Sometimes, reading The Perfect Question (Questions For A Highlander) (Volume 4) By Angeline Fortin is quite uninteresting as well as it will take very long time starting from obtaining guide and start checking out. However, in contemporary age, you could take the creating innovation by utilizing the web. By web, you can visit this web page and begin to look for the book The Perfect Question (Questions For A Highlander) (Volume 4) By Angeline Fortin that is required. Wondering this The Perfect Question (Questions For A Highlander) (Volume 4) By Angeline Fortin is the one that you require, you can opt for downloading. Have you recognized how to get it?

About the Author Angeline Fortin is the author of historical and time-travel romance offering her readers a fun, sexy and often touching tales of romance. Her first release in May of 2011, the Highland time travel novel A Laird for All Time, has steadily ranked in Amazon's Top 100 in Time Travel for the past three years with more than 80 five-star reviews so far. A Question of Trust, the first of her Victorian historical romance series Questions for a Highlander, was released later that year and quickly followed by series additions A Question of Trust and A Question of Lust. The series primarily follows the siblings of the MacKintosh clan. Ten brothers and their lone sister who end up looking for love in all the right places. While the series continues on with familiar characters well known to those who have read the entire series, each single title is also a stand-alone tale of highland romance. With a degree in US History from UNLV and having previously worked as a historical interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg, Angeline brings her love of history and Great Britain to the forefront in settings such as Victorian London and Edinburgh. As a former military wife, Angeline has lived from the west coast to the east, from the north and to the south and uses those experiences along with her favorite places to tie into her time travel novels as well. Angeline is a native Minnesotan who recently relocated back to the land of her birth and braved the worst winter recorded since before she initially moved away. She lives in Apple Valley outside the Twin Cities with her husband, two children and three dogs. She is a wine enthusiast, DIY addict (much to her husband's chagrin) and sports fanatic who roots for the Twins and Vikings faithfully through their highs and lows. Most of all she loves what she does everyday - writing. She does it for you the reader, to bring a smile or a tear and loves to hear from her fans.



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Captain Richard MacKintosh returned from Egypt wounded, not only in body but also in spirit, after making a daring getaway from the rebel band that held him and his military unit captive for months. However, though he had escaped, his brother, Vincent; friend, Jason; and the rest of his unit had been retaken. Forced back to England to recover, Richard is determined to use that time to force the government to garner their forces to search all of Egypt if necessary for his brothers-at arms still lost in the desert. He wanted – no, needed! – to spend each waking moment finding the help he needed and nothing was going to make him lose focus on that goal. That was until he ran into an angelic face from his past. One Lady Abygail Merrill. Abby had once been a brash, bossy tomboy who trailed along after him as a child. He had treated her as a friend, as yet another younger brother, but the lovely sophisticated woman he found in her place stirred anything but brotherly feelings. Richard finds in Abby a welcome haven against the storm of disappointment raging around him. A sympathetic ear and a comforting embrace. It becomes too easy to lose himself in her welcoming arms. But like him, Abby has her own demons to overcome before she can be free to love him. An accident years before had left her scarred, her natural self-confidence lost to the scornful eyes and words of the ton. She is but a shadow of the impetuous lass she’d been. However, Richard’s return has roused in Abby possibilities she thought long dead. All the hopes and fantasies that she’d held for most of her life are suddenly alive once more with promise. Richard genuine admiration recalls Abby to the girl she was once was and guides her back to the woman she was meant to be. Abby would do anything for the man she has long loved and knows that if she wants a life of her dreams with Richard, she must first help free him from the past. But once he is free to love her, will there be a future left for them to share? ● ● ● ● ● ●

Sales Rank: #6648528 in Books Published on: 2012-12-12 Original language: English Dimensions: 8.50" h x .65" w x 5.50" l, Binding: Paperback 286 pages

About the Author Angeline Fortin is the author of historical and time-travel romance offering her readers a fun, sexy and often touching tales of romance. Her first release in May of 2011, the Highland time travel novel A Laird for All Time, has steadily ranked in Amazon's Top 100 in Time Travel for the past three years with more than 80 five-star reviews so far. A Question of Trust, the first of her Victorian historical romance series Questions for a Highlander, was released later that year and quickly followed by series additions A Question of Trust and A Question of Lust. The series primarily follows the siblings of the MacKintosh clan. Ten brothers and their lone sister who end up looking for love in all the right places. While the series continues on with familiar characters well known to those who have read the entire series, each single title is also a stand-alone tale of highland romance. With a degree in US History from UNLV and having previously worked as a historical

interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg, Angeline brings her love of history and Great Britain to the forefront in settings such as Victorian London and Edinburgh. As a former military wife, Angeline has lived from the west coast to the east, from the north and to the south and uses those experiences along with her favorite places to tie into her time travel novels as well. Angeline is a native Minnesotan who recently relocated back to the land of her birth and braved the worst winter recorded since before she initially moved away. She lives in Apple Valley outside the Twin Cities with her husband, two children and three dogs. She is a wine enthusiast, DIY addict (much to her husband's chagrin) and sports fanatic who roots for the Twins and Vikings faithfully through their highs and lows. Most of all she loves what she does everyday - writing. She does it for you the reader, to bring a smile or a tear and loves to hear from her fans. Most helpful customer reviews 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Ingrid Ryan great book. I've read all her books and never been disappointed and you won't either. 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I like when a book make me want to read in ... By Amazon Customer it was a quick read. I like when a book make me want to read in one day. 6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. the perfect question By Annie As always this author brings you right into the story. You love the characters and the history. You find yourself there watching and listening to the characters and wishing you could interact with them. They become alive and a piece of scotlands history is right in front of you. Her books made me purschase history books on scotland and I found a love for another land and its history. See all 25 customer reviews...


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Sometimes, reading The Perfect Question (Questions For A Highlander) (Volume 4) By Angeline Fortin is quite uninteresting as well as it will take very long time starting from obtaining guide and start checking out. However, in contemporary age, you could take the creating innovation by utilizing the web. By web, you can visit this web page and begin to look for the book The Perfect Question (Questions For A Highlander) (Volume 4) By Angeline Fortin that is required. Wondering this The Perfect Question (Questions For A Highlander) (Volume 4) By Angeline Fortin is the one that you require, you can opt for downloading. Have you recognized how to get it?

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