Taiwanese-Canadian Association of Ottawa 2017-2018 Events Announcement
2017 年 5 月 6 日(六) 瞭望渥太華河灣 流連艾爾默碼頭 Saturday, May 6, 2017, Overlooking the Ottawa River from Aylmer Marina
主題: 慶祝雙親節 地點: Aylmer Marina Restaurant Bar 網站: http://aylmermarina.com 地址: 1 Rue Principale, Gatineau, Quebec J9H 3M5 電話: 819-684-9288 時間: 11:30am 進場; 3:15pm 散場 節目型態: 聚餐/ 三式團體套餐與兒童餐提供選擇(會員: 成人$25/ 12 歲以下兒童$12; 非會員: 成人$30,12 歲以下兒童$15),菜單將另以電郵公布以供挑選; 娛樂節目穿插進 行 特別通知: 敬請會員於活動當天入場時繳交會費(個人$25/ 家庭$50)
Theme: Celebration of Parents Day Place: Aylmer Marina Restaurant Bar Website: http://aylmermarina.com Address: 1 Rue Principale, Gatineau, Quebec J9H 3M5 Phone: 819-684-9288 Time: 11:30 AM - 3:15 PM Programme: 3 choices of group-lunch and children's menu are available (Members: $25, children under 12: $12; Non-members: $30, children under 12: $15). Menus will be announced and e-mailed later. Entertainment activities will be performed during lunch. Special Note: Members, please pay membership fees at the entrance ($25 for single; $50 for family)
交通建議: 若使用 Google Maps,請輸入
即可。 可由 Ottawa 之 Island Park Drive 接往 Champlain Bridge 進入 Quebec 省 →行駛經過第二 個紅綠燈後左轉至 Chemin d’Aylmer → 繼續行駛 7 公里後,直行接至 Rue Principale → 右彎即到達目的地。散會後建議您佇足片刻並遊覽當地風光; 若有充裕時間,碼頭西向 的夕陽美景尤其絢爛迷人! Direction: If you use Google Maps: please go to and it will bring you to the Restaurant. Or, if you come from Ottawa you can take and cross to cross over to the Quebec side → keep on driving and after passing the second set of traffic lights, turn left onto → keep on driving about 7 KM and proceed onto → make a right turn to get to the restaurant. One suggestion: You may stay after our event to do some sightseeing in the surrounding scenic area. If you have time to linger you may see the colourful sunset to the west of the marina.
2017 年 7 月 22 日(六) 餐敘雀兒喜河谷客棧 夏日音樂祭露天登場 Saturday, July 22, Lunch & Outdoor Summer Music Festival in Chelsea
主題: 現場古典音樂欣賞 地點: La Vallée Motel Restaurant 與阿凱會長住宅 網站: http://www.lavalleemotel.com 地址: 1418 & 1421 Route 105 Chelsea, Quebec J9B 1P4 電話: 819-827-0524 時間: 11:30am 進場; 2:00pm 結束用餐; 2:30pm-4:00pm 露天音樂會 節目型態: 魁北克式自助餐(會員: 成人$20/ 12 歲以下兒童$10; 非會員: 成人$25,12 歲 以下兒童$12; 菜單將另以電郵公布)與露天古典音樂會(請自備野餐用折疊椅) Theme: Classical music appreciation Place: La Vallée Motel Restaurant and Kai's residence Website: http://www.lavalleemotel.com Address: 1418 & 1421 Route 105 Chelsea, Quebec J9B 1P4 Telephone: 819-827-0524 Time for lunch: 11:30 AM to 2PM Outdoor music festival: 2:30PM - 4 PM Programme: Quebec style buffet lunch (Members: $20, children under 12: $10; Non-members: $25, children under 12: $12). Menu will be announced and e-mailed. For outdoor music festival please bring your own folding chairs.
交通建議: 若使用 Google Maps,請輸入即可。 若由 Ottawa 出發,請在 King Edward Avenue 直接上 Quebec Autoroute 5 高速公路往北行 駛約 21 公里 → 直至 21 號出口立即右轉 → 繼續行駛 100 公尺 即到達目的地; 停車免費,可停在餐廳停車場或對面阿凱會長家中空地。 Direction: If you use Google Maps please go to and it will bring you to the destination. If you come from Ottawa, please take which will lead you onto , keep on going north about 21 KM → get off at exit 21 and turn right immediately → continue about 100 meters and the restaurant is there. Parking is free or you can park on Kai’s driveway across the street.
2017 年 9 月 30 日(六) 彩楓縱谷視覺饗宴 紅橋秘境步履尋幽 Saturday, September 30, 2017 Colourful Fall Foliage & Leisure Walk on a Red Covered-Bridge
主題: 慶祝中秋節 地點: Fairbairn House Heritage Centre 網站: http://www.fairbairn.ca 地址: 45 Wakefield Heights, Wakefield, Quebec J0X 3G0 電話: 819-778-3382 時間: 11:00am 至 2:30pm,之後自由活動 節目型態: 野餐與郊遊踏青,請自備餐飲、野餐布或折疊椅; 同鄉會提供月餅 活動範圍: 以中心建築物為活動重點,周圍有木造紅橋、露天舞台與森林步道等景點 Theme: Celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival Place: Fairbairn House Heritage Centre Website: http://www.fairbairn.ca Address: 45 Wakefield Heights, Wakefield, Quebec J0X 3G0
Phone: 819-778-3382 Time: 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM, free activity afterwards Programme: Picnic lunch and walks in the woods: Please bring your own lunch, table cloth and folding chairs. TCAO will provide Moon-Cakes. Activities will be centred around the centre, a red covered-bridge, an open-air stage and boardwalks are nearby.
交通建議: 若使用 Google Maps,請輸入< Fairbairn House Heritage Centre>即可。 若由 Ottawa 出發,請在 King Edward Avenue 直接上 Quebec Autoroute 5 高速公路往北行 駛約 30 公里→直至最終點之出口右轉,隨即接至 Route 366 East → 行駛約 500 公尺遇紅綠燈後繼續直行,並在過橋後立即右轉 → 行駛 200 公 尺後即到達目的地; 停車免費,可停在中心停車場或鄰近街道旁。Quebec Autoroute 5 高 速公路越往北行,地勢越趨陡峭壯麗,尤其是在楓紅季節,山谷兩側森林猶如夢幻彩繪, 美景盡收眼簾! Direction: If you use Google Maps please go to . If you come from Ottawa please take which will lead you to , keep on going north for about 30 KM until to the very end and get off at exit and turn right. This will lead you to Route 366 East → continue about 500 meters and pass through a set of traffic lights. You will cross a bridge and make a right turn immediately → continue about 200 meters and the Centre is right there. Parking in the Centre's parking lot and street parking is free. Northbound, the terrain becomes steeper and more magnificent along Quebec Autoroute 5, especially during autumn when the forest on both sides of the valley is sublime. Visitors are sure to feel that they are entering a dream or a work of art!
2017 年 12 月 16 日(六) 寒冬聖誕眾聚集 孩童歌聲齊歡唱 Saturday, December 16, 2017, Christmas Winter Gala for Kids
主題: 慶祝聖誕節 地點: Bethany Baptist Church 網站: http://bethanybaptistchurch.ca 地址: 382 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2G 6A1 電話: 613-224-5611 時間: 11:30am-3:00pm 節目型態: Potluck 一人一菜; 兒童音樂劇場與才藝表演 Theme: Christmas celebration Place: Bethany Baptist Church Website: http://bethanybaptistchurch.ca Address: 382 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2G 6A1. Phone: 613-224-5611 Time: 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM Activity: Potluck lunch, Children's musical theatre and talent show.
交通建議: 若使用 Google Maps,請輸入即可; 停車免費 Direction: If you use Google Maps please go to . Parking is free.
2018 年 2 月 3 日(六) 福滿臨門春聚首 美食珍饈話家常 Saturday, February 3, 2018, Lunar New Year Gathering for Gourmet Delicacies
主題: 慶祝農曆春節 地點: 滕王閣大酒樓 網站: http://www.mandarinogilvie.com 地址: 1137 Ogilvie Rd, Ottawa, Ontario K1J 1J9 電話: 613-749-8838 時間: 11:30am 進場; 3:15pm 散場 節目型態: 聚餐(會員: 成人$25/ 12 歲以下兒童$12; 非會員: 成人$30,12 歲以下兒童 $15),菜單將另以電郵公布); 同鄉娛樂節目穿插進行並公布下屆會長與委員選舉結果 Theme: Celebration of the Lunar New Year Place: Mandarin Ogilvie Restaurant Website: http://www.mandarinogilvie.com Address: 1137 Ogilvie Rd., Ottawa, Ontario k1J 1J9 Phone: 613-749-8838 Time: 11:30 AM - 3:15 PM Lunch banquet (Members: $25, children under 12: $12; Non-members: $30, children under 12: $15) Menu will be announced and e-mailed. Entertainment activities will be performed during lunch and election results for the next board members will be announced.
交通建議: 若使用 Google Maps,請輸入即可; 停車免費 Direction: If you use Google Maps please go to . Parking is free.
2018 年 2 月 24 日(六) 歷史傷痕莫淡忘 希冀和平永流傳 Saturday, February 24, Forgiveness, Hope and Peace
主題: 二二八事件和平紀念音樂會 地點: TBA 地址: TBA 電話: TBA 時間: 2:00pm-4:00pm 節目型態: 室內音樂會 Theme: 228 Commemoration Concert Place: TBA Phone: TBA Time: 2:00PM - 4 PM Activity: Chamber music concert
交通建議: TBA Direction: TBA
加拿大渥太華台灣同鄉會(2017-2018) 會長: 馬稚凱 副會長: 潘美智 委員: 周宗信 蔡東壁
Taiwanese-Canadian Association of Ottawa 2017-2018 President: D. Kai Ma Vice-President: Loretta Chen Committee Members: Tom Chou & Tom Tsay