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New Delhi, datetf'17 'fr4'?.017

ER.B-rl2oL7123| t9

ORDER to constitutea committee haved-ecided Board) (Railway Railways of Ministry receivedfrom various Public cemanosfrequests the ' Th€ to eramine andevaruate *J-aiJ. .i n"* Zonesand Divis1s65' pr Representatives/organisarions Il: will consistof the following:Committee ""'Convenor RailwayBoard Director(E&R)' 1)"Executive Board ""'Me-mber Direcior/rinanceii;-1''nuit*aV 2) Executive ""'Member bi"ttor(PlanninJ)'nair*avBoard 3) Executiuu ""Member

ni"tto'frr(r)'' fiuir*uvBoard 4) Executiu* pi"ttoitranfi' nuir*ivBoard 5) Executlu. nuit*uvBoard 6) rxecutiv!il;;;Eitr;'

"';'Member "'Member

2 . T h e T e r m s o f r e f e r e n c e o i t h e C o m m i t t e e w i l l b e a s u n d e r : - public received from various To Analvze the '"9uT:'1-dtT:::t ' (i) r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s / o r g a n i s a t i o n sfrom , s i n the c e 2following 0 1 4 , f o angles: rthgc.reatio Railwavs, on-rnJian divisicn, and zOrres ' Operationalfeasibility ' FinancialimPlications " Administrativeissues ' Staffmatters& IndustrialReiation(lruissues & otherrequirements availability ' lnfrastructure

(ii)onthebasisofaboveanalysis,examinei|..I"i::b]l]y"'crea theproposedzones/divisionsandaccorolngtyreorganizatio zones/divisions' (iii)TheCommltteemayconsultTona|Rai|waysinthisregarc' (iv)TheviewsofFederations/Unionsmayalsobeobtainedfo whicharefoundto be feasible'

-i# 3 . T h e C o m m i t t e e s h o u l d s u b m i t i t s l from n t e r i m Rdate e p o'of r t b constitution v z B . | 2 0 1 -of T athe nda months tnree of period a within Report Committee. 4'TheHeadquartersoftheCommitteewillbeatNewDelhi'g

5 ' . E & R B r a n c h o f R a i l w a y . B o a r d w i l l including bethe.N oda l B r a n c hRTI f o rcases func Parl' Questions' dealt be -eommittee'--'T-he-rp&t-g''-Qlf shourd fg'?la-*rkilissues with-i'egard;th"kurnmittee' foimaTitrds Jnd"-bthei their execution with bYE&RBranch' Contd.....2





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.lorandMembersoftheCommittee]wil|drawTAIDA.asperext C o n v e l r uor r r . .l t u ' , ' u v " r -, :,: ,, , r ,,1,, , " \ Rufar.The r\ ,{,\,thi-ii iV't


ir(M'M"Rai) DePutYSecretary(Estt') '



National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (N.F.I.R)

Copy forwardedto the GeneralSecrffies of Alliliated Unionsof NFIR to immediately. with 6dres & employees furnishingviewsin consultation

i: 'r,



Order demands - requests.PDF

3) Executiuu bi"ttor(PlanninJ)' nair*av Board ""'Member. 4) Executiu* ... Page 2 of 2. Order demands - requests.PDF. Order demands - requests.PDF. Open.

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