Newsletter Cymdeithas Gwenynwyr Glannau Teifi

No4 - 2015 Teifiside Beekeepers’ Association

Welcome to this edition of the TBKA newsletter. The end of the beekeeping year has come once again and we should all now be preparing our bees for winter. It hasn’t been the most productive year with people reporting problems of getting queens mated and very little honey. In fact, some people were having to feed during the summer due to the poor weather. This year’s AGM will take place at the Grosvenor Hotel Cardigan (see below for full details). Please make an effort to attend - it’s not all the boring stuff. That normally only takes half an hour. Then we have a chance to enjoy a meal together and socialise. This newsletter also contains the membership renewal form which can also be found on the TBKA website at Why not save a stamp and send your membership renewal and the AGM booking together? Croeso i'r rhifyn yma o’r cylchlythyr. Daeth diwedd blwyddyn o wenyna unwaith eto ac y mae pawb erbyn hyn yn paratoi’r gwenyn ar gyfer y gaeaf. Dydy hi ddim wedi bod yn flwyddyn gynhyrchiol iawn gyda rhai ohonoch yn wynebu problemau o’r fam-wenynen yn methu paru a chynnyrch gwael o fêl. Mae rhai gwenynwyr wedi gorfod bwydo’r gwenyn yn ystod misoedd yr haf oherwydd tywydd gwael. Cynhelir Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol eleni yng Ngwesty’r Grosvenor, Aberteifi (gweler manylion islaw). Gwerthfawrogir eich presenoldeb yn fawr. Mae e’n gyfle, nid yn unig i wrando ar y manylion sych, ond hefyd i fwynhau pryd o fwyd a chymdeithasu. Wedi’i gynnwys hefyd y mae ffurflen adnewyddu aelodaeth a sydd hefyd ar gael ar wefan y gymdeithas.

Skep Making Workshop Sunday 26 July dawned a dreary wet day. I set off for Gernos and my 2 nd skep making workshop. The first was four years ago and I needed a refresher in order to finish the skep I had started then. When we arrived Lawrence had the tools made (copper ‘needles’ for the cane and horn guides for the straw) and materials prepared (cane soaking and long straw distributed in stacks). Lawrence then demonstrated how to start off the skep, which is without doubt the most difficult bit. We all needed help to get the extra-long straw tucked round to form the centre of a tight spiral which is the top and centre of the skep structure. Lawrence was very patient and was kept busy throughout the day with lots of demonstration requests and individual support. It was a wet day on and off, both outside and in the Barn! Having to keep the materials wet made for a soggy experience but with the barn heaters going it was warm. There was a constant refreshment flow which no doubt contributed to slow but steady progress. It should be noted that it is nearly impossible for a novice to complete a skep in a day and none of us did although all had made good headway and were provided with materials to complete the skep at home. A great day was had by all with lots of banter and a chance to hear news from our new friends Bridget and Heather, guests from ECBKA, on East Carms bee keeping. Not surprising that the conversations revolved around our bee experiences. I’m pleased to say that my skep is now finished and ready to go to work next swarm season. I’m impressed by how sturdy and strong it is. Amazing what you can do with a bit of straw and cane! If anyone would like to take part in a skep making workshop next year, please mention this on the events section of the membership form - I’m sure we can persuade Lawrence to do a repeat of this workshop.

Date for the diary: Thursday 3 December 2015, 7 - 9 p.m. Talk by Ricky Wilson on Bee Farming Venue: to be confirmed.

RECIPE - RYSAIT Chocolate Honeycomb Muffins Ingredients Makes 12 muffins 300g self raising flour 55g caster sugar 190g white chocolate chips 100g chocolate coated honeycomb (Crunchie bar)chopped 1 egg lightly beaten 60g butter melted 250ml buttermilk 60ml honey 1 teaspoon vanilla essence Method Preheat oven to 190˚C. Sift flour and sugar into large bowl. Stir in chocolate chips and honey comb then remaining ingredients. Spoon mixture into 12 muffin cases evenly shared. Bake for about 20 minutes Cynhwysion 300g blawd codi wedi’i ridyllu 55g siwgr man 190g darnau siocled gwyn 100g diliau mêl a siocled (Crunchie) wedi’i dorri 1 wy, wedi’i guro’n ysgafn 60g menyn wedi'i doddi 250ml llaeth enwyn 60ml mêl clir 1 llwy de blas fanila Dull Cynheswch y ffwrn i 190˚C. Rhowch y blawd a'r siwgr mewn powlen fawr. Ychwanegwch y darnau siocled a’r diliau mêl ac wedyn y cynhwysion eraill. Rhennwch y gymysgedd i 12 casyn. Coginiwch am 20 munud.

Cymdeithas Gwenynwyr Glannau Teifi

Teifiside Beekeepers’ Association

Membership Application/Renewal Form 2015/2016 Subscriptions are due on 1 Nov 2015 for year ending 31 Oct 2016 Late payment may result in delay in subscription to the Welsh Beekeeper and bee disease insurance cover Please use block letters First Name: ......................................................................

Last Name: ...................................................................

Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... Post Code:...................................................................... Telephone No: .................................................................... Email address:.......................................................................................

Are you willing to collect swarms? YES / NO

Annual TBKA Family Membership at one address due 1 November 2015

BDI Premium for ________ hives (Insert amount from table below)


Total to pay (Cheques made payable to TBKA)



Your membership fee includes free insurance (arranged by BDI) for up to 3 colonies. Bee Disease Insurance Ltd. (BDI) is an insurance company set up and run for beekeepers by beekeepers. It promotes research, education and disease control methods for honeybee disease. It also compensates subscribing beekeepers in England and Wales in respect of defined equipment losses caused by statutorily notifiable honeybee diseases and pests. For more information and conditions go to the BDI website at Remember, if you expect to have more than 3 colonies during the year then you have to pay extra as detailed below. As with most forms of insurance, the company will potentially refuse the claim if underinsured. Note: You are not covered by the insurance until you have paid your subscription. After March there is also a 40 day delay before the policy comes into effect. Total No. of colonies 1-3 inclusive 4-5 inc 10-15 inc 21-25 inc 31-35 inc

You must pay an extra Total No. of colonies Free – included in membership fee £2 6-9 inc £7.75 16-20 inc £11.10 26-30 inc £16.10 36-39 inc

You must pay an extra £5.25 £9.50 £13.60 £18.10

Note: updates and information for circulation are automatically sent to members who provide an email address. This is not necessarily always the case for postal contact. Please note that a condition of membership is your agreement to membership details being held on a computer. This information will be used for the efficient running of the Association by its officials, for the distribution of the WBKA Magazine, for WBKA Insurance, for Bee Disease Insurance and passed to the Regional Bee Inspector/NBU/FERA to aid them in the control of bee diseases. When signing you are also confirming that you have the approval of any other persons included in your application for their data to be treated in the same way. We would appreciate your feedback on past events and your suggestions for talks/events over the coming year. Feedback on 2015 Events:

Suggestions for talks/events during the coming year:

Signature: .................................................................................................. Date:.................................... Please send your completed form and payment to : Dave Ford, Maesgwyn, Betws Ifan, Ceredigion SA44 6NZ

AGM DINNER BOOKING 1900 Thursday 26 November 2015 Dear Members The AGM is approaching. This year it will be held at The Grosvenor Hotel, opposite the entrance to Cardigan Castle, on Thursday the 26th of November. You will find more details in this newsletter and I hope we will be seeing a good number of you there. One thing I would like you all to consider, is joining the committee. At the moment we have nine committee members and the constitution allows us to have twelve. My view, and that of the rest of the committee, is the more the merrier (we will however need to get a bigger table). We don’t claim to have done everything right this year, but the meetings have all been amicable. If you want to get more involved, please think about putting you name forward and contact the secretary. Les Higginbotham

26th November The Grosvenor Hotel, Cardigan 7:00pm for 7:15pm for the AGM and eat at 8:00pm Starter and main course with tea or coffee £15 Choices Starters:Soup of the day served with a bread roll Breaded garlic mushrooms with a salad garnish Chicken pate with toasted bread Main course Roast silverside of angus beef, served with yorkshire pudding Roast loin of pork served with apple sauce & stuffing Roast chicken breast, served with pigs in blankets All above served with fresh seasonal vegetables Vegetable lasagne served with a salad garnish Puddings are available from the standard menu on the night To confirm your attendance (and menu choices) please go to the AGM page on the website. If you do not have internet access please contact Les/Donald on tel: ________________ We need to let the restaurant know numbers by 5 November at the latest. You can contact Dave Ford, Maesgwyn, Betws Ifan, Ceredigion SA44 6NZ with numbers and meal choices as soon as possible and then follow up with a cheque. Please detach this slip, and having completed it, forward it as soon as possible with your cheque for the total amount of the Dinner, to: Dave Ford, Maesgwyn, Betws Ifan, Ceredigion SA44 6NZ Please state meals required: Starters: __________________________________________________________________ Main Courses: _______________________________________________________________

Name : ...................................................................................... Address : ................................................................................... ............................................................................................... Number in Party............ at £15 / head = £................

My Visit to Ukraine I visited my relatives in Ukraine during the summer. Our visit just happened to coincide with the saviour of the honey feast day when beekeepers in villages throughout Ukraine get together to discuss all things beekeeping and have a few vodkas or whatever concoction they have made to drink. It is called The Saviour of the Honey Feast Day because it was the first day when people started to take out honeycombs. The best honey was brought to the church. People made honey kvass (a beer-like drink) and shared it with others. They also called this festival The Blessing of the Water. People went to rivers and other water sources. The water was blessed with honey, then adults swam and bathed their children, putting on new shirts. On the same day the water in wells was also blessed. People drank the water, after having put silver in it, and gave it to the horses. There are a rich assortment of honey types In Ukraine: melilot, buckwheat, sainfoin, linden, clover, meadow, hop-clover, mint, grass meadow, sunflower, forest, valley, mountain and many other honeys. And the most precious – acacia honey – they get more than anyone else in the world as they are so proud of telling me - laughing at the paltry amount we get in Wales. In 2014, Ukraine's gross honey production was 66,500 tonnes, of which 36,300 tonnes of honey was exported. Below are some pictures of the hives used in the part of Ukraine I visit also the Market in Ivano Frankivsk where everything that is harvested from the bees is sold - from Royal Jelly to bees wax. A kilo of honey this year would have cost you just over £2!

Find the hidden word by solving the clues and using the first letters from the answers. Collected from flowers by bees A flowery method of keeping bees The hive floor mesh is this Another name for a bee’s tongue One cause of bees making swarm preparations What some workers can do when there is no queen Subspecies of European bee - they are bright yellow or orange It’s lit to calm the bees

Last Newsletter Hidden Word Solution Normally found on top of a National hive under the roof - CrownBoard Genus that bees belong to.- Apis

One of the tests for AFB- Ropiness Placing an empty box under a full one for brood or stores expansion.- Nadiring Plant that is a good source of winter stores.- Ivy Used when bees are broodless in winter for Varroa treatment.- Oxalic Follows the egg.- Larva A place where bees are kept.- Apiary Gland which produces bees’ scent - Nisinov The hidden word was Carniolan

Newsletter No4 2015.pdf

Lawrence was very patient and was kept. busy throughout the day with lots of demonstration requests and individual support. It was a wet day on and off, both outside and in the Barn! Having to keep the materials wet made. for a soggy experience but with the barn heaters going it was warm. There was a constant.

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