1 One Author Multiple Authors Multiple Works by the Same Author or from the Same Source Edited Works No Author or Editor Article or Chapter in an Edited Book Revised, Second, Subsequent Editions Reprinted Articles Introduction, Preface, Forward, Afterwards Dictionary or Encyclopedia Government Publication Pamphlet or Brochure Translated Works Technical or Research Reports

2 2 2-3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 7

JOURNAL, MAGAZINE OR NEWSPAPER ARTICLES Periodical Articles - Journals or Magazines Newspaper Articles Review Editorial or Letter to the Editor

8 8 9 9

Aggregated Databases Knovel, netLibrary or Safari Tech Books Online Articles

10-12 10 11-12

Journals, Magazines, Newletters Online Book, Part of Book, or Government Publication All Other Websites

12-13 14 15



ELECTRONIC DISCUSSION SOURCES Curriculum & Course Materials, E-Readings for an Online Class (D2L)

15 16

AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA Television Program Music or Audio Recording Motion Picture, Videotape, or DVD

16 16-17 17

OTHER MATERIALS Classical Works Personal Communications (including interviews) Performances, Lectures, Speeches, Addresses, Radio Programs Music Videos

18 18 18 18


APA SYTLE SAMPLE REFERENCE LIST ENTRIES The information in this handout is available in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition and the APA style guide to electronic references (2007). General and specific information on citing sources is covered in Chapter 4. The numbers at the examples refer to the section of the Manual where more information can be found. You may also access the website at www.apastyle.org for updates and changes in style, policies and procedures, and www.apastyle.org/elecref.html for further assistance with electronic references.

GENERAL TIPS 1. Capitalize only the first word in the title of a book or article unless the word is a proper name or is the first word after a colon (:). Use upper and lower case letters for periodical titles. 2. If there is no author given, list the title of the work or part of the work (ex. poem, short story, etc.) and then give the publication date in parentheses. The date always follows the first section of information, whether that information is the author’s name (and title, such as Ed., etc.), the title of the work, or the title of part of the work. 3. Use only one space after periods. 4. Article and chapter titles are typed as is, without quote marks before the first word or after the last word. 5. Book and periodical titles are italicized, not underlined. 6. Do not use the words Company, Inc., or Publishers in the publisher’s name. Do use the words Press or Books when they are part of the publisher’s name. Right: Gale Research Greenhaven Press Chelsea House Wrong: Gale Research, Inc. Greenhaven Press, Inc. Chelsea House Publishers 7. If the publisher is a university with the name of the state in its name, do not put the state in the publisher location. (Right: Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press Wrong: Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press.) 8. For the location of the publisher, use the first location listed or the location of the publisher’s home office. Always abbreviate the names of the U.S. states with the official U.S. Postal Service abbreviation. 9. When alphabetizing the entries, remember to go letter by letter and follow the rule “nothing precedes something.” (Ex., Thomas, T. J. comes before Thomason, C. L.) 10. Some material may be cited in the text of your paper, but cannot be listed in the Reference List. Examples of some of these types of materials are discussed on page 23 of this handout. 11. If you cannot find an exact example for your reference, find one that is most like your source. When in doubt, include more information rather than less. 12. Type the word References at the top of the page, centered. Use Reference if you only have one source. Double-space all reference entries.

2 BOOKS General information is found in sections 4.08 - 4.10 and 4.12 - 4.14. More specific information is found in sections 4.16.23 4.16.40.


One author: Last name, initial of first name. (date of publication). Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher. ex. Koontz, D. (2007). The good guy. NY: Bantam.


Multiple authors: For two to six authors: Last name, initial of first name, & last name, initial of first name. (date of publication). Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher. ex. Katz, C. M., & Webb, V. J. (2006). Policing Gangs in America. NY: Cambridge University Press. ex. Oberg, E., Jones, F. D., Horton, H.L., & Ryffell, H. H. (2000). Machinery’s handbook. (26th ed.). NY: Industrial Press.

For more than six authors, list the first six as indicated above and then add a comma and the word et al. after the name of the sixth author and before the date of publication.

3. For multiple works by the same author(s) give the author’s name in all references and arrange the entries by the year of publication, with the earliest listed first (4.04). ex.

Alcott, L. M. (1986). Little men. NY: New American Library. Alcott, L.M. (1989). Little women. NY: Scholastic. Alcott, L. M. (1997). The inheritance. NY: Dutton.


For multiple works from the same source, list the complete publishing information for each entry (4.04):


Dove, R. (2006). Canary. In A. Rampersad (Ed.), The Oxford anthology of African-American poetry (p.175). NY: Oxford University Press. Dove, R. (2006). Nexus. In A. Rampersad (Ed.), The Oxford anthology of African-American poetry (p. 4). NY: Oxford University Press. Giovanni, N. (2006). Knoxville, Tennessee. In A. Rampersad (Ed.), The Oxford anthology of AfricanAmerican poetry (p. 257). NY: Oxford University Press. Hayden, R. (2006). Middle passage. In A. Rampersad (Ed.), The Oxford anthology of African-American poetry (pp.43-48). NY: Oxford University Press. Steptoe, L. B. (2006). There is a house. In A. Rampersad (Ed.), The Oxford anthology of African-American poetry (p.195). NY: Oxford University Press. Young, K. (2006). Revival. In A. Rampersad (Ed.), The Oxford anthology of African-American poetry (p. 312). NY: Oxford University Press.


For an edited work, follow the above examples except add (Ed.). or (Eds.). after the editor(s) name(s) and before the publication date (4.16.25): ex. Lees C. A., & Overing, G. R. (Eds.). (2006). A place to believe in: Locating medieval landscapes. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.


If there is no author or editor, begin your bibliographic citation with the name of the book, poem, essay, short story, article, etc., follow the examples above, and alphabetize the entry by the title (4.16.26): ex. Tunisia. The Hutchinson dictionary of world history. (1993). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

4 6.

Article or chapter in an edited book (14.16.34 – 14.16.36): Last name of author, initial of first name of author. (date of publication). Name of article, chapter, poem, essay or short story. In initial of first name of editor last name of editor (Ed.), Name of anthology. {No period after the name of the anthology if there is a volume number or page numbers. If there is a volume number, then Name of anthology: Vol. number. If there are page numbers, then Name of anthology (page numbers).} (Edition number {if applicable}, pp. page numbers). Place of publication: Publisher. ex. Bishop, E. (2005). One art. In J. Kelly (Ed.), The Seagull reader: Literature (pp. 414-415). NY: Norton. ex. London, J. (2003). The law of life. In N. Baym (Ed.), The Norton anthology of American literature Vol. C (pp. 972-976). NY: Norton. ex. Witkoski, M. (1996). [Review of the story Grace]. In F. N. Magill (Ed.), Masterplots II: Short stories series supplement (pp. 3310-3312). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press.


Revised, second, or subsequent edition (4.16.27): Follow the appropriate example for author, editor, anthology, etc., and then identify the edition in parenthesis after the title. Use the abbreviations 2nd ed., 3rd ed., etc., or Rev. ed. for “Revised edition”. ex. Bogart, D. (Ed.). (2007). The Bowker annual: Library and book trade almanac (52nd ed.). Medford, NJ: Information Today. ex. Foster, J. K. (1976). Review of Giants in the Earth. In F. N. Magill (Ed.), Masterplots: Vol. 4 (Rev. ed., pp 2255-2259). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press. ex. Lide, D. R. (2008). CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. (88th ed.). NY: Taylor & Francis.

5 8.

Reprinted Articles: Reprinted articles have been previously published elsewhere. The most common examples are articles from the Gale Literary Criticism series and the Opposing Viewpoints, Current Controversies, and At Issues series. A reprint bibliographic citation includes the original publication information as well as the reprint publication information (4.16.39 – 4.16.40). Last name of author, initial of first name of author. (date of publication). Title of article or chapter. In initial of first name of editor last name of editor (Ed.), Name of the book where the source appears. {No period after the name of the book if there is a volume number or page numbers. If there is a volume number, then Name of book: Vol. number. If there are page numbers, then Name of book (page numbers).} (Edition number {if applicable}, pp. page numbers). Place of publication: Publisher. (Reprinted from name of original book source, pp. page numbers, by initial of first name last name, Ed. {if applicable}, place of publication: publisher) or (Reprinted from name of original journal source, volume number(issue number, if applicable), page numbers) {DO NOT put a period after the parenthesis when citing the reprint information.} ex. Berkin, C. R. (1992). Private woman, public woman: The contradictions of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In J. B. Karpinski (Ed.), Critical essays on Charlotte Perkins Gilman (pp. 17-42). NY: Hall. (Reprinted from Women in America: A history, 150-73, 1979, Boston: Houghton Mifflin) ex. Crook, N. (2006). In defence of the 1831 Frankenstein. In J. Bomarito & R. Whitaker (Vol. Eds.), Nineteenth century literary criticism: Vol. 170. (pp. 334-343). Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale. (Reprinted from Mary Shelley’s fictions: From Frankenstein to Faulkner, 3-21, by M. Eberle-Sinatra, Ed., 2000, Houndsmill, England: Macmillan) ex. Griffith, P. (2007). James Baldwin’s confrontation with racist terror in the American south: Sexual mythology and psychoneurosis in “going to meet the man”. In J. Krstovic (Vol. Ed.), Short story criticism: Vol. 98. (pp. 169-178). Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale. (Reprinted from Journal of Black Studies 32(5), 506-527) ex. Rolls, B. J. (2006). Large portion sizes play a role in rising obesity rates. In A. C. Nakaya (Ed.), Obesity: Opposing viewpoints (pp. 87-96). Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven. (Reprinted from The supersizing of America: Potion size and the obesity epidemic, Nutrition Today, 2003, March/April, 42) ex. Whistler, T. (2007). America. In M. Lee (Vol. Ed.), Poetry criticism: Vol. 77. (pp. 128-147). Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale. (Reprinted from Imagination of the heart: The life of Walter de la Mare, 254-291, 1993, London: Duckworth)

6 9.

For an introduction, preface, forward, or afterward (4.10): Suggested general format for citing this information, as there are no specific examples: Last name of writer, initial of first name of writer. (date of publication). Title of the part.{if given} [Part cited]. Title of the work (pp. page numbers of the part cited). Place of publication: Publisher. ex. Boren, D. L. (2006). [Preface]. Mr. ambassador: Warrior for peace (pp. xv-xvi). Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ex. Nettle, B. (1995). [Forward]. Music, culture, and experience: Selected papers of John Blacking (pp. vii-x). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ex. Tew, J. (2001). [Introduction]. Secrets of handwriting analysis (pp. 8-9). NY: DK.


An article in a dictionary or encyclopedia should be cited as follows (4.16.30 & 4.16.38): ex. Heckel, R. W. (2006). Carbide. In The encyclopedia Americana (Vol. 5, p. 620). Danbury, CT: Scholastic Library. ex. Psittacosis. (2006). In The encyclopedia Americana (Vol. 22, p. 714). Danbury, CT: Scholastic Library. ex. Monahan, J. (2002). Predication of crime recidivism. In J. Dressler (Ed.), The encyclopedia of crime and justice: Vol. 3. (pp. 1125-1130). NY: Macmillan.


Government Publication (4.16.24, 4.16.41, 4.16.44, 4.16.45): Name of Government Name of Agency. Or Last name of author, initial of first name of author. (date of publication). Title of part or article.{if any}. Title of publication {if there is a report number, etc., put the information in parenthesis immediately after the title) (pp. page numbers if applicable). Place of publication: Publisher. {If the author and the publisher are the same, put the word Author as the name of the publisher.}

ex. Rittenhouse, C. D. (2007). Development of landscape-level habitat suitability models for ten wildlife species in the central hardwoods region (Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-4). Newton Square, PA: Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. ex. United States Census Bureau. (2006). College enrollment by selected characteristics: 1990 to 2004. In Statistical abstract of the United States: 2007. (p. 173). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. ex. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. (2006). Learn about the United States: Quick civics lessons. Washington, DC: GPO.

7 12.

Cite a pamphlet or brochure (4.16.33): ex. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2006, August). Anabolic steroid abuse. [Pamphlet]. Bethesda, MD: Author.


For a translated work (4.16.32 & 4.16.39): Last name of author, initial of first name of author. (date of publication). Title of book Initial of first name and last name of translator, Trans.). Place of publication: Publisher. (Original work published year of publication if available) {DO NOT put a period after the parenthesis when citing the original publication information.} ex. Brecht, B. (1998). The good woman of Setzuan. (E. Bentley and M. Apelman, Trans.). In E. Wilson & A. Goldfarb (Eds.). Anthology of living theater (pp. 255-302). Boston: McGraw-Hill. ex. Camus, A. (1988). The stranger (M. Ward, Trans.). NY: A. A. Knopf. (Original work published 1946) ex. Levi, P. (2007). A tranquil star: Unpublished stories. (A. Goldstein & A. Bastagli, Trans.). NY: Norton.


For technical and research reports (4.16.41 – 4.16.48) Last name of author, initial of first name of author. (date of publication). Title of report (If available, the Report, monograph or contract number assigned to the report by the issuing organization). Place of publication: Publisher. ex. Matus-Grossman, L., & Gooden, S. (2002). Opening doors: Students’ perspectives on juggling work, family, and college. NY: Manpower Demonstration Research Corp. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED471815) ex. Regan, T. F., & Lewandowski, E. J. (2007). Development of a linear stirling system model with varying heat inputs (Rep. No. E-16188, NASA/CR-2007-215012). Cleveland, OH: National Aeronautics & Space Administration.

8 JOURNAL, MAGAZINE OR NEWSPAPER ARTICLES General information is found in section 4.11. More specific information is found in sections 4.16.1 - 4.16.22. TIPS: ™ ™ ™ ™

Italicize the name of the journal and the volume number. If there is no volume number, use the month or season with the year. Capitalize all of the major words in the periodical title. Only include the issue number (in parentheses after the volume number), if each issue of the journal begins with page 1. ™ Only with newspapers, use p. or pp. before the page number(s). ™ Use (n.d.). if no publication date is available


Periodical articles – Journals or Magazines (4.16.1 – 4.16.8): Last name of author, initial of first name of author {if available}. (date of publication). Title of article. Name of Periodical, volume number(issue number if applicable), page numbers. ex. McGowen, K. (2007, December). Can we cure aging? Discover, 28(12), 58-61, 76-77. ex. Moore, G. M. (2007, Summer). Slavery and racism in Joseph Conrad’s eastern world. Journal of Modern Literature, 30(4), 20-38. ex. Sauter, M. J. (2007). Clockwatchers and stargazers: Time discipline in early modern Berlin. American Historical Review, 112, 685-709. ex. Shute, N. (2008, January 14). A high-tech family tree: New services use DNA to connect relatives and track down ancestors. U.S. News & World Report, 144 (1), 41-43.


Newspaper articles (4.16.9 – 4.16.11): Last name of author, initial of first name of author {if available}. (date of publication). Title of article. Name of newspaper, p. page number. ex. Jayson, S. (2008, February 13). Matchmakers cut to the chase. USA Today, p. D1-2.

9 3.

Review (4.16.63 – 4.16.64): Last name of reviewer, initial of first name of reviewer {if available}. (date of publication). Title of the review. [Review of the book Title of the work reviewed]. Name of periodical in which review appeared, volume number(issue number if applicable), page number(s){if given}. ex. Gass, W. H. (2008, January). Unsteady as she goes: Malcolm Lowry’s cinema inferno. [Review of the book The voyage that never ends: Fictions, poems, fragments, letters]. Harper’s, 316(1892), 89-94. ex. Schmidt-Pirro, J. (2007, Fall). [Review of the book Winifred Wager: A life at the heart of Hitler’s Bayreuth]. Southern Humanities Review, 41(4), 383-386.


Editorial or Letter to the Editor (4.16.11): Last name of author, initial of first name of author {if available}. (date of publication). Title. [Editorial]. or [Letter to the editor]. Name of journal, magazine or newspaper in which review appeared, volume number(issue number if applicable), page number(s){if given}. ex. Battle of the surge. (2007, December 17). [Editorial]. Nation, 285 (20), 3. ex. Brevik, I., & Milton, K. A. (2007, November). [Letter to the editor]. Physics Today, 60(11), 8. ex. Cummings, D. E., & Flum, D. R. (2008). Gastrointestinal surgery as a treatment for diabetes. [Editorial]. JAMA, 299, 341-343. ex. Lamoreaux, S. (2007, November). [Reply to letter of I. Brevik & K. A. Milton]. Physics Today, 60(11), 8-10.

10 FULL-TEXT In full-text databases, the entire article can be printed from the computer. For more information on citing full-text material, please refer to the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition, sections 4.15 and 4.16 I (4.16.71 - 4.16.95) and the APA style guide to electronic references, a 2007 publication which updates the 5th edition manual. If you cannot find some of the information, cite what is available.

ONLINE DATABASES Aggregated databases (4.16.88 & 4.16.90): The following information pertains to examples from the on-line databases accessible through Northeast State. You no longer have to include the retrieval date or the database name. You may choose, or your instructor may require you, to include the database name. Last name of author, initial of first name of author {if available}. (date of publication). Title of article. Name of Periodical, volume number(issue number if applicable), page numbers. {If available, include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number after the page numbers.} No internet address is needed. or Last name, initial of first name. (date of publication). Title of book. {If you cite the entire book, use Available from internet address (no period after the internet address). If you cite a chapter, use Retrieved from name of database.}

Knovel Industrial Tech Books Online, netLibrary, Safari Books Online or Oxford Reference database: ex. Fisherman, S. (2005). Home business tax deductions: Keep what you earn (2nd ed.). Available from netLibrary. ex. Kuhns, P., & Crew, A. (2006). Blogosphere: Best of blogs. Available from Safari Books Online. ex. Lewis, Sr., R. J. (2004). Sax’s dangerous properties of industrial materials (11th ed.). Available from Knovel Industrial Tech Books Online. ex. Thomas, D. H. (1996). Gatecliff shelter. In B. M. Fagan (Ed.), The Oxford companion to archaeology. Retrieved from Oxford Reference.

11 Database articles: NOTE: The DOI number may not be available or may be very difficult to locate in the databases. If you have the option of viewing a PDF file, you may find the DOI number on the first page of the article.

ex. Allen, L. J. (2007, December 3). Hybrid owners want MPG, not performance. Automotive News, 3, 40. ex. Biology of the immune system. (2006). In M. H. Beers (ed.), Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy (18th ed.). ex. Blaes, K., & Liz, S. (2007, April). Investigating human trafficking: Challenges, lessons learned, and best practices. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 76(4), 24-32. ex. Brenner, J. S. (2007, June). Overuse injuries, overtraining, and burnout in child and adolescent athletes. Pediatrics, 119(6), 1242-1245. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-0887 ex. Chibbaro, J. S. (2007, October). School counselors and the cyberbully: Interventions and implications. Professional School Counseling, 11(1), 65-68. ex. Conrad, W. (2007, July 9). Timing your exit: You could lose valuable pay if you leave even a few days too soon. Business Week (4042), 51. ex. Evans, E. (1984). “From death to morning,” “the hills beyond,” and the short novels. In Thomas Wolfe: (pp. 95-133). Ungar. ex. Goldfarb, S. (2000). Overview of “The boarded window”. In I. M. Milne (ed.), Short stories for students: Vol. 9. (n.p.). Detroit: Gale. ex. Gosselin, P. G. (2007, August 20). U.S. action on free trade is left hanging. Los Angeles Times, n. p. ex. McConnell, M. (2007, October). Education and incarceration: Prison program offers inmates chance for better future. Snips, 76(10), 18-21. ex. Ostas, D. T. (2007, Winter). When fraud pays: Executive self dealing and the failure of self-restraint. American Business Law Journal, 44(4), 571-601. ex. Pinn, A. B. (2007, Summer). Bling and blessings: Thoughts on the intersections of rap music and religious meaning. Cross Currents, 57(2), 289-295.

12 ex. Rand, S. (2007, December). The importance and relevance of Hegel’s philosophy of nature. The Review of Metaphysics, 61(2), 379-400. ex. Rhinomycosis. (2006). In M. B. Pugh (ed.), Stedman’s Medical Dictionary (28th ed.). ex. Ribkoff, F. (2000, Spring). Shame, guilt, empathy, and the search for identity in Arthur Miller’s death of a salesman. Modern Drama, 43(1), 48-55. ex. Risher, W. (2008, January 30). Safe spaces – program teaches care for kids during emergencies. The Commercial Appeal, p.DSB1. ex. Wang, H. (2007, October 29). Farm bill could spark fight over immigrant labor. Chattanooga Times-Free Press, n. p.

INTERNET ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™

Use (n.d.). if no publication date is available. If no page numbers are given, do not assign any page numbers or use the abbreviation n.p. When a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number is available, use that number instead of the internet address or URL. Do not put a period after, or underline, the Internet address or URL (if used). If you view an article on the Internet that has a printed version, add [Electronic version]. after the article title. If you have to break a URL that goes on another line, break the address after a slash or before a period. Do not insert a hyphen at the break. ™ Give the home or menu page address for full text accessible by subscription only, for online reference works such as dictionaries or encyclopedias, and for material presented in frames. ™ Only include the retrieval date if you do not have a fixed publication date, edition, or version number to cite.


Journals, Magazines, or Newsletters (4.16.71 – 4.16,74 & 4.16.89): Last name of author, initial of first name of author {if available}. (date of publication if available; otherwise, put n.d.). Title of article. Name of Periodical, volume number(issue number if applicable), page numbers{if available}. Retrieved from internet address {or doi: if available}

ex. Newspaper Article Eaton, L. (2008, January 27). So many places to live, but so far out of reach. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/27/us/27orleans.html?scp=1&sq=%22so+many+places+to+live+but%22&st=nyt

13 ex. Magazine Article Rubenstein, G. (2007, November). Building a better teacher: Confronting the crisis in teacher training. [Electronic version]. Edutopia. Retrieved from http://www.edutopia.org/building-a-better-teacher

ex. Scholarly Journal Adibifar, K. (2007). Students’ perceptions of the use of technology: Does students’ gender make a difference in their perceptions of using technology in teaching? Electronic Journal of Sociology. Retrieved from http://www.sociology.org/content/2007/_adibifar_technology.pdf Bell, M. L., Goldberg, R., Hogrefe, C., Kinney, P. L., Knowlton, K., Lynn, B., Rosenthal, J., Rosenzweig, C., & Patz, J. A. (2007). Climate change, ambient ozone, and health in 50 US cities. Climatic Change, 82, 61-76. doi: 10.1007/s10584-006-9166-7 Curtis, P., Coeytaux, R. R., & Hapke, P. (2006, October). Acupuncture for birth preparation and delivery: How investigating mechanisms of action can generate research. Complementary Health Practice Review, 11(3), 176-192. doi: 10.1177/1533210106298060 Li, C. (2007). Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from soils: Scientific basis and modeling approach. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 53, 344-352. doi: 10.1111/j.1747-0765.2007.00133.x Neushotz, L. A., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2008, April). Improving substance abuse screening and intervention in a primary care clinic. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 22(2), 78-86. doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2007.04.004 Reed, D. L., Light, J. E., Allen, J. M., & Kirchman, J. J. (2007). Pair of lice lost or parasites regained: The evolutionary history of anthropoid primate lice. BMC Biology, 5(7). doi: 10.1186/1741-7007-5-7

14 2.

Online Book, Part of a Book, or Government Publication (14.16.75 -14.16.77, 14.16.80, & 14.16.91): Last name of author, initial of first name of author {if available}. (date of publication if available; otherwise, put n.d.). Title of the part {if applicable}. Name of work. Retrieved from internet address {or doi:} {If you cite the entire book, use Available from internet address (no period after the internet address). If you cite a chapter, use Retrieved from name of database.}

ex. Online Book Alighieri, D. (n. d.). The divine comedy. (H. W. Longfellow, Tran.). Retrieved from http://www.ccel.org/d/dante/ inferno/infer03.htm London, J. (1908). The iron heel. Macmillan. Retrieved from http://www.jacklondons.net/writings/IronHeel/toc.html

ex. Part of an Online Book Twain, M. (n. d.). The danger of lying in bed. In The 430,000 bequest and other stories. Retrieved from http://www.gutenberg.org/files/142/142.txt

ex. Government Publication United States Department of Agriculture. (2006, April 4). Safe food handling: Food safety tips for college students. Retrieved from http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Fact_Sheets/Food_Safety_Tips_for_College_Students/index.asp United States Department of Health & Human Services. Center for Disease Control. (2005, October 4). Protect your pets in an emergency. Retrieved from http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/petprotect.asp

15 3.

All other Websites including Scholarly Projects, Professional or Personal Sites (4.16.75 – 4.16.84): Last name of author, initial of first name of author {if available}. (date of publication if available; otherwise, put n.d.). Title of the part. Name of work {if applicable and available}. Retrieved from internet address {or doi:}

ex. Back pain treatment getting pricier: Cost has risen 65 percent, but many people still have aches. (2008, February 12). Retrieved from http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23134252 ex. Flying squirrel. (2007). The Columbia encyclopedia (6th ed.). HighBeam Research. Retrieved from www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1E1-flyingsq.html ex. Oak Island. (1999, June 1). The Active Mind. Retrieved from http://www.activemind.com/Mysterious/ Topics/OakIsland/index.html ex. Potter, N. (2007, December 4). A look at a dinosaur mummy: Scientists get a rare glimpse of life 65 million years ago. Retrieved from http://abcnews.go.com/WN/story?id=3952832&page=1


Online Advertisements ex. Target [Advertisement]. Retrieved February 29, 2008, from http://www.adflip.com/addetails.php?adID=13189 ex. VW gold estate [Advertisement]. Retrieved February 29, 2008 from http://adsoftheworld.com/media/ print/vw_golf_estate_couch

ELECTRONIC DISCUSSION SOURCES ™ If the source is not accessible over time (archived), does not have scholarly value, or is not peer reviewed, it cannot be listed in the Reference List. ™ Most electronic discussion sources are not suitable for inclusion in the Reference List; however, if the information is retrievable and scholarly, follow the example below:

Newsgroups, Online Forums, Discussion Groups, Mailing Lists (4.16.85 – 4.16.87) Last name of author, initial of first name of author. (date of posting). Subject line of the message. Message posted to internet address

ex. McCarty, W. (2007, June 4). How do we know? Message posted to http://www.iath.virginia.edu/lists_archive/ Humanist/v21/0072.html

16 Curriculum and Course Materials, including E-Readings for an online class (D2L):

If the reading opens to a web page or an article in a database, follow the examples for the Internet or aggregated databases citations. Be sure to identify the information as [E-reading], [PowerPoint slides], [Lecture notes], etc. ex. Prager, D. One man wore jacket and tie at high school graduation. [E-reading]. Retrieved from Northeast State D2L web site: http://elearn.northeaststate.edu/d2l/orgTools/ouHome/ouHome.asp?ou=140588

AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA (4.16.65 – 4.16.70)


Television Program (4.16.66 – 4.16.68): For a single episode from a series: Last name, initial of the first name of the writer (Writer), & last name, initial of the first name of the director or producer or both (Director or Producer). (year of broadcast). Title of episode or segment [Television series episode]. In first initial of first name last name (Producer), Title of series. City of the network: Name of the network.

For a broadcast or series: Last name, initial of the first name of the writer or director or both (Writer or Director). (broadcast date or year of series). Title of series or broadcast [Television series or broadcast]. City of the network: Name of the network. If the episode was viewed on the Internet, add an identifier [Television series, etc.] after the title and Podcast retrieved from internet address

ex. Austen, J. (Writer). & Langton, S. (Director). (2008, February 10, 17, 24). Pride & Prejudice [Television broadcast]. Masterpiece theatre. Norton, VA: PBS. ex. Cockroaches. (2008). CSI: Crime scene investigation [Television series episode]. Podcast retrieved from www.cbc.com/ ex. Willis, C. S. (Director). (2008, February 12). Astrospies. [Television series episode]. In C. S. Willis & J. Bamford (Producers), NOVA. Norton, VA: PBS.


Music or Audio Recording (4.16.69 – 4.16.70): For a music recording: Last name, first initial of writer. (copyright date). Title of song [Recorded by first initial of artist last name of artist if different from the writer]. On Title of album [Medium – CD, record, cassette, etc.]. Location: Name of label. (Recording date if different from the copyright date)

17 ex. McClinton, D. (2005). Cost of living [CD]. New West Records. ex. Far away [Recorded by Nickelback]. (2005). On All the right reasons [CD]. Roadrunner Records.

If heard on the Internet: Last name, first initial of writer. (copyright date). Title of song [Recorded by first initial of artist last name of artist if different from the writer]. [Audio file]. Podcast retrieved from internet address ex. Catering Goes to the Dogs [Audio file]. (2008, February 8). Day to Day. Podcast retrieved from http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18815454 For an audio recording: Last name, first initial of originator or contributor. (Function of originator or contributor). (copyright date). Title of recording [Medium – CD, cassette, etc.]. Location: Name of distributor. ex. Cullin, M. (Author). (2005). A slight trick of the mind [Read by S. Jones]. [CD]. Highbridge. ex. Tolkien, J. R. R. (Author). (1998). The simarillion [Read by M. Shaw]. [Audiocassette]. HarperCollins.


Motion Picture, Videotape or DVD (4.16.65): Last name, initial of the first name of the producer or director or both (Producer or Director). (year of release). Title of the work [Motion picture, Videorecording, DVD]. Country of origin{where it was primarily made and released}: Name of the studio.

ex. Gibson, M. (Director & Producer), & Davey, B. (Producer). (2006). Apocalypto [DVD]. United States: Touchstone. ex. Reiner, R. (Director & Producer). (2007). The bucket list [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Brothers.

For Internet films or film clips: Last name, initial of the first name of the producer or director or both (Producer or Director). (date of release). Title of the work [Video file]. Video posted to internet address ex. Arnell, P. (Director). (2008). Thrillicious: 2008 SoBe life water superbowl ad [Online]. Video posted to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anLqu77uTH0 ex. Lockyer, B., & Kernan, J. (Commentators). (2008, February 14). Green investing [Online]. Video posted to http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=651908923&play=1

18 OTHER MATERIALS The APA Publication Manual’s purpose is to provide uniform information for preparing, presenting and publishing scientific research and technical reports. Because some sources may not be considered as providing scholarly, recoverable data, they cannot be included in the Reference List. The following types of sources do not have specific guidelines for citation. Suggestions for proper citation are included where possible, but they are only suggestions based on the Manual’s guidelines and are not an indication that the source should be included in the Reference List. Some sources are specifically identified as unacceptable for inclusion in the Reference List. Use your best judgment as to the scholarly nature of the item before including it. When in doubt, please discuss the source with your instructor. Although they cannot be included in the Reference List, the sources may be cited in the text of the paper. Classical Works (3.100 – 3.101): Major classical works, including ancient Greek and Roman works and the Bible, are not included in the Reference List. Include the version used in the first citation in your paper and use the numbers of the books, chapters, verses, lines, etc., instead of page numbers when referring to a specific part of the work. Do not use page numbers even with a direct quote. ex. Proverbs 1:10 (King James Version) ex. (Virgil, Aeneid, trans. 1990, book 5, line 14) Personal Communications (including interviews) (3.102): Personal communications include e-mail, nonarchived electronic discussion groups or bulletin boards, personal interviews, telephone conversations, letters, memos, etc. These sources are considered unrecoverable and/or not scholarly. They may be cited in the body of the paper only. ex. (B. O’Connors, personal communication, January 19, 2008) Performances (concerts, plays, operas, ballets); Lectures, Speeches, Addresses; Radio Programs: There are no specific guidelines for these sources. They could be considered unrecoverable since each event is unique every time. Although the source should not be included in the Reference List, it can be cited in the body of the paper. If the source is commonly available because it is recorded (on videotape, audiocassette, CD, or DVD), or there is a transcript, then it may be included in the Reference List. Please refer to citation guidelines for the appropriate way to cite the source. When in doubt, consult your instructor. Music Videos: There are no specific guidelines for citing music videos. They can be cited in the body of the paper. They may be included in the Reference List following the example of a television program episode or the videorecording or DVD examples. Please consult with your instructor before including a music video in the Reference List. Last updated 16 April 2008

sample bibliography entries

page numbers). Place of publication: Publisher. ex. Bishop, E. (2005). One art. In J. Kelly (Ed.), The Seagull reader: Literature (pp. 414-415). NY: Norton. ex. London, J. (2003). The law of life ..... If you view an article on the Internet that has a printed version, add [Electronic version]. after the article title. ❖ If you have to break a ...

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