Winburn Middle School

Student-Parent Handbook 2017-2018 The faculty and staff of Winburn Middle School, working in partnership with our students, families, and community, shall ensure that every student has the skills to build a strong social and academic foundation in order to transition into a successful high school student and responsible member of the community. This mission is accomplished by providing a challenging, standards-based curriculum that meets individual needs and is delivered in a safe environment by a dedicated, nurturing staff. Winburn Middle School Mission Statement

Principal: Whitney Allison Associate Principals: Stephanie Green and Killian Timoney Administrative Deans: Mike Hale and Jody Powell

1060 Winburn Drive Lexington, KY 40511 859-381-3967 (Office) 859-381-3971 (Fax) Website:


Dear Winburn Families, At Winburn Middle School, we focus our efforts to provide a safe and friendly learning environment for our students. Like many schools in Fayette County and around the state of Kentucky, we have been working on creating a Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) to assist our students in developing lifelong character traits important to their future success. Our PBIS / Student Life Committee has clearly defined our expectations for everyone and designed an incentive program to celebrate the good choices made by students each day. We call these expectations our Warrior Guidelines for Success. Students who demonstrate POWER in everything they do form a core value set that reflects a respect for themselves, their family, and all others in the Warrior Nation. Developing a core value set will also enable our Warriors to be college and career ready, as well as, reinforce their self-confidence to make decisions. We know that when we all hold our students to high expectations both behaviorally and academically we open many doors to their future. We look forward to working with you!

GUIDELINES FOR SUCCESS Perseverance Ownership Working Hard Empathy Respect

WELCOME! Our school building opens at 8:35 each day. The school day begins with morning announcements and first period at 9:05 am. Students are supervised by FCPS employees from 8:35-4:00 each day unless involved in a school-sponsored activity. ARRIVAL TO SCHOOL All students can enter through the front entrance doors beginning at 8:35 a.m. Morning announcements will begin at 9:05 a.m. Upon entering the building, students are to report to their designated areas/complexes. Students shall be dropped off by their parents in the car loop at the front of the school. TARDY TO SCHOOL Students entering the building after 9:05 a.m. shall be checked in the front office with the attendance clerk. All students must be present in their first period class by 9:05 a.m. to begin the instructional day. DISMISSAL Dismissal begins at 3:55 p.m. with afternoon announcements followed by the dismissal of students. Students will be dismissed in the following order daily: (1) car riders, (2) bus riders, (3) walkers and (4) after school activities. Upon dismissal, car riders, bus riders, and walkers will exit through the doors at the end of exploratory hallways. For after-school activities, sponsors and coaches will have a designated location for their students to report. Parents/guardians attending any after-school event or meeting should park in the side parking lot. ABSENCES It has been shown that regularly missing school can decrease academic performance. Our goal at Winburn Middle School is for our student body to have 97% or higher attendance. The following is a list of excused absences that require a note. Notes should be given to the attendance clerk before or after school within three days of the absence.  

Illness (Limited to ten parents’ notes, after which a doctor’s note is required) Death or severe illness in the immediate family


    

Religious holidays and practices approved in advance Medical and dental appointments Court appearances (only for the scheduled time of appearance) Family emergencies (limited to three) Special cases approved in advance by administration

Please Note: Students must be checked in/out of school by a parent/guardian or an authorized adult with a picture ID. TARDIES /TRUANCY A student is considered tardy if he or she arrives after the designated school start time (9:05 a.m.) or leaves before the end of the instructional day. Students must be checked in or out of school by a parent/guardian or authorized adult. Late arrivals or early dismissals will be counted as an absence or tardy according to the arrival/departure time. Any student who has been absent from school without a valid excuse for three days or more, or is tardy without a valid excuse for three days or more, is considered truant. A student who has been reported truant two or more times is considered a habitual truant. HOMEWORK Each team is expected to have a structure set up to keep students informed about homework. Part of being a prepared Warrior is staying informed and taking care of projects, assignments, and studying after school hours. TRANSPORTATION Any changes to a students’ transportation should be communicated immediately to the school. All changes in transportation must be submitted in writing to the Winburn Middle School office clerk. Getting this information to the front office as soon as possible helps all us be prepared to handle changes in transportation needs. Students bringing written documentation of transportation changes to school will only be allowed to bring those notes to the front office before school or during lunch. Class time will NOT be interrupted to inform students of transportation changes. Students can make contact with parents at the beginning or end of the school day.

SCHOOL CLOSING Winburn Middle School operates on the Fayette County Public Schools’ calendar; therefore, if Fayette County calls off school, Winburn Middle School will cancel all activities before, during, and after school. Please be prepared to know whether our doors will be open by checking the local news stations as well as the Fayette County School Website. If weather conditions warrant school delays, early dismissal or closing, students’ families will be contacted via the phone alert notification system. Notices will also be posted on the FCPS website’s home page, Facebook page, and Twitter system. Also, updates will be broadcasted on Channel 13 and local television stations. CLASSROOM When a student participates in the classroom, they are alert, asking questions, and actively engaged. Students who actively participate in their learning are more prepared to thrive in a complex, interdependent, diverse, and constantly changing world. Participation requires that student be informed and responsible. The more a student participates in their learning, the more empowered and responsible they become as adults. EXTRA-CURRICULAR There is a wide variety of clubs, team sports, and organizations for students to get involved. Students are encouraged to participate in order to broaden their horizons and practice new skills. See SBDM policy on the following pages for participation requirements. HALL PASSES Students are expected to be in the classroom learning, but in some cases students may be excused to visit other areas of the building (restroom, library, office, or cafeteria. Teachers shall implement the “10-10 rule” before granting a hall pass. This means that students may not leave the classroom during the first ten minutes of class or the last ten minutes of class. Should it be necessary to leave during the middle of class, students are expected to obtain teacher permission and carry a hall pass while traveling from one destination to the other.

MISSED SCHOOL WORK Students must complete missed homework and in-class


assignments in a period of time equal to the length of the absence. For example, a student who has been absent for two school days will have two school days to make up missed class work and homework. Students who have missed any tests will also be expected to begin to take make up tests on the first day upon returning to school. It is the parents’/guardians’ and students’ responsibility to meet with teachers and/or administration to arrange for make-up work, to pick up make-up assignment packages, and to return completed work back to the teacher by the designated due date. TESTING AND ASSESSMENTS WMS uses a variety of tests to assess student progress throughout the year. These include program assessments which are administered throughout the school year, as well as norm-referenced standardized tests and assessments required by the state to assess student knowledge and skills. Parents/Guardians shall be notified about testing dates via letters or postcards sent home, as well as through postings on our school website. On days when we are testing it is especially important that all students are in the building on time and prepared for school. WMS works hard to create an environment that nurtures the students and that allows for total focus on test days and late arrivals or absences can be disruptive to all parties involved. PROGRESS REPORTS / GRADE REPORTS / REPORT CARDS Parents/guardians and students have access to grades through the Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal. Students will be given an academic progress report approximately every two weeks, with the exception of mid-term. Grade reports are given each nine weeks, and the final grade report card is mailed home.

students a high level of responsibility and academic honesty. Because the value of an academic degree depends upon the absolute integrity of the work done by the student for that degree, it is imperative that a student demonstrates a high standard of individual honor in his/ her scholastic work. Scholastic Dishonesty - Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, and any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Plagiarism - Plagiarism, especially from the Internet, from portions of papers for other classes and from any other source is unacceptable and will be penalized under the school's policy on plagiarism. GRADING POLICY Students’ grades will reflect students’ demonstration of content knowledge through summative assessments, formative assessments, informal assessments, etc. Students are expected to demonstrate mastery of all course concepts. Other assignments, both in-class and out-of-class, will be scored at the discretion of the teacher. Per district policy, the following grading scale will be used:     

A- 92% or above B- 83% to 91% C- 74% to 82% D-65% to 73% F- 64% or below

IMPROVING ACADEMIC STANDING Winburn has procedures and programs in place to help students improve their academic standing. Information regarding specific procedures and programs (such as ESS – Extended School Services) can be found on the Winburn Middle School website.

INFINITE CAMPUS Students and parents can always access grades through Fayette County’s Infinite Campus Parent Portal. The Fayette County Public Schools’ website is Parents/students should look in the upper right corner of the home page and click on the “Parent/Student Portal” link. To set up a parent/student account, email: [email protected] In the e-mail, include parent’s name, student’s name, student’s date of birth and the school he/she attends.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The faculty at Winburn Middle School expects from its

CHANGE OF ADDRESS It is essential that we maintain current/working


contact information for all students in case of emergency. Changes in address, e-mail and/or telephone should be communicated with the student records clerk or administration as quickly as possible. TELEPHONE Parents/guardians may call the school at any time. Each faculty member has an extension. Teachers are available during their planning period; otherwise, we will gladly take a message. Parents/guardians can expect follow-up communication within 24 hours of leaving a message during regular school days. ELECTRONIC MAIL In addition to the general voice mailbox, staff members at Winburn may be reached via electronic mail. Each staff member’s email address is his/her [email protected]. For example a staff member named Sally Smith could be reached at [email protected]. VISITING THE SCHOOL Parent(s)/guardian(s) are encouraged to visit and volunteer within the school. Visitors and volunteers both should first come to the front office to sign in and receive a visitor’s pass. For those wishing to volunteer, please contact the school to be put in touch with the volunteer coordinator. All volunteers must have a full background check. Visitors and volunteers should call the school beforehand and schedule a visit prior to coming by during school hours. This will allow time to inform the teachers of the planned visit so he/she can make appropriate accommodations. Parent(s)/guardians(s) should set up a meeting time with the teacher when he/she is not teaching to discuss a student’s progress. UNIVERSAL ATTENTION SIGNAL It will be necessary at times, especially in large groups, for an adult to speak or make an announcement. The adult will raise their hand and repeat “Please give me your attention.” This signal and statement lets the group know it is time to be quiet. It is expected that a large group should become quiet in 3-5 seconds.

Research shows that increasing daily intake of water keeps the mind alert and ready to learn. ELECTRONIC DEVICES All cell phones, iPods and other electronic devices must remain in the manual OFF position. Devices should be put away when in the students’ possession. It is the discretion of the teacher whether or not to allow the use of electronic devices in the classroom. If a student’s electronic device is turned on, audible or visible to a staff member during the school day without permission, it will be confiscated. BULLYING/HARASSMENT Students and staff at Winburn Middle School work together daily to stop bullying in our school. We believe that everyone should enjoy our school equally, feel safe and accepted regardless of color, race, gender, popularity, athletic ability, academic ability, religion, sexual orientation, or nationality. Bullying can be pushing, shoving, hitting, and spitting, as well as name calling, picking on, making fun of, laughing at, and excluding someone either in person or electronic messages, etc. Bullying causes pain and stress to victims and is never justified or excusable as “kids being kids” “just teasing” or any other rationalization. Students who feel they are being bullied should report it to any staff member or access the safety tipline on our website (STOP). WARRIOR CONDUCT COMMITTEE Everyone makes mistakes. At times when a warrior makes a poor choice, we offer another option: appear before the student Warrior Conduct Committee. This student/adult committee allows students to help each other work together toward a solution so as to decide appropriate next steps to address the behavior issue. This option is made possible through the collaboration among parents, restorative justice, and our student body.

WATER BOTTLE FILLING STATION WMS has two water bottle filling stations to support our students’ participation in a healthy lifestyle.


Winburn Warrior Dress Code At Winburn Middle School we encourage our students to dress for success. Students are expected to abide by the dress code each day. All items not specifically listed on the dress code below are expected to be stored in lockers-this includes sunglasses, jackets, coats, backpacks, and stringbags. Principals have the final say in the interpretation and enforcement of the dress code. They also have the authority to relax the code requirements on designated days. SBDM Policy 14 Adopted: 6.13.16 It is always best to get administrative approval if you are ever in doubt about clothing acceptability. *All other items to be stored in lockers-in this includes: sunglasses, jackets, coats, backpacks, and bags.


















Dangerous Instrument

Alternative Placement Recommendation Expulsion Recommendation



Long-Term Suspension (6-10)

Damaging Property/Vandalism

Short Term Suspension (1-5)


In-School Suspension (SAFE)


In-School Discipline

Classroom Discipline

Cheating, False Note/Report/Dishonesty


Team Level Discipline

School Privilege(s) Denied


Disruptive Behavior








Failure to Follow Directions












Fighting Gang Activity/Promoting Harassment/Bullying/Threat to other




Inappropriate Sexual Behavior/Hostile Environment (sexual) Horseplay/Disregard for Safety Leaving School without permission/Hostile Environment (nonsexual)


Obscene/Pornographic Material





Offenses committed off campus Out of Assigned Area




Over the Counter Drugs/Non-controlled substance
























































Peer Conflict – Verbal







Personal Electronic Device, misuse







Possession of Controlled Substance,/Use/ Trafficking Profanity/Vulgarity/Offensive Speech





Repeated Suspensions/Misbehaviors Skipping Class


Skipping School





Tardy to Class (unexcused)



Tobacco/Alcohol Products - Possession Tobacco/Alcohol Products - Use of Bus Conduct



















X X X Administration will assign consequence per progressive bus conduct resolution chart. See District Code of Conduct

Law Violations ** Administration will practice progressive discipline when possible, but may choose any consequence listed.


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