On Efficient Graph Substructure Selection Xiang Zhao1 , Haichuan Shang2 , Wenjie Zhang1 , Xuemin Lin1 , and Weidong Xiao3 1


The University of New South Wales, Australia {xzhao,zhangw,lxue}@cse.unsw.edu.au 2 The University of Tokyo, Japan [email protected] National University of Defense Technology, China [email protected]

Abstract. Graphs have a wide range of applications in many domains. The graph substructure selection problem is to find all subgraph isomorphic mappings of a query from multi-attributed graphs, such that each pair of matching vertices satisfy a set of selection conditions, each against an equality, range, or set containment operator on a vertex attribute. Existing techniques for single-labeled graphs are developed under the assumption of identical label matching, and thus, cannot handle the general case in substructure selections. To this end, this paper proposes a two-tier index to support general selections via judiciously materializing certain mappings. Moreover, we propose efficient dynamic query processing and index construction algorithms. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach.



Recent decades have witnessed an explosion of structured data, which strongly demands effective management solutions. Graphs are widely used to model complex structured data in many applications, including bioinformatics, pattern recognition, etc. Hence, graph management attracts great interest from academia and industry. Given a graph database and a query graph, subgraph containment search returns graphs containing the query, and has been well addressed [3, 8, 11]. In some applications, it is desirable to discover all occurrences of the query in one large graph. This problem is named subgraph all-matching, and has been studied in [13–15]. Containment search tells if there is a mapping of the query, while all-matching retrieves all of them. In subgraph containment search and all-matching, current techniques work on single-labeled graphs for efficiently answering queries with equality conditions on vertex labels. That is, every vertex has a single label, and two matching vertices are required to have an identical label. However, in many applications, structured data is modeled with multi-attributed graphs, exhibiting multiple attributes on vertices, each with a corresponding value. In this sense, an aforementioned label in previous work refer a value. Consequently, more powerful operators on vertices become desirable to handle such graphs. For example, in Fig. 1(1) are two data graphs, each W. Meng et al. (Eds.): DASFAA 2013, Part II, LNCS 7826, pp. 284–300, 2013. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 

On Efficient Graph Substructure Selection

PID: 1

PID: 2

Classes : Globular Role : Enzymes Amino Acids : 18

Classes : Globular Role : Messenger Amino Acids : 10

PID: 3 Classes : Fibrous Function : Protective Amino Acids : 16

Classes : Fibrous Function : Supportive Amino Acids : 12

PID: 5 Classes : Membrane Category : Integral Amino Acids : 20

PID: 6 Classes : Membrane Category : Peripheral Amino Acids : 18

PID: 1 Classes : Globular Role : Transforpter Amino Acids : 10

PID: 4

PID: 8

PID: 2

PID: 7

Classes : Fibrous Function : Protective Amino Acids : 6

Classes : Globular Role : Enzymes Amino Acids : 6

Classes : Fibrous Function : Protective Amino Acids : 8

Classes = Globular Role = * Amino Acids ≥ 10

Classes = Fibrous Function = Protective Amino Acids = *

PID: 3 Classes : Membrane Category : Peripheral Amino Acids : 20

PID: 4 Classes : Membrane Category : Peripheral Amino Acids : 16

Classes = Membrane Category = * Amino Acids = *

PID: 5 Classes : Globular Role : Messenger Amino Acids : 18

PID: 6 Classes : Globular Role : Regulatory Amino Acids : 16

Classes ∈ {Globular} Role = * Amino Acids < 20




(1) Data Graphs

(2) Query Graph

Fig. 1. Substructure Selection

depicting a protein-protein interaction network. Every vertex has several heterogeneous attributes with its own value domain. A biologist may want to find all fourprotein interactions, with requirements modeled in Fig. 1(2), where ‘*’ denotes a wildcard – arbitrary value in the domain. The query graph advises (1) the four proteins have a chain interaction; and (2) each protein possesses specific attributes; e.g., the first protein is of class ‘Globular’, takes an arbitrary role, and has no less than 10 amino acids. The query is issued to the database to retrieve the mappings satisfying all the requirements. We call this type of queries substructure selection. In substructure selections, we have comparatively large graphs [9] in the database, and every data graph possesses multiple attributes on vertices. A query is a graph where each vertex comprises a set of selection conditions in conjunctive normal form such that each selection condition is against an equality, range, or set containment operator on one attribute. The problem aims to find all subgraph isomorphic mappings from the query to every data graph such that the attributes at each pair of matching vertices meet the selection conditions. Note the vertex attributes are not necessarily to be identical; in fact, they are different in most real applications. For instance, consider the database in Fig. 1(1) and the query in Fig. 1(2). In graph (a), the vertex with PID 1 possesses attributes Classes, Role and Amino Acids, whereas the vertex with PID 3 does not have Role but Function. Substructure selection returns three answers: ((a), {1, 3, 6, 7}), ((b), {1, 2, 4, 5}), ((b), {1, 2, 4, 6}), where, for each mapping result, the first element is the provenance graph ID, and the second is the set of matching vertices. While substructure selection is fundamental to structure oriented analysis, little has been done due to intrinsic challenges. Techniques for subgraph containment query [3, 8, 11] adopt the exclusion logic to prune false positives. Nonetheless, they do not provide sufficient support to find all subgraph isomorphic mappings. Subgraph all-matching algorithms [13–15] are designed for efficiently locating subgraph isomorphic mappings, and are yet not able to handle the general


X. Zhao et al.

selection conditions over multi-attributed graphs. In particular, the more general requirements, e.g., multi-attributes, range selection, impose unseen challenges to the mapping computation. Individually, NOVA [15] and SPath [14] are solely based on vertex labels, and hence, the multi-attributes render them infeasible under our scenario. The distance-based pruning of GADDI [13] becomes weak due to more candidates in general selection. DELTA [12] imposes the rigid constraint of fixed attributes on vertices with identical values; i.e., all vertices have the same set of attributes. Thus, this model does not lend itself to the majority of real applications. By relaxing subgraph isomorphism, graph simulation based pattern query [4] incorporates range conditions on the single labels at vertices. Either, it does not solve our problem. We address the above challenges in this paper. To the best of our knowledge, this is among the first attempts to study the substructure selection problem. In summary, we make the following contributions: – We propose a new type of fundamental queries – substructure selection that handles general selections on multi-attributed graphs; – We design a novel structure SS-index to speed up the online computation via judiciously materializing partial embeddings; – We devise an efficient method to dynamically compose effective query execution plans to reduce the overall search cost; and – We propose SS-search algorithm employing effective plans, as well as a scalable index construction algorithm for SS-index utilizing query logs. In addition, extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques, which significantly outperform other alternatives. Organization. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 states preliminaries and the problem. Section 3 presents a depth-first search (DFS) paradigm, and then introduces the design of SS-index. Leveraging the index, we propose SS-search for query processing in Section 4, and postpone the discussion on index construction in Section 5. Section 6 reports the experimental study, followed by conclusion in Section 7. Related Work. Research on graph databases is a well-established activity, especially in pharmaceutical and chemical industries. This paper focuses on exact structural mappings. Techniques for containment queries are categorized as (1) feature-based, such as gIndex [11], cIndex [2], FG-index [3], etc; and (2) nonfeatured-based, represented by gString [5], GCoding [16], etc. CT-index [7] takes an initial step to support wildcard on vertices by leaving those vertices to the verification phrase. CP-index [9] employs embeddings to speed up containment search over large graphs. GBLENDER [6] presents the first visual paradigm blending subgraph query formulation and processing. These methods without exception are designed for single-labeled graphs under the assumption of single vertex label with string value, which are hence intrinsically incapable of general selections. Finding all matches of a query is also studied [13–15]. To handle multi-labeled graphs with the constraint of fixed attributes on vertices, DELTA transforms it into a spatial indexing problem. Due to the same reason, it is difficult to extend the approach to general structural analysis. In addition, it utilizes equality conditions on those

On Efficient Graph Substructure Selection


specified attributes. Either, it cannot handle substructure selections with various vertex attributes taking abundant selection conditions. Among others, graph simulation based pattern query incorporating range conditions on the single vertex labels are also investigated [4]. As a result, it substantially differs from the subgraph isomorphism based mappings studied in this paper.



This paper focuses on undirected simple graphs; i.e., self-loops or multiple edges are not allowed. A data graph is a multi-attributed graph, denoted by r = (Vr , Er , lr ), where Vr is the vertex set, Er ⊆ Vr × Vr is the edge set, and lr is an attribute function. v ∈ Vr has an attribute set Av , and each attribute av ∈ Av is assigned a value lr (av ). Equivalently, a vertex v has a value lr (av ) for attribute av . Nevertheless, v may not have a particular attribute av , in which case lr (av ) = nil. Besides, |Vr | and |Er | denote the numbers of graph vertices and edges, respectively. A query graph is denoted by s = (Vs , Es , ϕs ), where Vs is the vertex set, Es ⊆ Vs × Vs is the edge set, and ϕs is an attribute selection function. Es enforces the connection constraints, while ϕs exerts the attribute constraints. v ∈ Vs also has an attribute set Av such that av ∈ Av is assigned a selection condition ϕs (av ). That is, ϕs imposes a condition ϕs (av ) on attribute av , against an equality, range, or set containment operator. Given vertices u ∈ Vr , v ∈ Vs , u satisfies v on attribute a, provided – – – –

lr (a) = ϕs (a), if ϕs (a) defines an equality condition; or lr (a) ∈ ϕs (a), if ϕs (a) defines a range condition; or lr (a) ⊆ ϕs (a), if ϕs (a) defines a set containment condition; or arbitrary value in the domain, if ϕs (a) is a wildcard.

u matches v, if u’s attribute values satisfies v’s corresponding constraints conjunctively. Example 1. Consider in Fig. 1(1) graph (a) as r, the vertex with PID 1 as u; the graph in Fig. 1(2) as s, the upmost vertex as v. u has a value ‘Enzymes’ on attribute Role. Av = {Classes, Function, Amino Acids}. Range condition ϕs (Amino Acids) = ‘≥ 10’ requires a value no less than 10 on attribute Amino Acids. u matches v. A data graph r is a subgraph of r (denoted r  r), if there is an injection f : Vr → Vr such that (1) ∀v ∈ Vr , f (v) ∈ Vr , all attribute values at f (v) are retained at v by lr ; and (2) ∀e = (u, v) ∈ Er , (f (u), f (v)) ∈ Er . Similarly, the subgraph relation between query graphs s and s (denoted s  s) is an injection from Vs to Vs that retains the attribute constraints ϕs on corresponding vertices. Definition 1 (Substructure Mapping). Given a data graph r and a query graph s, a substructure mapping is an injection f : Vs → Vr such that (1) ∀v ∈ Vs , f (v) ∈ Vr , f (v) matches v; and (2) ∀(u, v) ∈ Es , (f (u), f (v)) ∈ Er .


X. Zhao et al.

Problem Statement. Given a set of data graph as database R and a query graph s, the problem of substructure selection finds all substructure mappings from the query graph s to each data graph r in R. Example 2. Consider the graphs in Fig. 1(1) as R, the graph in Fig. 1(2) as s. The vertices with PID 1, 3, 6, 7 form a substructure mapping from s to graph (a). Substructure selection is to retrieve all the three of such mappings in graphs (a) and (b).


Substructure Selection

In this section, we first present a DFS paradigm for substructure selection, and then propose a novel index structure to support and boost the computation. 3.1

Algorithm Framework

We illustrate the DFS paradigm for processing query s against graph r in Algorithm 1. Assuming vertices are sorted in a given/arbitrary order, we use s[m] to denote the m-th vertex in Vs , and s[1 . . m] to denote the subgraph induced by the first m vertices. In each iteration, we match the available vertices in r with s[m]. Current partial mapping f is extended, if u satisfies (1) the attribute constraints on s[m]; and (2) all connection constraints between s[m] and s[1 . . m − 1] (Line 5). Hence, f is fed to next recursion iteratively (Line 7). A substructure mapping is found when Vs are fully matched (Lines 1 – 3). The algorithm terminates after all possibilities are explored, and all valid mappings are found. To process query s against a database R, we iterate Algorithm 1 over each graph r of R. Henceforth, the analysis will focus on processing s against a single data graph r, since the cost of processing R simply adds a constant factor. It can be immediately verified that all substructure mappings from s to r can be found by Algorithm 1, with each vertex in the subgraph satisfying all the constraints on its matching vertex. We observe that the most costly step in Algorithm 1 is the iterative extension of partial mappings. While there exist an exponential number of possible extensions, many of them fail halfway. If we can render the extension Algorithm 1. SelectSubstructure(s, r, m, f )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Input : s is query; r is data graph; m is depth; f is mapping. Output : F is a set of substructure mappings, initialized as ∅ if m > |Vs | then F ←F ∪f ; /* found a mapping */ return for each unmapped vertex u in r do if u satisfies attribute constraints of s[m]∧ connection constraints with s[1 . . m − 1] then f  ← f, f  [m] ← u ; /* extend the mapping */ SelectSubstructure (s, r, m + 1, f  );

On Efficient Graph Substructure Selection


in a faster and more informative manner, we are expected to discover valid mappings and suspend invalid ones more efficiently. Following presents an observation that enable us to develop effective indexing and query algorithms based on those qualified partial mappings. Let Fs (r) = {fr (s)} denote all substructure mappings from s to r. We prove that every full substructure mapping is always grown from certain partial mappings. As a consequence, if we can leverage the pre-computation of partial mappings, we may start growing full mappings based on the partial mappings. Furthermore, chances are we can take a leap during the growth by jointing other partial mappings. In another word, we start with a subgraph, expand it by vertex extension, and leap with the aid of other subgraphs when possible. Thus, full mappings are to be found faster, reducing the overall response time. To this end, we will present shortly an index structure to effectively organize such partial mapping information. Theorem 1. If s  s, Fr (s |s) ⊆ Fr (s ), where Fr (s |s) = {fr (s )|f (s )  f (s)}. 3.2

Index Structure

We propose a two-tier index structure called SS-index (Substructure Selectionindex). The upper tier is a set of template graphs organized in a prefix tree; the lower tier stores mappings in the database subsumed by the corresponding templates. First, we introduce template graph, denoted by t = (Vt , Et , φt ), where Vt is the vertex set, Et ⊆ Vt × Vt is the edge set, and φt is a function assigning attributes to Vt . Intuitively, template graph removes attribute values (resp. selection conditions) from data (resp. query) graph such that each vertex comprises attributes only. A template t is a subgraph of t (denoted t  t), if there is an injection f : Vt → Vt such that (1) ∀v ∈ Vt , f (v) ∈ Vt ∧ φt (v) ⊆ φt (f (v)); and (2) ∀e = (u, v) ∈ Et , (f (u), f (v)) ∈ Et . Furthermore, a data graph r is subsumed by a template t (denoted r  t), if there is a bijection f : Vr → Vt such that (1) ∀v ∈ Vr , f (v) ∈ Vt ∧ Av ⊆ φt (f (v)); and (2) ∀e = (u, v) ∈ Er , (f (u), f (v)) ∈ Et . We also say r is an embedding of t. Similarly, subsumption relation between a query s and a template t is a bijection s  t. Example 3. Consider Fig. 1, and template graph t in Fig. 2. The subgraph of graph (b) induced by vertices with PID 1, 2, 4 and 6 is subsumed by t; and t also subsumes s. SS-index consists of selected template graphs in a prefix tree, as well as corresponding embeddings. In particular, the selected templates utilize a prefix-sharing strategy for both compact storage and efficient access. Every leaf node of the prefix tree corresponds to a distinct template (the upper-tier), and it links to a subindex in the lower-tier comprising all the embeddings in the database subsumed by the template. These embeddings are recorded and sorted by combined search keys. Particularly, for each mapping, we keep, as an entry, its values of the indexed attributes as in the template, provenance graph ID and vertex ID’s. In a subindex, nonetheless, multiple entries may have identical values for certain indexed attributes. Under this scenario, the embeddings having the same search key are folded into a single


X. Zhao et al.

Prefix Tree

Classes Role Amino Acids 1.Role

Classes Function Amino Acids

2. Function 3. Amino Acids

SubIndex Classes Category Amino Acids

1. Function 2. Cate gory


(Enzyme, Protective, 16)

(Protective, Integral)

Graph : (a) PID : (1, 3)

Graph : (a) PID : (3, 5) Graph : (a) PID : (8, 5)

(Enzyme, Supportive, 14)

Classes Role Amino Acids

Graph : (a) PID : (1, 4) (Transporter, Protective, 8)

Graph : (a) PID : (8, 6)

Graph : (b) PID : (1, 2)

Graph : (b) PID : (2, 4)


Fig. 2. Template Graph

(Protective, Peripheral) Graph : (a) PID : (3, 6)


Fig. 3. Example of SS-index

entry, in order to reduce the memory footprint of the index, while provenance graph ID’s and vertex ID’s are recorded separately. Example 4. Consider the SS-index in Fig. 3. The circles under the prefix tree indicate leaf nodes, representing two template graphs. Ia and Ib are subindices for the two templates, respectively. Entries in Ib are sorted in ascending order of their search keys – ‘Function-Category’. There are five embedding entries with two distinct values ‘Protective, Integral’ and ‘Protective, Peripheral’ in Ib .


Query Processing

This section introduces the design of SS-search (Substructure Selection-search) algorithm. We first give an overview of SS-search and emphasize the importance of a good query execution plan , then investigate the primitive operations involved in execution plans, and finally conceive an algorithm to generate effective plans. 4.1

Algorithm Overview

We summarize SS-search algorithm into three phases: (1) index probing, (2) query plan generation, and (3) mapping discovery. In index probing, all indexed templates subsuming a subgraph of the query (a.k.a., partial query) are obtained. Under an ideal scenario, a template subsuming the query is indexed, and hence, all substructure mappings are collected from the subindex of that template the embeddings satisfying the attribute constraints, where connection constraints are naturally preserved. Following discusses the solution to general cases, which first generates a query execution plan and then searches for full mappings.

On Efficient Graph Substructure Selection Ia

Graph : (a) PID : (1, 3)

Graph : (a) PID : (3, 5)

Graph : (a) PID : (1, 4)

Graph : (a) PID : (8, 5)

Graph : (b) PID : (1, 2)

Graph : (a) PID : (3, 6)



Classes = Globular Role = * Amino Acids >= 10

Graph : (a) PID : (8, 6)


Classes = Fibrous

P lan (A )

Graph : (b) PID : (2, 4)

Graph : (a) PID : (1, 3)

PID: 5 Classes : Membrane Category : Integral Amino Acids : 20

Graph : (a) PID : (1, 4) Graph : (b) PID : (1, 2)

P lan (B)

PID: 6 Classes : Membrane Category : Peripheral Amino Acids : 18 PID: 4 Classes : Membrane Category : Peripheral Amino Acids : 16

Function = Protective Amino Acids = *

Classes = Membrane Category = * Amino Acids = * Graph : (a) PID : (1, 3, 5) Graph : (a) PID : (1, 3, 6) Graph : (b) PID : (1, 2, 4)

Fig. 4. Example of Query Executions

An embedding r of template t is qualified with respect to partial query s , if r satisfies all the constraints of s , where s  t . Given an indexed template t subsuming a partial query s , qualified partial mappings of s can be obtained from the subindex of t . Thus, we save the online cost of computing these partial mappings, and grow them to full mappings thereafter. Note these partial mappings are inevitably explored by Algorithm 1. Moreover, we quest if the cost can be further saved during the extension process. We argue this is achievable provided there is a “wise” query execution plan that instructs how to search for full mappings. Let us take the following example. Example 5. Consider in Fig. 4 two executions for the query in the upper right. Two partial queries are subsumed by indexed templates (see Fig. 3). To expand the mappings in Ia , Plan (A) joins them with those from Ib; Plan (B) scans the adjacency list of the second vertex (bounded by dashed line), in order to match the third vertex. In fact, Plan (B) outperforms Plan (A). The performance gap arises from that joining results from subindices is more expensive than scanning adjacency list for extension in this case. Nevertheless, it remains unclear if join always performs worse for all cases. In addition, we observe the number of partial mappings during the extension also greatly influence the performance. More partial mapping implies larger input to be processed subsequently. With regards to memory consumption and runtime performance, we seek an appropriate plan to reduce partial mappings during the execution. To this end, we propose an algorithm that first chooses an indexed template as seed, and then extends to a complete plan with minimum cost. Prior to the algorithm details, we look into the primitive operations constituting execution plans. The runtime cost and number of intermediate results of each operation are analyzed, so as to evaluate different plans. In the sequel, “partial mapping” is also referred as “intermediate result”, since a partial mapping is an intermediate result potentially for a full mapping.



X. Zhao et al.

Primitive Operations

It is sufficient to consider the following six operations, as summarized in Table 1. Presumably, all single attributes (templates of single vertex with one attribute) are included in SS-index. Hence, the vertices satisfying attribute constraint c are retrieved by accessing the subindex under the template corresponding to the atof entries satisfying c therein. For ease of tribute of c. Let nc denote the number  c , where c ∈ C, C is a set of attribute exposition, we introduce ρ(C)  c  n|V r| r constraints, and r ∈ R. Index Retrieval IR(It ). Given a subindex It under template t, it return the partial mappings indexed by It . Denote the total number of entries under It as nt . Straightforwardly, it outputs nt intermediate results, and hence, consumes O(nt ) time. Graph Scan GS(C). Given a set of attribute constraints C, it retrieves the vertices satisfying C by  scanning the database. Trivially,  the estimated number of intermediate results is r |Vr | · ρ(C), and it takes O( r |Vr |) time, r ∈ R. Attribute Validation AV(Fs , v, C). Consider partial mappings Fs , a vertex v ∈ Vs , s  s, and a set of attribute constraints C. For each fs ∈ Fs , it verifies whether fs (v) satisfies C, and retains all the qualified ones. The validation cost is O(|C| · |Fs |), while the number of intermediate results is |Fs | · ρ(C). Connection Validation CV(Fs , u, v). Consider partial mappings Fs , and edge (u, v) ∈ Es , s  s. For each fs ∈ Fs , it verifies if (fs (u), fs (v)) ∈ fs , and retains those having passed the validation. The possibility of an edge in a graph is p(e) =  2|Er | r pr (e) , where pr (e) = |Vr |(|V , r ∈ R. Thus, it produces |Fs | · p(e) intermedi|R| r |−1) ate results, and runs in O(θ · |Fs |) time, where θ is the average vertex degree of R. Mapping Extension ME(Fs , v, C). Consider partial mappings Fs , a vertex v ∈ Vs and a set of attribute constraints C. For each fs ∈ Fs , it explores vertices u such that u satisfies C and connects to at least one vertex of fs . For each valid extension, we have a new partial mapping fs ∪ {u} with v mapped to u. Thus, it costs O(θ · |C| · |Fs |) time, where θ is the average vertex degree in the database. Hence, the number of intermediate results is approximated as θ · |Fs | · ρ(C). Mapping Join MJ(Fs , Fs ). A mapping join operation connects two sets of partial mappings Fs and Fs , where s , s  s. Denote as Vˆ = Vs ∩ Vs the set of join Table 1. Summary of Primitive Operations Operation IR(It ) GS(C) AV(Fs , v, C) CV(Fs , u, v) ME(Fs , v, C) MJ(Fs , Fs )

Intermediate Result Number nt  r |Vr | · ρ(C) |Fs | · ρ(C) |Fs | · p(e) θ · |Fs | · ρ(C)  v v ˆ ns · ns v∈V

Runtime Cost O(nt )  O( r |Vr |) O(|C| · |Fs |) O(θ · |Fs |) O(θ · |C| · |Fs |) ˆ O(|Fs | · |Fs | · |E|)

On Efficient Graph Substructure Selection ME(C = {Role = ∗, Amino Acid = ∗}) 

AV(Ib .v1 , Amino Acid = ∗)

AV(Ia .v1 , Amino Acid ≥ 10))

ME(C = {Role = ∗, Amino Acid = ∗}) ME(C = {Category = ∗, Amino Acid = ∗})

AV(Ib .v2 , Amino Acid = ∗)

AV(Ia .v1 , Amino Acid ≥ 10)

IR(Ib )

IR(Ia )

IR(Ia )


(1) Plan (A)

(2) Plan (B)

Fig. 5. Query Execution Plans

ˆ ⊆ Es the set of connection constraints on the join results. The join keys, and E results are the combinations of fs and fs , such that (1) ∀v ∈ Vˆ , fs (v) = fs (v), ˆ (fs (u), fs (v)) ∈ Es , u ∈ Vs , v ∈ Vs . The cost is in O(|Fs | · and (2) ∀(u, v) ∈ E,  ˆ |Fs | · |E|). The number of intermediate results is estimated as v∈Vˆ nvs · nvs , where nvs (resp. nvs ) is the numbers of mappings such that ∃u ∈ Vs (resp. u ∈ Vs ), fs (v) = u (resp. fs (v) = u). GS and IR are the two primitive operations not requiring partial mappings as input. A complete query execution plan can be considered as a tree with every node representing a primitive operation. For example, two sample plans are depicted in Fig. 5 regarding Example 5. The overall cost of a query execution plan is given by summing up the costs of all nodes, where the cost of internal nodes are also dependent on the intermediate results of the antecedent operation. We compare different query execution plans in terms of their overall cost. Immediate is there exist an exponential number of plans. Next we prove that computing the query execution plan with minimum cost is difficult, and hence, most online applications cannot afford the cost. Following subsection proposes as a remedy a practical algorithm to find effective plans efficiently. Theorem 2. Given a substructure selection problem, finding the query execution plan with minimum cost is NP-hard. 4.3

Query Plan Generation

We first lay down four heuristics for composing effective query execution plans. – A proper execution order reduces the overall processing cost. We generate tree-structured plans to reduce the search space. It differs from the leftdeep tree in relational database in that the internal nodes are the operations requiring partial mappings as input – AV, CV, ME and MJ. The rationales behind are it (1) avoids materializing partial mappings of each operations; and (2) significantly reduces the search space of plan composition. – Joining overlapped mapping reduces intermediate results. Suppose we have two sets of partial mappings Fs and Fs for partial queries s , s  s, respectively. We exert MJ only when Fs and Fs overlap, i.e., have at least one common vertex and/or edge; otherwise, the intermediate results of join are exactly the Cartesian product of Fs and Fs . As a consequence, we prioritize ME, and postpone MJ till the partial queries overlap.


X. Zhao et al.

– Eager constraints validation reduces intermediate results. We allocate constraints validation as early as possible in the plan so as to reduce the input size of subsequent operations. Specifically, we insert CV immediately after IR and ME to check the inner connection constraints. Similarly, we allocate AV once there are attribute constraints on extending vertices. – Early validation of selective constraints reduces intermediate results. In particular, given a set of constraints, we order them in descending order of selectivity so that the partial mappings in subsequent steps are reduced. When there is a tie, we further differentiate them by selection ranges of the constraints; i.e., constraints with smaller selection ranges are ordered ahead.

Algorithm 2. GeneratePlan(s, I) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Input : s is a query; I is SS-index. Output : P is the execution plan, initialized as ∅. open ← Vs , closed ← ∅; cand ← {t|s  t ∧ s  s such that t is indexed by I}; remove non-maximal templates from cand; t ← PickSeed(cand), cand ← cand \ {t}; open ← open \ Vt , closed ← closed ∪ Vt ; P ← P ∪ IR ; /* append validations when possible */ while open = ∅ do ME ← PickExtension(open), add extension vertex into closed; P  ← P, P ← P ∪ ME ; /* append validations when possible */ for each t ∈ cand do if Vt ∩ closed = ∅ then P  ← P  ∪ MJ; if EstimateOutput(P  ) < EstimateOutput(P ) then P ← P ; /* replace the existing plan */ open ← open \ Vt , closed ← closed ∪ Vt ; cand ← cand \ {t};



return P

Hence, we compile the guidelines into Algorithm 2 for efficiently composing a query execution plan, which consists of two stages: (1) seed selection, and (2) plan growth. The algorithm starts by retrieving as set cand all indexed templates subsuming a partial query, and then removing non-maximal template graphs (subgraphs of others in cand, Lines 2 – 3). The template t, having the least partial mappings satisfying all the constraints under consideration, is adopted as the plan seed (Line 4). Afterwards, the algorithm utilizes two exclusive sets – open and closed – to indicate the status of every query vertex. Vertices in open has been considered in the plan, and closed implies a vertex is not considered yet. After including Vt into closed, we put index retrieval as the first operation (Line 6), and begin to grow the seed to a complete plan. In the second stage, we iteratively insert mapping extension operations into the current plan. In each iteration, all required attribute and connection validations are

On Efficient Graph Substructure Selection


exploited, and then all possible mapping extensions of the current plan are identified. Among all the extensions, the one with minimum estimated cost is chosen via calling PickExtension (Line 8). Note only the vertices in open are considered. Each mapping extension introduces a new vertex to the plan, which is put into closed thereafter. Additionally, if there exists a candidate template of Vt subsuming a subgraph of Vs  closed, we create an alternative plan by replacing the mapping extensions of Vs in that specific template with a mapping join of Vt . If this alternative is estimated by EstimateOutput to have less intermediate results, we adopt the alternative plan (Lines 11 – 14). The process repeats till all query vertices are in closed. SS-search employs the resulting query execution plan to discover the entire mapping set eventually. We remark the cost of the first stage consists of (1) subgraph isomorphic tests for identifying indexed templates; and (2) removals of non-maximal templates. One may note the worst case complexities of both parts are NP-complete, whereas they are not significantly large in practice, as the indexed templates are normally small.


Index Construction

This section discusses the construction of SS-index. We judiciously index effective template graphs to strike a balance between index quality and cost. An effective template is both sufficiently frequent and sufficiently discriminative. Additionally, our algorithm considers to utilize query logs to pick selective templates.  Frequency of a template graph t is defined as f req(t) = |{r|r|R|t}| , and discrim

|{r|r t}|  ination ratio as disc(t) = |{r|r  r, r ∈ R, and t  t. Follow t }| , where r ing [8, 11], we choose the template graphs conforming to f req(t) ≥ α and disc(t) ≤ 1 − β, where α and β are frequency and discrimination thresholds, respectively. When query logs are available, we use average number of partial mappings that can be retrieved by the historical queries to estimatethe selectivity of the tems t |FVt | plates. Therefore, selectivity is defined as sele(t) = |{s|s  t}| , where FVt is the set of embeddings of t, s  s, s is an individual from historical queries S. If there exist more than one embedding of t in s, we choose the one with minimum |FVt |. Given a selectivity threshold γ, a template graph is selective, if sele(t) ≤ γ. An issue brought to attention is the exponential number of possible template graphs; i.e., we need to test all possible combinations of attributes at each vertex for all graph structures. This is computationally prohibitive when there are larger number of attributes and/or structures. To resolve the issue, we make the observations: (1) a common combination of attribute is comparable to the “frequent itemset” in a transactional database; and (2) an embedding of template t is subsumed by another t if t  t; we put the attribute values of an embedding of t, which are missing from t , as nil. This enables us to employ only the maximal frequent attribute sets as the attributes for indexing discriminative structures, while alleviating the exponential growth issue. Particularly, we treat the set of attributes at a vertex as one transaction, |R| · |Vr | transactions in total. Maximal frequent attribute sets [1] are derived from the


X. Zhao et al.

“transactional database”; i.e., frequent attribute sets all whose immediate supersets are infrequent. These attribute sets, denoted by A, constitute the domain of attributes carried by template vertices; i.e., a template is extended with vertex v, only if Av ⊆ A ∈ A. Algorithm 3. IndexTemplate(D, L, α, β, [S, γ]) : R is database; L is maximum template size; α is frequency threshold; β is discrimination threshold; S is query set; γ is selectivity threshold. Output : I is SS-index, initialized as ∅. A ← compute maximal frequent attribute sets; for each distinct single attribute att do t is a template of att; I ← I ∪ {t} ; /* include in the upper-tier */


1 2 3 4

for each template t discovered by gSpan-like procedure using A do if CheckThreshold (t, α, δ, [S, ε]) then I ← I ∪ {t} ; /* include in the upper-tier */

5 6 7

for each template t ∈ I do I ← I ∪ ConstructSubindex(t) ;

8 9

/* include in the lower-tier */

return I


We propose an apriori-based template indexing algorithm (Algorithm 3). Line 1 computes the maximal frequent attribute sets A. Then in Lines 2 – 4, we index templates for single attributes. These individual attributes avoid expensive graph scans in query processing. In Lines 5 – 7, we follow the procedure of gSpan [10] to generate template structures, and it only extend a template to a new vertex whose attribute set is a subset of an element in A. CheckThreshold tests whether the template satisfies both frequency and discrimination thresholds; additionally, the selectivity threshold is verified when query logs are available. Meeting the thresholds qualifies a template to be organized in a prefix tree in SS-index (upper-tier). Finally, Lines 8 – 9 construct the subindices for all templates in the upper-tier by calling ConstructSubindex.



The following algorithms are involved in the experimental evaluation: – SS-search is the proposed algorithm for substructure selection using SS-index. – QuickSI is a state-of-the-art subgraph containment search algorithm [8]. We received the source code from the authors, and modified it to support finding all substructure mappings. Essentially, the adapted QuickSI realized our Algorithm 1 following the DFS paradigm. Treating data graph templates with the first attribute on vertices (disregarding the remaining attributes) as singlelabeled graphs, we mined discriminative tree features and built index for pruning.

On Efficient Graph Substructure Selection


– GADDI is a state-of-the-art subgraph all-matching algorithm [13]. It was reengineered to handle general selection conditions, and built index with discriminative subgraphs for every data graph using the templates as QuickSI. All algorithms were implemented in C++, and compiled using GCC 4.4.3 with -O3 flag. Experiments were run on a machine of Intel Xeon 2.40GHz dual CPU with 4G memory running Debian Linux. We used the following default settings for all algorithms – frequency threshold α = 0.1 and discrimination threshold β = 0.1. We conducted experiments on both real and synthetic datasets. In the interest of space, we only show the results on real dataset AIDS. AIDS is an antivirus screen compound dataset at NCI/NIH, containing 43, 905 molecules. On average, each graph has 25.4 vertices and 27.3 edges. Each vertex represents an atom with a 3dimensional coordinate, and edges depict the chemical bonds between atoms. For every vertex, we used the name as an attribute with the first dimensional coordinate as value. In total, there are 62 distinct first attributes, valued in [-47.3, 63.4]. Additionally, we used ‘coordinate’ as the other attribute with the second dimensional coordinate as value. Since coordinate is continuous in the value domain, we tested range conditions on AIDS. Five sets of 1000 query graphs were used (denoted Q8, Q12, Q16, Q20 and Q24), average number of edges being 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24, respectively. For each query, 30% vertices have non-trivial attribute constraints with average selection range of 0.1. Q16 was used by default, if not otherwise specified. We report the average results per query. Index Construction. We first evaluate the indexing performance of SS-index using different structural features. We enforced Algorithm 3 to grow path, tree and subgraph templates, respectively, and show the results in Table 2(1). Three resulting algorithms are shortened as Path-SS, Tree-SS and Subgraph-SS, respectively. It is clear Path-SS consumes the most space, since the number of path templates is much more than the others. Tree-SS takes the second place regarding both space and indexing time, while Subgraph-SS has the smallest index size but largest runtime due to expensive subgraph isomorphic tests. Further, Fig. 6(1) reflects the effect of various features on runtime. Subgraph-SS has a greater starting point, but decreases faster than Path-SS, as subgraphs are more selective in larger graphs than paths. Tree-SS provides the greatest performance upgrade for all query sets. Subsequently, we chose trees as index features in the remaining experiments to strike a balance between space costup and runtime speedup. Also, we suggest, if memory is not critical, one may also include subgraph features to gain further speedup when data graphs a large. The comparison of indexing performance involving three algorithms are presented in Table 2(2). GADDI spends the greatest space and runtime on indexing due to the lack of optimization pertinent to the problem. SS-index and QuickSI have comparative indexing performance. Specifically, SS-index needs to manage the selected embeddings, and thus, has slightly larger size and greater runtime, though SS-index and QuickSI both utilizes tree features. We will see shortly this offline effort is rewarding.


X. Zhao et al.

Table 2. Experiment Results-I (1) Comparison of Features

SS-index Path-SS Tree-SS Subgraph-SS

Size (kB) 4867.9 1249.8 657.1

Time (s) 175.6 367.4 581.9

(2) Indexing Performance


Size (kB) 876.5 4834.3 1249.8

Time (s) 225.6 3198.2 367.4

Query Processing. We experimentally compare the efficiency of the three algorithms against varying query size, and the results are shown in Fig. 6(2). The query processing of SS-search is up to three orders of magnitude faster than QuickSI, and five orders of magnitude faster than GADDI. The response time of SS-search drastically decreases as query size increases, whereas the response time of QuickSI only decrease slightly; on the contrary, the response time of GADDI increase slightly as query graph size increases. This phenomenon is more significant on large queries. We argue that as SS-search leverages the embeddings indexed by SS-index, the cost greatly depends on the selectivity of the chosen plan seeds. As query size increases, it is more likely to contain larger indexed templates subsuming some partial queries, which are more selective in general; however, this does not benefit QuickSI and GADDI. Evaluating Constraints. The effect of varying constraint coverage is studied, as shown in Fig. 6(3). The x-axis is the percentage of query vertices with attribute constraints. We varied the percentage from 10% to 50%. With expectation, the results indicate GADDI and QuickSI are merely affected, since they do not take into consideration the selectivity of constraints. Contrarily, the response time of SS-search drastically reduces with the increasing percentage. The reason behind is that the more constraints there are in queries, the more selective the chosen indexed templates are. Consequently, it is likely we can obtain a small number of partial mappings at start-off, and effective mapping joins with indexed templates result in reductions on intermediate results. We also observe the performance of SS-search is slightly worse than QuickSI when only 10% of the queries have constraints. As the graphs in the default query set contains 16 edges on average, there are only approximately one or two constraints in each query. Therefore, it is less likely to find indexed templates with few mappings; however, SS-search is only slightly slower than QuickSI even in this extreme case. This also advises that existing subgraph search techniques do not handle substructure selections effectively. We also study the effect of range size on response time, and report the results in Fig. 6(4). Range size is the average range of selections exerted by the range conditions. We varied the range size from 0.1 to 10. Intuitively, constraints with smaller range size are more selective. As expected, the response time decreases gradually as range size decreases. However, the impact of range size is comparatively insignificant under the given setting; i.e., similar value domains and small number of attributes. This implies the selectivity of a query is more dependent on the number

On Efficient Graph Substructure Selection Path SS-search Tree SS-search Subgraph SS-search



GADDI QuickSI SS-search

104 Response Time (s)

Response Time (s)










102 0






10-3 Q8


Q16 Query Graph Size




(1) Varying Query Size


Q16 Query Graph Size



(2) Varying Query Size

GADDI QuickSI SS-search

GADDI QuickSI SS-search

104 Response Time (s)

104 Response Time (s)









10-2 10-2 10







Coverage of Constraints

(3) Varying Constraint Coverage


(4) Varying Constraint Range

GADDI QuickSI SS-search

GADDI QuickSI SS-index




Indexing Time (s)

Response Time (s)


0.1 Range of Constraints



10-2 10-4



100 1k


5k Graph Database Size


(5) Varying Database Size




5k Graph Database Size



(6) Varying Database Size

Fig. 6. Experiment Results-II

of constraints than the selectivity of each constraint, which can be used to further strengthen the index construction. From another angle, this also corresponds to the argument that substructure-based filtering is more effective than vertex/edgebased filtering techniques [11]. Evaluating Scalability. We evaluate the scalability of three techniques against varying graph database size. We sampled five graph databases by randomly choosing 1k, 2k, 5k, 10k and 20k graphs from the original dataset, so that the data distribution remains approximately the same. The results are plotted in Fig. 6(5). It suggests SS-search is expected to be more scalable than others, although all algorithms grows steadily towards larger database size. In addition, SS-search outperforms others with substantial gaps under all given database size settings. The scalability of index construction is studied in Fig. 6(6). All three algorithms are scalable in terms of indexing time. SS-index showcases the smallest growth rate among the three, and the maximal frequent attribute sets based mining approach lends itself well to large graph databases. We note the performance of QuickSI is faster than the others. This is attributed to that QuickSI mines features from a portion of the database [8], which can be regarded as trading index quality for runtime


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performance. Similar concepts are applicable to SS-index for mining attribute sets and structural features. These are beyond the scope of this paper, and hence, left for future study.



In this paper, we have studied substructure selections in multi-attributed graph databases. We devise SS-index to provide effective support. On top of it, SS-search is proposed leveraging dynamical query execution plans. The effective index and efficient processing algorithms render our solution attractive in terms of performance and scalability.

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On Efficient Graph Substructure Selection

Abstract. Graphs have a wide range of applications in many domains. The graph substructure selection problem is to find all subgraph isomor- phic mappings of ...

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