The first decentralized financial-marketplace


When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, “Nah, what is wrong with a horse?” That is a huge bet he made, and it worked.

– Elon Musk.




II. Concept

III. Technology


V. Team





When Bitcoin emerged as an alternative to the




network, it amazed everybody within the industry by promising a new decentralized payment network. It was called the second Pablo Ruiz CEO @PayPro

internet revolution. However, Blockchain was still getting discovered.

With the raise of Ethereum, we discovered that Blockchain is not only meant to change the current payment network but also to change our entire ecosystem. The same principles of Blockchain can be applied to property ownership, digital identity, supply chain, insurance or clinical trials, for instance. From my perspective, this new understanding of how Blockchain can be used thanks to Smart Contracts will be the starting point of creating a Digital Legal System.

This new paradigm is going to create new needs that are going to be looking for new solutions. At PayPro, we strongly believe that this future is very close and thus, we want to position ourselves in the front line by delivering a solution that will ease the switch from the old to the new paradigm.

We have made this white paper to share with you how we believe we will achieve this.





PayPro is a decentralized bank made for dealing with a new eco-system where value is represented in new forms thanks to Smart Contracts. Thus, PayPro is a decentralized financial-marketplace where any dApp can post its services. We are also developing a Wallet where users will be able to store crypto-currencies and any ERC-20 token.

After we have built PayPro, a user will be capable of storing ETH, BTC or GAS, for instance, and use the marketplace for investing in a crowdfunding platform, for instance. Likewise, the shares received from that investment in the form of tokens, will be also stored at PayPro. As a result of that, all the crypto-assets and liabilities of an individual will be represented in PayPro.

Decentralized application

PayPro’s marketplace will be built as a decentralized application, also known as dApp. According to David Jonhston, a dApp must meet some criteria in order to be considered as such:

-! The application must be developed open-source, it has to operate autonomously and the majority of tokens can not be controlled by an entity. Also, proposed improvements and market feedback may be adapted in the protocol. -! In order to access the application and to reward any contribution of value from miners or contributors, a cryptographic token is necessary.



- Tokens must be gen erat ed as proof of the value generated to the application. - A decentralized Blo ckchain must b e u sed to store dat a and records of operation in order to avoid any central point of failure.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Becau se PayPro is a complex challen ge, we are yet to develop it. Though, all the code will be open source and we expect the community to join us on its development. We are running this ICO in order to raise th e necessary funds to kick it off. We are looking forward to starting working with you on this amazing project.


PayPro was born in 2015 as an online tool for making payments in 25 currencies saving up to 90% on hidden bank fees. We got regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, raised two funding rounds of €750,000 in total and spent a little bit more than a year in the market. We managed to process € 500,000 per month, which is not bad at all compared to the early beginnings of Kantox or Transferwise, for instance.

From that experience, we soon learned that the payments / banking industry was totally outdated. Thus, we soon realized that we had to make a step forward if we wanted offer a truly disruptive value proposition if we wanted to change the industry. This is why we started to listen to the market, talk with industry’s experts and do a lot of test and fail. And this is how we created PayPro: the first decentralized bank built.




In a future where Smart Contracts will be used for many of our daily activities, such as using decentralized computer power, trading or insuring a car, we believe that banking is also going to be decentralized.

On the one hand, traditional banking services are being decentralized thanks to many initiatives coming from all over the world and being built over the Ethereum








here: In our perspective, all these applications need to be offered through a common platform same as Android applications are offered in Google Play, as otherwise the user experience diminishes.

On the other hand, users are going to need new forms of storing value due to the raise of smart contracts. All tokens coming from smart contracts and currencies need to be stored at the same place and hence, a new form of wallets need to be created. These wallets are meant to represent all the crypto-assets and liabilities of an individual.

As a result, if our marketplace manages to gather a universal crypto-wallet and a financial marketplace in the same place, we will have created the first decentralized bank-alike application where users will be capable of storing and managing all their crypto assets, ranging from storing currencies, loans or investments.




We understand that the core functionality of PayPro has to be its capacity to store currency-value and spend it. Otherwise there is no point of storing value if it can not be used. For that reason, we have built the banking platform first.


PayPro will accept most forms of cryptocurrencies. Using Ethereum will allow users to store at least the 100 most used currencies by transaction volume per day. Of course, PayPro Token will be our main currency and will be easily exchanged with any other currency.

So far, we have developed an iOS app that allows to store BTC, but this is just a proof of concept made for user experience purposes. You can download it on the AppStore here: 25181484?l=ca&ls=1&mt=8



Market place (Not available until July 2019)

On the one hand, users will be capable of using their PayPro Tokens, also known as PYPs,







marketplace. These services will range from loans or credits to investments. Once the user will have spent its PYPs, a token will be received and stored on the application as a result of using a Smart Contract. For instance, if a user wants to invest in a crowdfunding platform, he can browse for crowdfunding platforms, select a campaign, pay in PYPs and store the token received in exchange on PayPro.

On the other hand, suppliers can submit their services to the marketplace. By using smart contracts, we can ensure that all transactions are made in a secure and efficient way. All suppliers will be rated by the users so the best suppliers can be recommended and the worst can be ruled out. By implementing this rating system we can avoid centralization and thus guarantee that services are client-focused and not the otherwise.



Decentralized Application

PayPro monitor service

Watching events

Watching events

Watching events

Smart Contract

Smart Contract

Smart Contract

dApp interaction

dApp interaction

dApp interaction


dApp Interaction





Management of the dApp

We strongly believe that PayPro can not have any right of ownership over the dApp. Otherwise, the essence of what a dApp would be broken.

Out of 100% of the issued tokens, we are only distributing 40% of them on this ICO. Although we have been asked about the possibility of burning the remaining tokens, we believe that would bring the platform to be led by token holders who might not be prioritizing our long-term goals but mere speculation. As David Jonhston suggests, the ownership of a dApp become less and less centralized after having distributed its tokens via fund-raising and collaboration.

Following Jonhston’s scope, the ownership of the dApp is distributed further as participants with more diverse skills are incentivized to make valuable contributions. Also, those who value the tokens the most are being transferred with them through market forces. This ultimately promote even further the development of the dApp by those individuals who can help the most in the areas that they have expertise. Therefore, we understand that our duty is to progressively release the decision power not only when PayPro needs funds, but also as long as the community gets prepared to it.



Common question; why a dApp and not a DAO?

According to Vitalik Buterin as he posted on his blog on 8th July 2017 under an article called “DAOs, DACs, DAs and More: An Incomplete Terminology Guide”, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is a set of property and a protocol for a set of individuals that autonomously resides on the internet.

Even though we aim at making PayPro autonomous in the sense that token holders will have political rights, we can not sort it as a DAO. The reason of that is that PayPro does not have internal capital.

See the following map from Buterin’s blog to understand the difference between PayPro’s dApp and other forms of Blockchain-based applications:






PayPro Token



Pre-sale period

January 8th to January 15th, 2017

Pre-sale terms

Min investment of 15 ETH

Pre-sale bonus

Bonus of up to 35%

Main Sale period

January 15th to January 31st

Main sale terms

Min investment of 0.5 ETH

Main sale bonus

1st 24 hours 20% 1st week 15% 2nd week 10%

Exchange rate

1 ETH : 500 PYP


20,000 ETH (Hard Cap) or EUR 5,000,000.00 depending on exchange rate.

Accepted currencies

ETH only

Token holder benefits

Decision & Economic rights.

% of Token sold



Anyone except Singapore, Estonia and the US due to legal restrictions or countries trade sanctioned by the US.




PayPro Token (PYP) will be the flagship currency in our ecosystem, facilitating transactions within the marketplace. The main purpose of PYPs is that they will be used for political rights and for usage;

Political Rights

-! Voting on technical design: the community can propose a new technical design to modify, add or remove elements from new versions of the protocol.

-! Voting on monetary policy: Whereas PayPro will set the initial inflation rate, token holders will be capable of adjusting our Token inflation up or down (within a range).

In both case, the frameworks for taking decisions will be set by PayPro as main promoter and cluster for token holders.


All services offered in the marketplace and all transaction fees will be charged in PYPs. Due to the increasing number of currencies that are going to be supported by the application, we have to decide which one is going to be accepted in order to charge all fees and for the marketplace to be simplified.

Whereas is true that ETH could be a good candidate, we are reluctant about relying on it due to the fact that we do not share that Ethereum is the final



winner for Smart Contracts. Other ventures as Neo (AntShares) offer also attractive opportunities that are very likely to success in the mid-term.

For this reason, we have to issue our own token which will be used as the benchmark for all other currencies offered in the application. As said, PayPro Tokens will be the only currency enabled to pay fees.

Nevertheless, we acknowledge the fact that making obligatory for our users to be constantly buying PayPro tokens might diminish the user experience. for this reason, we will take advantage of the development of our gateway to allow the exchange from user' existing-funds to PayPro tokens automatically every time the users need to pay fees.

Issuing our own Token will allow investors from all over the globe to join PayPro. These investors will have early access to PayPro’s Token at its creation. As the number of tokens will be limited, we expect the price to raise as long as the demand increases. Though, in the future our Token will be traded on all major exchanges as BTC or ETH are today. We expect our Token to become widely used even outside our application as the community grows.

PayPro Role

As a private entity, PayPro will not have any kind of property or similar on the marketplace – actually PayPro will have a MIT open-source software license. Our only interest is to make it grow and used by the community. In order to do that, we are responsible for providing support to the community. Nevertheless, we will be holding a number of tokens after the ICO. We will



use these tokens to finance our organization and keep creating value for our community, including its users, our investors, developers and all forms of stakeholders.

Mougayar Test

William Mougayar is an Ethereum Foundation advisor and advisor to Consensus 2016, CoinDesk's flagship conference. He has proposed a set of questions to avoid obscurity around a Token and thus determine its functionality - every question answered as “YES” provides with 1 point out of 20:

1- Is the token tied to a product usage, i.e. does it give the user exclusive access to it, or provide interaction rights to the product?

YES. PYPs are the only currency accepted within the marketplace.

2- Does the token grant a governance action, like voting on a consensus related or other decision-making factor?

YES. Every token gives the holder voting rights.

3- Does the token enable the user to contribute to a value-adding action for the network or market that is being built?

YES. The token enables the supplier (meaning dApp suppliers) to contribute to the marketplace.



4- Does the token grant an ownership of sorts, whether it is real or a proxy to a value?


5- Does the token result in a monetizable reward based on an action by the user (active work)?

YES. Suppliers receive PYPs when their services are sold to users.

6- Does the token grant the user a value based on sharing or disclosing some data about them (passive work)?


7- Is buying something part of the business model?

YES. The purpose of the marketplace is to offer financial services to users.

8- Is selling something part of the business model?

YES. Suppliers will be offering and selling their services to users.

9- Can users create a new product or service?

YES. Suppliers can add new dApps to the marketplace.



10- Is the token required to run a smart contract or to fund an oracle? (an oracle is a source of information or data that other a smart contract can use)

YES. PYPs are the only crypto-currency accepted and hence, Smart Contracts must run on PYPs.

11- Is the token required as a security deposit to secure some aspect of the blockchain’s operation?


12- Is the token (or a derivative of it, like a stable coin or gas unit) used to pay for some usage?

YES. Users pay in PYPs and suppliers must pay a maintenance fee.

13- Is the token required to join a network or other related entity?

YES. Otherwise neither suppliers nor users can not use the marketplace.

14- Does the token enable a real connection between users?

YES. Suppliers and users could not be put in connection via Smart Contracts without PYPs.

15- Is the token given away or offered at a discount, as an incentive to encourage product trial or usage?



YES. First tokens to be sold will be at a 35% bonus.

16- Is the token your principal payment unit, essentially functioning as an internal currency?

YES. All transactions can only be made using PYPs.

17- Is the token (or derivative of it) the principal accounting unit for all internal transactions?

YES. All transactions are accounted in PYPs.

18- Does your blockchain autonomously distribute profits to token holders?


19- Does your blockchain autonomously distribute other benefits to token holders?


20- Is there a related benefit to your users, resulting from built-in currency inflation?

YES. Both users and suppliers holding PYPs will gain acquisition power against counter-parts when exchanging our token.

Total points: 15 / 20




What is a Token Sale?

When further development is needed from a company, a token created by the company can be given in exchange of funds.

The benefits of a token sale are double; from a company perspective, the main advantage of it is that the company gains quicker access than traditional founding routes. From an investor perspective, there is a larger number of reasons why this method can be more interesting than traditional investment;

,! While traditional funding consists on exchanging shares by money, which in most cases are not tradable, most tokens can be sold back to the market at any moment in time. By doing this, investors can allocate their resources in more liquid assets.

,! There is an increasing number of individuals largely exposed in cryptocurrencies and hence, there is a need of generating yield within the ecosystem.

,! It provides with a safe tool for investing anywhere in the world without the need of getting too involved in local law systems and jurisdiction conflicts aroused from it.



Why an ICO?

Because we truly believe that PayPro is made to be a global change, we also believe that it has to be conceived by the global community for a number of reasons:

First of all, as a decentralized application it is natural for us that its conception must come from the community. Even though our organization is going to be its main promoter, we also expect support from the community in terms of funding.

Second of all, we are facing a great challenge in a number fields such as technology development, payment networks, strategy, compliance… and hence, considerable funding is needed to accomplish our goals.

Last of all, PayPro Token (PYP) is the core of our network. PYPs are going to be the main crypto-currency of our network and will also be used to deal with our partners as well as to charge all services available within the network.




November 2017 | Proof of concept release: an iOS app capable of holding and spending BTC is released into the market.

December 2017 | Project Management: we will spend 1 – 2 months on planning the development.

February 2018 | Kick-off: all the necessary hires and collaborations will have been done and the development will start.

February 2018 |Ethereum integration: Ethereum wallet integrated so users can store all major tokens in our wallet.

July 2018 | Marketplace Launch: we will launch a dApp Marketplace where all suppliers will be capable to integrate and offer their services.



Token creation

ERC20 standard is used for all Tokens created on Ethereum.

20,000 ETH will be placed and 40% worth of all PayPro Tokens will be issued in the initial sale.

The Smart Contract is set so the delivery of PayPro’s Tokens can automatically happen right after the ETH are received.

The allocation of tokens will be as follows:

,! 5% would be distributed out to the community over time as rewards for R&D and bounties.

,! 15% is allocated to early investors & backers and future partnerships.

,! 20% is reserved for the current team and most importantly, the future team members’ motivation packages.

,! The final 20% will be held by PayPro, under scrutiny of the community, to reach future sustainability through network revenue distributions.

The delivery of PayPro Tokens (PYP) from the Smart Contract will occur immediately after the ETH is sent.



Token sale period

The token sale will start on January 8th, 2017 at 21:00h GMT and will finish on January 31st at 21:00h GMT or whenever the target value of 20,000 ETH is reached.

Exchange rates and limits

PayPro token will be sold at 500 PYPs to 1 ETH. Minimum investment is set at 0.5 ETH.

No other crypto-currencies are accepted.

Token pre-sale

A number of tokens will be sold one week before the Launch Date. This period will be named as the “Pre-sale” period. By participating in the pre-sale, investors will enjoy special discounts, which can be either additional tokens.

The conditions to join the Pre-sale are:

,! By invitation only; if you want to be invited, please contact any of our team members. ,! Minimum commitment of 15 ETH to qualify. ,! The first 600 investors will gain a bonus of 35%.




If an investor can not invest in the token pre-sale, he still can enjoy a bonus via the following methods:

,! During the first 24 hours, 20% bonus tokens. ,! During the first week, 15% bonus tokens. ,! During the second week, 10% bonus tokens.

Use of funds

Development 40%

As explained, PayPro currently relies on an integrated solution offered by one only supplier that implies expensive fees and low customization. Hence, it is a must for PayPro to be capable of developing its own payment network.

This investment includes upfront and integration fees to be paid to the Payment Processor, the Currency Supplier and BIN Sponsor, which will include acquiring and issuing.

However, the largest part of this investment will be allocated to hiring backend developers (LAMP).



Growth 30%

Even though there is going to be a long journey until the product is released, we are aware of how difficult is to earn the first users and hence, we are saving a large part of the funds raised to invest in growth.

This amount will be invested in Google Adwords, Facebook Ads and in an Affiliate Program. It also includes hiring a top-tier Chief Marketing Officer who will be in charge of designing and executing the strategy.

Other expenses 30%

Including all payments needed to keep the organization working, such as management salaries, rent, utilities, servers or computers.

Token Sale Structure!

Tokens offered through ICO 40%

The funds raised will be used to finance the development of the platform for the next 4 years.



Sustainability reserve - 20%

The sustainability reserve, which, while falling under the community’s scrutiny, will be held by PayPro in order to achieve financial sustainability in the future through distribution of the network’s total spend and marketplace revenues.!

Community, R&D & bounties - 5%

To incentivize the community, as well as brand evangelism, we plan to reward community, academic research as well as bug bounties over the next 4 years.

Early investors, current & future advisors, partnerships - 15%

To give liquidity to early investors & backers, as well as for future partnerships and strategic advisors, we will allocate 15% of total tokens offered.

Early investors, current & future advisors, as well as future partnerships will have a 10% token allocation.

Founders, team & future employee motivation packages - 20%

We believe that a company is only as strong as its team. Therefore all current & future team members will receive motivation packages in the form of vested tokens. These will all be vested according to the employee’s position/ scope.






Pablo Ruiz

Gabriel Llambias

Enric Giribet




#2 company started up

Blockchain geek

Blockchain expert


David Murray MBA Class Advisor @IE Business School

Accelerator & investor @PayPro

Félix Fuertes

Luis Font

Co-founder @CryptoInvest

2 companies exited

Rafael Conde del Pozo Director of Innovation @Vector ITC Group


Wayra Telefónica

Franc Carreras Marketing Prof. @ESADE



“The latest news from PayPro; a new step towards disrupting the banking industry.” Link:

Interview on Spanish Television Link:

Interview for “Finance Magnates” Link:

Interview for “Economía Digital” Link:







This whitepaper is intended for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice, solicitation of any kind nor an endorsement. Any decisions or actions taken on the basis of information presented in this whitepaper, the PAYPRO website or other content is done at your own risk and discretion.


Certain information set forth in this whitepaper includes forward-looking information regarding the future of the project, future events and projections. These statements may be identified by but not limited to words and phrases such as "will", "estimate", "believe", "expect", "project", "anticipate", or words of similar meaning. Such forward-looking statements are also included in other publicly available PAYPRO materials such as videos,



blog posts, interviews, etc. Information contained in this whitepaper constitutes forward- looking statements and includes, but is not limited to:

i) the projected performance of the project;

ii) completion of the campaign;

(iii) the expected development of the project;

(iv) execution of the project's vision and strategy;

(vii) future liquidity, working capital, and capital requirements.

The forward-looking statements involve a variety of risks and uncertainties. Should any of these risks or uncertainties materialise, the actual performance and progress of PAYPRO might differ from expectations set by the forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and no undue reliance should be placed on them. PAYPRO undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances change. By acting upon forward-looking information received from the whitepaper, PAYPRO website and other materials produced by PAYPRO, you bear full responsibility in the case of forward-looking statements not materialising.


There is no guarantee that the PAYPRO platform will be a success. Similarly, there is no guarantee that the value of PAYPRO Tokens will rise. You are



advised to thoroughly assess the risks and uncertainties involved before making any decisions. No promises in terms of token value or future performance are made.


PAYPRO makes no representations or warranties whatsoever and disclaims all liability and responsibility to the maximum extent of the law for any statement or informative material communicated. The PAYPRO team takes all reasonable steps to ensure the integrity and accuracy of information communicated.


Upon taking action on the basis of information presented in this whitepaper, the PAYPRO website or other content produced by PAYPRO, you confirm that:

a) this whitepaper, the PAYPRO website or any other material produced by PAYPRO is not an offering, solicitation or prospectus of any kind.

b) PAYPRO is exempted from any direct or indirect liability to the maximum extent of the law.

c) PAYPRO Tokens are not regarded as securities in any jurisdiction and that PAYPRO Token is classified as a utility token.

d) you have a good understanding of the key components of blockchain technology and understand how blockchains operate. In addition, you fully



understand how to use blockchain wallets, including safeguarding private keys.

e) you are aware of risks in the cryptocurrency industry and are able to bear potential losses in full.

f) you are not expecting to earn profits in any form.

g) you are not a citizen or a resident of the United States, China, South Korea, Estonia or Singapore.





Facebook: /thepaypro

Twitter: @thepaypro

Telegram – Direct: @payproapp | Channel: @payproico







PayPro | White Paper V2.4.pdf

3. CONTENT. I. Vision. II. Concept. III. Technology. IV. ICO. V. Team. Page 3 of 40. PayPro | White Paper V2.4.pdf. PayPro | White Paper V2.4.pdf. Open. Extract.

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