The Cooper School Strategic Development Plan 2016/17 Priority 1: Leadership and Vision: a) To review curriculum provision in KS3, 4 and 5 to reflect changing requirements of all examination courses across all subject areas over the next 3

years, providing appropriate CPD to staff who are leading change in their subject areas. b) To ensure that a robust and fit-for-purpose in-house assessment system exists in Key Stage Three, building on KS2 data, tracking effectively through KS3 and accurately predicting outcomes at GCSE. c)

Priority target


SLT lead/ MoS lead

Success Indicators

1. To review the curriculum model at TCS to ensure that we provide a varied, challenging curriculum which builds on the more robust KS2 curriculum, ensuring that KS3 is sound preparation for more challenging KS4 syllabi

By 9/17


Rising results (↑65%+) at GCSE due to deeper learning experiences in all subject areas; less teacher prep time due to reduced nos of lessons; reduced movement time around school to maximise learning time.

By 9/17


By 7/17


2. To review timings of the school day in order to provide more effective, deeper learning opportunities for students in all key stages, including the length of lessons, the structure of form time and the investigation of the implementation of DEAR time across the school

3. To ensure that increasingly robust tracking across the school leads to appropriate interventions from Y7-11 to ensure that students are kept on or above targets, including the trialling of FFT tests in Y7 as a baseline measure in Sept 2016  


Progress 8 measure for 2017 to be above the floor standard, and improve from +0.05 (2015 measure).

£12,5000 for reading resources

Rates of progress in Y7-10 to be in line with the aspirational targets set.

Cost neutral

Dec Review. Review Points

April Review. Outputs

  4. To ensure that the school is fully compliant with the updated ‘Keeping children safe in education’ guidance from the DfE


By 10/17


The school’s CP policy reflects the changes and practice is adapted accordingly as evidenced in LA Safeguarding Audit paperwork

Cost neutral


The Cooper School Strategic Development Plan 2016/17 Priority 2: Developing staff and the quality of teaching towards ≥85% great teaching a) To continue to develop standards of teaching in all subject areas by providing a programme of twilight in-house CPD led by members of staff (linked to

PM and DDP targets) on key aspects of teaching and learning, in order to ensure that all teaching staff have access to training on a variety of key issues such as: The TCS Core expectations, including: Differentiation and Progress in everyday lessons; Use of data in everyday lessons; Use of G/S/B criteria and miniplenaries, as well as Outstanding teaching in all key stages; Effective use of new technologies; Use of Literacy in everyday lessons; Inclusion across the school Priority target

1. To continue to match staff’s identified CPD needs


SLT lead/ MoS lead

Success Indicators


By 7/17


At least 85% of lessons are consistently good or better; self-evaluation of staff shows that CPD develops them appropriately; staff become increasingly proactive in determining and seeking relevant CPD

Cost neutral

By 7/17


At least 85% of lessons are consistently good or better; self evaluation of staff shows that CPD develops them appropriately; staff become increasingly proactive in determining and seeking relevant CPD


By 7/17

GM/SBa/T +L team

At least 85% of lessons are consistently good or better; self-evaluation

to bespoke in-house CPD sessions and, if necessary, ongoing support, using observation and staff selfevaluation to provide needs analysis. Ultimately, the aim will be to make staff proactive in this process to ensure that they identify and seek appropriate CPD as part of their ongoing development as a teacher

2. To continue to meet the CPD needs of staff who are implementing significant curricula changes at GCSE and A level through appropriate external INSET from examination boards in order that changes to subject content, criteria and methods of assessment are

understood and communicated effectively to students 3.To further develop the role and remit of the ‘T+L rolling team’ in order to provide relevant and appropriate CPD to all teaching staff through briefings,  


Dec Review. Review Points

April Review. Outputs

  twilights, 1-1 mentoring, department and whole-school INSET

of staff shows that CPD develops them appropriately; staff become increasingly proactive in determining and seeking relevant CPD

Cost Neutral

4. To continue to raise the profile of teaching and learning and the TCS Core Expectations through ongoing development of the T+L blog, the Weds briefings, the open classroom weeks, and the CPD provided for and by staff

By 7/17


Focus Week evaluations reveal consistent use of Core Expectations and lessons are more than 85% good or better

5. To continue to refine the process by which SLT evaluate the quality of teaching and learning through SLT monitoring/Focus weeks (Focus Week Group) including improving the frequency of SLT book monitoring across the school; aim to minimise inschool variation by providing targeted action and support for departments whose performance is less than expectation or less than -0.3 in department to department analysis

By 7/17


Focus Week evaluations reveal consistent use of Core Expectations and lessons are more than 85% good or better; staff on support plans demonstrate quantifiable improvement

Costs incurred come from 15K INSET budget (above)

6. To improve the induction for teaching staff who are

By 7/17

GM/T+L rolling team

Ensure that support and data on new staff is robust in order that relevant CPD is in place, playing to individuals strengths and targets

Cost neutral

new to TCS (NQT and all others) through clear programme of support, observation and CPD



The Cooper School Strategic Development Plan 2016/17 Priority 3: Raising Student attainment and the quality of learning including student well-being: Priority target


SLT lead/ MoS lead

Success Indicators


By 7/17


SLT and HOD book monitoring demonstrates greater consistency in approaches and demonstrable progress of students

Cost Neutral

2. To improve the provision for PSHE in year 7 and year 8 by providing bespoke sessions once a fortnight utilising a specialist team of teachers and a new programme which meets the changing needs of the 21st century student; to enhance the provision in years 9 to 11 through designated study days

By 7/17


Drop ins and monitoring show PSHE lessons have a reflective and critical approach to student attitudes. Lessons will promote students’ well-being

Staffing costs (8 hours a week in addition to current); £3k

3. To improve the reading ages of students at TCS through AR and a designated daily reading time (DEAR), in order that the cultural capital of all students is developed to reflect the challenging curricula that they will study at KS4 and KS5

By 7/17


AR data shows improvement in reading age with 85% at their chronological age

£4,000 subscription cost

4. To further improve the overall quality of behaviour for learning by addressing (a) the readiness of students for learning as well as (b) maximising the environment created in lessons for positive learning experiences to take place

By 7/17


Drop-ins reveal minimal off-task behaviour and demonstrate mostly positive behaviours; Bleep records decrease

Cost neutral

1.To improve the quality and consistency of marking across the school by reviewing the TCS expectations and methodology for marking across all key stages in order to maximise the progress of students through effective feedback, especially through the ongoing development of response marking


Dec Review. Review Points

April Review. Outputs

  5. To maximise the effectiveness of interventions in place for all students from years 7-11 through strategic lead of Assistant Headteacher as well as through tutoring/mentoring of Year 11 outside of the vertical system for Year 7-10

By 7/17


Progress 8 measure to be above the floor standard, and improve from +0.05 (2015 measure).

Cost neutral

6. To provide an effective assessment of Year 7 on entry on top of data provided by Year 6 SATS, to enable efficient and appropriate target setting for all students (trialling of Year 7 FFT tests in Sept 2016)

By end of 9/16


Teaching staff are all provided with assessment of and targets for students on entry in Y7

£2k (cost of tests)

7. To provide an appropriate curriculum for students who do not arrive in TCS ‘secondary ready’ in order to maximise their progress over KS3 and 4, whilst also enabling them to re-sit year 6 SAT tests

9/16 start but review by end of 7/17


Students who are below expectation on entry make significant progress and catch up with their peers

(Use of catch-up premium - to be confirmed)

8. To continue to decrease the gap between the attainment of Pupil Premium students and other groups of students through: a) department-based strategies to encourage achievement and b) whole-school strategies to raise the aspirations of Pupil Premium students

Ongoing: review through ongoing tracking and results in 16/and 17


Whole-school data shows the gap is narrowing or is closed


9. To ensure that all groups of students (AEN, PP et al) make similar progress through continued redevelopment of the Inclusion team, ensuring that provision is effective and fit for purpose; that intervention is rigorous and appropriate; that attainment is tracked and issues identified and dealt with swiftly

By 7/17


Observations during department focus weeks evidence effective differentiation for all groups of learners; whole-school data show the gap between groups is closing; monitoring of interventions show accelerated progress for those learners

AEN budget to be confirmed


Cost neutral/HLTA intervention

  10. To maximise the attendance of all groups of students to ≥97% through: ● Use of parenting contracts, family support ≤75% attendance ● Use of attendance support plans, meet/greet ,morning phone calls, rewards 75-85% attendance ● Monitor attendance via pastoral team (85-90% attendance) ● Increased rewards to those who have 90-95% attendance (end of year trip etc) 11. To review the effectiveness of form time provision for all students: ● Ensuring that all students have access to appropriate interventions ● Ensuring that all form time activities are fit for purpose ● Ensuring that all students are ‘ready to learn’ with correct equipment and mindset


Ongoing: review throughout 16/17


Increased attendance for all groups to 97% or above; close gap between PP students and non PP through targeted intervention

Cost neutral

Review through 16/17 with all changes by Sept 17


Decreased incidents of students lacking equipment and being removed from lessons (Bleep records)

Cost neutral (possibility of some costs for spare equipment etc tba)


The Cooper School Strategic Development Plan 2016/17 Priority 4: Developing Post 16 provision (see also Post 16 Action Plan) in terms of: student progress; increased student aspiration; independent learning; academic mentoring; providing outstanding provision; enrichment opportunities and developing students as ‘change agents’. Priority target


SLT lead/ MoS lead

Success Indicators


1.Improve attainment across all subjects to reduce inschool variation and consolidate Y12 outcomes including by monitoring of assessments and predictions, monitoring meetings with HOD to improve provision in weaker areas

By 9/17


AS: 3 and above A level: 3 and above (based on teacher predictions and ALPS)

£1.5k for ALPs

By 7/17


ALPs improve\ in Business, PE, Biology, Psychology to ALPs 5 and above

Cost neutral

By 7/17


More consistent practice across the 6th form; drop-ins evidence positive and regular feedback

Cost neutral

By 10/16


Ensure that students are prepared well for a different range of options post KS5; current entry requirements equiv. 5 x grade 5: review in light of new GCSE results

Cost neutral (BTECs may require additional funding if implemented)

By 7/17


Increased number of students with work experience

£1k (guest speakers/ resources)

2. Monitor gaps in performance between key groups and ensure that appropriate intervention is provided to increase student performance, including the development of student action plans 3. Ensure that marking and assessment is in line with whole-school policy and is monitored through sixth form drop-ins etc 4. Review range of curriculum provision and entry requirements in the light of changes to GCSE courses

5. Develop further opportunities for work experience and improve careers guidance and destinations  

Dec Review Points

April Review. Outputs

  placements;; range of students taking up different destination post KS5

6. Continue to develop strategies to support students with physical or mental health issues


By 7/17


Feedback from students reflects the fact that they find TCS provision effective

Cost neutral/some guest speakers with small cost from 6th form budget


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