Do not take vitamins because they sound good or because it is a fad. The term “vitamin” has been abused because too many people use the term to describe similar affects by all, each has its own place and function in nutritional application to the body. Cancer patients should beware of some vitamins as certain vitamins will accelerate cancer while others will reduce cancer. 10. Exercise as often as possible, within reason. Be sure to investigate the exercises best suited for you. Listen to your body, if it does not like something, speak to your doctor and/or investigate, determine why and act accoerdingly. 11. Maintain a positive attitude, especially during stressful times. 12. Avoid environments that are considered a threat to your health. When you must be in unhealthy environment, be sure to prepare yourself properly to prevent or reduce exposure. 13. Medical check ups are a good preventative measure to keep yourself well balanced and to identify problems early. 14. When choosing a doctor, determine their ability to accurately diagnose more than whether they smile, it can mean the difference of your lifespan. Good bedside manner is important however, their ability to properly help you comes first. 15. When you go for medical check ups, be sure to get extensive testing if your doctor requests it. 16. Be sure to write a list of questions before you go to the doctors to insure that you get all the answers. Do not be afraid to ask your doctor questions, be sure that you are satisfied with the answers. Be smart enough to accept something even if it is not what you want to hear. If you do not agree, investigate and educate yourself to better understand the situation and to understand why the doctor gave the answers you received. 17. Second opinions are encouraged when you do not agree with the diagnosis. 18. The best guide to preventative medicine is to educate yourself and your family, learn as much as you can about who you are, what makes your body function and what you must do to properly maintain your health at maximum potential. This in turn will provide you with the most enjoyment in your life and lower your vulnerability to become ill, and will speed up your recovery time when illness does strike. 118Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved

Cancer / Non-Cancer Related Conditions Would you please fill out our questionnaire and return it to the address preprinted on the other side. Please include anything you would like to add. Feel free to write on the back or additional sheets of paper. This will help give us a better understanding of your viewpoints which will help and support our efforts to understand cancer’s chemistry requirements and how to not only control it, but also to better educate our society in effort to provide a more enjoyable life for all. Name: ____________________________________ Email Address: ________________________________________ Address: ___________________________ Town: __________________ State: _______ Zip: __________ - ________ Phone _____ - _____ - ________ Fax _____ - _____ - ________ Best time to call: _____________________________ Type cancer: ______________________________________

Date of diagnosis: _______ Cancer markers: _____________What were the early symptoms leading to exam: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the basic situation: __________________________________________________________________ Type (s) of treatment: _________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Is there a history of cancer in your family? YES NO If YES, does it tend to be the same type cancer? YES NO 2. In effort to determine whether genetics or randomness is a strong factor, if there is a history of cancer in your family: a. What types of cancer have your family members, past and present, experienced? _______________________ b. Is it predominant on mother’s side or father’s side? If both, what type of cancer is predominant on each side? _______________________________________________________________________________________ c. Did progression follow similar pathways if others had same cancer? YES NO If there were similar pathways, what were the pathways? ________________________________ d. Please indicate which cancer victims smoked or did not smoke _____________________________________ e. Please indicate which cancer victims drink or did not drink alcohol __________________________________ f. Were there twins, triplets, etc., who had similar conditions, whether one, two or all three of them? _________ 3. Mental attitude is of interest. Whether a person has a positive or negative attitude can possibly affect their overall health. Did those with cancer have a positive or negative outlook prior to their cancer diagnosis? _________________ 4. Were there family members with an opposite outlook, and did they have cancer? ______________________________ 5. Pessimism and optimism bring interesting results. Which type character reflected those in questions #’s 3 & 4? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Indoor environments are of interest because of the known value of natural sunlight to the body. Was the cancer patient one who was out in the sun most of the time or one who tended to stay indoors? _______________________________ 7. What geographical area is the person located? __________________________________________________________ 8. Nutrition is important for overall well-being. What diet did those in the family generally follow throughout their lives? Diet of those with cancer ___________________________________________________________________________ Diet of those without cancer ________________________________________________________________________ 9. Upon cancer diagnosis, was the diet changed and how willing was the patient to change the diet? _________________ 10. What diet change(s) seemed most beneficial? __________________________________________________________ 11. What foods seemed to aggravate the situation?_________________________________________________________ 12. Was exercise a factor between those who did and did not have cancer? ______________________________________ 13. After cancer diagnosis, was exercise considered to be important to the patient? _______________________________ 14. After diagnosis, was there an attitude change, and was it positive or negative? _______________________________ 15. After diagnosis, was there a change in outlook, and was it positive or negative? ______________________________ 16. Since cancer diagnosis, How did family members who did not have cancer change their way of life in any way? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17. What do you feel is relevant to prevent cancer? What have you found that you believe will help you prevent cancer? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 18. What do you feel is a correct or incorrect strategy in current cancer research, how do you feel it can be improved? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please be sure to return this back to us

Thank you for your support

Copyright  1998 – 2009 * National Cancer Research Foundation * St James, New York * All Rights Reserved



__________________ __________________ __________________

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