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Review "I enjoyed the ways in which Cooley Wilson used archangels, demons, fae, and GARGOYLES to inhabit the story . . . In some ways they were familiar, but in others she made them unique." --Bookworm Brandee About the Author Randi Cooley Wilson is an author of paranormal, urban fantasy, and contemporary romance books. Randi was born and raised in Massachusetts where she attended Bridgewater State University and graduated with a degree in Communication Studies. After graduation she moved to California where she lived happily bathed in sunshine and warm weather for fifteen years. She currently resides in Massachusetts with her daughter and husband.



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A DIVINE SECRET, A LOYAL PROTECTOR, A FORBIDDEN LOVE. Eve Collins starts her freshman year at college blissfully unaware that one revelation will challenge everything she’s believed to be true about her family, life, and future, and right in the midst of it all is Asher St. Michael. Mysterious and aloof, Asher is appointed to protect Eve at all costs. Bound by his oath of loyalty to mankind, loving her is forbidden. Dark and enigmatic, Gage Gallagher may be even more dangerous to Eve than the demonic army that hunts her. Caught in the middle of a centuries old war, Eve must choose sides knowing that the wrong choice will cost more than just her life. Can Asher and Eve fulfill their destinies or will their love destroy everything? Revelation is a journey of self-discovery, love, and sacrifice. Intended for mature readers 18+. ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Sales Rank: #309187 in Books Published on: 2014-04-24 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 9.00" h x .74" w x 6.00" l, .93 pounds Binding: Paperback 326 pages

Review "I enjoyed the ways in which Cooley Wilson used archangels, demons, fae, and GARGOYLES to inhabit the story . . . In some ways they were familiar, but in others she made them unique." --Bookworm Brandee About the Author Randi Cooley Wilson is an author of paranormal, urban fantasy, and contemporary romance books. Randi was born and raised in Massachusetts where she attended Bridgewater State University and graduated with a degree in Communication Studies. After graduation she moved to California where she lived happily bathed in sunshine and warm weather for fifteen years. She currently resides in Massachusetts with her daughter and husband. Most helpful customer reviews 36 of 37 people found the following review helpful. Amateur writer at best By Alison This kind of book is the epitome of a guilty pleasure, but one that may keep you rolling your eyes at the bad writing. While the romance, action, and mythical lore is fun, the writing of the book is mediocre at best. The author comes across as a teenage girl writing fan fiction. She plays on every trope imaginable, and created a female lead character that seems perfect in every way. Can you say boring and predictable? The female lead is beautiful, but doesn't realize it, clever and funny (or rather she says things that aren't funny, but the author has every character laugh at her wit to

convince us she's funny), and every guy loves her, whether romantically or as a sister. Another way in which the author seems like a young amateur fan-girl writer is the way she dumps details on you with poor exposition, and describes the physical attributes of every character to you. Did we really need to sit through a scene where 4 female friends get ready to go to a club and we have to hear every detail of how each one did their makeup, hair, and outfit? Really?! Sometimes the situations the character gets in and the way she reacts seems very unrealistic to me. For example (no spoilers), in one scene where she barely knows her future love interest, he picks her up when she falls on the ground and sets her in his lap with her legs wrapped around his torso. She's facing him, straddling him, and he says "let's talk." and she acts like that's a normal thing for a strange man to do. I was like "What?!" what kind of girl would just go with the flow like it's normal for a stranger to force your legs to wrap around him and sit groin to groin while you "talk." It was obvious that the author was trying to create a steamy situation, but it was just weird and forced. I can't get past the obviousness and predictability from this writer. In short, if you want a guilty pleasure read where you don't mind rolling your eyes at terrible methods of giving us character description, like "My cheeks are wet, most likely from the tears that escaped by hazel eyes." then have fun with this. If you want a well written book from an experienced author, that keeps you excited to read more, don't bother with this one. 15 of 17 people found the following review helpful. Well.... she tried. By Amazon Customer SPOILERS: This book jumps all over the place. In the first half there's more nonsensical heaven vs hell prose than I've ever encountered. I still have no clue about any of it. There's a hell hound, weird blue flames, a fairy realm, gargoyles, archangels, a werewolf, a banshee, and some kind of clan rivalry all within the first 60% of the book. The heroine has no redeeming qualities and in an attempt to come off as a strong female lead, the author has just created a brat who is rude and narcissistic. In one chapter the clan can't tell her anything about who or what she is, and they can't reach the archangel who can. The next chapter apparently they can reach him and he comes right on over. With no proof other than getting attacked by a dog and some dreams, she is simply buying in to everything this group of friends is telling her to be true about her being the one and only special sauce for heaven who is being hunted by the devil. The hero of the book runs so hot and cold, like in back to back sentences, that I find him creepy and definitely not sexy. The author tries to make him sexy... but just succeeds in making him bi-polar. (PC Check: I'm not saying bipolar people aren't sexy!) There's a weird hot cocoa theme that runs throughout, and no shortage of tired tropes around every page - love triagle, the chosen one and only, guy protects the girl who tries to show him she can do it all herself, snotty friend who is only a snot because she cares, the hot bad boy vs the hot good guy, yada, yada, yada. In a nutshell.... this is amateur hour. That being said - I want to support budding authors. I support creativity, I support big dreams, I support people trying! The author isn't a pro yet, but I see heart and dedication in the writing that you can't teach. Sooooo... this book is only a dollar. Buy it, read it, critique it. That way the author can learn, grow, and get better at the craft! There's talent here, albeit raw. 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. 3.75 Stars By Mykatiebaby I enjoyed this book and I would have given it 5 stars, but there were just a couple things that really bothered me.

Here are the cons first: The thing that bothered the most is that I didn't like the heroine, Eve. I believe her comments & whatnot were meant to come off as "whitty" & "sassy," but instead to me she just came off as "snarky" and rude, sometimes bordering on mean. I was hoping that maybe she would stop acting that way and grow a bit as the book went on. I do understand she was in a bit of a shock, but she really didn't stop with the rude comments much. I haven't purchased book 2 yet, but I did read the sample & so far, she's still the same. She is still making rude comments to people who are only trying to help her. The 2nd thing I didn't like was when she learned about Asher & his family, about herself, & when she had the meeting with Michael, she asked the same 1 question over & over. I get that maybe she was having a hard time wrapping her head around it, but it wasn't portrayed that way. The conversation literally went- Asher & his family tells her what she is & that there are bad people/ things after her; there are a cpl more lines, then Eve asks "so let me get this straight, I'm a xxx (leaving that blank so there's no spoilers) and there's bad ppl after me?" Then a cpl more lines and she asks the question again. Then Michael joins them, gives her the SAME EXACT info that she just got & she asks him that same question again-right after he just said that. It was a few pages of her discovering everything, but it seemed kind of drawn out to me. A few pages is usually good because it's normal for a person to freak out, but not when it's the same thing being said over & over. The 3rd thing that bothered me is why the Protectors & Michael & whatnot were keeping secrets & things from her. I understood at first they didn't want to hasten what was going to happen, but after she learned the truth, it just didn't make sense to me to withhold information from her. I understand slowly giving her the info so that she didn't become overwhelmed & break, but knowledge is power! I'm assuming we'll find out in the 2nd book what was being withheld. This wasn't a huge con though. Another thing that I didn't like was when Eve didn't yet know anything about what was going on, but was told by Asher & family that they were in the security business & protecting her- it was like Eve just went along with it & was like "ok." If that were me I'd be freaking out over just that, wondering who in the heck hired them & I'd be asking them questions! Who hired you? Who is after me? I'd like a business card please! Lol. I mean seriously! My last thing ties in to that- I understand that Eve has been roommates with Abby & McKenna, but she has only known them for a month, & Asher for only a couple days. She trusted them WAY TOO MUCH! Especially when she had someone else (Gage) telling her that she didn't have all the facts. I'd be a little on guard! I think Eve's attraction to Asher overrode some of her common sense. She's very lucky that they are the good guys, as far as we know! (I say as far as we know because we know that Asher has some secret.) Now for what I did like about the book. First, no love triangle! So far in the sample of book 2 there isn't one either & another reviewer's comment said there isn't one. So that is an entire star from me! I also like how although Eve & Asher are very attracted to each other from the get go (even though it's touch & go at first when he opens his mouth), that there was no Insta-Love.

This probably would have been a 4.5 or 5 star book if it hadn't been for me not liking the heroine, so my hope is that she has an attitude adjustment in the next book & grows up. Some reviewer's said that they loved her "sassiness," etc., but to me it came off as as rude & immature. Idk, maybe I'm the only one who thinks so? I am looking forward to the next book & the rest of the series though. It seems like it will an epic love story. I'm also looking forward to seeing Eve develop, and to seeing more action, which is sure to come. See all 188 customer reviews...


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Those are several of the advantages to take when getting this Revelation (The Revelation Series) (Volume 1) By Randi Cooley Wilson by on the internet. Yet, how is the means to obtain the soft data? It's quite appropriate for you to visit this page since you could get the web link page to download guide Revelation (The Revelation Series) (Volume 1) By Randi Cooley Wilson Merely click the web link provided in this short article as well as goes downloading. It will certainly not take significantly time to obtain this e-book Revelation (The Revelation Series) (Volume 1) By Randi Cooley Wilson, like when you should choose publication store.

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