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Review “Readers who enjoy whirlwind romances with plenty of sex and laugh-out-loud humor will love every installment, and another is due out in the fall.” ?Booklist (Starred review) “A surprisingly delicate look at the underbelly of American rock and roll...While retaining her mischievous and wisecracking signature style, Scott has also brought tenderness and honesty to the material that is truly delightful.” ?Publisher's Weekly (Starred review) “Scott's third Stage Dive novel has it all: emotional highs and lows, heart-breaking realities, demons conquered --even the requisite hotel trashing for rock star credibility. Sexy, on fire...the love scenes are scorchers.” ?RT Bookreviews (Top Pick) on Lead “Pure rocker perfection in every single way...Play is a splendid marriage of romance and comedy, a possibly even better book than its stellar prequel, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes their love stories with a side of giggles.” ?Natasha Is a Book Junkie on Play “Rock and roll romance triumphs again in this perky sequel to Lick. Scott has a special skill for crafting humorous, genuine characters, with great rapport and sizzling chemistry in the bedroom... Another fun title in a great series.” ?Library Journal on Play “Kylie Scott is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors at combining funny with sexy, and I can't wait to read more from her. Play is a definite must-read book!” ?The Smut Books Club “This is a funny and wildly entertaining contemporary romance that will appeal to new adult romance fans.” ?Booklist “Lick is a breath of fresh air [with] a unique storyline, think Hangover meets Contemporary Romance.” ?The Rock Stars of Romance

About the Author New York Times bestselling author Kylie Scott is a longtime fan of erotic love stories, rock n' roll,

and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia she reads, writes and never wastes time surfing the internet.



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Their one night stand wasn't supposed to end this way… Positive. With two little lines on a pregnancy test, everything in Lizzy Rollins' ordinary life is about to change forever. And all because of one big mistake in Vegas with Ben Nicholson, the devastatingly sexy bass player for Stage Dive. So what if Ben's the only man who's ever made her feel out of control with desire? Lizzy knows the gorgeous rock star isn't looking for anything more permanent than a good time, no matter how much she wishes differently. Ben knows Lizzy is off limits. Completely and utterly. She's his best friend's little sister, and no matter how hot the chemistry between them, no matter how sweet and sexy she is, he's not going to go there. But when Ben has a moment of weakness in Sin City, he learns that what happens in Vegas doesn't always stay there. Now he and Lizzie are connected in the deepest way possible...but will it lead to a true connection of the heart? "While retaining her mischievous signature style, Scott brings a tenderness and honesty that is truly delightful."?Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

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Sales Rank: #222548 in Books Published on: 2015-03-31 Released on: 2015-03-31 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 8.25" h x .73" w x 5.52" l, .0 pounds Binding: Paperback 272 pages

Review “Readers who enjoy whirlwind romances with plenty of sex and laugh-out-loud humor will love every installment, and another is due out in the fall.” ?Booklist (Starred review) “A surprisingly delicate look at the underbelly of American rock and roll...While retaining her mischievous and wisecracking signature style, Scott has also brought tenderness and honesty to the material that is truly delightful.” ?Publisher's Weekly (Starred review) “Scott's third Stage Dive novel has it all: emotional highs and lows, heart-breaking realities, demons conquered --even the requisite hotel trashing for rock star credibility. Sexy, on fire...the love scenes are scorchers.” ?RT Bookreviews (Top Pick) on Lead “Pure rocker perfection in every single way...Play is a splendid marriage of romance and comedy, a possibly even better book than its stellar prequel, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes their love stories with a side of giggles.” ?Natasha Is a Book Junkie on Play

“Rock and roll romance triumphs again in this perky sequel to Lick. Scott has a special skill for crafting humorous, genuine characters, with great rapport and sizzling chemistry in the bedroom... Another fun title in a great series.” ?Library Journal on Play “Kylie Scott is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors at combining funny with sexy, and I can't wait to read more from her. Play is a definite must-read book!” ?The Smut Books Club “This is a funny and wildly entertaining contemporary romance that will appeal to new adult romance fans.” ?Booklist “Lick is a breath of fresh air [with] a unique storyline, think Hangover meets Contemporary Romance.” ?The Rock Stars of Romance

About the Author New York Times bestselling author Kylie Scott is a longtime fan of erotic love stories, rock n' roll, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia she reads, writes and never wastes time surfing the internet.

Most helpful customer reviews 17 of 17 people found the following review helpful. Sad to say goodbye but a great ending to the series By Kim U As a reader, one of the things I dread the most is the end of a beloved series. So when Deep arrived on my Kindle, I was hit with so many conflicting emotions I wasn't sure what to do. On one hand, I was dying to open it up and dive right in- so what if it was already late evening, sleep is overrated, right? On the other hand, I knew I was going to be saying goodbye to the Stage Dive family at the end of the book and I wasn't ready. Of course, desire to find out all the details of Ben and Lizzy's journey to this point in their lives that Kylie had been tantalizing us with for months won out and I settled in for the ride. And oh what a ride it was! We get to see the moment that started it all through Lizzy's eyes when she sees Ben in person for the first time along with all the important moments leading up to those 2 pink lines staring back at her. Poor Lizzy just went from being a carefree 21 year old college student to an emotional hormonal young woman trying to wrap her head around the fact that in less than a year, she is going to be responsible for a living breathing tiny person. She has no idea how any of her friends or extended family will react, much less the big man and baby daddy himself. Ben gave it the ol' college try to honor his promise to Mal to stay away from Lizzy but we can see how well that worked out! Although he was the king of mixed signals, he was no match for her persistence. Once they were both in Sin City for the Mal and Anne wedding extravaganza, the tension had built up to the breaking point until there was no turning back. Now he is completely lost on how to proceed- and can I just say drunk Ben is adorable? If things go south for Stage Dive, David could have a second career option in wrangling big drunken goobers since Mal and Ben have given him plenty of practice! Ben adheres to the time honored tradition adopted by so many over the years when faced with unpleasant or unexpected info: deflect, deny and hope it resolves itself. Mal's reaction was unexpected as well and as much as I love him, I kind of wanted to kick his ass for it. Who would have expected Jimmy to be the voice of reason in the madness? Yet he had

a few heart to heart moments with Ben that left me melting over the elder Ferris brother yet again. Fortunately those moments effectively broke through the granite skull and epic wall of denial the bassist had built up. Ben and Lizzy are a hot mess as they try to figure out what the future holds for them, but they muddle through. Lizzy is just as funny as any of the other Stage Divers’ ladies, and Ev, Anne and Lena bring her further into the inner circle with ease. Of course not everyone is happy to see Lizzy in Ben’s life- anyone remember Martha, Ben's sister, from Lick? She’s baaaaccckkkk and she is still an epic b**ch! Steadfast and loyal bodyguard Sam has a few choice words for her, and it was wonderful to see her put in her place. There was also a fabulously funny and fitting moment between Martha and Lizzy in the delivery room that had me in stitches. The baby’s name had me gasping out loud though- that poor child would have seriously hated Ben and Lizzy for the name if kids still had to write out their names by hand with a first, middle and 2 last names that made for pretty lengthy but fitting moniker. Speaking of Sam, he played a larger role in Deep than he had in previous stories but he kept Lizzy sane at times through the madness of life on the road, and it was great to see him interacting with her on a more personal level than we have seen since he came into Ev’s life in Lick. Vaughan, the bassist for Stage Dive’s opening act Down Fourth, was a wonderful character as well. He starts out hitting on Lizzy until he realizes what is up, then settles in to being a friend and supporter particularly when she needs it the most. Vaughan definitely made me all melty and I am hoping that Lizzy will play matchmaker for him in the future. Although I am so very sad to see this series end, Deep was a great story that delivered everything I have come to expect from Kylie Scott’s books- humor, heat, drama, heartache, and did I mention humor?? This may be the end of the line for the Stage Dive series books, but Ms. Scott has indicated they will make an appearance again in the future and I will be eagerly waiting. Vaughan’s story is up next and I really fell in love with him in Deep so I can’t wait to see him find his happiness!! 19 of 20 people found the following review helpful. A perfect end to an AMAZING series! It's all about the BASS! By Brittany's Book Blog Deep is book number 4 in Kylie Scott's amazing Stage Dive Series and tells Ben and Lizzy's story. It was such a bittersweet moment to get my hands on this book, because I was desperate to read it, but I wasn't ready to let go of the boys and girls I had come to love in this series. I know that most people would have savoured the read, but I was so excited to get this book in my grubby hands - I devoured it in one sitting. As per usual, the fabulous Kylie Scott does not disappoint. The book picks up soon after Mal and Anne (Lizzy is Anne's sister) get together, so it runs concurrently with that story line. Lizzy meets Ben through Mal and Anne. She is immediately attracted to him - they have MAD chemistry. Ben is warned from the onset to stay away from her, as she is soon to be Mal's family - and he doesn't want any awkward situations to develop later on. Of course, we all know that forbidden fruit is the sweetest though. Ben has good intentions as far as his friendship with Lizzy is concerned. He tells her on more than one occassion that he is not prepared to cross certain lines with her. Lizzy is someone that wears her heart on her sleeve and isn't afraid to say how she feels though. Although Ben has sworn off any kind of long term relationships - he does find himself drawn to Lizzy. The two begin to

exchange text messages and a fast friendship is formed. Ben is however firm with Lizzy that he cannot sleep with her as he has promised Mal (who is like his brother) that he wouldn't. After an incident between the two Lizzy cuts off contact with Ben completely, which floors Ben. They eventually have to see one another at Mal and Anne's wedding. Ben confronts her and of course as it happens when the sexy members of Stage Dive are around, the two end up in bed together. Their one night together leaves them both with more than they can possibly imagine and this is where the fun starts.. Ben has always been the one band member that I could never quite get a handle on - he was always off doing his own thing and really not vocal (when compared to the other three guys). They always say that "Still waters run deep" and this is true in the case of our Ben. Ben carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, and you can almost feel it weighing him down - he doesn't want to be attached to anyone or anything. He considers his friendship with the rest of the band of paramount importance (especially considering that he was almost the reason that David and Ev split). I also found him incredibly frustrating - he hid behind his persona of always being up for a good time. His room was always the location of the night's party. He distanced himself from emotional entanglements - and although that should have made me want to stab him, I found it endearing. That said, I wasn't sure how I'd feel about him being the main protagonist of his own story. Lizzy was the complete opposite - a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. We obviously knew of her background because we have known Anne - so we know that her childhood was not easy and that Anne practically raised her. For all that she has gone through, she has not let life dull her sparkle and she is full of sass and spunk. I loved the brother/sister bond that formed between Lizzy and Mal - and I howled with laughter during a lot of their scenes in the book. Mal takes care of his family, and Lizzy is family - his baby sister. Imagine the levels of crazy that this inspires in him, you will laugh OUT loud. This book has everything you could possibly want - Ben (because we are all about the bass) a rock and roll legend. Lizzy, an incredibly young and idealistic as well as quirky young lady. Throw in an unplanned pregnancy and the roller coaster of emotions that brings in to play and you know this is one book that is going to take you on a journey that is going to both break and hopefully heal your heart. I loved Ben and Lizzy - I loved how things were never quite as simple as they seemed. This was a really magnificent end to an equally phenomenal series. I must say though that when I got to the last page, I did shed a tear - parting is such sweet sorrow. I do know that we can look forward to seeing glimpses of our Stage Dive boys and girls, as Kylie Scott prepares to write her Dive Bar series. I am giving Deep 4.5 amazing stars - it completed the series in a perfect way. I loved the insight into the ever evasive Ben and I loved this book. 22 of 27 people found the following review helpful. Not as good as previous books

By Stephanie G (Reviewer for Paranormal Haven) Lizzy isn’t interested in the perks that come with being with a rock star. All she wants is some alone time with the hot bassist from Stage Dive. After months of pursuit, Lizzy gets her intimate moment with Ben and a couple months later learns she’ll soon have a permanent memento of their night in Las Vegas. She’s not foolish to think a baby will earn Ben’s love, nor does she want his money. She wants to get to know the man behind the tats and beard and perhaps show him a relationship can be a wonderful new beginning and not the end of all things fun. I don’t hate Lizzy but I don’t really care for her either. What begins as a crush turns into genuine feelings as she spends months working her way into Ben’s life via texts and secret meetings. Ben is trying to honor Mal’s request to keep his hands of his future sister in law but Lizzy doesn’t seem to care about the problems it will cause. She wants him, so goes for him (not that Ben is innocent at any point). The entire time he’s honest about not wanting a relationship and then she’s heartbroken when he…shocker…doesn’t want a relationship. Lizzy is an intelligent young woman and there are moments that shows. I like that she doesn’t whine about the situation she’s in. She owns up to her part and is ready to handle business. Unfortunately, the decisions she makes in her personal life left a bad taste in my mouth. Oh Ben. You tattooed, bearded stud you. You frustrate me with all your back and forth, ‘let’s give a relationship a try’ then ‘I can’t do this’ with Lizzy. Ben isn’t the first to openly admit his relationship fears or make bonehead choices. He does however have the least amount of back story, something I was really hoping for. With the other guys, you know their history and how they’ve been messed with along the way. Ben doesn’t have the same opportunity to explain where his decisions come from and it makes him appear to be a bigger jerk than I believe he really is. Ben has spent the series in the background and this should be his time to shine but that’s not how it unfolds and it’s disappointing. The band is now on tour and Lizzy joins everyone for support and tries to work out something with Ben for the good of their baby. There are a few sweet moments between Ben and Lizzy but I think their relationship never reaches anything meaningful due to misunderstandings and unspoken feelings. Each relationship in this series has only become better with time and all I can really say about Lizzy and Ben’s relationship is how unsatisfying it is. It’s not all bad. As I mentioned, there are some sweet moments and I can always trust Mal to make me laugh and Jimmy, who I started the series out with a strong dislike for, offers some sage advice and has really pulled ahead of the pack to become one of my favorites. Coming off the heels of Lead, the romance, character development and overall tone of Deep just doesn’t stack up. I hate saying that because this series has been such a joy to read and I think it’s only because the other books are so strong that this one disappoints in comparison. See all 762 customer reviews...


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About the Author New York Times bestselling author Kylie Scott is a longtime fan of erotic love stories, rock n' roll, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia she reads, writes and never wastes time surfing the internet.

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