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If you ally require such a referred Sparky: Firehouse Dog By Jody Studdard publication that will certainly provide you value, get the most effective seller from us currently from numerous prominent publishers. If you intend to enjoyable publications, numerous novels, story, jokes, and a lot more fictions collections are additionally launched, from best seller to the most current launched. You may not be puzzled to appreciate all book collections Sparky: Firehouse Dog By Jody Studdard that we will supply. It is not about the rates. It has to do with exactly what you need now. This Sparky: Firehouse Dog By Jody Studdard, as one of the best sellers here will certainly be one of the ideal choices to read.

From the Inside Flap Sparky: Firehouse Dog Excerpt: Once they got to the top of the ladder, Steven smashed the nearest window with his axe and they climbed inside. Already, flames were everywhere. The walls and floor were on fire, and smoke poured down the hallway. They went through a doorway and jogged up two flights of stairs. This floor was even worse than the first. Part of the ceiling had crumbled. On the far side of the room, through the smoke, Sparky saw the shapes of people. "Help us!" someone called. They hurried over and rounded the people up. They had been hiding under a table for protection from the heat and flames. "Take them to the ladder," Steven told Dave and Sparky, "and help them down. I'm going to see if there's anyone else up here." "Don't stay too long," Dave said. "This place is getting really nasty. The whole building could collapse at any minute." Sparky barked and started nudging people toward the staircase. "Let's go," Dave told them. "Let's go." They hurried down the staircase and onto the floor where the ladder could be reached. Already, the fire had gotten worse. It was spreading quickly, and Sparky's eyes stung from all the smoke. One by one, the people climbed out the window and down the ladder. Sparky barked to tell Pam and the other fire fighters they were coming. The entire building shook as there was an explosion from a couple of stories above.

"Steven!" Dave said. His eyes were large. The explosion had come from the floor where he and Sparky had left Steven. Without thinking, Sparky darted through the room and rushed up the staircase. He had to save Steven. About the Author A writer since high school, Jody Studdard published his first children's novel, Sparky: Firehouse Dog, in 2005. In addition to writing, he is a practicing attorney and has a law office in Everett, Washington. He enjoys action movies and loud, obnoxious music.



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When Sparky the Dalmatian puppy is brought home from the pet store, he is delighted. His new home is a fun and wonderful place. But everything changes overnight when a terrible fire destroys his home and makes him flee into the darkness of a nearby alley. Sparky is forced to live the next few years on the streets, scavenging for food and water. Not willing to succumb to his fate as a lowly street dog, Sparky joins a local fire station in an attempt to make something of his life. Will Sparky's fear of fire and his tragic past force him to quit his new job as a firehouse dog, or will he overcome his fears and become the town's biggest hero? ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Sales Rank: #6279055 in Books Published on: 2013-06-19 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 8.00" h x .35" w x 5.00" l, .35 pounds Binding: Paperback 140 pages

From the Inside Flap Sparky: Firehouse Dog Excerpt: Once they got to the top of the ladder, Steven smashed the nearest window with his axe and they climbed inside. Already, flames were everywhere. The walls and floor were on fire, and smoke poured down the hallway. They went through a doorway and jogged up two flights of stairs. This floor was even worse than the first. Part of the ceiling had crumbled. On the far side of the room, through the smoke, Sparky saw the shapes of people. "Help us!" someone called. They hurried over and rounded the people up. They had been hiding under a table for protection from the heat and flames. "Take them to the ladder," Steven told Dave and Sparky, "and help them down. I'm going to see if there's anyone else up here." "Don't stay too long," Dave said. "This place is getting really nasty. The whole building could collapse at any minute." Sparky barked and started nudging people toward the staircase. "Let's go," Dave told them. "Let's go." They hurried down the staircase and onto the floor where the ladder could be reached. Already, the fire had gotten worse. It was spreading quickly, and Sparky's eyes stung from all the smoke. One by one, the people climbed out the window and down the ladder. Sparky barked to tell Pam

and the other fire fighters they were coming. The entire building shook as there was an explosion from a couple of stories above. "Steven!" Dave said. His eyes were large. The explosion had come from the floor where he and Sparky had left Steven. Without thinking, Sparky darted through the room and rushed up the staircase. He had to save Steven. About the Author A writer since high school, Jody Studdard published his first children's novel, Sparky: Firehouse Dog, in 2005. In addition to writing, he is a practicing attorney and has a law office in Everett, Washington. He enjoys action movies and loud, obnoxious music. Most helpful customer reviews 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. DOGS are awesome By ekipp I have always loved DOGS. So naturally love all stories of dogs. This may be a big favorite dog story. See all 1 customer reviews...


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A writer since high school, Jody Studdard published his first children's novel, Sparky: Firehouse Dog, in 2005. In addition to writing, he is a practicing attorney and has a law office in Everett, Washington. He enjoys action movies and loud, obnoxious music.

If you ally require such a referred Sparky: Firehouse Dog By Jody Studdard publication that will certainly provide you value, get the most effective seller from us currently from numerous prominent publishers. If you intend to enjoyable publications, numerous novels, story, jokes, and a lot more fictions collections are additionally launched, from best seller to the most current launched. You may not be puzzled to appreciate all book collections Sparky: Firehouse Dog By Jody Studdard that we will supply. It is not about the rates. It has to do with exactly what you need now. This Sparky: Firehouse Dog By Jody Studdard, as one of the best sellers here will certainly be one of the ideal choices to read.


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