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Book details ●

Au ho

Tony Koes e

Pages 111 pages

Pub she

Language Eng sh

Ka mbach Books 2017 09 02

SBN 10 1627004939

SBN 13 9781627004930

Book Synopsis n h s a new book Mode ng he T ans on E a expe mode e Tony Koes e akes an n dep h ook a he me pe od and mos popu a mode ng e a when a oads we e chang ng om s eam ocomo ves o d ese du ng he 1940s and 1950s The book nc udes An ove v ew o he e a why d ese ocomo ves ep aced s eam ocomo ves and how hey each wo ked A gu de o he ypes o a oad equ pmen n use e gh and passenge A ook a yp ca a oad ope a ons o he e a and how hey adap ed om s eam o d ese

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