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Amy Candler is trying to keep her special talents a secret, but when that means missing out on the trip of a lifetime, even Amy can't resist. Amy can't believe she is in New York, exploring the city and staying in a plush hotel, but before she knows it, Amy is headed straight for danger. ● ● ● ●

Sales Rank: #580306 in eBooks Published on: 2013-09-25 Released on: 2013-09-25 Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews 5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. BEST BOOK IN THE SERIES By A Customer I think that this is the best book in the series, so far. I have all but one of her books, but none as good as this one. In this book, Amy is a finalist in a National Essay Contest. On the first night, she passes out. Tasha and Eric are worried, since they know that she has never been sick before. At the hospital, Amy meets 7 other of her clones. She is being held there against her own will. She and the other clones don't all get along. I like Amys numbers 1,2,3,and 8. And Amy Candler's my favorite. At the end, Amy finds out it's all a dream...or is it? Anyhow, I totally recomend this best book in the series. 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. she sees eight By A Customer Replica Perfect Girls This book has lots of great suspense and excitement. If you like to read books that put you on edge, then you will love this book. If you are the type of reader who likes to make predications, then you will like this book also because you as the reader can make great predictions. Perfect Girl is number four in the Replica series. There are 20 other books. If you want to read this book, you should read 1-3. You should read them first because the book will be confusing if you read them first. Perfect Girls is about a girl, Amy Candler. However, there is something special about Amy she's not your average 12 year old girl. No, Amy she is a clone! She has 12 other girls that look just like her -- shoulder length hair, brown eyes, and the same shaped body. The clones are stronger, faster, and smarter than your average 12-year-old girl. They're even stronger than a 20-year-old female. In the book, Amy is a finalist in a National Essay writing competition in New York City. The worst thing about it was Amy's worst enemy, Jeanine, is also a finalist. Amy went to New York with the Morgans. They are Amy's best friends, Tasha and her older brother Eric. Amy's mother couldn't go with them because she had to go to a conference in Africa. At the essay competition dinner, Amy faints and is rushed to the hospital. It turned out that the

hospital was really an organization for all the Amys. When Amy woke up, she found herself in a dark room with eight other Amys. The people at the organization were testing the Amys to see how well they could control their powers. Amy tried to explain to the other Amys that the organization wasn't on there side. None of the other Amys believed her. Amy knew she had to get out of there and fast. Amy broke the nurse's foot, then she took her keys. The doctors were chasing Amy and then she saw a window without bars or a screen on it and it was opened. Amy jumped out the window landing on a ledge. Amy Number Five grabbed her wrists and pushed her off the ledge. You will have to read on to find out what happens. I would rate this book a five because it has detail and action. Also because the author Marilyn Kaye has a great twist at the end. 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. It was all a dream.Or was it? By Remnants_2011 Amy recently entered an essay contest,and she's a finalist!So now she gets to go to New York City with the other finalist from her school,Jeanine Bryant.Ughhhhhh,that's the only bad part about the trip,but Amy and Tasha convince their parents that the should go to New York too!Amy is so pysched!She's going to New York with her best friends,she doesn't have to worry about organization that's after her,what could go wrong? Well,shortly after ariving in the city,Amy mysteriously loses conciousness,and is rushed to the hospital... When she wakes up she's in a room with 7 other girls named Amy.... On the outside her friends aren't allowed to see her,they are told Amy is still asleep,but they wonder if thats really the truth... Amy herself begins to wonder what is real and what is not... At the end she wonders was it all a dream? Another Great Replica!I highly recomend this series,you can't miss the tales of Amy #7! See all 26 customer reviews...


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