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If you desire truly get the book Warbreaker By Brandon Sanderson to refer now, you should follow this web page constantly. Why? Remember that you require the Warbreaker By Brandon Sanderson resource that will provide you right expectation, do not you? By seeing this website, you have actually started to make new deal to constantly be current. It is the first thing you can begin to get all take advantage of remaining in a site with this Warbreaker By Brandon Sanderson and also various other compilations.

From Publishers Weekly Starred Review. Epic fantasy heavyweight Sanderson (the Mistborn series) pens a powerful standalone tale of unpredictable loyalties, dark intrigue and dangerous magic. To keep a treaty made long ago, the king of Idris must send his daughter to marry Susebron, the God King of Hallandren. Loath to part with his eldest daughter, Vivenna, King Dedelin instead sends his youngest daughter, tomboyish 17-year-old Siri, who struggles to make sense of the schemers and spies in Susebron's court. Hoping to rescue her sister, Vivenna joins a group of Idrian operatives with questionable motives. As Vivenna comes to terms with her magical abilities, resurrected hero Lightsong questions the role of the undead Returned Gods, who command Hallandren's mighty army of zombie soldiers. Sanderson melds complex, believable characters, a marvelous world and thoughtful, ironic humor into an extraordinary and highly entertaining story. (June) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Review "Not only has Sanderson drawn a freshly imagined world and its society, he has also given us a plot full of unexpected twists and turns. . . . Anyone looking for a different and refreshing fantasy novel will be delighted by this exceptional tale of magic, mystery and the politics of divinity. Warbreaker might even take your breath away.”—Michael Moorcock “Epic fantasy heavyweight Sanderson pens a powerful stand-alone tale of unpredictable loyalties, dark intrigue and dangerous magic. . . . Sanderson melds complex, believable characters, a marvelous world and thoughtful, ironic humor into an extraordinary and highly entertaining story.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review) on Warbreaker “Sanderson again demonstrates his capacity for handling large and complex themes while creating believable characters.”—Library Journal (starred review) on Warbreaker “Hilarious dialogue, descriptive action sequences, and genuinely sweet romance. . . . Sanderson knows how to wrap things up cleanly. He spins a world that’s easily complex and mysterious enough to warrant sequels, but prefers to end it climactically, answering many of his biggest questions, while leaving others to the imagination.”—The Onion on Warbreaker

“Sanderson is clearly a master of large-scale stories, splendidly depicting worlds as well as strong female characters. . . . May the author write long and prosper.”—Booklist on Warbreaker “A highly readable and compelling stand-alone volume from the acclaimed author of the Mistborn trilogy. . . . Highly recommended to fans of epic fantasy.”—The Romantic Times BOOKreviews 4 ½ Stars TOP PICK!

About the Author Brandon Sanderson grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. He teaches creative writing at Brigham Young University and lives in Utah with his wife and children. He has been chosen to complete the concluding volumes of Robert Jordan’s bestselling Wheel of Time® series.



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After bursting onto the fantasy scene with his acclaimed debut novel, Elantris, and following up with his blockbuster Mistborn trilogy, Brandon Sanderson proves again that he is today's leading master of what Tolkien called "secondary creation," the invention of whole worlds, complete with magics and myths all their own. Warbreaker is the story of two sisters, who happen to be princesses, the God King one of them has to marry, the lesser god who doesn't like his job, and the immortal who's still trying to undo the mistakes he made hundreds of years ago. Their world is one in which those who die in glory return as gods to live confined to a pantheon in Hallandren's capital city and where a power known as BioChromatic magic is based on an essence known as breath that can only be collected one unit at a time from individual people. By using breath and drawing upon the color in everyday objects, all manner of miracles and mischief can be accomplished. It will take considerable quantities of each to resolve all the challenges facing Vivenna and Siri, princesses of Idris; Susebron the God King; Lightsong, reluctant god of bravery, and mysterious Vasher, the Warbreaker.

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Sales Rank: #10215 in eBooks Published on: 2009-06-09 Released on: 2009-06-09 Format: Kindle eBook

From Publishers Weekly Starred Review. Epic fantasy heavyweight Sanderson (the Mistborn series) pens a powerful standalone tale of unpredictable loyalties, dark intrigue and dangerous magic. To keep a treaty made long ago, the king of Idris must send his daughter to marry Susebron, the God King of Hallandren. Loath to part with his eldest daughter, Vivenna, King Dedelin instead sends his youngest daughter, tomboyish 17-year-old Siri, who struggles to make sense of the schemers and spies in Susebron's court. Hoping to rescue her sister, Vivenna joins a group of Idrian operatives with questionable motives. As Vivenna comes to terms with her magical abilities, resurrected hero Lightsong questions the role of the undead Returned Gods, who command Hallandren's mighty army of zombie soldiers. Sanderson melds complex, believable characters, a marvelous world and thoughtful, ironic humor into an extraordinary and highly entertaining story. (June) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Review "Not only has Sanderson drawn a freshly imagined world and its society, he has also given us a plot full of unexpected twists and turns. . . . Anyone looking for a different and refreshing fantasy novel will be delighted by this exceptional tale of magic, mystery and the politics of divinity. Warbreaker might even take your breath away.”—Michael Moorcock “Epic fantasy heavyweight Sanderson pens a powerful stand-alone tale of unpredictable loyalties, dark intrigue and dangerous magic. . . . Sanderson melds complex, believable characters, a marvelous world and thoughtful, ironic humor into an extraordinary and highly entertaining story.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review) on Warbreaker “Sanderson again demonstrates his capacity for handling large and complex themes while creating believable characters.”—Library Journal (starred review) on Warbreaker “Hilarious dialogue, descriptive action sequences, and genuinely sweet romance. . . . Sanderson knows how to wrap things up cleanly. He spins a world that’s easily complex and mysterious enough to warrant sequels, but prefers to end it climactically, answering many of his biggest questions, while leaving others to the imagination.”—The Onion on Warbreaker “Sanderson is clearly a master of large-scale stories, splendidly depicting worlds as well as strong female characters. . . . May the author write long and prosper.”—Booklist on Warbreaker “A highly readable and compelling stand-alone volume from the acclaimed author of the Mistborn trilogy. . . . Highly recommended to fans of epic fantasy.”—The Romantic Times BOOKreviews 4 ½ Stars TOP PICK!

About the Author Brandon Sanderson grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. He teaches creative writing at Brigham Young University and lives in Utah with his wife and children. He has been chosen to complete the concluding volumes of Robert Jordan’s bestselling Wheel of Time® series. Most helpful customer reviews 195 of 207 people found the following review helpful. One of the Best Books I've Read By illiandantic Simply put, Brandon Sanderson's "Warbreaker" is one of the best books I've read. When I ordered it, I was a bit apprehensive over the official write-up and the "SciFi Essential Book" logo on the front page. Essentially, I was worried that the book might read like a comic book or a screenplay. Thankfully, that worry was unfounded. Within just a few pages, I was totally absorbed in the story. Why is the book so good? Well: - Premise: this is one of those books where you wonder where the author comes up with even the basic premise. As stated in the official write-up: "By using breath and drawing upon the color in everyday objects, all manner of miracles and mischief can be accomplished." Once I saw what the author did with that, I was amazed. - Authorship: the technical aspects of the writing and the internal consistency of the world and characters are excellent. In many books, people and things don't necessarily behave as they

should in all instances. In "Warbreaker," I never noticed any such deficiency. - Points of View: one of the really clever things that Sanderson does is to constantly compare the main characters' points-of-view to the *expectations* of the other main characters' points-of-view. He does an excellent job of this and it leads to some interesting twists as he follows each character's development. And, finally, - Plot Twists: there are a lot of plot twists in the book and they're done well. Usually, when I read a book, I can figure out what's going to happen right from the beginning. In this case, Sanderson has a few of those "obvious" twists present. But, there are others which spring up entirely unexpectedly. That's a rare and precious thing in an author and something to be treasured. So, all-in-all, I loved the book and rate it an Excellent 5 stars out of 5. I highly recommend it to everyone (and I'll be reading Sanderson's other books shortly). 71 of 76 people found the following review helpful. A long novel that is worth the time it takes - and no cliffhanger! By Glenda Boozer When I first saw how long this book was, I thought I would be sick of it before I could plough through to the end. Nothing could have been further from the truth! Warbreaker kept me interested and sometimes delighted; the characters were interesting, the story was full of surprises, and even the rules of magic were a little bit different than any I've seen in too many long, involved fantasy novels. Here we have two sisters; the princess who expected to be sent to the god-king of her enemies in marriage, and the pricess who was sent instead. Neither got what she bargained for, and both ended up with very important roles to play before the story's astonishing conclusion. I'll have to read some of this author's other works; he knows how to craft a story that will entertain and move the reader, and although I would welcome a sequel to this book, I don't feel that I was given only half a story. I predict a long career for Brandon Sanderson. 41 of 44 people found the following review helpful. A non-fantasy fan's review By P. M. Gunther I should start by saying I don't read much fantasy. It's probably been more than a decade since I read a fantasy book. My taste in literature tends to run more towards either mysteries (Michael Connelly, Henning Mankell, P.D. James), non-genre work (Margaret Atwood, Haruki Murakami, Michael Chabon, J.M. Coetzee) or history (Joseph Ellis, David Hackett Fischer, David McCullough). I have several hundred books, but I think I could probably count my fantasy books on one hand, and most of those I haven't touched. When I go to the bookstore to look for new authors, I'll look at Dave Eggers, Kiran Desai, Sarah Waters, Steig Larsson, but I never go to the fantasy section. However, I do have a friend who reads a great deal of fantasy, and who goes on endlessly about Sanderson. He's told me repeatedly that I should try the Mistborn books. Well, I haven't yet, but when by chance I came across an advance copy of Warbreaker before release, I grabbed it in part because I knew it would drive my friend nuts, but also out of curiosity. I buckled down with it over a 48 hour period and blew through the book. I was very impressed. It's a well put together, well told story, filled with interesting characters that all develop in believable ways through the course of the book. I've noticed some reviewers seemed

to think it was slow, but it was this "slow" stuff that I personally enjoyed, as it was filled with character development and political machinations: some of my two favorite things to read. Also, my biggest pet peeve for fantasy books, out of control and unnecessary apostrophes, was kept to a minimum. I would rather have seen them banished entirely, but they are used only in two place names that are not mentioned too frequently, so I can forgive it here. I'm giving it 4/5 stars. It's hard for me to rate it as a fantasy novel, as I can't really compare it to anything. But I can say that I did enjoy it very much, and will definitely try the Mistborn books sometime in the near future. I don't necessarily think that this book opened me up to the world of fantasy novels, per se, but it did open me up to Sanderson, and I guess that's something. See all 836 customer reviews...


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“A highly readable and compelling stand-alone volume from the acclaimed author of the Mistborn trilogy. . . . Highly recommended to fans of epic fantasy.”—The Romantic Times BOOKreviews 4 ½ Stars TOP PICK!

About the Author Brandon Sanderson grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. He teaches creative writing at Brigham Young University and lives in Utah with his wife and children. He has been chosen to complete the concluding volumes of Robert Jordan’s bestselling Wheel of Time® series.

If you desire truly get the book Warbreaker By Brandon Sanderson to refer now, you should follow this web page constantly. Why? Remember that you require the Warbreaker By Brandon Sanderson resource that will provide you right expectation, do not you? By seeing this website, you have actually started to make new deal to constantly be current. It is the first thing you can begin to get all take advantage of remaining in a site with this Warbreaker By Brandon Sanderson and also various other compilations.


Michael Moorcock. “Epic fantasy heavyweight Sanderson pens a powerful stand-alone tale of unpredictable loyalties,. dark intrigue and dangerous magic. . . . Sanderson melds complex, believable characters, a. marvelous world and thoughtful, ironic humor into an extraordinary and highly entertaining. story.”—Publishers ...

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