Step up ...with homework Homework: Homework is set each week and children take home a piece of Maths and a piece of English linked to their learning in school. It is essential that the work is completed in full and returned to school on time every week. Whenever there are exceptional circumstances that mean your child is unable to complete a piece of homework, please let the class teacher know via the Reading Planner. Also if your child is unsure of how to complete a piece of homework, please speak with the class teacher, who will be happy to talk through it. To support your child in completing homework, many year groups will provide an opportunity to attend a homework session in school, where children can be supported in completing the work. All children are given their log ins and passwords for the online software suited to their age and need, which can be found at the front of their Reading Planner.

Homework is a way for teachers to check a child’s understanding of a topic & will normally take around an hour to complete.

St Margaret’s CE Primary School

All passwords and log ins for a child’s account will be found in their Planner. If you find that this information is missing, please let a member of staff from their class know and we will get the information back as quickly as possible. If you have any questions about any of the information in this leaflet, please don’t hesitate to contact school or your child’s class teacher. Alternatively you can direct any questions via your child’s Planner.

We look forward to continuing to work together with our families for the success of our children!

Step Up success! The St Margaret’s family working together for the success of our children.

KS2 Online Learning Club

Children in Years 3 to 6 can attend Online learning club on Tuesdays 3.20—4.15. Please speak to your child’s teacher or enquire at the school office for a letter.

REMEMBER BE SAFE ONLINE St Margaret’s CE Primary School School Rd, Orford, Warrington, Cheshire, WA2 9AD

Phone: 01925 634207 E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @smceps Facebook: Smceps St Margarets

...where ambition and faith thrive!

Step up...together The Home and School Agreement found in every child’s planner, clearly sets out the expectations for pupils, parents and the school in how we can best work together to ensure that our children achieve an exciting, impactful education and enjoy their time at St Margaret’s. The most important part of this agreement focuses how we can support our children in getting the most from the first part of their learning journey. This means the best way to achieve success is for all of us to collaborate in supporting our children in their learning and prepare them for the future and their lives beyond St Margaret’s. We now have access to programs that give our children more opportunities to develop their learning outside the classroom. Parent’s can support their child’s learning by making sure the programs are used regularly at home. We would like to ask you to consider these three simple steps to support us in ensuring all our pupils are able to…

Step Up to Success!

Step up maths

Step up reading Maths: Reading: It is important that children read every day at home. Ideally a child would read to an adult for 20 minutes each evening, but we understand that busy nature of day to day life means it is not always possible for an adult to sit and share a book with their child. Over the past few years we have invested a lot of money in buying online software that gives our pupils the chance to read regularly at home. ACTIVELEARN/BUG CLUB (Reception to Year 6) This software gives children access to books online using a tablet, laptop or computer. Each book comes with a selection of questions that the children must answer in order to earn rewards and progress to other newer books. The children can also access grammar and spelling activities to support them in becoming better readers and writers.

The school has invested in giving the pupils access to the best maths programs and games available . Spending some time every week accessing the different software can have a big impact on improving a child’s progress in maths. RM EASIMATHS (Year 1 to Year 3) All pupils in Year 1 to 3 have access to a personalised maths program accessible on a laptop or computer. Each session will check a child’s understanding of maths at their ability and the program automatically moves pupils on when they successfully complete a session. MANGA HIGH (Year 4 to Year 6) Pupils can access games and tasks linked to topics they cover in class, this allows them to further develop their understanding of maths and supports them in their learning.

READING PLUS (Year 4 to Year 6) This software is aimed at older pupils and allows them to develop their reading speed and comprehension skills, supporting them in becoming better readers. Each pupil is given access to hundreds of books which match to their interests and ability. They achieve rewards and progress through the program with each book they finish and activity they complete. Reading for 20 minutes each evening means a child would read for more than 90 hours every school year. (The same as 15 extra school days!)

TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS (Year 3 to Year 6) All pupils need to know multiplication facts up to 12x12 by the end of Year 4. TT Rockstars is a fun and exciting way of children improving their knowledge by improving their time, earning coins to dress up their Rock Avatar and compete against children all across the country!

Step Up to Success Flyer.pdf

Reading Planner. Also if your child is unsure of how to complete a. piece of homework, please speak with the class. teacher, who will be happy to talk through it. To support your child in completing homework,. many year groups will provide an opportunity to. attend a homework session in school, where chil- dren can be ...

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