The Parish of St Wilfrid of York 53 London Road, Coalville, Leics, LE67 3JB

TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 13/14th October 2012 First Reading: Wisdom 7:7-11 Compared to wisdom, I held riches as nothing Psalm Response: Fill us with your love that we may rejoice. Second Reading: Hebrews 4:12-13 — ...... something alive and active Gospel: Mark 10 — Go and sell everything you own and follow me THOUGHT FOR TODAY This weekend we hear about the rich young man. He wants to “inherit eternal life” but has no real interest in changing his life. Don't we all feel that way? Isn't there something we can just read? Some money we can donate? We go away sad because Jesus asks a lot of us - to really follow him.Whether or not we have a clear picture of where we are being called by Jesus, we can feel the invitation, the call to our hearts, in the silence. We can take just a few minutes each morning as we awaken to sit by the side of the bed and open our hands and hearts and pray, “Jesus, in this quiet moment, I feel my heart being drawn to you. Help me to see this day where you are calling me. “We can repeat this small act on our way to work, taking our children to school and walking to the store. “I know you are in my heart, Jesus. I know you are calling me this day, but my heart is not always open to listen. Help me to answer your call today. At the end of this day, help me to be joyful in answering your call through those in my life. “So many of the stories this

week are clashes between Jesus and the Pharisees. We can ask ourselves: Where in my life do I worry more about appearances than I do the poor who are in front of me? Who are “the poor” in my life? Who are the outcasts, the unpopular or the rejected people I see each day? How can I minister to those people and be a leaven in this world?At the end of each day this week, we can be grateful for the many opportunities we were given to follow along with Jesus. We can ask the Holy Spirit to help us see the invitation in our lives every day and ask for the clarity to recognize “the poor.” When I see the poor, the outcasts, those whose health or habits make them unappealing, do I love them the way Jesus would? Can I look at the brusque and rude people in my life as people Jesus would have gravitated toward, sensing how much they need love? Taken from Creighton University Guide to Weekly Prayer

PARISH TOTE: 24 J Timson £25; 138 A Davis £20; 50 S Tompkin £5 THANK YOU FOR YOUR OFFERINGS Envelopes £383.65; Loose £196.74; Standing Orders £123; Sr Jean £8.92; CAFOD £456.18 — magnificent Harvest Fast Day Collection — thank you. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Harry Hill, Mrs Haywood, Maria Sharp, Nicole Williamson, Joan Briers, Teresa Sheriden, Cecilia Geraghty, Eileen Jarvis, Joan Brown, Nuala Culley, Michael Grimley, Christopher Hubbard, Robert Livingston, Paul Baldwin, Mary Ball, Ron Moreton, Peter Bullimore, Roger Smith, Sheila Stacey, Robert Gallagher, Mona Grady, Mary Godden, Lilian Stratton, Mary & Gordon Head, Pat Pullen, Mrs Pallett, Giovanni Brunetti, Emily Brown, Madeline Moyens, June Faulks, Val Alton, Margaret English, Pauline Sheridan, Marie Cordwell, Helen Powers, Barrie Briers. REQUIEM ANNIVERSARIES: Teresa Chester, Father John McDermott, Ellen Specht BAPTISM ANNIVERSARIES: Ethan Walsh, Connor Bywater, Ella King, Waker Boswell, Harry McMillan, Niamh McMillan CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES Meetings will be on Mondays at 7.30pm: 15 October; 14, 21, 28 January. Rehearsal 4 February. The Confirmation Mass is on Friday, February 8th at 7pm. RCIA CANDIDATES — RESTARTS THIS WEEK There will be meetings on the following Wednesdays at 7.00pm: 17, 31 October; 14, 28 November; 12 December. After Christmas TBA. FIRST RECONCILIATION AND HOLY COMMUNION PROGRAMME 2013 Any child who is in Year 3 or above and who is coming to Mass regularly is eligible. There will be ten preparation sessions for the children between New Year and summer at Church on Sundays, 11.45am–12.30pm. Please write a brief note to Miss P Jordan (Deputy Head of St Clare’s School) including your contact details, and give it to her at Mass on any Sunday morning before the end of November. Full dates will be issued soon. VERONICA HOUSE The women and children who arrive at the house come with nothing. The house is desperate for the following items to provide to the women and children on arrival: Shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and brushes, flannels and scrubbies, and ladies’ products — no soap please. There is a trolley in the entrance of the Church. Please think of these women when you do your weekly shop. Any items will be put to good use. If you need help to get any items to church please contact 01530 450259. NEW IN: TRAIDCRAFT CATALOGUE ... ...and there is a discount on Christmas cards and craft of 20% till 12 Oct, orders need to be with me by that date either phone, text or email 07730 141714, [email protected]. Look online at or pick up new catalogue from ft stall in porch. Thanks for your continued support. LECTIO DIVINA A short day workshop will be led by Deacon Brendan Campbell to share his enthusiasm and explore this ancient method of praying scripture. The venue - the Hangar at the Rosmini Centre on 27th October, 10.30am coffee for prompt 11.00am start. Finish at 3.00pm. Please bring a packed lunch. It will help to let Brendan know if you can come - 01509 813540 or E-mail [email protected]

NOVEMBER DEAD LIST ENVELOPES ARE NOW AVAILABLE... ...under St Joseph’s statue. Please list your departed loved ones on the forms provided, and put the list in the envelopes together with your offering. Please leave the completed envelopes in the basket. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN MARKFIELD... ...are with us for their annual visit next Sunday at the 10am Mass. Please give them a warm welcome. This year is the 25th anniversary of united services with the other Markfield churches. YEAR OF FAITH Booklets are still available at £1.50. Please buy and use! Throughout the Year of Faith there will be DVD presentations using a series called ‘Catholicism’ by the American priest, Fr Robert Barron — beautiful photography and music, and good solid Catholic teaching. Each month a new episode will be presented in a morning and in an evening session. FATHER COLIN... ...leaves for his sabbatical this week. He will return ten days before Christmas. Please give a warm welcome to Fr Adrian Chatterton and Fr Royston Davis who will be celebrating Mass in his absence. Please give all the help and support you can to Deacon John and Sue Tompkin who will have extra responsibilities during this time. Sue will be starting the newsletter on a Monday morning, so if you can get material to her by the weekend for the next week’s newsletter that would be helpful. Otherwise material can be sent not later than Wednesdays to Tricia Simpson (839323 or [email protected]) who will be finishing the newsletter and putting it online. Let us pray for each other. Ministries Rota: 12/13 October Sat 6pm

Sun 10am


Tricia Simpson

Fiona Curtis


Noon Family

Campbell Family



Chris Rogers


P Boyd/D Starbuck


Siby Family Church Care: Haywood Team 20/21 October



Markfield Churches


Whitfield Family




P. Bonser




Martin Family Church Care: Garratt Team

TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Sunday Lectionary Year B; Weekday Lectionary Year 2; Psalter Week 4 Sat 13 6.00pm Mass for Terry Devlin RIP Sun 14 10.00am Mass for the People of the Parish 11.30am Baptism of Ellie Louise Posnett Mon 15 St Teresa of Avilla 9.15am Mass for Donor’s Intention 7.30pm Seekers’ Group — Confirmation Candidates Tue 16 7.00pm Service of the Word and Holy Communion 7.30pm DVD Presentation 1 — God became Man Wed 17 St Ignatius of Antioch 9.30am Service of the Word and Holy Communion 10.30am Cherubs 7.30pm RCIA Thu 18 St Luke, Evangelist 10.00am Service of the Word and Holy Communion Fri 19 7.15am Service of the Word and Holy Communion Sat 20 9.30am Morning Prayer & Holy Communion 5.15–5.40pm Eucharistic Exposition & Confessions TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Sat 20 6.00pm Mass for Ray Cooper RIP Sun 21 10.00am Mass for Priest’s own Intention

CONTACT DETAILS Parish Website: Priest in Charge: Father Colin Patey VF: Phone: 01530 832098 Email: [email protected] Deacon: Rev John Timson: Phone: 01530 243477 Pastoral Assistant: Miss Sue Tompkin: Phone: 01530 811486 Schools: St Clare’s Catholic Primary School: Phone 01530 837747 Head teacher: Mrs J Monaghan De Lisle Catholic Science College: Phone 01509 268739 Head teacher: Mr C Davies Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees (Company Number 7151646, Charity Number 1134449) Registered Office: Willson House, 25 Derby Road, Nottingham, NG1 5AW

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need to be with me by that date either phone, text or email 07730 141714,. [email protected]. Look online at or pick up new. catalogue ...

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