P l e i n l y

P a s t e l

N e w s l e t t e r

*August Summer2013



The Piedmont Pastel Society

Issue No. 3

What You’ll Find Inside:  Letter From The President

 New Members and 2013 PPS Board13 PPS  Featured Artist-MVP: Mona Hearne  2014 North Carolina Statewide Exhibit Update  2013 Schedule of Exhibitions  Special Events  Recap of PPS Events  Member News Highlights  Extra Pointers  Links & Tips…is What’s Cookin’  The Wrap-Up P l e i n l y

P a s t e l

*August 2013 *

P l e i n l y

P a s t e l

N e w s l e t t e r




The Piedmont Pastel Society 2725 Wamath Drive * Charlotte, NC 28210

Website: www.piedmontpastelsociety.org Email News: [email protected]

Letter From Our President Charlotte, North Carolina Hi everyone! Is it just me, or is the summer flying by at warp speed?! June seems like a year ago!! And here we are in August, with school starting again in three weeks! (insert the Munch “Scream” here)!! I checked my calendar to see what I’ve been doing, and there’s a lot of camps, tennis, tao kwon do, tutoring, and appointments in there. Was there any painting scheduled in there? Nope. I think a lot of us are really good at planning things for everyone, but not for ourselves. There’s always the siren call of the dust bunnies calling us away from our painting intentions. I got some wise advice from a good friend and a talented artist recently – Adele Goodman. During her (outstanding) demo for PPS on July 20th, she urged us several times to read a book by Julie Cameron called “The Artists’ Way”. I think it’s time I read it. How many of us truly schedule time in our studio? Like ignore the cell phone time? Lose ourselves for an hour or two to create! Time slips away so fast, and if we need to MAKE the time to paint! If any of you are where I am, and want to read the book together, please let me know. To recap the summer, our first ever Studio Sale got a decent start. We partnered with fellow artists from the Matthews Artist Guild, and there was a good mix of items for sale, including frames, pastel boxes, books, DVD’s, watercolors, brushes, and a HUGE collection of pastels by PPS Member, Carol Benston. Any money I made from selling my stuff was quickly spent on Carol’s pastels!! The collection features just about every pastel brand that there is, and most are unused. They are pastelicious!! I have asked Carol if she would bring them to our next Program, on September 21, so that members who missed the sale can have a chance to grab these amazing deals, and she has graciously agreed.








Although we still have two Programs this year – Diane Pike on September 21 and Wendy Musser on November 16 – we are at a decision point for our PPS Programs for 2014. Before we proceed with booking artists and programs for next year, we need to know what you, our members, interests and educational needs are. To that end, the Programs Survey, using Survey Monkey, should be in all your email boxes. In less than 5 minutes, and 10 questions, YOU get to determine the structure and content of our Programs for next year!! They are anonymous. I urge all of you to do the survey. You have till the end of August, and I will share the results with you. I really appreciate your participation!! We will also be having a Member-Only Exhibition in November, at the McDowell Arts Center in Matthews. Our 2013 PPS Workshop instructor, artist Barbara Jaenicke, will juror and judge. There will be an Opening Reception the evening of Tuesday, November 5th, so please add it to your calendars. Barbara will select 13 paintings which will go into our first-ever Piedmont Pastel Society 2014 Calendar!! Think about submitting paintings with a seasonal theme. The calendars will be available for sale conveniently during the holidays, so plan on snapping some up for gifts! I also want to take a minute to talk about volunteering. I am setting up several committees, of 2-3 people, in the areas of Hospitality, Exhibitions, Lending Library, the Studio Sale, and the 2014 NC Statewide Exhibition and Workshop. I prefer the structure of multiple people tackling an area, rather than one board member. Tasks can be broken down and shared, to lighten the load for everyone, and it’s far better to brainstorm in a group.


*August 2013 *






…President’s Letter continued on next page

New Members and 2013 PPS Board …President’s Letter Continued There’s also the social benefit of getting to know your fellow artists, and making friends. Getting involved will also give you a say in the quality of the programs, events, and social functions that you joined PPS to enjoy. A board member will be involved fully in each committee. Many of the tasks can be accomplished without you leaving your home, so our members who live further away can also get involved. Together, we will build a thriving, dynamic, inspiring, and close-knit community of pastel artists! Please contact me at [email protected] and let me know what area you’d like to help with. Please share with us any exciting art-related news or events that are happening in your life. Do you have a solo show coming up? Has your work been accepted into a juried show? How about a new gallery representing you?

Please let me know so we can share your good news, support you by attending an opening reception, or celebrate along with you! We are proud and inspired by our fellow pastel artists! Please send me an email with your news. I hope you are all finding time for yourself to paint, and often! Looking forward to catching up with you all at our next meeting. Blessings, Deb

The PPS family is excited to welcome our new Members: Malia Bryngelson

[email protected]

Happy Painting!!!

The 2013 PPS Board President: Deb Rasberry [email protected]. Secretary and Membership Chair: Nancy Marshburn [email protected]

Vice President: Ruth Crowe [email protected] Treasurer: Angie Harker [email protected]

Newsletter Editor: Kurt Weiser [email protected]

Website Coordinator: Regina Burchett [email protected]









*August 2013 *


Programs Chair: Sue Panzarella [email protected] Hospitality Chair: Brent Scott [email protected] NC Statewide Exhibition Chair: Mona Hearne [email protected]





Featured Artist MVP

~ Most Valuable Pastelist

Verona “Mona” Hearne A North Carolina Artist and Teacher Acknowledging that God has given her a desire to create art through various mediums, including pencil, oils, watercolor, and soft pastels she paints for her enjoyment, for the enjoyment of others and most importantly to glorify her Creator. Her life’s goal is to honor God. Mona has enjoyed drawing and painting “off and on” for most of her life. She began painting consistently with soft pastels in 2008. It was also in 2008 that she became a devoted student, and eventually a teacher of the Munsell Color System. She says it’s a tossup as to which she enjoys the most, oils or pastels. Never formally educated in the arts she gratefully attributes many artists and friends that have helped her along the artist’s way. Mona is a board member of the Piedmont Pastel Society, presently serving as chairperson of the 2014 North Carolina Statewide Pastel Exhibition and Workshop. She is a member of the Appalachian Pastel Society and the Matthews Artist Guild, and is an associate member of “Women Painters of the Southeast.”

“Hearne Kitty”

Mona is founding and charter member of the North Carolina Pastel Plein Air Painters. Mona is church secretary and active member of Midwood Baptist Church in the historic PlazaMidwood section of Charlotte, N. C. where she also teaches English as a second language to a lovely group of Montegnard women – Jarai dialect. Mona and her husband live in Matthews, N.C. Daughter, Cynthia and son-in-law Randy Carter, and son Wayne and daughter-in-law Chris Hearne, have given them 5 brown-eyed grandsons, Jameson, Garrett, Benjamin, Hunter, and Jake. Their eldest grandson, Lt. Jameson Carter, US Army, is presently serving America in Afghanistan. www.vernonahearnefineart.com


“High Ridge Hay” Munsell Color System Analogous Red Yellow Red Yellow BLUE Discords Purple/Blue Green

“6 x 8 Oils on Linen Plein Air Field Study”









*August 2013 *


“12 x 16 Pastels on Uart Studio (in process)”





2014 The North Carolina Statewide Pastel Exhibition HISTORY The North Carolina Statewide Pastel Exhibition and Workshop On Common Ground: Pastel Paintings From the Mountains to the Sea North Carolina Pastel Societies: Piedmont Pastel Society (PPS) - Central, NC Pastel Society of North Carolina (PSNC) - Eastern, NC Appalachian Pastel Society (APS) - Western, NC The idea for a statewide North Carolina pastel exhibition, supported by the efforts of all pastel societies in NC, originated in 2009 with PSNC member, Mandy Roeing. The then PSNC President, Luana LuconiWinner and her Board embraced the idea and committed to moving forward. In early 2010, Luana contacted APS President, Kay Gordon, Judith Cutler at PPS, and the now defunct Coastal Pastel Society. Judith presented the All NC Exhibition idea to PPS President, Jill Rausch, and Board. Over time, all three societies agreed to participate, each appointing a representative which developed into a joint Advisory Council to organize and oversee Statewide events. Mission Statement, goals and guidelines were established in 2011 by the Advisory Council held in Raleigh, October, 2011. Those in attendance: Patricia Savage, PSNC; Mona Hearne, PPS; and Kay Gordon, APS. Karen Wylie was absent. The North Carolina Statewide Pastel Exhibition and Workshop, On Common Ground: Pastel Paintings From the Mountains to the Sea, was formally established. Karen Chambers joined the Advisory Council in 2012. Each Society, in turn and following the established guidelines, will host the Statewide Exhibition and Workshop every three years. To participate in Statewide events, an artist must be a member of at least one North Carolina pastel society. The Pastel Society of North Carolina hosted a successful 1st Annual NC Statewide Pastel Exhibition at Bev’s Gallery in Raleigh, NC, June, 2012. The juror, judge and workshop leader was Marla Baggetta, a nationally known pastelist. It was the first such pastel competition within any state in the United States. Patricia Savage, 2012 Exhibition and Workshop Chairperson. The Appalachian Pastel Society hosted the 2nd Annual NC Statewide Pastel Exhibition at the Hickory Museum of Art, Hickory, NC, May-August, 2013. Nationally known pastelist, Frederick Somers was juror, judge and workshop leader. Karen Chambers, 2013 Exhibition and Workshop Chairperson. The Piedmont Pastel Society will host the 3rd Annual NC Statewide Pastel Exhibition, May, 2014 at The Cornwell Center, Charlotte, NC. Juror and judge: Jerald Melberg, owner of The Melberg Gallery. Workshop leader, Kim Lordier. Mona Hearne, 2014 Exhibition and Workshop Chairperson. …2014 Statewide continued next page









*August 2013 *






2014 The North Carolina Statewide Pastel Exhibition…Continued The official announcement of the 2014 3rd Annual NC Statewide is posted on the PPS website: www.piedmontpastelsociety.org Updates will be posted as available. An email to the PPS membership , PSNC and APS leaders, announcing the 3rd Annual NC Statewide was sent June 21, 2013, followed on June 22, 2013 by a verbal presentation to the PPS membership by Mona Hearne and Bre Crowell..

Plans have also begun for the 2015 4th Annual Statewide, Chair Patricia Savage. The magnitude of the Statewide events requires a 2 year planning calendar that is followed by each hosting society. Each Statewide event is evaluated by the Statewide Advisory Council for the purpose of refining the process towards fulfilling the Statewide Mission Statement and goals. Thank you to each individual who has contributed and will contribute to the continuing success of the exciting and prestigious North Carolina Statewide Pastel Exhibitions and Workshops. Special thanks to the individuals of each of the 3 NC pastel societies who’ve contributed, and will contribute, to the documentation of this history, who are thus far: Mandy Roeing, Luana Winner, Judith Cutler, Patricia Savage, Kay Gordon, Karen Chambers, Mona Hearne. Submitted by: Mona Hearne, Piedmont Pastel Society 2014 NC Statewide Chair July 5, 2013 COMMON GOAL SETTING: Each society that hosts a statewide event will have the responsibility of planning and funding the event from beginning to end while applying …common goals set by the Advisory Council. MISSION STATEMENT: The North Carolina Statewide Pastel Exhibition represents the collective efforts of the Pastel Society of North Carolina, the Appalachian Pastel Society, and the Piedmont Pastel Society. Its mission is to inspire artists, enhance the public's appreciation for the lasting value and beauty of the medium of soft pastels and to establish North Carolina as an emerging cultural market.









*August 2013 *






2013 Schedule of Exhibitions Connecticut Pastel Society-Jurors: PSA Presidents, Past and Present Renaissance in Pastels 2013 20th Annual National Exhibition Location: CT Pastel medium Entry Deadline: 8/7/13 more Show information www.ctpastelsociety.org

The Pastel 100 15th annual Competition 2013 Pastel mediums Entry Deadline: 8/15/13 More Show information


Louisiana Art and Artists' Guild 44th Annual River Road Show-Location: LA All mediums Entry Deadline: 8/16/13 More Show information www.laag-site.org/River-Road-Show

Allied Artists of America 100TH Annual Exhibition-Location: NY All mediums Entry Deadline: 9/10/13 More Show information www.alliedartistsofamerica.org

P l e i n l y

P a s t e l

*August 2013 *

McDowell Arts Center: 2013 PPS Events 100 East McDowell Street Matthews, NC 28105

2013 CALENDAR OF EVENTS All Presentations and Demonstrations From 1PM-4PM September 21, 2013 – Diane Pike: Pastel & Oil Painter

Windy Gulch

In Diane's own words, "Refine your ability to capture light and color in the landscape as you learn how sunlight affects our perception of color, while we explore the many keys of light and shadow. I will paint from a photograph for the demo and explain how I approach painting from conception to finished painting: from the initial sketch, to laying out the big shapes, to talking about my use and choice of color in relation to what I see. Discovering and learning about the art of color seeing will change your approach to painting”. Diane studied the art of color seeing for four years with the student of the founder of the Cape Cod School of Art, Charles Webster Hawthorne. Diane Pike Website: www.dianepike.com

November 5, 2013 – Reception Party for PPS Member’s Show- Calendar Exhibition-

We are calling on all PPS artists to enter up to two of their paintings into our November show. All artwork will be accepted and hung for the month in the gallery at the McDowell Art Center. Our juror, Barbara Jaenicke, will choose 12 winners to represent each month and a 13th as Best In Show to be used as the cover page. Paint with a season or month in mind! Come, be part of our first ever Piedmont Pastel Society Calendar!! The calendar will be for sale, just in time for the holidays!! Opening Reception and Announcement of Winners : Tuesday, November 5 6:00pm till 9:00pm Cocktails and Hors d’Oeuvres

November 16, 2013 – Wendy Musser: Pastel & Oil Painter

Mountain Garden

In addition to demonstrating the painting of a beautiful landscape, Wendy will be showing us how to frame, using a new glass product from Omega. After years of working in art-related fields, Wendy studied "plein air" pastel painting with Richard McKinley, Kevin Beck and Albert Handell and is a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America, a Charter member of PAiNT NC and the Pastel Society of North Carolina. She is the Co-fonder and Secretary of the Western Wake Artist Studio Tour. Website: wendymusser.com Wendy Musser









*August 2013 *






Special Events










*August 2013 *






Special Events…Continued


2013 Piedmont Pastel Society Calendar Competition-Juror: Barbara Jaenicke Exhibition for PPS Members Only-2 Entries for $20 We are calling on all PPS artists to enter up to two of their paintings into our November show. All artwork will be accepted and hung for the month in the gallery at the McDowell Art Center. Our juror, Barbara Jaenicke, will choose 12 winners to represent each month and a 13th as Best In Show to be used as the cover page. Paint with a season or month in mind! Come, be part of our first ever Piedmont Pastel Society Calendar!! The calendar will be for sale, just in time for the holidays!! Location: McDowell Art Center 100 East McDowell Street Matthews, NC 28105 Drop Off: Saturday, November 2 from 10:00 till 1:00 Pick Up: Saturday, November 30, from 1:00 till 5:00 Artists are responsible for labeling their work, and for sales. PPS is not liable for damage to any artwork. Opening Reception and Announcement of Winners : Tuesday, November 5 6:00pm till 9:00pm Cocktails and Hors d’Oeuvres Barbara will be available to give a personal critique to any artist’s work upon request. For planning purposes, please contact Jane Gilbert ([email protected])or Lee Tate ([email protected]) to let them know how many paintings you are planning to enter, and to RSVP to attend the opening reception.

www.artistanswers.com BRINGING YOUR ART TO THE WORLD! Have you thought of having an affordable artist website to professionally display your work? I have been creating websites since 1997 for artists and galleries. Typical Artist Website - $200 with up to 30 images in your art portfolio + individual pages for your biography, news, contact information and website ranking. Monthly fee of $16 is paid to the website host, with no long term contract. To view a typical artist’s site, please check out: www.debrasberry.com Additional webpages for larger sites can be provided. Maintenance on your site, for changing out pieces or adding to the news page, can be provided for an hourly fee, or I can train you to maintain your own site. General one-onone computer training also available. For more details, email [email protected] You may also call me at 704-925-9838 Regina Calton Burchett www.fallshadows.com References Available









*August 2013 *






Special Events…Continued


North Carolina Pastel Plein Air Painters (NCPPAP)

Come Enjoy the Outdoors, Painting and fellow Pastelists. NO membership fees! Schedule of Events & Outings: Freedom Park March and April Henry Corriher Century Farm April and May (No outings in June or July due to wet and hot weather.) UPCOMING: WEATHER PERMITTING Anne Springs Close Greenway, Fort Mill, SC www.ascgreenway.org August 17, 2013 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Meet at the Dairy Barn. We can spot out our places to “paint,” we may follow the path to Steele Creek and along the way see lovely pasture land, cows, horses, sheep, donkey and of course beautiful birds. $3.00/person donation to the Greenway for use of facilities. Picnic areas. Bathroom on site. IF you’ve never been to ASC Greenway you are in for a gorgeous treat. If you would like to be on the NCPPAP email list for information and schedule of outings: Contact: Mona Hearne [email protected] 704-847-5803

“CLEAN OUT THE STUDIO” AND RECOUP YOUR LOSSES YARD SALE!! Next Sale: September 21 and November 16 ( Same dates as the PPS MAC programs) Location: Upstairs Gallery of the McDowell Arts Center What a success the July studio sale was! The PPS partnered with Matthews Artist Guild. We held it in the upstairs gallery of the McDowell Arts Center on Saturday, July 20, from 10:30 till 12:30am. There were plenty of items for sale. I filled 2 tables with “stuff” from my studio. I bought all sorts of papers, old pastel boxes, clear bags, books, DVD’s and a heap of art magazines. With a steady stream of interested buyers, I made over $50!!! I spent about $35 on 3 really nice frames, and then I hit Carol Benston’s enormous estate sale collection of just about any pastel you can think of. I took home about 30 Grumbachers, which I am loving, and about $2 to show for my sales! MAG artists brought plenty of items for watercolor, oil and acrylic artists, including a huge roll of canvas at $3 a yard. Getting some great deals on pastels: PRICELESS! Going home to a tidy studio: ALSO PRICELESS! Count on this being a yearly event FYI: Carol Beston has agreed to bring all her pastels to our two remaining programs, September 21 and November 16, so that those who missed the studio sale can have a chance to purchase them. Most sticks were $1 each. It’s a huge variety of pastels!!









*August 2013 *






Special Events…Continued Pastel Society of North Carolina PRESENTS

Kurt A. Weiser-MC,CPS,PPSCC Saturday September 21, 2013

Botanical Gardens Chapel Hill, NC Autumn Color

A FREE Demonstration and Presentation: 1 0 a m - 1 2 n o o n

The Creation of a Pastel Painting From Start to Disc Join Kurt in the pastel demonstration of his award winning painting “Autumn Color”. Enjoy his slightly “unorthodox” style by experimenting with color undercoats and textured surfaces while trying different techniques with washes and layers of pastels. For the second part of the presentation, Kurt will demonstrate on how to set up and photograph the finished painting. He will explain the settings needed on a digital camera that will take the perfect digital picture. From there, he will download the pictures to the computer, edit, size and save to a CD!

Afternoon Workshop: 1 p m - 4 p m $55 for non-members $45 for members

Paint The Path To Loose Pastels

Queen’s Meadow

Valley Floor

Expand your potential Masterpieces by combining different photographs and their elements to create a perfect painting and or series of cohesive paintings. We will strategize basic points of interest, strong composition and special features to draw the viewer into your painting. With a harmonious color scheme the planning stage is complete…and now let the pastel dust FLY! Loosen up, because the hard part is over and there is more than 1 piece of paper in the world you can use if you don’t like what your doing. We will experiment with various exercises to find the Loose Pastel in everyone!









*August 2013 *






Special Events…Continued Pittsburgh Pastel Artists League PRESENTS

Margaret Evans-Workshop April 21-23, 2014

For More Information Contact: PPAL at [email protected]

To view more of Margaret's work, visit her website at: http://www.shinafoot.co.uk/

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN STARTING A PPS LENDING LIBRARY FOR PASTEL BOOKS AND DEMO DVD’S? I know many of us have collections of books and DVD’s we’d be willing to lend to other members. We would love to have a PPS “librarian”, who would set up a virtual library of books and DVD’s belonging to PPS members, establish some library rules, and figure out the best way to make this work. If this speaks to you, please contact Deb Rasberry at [email protected] or call me at 704-552-6137.









*August 2013 *






Recap of PPS Events *McDowell Art Center: 2013 Events* June Program

Ann Kiefaber The Creation of a Still Life Painting PPS was to pleased to have Ann Kiefaber demonstrate at our June PPS meeting at MAC. Several of the interesting things which demonstrated a still life were: The application of pan pastels and blending techniques. Ann used various sizes and shapes of blending pads to create her underpainting and initial values. The development of the still life was amazing with the combination of hard and pan pastels. The use of a few Henri Roche pastels (she said that she treats herself to several Roche` pastels— always the bright colors since they are so great. She demonstrated the vibrancy of the red which brought an immediate “WOW” from the observers. Ann studied in France and Roche were the pastels she used.) *A great tip Ann gave was the Pink/Yellow theme- which is, if you want yellow to shine, put a layer of pink down first then yellow. Thank you so much Ann!

July Program Adele Goodman -Website: adelegoodman.com Adele did an outstanding presentation for us at our program meeting July 20th. If you’ve met Adele, you know that her energy and enthusiasm light up a room! Her portraits of horses, dogs, cats and other wildlife, capture the true personality Solitude Adele Goodman of spirit of each animal. She had a beautiful painting of a Zebra on display. She also paints superb figures, and she brought a painting of a seated nude that she had done. She has 3 portfolio folders of her work on display, and we were able to see the mastery she has with animal portraits and the human body. For her demo, she had a portrait of a young man and a second one of a dog. She taught us how important it is to really know your subject before you can paint them. If you can connect with them on an emotional level, you can capture their personality and not just their likeness. She pours her heart and soul into each subject she paints, and it shows in the finished painting. She also told us some funny stories of her experiences in the art school at East Carolina University. It taught her a lot about how to deal with negative criticism, and how damaging it can be to an artist. This really resonated with a lot of us present, and was very helpful in learning to cope with it in a healthy way. Adele was kind enough to bring 3 bottles of Cauble Creek wine that features her painting titled “Adelle” on its label, as well as a giclee of a horse, and a dozen eggs from her chickens. We raffled them to 5 lucky winners! It was a joy to be inspired by and learn from her, and I want to thank her from all of us for doing this demo for PPS!!









*August 2013 *






Recap of PPS Events…Continued 2013 The North Carolina Statewide Pastel Exhibition ON COMMON GROUND: Pastel Paintings from the Mountains to the Sea May 18 – August 18 The NC Statewide Pastel Exhibition will be ending on August 18. If you haven’t had a chance to go up to Hickory to see this incredible show, I urge all our PPS members to make the trip. The artwork is spectacular and so inspiring!! It’s a little over an hour from Charlotte, so easily done by a group of artist friends carpooling together. Make a day of it, and include lunch! If you’re eager to catch the show before it ends, please send an email to Deb Rasberry at [email protected], and I’ll connect interested members to share the drive. The Hickory Museum of Art is open Tuesdays – Saturdays from 10:00am till 4:00pm, and Sundays from 1:00 – 4:00pm. Admission is free. 243 3rd Avenue NE, Hickory, NC 28601 828-327-8576 www.hickorymuseumofart.org









*August 2013 *






Recap of PPS Events…Continued International Association of Pastel Societies 2013 Biennial Convention and Exhibition-Albuquerque, NM I wanted to share a few snapshots of my experience at IAPS in Albuquerque. What an inspiring and exciting experience! There were 7 of us representing PPS: myself, Kurt Weiser, Judith Cutler, Regina Burchett, Ruth Crowe, Janet Hartman and Sheryl Daniels. Judith has been a Master Pastelist with IAPS since 2009, and her beautiful abstract painting, “Splendor”, was accepted into the 2013 IAPS Pastelworld 2nd Master Circle Exhibition. This is a huge standard of excellence! Kurt Weiser received his gold medal for Master Pastelist, and we were there to cheer him on at the banquet Saturday night. We are so proud of both Judith and Kurt. They are indeed masters!!

Our brilliant NC Statewide Exhibition posters, with our custom designed take-away bookmarks and the PPS flyer. All designed and printed by Kurt.

Kurt receiving his medal from Urania Christy Tarbet, founder of IAPS.

A group shot of us at the Tenth Biennial Celebration Party. L-R: Janet, Ruth, Judith, Kurt, Deb and Regina.

One of the coolest events was the Paint Around. Five artists begin a painting, then switch over to the next easel every ten minutes. The line-up this year was pretty impressive: Liz Haywood-Sullivan, Stan Sperlak, Desmond ‘O Hagan, Kim Lordier and Deborah Stewart. It was a really fun event to watch, and the finished products were beautiful! All five paintings were signed by the artists, and auctioned off. If I hadn’t spent so much at the candy store…… We had a great time hanging out with members of our sister societies in Raleigh and Asheville. Luanna Winner from PSNC was also at IAPS, and I enjoyed meeting her. It is wonderful that we have come to know folks from both other NC pastel societies through the NC Statewide show.

The famed “candy store” or trade show. Where money leaves your wallet without logic.

The most exciting part of being at IAPS is celebrity pastel artist spotting! I tried to act cool in the elevator when riding up with Leslie B. DeMille and Frank Frederico. I watched Albert Handell from a distance, red suspenders on him of course. Inside, I was like a kid at a Bieber concert – “Oh my gosh! It’s Richard McKinnley!!!”. I think my husband was laughing at me. Yes, I do have art heroes. I would love to do it all over again, and hope that chance will come again in 2015. I loved every minute of it, and learned so much I am just beginning to digest it. Over-stimulation is an understatement! I realized how big the pastel world really was, and I am so humbled and honored to be a part of it. …More IAPS pictures next page

The Famous Paint Around crew From L to R: Desmond O’Hagan, Kim Lordier, Stan Sperlak, Liz HaywoodSullivan and Debrah Stewart.









*August 2013 *






Recap of PPS Events…Continued International Association of Pastel Societies 2013 Biennial Convention and Exhibition-Albuquerque, NM

Presidential Meeting- Deb Rasberry (Prez of PPS) and Suzy Hart (Prez of APS)

New BFF’s- Deb Rasberry and Kim Lordier

Here is Suzy Hart, president of APS, Kay Gordon and her husband, Sparky Newsome. Back row, L-R is Janet Hartman, Ruth Crowe (both also APS members), and Judith Cutler, who also belongs to PSNC

Paint Around – in action!









*August 2013 *






Recap of PPS Events…Continued A Show of Strength – by Artist Leslie Hudson-Tolles My one-women show in Newtown, CT., which had been my home for 32 years, was scheduled before the disaster on 12/14. My ties to Newtown are strong. I raised my children there. I think for all of us, everything changed on 12/14. But, when you know parents of a young teacher killed; when you know grown students whose eldest child was killed; and your best friend is the head first grade teacher in town who knew every child, the impact is staggering. The show was not a concern for two months, but as I talked to my friends at Koenig Frameworks (my gallery), I became aware that the tragedy in Newtown's ripple effect was extensive. The only business they had done was gratis and that was to frame all the photos and keepsakes for families of the victims. The show changed in direction and became a show of "strength". Many of my images were trees because as I looked out my studio window at the winter-scape all I could think of were the enduring quality and strength of the trees. I created pastels, paintings, drawings and prints of denuded winter trees, my symbols of strength. My husband and I arrived in Newtown the end of April with 47 original pieces of art and giclees and hand-pulled prints. Upon backing the car to the door, the gallery owner met us outside and said that one of the parents was in, the FBI had just released the children's backpacks. A few minutes later, my elbow was touched by one of the first grade victim's mom who said "I am so sorry I inconvenienced you. I was having a meltdown." She smiled through her tears and she was gone. I was so humbled by this woman, who I had seen on all the major news channels telling us about her lovely daughter, that I couldn't even squeak out how sorry I was for her loss.

My week in Newtown was humbling, subdued and yet I was awestruck by the town's determination to carry on. Every business had scores of hand made hearts from children all over the world expressing support displayed on their walls. The show was to benefit Newtown's Rotary Crisis Fund which seeks to support classmates, survivors, first responders, caretakers and mental health workers who are in crisis. Not many Newtown people attended, but many from surrounding towns did. (The entire village is working hard to read the mail and support their neighbors.) Art has value as it reflects culture and for its therapeutic value. It helped me to create the art, to step outside of my box, to process some of my feelings and to contribute to the Crisis Fund. As my long-time neighbor from Newtown said, "this is the worst of times and it has brought out the best in us."

L. Hudson-Tolles Tolholm Studio 310 Bridle Path Farm Road Cleveland, North Carolina 27013



A tree that had been struck by lightning in the back woods... ink on parchment

Tree of Strength







*August 2013 *







Malia Bryngelson

PPS would like to welcome new member, Malia Bryngelson. She lives in Locust, not too far from Matthews. She is originally from California and has lived here for 12 years. Malia has been an off and on artist for many years, having studied art in college. She is very excited to now be able to devote much more time to her art. She loves to paint animals, but likes landscapes as well. She also enjoys using old photographs as inspirational subjects. Malia is getting an animal portrait small side business started, but her website is still under construction. Malia says, "I got into pastels because I really enjoy the drawing process, and LOVE all the beautiful colors and all that you can do with them. Pastels are very convenient in that you can set them aside and work with them whenever you get the chance. I also am amazed at the versatility in the surfaces and being able to work with the pastels with water, alcohol, etc. to get a totally new look".

Well said, Malia! PPS looks forward to getting to know you and seeing your art work.









*August 2013 *






Extra Pointers…Continued Making Your Computer Safer *Always email a mailing list as a “Bcc” (blind closed copy). This makes the email addresses “invisible” and blocks the spammers from being able to steal your list of names. Never email a mailing list as a “To” * Do not open an email that contains no text in the subject line. This could be a spam. Delete it. If you think it might be real, email the sender and request a resend with something in the subject line. * Do not open an email from friends if the email address of the sender is different from the friends email address. This could be a spam. * Try to find antivirus software that also checks your emails for worms and malware. If your internet provider does not provide this kind of security, change providers. * Your friends email addresses can be hijacked by a third party. These emails frequently will come from your friends email address but the main body of the letter will only contain a single line of text directing you to a link to a website. Do not open the link. Call your friend to verify they sent that email. They may not know that their email addresses have been stolen. * If you suspect your emails have been stolen, contact your provider to find out what steps you need to take. Run a complete virus check of your computer. Change your password, Immediately. * When you do not need to email for awhile, turn it off. The spammers can’t get to you if your email is turned off. * If you suspect an email is junk, tag it as “junk”. This notifies the provider that this email address may not be legitimate. If you receive emails from companies or individuals whom you know but do not want to receive their newsletters or sales pitches anymore, unsubscribe from their mailing list. Tagging a legitimate company as junk can get that company in big trouble with their email provider.









*August 2013 *






Extra Pointers…Continued Feedback on The 2013 NC Statewide Pastel Exhibition This year the Appalachian Pastel Society chose CAFÉ (Call for Entries) to upload digital images for the exhibition that is being juried and judged by Frederick Somers. The Statewide Advisory Council would appreciate your feedback on your experience with CAFÉ.. Please let us know if CAFÉ was satisfactory experience for you, however if you experienced difficulty with CAFÉ please provide a brief description of your difficulty, The Advisory Council will use the feedback during their summer evaluation meeting. Please send your response to Mona Hearne [email protected] Thank you. Statewide Advisory Council Patricia Savage PSNC Karen Chambers APS Mona Hearne PPS

AVAILABLE Art on DVD Kurt A. Weiser


$10.00 DVD The Creation of a Pastel Painting From Start to Disc-DVD (54 Minutes)

Join Kurt in the pastel demonstration of his award winning painting “Autumn Color”. Enjoy his slightly “unorthodox” style by experimenting with color undercoats and textured surfaces while trying different techniques with washes and layers of pastels. For the second part of the presentation, Kurt will demonstrate on how to set up and photograph the finished painting. He will explain the settings needed on a digital camera that will take the perfect digital picture. From there, he will download the pictures to the computer, edit, size and save to a CD! Kurt is a Signature Master Circle Pastelist with The International Association of Pastel Societies, and a Signature Member with Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod and Connecticut Pastel Society. His success as an artist includes national and international awards for his pastel paintings, while having been featured in Artist Magazine, Horticulture Magazine and The 2010 Best of Worldwide Landscape Artists Book. Kurt is also “a Stay at Home Dad” artist. He steals time to paint when his youngest one naps. Kurt feels very fortunate to have an awesome supportive wife who loves his art and encourages his passion to continue painting and growing as an artist. Email: [email protected] Website: www.kweiser.com

Make Check out for $15 for DVD and Shipping- payable to Kurt Weiser and send to: Kurt Weiser 1113 Brough Hall Drive Waxhaw, NC 28173









*August 2013 *






Member News Highlights Nancy Marshburn (Way to Go Nancy!!!)

. *Nancy achieved Signature Membership status of the Pastel Society of America

* Nancy received both the Pastel Society of America and the Savior Faire Awards at the Southeastern Pastel Society Member Exhibition in Carrollton, GA * Awarded "Outstanding Still Life" The Women Painters of the Southeast Show in Franklin , TN * Awarded the Armadillo Art and Craft Award at the NC Statewide Juried Pastel Exhibition at the Hickory Museum of Art in Hickory, NC

Pastel Society of America 41st Annual Exhibition: Enduring Brilliance Nancy Marshburn, Bre Crowell, and Kurt Weiser each had their work juried into the Pastel Society of America’s 41st Annual Exhibition: Enduring Brilliance!!! On behalf of PPS, we congratulate you, and are so proud of you!! The show runs from September 3-28, 2013 at the National Arts Club in New York City

Judith Cutler Judith Cutler has had her work accepted into the Arts Council of York County’s 24th Annual Juried Competition Exhibition. Reception is August 15th at 6:00pm at the Center for the Arts, 121 E. Main Street, Rock Hill, SC. Congratulations to you, Judith!

Kurt A. Weiser *Kurt achieved Signature Status into the Master’s Circle of International Association of Pastel Societies He received the Pastelists Golden Medallion at a ceremony during the IAPS Biennial Pastel Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 2013.

*Selected for 2013 Artist Magazine 30th Annual Art Competition, winners to be featured in December 2013 issue.

Sue Panzarella Congratulations to Susan Panzarella for winning “BEST IN SHOW” at Matthews Artists Guild Exhibit

Verona “Mona” Hearne Mona Hearne has been chosen, among other respected area artists, to participate in the 2013 Cauble Creek Vineyard Artist Invitational November 1-17, 2013.









*August 2013 *






Links & Tips …is What’s Cookin’ Delicious Links Printing

Pastel and Art Societies Degas Pastel Society http://www.degaspastelsociety.org Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod http://www.pastelpainterssocietyofcapecod.com Connecticut Pastel Society http://www.ctpastelsociety.com North River Arts Society http://www.northriverarts.org Appalachian Pastel Society http://appalachian-pastel-society.org Pastel Society of North Carolina http://pastelsocietyofnc.com International Association of Pastel Societies/IAPS http://www.pastelinternational.com Pastel Society of America http://pastelsocietyofamerica.org Maryland Pastel Society http://www.marylandpastelsociety.com Louisiana Art and Artist Guild http://www.laag-site.org Gaston County Art Guild http://www.gastoncountyartguild.com Matthews Artist Guild http://matthewsartistguild.blogspot.com

Overnightprints.com http://www.overnightprints.com PostNet Printing and Shipping http://www.postnet.com/wesley-chapel-nc142 GammaTech Printing http://www.gammatech.com Digi Graphics http://digi-graphics.lifepics.com Vista Printing http://www.vistaprint.com

Favorite Artists

Air Float Shipping Boxes https://www.airfloatsys.com The Artist Network TV http://www.artistsnetwork.tv The Artist Network http://www.artistsnetwork.com Art Competitions https://competitions.fwmedia.com Richardson Art http://www.richesonart.com Pastel Artist Blog http://artistsinpastel.blogspot.com Boston Red Sox http://www.boston.redsox.mlb.com New England Patriots http://www.patriots.com Boston Celtics http://www.nba.com/celtics Boston Bruins http://www.bruins.nhl.com

Liz Haywood-Sullivan http://www.haywood-sullivan.com/pastel/ Donna Rossetti-Bailey http://www.donnarossetti-bailey.com Walter Stanford http://www.walterstanford.com

Frames and Mats

Del Frames http://delframesplus.com Pictureframes.com http://www.pictureframes.com ArtReady Frame http://www.artreadyframes.com ArtFrames http://www.artframes.com King of Frames http://www.kingofframe.com








Website Creation Otherpeoplespixels.com http://www.otherpeoplspixels.com Xanadu Gallery http://www.xanadugallery.com

Art Galleries Blue Spiral Gallery http://www.bluespiral1.com Haen Gallery http://www.the haengallery.com Ambleside Gallery http://amblesidearts.com Eight Legs Gallery 704-843-1662 Waxhaw, NC Bev’s Fine Art http://www.bevsfineart.com/index.html

Miscellaneous Sites


*August 2013 *






Links Tips & Tips…is & Links…is What’s What’s Cookin’… Cookin’ Continued Tasty Tips  A feather duster to clean pastels.  PVC pipe to raise a low table to a better height.  Pastel dust catcher used on an easel. Make with foamcore formed in a wide “L” shape, tied to the easel with shoestrings. It is overlaid with plexiglass, taped together in an “L” shape. Remove the plexiglass to pour pastel dust into a container. The bottom part of the “L” is wide enough to put a selection of pastels being used in the painting on it.  Glasses with red lenses to help see values correctly. (a Halloween item at Target)  Reducing glass (opposite of a magnifying glass) to mimic stepping back from a painting while working on it.  Tape glassine to the back of your painting surface before you go out for plein air painting. When you finish, just flip the protective covering over your piece.  4”x18” plexiglass pieces with wooden supports - allow you to touch up your pastel painting without accidentally rubbing out another part of the painting. Put the plexiglass support over your art and rest your hand on it to make the new marks.  Pieces of grooved siding cut into slabs to put pastels on that you are using for your painting. They fit nicely in the grooves.  Swiffer duster to clean up your working area.  Blue painters tape (delicate) around the edges of your pastel before you start. Your framer will appreciate the clean area. (at Home Depot)  Apply satin spray varnish or furniture wax to frames that have a shiny area. This will restore the consistency. ( at Home Depot)  Artists can get Square Up for use with smart phones or Ipads - allows the use of credit or debit card transactions (fee involved for transactions).  To preserve your painting, cut an opening in the foamcore board like a frame cutout.  Walter Stanford pastel technique include never using Black, instead use Indigo Blue.  “staining the paper”, which is using a light layer of Red Violet over the initial outline of the drawing, then rub off, leaving a base colored background that will accent the top layers of pastel.  Preserving your pastel. Take foamcore board and cut an insert to the size of your painting to look like a mat or frame. Tape your painting to a full piece of foamcore and then place the cut piece on top then another full piece on top of that. With each piece tape the edge to each other creating a “book like” case. ------------------See Picture  When underpainting a pastel use rubbing alcohol instead of water. Alcohol dries faster and doesn’t wrinkle your paper. (keep a window open!)  There is a great Application for you Iphone users. It’s called Coloursphere. GREAT for creating color families and schemes, all the aspects of the color matching without having to turn that cardboard template a few hundred times on your old colorwheel!!!  Use cornmeal to clean your pastel sticks. Have a zip lock bag filled with granular cornmeal and just put the pastels in and shake the bag and CLEAN AS NEW!

More Fun Tips to Come!









*August 2013 *






The Wrap-up PPS Website Please send Regina ([email protected]) your Biographies- Get yourself out there!

Artist Wanted Any PPS member willing to offer their expertise in an artistic skill to other artists in the PPS. Please contact either Kurt [email protected] or Regina [email protected] to advertise in the Pleinly Pastel Newsletter and on the PPS Website. Example: Kurt Weiser-offers instructional advice for digitally photographing paintings.

Announcement From The PPS Member Chair Please be sure to check out our website at www.piedmontpastelsociety.org for information on all the happenings planned for this year.

The Piedmont Pastel Society offers six member meetings per year plus opportunities to participate in workshops, Artshares and exhibitions of your paintings. It also provides a way to mingle and network with other artists. You can renew online by going to the membership tab on the website and paying through PayPal. You can also print out the attached Application, fill it out and mail it with your check (made out to the Piedmont Pastel Society) to Nancy Marshburn, 212 Pat Stough Lane, Davidson, NC 28036. Thank you and I hope to see you soon at a PPS function. Artfully yours, Nancy Marshburn PPS Member Chair









*August 2013 *







Like ignore the cell phone time? Lose. ourselves for an hour or two to create! Time slips away so. fast, and if we need to MAKE the time to paint! If any of. you are ...

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