Novel with Cocaine by M. Ageyev

››› Free download audio book. ‹‹‹ Original Title: Novel with Cocaine ISBN: 0810117096 ISBN13: 9780810117099 Autor: M. Ageyev/Michael Henry Heim (Translator) Rating: 3 of 5 stars (4587) counts Original Format: Paperback, 204 pages Download Format: PDF, FB2, MOBI, MP3. Published: October 28th 1998 / by Northwestern University Press / (first published 1934) Language: English Genre(s): Fiction- 53 users Cultural >Russia- 42 users

Classics- 21 users

Description: A Dostoevskian psychological novel of ideas, Novel with Cocaine explores the interaction between psychology, philosophy, and ideology in its frank portrayal of an adolescent's cocaine addiction. The story relates the formative experiences of Vadim at school and with women before he turns to drug abuse and the philosophical reflections to which it gives rise. Although Ageyev makes little explicit reference to the Revolution, the novel's obsession with addictive forms of thinking finds resonance in the historical background, in which "our inborn feelings of humanity and justice" provoke "the cruelties and satanic transgressions committed in its name.

About Author:

M. Ageyev is the nom-de-plume of Marc Levi. His best-known work, was published in 1934 in the Parisian émigré publication, Numbers. Nikita Struve has alleged it to be the work of another Russian author employing a pen name, Vladimir Nabokov; this idea was debunked by Nabokov's son Dmitry in his preface to . Levi's life is shrouded in mystery and conjecture. He returned to the U.S.S.R. in 1942 and spent the rest of his life in Yerevan, where he died on August 5, 1973.

Other Editions:


- A Romance with Cocaine (Paperback)

- Roman Avec Cocaïne





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Oct 31, 2011 knig Rated it: it was amazing Shelves: disturbia The gall of Nabokov scorning this novel as ‘disgusting’(which it is, but that’s beside the point. Pot? Kettle?). Disgusting, degenerate, harrowing, eternally haunting: Agayev has the uncanny ability to grasp the macabre and ply his chisel in its spent chamber: twisting, furling, stretching: convex, concave: peels it open and reams out the sinews of sin and depravity. And cocaine has nothing to do with it at all: Vadim had surrendered in the cemetery of his soul long before the white stuff left h The gall of Nabokov scorning this novel as ‘disgusting’(which it is, but that’s beside the point. Pot? Kettle?). Disgusting, degenerate, harrowing, eternally haunting: Agayev has the uncanny ability to grasp the macabre and ply his chisel in its spent chamber: twisting, furling, stretching: convex, concave: peels it open and reams out the sinews of sin and depravity. And cocaine has nothing to do with it at all: Vadim had surrendered in the cemetery of his soul long before the white stuff left him hallowed and prostrate beneath a shivering canopy of riddled meaning left unrolled.

The novel’s themes, meme, vistas....I’ve seen them all in various manifestations in other novels. But here, well. There is a bountry of withered everywhere. Take the lack of filial piety. The scenes of depravity which unroll in the silver dimness of the storyboard, of son against mother, build up excruciatingly to a crescendo of assonance and then arrest in a tableau vivant, giving us breathing space to take in the conaissance of pure evil (not surprisingly escalating to indirect matricide). The description of Vadim’s mother is truly a haunting image that will persevere in the void sown in my heart forever. The finale is a breathtaking texture of a trembling gloom, arched and intervalled with the solemn cords of the protagonists destroyed cohesion and finally, his swan song, as he propels ever forward in his tireless pinioned flight into oblivion. 20 likes View 2 comments


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