From currently, discovering the completed site that sells the finished books will certainly be many, but we are the relied on site to go to. Microstock Money Shots: Turning Downloads Into Dollars With Microstock Photography By Ellen Boughn with easy web link, easy download, as well as finished book collections become our better services to obtain. You could find as well as utilize the benefits of choosing this Microstock Money Shots: Turning Downloads Into Dollars With Microstock Photography By Ellen Boughn as every little thing you do. Life is always developing and also you require some brand-new publication Microstock Money Shots: Turning Downloads Into Dollars With Microstock Photography By Ellen Boughn to be recommendation constantly.

Review Microstock Money Shots offers tips from picking the right subject matter to composition, working with models...using keywords, legal forms, and much more...invaluable information --Shutterbug Magazine Dec 2010 Top Photo Books 2010 page 104 Boughn draws on 30 years of experience to create a long overdue handbook for shooting saleable stock imagery targeting "what the market demands year after year" --Rangefinder Magazine. August 2010. LightReading. Jim Cornfield. page 136-138 About the Author Ellen Boughn has worked in the stock photography business for more than 30 years, holding executive positions at Corbis, UpperCut Images, Workbookstock, and SuperStock. She founded the stock agency After-Image, now part of Getty Images. Most recently, Ellen spent two years advising photographers on stock strategies through a successful blog at Dreamstime, the world’s third highest-grossing microstock agency. Ellen is a frequent industry speaker and can be found at www.ellenboughn.com. Andres Rodriguez (foreword) is one of the world's top microstock contributors. A self-taught photographer, he receives 30,000 downloads each month. Visit him at www.andresr.com.



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Today’s online microstock agencies make it possible for anyone with a camera to sell their photographs. But the competition is daunting--one leading agency receives 14,000 uploads each day. How can you make your images stand out--and better yet, sell? In this guide, industry veteran Ellen Boughn reveals everything you need to know, including: . How to get started selling your photos . What sells and what doesn't . How to cast and work with models . The fine print on permits and permissions . How to reach specialty markets like advertising, retail, news, and education Packed with hundreds of examples of photos that sell (and some that don’t), Microstock Money Shots is your key to maximizing views and downloads in the exciting new world of microstock.

From the Trade Paperback edition. ● ● ● ●

Sales Rank: #918252 in eBooks Published on: 2011-04-26 Released on: 2011-04-26 Format: Kindle eBook

Review Microstock Money Shots offers tips from picking the right subject matter to composition, working with models...using keywords, legal forms, and much more...invaluable information --Shutterbug Magazine Dec 2010 Top Photo Books 2010 page 104 Boughn draws on 30 years of experience to create a long overdue handbook for shooting saleable stock imagery targeting "what the market demands year after year" --Rangefinder Magazine. August 2010. LightReading. Jim Cornfield. page 136-138 About the Author Ellen Boughn has worked in the stock photography business for more than 30 years, holding executive positions at Corbis, UpperCut Images, Workbookstock, and SuperStock. She founded the stock agency After-Image, now part of Getty Images. Most recently, Ellen spent two years advising photographers on stock strategies through a successful blog at Dreamstime, the world’s third highest-grossing microstock agency. Ellen is a frequent industry speaker and can be found at www.ellenboughn.com.

Andres Rodriguez (foreword) is one of the world's top microstock contributors. A self-taught photographer, he receives 30,000 downloads each month. Visit him at www.andresr.com. Most helpful customer reviews 97 of 126 people found the following review helpful. A destructive book for those hoping to earn a living at photography By DenverPhotographer I'm familiar with Ellen Boughn so curiosity got the best of me and I bought and read the book. It's a fast read, you can finish it in a day... partially because there is nothing in it that you won't see posted on the microstock sites and the multitude of blogs about microstock. The blogs and the book have another thing in common too. They are both seeking to profit by convincing photographers to devalue their work. Ellen hopes to sell books by leading you to believe you can make a fortune licensing your work for 25 cents. That's right, a quarter... and one site licenses the work for a mere 14 cents. The blogs by convincing you of the same and then signing up to license your work for less that it costs you to park your car at a meter during a photoshoot and themselves making a referral commission off of any image you license. One thing quite apparent in reading this is Ellen is VERY AWARE that the advice she is giving is misleading. For example, she mentions that most of the food photos shot for microstock look very unappetizing and that a food stylist with her full compliment of tricks is needed to make the food look good. Then she continues to say that you will not make enough from the image as microstock to cover the cost of the stylist! This is true. And it is the way of microstock. Convince the photographer that if he only invested more into the shoot he would make a fortune... and knowing full well that he will not. There is a small handful of photographers who do well at microstock this way and they can be counted on the fingers of both hands. However based on some actual payout charts that were once available from iStock, the vast, vast, vast majority of contributors never license enough work in a year to reach the $100 payout threshold. The microstock sites profit from the work and the photographers who created the work get a goose egg. Nothing, zip, zero! As for those who are making big bucks at it, part of that success is that they are held up as poster boys to encourage others to sign up. Also, one has to wonder how much they would be making had they pursued revenue streams that paid what the work is worth! Ellen sold out AND SHE KNOWS IT. Now she is asking you to do the same so she can profit from selling her own soul. Someone with her years of experience in the industry should be devoting her time to make the industry in which she earns her living a better place, not working to destroy it. And if she was a REAL expert, that is what she would be doing. Before you buy this book, ask yourself some questions. Let's say you manage to license a photo 100 times on microstock. At a quarter each, that is a whopping total of $25. Doesn't even come close to covering production costs, or even the coffee brought in for the models. Now consider you had recieved what is still an unrealistically low price for your work of just $30 per license... sill way too low but now you are talking $3000 for the same work. Now ask yourself just how it is that someone who is creating an advertising campaign, putting out a magazine, or promoting a national or international product is unable to come up with $30 for a photo? Is it your job to subsidize their business?

Ellen seems to think so. So much so that I actually had to wonder which of the microstock sites paid Ellen to write it. The book does more to make the lives of the image inspectors and microstock site owners easier than it will do to help you make money. It is possible to make money at microstock, but the effort and cost involved does not result in a satisfactory return on investment. A photographer who manages to somehow make $25,000 a year on microstock would be making a good $250,000 to $500,000 per year had he put the same effort into landing work that paid fairly. Save your money, invest it instead on a copy of "Best Business Practices for Photographers" by John Harrington and learn what your work is actually worth and how to get it. Join a professional association and learn how other successful photographers are actually making it work in this business. Ellen is preying on those who have a dream, but have not found the professional resources they need to make their dream a reality. Don't be her next sucker. Ellen's book was good for a laugh and to see close up a slice of the cancer that is destroying photography. It now lines my bird cage. 6 of 8 people found the following review helpful. A source of inspiration By Tyler Olson Microstock Money Shots does a great job of giving the reader inspiration and direction for shooting, without stifling your own creativity and freedom. Ellen doesn't give you hand holding directions through the microstock process, but instead gives you ideas, thoughts, and inspiration on how to use your own creativity to create sale-able stock. The book is full of ideas on what to shoot, how to find models, how to make your photos look more professional, and what sells; but again, Ellen smartly conveys her ideas as inspiration as apposed to instructions. This book could be recommended for both someone just starting out in microstock or someone with years of experience looking for additional sources of inspiration. 20 of 29 people found the following review helpful. Disappointing By True Justice I was looking forward to this much touted "best guide to the microstock photography" by the famous and knowledgeable author only to be disappointed. Reading the foreword section by Andres Rodriguez (Boughn's friend), made me uneasy - in his brief introduction he keeps mentioning ad nauseam that this is the only book one needs in order to take acceptable microstock photos. Can it be more tacky than that? However, the book content didn't meet my expectations at all. Those so called "insider secrets" are no secrets, Ellen is not sharing anything special here. No real mention of markets and customers who buy stock photos, except for a very general, vague and available freely online information. Not helpful. The author is not a photographer herself, just a business woman who makes money on microstock selling/promoting visual content for big bucks to those clients she carefully does not identify - this book probably is there to serve the likes of her first and foremost. It should be sold for 1$ per download in line with the pricing of stock photos. That would be acceptable and fair. All the other information regarding composition, keywording, choice of subject, etc. is basically a

repeat what every single stock site provides for free to the contributors (i.e., Bigstock, Shutterstock, iStock, Fotolia, Dreamstime, etc.) along other free as well and superb photo tutorials online (Harvard University Extension School, Cambridge in Colour, and many more). I am glad I borrowed this book from the local library before wasting money on the purchase. If anything I would recommend "Taking Stock: Make money in microstock creating photos that sell" (Rob Sylvan) by a microstock photographer with some real experience to share. See all 22 customer reviews...


By downloading the on-line Microstock Money Shots: Turning Downloads Into Dollars With Microstock Photography By Ellen Boughn book right here, you will certainly obtain some advantages not to choose guide establishment. Just hook up to the web and also begin to download the page link we share. Now, your Microstock Money Shots: Turning Downloads Into Dollars With Microstock Photography By Ellen Boughn is ready to appreciate reading. This is your time as well as your tranquility to acquire all that you desire from this publication Microstock Money Shots: Turning Downloads Into Dollars With Microstock Photography By Ellen Boughn Review Microstock Money Shots offers tips from picking the right subject matter to composition, working with models...using keywords, legal forms, and much more...invaluable information --Shutterbug Magazine Dec 2010 Top Photo Books 2010 page 104 Boughn draws on 30 years of experience to create a long overdue handbook for shooting saleable stock imagery targeting "what the market demands year after year" --Rangefinder Magazine. August 2010. LightReading. Jim Cornfield. page 136-138 About the Author Ellen Boughn has worked in the stock photography business for more than 30 years, holding executive positions at Corbis, UpperCut Images, Workbookstock, and SuperStock. She founded the stock agency After-Image, now part of Getty Images. Most recently, Ellen spent two years advising photographers on stock strategies through a successful blog at Dreamstime, the world’s third highest-grossing microstock agency. Ellen is a frequent industry speaker and can be found at www.ellenboughn.com. Andres Rodriguez (foreword) is one of the world's top microstock contributors. A self-taught photographer, he receives 30,000 downloads each month. Visit him at www.andresr.com.

From currently, discovering the completed site that sells the finished books will certainly be many, but we are the relied on site to go to. Microstock Money Shots: Turning Downloads Into Dollars With Microstock Photography By Ellen Boughn with easy web link, easy download, as well as finished book collections become our better services to obtain. You could find as well as utilize the benefits of choosing this Microstock Money Shots: Turning Downloads Into Dollars With Microstock Photography By Ellen Boughn as every little thing you do. Life is always developing and also you require some brand-new publication Microstock Money Shots: Turning Downloads Into Dollars With Microstock Photography By Ellen Boughn to be recommendation constantly.

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executive positions at Corbis, UpperCut Images, Workbookstock, and SuperStock. She founded. the stock agency After-Image, now part of Getty Images. Most recently, Ellen spent two years. advising photographers on stock strategies through a successful blog at Dreamstime, the world's. third highest-grossing microstock ...

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