CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012


ABOUT US................................................................................................................2 WELC OM E T O TH E CAMS2 ........................................................................................2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................3 INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................4 HOW TO IN ST ALL CAMS2? ........................................................................................4 HOW TO CHECK YOUR C OM PUTER

OPERATIN G SYST EM PRE- R EQU ISITES?.....................11

HOW TO CHECK YOUR C OM PUTER .NET FR AM EWOR K PR E- REQUISIT ES?.......................12 FIRST TIME LOGIN ................................................................................................13 CAMS2 L OGIN SCR EEN O VERVIEW ..........................................................................13 CREAT E L OGIN PR OFILE ..........................................................................................14 LOGIN CAMS2 .......................................................................................................18

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Copyright © Public Mutual Berhad

CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

About Us Welcome to the CAMS2

Client & Agency Management System 2 (CAMS2) is subscription-based software dev eloped for Public Mutual Berhad Unit Trust Consultants (UTC) to support their business activities with clients and UTC network. It enables UTCs to monitor their client ’s unit trust investment portfolio and provide better after-sales support and serv ice. It also helps UTCs to monitor their network sales perf ormance f or better management of their agency. CAMS2 consists of two main components, which are: §

Client & Agency Management System

This component is installed locally in the PC or notebook of the CAMS2 subscriber. It prov ides inf ormation as well as, enables UTCs to perf orm and monitor f ollow-up action on clients and network down-lines. It prov ides the f lexibility of searching, filtering and grouping of data. Data is updated via auto-synchronization with the host via the internet network. CAMS2 can also be integrated with MS Off ice software (Word, Outlook, Excel) for generation of mails, labels, etc. Alerts can also be set to notif y of appointments, tasks or events of specific criteria. In summary, CAMS2 provides:



Customer, Account and Investment analysis


UTC and down-lines prof ile


Fund Inf ormation and performance analysis


Inv estment Simulator


Contact Management (e.g. Appointments, Tasks, Notes, Follow Ups, Address Book)


Notif ications & Alerts

CAMSOLE (CAMS Online Enquiry)

CAMS OLE complements CAMS client providing CAMS2 sub scribers with richer inf ormation pertaining to customers and UTC downlines. CAMS OLE resides in UTCConnect, where it prov ides more value-added business functions and analysis related in addition to the information provides in CAMS2.

This guides detailed the steps to install and use CAMS2.

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Copyright © Public Mutual Berhad

CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

System Requirements CAMS2 installation software can be downloaded f rom UTCConnect for CAMS and UTCConnect subscribers. More about installation can be found in the Installation help topic.

Minimum system requirements for CAMS2: ·

Hardware: Compatible PC 1G RAM 800 MB f ree disk space


Operating system: Microsof t Windows XP/ Vista/ Windows 7

Please ensure y ou have the following pre-requisite software installed:

Pre-requisite Software: ·

Windows XP (SP3) and abov e OR Windows Vista (SP1)


Microsof t .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (x86 and x64)

You may obtain the pre-requisite installation software from your software v endor or Microsoft website or our nearest Public Mutual branches.

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Copyright © Public Mutual Berhad

CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

Installation Please ensure all pre-requisite software (ref er system requirements) are installed before you proceed with CAMS2 application installation.

How to install CAMS2? 1. To install CAMS2, log onto UTCConnect via URL 2. In UTCConnect home page,

click on ‘My Biz Corner’


then choose


Subscription/Installation’ from the dropdown list.

UTCConnect - My Biz Corner tab

3. In ‘CAMS2 subscription/installation’ webpage, click the ‘Click Here To Install’ button to proceed with CAMS2 installation.

UTCConnect - My Biz Corner - CAMS2 Subscription/Installation

You hav e to ensure CAMS2 pre-requisite software are installed before proceeding with CAMS2 application installation.

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CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

4. In ‘CAMS2 Installation’ webpage, select 'Yes, my computer system is compa tible’, and click the ‘Next’ button to proceed.

UTCConnect – CAMS2 Subscription/Installation – CAMS2 Installation

If y our computer does not hav e the pre-requisites, you may obtain the required software from your sof tware vendor or Microsoft website or our nearest Public Mutual branches.

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Copyright © Public Mutual Berhad

CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

5. Click the “Download Now” button to begin CAMS2 download.

UTCConnect – CAMS2 Subscription/Installation – CAMS2 Download

6. In ‘File Download – Security Warning’ Screen, you can click the ‘Save’ button or alternativ ely, click the ‘Run’ button to start install CAMS2 base on steps 6 to steps 15.

File Download – Security Warning Screen

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Copyright © Public Mutual Berhad

CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

7. In ‘Save As’ screen, y ou may select ‘Desktop’ and click the ‘Save’ button to save the CAMS2Installer.exe file.

Save As Screen - Desktop

8. From y our windows desktop, double click on ‘CAMS2Installer.exe’, and click the ‘Run’ button to begin the installation process.


Internet Explorer - Security Warning CAMS2Installer

9. You can choose the default extraction path or select a different path. Click the ‘OK’ button.

CAMS2 Extraction path screen

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CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

10. CAMS2 Pre-requisite Installer will start downloading additional files.

CAMS2 Installer - Prerequisite download

11. Once the download completed, the system will ex tract the downloaded files into the def ault extraction folder then start CAMS2 installation.

CAMS2 – Extraction progress screen

12. In ‘CAMS2 Setup’ screen, it is recommended that you read the pre-requisite license agreement. Click the ‘Accept’ button to accept the pre-requisite software license agreement.

CAMS2 Setup – Pre requisite software installation

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CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

13. Upon acceptance of the pre-requisite license agreement, the ‘Launching Application’ will verify the application requirements.

Launching Application Screen - Verification

14. Af ter verified, ‘Application Install – Security Warning’ screen will pop up. Click the ‘Install’ button to begin the CAMS2 installation.

CAMS2 Application Install – Security Warning

CAMS2 Installer – Application download

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Copyright © Public Mutual Berhad

CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

15. Upon completion of installation, ‘Congratulation’ message screen will appear. Click the ‘OK’ button to close the message.

CAMS2 – Successful installed message

16. CAMS2 shortcut icon will av ailable on your windows desktop.

CAMS2 shortcut icon

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CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

How to check your computer operating system pre-requisites? 1. In y our Windows Explore or Desktop, right click ‘My Computer’ and click on ‘Properties’. 2. In ‘System Properties’ screen, click on the ‘General’ tab.

System Properties screen

In this example, the computer has Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 3 installed. Theref ore this computer meets the operating system pre-requisite requirements.

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CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

How to check your computer .Net Framework pre-requisites?

1. Click on the ‘Start’ up button, Go to the ‘Control Panel’, for

a. Windows Vista/7 click on b. Windows XP click on

‘Programs and Features’, or, ‘Add/Remove Program’.

If the pre-requisites software has been installed, the screen shows ‘Microsoft .Net Framework 4 Client Profile’ and ‘Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended’ as below:-

Control Panel – Program and Features Screen

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CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

First Time Login To get started with CAMS2, a UTC must have: ·

An Internet connection i.e. for regular online data update


A v alid UTCConnect login ID and password


Successful installed CAMS2 client software


A mobile phone registered with Public Mutual

CAMS2 Login Screen Overview The following picture shows the basic elements of CAMS2 login screen. This screen will display upon y ou launch the CAMS2 application.

First Time Login To create new user prof ile, you may refer to ‘Create Login Profile’ section.

CAMS2 Username & Password Prov ide a drop-down list of CAMS2 user profile created in this CAMS2 application. To lo g onto CAMS2, select a user prof ile and key in the password, then proceed to click on the ‘Login’ button.

Forgot Password Consists of options to Reset Password and Delete Profile.

System Consists of options to View System Log and Restore Data Backup.

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CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

Create Login Profile 1. To create y our login prof ile, click on the ‘First Time Login’ button. A ‘Terms & Conditions’ screen will appear.

CAMS2 Login Screen

2. Recommended that you to read the Terms and Conditions before proceeding to the next steps. Check on the ‘

’ to accept the terms and conditions, before click on the ‘Continue’ button.

Terms & Conditions screen

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CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

3. In ‘UTCConnect login’ screen, enter your ‘UTCConnect User ID’ and ‘UTCConnect User Password’ then click the ‘Next’ button to proceed next screen.

UTCConnect Login Screen

4. In ‘Step 1 of 2: Register Computer for CAMS2’ screen, y ou may change the computer description accordingly, and then click the ‘Next’ button to proceed.

First Time Login screen - Step1 of 2: Register your computer

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CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

5. In ‘Step 2 of 2: Creation your profile’ screen, enter your prof ile creation details such us pref erred user ID and password, then click the ‘Create Profile’ button. You may start the profile creation by clicking the ‘Request PAC’ hyperlink.

First Time Login screen - Step2 of 2: Creation Your Profile


PAC: Enter the PAC No. received from the registered mobile phone.


Profile Folder: Browse

to locate your profile folder. (Optional)

iii. New User ID: Enter preferred new CAMS2 User ID. Must at least 4 characters and not more than 20 characters. Accept alphanumeric and special characters. iv . New/ Confirm Password: Enter pref erred new CAMS2 user password. Must at least 8 characters and not more than 12 characters. Accept alphanumeric and special characters.

Click on the 'Request PAC' hy perlink. The system will prompt you an alert with PAC Serial No displayed and notif ied you that the PAC has been sent v ia SMS to y our registered mobile phone. The PAC is v alid f or 2 hours.

Alert message to inform your PAC Serial No

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CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

6. Upon successful creation of prof ile, the system will prompt 'Your profile has been created’. You may click the ‘OK’ button to close the message.

Alert message: profile created.

To create multiple prof iles in CAMS2, repeat steps 1 through 6.

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CAMS2 Getting Started User Guide

Nov 2012

Login CAMS2 1. In CAMS2 Login screen, y ou may select profile under ‘Username’, and enter the ‘password’ created during prof ile creation.

CAMS2 Login Screen

2. Click the ‘Login’ button to log onto CAMS2.

CAMS2 Progress downloading screen

Don’t click on

while downloading is in progress

System will download and install any update accordingly bef ore starting up the CAMS2 application and direct y ou to CAMS2 main screen.

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This component is installed locally in the PC or notebook of the CAMS2 subscriber. ... 9. You can choose the default extraction path or select a different path.

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