Testbuilder for the TOEIC® Tests Jessica Beck









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Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-0-230-42788-4 Text, design and illustration c Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 Written by Jessica Beck First published 2012 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Note to Teachers Photocopies may be made, for classroom use, of pages 200-205 without the prior written permission of Macmillan Publishers Limited. However, please note that the copyright law, which does not normally permit multiple copying of published material, applies to the rest of this book. Designed by xen Page make-up by xen Illustrated by Bonnie Erba (p33) Author's acknowledgements The author would like to thank her son, James, and her husband, Dawid, for all their help and encouragement.

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CONTENTS Introduction Test Strategies Test One Listening and Reading Section 1: Listening Part 1: Photographs Further Practice and Guidance Part 1 Part 2: Question-Response Further Practice and Guidance Part 2 Part 3: Conversations Part 4: Talks Section 2: Reading Part 5: Incomplete sentences Further Practice and Guidance Part 5 Part 6: Text Completion Part 7: Reading Comprehension Test One Speaking Questions 1-2: Read a text aloud Further Practice and Guidance 1-2 Question 3: Describe a picture Further Practice and Guidance 3 Questions 4-6: Respond to questions Questions 7-9: Respond to questions using information Question 10: Propose a solution Question 11: Express an opinion Test One Writing Questions 1-5: Sentence based on picture Further Practice and Guidance 1-5 Questions 6-7: Respond to a written request Question 8: Write an opinion essay Further Practice and Guidance Speaking and Writing Test Two Listening and Reading Section 1: Listening Part 1: Photographs Part 2: Question-Response Part 3: Conversations Further Practice and Guidance Part 3 Part 4: Talks

Section 2: Reading Part 5: Incomplete sentences Part 6: Text Completion Further Practice and Guidance Part 6

Part 7: Reading Comprehension Further Practice and Guidance Part 7


6 14 15 17 18 19 20 22 24 27

28 31 45 45 46 47 48 49 49

so so

51 51 52 53 55 56 58

59 61 62 64 65 67 70 73 75 85

Test Two Speaking Questions 1-2: Read a text aloud Question 3: Describe a picture Questions 4-6: Respond to questions Questions 7-9: Respond to questions using information Question 10: Propose a solution Question 11: Express an opinion

87 87 88 88 89 90 90

Test Two Writing Questions 1-5: Sentence based on picture Questions 6-7: Respond to written requests Question 8: Write an opinion essay

91 91 92 93

Test Three Listening and Reading Section 1: Listening Part 1: Photographs Part 2: Question-Response Part 3: Conversations Part 4: Talks Further Practice and Guidance Part 4 Section 2: Reading Part 5: Incomplete sentences Part 6: Text Completion Part 7: Reading Comprehension Further Practice and Guidance Part 7


Test Three Speaking Questions 1-2: Read a text aloud Question 3: Describe a picture Questions 4-6: Respond to questions Questions 7-9: Respond to questions using information Question 10: Propose a solution Question 11: Express an opinion

95 97

98 100 102 103 106 109 121 122 122 123 123

Further Practice and Guidance 7-11

124 125 125 126

Test Three Writing Questions 1-5: Sentence based on picture Questions 6-7: Respond to written requests Question 8: Write an opinion essay Further Practice and Guidance 6, 8

129 129 130 131 132

Key and Explanation Listening Scripts Study Skills

137 179 199 200 202 204 206 207

Answer sheets Test One Answer sheets Test Two Answer sheets Test Three Sample answer sheet CD Track List


Speaking test (Computer-based)

The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC®) assesses language competence in Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing tasks for non-native speakers who communicate in everyday work situations in an international environment. It is recognized by corporations and institutions to assess performance and progress for students and business professionals, although the tests are not meant to cover business knowledge or specific language related to business.

Time: approx. 20 minutes (including prep time)

Test takers can take the Listening and Reading test to see how well they understand spoken and written English, and the Speaking and Writing tests to see how well they speak and write in English. The Speaking and Writing tests complement the Listening and Reading test to provide an assessment of all four language skills.

The test formats Listening and Reading test

Section 1: Listening (45 minutes) Test takers listen to a variety of questions and short conversations recorded in English, then answer multiple-choice questions based on what they have heard (100 items total). In this book they can copy and use the answer sheets provided at the back for each test. In the TOEIC® test separate answer sheets are provided (See page 206 for an example answer sheet). Part 1: Photographs (10 questions) Part 2: Question-Response (30 questions) Part 3: Conversations (30 questions) Part 4: Talks (30 questions) Section 2: Reading (75 minutes) Test takers read a variety of materials and complete texts with multiple-choice options. They also answer questions based on interpreting different kinds of texts in English (100 items total). In this book they can copy and use the answer sheets provided at the back for each test. In the TOEIC® test separate answer sheets are provided. Part 5 : Incomplete Sentences (40 questions) Part 6: Text Completion (12 questions) Part 7: Reading Comprehension (48 questions)


Test takers answer 11 questions which appear on screen, including Reading out loud, describing a picture, responding to questions, proposing a solution to a problem, and giving an opinion about a specific topic. Test takers are scored on their pronunciation and oral competence in a variety of situations. In this book they will see the questions on the page, and hear the directions. For the Speaking and Writing tests it will be useful to have a stopwatch to time individual questions. Writing test (Computer-based)

Time: approx. 60 minutes Test takers answer 8 questions which appear on screen, including interpreting a picture with word prompts, reading and responding to written requests, and writing an opinion essay which shows organization and development of ideas as well as language competence. In this book they will see the questions on the page, and hear the directions. For the Speaking and Writing tests it will be useful to have a stopwatch to time individual questions.



The Macmillan Testbuilder for the TOEIC® Tests

Key and Explanation

provides three complete sets of tests covering all four skills to help students prepare for the tests. The Speaking and Writing tests in this book are not computer-based, but familiarize test takers with the task types and situations that they will see on screen in the TOEIC tests, and give them valuable practice and guidance for their preparation.

The detailed Key provides students and teachers with information on why the answers are correct and, where appropriate, reasons why other answers are incorrect. Through examination of these explanations of answers to the test, and the further practice sections, students will gain even more knowledge and confidence in themselves as English speakers and test takers.

The Testbuilder for TOEIC® is designed to help students pass the TOEIC® test, and increase their overall competence and confidence in English. The three practice tests included in the book are all at a comparable level to the real TOEIC® exam. A variety of topics and themes that are explored on the TOEIC® exam are also included in these practice tests, as well as a wide range of text types. Above all, the tests and accompanying pages in this book aim to teach the student, improving understanding of test strategies, and proficiency of English in all four skills areas. Further Practice and Guidance pages

In addition to the practice tests, there is a section on developing Strategies, and Further Practice and Guidance pages throughout the book. In these pages, the student will become familiar with the question types on TOEIC®, and explore the methods to tackle them. Used with the detailed Key, students will gain a deeper knowledge of what is to be expected on the test, and what will be expected of them. This extra practice and information teaches and guides the student in improving all four skills of English as they better their test-taking abilities at the same time. For the LISTENING AND READING TESTS, there are step-by-step activities that guide students to arrive at correct answers on their own. Through close examination of each question type on these tests, students learn the most common tricks of the TOEIC® exam, and how to recognize correct and incorrect answers.

How to use the Testbuilder for the TOEIC® Tests

1 Complete the exercises in the Strategies section. 2 Follow the instructions and complete one part of the test. If there are Further Practice pages related to that part, do the Further Practice pages. Check your answers to the Further Practice pages, and then go back and review your answers to the related test questions. Finally, check your answers to the test questions, paying attention to the explanations and example answers. or If there are no Further Practice pages related to

the test questions, complete the test questions and check your answers in the detailed answer key. Pay attention to the explanations and example answers offered in the answer key. 3 Move on to the next part of the test. 4 Vary the order. For some parts of the test, complete the related Further Practice pages first. Then, complete the test questions. Note to the teachers

The exercises contained in the Further Practice and Strategies pages can be used in class as individual, pair, or group work. Alternatively, students can also prepare the pages before class.

For the WRITING AND SPEAKING TESTS, there are also step-by-step activities that lead students to develop organized and competent answers. There is also a detailed explanation of what the examiner will be looking for, and how to satisfy specific test requirements. Model answers and accompanying exercises are also provided, allowing students to analyze both good and bad models of written and spoken responses.


TEST STRATEGIES The following strategies include concrete ways to approach various questions on the TOEIC®. In this section of the book, you will build a clear progression toward how to think and evaluate each question and answer; however, there is no magic strategy for always getting the right answer. As with anything new, you must practice these strategies and follow the steps given in order to improve your speed and accuracy.

Strategy 1: Predicting Definition: using given information to make logical guesses about information and answers before you listen or read a text. Explanation: Test candidates often view Listening and Reading as passive skills. You cannot passively wait for the answer to appear; rather, you always have to be actively thinking about the right answers, and about the wrong answers. Predicting helps you to be ready for the answers and allows you more time to think about the answers. Examples and practice: This strategy will help you most on Parts 1 and 2 of the Listening test, and Parts 5 and 6 of the Reading test. Listening Part 1 (Photographs)

Look at the picture and predict words that might describe it. For example:

··························································································· ······ ······ ······················· ········· ········ ··········· ··· ····················· ·· ·· Words describing this picture, and therefore part of the correct answer, might be: tw.D ,_. w.Dmm•. n~f.:~tpt. $lJPpptrzg, ..c;krl~.•. (~J,$tQlJWT, .. $.Wr~•..P.u.y, PUTf.:IJl~-$~,.r.£:g~$WT,. $7J!..Wng, $.c;~m.

Look at the following pictures and think of as many words as you can to describe them. 1.

···· ·········· ·························· ··························· ········· ·· ··· ·· ········ ·· ········ ···· ·· ················ ······ ····· ····· ····················· ··· ··· .................................. ............... ............ ........ ...... .... ... . ··················································································· ····· ·················· ·················· ································· ········ ·


··················································································· ···················································································




Listening Part 2 (Question-Response) Listen to the question and think of logical responses. For example:

What time is dinner tomorrow? -7 you later. Track 1.02

It's at 8 o'clock. or Whenever we get home. or I'm not sure. I'll tell

Listen to these questions and write down three logical responses to each.


2. 3.

Reading Parts 5 and 6 (Text Completion)

In these parts of the test, your grammar and vocabulary knowledge is tested. Predicting the answer that is needed before looking at the choices is an efficient and logical way to approach these questions. Read the sentence and think about the word or phrase that is missing: What part of speech is it? What verb tense? What are possible words that logically complete the sentence?

Common patterns: adjective+ noun, verb+ adverb, auxiliary verb+ main verb, subject+ verb+ object For example: The contract was ....................... to Paolo today, but he has not decided if he agrees with the terms yet. part of speech: verb, past participle to complete the passive phrase possible words: delivered, sent, given, presented, faxed Look at the following sentences and write down your predictions. 1. In order to make a new ....................... , simply click on the appropriate icon and then choose "new."

part of speech: .......................................... . possible words: ............................................................................................................................... . 2. The appetizer of soup was served ....................... , but then the main course took a very long time. part of speech: .......................................... . possible words: ............................................................................................................................... . 3. I have an ................... .. .. position with the company. part of speech: ....... .............. ..................... . possible words: ................. ... ............................ ........................ .................... ..... .............................. .



Strategy 2: Eliminating Definition: crossing out answers that are wrong. Explanation: This strategy, along with "predicting," is another way of making candidates more active when taking the Listening and Reading test. Sometimes it is easier to eliminate the wrong answer than it is to decide on the right answer. Also, in multiple-choice questions, you can improve your chances of choosing the right answer by crossing out answers that are impossible, illogical, or irrelevant. These answers are called "distractors," as they are there to distract your attention away from the correct answer. If you can think about the question and make quick predictions, and then cross out one or two answers that you know are wrong, your chances of getting the right answer improve greatly.

Examples and practice: This strategy can be used on all parts of the Listening and Reading test. Listening Part 1 (Photographs)

a. Look at the picture, make predictions, and then listen to the possible answers.

As you listen, mentally eliminate answers that are not suitable descriptions for the picture. (Remember that during the test, you will hear the possible answers but not see them.) Remember: The description must apply only to things you can see in the picture. For example: (A) The fountain is in front of the courtyard. (B) The woman is sitting on the fountain. (C) The woman is walking her dog. (D) There are many people sightseeing. We can cross off (A), because the fountain is in the middle of the courtyard. Eliminate (C) and (D), because we do not see these things happening in the picture. So (B) is the correct answer.

b. Look at this picture, mentally predict appropriate descriptions, and then read the possible answers. Eliminate answers you think are wrong, and write the reason for your decision.

1. (A) He is eating. (B) There is a variety of pastries in the case. (C) There is a wedding happening. (D) There is a breakfast buffet.




Listening Part 2 (Question-Response) Listen to the question or statement, and mentally predict possible responses. As you listen to the possible answers, remember that during the test, you will hear the possible answers but not see them. Eliminate answers that do not make sense, are illogical, or do not answer the question.

For example: Did you wash my towel after you used it? (A) He used her towel. (B) I'm going to wash my hands now. (C) I did, but it wasn't very dirty. We can cross out (A) because the question does not ask about a he or a her, and (B) because the question is asking about a towel, not hands. So (C) is the correct answer. a. Read the question and write down possible responses.

How far did you drive to attend the sales conference?

Track 1.02

b. Listen to the answers and write them down.

How far did you drive to attend the sales conference? (A) ············ ··· ··· ··· ·· ···· ·· ···· ··· ··· ··· ·· ··· ······ ······································ ······ ···· ····· ···· ···························· ··········· (B) ············ ··· ··· ··· ··· ······ ··· ······ ·················· ··········· ············· ·· ···· ·· ··· ····· ····· ················· ················ ··· ········ ··· (C) .. .... .. ......... ...................... .. ... ... ... .. .. ... .............................. ... .. ... ...... ..... .... ................................... .. . .

c. Cross out answers from above that you believe are wrong, and write the reason for your decision.

Listening Part 3 (Conversation) Track 1.03

Listen to the conversation carefully. Try to close your eyes while you listen to help you concentrate.

a. Read the question and write down possible responses.

Why did the man buy the bicycle?

Track 1.03

b. Listen to the answers and write them down.

(A) ··········· ··· ·· · ··· ····· ································ ··· ·· ·· ···· ·························· ····· ··· ·· ···· ·· ·························· ········ ·· ··· (B)

(C) (D) ·· ··· ········ ··· ··· ··· ····· ··················· ······ ·· ··· ··········· ··················· ··· ···· ····· ································ ········ ···· ·· ····

c. Cross out answers from above that you believe are wrong, and write the reason for your decision.



Listening Part 4 (Talks) Track 1.04

Listen to the announcement carefully. Try to close your eyes while you listen to help you concentrate.

a. Read the question and write down possible responses.

What does Jackson have to do?

b. Listen to the answers and write them down . (A) ··· ·· ·· ·· ····· ··· ······· ·· ···· ···· ······················· ···· ········ ··· ······ ·· ···· ······ ····· ············ ········ ··········· ···· ······· ···· ········ (B) .. ... .. .. .................. ... ............. .. ............ ... .. ... ... ........... ........... .. ........... .. ........... ........... ......... .. .. ..... ... .


(D) ················································ ····· ··· ···· ·· ··· ··· ···· ·· ··· ·· ··· ··· · ··· ··· ·········· ·········· ········ ·· ······ · ·· ··· ······ ·········

c . Cross out answers from above that you believe are wrong, and write the reason for your decision.

Reading Parts 5 and 6 (Text completion) Read the sentence and predict the missing information. Then read the answers, eliminate answers that you believe are wrong, and write the reason for your decision. 1. The new packages ................ ..... ... ... ... ...... in yesterday and were put in the back room.

(A) coming (B) comes

(C) are coming

(D) came

2. The new mechanism came in, .................................... Hank can fix the food processor now. (A) or (B) although

(C) however

(D) so



Strategy 3: Key Words Definition: the most important words, or the words that carry the most important information. Explanation: It is important for the candidate to identify the key words in the question to help them focus on what information is needed in the answer. Examples and practice: Listening Part 3 (Conversations)

a. Read the questions and circle the words you believe are the most important. 1. Where is the man's new bicycle?

Track 1.05

2. What happened to the man's last bike?

b. Listen to the conversation.

c. Read the questions and predict the answers. Then read the answers, eliminate the answers that you believe are wrong, and circle the correct answer. 1. Where is the man's new bicycle?

(A) Next to the front door (B) In his office (C) Next to the back door (D) In a tree 2. What happened to the man's last bike? (A) He painted it with bright colors. (B) He locked it to a tree. (C) He bought it yesterday. (D) It was stolen. Listening Part 4 (Talks)

a. Read the questions and circle the words you believe are the most important.

1. Who is coming to the office in an hour? Track 1.06

2. What will most of the team do now?

b. Listen to the announcement.

c. Read the questions and predict the answers. Then read the answers, eliminate the answers that you believe are wrong, and circle the correct answer.

1. Who is coming to the office in an hour? (A) Dealers (B) New clients (C) A professional team (D) Tom and Jackson 2. What will most of the team do now? (A) Review the deal details (B) Review the Power Point (C) Meet the new clients (D) Polish the floor


Reading Part 7 (Reading Comprehension)

OPeniM soon at a location near You



A coffee shoP for PeoPle who like to slow down and drink uP In today•s hectic world. when life demands too much and time always seems too little. everYone needs a Place where they can just relax. At IQ Freddy·s. we serve onlY the tastiest coffee blends from South America. as well as offering the freshest food all made of organic iMredients. All of the ingredients come from local farms.

Drinks from $2

Snacks from $3

IQ Freddy•s also features a reading wall. where all newsPaPers and magazines are from around $3. and all books are only $5. We also accePt book trades. For this month onlY. receive a free cuP of souP with any coffee drink Purchased. Limit one Per customer.

a. Circle the key words in the questions. 1. Where does IQ Freddy's buy their ingredients?

2. How much is a cup of soup if a customer buys a cup of coffee? b. From the questions above, find the key words in the text and circle them. c. Read the questions and predict the answers. Then read the answers and eliminate answers that you think are wrong. Read around the key words you circled in the text, as that is where the answers are. 1. Where does IQ Freddy's buy their ingredients?

(A) South America (B) Local farms (C) At a location near you (D) A coffee producer 2. How much is a cup of soup if a customer buys a cup of coffee? (A) Free (B) $2.00 (C) $3.00 (D) $5.00



Strategy 4: Timing Definition: organizing and using your time effectively. Explanation: Part of being successful on the TOEIC® tests is knowing how much time you have to answer the questions.

Guidelines Listening

There are 100 questions on the Listening test, and the test lasts approximately 45 minutes. You should practice the strategies given here so you become faster at using them. You only get to listen once, and you are only allowed a certain amount of time to answer each question. The timing is controlled for you. Reading

There are 100 questions on the Reading test, and the test lasts 75 minutes. You should be aware of how much time you have so that you do not spend too long on one question.

Suggested timing: Part 5 Incomplete Sentences 40 questions

25 minutes

Part 6 Text Completion 12 questions

10 minutes

Part 7 Reading Comprehension 48 questions

40 minutes


There are 11 questions on the Speaking test, and the test lasts approximately 20 minutes. You are only allowed a certain amount of time to plan for, and answer, each question. The timing is controlled for you. Practice taking notes in the time allowed so that you can write down as much as possible. This will help give you more ideas when you are speaking, and will also help your answers to be more organized. Writing

There are 8 questions on the Writing test, and the test lasts approximately one hour. You are only allowed a certain amount of time to plan for, and answer, each question. The timing is controlled for you. It is important that you allow time for all three steps of the writing process: planning, writing, and

checking. It is also important that you practice typing, as this is a key skill to finishing the writing test in the time


Suggested timing: Questions 6-7 Respond to a written request Per question: Read email

1 minute

Plan answer

1 minute

Write email

5 minutes

Check response 2 minutes Question 8 Write an opinion essay Plan

5 minutes

Write essay

20 minutes

Check essay

5 minutes


TEST ONE Listening and Reading General Directions This test measures your English-language ability. The test is divided into two sections: Listening and Reading. You must mark all of your answers in pencil on the separate answer sheet. In this book, you can find an answer sheet for Test One on page 200. For each question, you should choose the best answer from the answer choices provided. Then, on your answer sheet, you should find the number of the question, and select the letter of the answer that you have chosen. If you want to change an answer, completely erase your old answer, and then mark your new answer.

Section 1: Listening Listening In the Listening test, you will be asked to show how well you understand spoken English. The Listening test is approximately 45 minutes long. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book. Part 1: Photographs Directions: For each question in Part 1, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must choose the one that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet on page 200, and mark your answer. The statements are not printed in your test book, and are spoken only once.




Track 1.07









6 7



l (





Listening Part 1

Watch out!

Focusing on the picture

The correct answers will usually be statements in the simple present or present progressive. Don't choose answers using past or future tenses, even if the information sounds correct!

The correct answer in Listening Part 1 will describe a very clear action or an object in the picture provided. Focus on the nouns and verbs in the possible answers. a. Look at question 1 on page 15. Write three sentences that describe the picture in your own words.

1 ..................................................................................................................................................... . 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... .

3 ..................................................................................................................................................... .

b. Circle the verbs in the box that could be used to describe the picture. buy











Check your answers on page 140. Track 1.08

c. Now listen to the four possible statements describing the picture. Write A, B, C, or D.


Check your answer on page 140. d. Look at question 2 on page 15. Match the sentence halves that correctly describe the picture. Not all the answers in the second column will be used. An example has been done for you. 1. She's

reading a newspaper. buying some groceries.

2. They're

sitting at a table. holding some drawing tools. waiting in line. smiling.

3. He's Track 1.08

eating his breakfast. e. Now listen to the four possible statements describing the picture. Write A, B, C, or D.


Check your answer on page 140.




Part 2: Question-Response Directions: You are going to hear a question or statement, and three responses spoken in English. They are not printed in your test book, and are spoken only once. Choose the best response to the question or statement, and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet on page 200.

Track 1.09 11. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 12. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 14. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 38. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your response on your answer sheet.




Listening Part 2 Understanding question and response patterns

Focus on the grammar of the question in this part, and choose an answer that matches that grammar, e.g. verb repetition and verb tense. a. Answer these questions. Use complete sentences.

1. How far is your house from here? 2. Would you like to eat lunch now, or wait until noon? 3. When does your family usually eat dinner? 4. How many people will you chat with online this weekend?

b. Circle the correct phrase to answer the question starters below.

1. How far is ... ? It lasts ...

It starts at ...

It's only two ...

2. Would you like to ... or ... ? I would/will . ..

That was ...

No/Yes ...

It starts at ...

Put it ...

3. When does ... ? She got ...

4. How many people ... ? A total of .. . Track 1.10



Yes, there are .. .

Make three ...

c. Now listen to questions 11-14 again. Write your answers, A, 8 or C, below. 13.


Watch out! A common error that many test takers make is to change their answers after they have made their choice. Trust your first reaction on the Listening test, and try not to go back and change your answer.




Part 3: Conversations

Directions: You are going to hear conversations between two people. You will be asked to respond to three questions about what the speakers say. Choose the best answer to each question , and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet on page 200. The conversations are not printed in your test book, and will be spoken only once.



41. Where is the man going this morning? (A) To look at diamond rings (B) To a mine (C) To an office-supply store (D) To an Internet cafe

48. What is the talk about this weekend? (A) How to make friends (B) How to be honest (C) How to be successful (D) How to get promotions

42 . Who is the woman? (A) His boss (B) His wife (C) A salesclerk (D) His accountant

49. What reason does the man give for going to the lecture? (A) They can go see a movie afterward. (B) Many of their friends are going. (C) It will lead to a promotion. (D) The woman doesn't have to pay for her ticket.

43. What does the woman NOT want the man to do? (A) Use a map (B) Get office supplies (C) Leave early (D) Get lost 44. What kind of product do the speakers sell? (A) Graphic T-shirts (B) Health food (C) Vitamins (D) Yogurt 45 . When did the woman see the advertisement? (A) After work (B) On her way to work (C) Before leaving her house (D) After leaving the office 46. What does the man like about the advertisement? (A) The images (B) The location (C) The comparisons (D) The claims 47. Where is the lecture taking place? (A) At a hotel (B) At a movie theater (C) At Richter Auditorium (D) At their office


SO. When do women have to start wearing skirts? (A) From next Saturday (B) Next week (C) Today (D) This weekend

51. What can be inferred about the woman? (A) She doesn't like her legs. (B) She doesn't like shopping. (C) She likes the new rules. (D) She likes wearing trousers. 52. How does the man feel about the new rules? (A) Worried about the possible outcomes (B) Happy that they are fair (C) Excited about them (D) Relieved that he doesn't have to change anything 53. How many articles can be read for free? (A) Three (B) Five (C) Ten (D) Any number 54. Where does the man get his news? (A) From a newspaper he pays for online (B) From a free weekly newspaper (C) From the same newspaper as the woman (D) From a different newspaper than the woman


55. How does the woman think newspapers should make money? (A) From their online editions (B) From advertisements (C) By selling soda (D) By charging authors to write articles 56. Why does the woman not know about the sale? (A) She wasn't paying attention at the meeting. (B) She wasn't at work because she was sick. (C) The staff meeting was canceled. (D) She was out of town on vacation. 57. Which pants are marked down? (A) All the black pairs (B) Two pairs (C) Black dress pants (D) Thejeans 58. How many pairs of pants have sold? (A) Three (C) Two (B) None (D) One 59. What does the man ask the woman? (A) If she is donating money to the office charity (B) What toys she will buy for the holidays this year (C) If she is going on vacation (D) If she has sold any toys yet 60. What did the woman promise herself? (A) To start a charity (B) To give 25 percent of her paycheck to charity (C) To celebrate the holidays with her sales team (D) To donate money to other sales groups 61. What is the prize for winning the donation competition? (A) A check (B) A trophy (C) A free lunch (D) Some home-delivered steaks 62. Where did they use to get their coffee from? (A) A cafe (C) Colombia (B) Brazil (D) Across the country


63. What do they have to do before the coffee is changed over? (A) Talk to Howie (B) Create a new marketing campaign (C) Find a new cafe location (D) Visit other cafes across the country 64. When do the man and woman have to work on this new project? (A) Next Monday (C) Next week (B) Tomorrow (D) Over the weekend 65. What is the man complaining about? (A) The box of knives never arrived at his home. (B) He needs a new ax. (C) He doesn't have any more wood. (D) The knives he bought are not sharp enough. 66. What did the man try to do at home? (A) (B) (C) (D)

Cut through wood Make a block of knives Watch a demonstration Make a little cut with an ax

67. What is the manager's solution? (A) (B) (C) (D)

To To To To

accompany him home give him a different block of wood give him new knives return his money

68. What does the man like about the proposal? (A) (B) (C) (D)

The design of the glasses That it is online The video quality The projected numbers

69. Where can someone wear these glasses? (A) Only at home (B) Anywhere they want (C) Only on vacation (D) At home and the office 70. Where can friends see the videos? (A) (B) (C) (D)

On vacation On a website In their email inbox Through the glasses




Part 4: Talks

Directions: You are going to hear some talks given by one speaker. You are going to be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Choose the best answer to each question, and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet on page 200. The talks are not printed in your test book, and will be spoken only once. Track 1.12

71. What is the purpose of this talk? (A) To explain the history of technology (B) To welcome people to a new library (C) To announce a writing workshop (D) To introduce famous people who wrote about technology 72. What is NOT shown at this library?

(A) The first computer (B) The first printing press (C) Written works (D) The first robot 73 . What will the audience do after the talk is finished? (A) Try and fit a computer into the library (B) Try to build a robot (C) Write about technology (D) Walk around the library 74. When will the train leave? (A) Tomorrow (B) At 6:00 (C) In one hour (D) After lunch 75. What will passengers receive now? (A) News from Miami (B) A new departure time (C) Sandwich tickets (D) Vouchers for a free lunch 76. Who is listening to this announcement? (A) Lunch-cart operators (B) Technicians (C) Passengers on a train (D) Passengers on an airplane 77. Why is Ricky's Salon closed? (A) There are two public holidays. (B) They are remodeling their spa. (C) There are too many appointments. (D) There is a staff retreat.


78. When will they open again? (A) The 17th (B) The 8th (C) The 7th (D) The 4th 79. What should people NOT leave in their message? (A) The service they'd like (B) Their phone number (C) Their name (D) The cost of the service 80. Where is this announcement taking place? (A) An outlet store (B) A mall (C) A restaurant (D) A department store 81. Where were the items found? (A) Under a table (B) On the floor of a store (C) Near a sandwich store (D) In someone's food 82. How can the owner get the items back? (A) Bring the matching purse (B) Bring proof of identity (C) Show that the gloves fit (D) Talk to the clerk at the sandwich store 83. When is she moving? (A) In three days (B) Today (C) In three years (D) Tomorrow 84. Why did she wait to make this announcement? (A) She doesn't like to say goodbye. (B) She will miss her staff a lot. (C) She does not like Hettie Park. (D) She is not ready to move.


85. What is the purpose of this announcement? (A) To move to Dallas (B) To welcome a former manager (C) To describe her new position (D) To introduce the new manager 86. Why will drinks be served right away? (A) The weather is very hot. (B) Their hotels are paying for the drinks. (C) It is a short flight. (D) They are going to Morocco. 87. Why is a flight attendant offering coloring books? (A) For children (B) For short passengers (C) So the airline can make money (D) So people won't get bored 88. How do first-class passengers order lunch? (A) They choose from a menu. (B) They use the screen in front of them. (C) They can ask for fish or vegetables. (D) They must wait for the movie to start. 89. Who is listening to this announcement? (A) Margarita (B) Residents of St. Marts (C) Passengers on a cruise ship (D) The captain of a ship


93. How is James being rewarded for his hard work? (A) A free trip to London (B) A concert ticket (C) A bunch of flowers (D) A certificate 94. When will James probably be promoted? (A) Next year (B) Next leap year (C) In five months (D) When he returns from the conference 95. Where would this advertisement be seen? (A) In the newspaper (B) On TV (C) On the side of a bus (D) On billboards around town 96. What products are NOT mentioned? (A) A TV (B) 3-D glasses (C) Speakers (D) A DVD 97. What will the customer receive if purchasing before the end of the month? (A) A free movie (B) A discount on Moon THppers (C) Free movie tickets (D) A DVD system

90. What is NOT an event happening today? (A) Shopping (B) Exercise in the pool (C) A dance (D) Swimming lessons

98. What services were recently bought? (A) A phone and Wi-Fi package (B) A cable package (C) A high-speed modem (D) A phone line and an Internet connection

91. For (A) (B) (C) (D)

99. What should the customer do if there are Internet problems? (A) Uninstall the phone line (B) Call the billing department (C) Find a new company (D) Call customer service

how long will the ship dock at St. Marts? For three days For three hours For 11 hours For the afternoon

92. Who is speaking? (A) James's boss (B) The head of the wedding department (C) The conference organizer (D) The trip organizer

100. How are people encouraged to buy the cable package? (A) 5 percent off an Internet package (B) 5 percent off a new TV (C) A guarantee of 5 percent off their whole bill (D) 5 percent off the cable price




Section 2: Reading In the Reading test, you will read a range of texts and answer several different types of comprehension questions. The Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and there are directions provided for each part. You should answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet on page 201. Do not write your answers in your test book.

Part 5: Incomplete Sentences Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences. Four answer choices are offered below each sentence. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. 101. The new smartphone is beautiful and

.... .. ........... ... , with that elegant yet functional design. (A) useful (B) useless (C) pretty (D) dull 102. Anita

at the new branch office already;·a.iici"iio"ffi()re applications are being accepted. (A) was hired (B) is hiring (C) she was hired (D) hire

103. Five out of eight people surveyed said that

the diet brand does not taste .. ..... .. .. .. .... .. . as the regular one. (A) good (B) worse (C) better (D) as good 104. The cafe around the corner has lunch

specials. We should try ......... .. .... ..... · (A) us (B) they (C) it (D) these 105. They closed the road due to the car accident, and ................. .. . is why I was late. (A) it (B) that (C) they (D) he


106. The ..... ... ....... ... .. in stock prices has been

incredible, bringing us our most impressive quarter yet. (A) decrease (B) quality (C) increase (D) promotion 107. We must .................... these documents at

the court by five o'clock. (A) do (B) file (C) make (D) bring 108. The commercial says the medicine is safe,

.................... the fine print lists some unpleasant side effects. (A) but (B) or (C) also (D) because 109. She's been a project manager .. ... .... ...... ... . .

May, and has increased efficiency in her department by 5 percent. (A) since (B) until (C) while (D) on 110. If Jane is ready with the blueprints, Phil would

love .. ............ .. .... to her about the plan. (A) talk (C) talks (B) talked (D) to talk 111. When they .. ...... ........ .... in half an hour, the

crowds are expected to be huge. (A) opening (C) open (B) opens (D) opened


112. Employees are not allowed to ................... .

online during regular work hours. (A) see (B) balance (C) chat (D) contact 113. The students really need to get fit. Most of

them .................... do any exercise. (A) sometimes (B) never (C) always (D) frequently 114. If you bring one can of food, ................... .

get free entrance to the event. (A) it will (B) we will (C) he will (D) you will 115. Your glasses are hurting your nose, .................... I took the liberty of making an

appointment with your eye doctor. (A) since (B) however (C) but (D) so 116. The banking fees are .................... this year

than last year. (A) more cost (B) higher (C) easier (D) darker 117. I've never seen .................... movies starring

Lala Galore, but I've heard she was very popular in her time. (A) few (B) any (C) much (D) some 118. He can choose to work in the mailroom

.................... the packing department. (A) but (B) nor (C) or (D) neither


119. Put the memos .................... there, please.

There isn't time to deal with them right now. (A) over (C) here (B) at (D) about 120. The electric .................... was only $20 this

month. That's much lower than last month. (A) receipt (B) utility (C) bill (D) socket 121. Everyone should choose the ................... .

option for their paychecks so they do not spend the money right away. (A) direct-deposit (B) withdraw (C) check (D) cash 122. For this application, I'll need your husband's

.................... as well. (A) sign (B) to sign (C) signature (D) signing 123. They .................... at 6:00, so all orders

should be completed by then. (A) take to (B) leave to (C) start (D) wrap up 124. The chef is really upset about the

..... .. ............. fish that was delivered this morning. (A) rapid (C) rotten (B) excellent (D) fresh 125. The directions say to .................... these

vitamins every morning for the best results. (A) taste (B) take (C) drink (D) mix 126. To join the salsa dance club, just

.................... at the community center by Friday. (A) write (C) show (B) play (D) sign up


127. Juan was overjoyed .................... about the birth of his first grandchild. (A) heard (B) to hear (C) has heard (D) was hearing 128. Joanne .................... only three days to research the McDonald case. (A) was given (B) to give (C) give (D) were giving 129. Did she .................... talk to Doug about a new chair for her bad back? (A) never (B) always (C) ever (D) usually 130. We a table at a restaurant yesterday:·i:itii"iiow they don't have our reservation. (A) were booking (B) book (C) booked (D) will book 131. Tom is a charity event tonight for the vic.ti.ms ·a·i "iiie hurricane. (A) constructing (B) assembling (C) making (D) putting on 132 ..................... uses pagers anymore. People stopped using them in the 1990s. (A) Nobody (B) Somebody (C) Everyone (D) Everybody 133. How many .................... is it to the convention center? (A) miles (B) kilograms (C) centimeters (D) pounds



134. Gabriela sold an amazing 9,000 units . ................... month, which was a record for her department. (A) last (B) previous (C) ago (D) before 135. The new word from management is that Yuki from Marketing has .................... the Exron account. (A) gave (B) been given (C) give (D) giving 136. Two cups of coffee are .................... for maximum health benefits. (A) created (B) said (C) recommended (D) exhibited 13 7. In order to reduce traffic, the government will give residents an extra $20 a month if they only take .................... transportation. (A) foot (B) public (C) personal (D) vehicle 138. If you are not listening to it, please .................... the radio to save power. (A) put off (B) turn up (C) turn on (D) turn off 139. Paula is hosting the banquet ................... . this year. She always does such a great job. (A) once (B) again (C) for the first time (D) another 140. Remember .................... your work every five minutes, in case the computer crashes. (A) saved (B) saving (C) to save (D) safe



Reading Part 5 Identifying missing information

This part focuses on grammar and vocabulary. Look at the whole sentence and decide what is missing, e.g., noun, verb, adjective, adverb. Also, think about what tense the sentence is in, and choose the appropriate verb tense as the answer. When choosing from four possible vocabulary words, eliminate impossible answers and use your own logic to choose the best response. a. Look at the sentences below. Circle the verbs. Underline the nouns. Put a box around the adverbs. Put an X under the adjectives. 1. Bridget read the first book already and is buying the second book today......................................... .

2. The first two ideas were much better than the last two ......................................... . 3. If you are walking to the conference, I would love to walk with you ............................... ..... ... .. . Watch out! Remember that after the articles a, an, and the in a sentence, there must be a noun or an adjective + noun . Example: She clapped when she saw the little dog. b. Write the verb tense that is used next to the sentences in a above. You can choose from the following: simple present, present progressive, present perfect, simple past, past progressive, past perfect, future.

c . Complete these sentences with your own words. Pay attention to the grammar hints given. 1. I .............................. already. (HINT: Already is used after the simple past, or the present or past

perfect, to describe actions that happened in the past.) 2. Driving a car .............................. than riding a bicycle. (HINT: Than is used in comparatives.) 3. I love .............................. on the weekend. (HINT: Love and like can be followed by an infinitive (to + verb) or a gerund (verb-ing.) d. Now look at questions 102, 103, and 110 on page 24.

Check your answers on pages 145 and 146.




Part 6: Text Completion Directions: Read the texts below. In some of the sentences, a word or phrase is missing. Four answer choices are given below each of the missing words or phrases. Choose the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet on page 201. Questions 141-143 refer to the following business letter.

Mr. Yousef Granger l 736 Houston Ave. St. Louis, MO 631 0 l

Dear Mr. Granger: I to inform you that your subscription with us has been canceled because an invoice of $146.50 is now three months overdue. When signing up for the book club, you requested

141. (A) am pleased (B) regret (C) have faith (D) am sincere to be notified in two Wa¥S: by text and by email. We have sent four reminders about your invoice in each of these formats. We _ _ _ _ this information to your cell phone, and also emailed the notifications to your account.

142 . (A) dialed (B) called (C) posted (D) texted _ _ _ _ _ ,this now means that as of November 5, your Books Beyond subscription is no longer valid. If there has been an error and you have already sent payment, please call l-800-bks-bynd to clear up any misunderstanding.

143. (A) Surprisingly (B) Fortunately (C) Unfortunately (D) Interestingly Sincerely,

David Holt Accounts Specialist




Questions 144-14 7 refer to the following advertisement.

Do you have a cluttered house? Is it difficult to find things in your home? We can help!

At I 'I Garbage, we ................... anything you don't need ,

144. (A) refer (B) remove

(C) refurbish (D) take off

including furniture, trash, and even old .................... ....... like broken ovens and toasters.

145. (A) systems (B) kitchens (C) instruments

(D) appliances

Not only do we get rid of all your old junk, but we also .... ...... .............. ... a green company

146. (A) has held (B) hold

(C) holding

(D) to hold

certification, recycling everything that can be recycled. We lift, load , and get rid of all that useless trash that has frustrated you and your family for years. Prices will vary depending on the job, but _ _ _ you book online and enter the offer code from this advertisement, you will receive $20 off.

147. (A) if (B) so

(C) furthermore

(D) until (Offer code: 84trash)

Call (345) 555-4756.




Questions 148-152 refer to the following email. To: All employees

Subject: Flu shots

Dear all, This is your yearly reminder that the flu season is just around the corner, and as we do every September, Ulrich and Sons is giving free flu shots to all employees. This vaccination is not required, but it is certainly encouraged. As you may be aware;·· ···· ······ ····· ····

148. (A) timed (B) monthly (C) daily (D) annual the number of sick days that are claimed by employees has been increasing in recent years. Last year, the average number of sick days increased to eight, from four the previous year. This phenomenon has decreased work ...................... by 6 percent, an enormous margin, and one that we want to improve.

149. (A) products (B) labor (C) productivity (D) produce Of course we realize that everyone gets sick at some point throughout the year, but we also believe that sickness can be ....................... Therefore, after much consideration, we have decided to lower the number of paid sick days allowed in one year to four, and increase the number of personal days to seven.

150. (A) encouraged (B) reserved (C) prevented (D) kept Hopefully, ...................... new policy will encourage staff to be healthy in both mind and body, creating the optimum state of creativity and work efficiency.

151. (A) his (B) this (C) these (D) her For more ...................... on the shot, please visit Nurse Jackie in the lobby from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday throughout the month of September.

152. (A) information (B) medicine (C) remedies (D) evidence Sincerely, Agatha Cornwall Human Resources




Part 7: Reading Comprehension Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine articles, letters, blogs, and notices. Each text is followed by several questions. Choose the best answer for each question, and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet on page 201. Questions 153-154 refer to the following advertisement.

The Southwest's premier concert


Garben of 1\0 f1 Join us today! Gold level: Entertain your guests in the comfort and privacy of a luxurious and spacious VIP room, featuring box seats, unlimited smoothies, and a gourmet buffet. Silver level: Seats so close to the action that you feel as if you are performing on stage with your favorite band! VIP Member benefits: • Special entrance (no lines!) • Hospitality lounge with open bar and private bathrooms • Personal hosts to answer all your questions • VIP parking • Advance notice of all concerts and early-purchase options

For more information, visit www.

153. What is the purpose of the advertisement? (A) To promote membership of this concert venue (B) To sell tickets to upcoming rock concerts (C) To inform people what a rock star's life is like (D) To promote new rock albums before they are released 154. What is one benefit of being a VIP member? (A) Personal bathroom attendants (B) Valet parking (C) Cheaper tickets (D) Early notification of future concerts




Questions 155-159 refer to the following article.

Hipcars Not So Hip Many people have noticed those neon green and white cars around big cities, with the unmistakable hot pink logo on the driver's side door stating: Hipcars. It's a car-sharing company that many young people have

taken to like wildfire. The question that competing rental-car companies may have, is why the liberal-minded youth of today seem to love this successful and profitable business so much. Well, the program is based on a "community of trust" notion, where a renter must have faith in the person who rented the car before them. No one is policing these vehicles to check the fuel levels and what state of cleanliness they are in. The way it works is that a member can arrive at any public parking lot where a corner of the lot is owned by Hipcars. The member can choose the car they like, and drive it for as long as they need, by simply logging in the license number online. Hipcars can then track its vehicles by GPS. Before returning the car to any Hipcars lot, the member is responsible for throwing away all litter, wiping up all spills, and filling up the gas tank. Of course if any member does not meet these obligations, he or she is immediately reported by the next person driving the car. After three such incidences of negligence, the person's membership is canceled. Hipcars is now being copied by many other car-rental agencies with more recognizable names, but it still stands out as the most successful of these firms. Many attribute this fact to the company was the first to come up with this idea and market it almost exclusively to young people. After all. who needs to pay for insurance and various other car-ownership expenses, when a Hipcar is just around the corner, waiting for a i: budget-conscious customer to take it for a spin? 155. In the article, the word "notion" in paragraph 2, line 3, is closest in meaning to (A) noise (B) idea (C) applause (D) letter 156. According to the article, why is this a business "based on trust"? (A) People know that their car is tracked by GPS. (B) People trust the police to watch their rental car. (C) People are responsible for cleaning the cars themselves. (D) People trust the owners of the company. 157. Why do people believe Hipcars to be the most successful company to do a car-share program? (A) It is owned by young people. (B) It is affordable. (C) It is environmentally friendly. (D) It was their idea first. 158. According to the article, who should become a member of Hipcars? (A) People who own stock in the company (B) Politically conscientious people (C) People on a budget (D) People under 21 159. What effect will this article most likely have on readers? (A) Make them buy a car (B) Make them sign up for Hipcars

(C) Make them sell their car (D) Make them buy stock in Hipcars




Questions 160- 161 refer to the following notice.

Lost Dog Date lost: 1/17 Description: German Shepherd/Retriever mix. Light brown coat with white patches around her nose and feet. She has one floppy ear, and a long tail. She has a collar that says "Tammy Granger," with our address and phone number on the back. Area lost: Logan Shire State: Queensland Contact name: Robin Granger Phone: 426 555- 5839 Emai I: thegrange@totmai I. net

Reward: $50 160. What is the purpose of the notice? (A) To find a dog (B) To sell a dog (C) To buy a dog (D) To return a dog 161. In the notice, the word "coat" is closest in meaning to (A) hairstyle (B) fur (C) jacket (D) skin




Questions 162-166 refer to the following letter.

August 28 Mrs. Michelle Bachman 73 Newton Place London SWlY SAH Dear Mrs. Bachman: After reading your letter, dated August 1", I would like to extend my apologies for the dreadful experience you had on our tour this summer. There is no excuse for the awful service you received, and the many changes in schedule. However, I would like to attempt to offer an explanation, and reassure you that actions have been taken to address these problems.


Regarding the service problems, such as the rude waiters and the inexperienced tour guides, all of these employees have been questioned, retrained, and recertified. They have since received excellent feedback from clients. As to the scheduling changes, such as fewer days in Majorca, and an unexpected stopover in Sevilla, I can tell you that these changes occurred due to no fault of our own. In reviewing the reports from this time, I found that there were severe weather conditions during your trip, the week of June S'h. Due to the storms, the expected itinerary could not be followed for safety reaso ns. Finally, as you have been such a loyal customer of Star Tours over the years, and assuming that your previous ten vacations were enjoyable, I would like to offer you a free tour package for you and a guest. You may choose any of our week-long itineraries to enjoy, free of charge. Enclosed is a coupon for this holiday to be used at your convenience.

If you have any other problems with our company, please contact me anytime. Sincerely,


! ..

Dan Black Client Services

162. Why did Mr. Black write to Mrs. Bachman? (A) To complain about his company's service (B) To apologize for a terrible experience (C) To advertise a new Spanish cruise (D) To describe a new vacation package 163. The word "address" in paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning to (A) write (B) discuss (C) fix (D) locate 164. Why did Mrs. Bachman not like the tour guides? (A) They did not know what they were doing. (B) They were rude. (C) They were overqualified. (D) They had never been on a vacation before.



165. How did Mr. Black solve his staffing problems? (A) He gave the staff feedback. (B) He talked to old clients. (C) He found new tour guides. (D) He organized more training. 166. When can Mrs. Bachman go on her free tour? (A) Only 10 days from now (B) Anytime (C) Before next week (D) Within the next year



Questions 167-170 refer to the following article .

SSS paid-for class at the community college, first edition of a favorite book, an e-reader S an original poem, a new pen and journal

167. What is this article mainly about?

(A) Types of people (B) Shopping (C) The history of Valentine's Day (D) Finding a gift for one's girlfriend 168. According to the article, why might some

people feel despair about Valentine's Day? (A) They are single. (B) They do not like their partner. (C) They are not happy in their relationship. (D) They have not found a gift for their girlfriend.

169. Why are "traditional" gifts not recommended?

(A) They cannot be appreciated. (B) They are not expensive enough.

(C) They do not require a lot of thought.

(D) They are not useful. 170. Who would most likely read this article?

(A) Studious people (B) Adventurous people (C) Women (D) Men




Questions 171-173 refer to the following brochure.

At Barry's Bank we are committed to finding the right card for you. We know that most folks are looking for a credit card that gives something back while offering the financial independence of buying what you want when you want. Reducing debt is also on many people's minds. We are confident that no matter what your needs are, we can offer you a credit card that is just right for you. Barry's Bank Classic Card

• earn one point for every dollar spent • points redeemable for household goods at major department stores

Barry's Bank

Classic Card

• no interest paid on balances for two years • low minimum payment due once a month Barry's Gold Card


• earn three points for every dollar spent


• full balance payment due every month


• anytime you need money. we will credit your account with $25 Barry's Home Loan Card

• 1% of all purchases put toward eligible home loans from our bank • low minimum payment due once a month • no interest charged for one year 171. What is the purpose of this brochure? (A) To help customers improve their credit rating (B) To compare bank services (C) To encourage customers to sign up for a credit card (D) To encourage customers to open a bank account 172. According to the brochure, what is a monthly requirement of Gold Card holders? (A) To earn more points (B) To pay the whole bill (C) To credit their account with $25 (D) To keep a large balance 173. Who would most likely sign up for the Home Loan card? (A) Customers with small business loans (B) Renters (C) Customers who like high interest rates (D) People worried about their mortgage




Questions 174-177 refer to the following article.

In a speech given yesterday in front of City Hall, Governor Thistle explained the budget cuts he would like to introduce this year. He also described ideas for raising new funds without raising taxes. Firstly, to the dismay of many present, Thistle's first method of saving money is to cut funding to higher education, reducing state aid to all20 of the colleges and universities by 50 percent. Since these schools are already finding it difficult to compete with schools located in states with more money, and trailing far behind private schools in our own state, this news came as a shock. However, the second-term governor followed this news by introducing a method for how 14 of these institutions of higher learning could replace the lost funds - gas. According to Thistle, there are impressive amounts of natural gas deposits under these schools. In addition, extracting this gas would bring millions of dollars to the schools that choose to cooperate. Critics of the plan were quick to speak up. This form of natural gas extraction is well known for creating dangerous environmental consequences. The most harmful of these is the method of waste-water disposal; to date, no 100 percent safe way of getting rid of the toxic byproduct has been found. In every area where natural gas has been extracted using the techniques described by Governor Thistle, the surrounding ground water has been polluted. In short, the Governor wants to give less money to public colleges and universities, while polluting the environment at the same time. A community meeting about this will be held next Thursday at 7:00p.m. at George Hall. 174. Why are public colleges and universities trailing other educational institutions? (A) Other states have more money for their schools. (B) Funding will be reduced by 50 percent. (C) Private schools hire better professors. (D) They did not know gas was underground. 175. How did the audience react to the governor's plan? (A) Negatively (B) Quietly (C) Proudly (D) Analytically 176. In the article, the word "toxic" in paragraph 4, line 4, is closest in meaning to (A) expensive (B) poisonous (C) known (D) garbage 177. According to the article, what will most likely happen if the governor's plan is approved? (A) It will pass on Thursday. (B) Schools will save money. (C) People will protest. (D) The water will become polluted.




Questions 178-180 refer to the following advertisement.

Spanish lessons What is the second most common language in the world after Mandarin? What language is spoken on three continents? Spanish! Not only is Spanish an excellent language to know if you want to travel to Spain, Mexico, Chile, and many more countries, it is also a desired skill in many North American jobs. At Spanish Success, we guarantee a noticeable improvement in your communication ability after only one month of classes*. By focusing on the skills of speaking and writing, we allow each student to quickly develop his or her productive abilities. Also, we keep class sizes down to a minimum so there is plenty of individual attention and interaction with the teacher. All teachers are native speakers, and have teaching degrees. Choose from the following classes to suit your needs: The Pen I or II: business writing The Meeting I, II, or Ill: speaking for a variety of business situations The Tourist: speaking and listening for travel situations Communication 1: lower-level general Spanish Visit our offices Monday-Saturday, 6:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. There is a short placement exam which takes no more than 30 minutes. Our representatives will call you the next day with your results, explaining which classes you would be eligible to take. Call 879-3847 or email [email protected] for more information. *Improvement also depends on your class attendance and completion of homework.

·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------178. What is the purpose of this advertisement? (A) To hire new teachers (B) To sell the school (C) To teach Spanish (D) To bring in more students to the schools 179. What students would be in Communication I? (A) Those who have finished The Meeting classes (B) People who want to travel (C) Those who have studied only a little Spanish (D) Those who have finished The Pen classes 180. What happens the day after the placement test is taken? (A) Class is attended and homework is completed. (B) The teachers talk to the students about the results. (C) The student finds out what level class he or she can take. (D) The student pays for his or her class.




Questions 181-185 refer to the following card and memo.

Please give us just a minute of our time so we can better meet your needs. deluxe house cleanin basic house cleaning Service used: Date of service: 4111/2014 a friend newspaper ~ How did you hear about us? online very good good average poor Please rate the following. Cleanliness of: bathroom(s) bedroom(s) kitchen living room other



0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0




0 0


very poor

0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0



0 0 0 0

Staff: professionalism friendliness performance speed


0 0

0 0



0 0


This is 1-he {irs/- 1-iJrJe I've used /-his service, a11d I will 11ever use ilagain I ho11esl-ly l-hi11k JrJff house was clea11er before your sl-a{{ arrived.

Attn.: All Staff I have been reviewing some of the comment cards returned over the past six months, and I am not impressed. Actually, I couldn't be further from "impressed," as alii feel is acute disappointment. I began to review these cards when I was looking at our sales figures and amount of repeat business, and I noticed that our earnings have decreased significantly over the past three months, and there have been virtually NO repeat customers. I believe I now know the reason why. The majority of people commented that their house was in "very poor" condition after being cleaned by our employees. I realize that some of this poor performance may be partly my fault, as I haven't been active in the business over the past six months. I have not held any employee training or made any follow-up calls with customers. This, I promise, is going to change. From now on, I will be in the office every morning, and every afternoon I will be making surprise visits to inspect your work around town. Any worker who receives three negative comment cards will get a verbal warning, and will be asked to attend an hour of special training. If there are any questions, come see me in my office. Joanne Richter Owner, Houses that Sparkle




181. Where does Houses that Sparkle NOT advertise? (A) TV

(B) Radio (C) Internet (D) Newspapers 182. According to the customer's opinion on the card given, what aspect of the cleaning staff needs the most improvement? (A) Their performance (B) Their professionalism (C) How fast they clean (D) Their personalities 183. What is the purpose of the memo? (A) To explain the boss's absence (B) To warn of immediate changes in the company (C) To give details of poor performance (D) To introduce repeat customers 184. According to the memo, what does the boss say she has not been doing? (A) Reading comment cards (B) Calling her employees (C) Training her employees (D) Cleaning houses 185. Why will an employee get a warning? (A) For being rude to the boss (B) For being late for work (C) For not being responsible (D) For receiving three negative comment cards





Questions 186-190 refer to the following advertisement and review.

A modern twist on the classical style, in three acts Hip-Hop Watch classically trained performers straight from the Paris stages perform amazingly graceful classical pieces to music from Bo Cents and the Blue Tooth Clan.

Pilates We all know how strong ballet dancers are; in this five-minute piece, ballet is used as a tool to highlight the core strength of male and female dancers. Background music is from the New Agers.

Samba Straight from the streets of Rio, these ballet dancers from South America show you the spicier expressions of traditional ballet. Music by the Buena Mezcla Club.

Modern Moods February 5, 6, and 7 Buy tickets at any TicketPro outlet or online at www.pbt.org Brought to you by the Pittsburgh Ballet Company Sponsored by the Daily Press News and Meyers Superstores Purchase your tickets before December 1 and get 10% off.

ast night I was lucky enough to attend the opening performance of this year's first show by the Pittsburgh Ballet Company. Being a member of the press, I sat in the front row, close enough to see how hard the performers were breathing. And believe you me, it was obvious that they were working very, very hard.


These professionals must have been working very hard for months leading up to this groundbreaking new work because, although I am not a trained dancer and do not pretend to be an expert in any form of theater, the performance seemed flawless. The fluidity of the dancers' movements went beyond grace, and seemed very natural, seamless, and perfect. Although the titles of each act brought to mind a wide variety of dance

and musical styles, every step was clearly from traditional ballet. The innovation in the choreography has to be seen to be believed, as it clearly reminds the audience of hip-hop, pilates, and samba, while at the same time only using ballet gestures to do so. The musical choices were also intelligent and ideal for the styles. Every song came from popular culture of the past decade, and was recognizable to nearly everyone in the audience. This familiarity highlighted the beautiful steps that accompanied the wellknown melodies. Although fans of traditional ballet may not approve of these works, I highly recommend Modern Moods to audiences of all ages and backgrounds.




186. What is focused on in the Pilates piece? (A) Dancers' core strength (B) Traditional steps (C) New Age music (D) Strong arms and legs 187. Who is helping to sponsor these performances? (A) Dancers (B) A dance company (C) A newspaper (D) The city of Pittsburgh 188. How did the writer know the dancers were working hard? (A) He was breathing hard. (B) He could see them up close. (C) He was not sitting close enough. (D) He is a member of the press. 189. In the review, the word "flawless" in paragraph 2, line 7, is closest in meaning to (A) original (B) flowing (C) perfect (D) inaccurate 190. According to the reviewer, who might not like this show? (A) Older people (B) Ballet dancers (C) Fans of classic ballet (D) Young people Questions 191 - 195 refer to the following flyer and letter.

Newly opened: Dawn Condominiums 9'h St. and Hollywood Ave. Dawn Condos is FHA approved with loans guaranteed by Barry's Bank Over 60% of condos have already been sold Located in Vancouver's famous restaurant row, an urba n environment that is vibrant and clean To help sell the remaining homes, there has been a major PRICE REDUCTION :

now only $100 000-$160 000. 1


Open House is this Saturday, june 1st, from 1:00-4:00 p.m.

In the heart of downtown , these gorgeous homes have been designed and built with locallysourced materials , and feature intricate design and highly functional layouts . No space is wasted in this award-wi nnin g design by famed Swedish architect Bjorn Asplund . Dawn Condominiums are nestled a mong notable eateries and fashionable boutiques, and are within walking distan ce of pa rks and the riversid e. Yuli Holder, Principal Broker, and Tom Suzuki, Broker Northern Realtors 747-837-9483




Dear Ms. Holder, During my morning commute yesterday, I picked up the local paper and saw your flyer tucked in the advertising section. This was fortunate , as I am now in the market for a new property. My father always taught me to not throw away money on rent, so I would like to purchase a place to live, and the details on your flyer look very attractive. Allow me to explain my situation. I do not actually reside in the city at the moment. My wife and family are living on a farm in the northern part of the country, but I am now in the city on a more frequent basis. Our farm business requires me to spend a significant amount of time here in the city during the week, then going home to be with my family only on the weekends. So, I am looking for a smaller home, as I will be the only one using it. As I said, I spend the weekends with my family; therefore, I cannot attend your open house this Saturday. I hope that you can show me some of the units during the week, hopefully in the evening, after 5 o'clock. Please call me to set up a viewing at 645-876-9387 or send me an email at [email protected] Waiting for your reply, Jon Sung Managing Director, Sung's Dairy

191. Why have the prices of the condos been reduced? (A) Northern Realtors wants to sell all the units. (B) Nobody was buying the homes. (C) They want to discourage renters. (D) The previous prices were too high. 192 . How does the ad encourage people to view the condos? (A) Make an appointment (B) Ask at the manager's office (C) Spend at least $100,000 (D) See the condos on June 1" 193. What is the purpose of Mr. Sung's letter? (A) To introduce his family to Ms. Holder (B) To express interest in seeing Dawn Condominiums (C) To sell a new home (D) To sell shares in his dairy business 194. Why doesn't Mr. Sung want to rent a home? (A) His family will not be there with him. (B) It's difficult to find a good house. (C) It's too expensive. (D) It's a waste of money. 195 . What does Mr. Sung want to happen next? (A) To compare condo prices (B) To go to the open house (C) To hear from Northern Realtors (D) To buy a farm




Questions 196-200 refer to the following report and email.

Safety Report After filling in the following information, please return this to Jan Bellows, head of Quality Control. Date: 4/5/20:14

Name joltlV~- t-te-pR~V~-s.

Position: Dlot.{gltlV~-t.{t L~V~-e worRer

Incident details: I wC!s. ltle~LfwC!YJ tltlrot.{gltl-pot.{r~VI-0 title Dlot.{gltl VVL~X.tt.{re ~V~-to title VVLC!~V~- ve~t, wltleV~­ C! VVLetC!L V~-C!~L feLL Ot.{t of title 5e~g. TVi~s. n-i.~V~-eDl tltle wltloLe 6e~te-ltl. we ltlC!Dl to s.te~rt over:; bt.{t tltlere WC!S.V~-'t eV~-ot.{gltl tLVVLe to ft-V~-~s.ltl. S~V~-te we C!re V~-ot e~LLoweDl to worR overt~VVLe, 1 c,ot.{LDlV~-'t s.tC!tJ to ft-V~-~s.ltl title Dlot.{gltlV~-t.{ts.. As. yjOt.{ RV~-ow, we VVLC!Re 5o,ooo -pC!s.tr~es. evert! DlC!tJ for title V~-ex.t DlC!tJ'S. bret~~RfC!s.t -prov~DleDl to e~tr title LotC!L eLeVVLeV~-tC!rtJ s.e-ltlooLs. . vtV~-fortt.{V~-C!teLtJ, betC!t.{s.e of tltl~s. V~-C!~L, tltlere were V~-O Dlot.{gltlV~-t.{ts. for title V~-ex.t DlC!tJ's. VVLOrV~-~V~-g VVLeC!L.

To: Yousif McVee CC: All school-district nutrition staff From: Sally Danai Subject: Contaminated product Dear Yousif, I regret having to contact you under these circumstances, as our families have known each other for a long time. I have also enjoyed our working relationship since I became head of Nutritional Services for Harken County and you took over your family's business, Sweety Inc. However, I'm sure you heard about the nail that was found 1n the doughnut mixture we purchased from your company this month. This is now the third incident of contaminated products that we have rece1ved from you in the last year. Because of this, we are not placing any more orders from you unt1l the Health Department has inspected your facilities and sends us the appropnate cert1f1cat1on. Regretfully yours, Sally Danai 196. Who did Jan Bellows most likely show the report to? (A) Sally Danai (B) Yousif McVee (C) The worker who filled it out (D) The head of Quality Control 197. Why could the line worker not stay to finish a second batch? (A) 50,000 is too many to make in one day. (B) There was not enough time before breakfast. (C) No overtime is allowed . (D) He wouldn't be paid for it. 198. What is the purpose of the email? (A) To apologize for the incident (B) To describe the nail (C) To say hello to Yousif (D) To explain a temporary suspension of orders


199. Who is Sally's employer? (A) Yousif McVee (B) Sweety Inc. (C) Her family (D) Harken County 200. When will Sally start ordering again from Sweety Inc.? (A) When she inspects the facilities (B) When a fine is paid (C) When she receives an apology (D) When the Health Department sends certification



Speaking Test Directions The TOEIC® Speaking test contains 11 questions that measure various aspects of your speaking ability. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. For each question type, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for preparation and speaking. You should attempt to say as much as you can in the time allowed. It is also important that you speak clearly, and that you answer each question according to the directions. Questions 1-2: Read a text aloud Track 1.13

Directions: In this part of the test, you will read the following texts out loud. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read each text out loud. 1.

If you are over 50 and looking for a new way to get in shape, 24-hour Exercise has the class for you. Try our new SWAT class- Seniors Weights and Toning. This exciting session with one of our trained and certified instructors lasts for one hour. Half of this hour is spent on the weight machines. This first part of the class is excellent for seniors who would like to learn how to use the machines, but also for older folks who simply want to get stronger. Then, the last 30 minutes of SWAT is spent in Studio 2, doing some light yoga to stretch those new muscles of yours. Not only will you feel younger after just one month , you will look younger, too!

2. How would you like to explore the history of the South from a different angle? Merry Bright has been running Mississippi riverboat cruises since 1980, and has shown millions of passengers what is truly beautiful about Southern history. Step back in time with us, and see how people lived over 100 years ago. From your comfortable seat on the boat, you can look on the banks and see actors recreate scenes from the Civil War. Then, during the second half of the tour, listen to the Jolly Jazz band and dance the night away. See you soon!




Speaking Questions 1-2 Pronunciation

In this first section of the Speaking Test, your pronunciation, intonation, and stress are the only criteria you are graded on. Problem Sounds a. Depending on your first language, the following words may be difficult to pronounce. Try reading the following list out loud, and focus on sounds:

/ol , /8/, /v/, /r/, Ill, lrnl, In!, I'Jr/, 1~1, and final -Is/ and -/y/. this











Track 1.14 b. Now listen to a native speaker say these words, and repeat after her. Try to sound exactly like the recording.

Sentence Stress c. After focusing on the pronunciation of individual words, you now have to identify them in a sentence. Look at the following sentences and circle the key words, or the words that carry the important information.

1. This exciting session with one of our trained and certified instructors lasts for one hour. 2. Not only will you feel younger after just one month, you will look younger too! 3. How would you like to explore the history of the South from a different angle? d. Check your answers for exercise con page 151. Track 1.14 e. We stress the important words in a sentence. Stressed words are usually longer and louder. Listen to a native speaker read sentences 1-3. Pay attention to how the stressed words sound.

Watch out! It is often difficult to try to pronounce words and sentences in a different language. Remember that confidence is the most important factor in high-scoring pronunciation . Don't be afraid to speak up!

f. Listen again and repeat. Try to sound exactly like the recording. Intonation Track 1.14 g. The final part of sounding natural is intonation. This means putting some emotion in your voice. It's important not to sound nervous or like a robot. It's best to sound like a confident native speaker! Listen to a native speaker read these sentences and repeat after her. Try to sound exactly like the recording.

1. If you are over 50 and looking for a new way to get in shape, 24-hour Exercise has the class for you. Try our new SWAT class-Seniors Weights and Toning. This exciting session with one of our trained and certified instructors lasts for one hour. 2. How would you like to explore the history of the South from a different angle? Merry Bright has been running Mississippi riverboat cruises since 1980, and has shown millions of passengers what is truly beautiful about Southern history. h. Now look back at questions 1-2 and try your answers again, using the advice from above.




Question 3: Describe a picture Track 1.15

Directions: In this question, you will describe the picture below in as much detail as possible. You have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you have 45 seconds to talk about the picture.




Speaking Question 3

Watch out!

Complete Descriptions

Many students use the verb to have to describe things. In English, we usually use there is/are for descriptions, not have.

a. When we describe things we see, we use there is + singular noun and there are + plural noun. Put the words in order to make a sentence.

1. waiting/line/ are/customers/there/in/many

The picture has many cars. WRONG There are many cars in the picture. CORRECT

···························································································································································· 2. of/there/productsjto/fromjchoosejexpensivejare/lot;a

···························································································································································· 3. salesclerk/is/a/there/card/credit/customer/giving/a/to

............................................................................................................................................................ b. Use there is/there are to describe what you would see in the following places. 1. an office

2. a park

3. a museum

4. a restaurant

Organizing Your Answer

c. Your description must be organized logically. Put the following sentences in order from 1 to 6.

HINT: One strategy is to start describing things on one side of the picture and move to the other side, or start at the top and move to the bottom. This is a structured and organized way of describing a scene.


In addition, on the right-hand side of the photo, there are many more people walking past some tall buildings. Finally, this must be a big city, because I see many tall buildings along both sides of the street.

D There is some traffic and a couple of pedestrians crossing the street, heading to the right. 0 First, I can see on the left there is a man stepping onto the sidewalk. 0 It is a street scene. 0 It looks like there are two cars and a truck parked on that side of the street as well. d. Underline the linking words and phrases in the above sentences. e. Use these words and phrases to write a description of the picture below.

f. Now look back at question 3 on page 47 and try your answer again, using the information above. Track 1.16

g. Now listen to two answers to Question 3.

Write down at least three differences in the answers. Check on page 151.




Questions 4-6: Respond to questions Track 1.17

Directions: In this part of the test, you are going to answer three questions. For each question, start responding immediately after you hear the beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6.

Narrator: An American university student is doing research on museum attendance. Imagine that she has called you on the phone, and answer these questions. Question 4: How often do you go to museums? Question 5: What kind of museums do you like? Question 6: Describe a museum you remember well. Questions 7-9: Respond to questions using the information provided Directions: In this part of the test, you are going to answer three questions based on the information given. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions start. For each question, begin answering immediately after you hear the beep. No additional preparation time is given. You will have 15 seconds to answer Questions 7 and 8, and 30 seconds to answer Question 9. Ttack 1.17

•••••• •• ••••• •••• • ••• ••• •• ••• ••• ••• • •••• • • 1Stl-l A.-,.-,y~f • • • •

• • •

• • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • •

SlAmmer letA tA,d (ookies



This year featuring: It's a Small Cheese World, After All

• • • • • • • • • • • •


Idaho Convention Center: Boise, Idaho Friday, Saturday & Sunday July 6th-8th 10:00 a.m. to midnight Admission: $5.00 for adults/$3.00 for teachers, students, and seniors Free admission for the first 100 people each day! For more information, please visit our website at www.summerteafest.com

• • •

Summerfest is a non-profit organization . This year, 50% of all ticket proceeds will be donated to Doctors Without Borders . In addition, there will be a raffle supporting the At Risk Youth Scholarship Fund . Tickets for this raffle will cost $1, and the grand prize is a new car!

• • • •

••••• •••• • •• •••• ••• • • • ••• •• • ••• •• •• • •• • • Narrator: Hi, I saw the advertisment for the Summer Tea and Cookies Festival in the paper, and I have some questions I want to ask you. Question 7: When is the festival? Question 8: How much are tickets? Question 9: I heard this is a non-profit organization. What do you do with the proceeds from the event?




Question 10: Propose a solution Track 1.17

Di.rections: In this part of the test, you will be given a problem and asked to suggest a solution to it. You wrll have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. Respond as if you are a receptionist in this office. In your response, remember to •

show that you understand the problem, and

offer a solution to the problem.

Question 11: Express an opinion Track 1.18

Directions: In this question, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time provided. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.

Some people believe that no one should download free music and movies from the Internet, while other people do not see any problem with this behavior. What is your opinion about free media downloads and sharing? Give reasons to support your opinion.




Writing Test Directions The TOEIC® Writing Test has eight questions that measure various aspects of your writing ability. The test lasts approximately one hour. For each question type, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for writing.

Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture Directions: In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on the picture shown. For each picture, you will be given TWO words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words, and you can use the words in any order. Your sentence will be scored on • the appropriate use of grammar, and

• the relevance of the sentence to the picture.

You will have eight minutes to complete this part of the test. 1. [teach/ wood]

4. [many;commute]

2. [at/ laboratory]

5. [demonstrate/ while]


3. [discuss/ together]




Writing Questions 1-5 Forming words and connecting them in sentences Word Formation

a. For these questions, you can change the form of the words given to make a sentence. You do not have to change the form, but you can if you want to. Complete the following chart.

noun (person)

noun (activity)


teacher discussion


commute demonstrate meeting


student speaker

b. Use the following words in a sentence. Pay attention to the part of speech.

1. commute ........................................................................................................................................ . 2. commuter ....................................................................................................................................... . 3. meeting .......................................................................................................................................... . 4. meet ............................................................................................................................................... . Compound Sentences

c. You will often have to use a conjunction or other linking word to form the sentence in this section of the test. Look at the following examples. Use your own words to complete a similar sentence .

................................................................................ computer. 2. Compound sentence: simple sentence + conjunction + simple sentence conjunctions: and, but, yet, for, or, nor, so She is talking, and her co-workers are listening. They ..................................................... , but ..................................................... . 3. Complex sentence: simple sentence + subordinating conjunction + dependent clause OR subordinating conjunction + dependent clause + simple sentence

common coordinating conjunctions: although, as, because, before, if, since, though, when, where, while The teacher is demonstrating while the students watch. Whenl ................................................................. ,I ... ............................................. · d. Now look back at questions 1-5 on page 51 and review your answers.




Questions 6-7: Respond to a written request Directions: In this part of the test, you will show how well you can write a response to an email. Your response will be scored on • the quality and variety of your sentences, • vocabulary, and • organization. You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each email. Directions: Read the email. To: House buyer

From: Thomson Real Estate Subject: Details of search Date: 3/18/201211:19

Dear Mr. Thomas, Thank you for your inquiry. I will be handling your real estate search and showing you possible options for your new home. I need some details on what exactly you are looking for, so I can start looking . What size of house do you want, and in what kind of area? Is there anything special you want in your home or on the property? Hope to hear from you soon , Miko Young

Directions: Answer the email above. Imagine you are looking to buy a new house. In your email , give at least THREE details about the house you would like and ask at least ONE question.




Directions: Read the email. To: Hale Greenwood

From: Mijoung Lu, Manager, Banquets and Balls Events Subject: New Year's Eve Banquet



Dear Hale, I'm Mijoung from Banquets and Balls Events, and I will be organizing your company's New Year's Eve Banquet. I need some more information to help me order the appropriate supplies and reserve the right number of chairs and tables. Please get back to me with exact details on the kind of party you will be having, plus any requests for additional equipment you may need. I look forward to your response as soon as possible.

Directions: Answer the email above. Imagine you are responsible for this year's company party. In your email, give at least TWO details about the party that you will give, and ONE request for Mijoung.




Question 8: Write an opinion essay Directions: In this part of the test, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion on a topic. In general, a well-developed essay will contain at least 300 words. Your response will be scored on • whether your opinion is supported with reasons and/or examples, • grammar, • vocabulary, and • organization. You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. I

Some people believe that all workplaces should have the same number of male and female employees. What is your opinion about all professions having equal numbers of men and women? Give reasons to support your opinion.

See the model answer on page 153. 55



Speaking and Writing Linking Words

On your speaking and writing tests, coherence, or organization, is very important if you want to receive a high score. Study the conjunctions given on page 52, and also study the table below. Watch out!

a. Circle the words below that you do not know how to use.

Then check the examples and usage in a dictionary.

Many students only use linking words like and, because, but. You should try and use a greater variety of linking words to achieve a higher score.


also, and, equally important, first, finally, further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, last, moreover, next, secondly


also, in the same way, likewise, similarly


although, but at the same time, despite that, even though, however, in contrast, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise, though, yet


as an illustration, for example, for instance, indeed, in fact, it is true, namely, more specifically, that is, to illustrate


due to/due to the fact that, owing to/owing to the fact that, because, because of, since, as


all in all, as has been said, finally, in brief, in conclusion, in short, in summary, in sum, to summarize


after a while, afterward, again, and then, last, at length, at that time, before, earlier, eventually, finally, in the first place, in the past, initially, last, meanwhile, next, now, presently, simultaneously, soon, still, subsequently, then, thereafter, when

b. Study the examples given, and then write your own example sentences, using the underlined word

or phrase. Also, use the same punctuation as in the examples. 1. I believe enjoying one's job is important when choosing a career. In addition. opportunity for

advancement is also important to think about.

2. I want co-workers who are responsible and easygoing. I will likewise try to be responsible and easygoing in the workplace.




3. Eating out does make life easier, but at the same time it is much more expensive than cooking at horne.

4. If I won the lottery, there are many things I would spend my money on-namely, a snowboarding vacation in Canada, a shopping trip in Europe, and my own private island.

5. Owing to the fact that I eat dessert every day, I have to exercise five times a week to stay in shape.

6. In short. I am a well-qualified candidate because of my ample experience, my solid education, and my impeccable character.

7. Initially, I wanted to study political science. Then I decided to study art history because it was more interesting.

c. Now try Speaking Questions 4-11 on pages 49-50 in b again, and use the linking words. Then look at your answers to Writing Questions 6-8 on pages 53-55, and add more linking words or rewrite your answers.


TEST TWO Listening and Reading General Directions

This test measures your English language ability. The test is divided into two sections: Listening and Reading. You must mark all of your answers in pencil on the separate answer sheet. In this book, you can find an answer sheet for Test Two on page 202 . For each question, you should choose the best answer from the answer choices provided. Then, on your answer sheet, you should find the number of the question, and select the letter of the answer that you have chosen. If you want to change an answer, completely erase your old answer, and then mark your new answer.

Section 1: Listening Listening

In the Listening test, you will be asked to show how well you understand spoken English. The Listening test is approximately 45 minutes long. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book. Part 1: Photographs Track 2.01

Directions: For each question in Part 1, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must choose the one that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet on page 202 and mark your answer. The statements are not printed in your test book, and are spoken only once.




Track 2.01

















Part 2: Question-Response

Directions: You are going to hear a question or statement, and three responses spoken in English. They are not printed in your test book, and are spoken only once. Choose the best response to the question or statement, and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet on page 202 .

Track 2.02 11. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 12. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 14. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 38. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your response on your answer sheet.




Part 3: Conversations 30 questions Directions: You are going to hear conversations between two people. You will be asked to respond to three questions about what the speakers say. Choose the best answer to each question, and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet on page 202. The conversations are not printed in your test book, and will be spoken only once. Track 2.03

41. What do they want to improve? (A) helping customers with technical problems (B) helping customers fix hardware (C) sales numbers (D) reporting skills 42. What is the woman's solution? (A) hiring new employees (B) more training (C) replacing the manager (D) calling the operators 43. What will the man do now? (A) complain to customers (B) go home (C) call the technical support manager (D) get on a train 44. Where do the speakers work? (A) a cleaning company (B) a newspaper (C) a restaurant (D) in the mall 45. When will the waiters be working? (A) this weekend (B) Friday (C) Saturday (D) Sunday 46. What is the woman's opinion about the waiters' job? (A) They should work for more five hours. (B) It is easy to balance trays of food. (C) It's harder than people realize. (D) They cannot walk and talk at the same time.

47. What are the speakers talking about? (A) a newspaper story (B) health insurance (C) hospital fees (D) car insurance


48. How much does an employee pay for coverage for one family member? (A) It depends on the doctor. (B) $100 (C) $200 (D) no charge 49. According to the woman, what can family members do if they have the plan? (A) go to the hospital (B) get a lot of health benefits (C) go to special clinics (D) see the same dentists as employees

50. What products are getting new packaging? (A) headphones (B) shells (C) hats (D) greeting cards 51. What is the new packaging made of? (A) cardboard (B) garbage (C) cotton (D) plastic

52. Why does the woman like the bag idea? (A) It can be reused. (B) It can be thrown away. (C) It is easy to carry. (D) It is cheap to produce. 53. Why are the speakers having this conversation? (A) The weather has been excellent. (B) The number of campers has decreased. (C) People don't like camping. (D) They have to increase the amount of campsites. 54. How can people receive the 10% discount? (A) tell their boss (B) reserve two camping spots (C) bring their family (D) travel as a couple


55. What other facility is near the campground? (A) family restaurant (B) hot showers (C) hiking (D) hot springs 56. Who can be trained using this program? (A) high school students (B) environmentalists (C) sales people (D) presenters 57. What is he scared of? (A) using the new program in public (B) being in public spaces (C) training new sales people (D) speaking in front of people 58. What is the woman 's advice? (A) practice in an empty room (B) practice the presentation (C) practice online (D) don't make eye contact 59. Why does the woman want to talk to Jorge? (A) She wants to sell him a newspaper. (B) He's a fan of the Galacticos Football Club. (C) She has football tickets for him. (D) She has money for him. 60. According to the conversation, what was Jorge most likely doing this morning? (A) reading the newspaper (B) watching football (C) watching commercials (D) choosing a cable provider 61. What will the players get paid for? (A) doing interviews (B) playing football (C) being in commercials (D) being on other TV channels 62. Why is the man talking to the woman? (A) He wants to be her intern. (B) He is interviewing her for a job. (C) He wants to write about her background. (D) He wants to look at her websites.


63. What happened in the last six months of her internship? (A) She designed the website of Cornelius and Sons. (B) She opened an account. (C) She had control over two accounts. (D) She managed two designers. 64. Why did the companies like the websites she created? (A) More people visited them. (B) A thousand more products were sold. (C) They made a thousand dollars. (D) They had a number one hit. 65. When does the man's sister want to work? (A) on the weekend (B) next year (C) after she graduates (D) for the summer 66. Why does the man recommend her? (A) She does lots of housework. (B) She has had a cleaning job before. (C) He wants her out of the house. (D) He does chores for her. 67. What will the man do now? (A) bring his sister to work (B) give the application to his sister (C) bring the woman home (D) apply for the cleaning job 68. Why has the woman been absent from work? (A) She was studying Chinese. (B) She was on vacation. (C) She was sick. (D) She was doing research. 69. What happened while she was gone? (A) New computers were bought for the department (B) There were some staff changes. (C) The department was moved. (D) A new computer system was installed. 70. What does the man offer to do? (A) train her for a couple days (B) look at her vacation pictures (C) answer her questions (D) ask for some time off




Listening Part 3 Drawing conclusions from conversations

Some of the questions in this part may ask you to draw an inference, or make a logical guess, about information given. The answer may not be directly given to you in the conversation. a. It is important that you trust your understanding and make logical connections. Think about your answers to the following questions. There is no wrong answer. An example has been done for you.

1. Your boss asks you to make reservations for dinner. What do you do? I call a restaurant and book a table. 2. You hear two people talking about a sale on sweaters at work. Where do they work?

···························································································································································· 3. You work at a cafe. Lately, business has been slow. Why do you think this is?

··················································································································· ·· ········ ······························· 4. A friend says, "This morning, I read that it might rain today." What was your friend most likely doing this morning?

............................................................................................................................................................ b. As well as making logical connections, you can also eliminate answers that are not logical. Cross out the answers that do not make sense.

1. Your boss asks you to book a table for four people for dinner. You ... (A) (B) (C) (D)

complain to customers go home call a restaurant get on a train

2. Two people talking about a sale on sweaters probably work at ... (A) (B) (C) (D)

a cleaning company a newspaper a restaurant a mall

3. Your cafe is not making any profit because ... (A) the food is excellent (B) the number of customers has decreased (C) people do not like to eat out (D) you need to open more cafes 4. A man that read about the weather this morning was probably ... (A) (B) (C) (D)

reading the newspaper this morning watching the news this morning watching commercials this morning choosing a cable provider this morning

c. Remember that out of four possible answers, there is one correct answer and three distracting answers. The distracting answers will be mentioned in the conversation. To find the right answer,

• listen carefully • trust your logical conclusions about the information • eliminate answers that do not make sense. Track 2.04

Now look back at questions 43, 44, 53, and 60. Listen to the conversations again, and think about your answers. Check your answers on pages 156 and 157.




Part 4: Talks Directions: You are going to hear some talks given by one speaker. You are going to be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Choose the best answer to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet on page 202. The talks are not printed in your test book, and will be spoken only once. Track 2.05

71. What is the purpose of this message? (A) to talk about how to use company email

(B) to tell workers about an important email message (C) to encourage people to buy more security (D) to warn about email security problems 72. When was the system hacked? (A) Sunday

(B) Saturday (C) Friday (D) last weekend 73. What is the speaker doing right now? (A) talking to a security guard (B) trying to fix the problem (C) emailing her friends (D) composing an employee memo 74. Who is listening to this announcement? (A) ferry passengers (B) professional drivers (C) ticket sellers (D) Catalina's family 75. What must cars have in order to board? (A) $20

(B) a window sticker (C) an island pass (D) a return ticket 76. How long is the trip? (A) one hour (B) five minutes (C) twenty minutes (D) twenty-five minutes a day 77. What is the purpose of this advertisement? (A) to promote the company Social Contact

(B) to encourage the use of social media

(C) to sell a credit card (D) to talk about marketing 78 . Who should send a text to this number? (A) small businesses

(B) people who want their own website (C) representatives (D) personal advisors 79. What do you need to have when the representative calls you? (A) a username and password (B) a business (C) a credit card (D) a contract 80 . Who is listening to this announcement? (A) the Ghirabelli family (B) chocolate makers (C) Ghirabelli employees (D) Bradbury employees 81. Why is this deal so important? (A) Ghirabelli is located in the same country. (B) Everyone knows the Ghirabelli brand. (C) Italian chocolate is expensive. (D) Europeans love new chocolate.

82. When will these two companies merge? (A) next week (B) tomorrow (C) in four months (D) today 83. Where would this message be heard? (A) on TV (B) a Horizon store (C) voicemail (D) Horizon website 84. When did Mr. Martinez buy his phone? (A) recently (B) 30 days ago (C) nine months ago (D) six months ago 85. How should the refund card be sent? (A) by mail

(B) by email (C) through the nearest Horizon store (D) by fax



86. Who is the speaker? (A) a parking lot attendant (B) a lawyer (C) the chairperson (D) salesperson of the month 87. How many more disabled parking spaces are needed? (A) two (B) eight (C) one (D) ten 88. What is NOT on the agenda for today's meeting? (A) parking spaces (B) regional sales meeting (C) sales figures for this month (D) best salesperson this month


94. What group of people will likely get help at the center? (A) the unemployed (B) computer teachers (C) private tutors (D) sportsmen 95. Where is the speaker? (A) a theater (B) new branch office (C) reception area (D) a furniture factory 96. Why is a large discount being given to these customers? (A) They will only buy last year's models. (B) They are important clients. (C) They will buy one of everything. (D) They will buy a lot of furniture.

89. What is the purpose of this meeting? (A) to discuss cheap products (B) to talk about how to run a small business (C) to discuss benefits of chain stores (D) to talk about competing with Glammart

97. What will the speaker do now? (A) talk about the bookcases (B) take orders (C) calculate prices (D) show different models of chairs

90. According to the speaker, what is the effect of a Glammart opening? (A) new businesses will open (B) small businesses have larger purchasing power (C) small businesses can buy cheap products (D) independent businesses close

98. Why are they landing in Paris? (A) bad turbulence (B) bad weather (C) It is their destination. (D) technical problems

91. How does Glammart attract shoppers? (A) by thanking customers (B) by offering a large variety of products (C) by having friendly local employees (D) with guarantees 92. Why is this woman introducing the project? (A) She is a computer teacher. (B) She needs help with her job skills. (C) It was her idea. (D) She is a counselor. 93. What is a facility that can be used at the center? (A) a basketball court (B) a chemistry laboratory (C) internet resources (D) a swimming pool


99. When will they most likely be able to continue their journey? (A) tomorrow (B) one morning next week (C) tonight (D) one night next week 100. Where will the passengers sleep? (A) on the plane (B) anywhere in the airport (C) a hotel (D) a hostel



Section 2: Reading In the Reading test, you will read a range of texts and answer several different types of comprehension questions. The Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You should answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet on page 203. Do not write your answers in your test book. Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of these sentences. Four answer choices are shown below each sentence. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. After an analysis of the ................... , such as increased foot traffic and lower rent, we have decided to purchase the new property. (A) reimbursement (B) margins (C) benefits (D) penalties

106. We are ................... up a new billboard to advertise the law firm and, hopefully, bring in some new clients. (A) seeing (B) showing (C) lifting (D) putting

102. If supply continues to be ................... than demand, we will have to lower the price to encourage more purchases. (A) much higher (B) highest (C) most high (D) as high as

107. The new office space ................... a daycare center and workout facilities, open to all employees. (A) demonstrates (B) exposes (C) features (D) carries

103. Stephen is looking to buy a new house, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . his first house still hasn't sold. (A) if (B) when (C) even (D) although

108. All customers must be given .................. . receipt. (A) any (B) some (C) a (D) an

104 .................... to the schedule, the first workshop starts at ten, followed by lunch. (A) According (B) Seeing as (C) Looking (D) Agreeing

109. Your uniform must be cleaned and pressed if you want to work .................. the front desk. (A) with (B) at (C) to (D) in

105. The temporary position is open now ................... the end of March. (A) since (B) through (C) between (D) while

110. The memo about vacation time was . ........... ...... . yesterday to all employees. (A) sent (B) send (C) sending (D) to send 111. In order to ..... .............. funds, you must show two forms of identification. (A) withdraw (C) cost (B) earn (D) spent




112. All the saved documents are there ............... . the desktop. (A) at (B) on (C) over (D) in

119. Since this is only the first draft of the proposal, it must still be ................... . (A) looked (B) written (C) opened (D) revised

113. Families can really take ................... of the

120. That shelf must be fixed immediately, because we need to use ................... to display the new products. (A) they (B) them (C) it (D) those

new swimming pool, as there are lessons for all ages, and a special children's pool. (A) appropriacy (B) aptitude (C) advantage (D) assent 114. Hiraki has a degree in engineering, which is a requirement for the job; ................... , he has five years of experience in the field. (A) nevertheless (B) moreover (C) despite (D) but 115. Hanson and Associates, the biggest advertising ................... in town, is looking for summer interns now. (A) society (B) agency (C) institution (D) agent 116. On Sunday afternoon, the group can choose to go to the new art exhibition .................. . the Afro-Cuban Choir concert. (A) or (B) but (C) nor (D) either 117. Giselle found out that Taiwan is actually the biggest ................... of this type of TV. (A) product (B) produce (C) production (D) producer 118. Starting from next week, the writing group ................... every Wednesday at 4:30 in Centennial Hall. (A) to meet (B) meeting (C) met (D) will meet


121. This tax ................... to all foreign products. (A) applies (B) apply (C) applying (D) be applied 122. Two cable companies ................... this year, so channels 100 through 180 will now be owned by one corporation. (A) are donating (B) are connecting (C) are merging (D) are becoming 123. If we upgraded to the new machines, this assembly line ................... the fastest in the country. (A) will (B) is (C) would be (D) is going 124. You cannot see this film ................... you are over 18 years of age. (A) if only (B) unless (C) in case (D) in order 125. The diner around the corner .................. . burgers, sandwiches, and coffee. (A) eats (B) creates (C) gives (D) serves


126. People these days only ................... cook

at home because they have such busy work schedules. (A) frequently (B) never (C) occasionally (D) always 127. For the cheapest fares, you .................. .

really book at least one month in advance. (A) must to (B) should (C) shall not (D) would to 128. The neighborhood meeting this week,

................... will be held at Tai's house, is about the new community center. (A) what (B) which (C) when (D) where 129. Some people just cannot ................... a

living on a minimum wage. (A) get (B) survive (C) make (D) do 130. The ................... this year have been mailed to everyone, so you now know what is expected in terms of sales. (A) targets (B) ambitions (C) purposes (D) objects 131. To avoid ................... unprepared in the meeting, please read this proposal before it starts. (A) achieving (B) appearing (C) thinking (D) alternating 132. Business ................... to improve, thanks to a dedicated staff and effective management. (A) continuing (B) to continue (C) has continued (D) continue


133. Entering today's job ................... can be difficult for some young people. (A) market (B) career (C) profession (D) work 134. The reviews of this restaurant suggest only ordering an ................... , as the starters are so big that there is no need for a main course afterward. (A) appetite (B) meal (C) dessert (D) appetizer 135. Please include all the ................... with the report, so they can be used to support your proposal. (A) records (B) bibliography (C) author (D) data 136. The inventor of this chip is from China, and . .................. will be speaking at the luncheon tomorrow. (A) it (B) he (C) they (D) him 13 7. Since we already own the building and do not have to pay rent, our initial ................... will be quite low. (A) overhang (C) overhead (B) overdraft (D) overreaching 138. This procedure must be followed ................. . so that everything looks the same at the end of the manufacturing process. (A) carelessly (C) loudly (B) haphazardly (D) carefully 139. The new layout of the lobby is meant to be comfortable yet still very ................... . (A) cosy (C) expensive (B) professional (D) relaxed 140. We are always paid ................... , on the first Monday of every month. (A) on the road (B) on top (C) on time (D) on tap




Part 6: Text Completion

Directions: Read the texts below. In some of the sentences, a word or phrase is missing. Four answer choices are given below each of the missing words or phrases. Choose the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet on page 203. Questions 141-144 refer to the following memo.

Attn. staff It has to my attention that some of our employees have been going up to the cafe on the 5th floor. I realize that our cafe is very old and small, and therefore 141. (A) (B) (C) (D)


bring brought been bringing been brought

the more modern and spacious cafe on the 5th floor is more attractive. However, this dining area is not meant for our company; it is only to be used by the employees working on floors five to ten. it has been decided to renovate and extend our cafe, installing new windows and dining furniture. 142. (A) (B) (C) (D)

Because Due to the fact that, Because of this, Due to ,

Construction on the new facility will begin next week, on March 4th. It is _ _ __ to be finished by March 31st. In the meantime, the noise from the building process may bother 143. (A) (B) (C) (D)

estimated announced extricated advised


some of you. If you find that _ _ _ _ noise is keeping you from doing your job properly, 144. (A) a (B) the (C) these (D) those

please see Jacki at the front desk for a free pair of ear plugs. These should help you concentrate. Also, please note that construction will only last one month.





Questions 145-148 refer to the following email. To: Kim Huang From: Jessie Alvarez Date: 1/14/12 Re: Dinner next week

Hi Kim, How are you and your lovely family? I haven't seen you _ _ _ _ _ the company retreat last year.

145. (A) (B) (C) (D)

for until since while

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you that I have meetings in your town next week, from your office. I was wondering if we could and I'm actually staying in a hotel not

146. (A) (B) (C) (D)

distant near close far

meet up for dinner? I would love to catch up with you. I had so much with you at the retreat! Remember when the motivational coach talked to us about the seven levels of

147. (A) (B) (C) (D)

fun excellence good times harmony

success? You and I stayed up all night talking about what we'd achieved in life, and what we hoped to accomplish in the future. Anyway, my flight gets in around 6 p.m. on the 5th, and I have meetings the days. I thought, if you're free, we could meet for dinner on the 6th or 7th? My phone

148. (A) (B) (C) (D)


following gathering together previous

number is 409-958-3293 if you want to call and arrange something before I arrive, or just email me back. I hope you're free at least one of those evenings. I can't wait to see you again! Best wishes, Jessie




Questions 149-152 refer to the following review.

•• •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• New Release: AdAway 9.0

• •

• I have always been a fan of the AdAway software, ever since it first came on the market in 1999. In those days, however, companies were not as technologically advanced as today. These days, hire IT experts who have graduated at the top of their class rrom

• • • •

149. (A) it (B) they (C) them (D) those

• respected universities and who can get past any corporation's firewall. These IT masters are so smart that it's getting harder and harder to find anti-malware programs that can keep your computer completely free pop up advertisements. 150. (A) for (B) away (C) to (D) from

Last week, I _____ AdAway 9.0 on my home PC. I have used • 151. (A) • (B) (C) (D)

instilled watched installed crashed


all previous editions of this software, and I assumed that this version would also be • foolproof. This, unfortunately, was not the case. Within five minutes of starting to surf the internet, I was already drowning in ads about • losing weight, and finding cheap hotels. I checked to make sure that my computer was • not the problem, and then tried the 9.0 version one more time, with the same result. • Needless to say, I went back to the 8.0 version _ _ _ __

• • •

152. (A) closely (B) slowly (C) occasionally (D) immediately

• So, if you ' re looking to keep your time on the web free from annoying adverts , please do • not use this version of AdAway.

• 72

• • •

• •

• • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

• • •

• • • • •

• • • • •

• • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •




Reading Part 6 Choosing verb tenses, linking words and prepositions

In Parts 5 and 6, there are often questions focusing on verb tense and linking words. Verb tense a. Label the following time lines and sentences with the appropriate verb tense.* One verb tense is used twice. * Not all verb tenses are listed.

Simple Present

Present Perfect

Simple Past

Present Perfect Progressive

Past Progressive

1. I will meet you there at 10 o'clock.

Future Simple

5. I have been told that there is a new manager. now

now past

~---- X----~


past (--X?-X?-X?'---t----7) future 6. I was taking the bus to work every day, but now I ride my bicycle.

2. I have worked here for five years.

now ~



3. I started this job last week.




7. These items have been selling like crazy.



past(-- X - 1 - - - - - - 7 ) future

~ past?---~-----~


4. These computers are on sale. now past







Watch out!

b. Write your own sentence using the verb tense and word

provided. Review the timelines on page 73 before you write and think about when the action is taking place.

A common error students make in this part of the test is to only read the part of the sentence with the missing information and choose an answer. Read the whole sentence and think about when the action happened, and what the correct verb tense should be.

1. Present Perfect/ see

····················· ···· ···· ········· ·········································· ······· ····················································· ················ 2. Future Simple/go 3. Past Progressive/ eat

4. Simple Present/ watch

c . Now look back at question 141 and check your answer on page 162. Linking words and prepositions d. Circle the correct linking word or

phrase. 1. We're going to the museum this Sunday because/ because of they have an exhibition on vintage cars that I want to see. 2. Helen tried getting doughnuts for the meeting this morning, but the bakery was closed. Because of this/ because, there was nothing to eat, and I'm really hungry now.

Watch out!

The linking phrases due to the fad that/because are not used in the same way as due to/because of. Due to and because of are followed by a noun. Look at the examples below. Due to the fad that there is a huge snowstorm, all flights are canceled. Due to the huge snowstorm, all flights are canceled. Because there is a huge snowstorm, all flights are canceled. Because of the huge snowstorm, all flights are canceled.

3. Due to/ Due to the fact that the holiday falls on a Friday this year, there will be a three-day weekend

next month. 4. This particular brand has been on the market until/ since 1989. 5. Don has been manager here for/ while five years. 6. I am happy to announce that you are free for/ from infection. You can go home today with a clean bill of health. e. Complete the following sentences in your own words. 1. I will do well on the TOEIC® exam because I ................ .. .

2. Due to the fact that .... ...... .. ...... . , this is going to be a fantastic weekend. 3 ......... .. ........ . since last year. 4.

for a few months now.

5. One day, I hope that .. ........ .. ....... will be free from ...... .. .... .. ..... . f. Now look back at questions 142, 145, and 150. Check your answers on pages 162 and 163.




Part 7: Reading Comprehension Directions: In this part, y~u will read a select i ~ n of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, blogs, and advertisements. Each text IS followed by several questions. Choose the best answer for each question, and mark the letter (A), (B), (C) , or (D) on your answer sheet on page 203. Questions 153-154 refer to the following advertisement.

~t~~~~~~~i~r'::~0:71 lr~



In this latest release from superstar pop diva Shania Cruz, she explores the sweeter side of life. From track one, entitled His Shining Eyes, a song dedicated to her new son, to the last song on the album, called Partners in Time, Shania sings about the happiness she has fou nd in life in ways that are both beautifully wise, and gracefully innocent. Go to www.scruz.com to download the first two tracks of her album for free. 154. What can people do at the given website? (A) track their favorite artists (B) get new ringtones (C) download two free albums (D) get two songs

153. Who is Shania Cruz? (A) a singer (B) a piano player (C) a poet (D) a novelist Questions 155-157 refer to the following receipt. Beyond Books Parkland Mall 23 Harrison Lane Minneapolis, MN

Ten-pack party invitations Black pen Box envelopes - white New Jobs for Dummies Relocation Rules: Massachusetts Boston's Best Restaurants Sudoku for Beginners

$20 $2 $2.40 $14.20 $30.00 $22.50 $10

Beyond Books member discount


Subtotal $96. 10 Sales tax


155. What kind of party are the invitations most likely for? (A) a farewell party (B) a birthday party (C) a garden party (D) an anniversary party 156. Why is this person most likely going to Boston? (A) visiting a friend (B) trying new food (C) an employment opportunity (D) vacation 157. How much money did this person give the shop assistant? (A) $97.42 (B) $100 (C) $5 (D) $2.58




Questions 158-162 refer to the following article. Last week we asked our readers to complete an online survey about work and jobs. Surprisingly, over 1,000 of you responded, and we can now reveal the findings. The most fascinating result was that almost all of you are currently working - in fact, over 89%. Contrary to popular thought, the likelihood of finding employment did not increase with more education. High school graduates who contacted us were just as likely to have a job as respondents with Master's degrees. Not only that, but 95% of people working said that they were satisfied with their jobs. However, job satisfaction, it seems, does not lead to complacency. Over 50% of you, regardless of whether or not you had a job, said that you had searched for work in the past six months. Our survey also had a question regarding the reasons for doing a job search, and the most popular reason was " higher pay," followed by "better work environment" and, thirdly, "less commuting time." When those with jobs were asked how their current job was found, the number one response was "networking," while "Connektln.com" claimed the second spot, and "classifieds" actually came in fifth. It seems trad itional methods of finding work no longer apply in today 's job market. For the complete results of this survey, click here.

158. Where would this article be found? (A) a personal website (B) a science journal (C) a print newspaper (D) an online magazine 159. What was most surprising about the survey respondents? (A) The more highly educated had more work. (B) Many had Master's degrees. (C) A majority are employed. (D) High school graduates were more likely to have jobs. 160. Who said that they had done a job hunt in the last six months? (A) half of the people surveyed (B) high school graduates (C) only the unemployed (D) people unsatisfied with their job 161. What was one reason NOT mentioned for job hunting? (A) nicer office atmosphere (B) get more education (C) higher salary (D) less travel time 162. According to the article, how did most people find jobs? (A) updating resume (B) contacting friends and associates (C) chatting online (D) being computer literate




Questions 163-166 refer to the following advertisement.

Frank's Driving Vacations Anywhere you want to go at prices you can afford







Who can afford their own car these days? Don't waste your money on insurance, gas. and maintenance. Use that money for a fun vacation, and arrive at your destination in style!

Here's what's waiting for you this holiday weekend: Families: Camping and fireworks in Hoola Canyon. Rent one of our trucks and a trailer, and take your time driving up there. Your kids will enjoy stopping along the way to explore the beautiful countryside! ONLY $22 A DAY Couples: Choose any of the Hampton Steak House locations around the city, and reserve a table for you and your loved one. Then call Frank's and book a luxurious stretch limo for the evening. (Don't forget to mention using Frank's Car Service when paying your bill at the steak house, and you'll receive 10% off.) Keep the limo for the weekend, and spend a night or two at a country hotel for a romantic getaway. ONLY $45 A DAY Book your vehicle before Friday- they're going fast! Call 555-CAR-TOGO, or visit www.frankscars.com for a full list of prices and services.

163. According to the advertisement, what do people waste money on? (A) Buying cars (B) Eating steak (C) Vacationing with family (D) Buying fireworks 164. What costs $22 a day? (A) A hike in Hoola Canyon (B) Camping (C) A truck and trailer (D) Fireworks 165. Why is it a good idea for couples to eat at the Hampton Steak House? (A) They have special parking for limousines. (B) It is conveniently located. (C) They get 10% off the limousine price. (D) They get a discount if they used Frank's Car Service. 166. What can be seen on Frank's website? (A) Restaurant coupons (B) Vehicle rates (C) Gas prices (D) Vacation plans




Questions 167-171 refer to the following letter.

June 5'h 2012 Mrs. Julie Evans 46 7th Ave. St. Louis, MO 63101 Dear Mrs. Evans, I am applying for the Editor position that was posted on joblist.com the week of June 1st. My experience in the field of publishing, and my educational background makes me an ideal candidate for the job. My most recent position, before relocating to St. Louis, was with Reason Publishing in New York. I started as an Executive Assistant, but after one year in the position I began to take on more editorial duties. Six months later, I was promoted to Editorial Assistant and oversaw many of the new science fiction titles we published in this period. Before working for Reason Publishing, I had an editing job at Ballard's Monthly, the oldest and most well-respected science fiction journal in the country. I also reviewed new novels for the journal. In all of these jobs, my eye for detail, and ability to meet deadlines made me a valued employee. Beyond my work experience, my educational background and personal character are also relevant. I graduated at the top of my class from New York University with a double major in English Literature and Journalism. Additionally, I read all genres of fiction voraciously, and have a great eye for new talent. Also, as any work colleague or personal acquaintance will attest, I am extremely calm under pressure, and always have an optimistic attitude. I am available for an interview at your convenience, and can be reached at the phone number or email above. Sincerely,

f~ Faisal Jones

167. What type of letter is this? (A) a letter of complaint (B) a cover letter for a job (C) a letter to request information (D) an apology letter 168. How did Faisal find out about the job? (A) bulletin board notice (B) from a friend (C) classifieds website (D) in the newspaper 169. How long after starting with Reason Publishing was Faisal promoted? (A) 18 months (B) six months (C) two years (D) one year 78

170. What was one of Faisal's responsibilities at Ballard's Monthly? (A) designing science fiction books (B) setting deadlines for authors (C) writing science fiction novels (D) reviewing new novels 171. What hobby does Faisal believe to help him at work? (A) He writes short stories. (B) He watches science fiction films. (C) He listens to all genres of music (D) He reads a variety of books.



Questions 172-176 refer to the following article.

hree of the highest scoring basketball players of all time sat down in a pizza restaurant last night to discuss their latest wins and losses. They were all very excited to be meeting face-to face. "We've been through some amazing times together," said Kai Tsai. The bespectacled teenagers at the table certainly did not look like professional basketball players. That's because they are only pros in the virtual world of NBA2U, an online game where you choose to be one player for a whole season. and then try and win the championship. The players are then drafted by coaches. and games are played against opponents from all over the world. In real life. these three boys are all in their last year at high school, and are looking forward to attending university in the fall. And none of them has ever played on a real basketball team. The three young men did not realize they were all such high-level players in the same virtual community until last night. when a party was hosted in Chicago for the most elite players of NBA2U. The get-together was well-attended. with over 500 guests. There are millions that attend virtual NBA parties, so these 500 were carefully selected. Guests ranged in age from 12 to 72. and were representing over 25 countries. After finishing his last bite of pizza. Kai admitted, "I wish I could spend all my time playing NBA2U. It's much cooler than real life." As they all spend at least three hours a day in the game. these kids might not realize how "cool" real life can be. 172. Why did the three boys meet up at the pizza parlor? (A) to play NBA2U (B) to discuss a game (C) to play basketball (D) to talk about a party 173. In the article, the word virtual in paragraph 2, line 2, is closest in meaning to (A) talented (B) fake (C) computer-generated (D) real 174. How do you begin playing the game? (A) pay a small fee (B) play the championship game (C) choose a player (D) choose a team 175. In the article, the word get-together in paragraph 3, line 2, is closest in meaning to (A) (B) (C) (D)

dinner party competition team

176. Where does Kai want to spend his time? (A) on a real basketball court (B) at school (C) online (D) at university




Questions 177-180 refer to the following notice.

------------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------

Attention Deal-Seekers! Tantalizing traditional pieces at prices you have to see to believe! Thistle Vintage is having an estate sale this weekend, and everything must go!

Items include: vintage 1920s jackets and shoes (men's size large, shoe size 11) vintage 1920s dresses and hand bags (women's size 6) baseball cards fishing equipment oak dresser and nightstand mahogany book cases brown leather sofa washer and dryer Terms and Conditions: Boxes and bags are not provided. All sales are final. Personal checks are not accepted. Payment will be accepted in cash, Visa, or Mastercard.

Sale dates and times: Saturday November 4th Sunday November 5th

8 a.m.-8 p.m. 10 a.m.-8 p.m.

Directions to the estate sale: Go South on Germantown Road from 1-40. Turn right on Sunrise Boulevard. After five miles, turn left on Cedar Drive. Or, take bus #4 to English Drive and Harrington. Walk one mile. The address is

4758 English Drive. 177. Who would most likely read this notice? (A) people who like to play sports (B) people looking to buy a house (C) people who lived in the 1920s (D) people who like antiques and bargains

179. What can NOT be bought at this sale? (A) coats (B) books (C) furniture (D) fishing pole

178. Who is selling these items? (A) athletes (B) a company (C) residents of the house (D) clothing designers

180. What should customers bring with them? (A) bags (B) items to sell (C) checks (D) a car



Questions 181-185 refer to the following menu and letter.


Fields Bakerv and Cafe Beverages

The Manager Dessert Delights 41 Cross Street Montreal March 28

BeautifullY black coffee of the day * $1.50 Lovely latte $3 Crazy caPPuccino $3 MerrY mocha $4 Terrific Tea $2 *free refills

Snacks Deliehtful douehnut $1 CheerY cheesecake $3 Chipper chocolate cake $3 JauntY German fruit cake $3


My partners and I had to work over the weekend recently, so we decided to reward ourselves with something sweet. We had heard excellent things about your cafe from others in the office, so we walked over in eager anticipation . There was a small crowd outside your restaurant, but we were willing to wait up to an hour if it meant we could get a table for the four of us. We spoke with the hostess and were told it would be up to 30 minutes before we could be seated. 45 minutes later, we were still waiting for a table. After complaining twice to the hostess, who seemed to have forgotten about us, we were finally led to a table for two near the restrooms. As I mentioned, we were a party of four. The hostess didn't seem to understand the problem, and just walked away. We managed to find two extra chairs, and we then squeezed ourselves around the tiny table. Still, we were excited about trying the desserts, so we decided to order one of everything. To make a long story short, the food took over an hour to arrive. When it did get to the table, the doughnuts were dried out, the cheesecake was bitter, the slice of chocolate cake was so small that we finished it in two bites, and the German fruit cake had a hair on it. In addition, one of the plates was dirty. To top it all off, you charged us for every refill of our coffees. I hope you can address all of these issues, and once again deserve the excellent reputation which you have somehow built. Yours truly, [:

Spencer and Associates

182. How did Ms. Spencer hear about the cafe? (A) walking by it (B) on the radio (C) recommendation from co-workers (D) an advert in the newspaper 183. What was the problem with their table? (A) It was too small. (B) It smelled bad. (C) It was near the hostess stand. (D) It was dirty.

j: :



To whom this may concern,

181. What did the partners want to eat at the cafe? (A) tea (C) just coffee (B) a large lunch (D) dessert

.' ' h



Maria Spencer


184. What did they order? (A) one doughnut each (B) one of all the chocolate desserts (C) all the snacks on the menu (D) only coffee 185. Why were they upset about the bill? (A) They never got their coffee refills. (B) They were charged for too many desserts. (C) Coffee refills weren't free. (D) The cake was too expensive.




Questions 186-190 refer to the following schedule and email.

Chan's Market

Schedule Jack Sarah Sa if To: C. Chan From: Jack Brown Subject: This week's schedule Date: 6.5.12








10-5 off 6-11

10-5 off off

off 10-5 6-11

10-5 6-11 10-5

6-11 10-5 off

6-11 off 10-5

6-11 off 10-5

Please see Charles if there is a problem with your schedule. Please show up 10 minutes before your shift is scheduled to begin. Shifts -10 a.m.-5 p.m./6 p.m.-11 p.m.

Dear Mr. Chan, I have been working for you for over six months now, and this is the third time that I have had to write to you about problems with the schedule. I informed you when I was hired that I have another job at a restaurant. I work nights there, and the weekends are the busiest time, and that is when I earn the most money. We agreed that I would keep my week days free to work for you, so that I could work at the restaurant on the weekend nights. Secondly, Sarah is too shy to speak up, so I am going to complain on her behalf. She is in her last year of university and needs this job to put herself through school. You said when she was hired two months ago that she would have at least five shifts a week. She has not had that many shifts since she started working for you, and she's going to have to look for another job if you do not fulfill your promise to her. Finally, please see the shifts you scheduled for Tuesday. There is no one scheduled for the night shift. Sincerely, Jack Brown

186. When can people shop at Chan's Market? (A) between 1 a.m. and 10 a.m. (B) between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. (C) between 4 p.m. and 11 p.m. (D) anytime 187. What is the main purpose of the email? (A) to explain Sarah's situation (B) to ask for Thesday off (C) to complain about the schedule (D) to apologize for a mistake 188. Why does Sarah want more shifts? (A) She is shy. (B) She has been working there for two months. (C) She cannot find another job. (D) She supports herself.


189. In the email, the word fulfill in paragraph 3, line 5, is closest in meaning to (A) write down (B) break (C) satisfy (D) too much 190. Why does Jack want Mr. Chan to look at Tuesday's schedule? (A) The market is closed on Tuesday. (B) There are not enough workers for the day shift. (C) No one is working the night shift. (D) He cannot work on that shift but is still scheduled.



Questions 191-195 refer to the following coupon and text message.

(j ()'(~J..()(~J{ (~()1~1~1~1~

IIIJY '1,1\T(), t;lrt,

i,: .,

()NI~ l~lll~l~

Want to know what opens those sleepy eyes? Want to know why your co-workers are ready to start at 6 a.m. while you're still in bed? Try 6 o'clock Coffee! Taste the power! 6 o'clock coffee is made from the choicest Kenyan beans, and slow roasted with almonds for a subtle nutty flavor. Caffeinated and decaffeinated available Whole bean or ground roast Print more coupons at www.printadeal.com

From: Juana (585)485-4758 Check email· I sent coupon for coffee- Ms. Green said we must bring to meeting tomorrow morning. I will pay you back then. One bag for office, one for you, one for me. From: Lois (585)483-4958 Got i t . Look at site on coupon for travel deals - free bus tickets! See you bright and early!

191. How many bags of coffee is the coupon for? (A) three (B) one (C) six (D) two

194. How does Lois get the coupon? (A) text message (B) email (C) www.printadeal.com (D) 6 o'clock Coffee website

192. What kind of people would use this coupon? (A) people who are from Kenya (B) people who can sleep in on weekdays (C) people who can't sleep (D) people with morning work hours

195. What does Lois want her friend to get? (A) coupons for the bus (B) hotel discounts (C) airline tickets (D) free coffee

193. Why did Juana ask her friend to buy the coffee? (A) It's her favorite brand. (B) They have to stay up late working. (C) They have to meet friends in the morning. (D) They were told to bring it.




Questions 196-200 refer to the following brochure and email.

This drive is focused on security. You can burn discs anywhere, and the files will only be readable by people you choose. Improved data protection allows you to burn information on a CD or DVD, which encrypts the information so it can only be read by your computer. Alternatively, if not encrypted, you can password protect the files. In just two easy steps, you can copy anything you want, in the To: Marco Jacobs, IT Manager From: Tyra Lanks Date: 5-4-2012 Subject: Warning

format you want it. Plus, with the sleek and elegant design, our drive shows a harmonious marriage of intelligence and beauty. www.osirlsdrlves.com

Dear Marco, We have upgraded our processes of data copying and storage. As you know, Mr. Wheeler has requested all information in the company to be saved in hardcopy form, because he still does not completely trust computers. The reason we have had to upgrade some security measures is because we have been struck with major computer viruses twice in the last year. One week before the new Only One diamond and sapphire necklace products were due to hit the stores, all the computers in our central distribution center crashed. This caused a delay of one month before we could start selling the products. As this necklace had been advertised for three months prior to the product launch, the problems this crash caused were innumerable. Please make sure that everyone in sales and acquisitions receives a new Safetoburn drive. They are sitting in the stockroom, waiting to be distributed. Also, please conduct a short five-minute training session on how to use them. (They are very simple devices, but very secure.) Yours faithfully, Brian Oceancrest, Chief of Internal Security, Bayside Jewellers

196. What is the purpose of the brochure? (A) to promote a product (B) to warn about company security (C) to describe how to use a product (D) to teach about computer safety 197. Who is Mr. Wheeler? (A) head of security (B) head of acquisitions (C) IT manager (D) company owner 198. In the email, the word measures in paragraph 2, line 1, is closest in meaning to (A) sizes (B) widths (C) steps (D) safeties


199. According to the email, how long did they advertise the necklace? (A) 1 month (B) 3 months (C) 1 week (D) 4 months 200. What should Marco do after reading the email? (A) check attendance in sales and acquisitions (B) find the computer virus (C) install a new program (D) go to the stockroom



Reading Part 7 Skimming, scanning, and finding answers

In this part of the test, you will not have time to read every word and answer all the questions. Therefore, the reading skills of skimming and scanning are very important in order to finish the test on time. Watch out!

Remember that main ideas are general, and details are specific. If you are asked for the main purpose or main idea, do not choose answers which are very specific. Skimming

a. Skimming gives you the main idea, or gist, of a text. When you skim, you look at only a few sentences of a text to understand its main purpose. Since the main idea is almost always in the beginning and/or end of a text, you only need to read those sentences. Look at the texts on the pages listed below. Look only at the beginning and end of the text. Then, return to this page and circle the main idea. 1. Letter for questions 167-171 on page 78.

(A) complaining about a position Faisal did not get (B) explaining why Faisal should be hired for a particular job (C) requesting further information about a job (D) apologizing for not filling a position 2. Email for questions 186-190 on page 82. (A) Sarah has schedule problems. (B) Jack needs Tuesday off. (C) Jack is complaining about the schedule. (D) Jack is apologizing for making a bad schedule. 3. Brochure for questions 196-200 on page 84. (A) advertisement for an external drive (B) warning about company's security issues (C) instructions for how to operate a machine (D) lesson about computer safety b. Now look back at questions 167, 187, and 196. Check your answers on pages 164 and 165.





Watch out!

c. Scanning helps you to find specific information in a text. First we choose a key word, or an important word, from the question. Next, we use our finger to quickly look through the text until we find that word. The answer will be near this word.

Scanning is NOT READING! It is only looking for a word or phrase. Reading is slow, scanning is fast.

Find the following words in the text and circle them. Use your finger to guide your eyes through the text line by line. Follow the arrows, so you are first looking from left to right and then right to left. film

~ ~

; ~

; :






A new documentary on working vacations, entitled Career Cruising, takes place in Australia. ~ This two-hour long film follows three girls from Taiwan, Sarah, Jessica, and Donna. All three +girls chose to independently travel to Australia as part of a working vacation program and ~ ended up laboring in such jobs as fruit picker, dish washer, and wool packer. When the three +girls first arrived in the foreign land, only Sarah could speak English with any proficiency. ~ Although Jessica and Donna faced quite a few difficult situations due to their language difficulty, +they both learned the language rapidly, and were chatting comfortably with the locals in no time. ~ As we follow these young women on their summer journeys, we see that hard work and a sense +of adventure can teach you much more about a country than relaxing on a beach and taking ~ some tours. Their stories will be an inspiration to anyone with a yearning to learn about the world. +-

... .... ..... .... .. ... ...... ...... ........... ..... ..... .... ........ .......... .............. ... ... ..... .... ... ..... ....... ......... ..... ..... ... .. .... ......

Finding answers d. Scanning does not give us the answer. It tells us where the answer is. After you scan and find the word you are looking for, you must read the whole sentence carefully to get the answer. Using the text above, choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

1. How long is the film? (A) two hours

3. Who could speak English when first arriving in Australia?

(B) three hours

(A) Donna

(C) one hour

(B) Jessica

2. What characteristic did the girls show during their summer vacation?

(C) Sarah

(A) sensibility about beaches (B) ability to relax (C) willingness to work hard e. Follow these general rules for all texts in Parts 6 and 7 on the Reading Test. 1. Skim the passage for the main idea.

2. Read the question and answer choices, and identify the key word. 3. Scan the text for the key word. 4. Read the whole sentence around the key word carefully. 5. Compare the sentence to the question, and check your answer.




Speaking Test Directions

The TOEIC® Speaking test contains 11 questions that measure various aspects of your speaking ability. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. For each question type, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for preparation and speaking. You should attempt to say as much as you can in the time allowed. It is also important that you speak clearly, and that you answer each question according to the directions. Questions 1-2: Read a text aloud Track 2.06

Directions: In this part of the test, you will read the following texts out loud. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read each text out loud.

1. Thank you for tuning in to KLUA weather. Today, continuous flooding is expected to move north through the Carson Valley. This has come as a shock to many, as this area has been troubled by droughts in recent years. The reason behind the sudden flooding is located upstream, in River City. From December through to April of this year, above average amounts of rain have fallen on this small town. In December and January, the water was not a problem; however, in February, the Great Darcy Dam broke. Sadly, it still has not been repaired.

2. Welcome to secondreads.com, the website that helps you find any book you need at the price you want. If you're looking for a romantic novel to read on the beach, we can help you. Or perhaps you'd like the latest bestseller- we've got that too! Whether you're a professional, student, or simply after the latest thriller, we guarantee we can find any book you need . We also have free shipping to anywhere in Europe. So, log on today, and make your summer reading list much more interesting!




Question 3: Describe a picture

Track 2.07 Directions: In this question, you will describe the picture shown in as much detail as possible. You have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you have 45 seconds to talk about the picture.

Questions 4-6: Respond to questions Directions: In this part of the test, you are going to answer three questions. For each question, start responding immediately after you hear the beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6.

Track 2.08 Narrator: A marketing firm is doing research in your country. Imagine that a representative has called you on the phone. Answer his questions about your fitness habits. Question 4: How often do you exercise? Question 5: Where do you like to exercise? Question 6: Describe the benefits you get from exercise.




Questions 7-9: Respond to questions using information provided Directions: In this part of the test, you are going to answer three questions based on the information given. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions start. For each question, begin answering immediately after you hear the beep. No additional preparation time is given. You will have 15 seconds to answer Questions 7 and 8, and 30 seconds to answer Question 9. Read the information. Track 2.09




, - ---Discover Hopper College in Auckland Part-time programs for BA, BFA, MA, and MFA degrees including: Education Sustainable* Agriculture Methods Psychology and Counselling Creative Writing Sustainable* Business Practices Sustainable* Construction Practices

Tuesday, June 7, 6-8 p.m. Klick Hall (Room 344 in the Language Arts Building) This information session is free of charge. Refreshments and snacks will be provided. Book a space for yoursel£ and your family and friends, by calling 09-308-1555 or go to our website at www.hopper.edu/ auckland 766 University Drive



- - - - - - ---- - - - - - - .. *Sustainable degrees focus on environmentally-friendly methods.

Hi. I'm calling regarding the advertisement for the college that was in the Daily Journal on Monday. I was hoping you could answer some of my questions.

Question 7: When and where is the information session? Question 8: How can I sign up to come to the information session? Question 9: I heard that you have an environmentally-friendly focus. Can you tell me more about that?




Question 10: Propose a solution Track 2.10 D~rections: In this part of the test, you will be given a problem and asked to suggest a solution to it. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.

Respond as if you work at this hotel. In your response, remember to •

show that you understand the problem.

offer a solution to the problem.

Question 11: Express an opinion Track 2.11

Directions: In this question, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time provided. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. Narrator: Some people feel that friends or family of managers should not be hired at the same company. They say that this could lead to special treatment of some of the employees. What is your opinion on this issue? Give reasons to support your opinion.




Writing Test Directions

The TOEIC® Writing test has eight questions that measure various aspects of your writing ability. The test lasts approximately one hour. For each question type, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for writing. Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture

Directions: In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on the picture shown. For each picture, you will be given TWO words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words, and you can use the words in any order. Your sentence will be scored on • the appropriate use of grammar, and

• the relevance of the sentence to the picture.

You will have eight minutes to complete this part of the test. 1. [fix/ outside]

4. [roof/ should]



' .

. :_ .4/ 2. [bridge/ over] 5. [look/ while]

3. [pull/ because]

Now look at the example answers on page 166. 91



Questions 6-7: Respond to written requests Directions: In this part of the test, you will show how well you can write a response to an email. Your response will be scored on • the quality and variety of your sentences, • vocabulary, and • organization You will have ten minutes to read and answer each email.

6. Hi, I saw your advertisement for a part-time secretary. I have five years' experience working as a receptionist in a busy office, and I'm interested in applying for the position. I would like more

information on the qualifications needed for the position, and a job description.

Directions: Answer the email above. Respond as if you need a part-time secretary. In your email, give at least TWO details about the qualifications and at least ONE detail describing the position and ask at least ONE question.

7. I drove past your store the other day, and I saw the sign that said "Second-hand Goods". I would like to know exactly what you sell. Also, I would like to know your payment policy. May I bring in some items to trade in for store credit, or do I have to pay cash for everything I want to


Directions: Answer the email above. Respond as if you are the owner of a second-hand shop. In your email, give at least TWO details about the items you sell, and give at least TWO instructions about trading in items.




Question 8: Write an opinion essay Directions: In this part of the test, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion on a topic. In general, an effective essay will contain at least 300 words. Your response will be scored on • whether your opinion is supported with reasons and/or examples, • grammar, • vocabulary, and • organization. You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Some people stay in the same job their entire working life, while others choose to work in many different fields. In your view, is it better to have only one job, or many different jobs in a lifetime? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.


TEST THREE Listening and Reading General Directions This test measures your English language ability. The test is divided into two sections: Listening and Reading. You must mark all of your answers in pencil on the separate answer sheet. In this book, you can find an answer sheet for Test Three on page 204. For each question, you should choose the best answer from the answer choices provided. Then, on your answer sheet, you should find the number of the question, and select the letter of the answer that you have chosen. If you want to change an answer, completely erase your old answer, and then mark your new answer.

Section 1: Listening Listening In the Listening test, you will be asked to show how well you understand spoken English. The Listening test is approximately 45 minutes long. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book. Part 1: Photographs Track 3.01

Directions: For each question in Part 1 , you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must choose the one that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet on page 204, and mark your answer. The statements are not printed in your test book, and are spoken only once.





Track 3.01
















Part 2: Question-Response Directions: You are going to hear a question or statement, and three responses spoken in English. They are not printed in your test book, and are spoken only once. Choose the best response to the question or statement , and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet on page 204.

Track 3.02 11. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 12. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 14. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 2 7. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 38. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your response on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your response on your answer sheet.



Part 3: Conversations Directions: You are going to hear conversations between two people. You will be asked to respond to three questions about what the speakers say. Choose the best answer to each question, and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet on page 204. The conversations are not printed in your test book, and will be spoken only once. Track 3.03

41. What product is being recalled? (A) Rollerblades (B) Rollerskates (C) Surf boards (D) Skateboards 42. What is wrong with the product? (A) The handle (B) The wheel placement (C) The ugly design (D) Too fast 43. What happened to one user? (A) He lost a lot of money. (B) He broke the product. (C) He hurt his leg. (D) He hurt his arm. 44. What is the topic of the conversation? (A) Word processing software (B) Typing (C) A spelling bee (D) A dictionary 45. What is the man's problem? (A) He doesn't like to write. (B) He's not a good speller. (C) He doesn't check his work. (D) He has the wrong version. 46. What does the woman like about the program? (A) It spells everything correctly. (B) It is simple. (C) It has a new dictionary. (D) It offers help for bad writers. 47. Where are the speakers? (A) A concert venue (B) A cinema (C) A theater (D) A sports arena



48. When did the woman see the performance? (A) A decade ago (B) After graduating from university (C) Ten months ago (D) On her birthday 49. Why is the man there? (A) The tickets were a gift. (B) This is his favorite musical. (C) He loves supporting the arts. (D) He is visiting Barcelona. SO. What is the contract for? (A) A new house (B) A new job (C) Chinese lessons (D) A new sales deal

51. What is the man's problem? (A) The contract hasn 't arrived yet. (B) His friend is in China. (C) He can't completely understand the contract. (D) The salary is low. 52. How can the woman help? (A) Go to China (B) Collect a small fee (C) Call her friend (D) Translate the contract 53. Who is the man? (A) A lawyer (B) A neighbor (C) The tenant (D) The landlord 54. Why is the woman complaining? (A) She's allergic to dogs. (B) There is too much noise. (C) She hates pets. (D) She would like a pet. 55. What will the man do now? (A) Talk to the people in apartment 3D (B) Sign a contract (C) Move out (D) Take care of his dog



56. Why is their travel schedule so tight? (A) There's a lot of work to do. (B) The conference begins soon. (C) The company wants to save money. (D) They want to go sightseeing.

64. Who will Gemma buy the product for? (A) Her friends and family (B) Herself (C) The designer (D) Her manager

57. Why was the woman looking forward to going to Tokyo? (A) She loves doing business in Japan. (B) She wanted to explore a new city. (C) She likes working vacations. (D) She loves Tokyo.

65. What is the man's job? (A) Restaurant owner (B) Salesman (C) Website designer (D) Rocket launcher

58. Why will this trip be tiring? (A) There is not much time outside of working and traveling. (B) The flights are at bad times. (C) Tokyo is a very busy city. (D) They arrive very late at night. 59. What are the speakers doing? (A) Going to the library (B) Going to work (C) Riding on a bus (D) Going on a vacation together 60. Why is the bus crowded? (A) Everyone is finishing work. (B) It is going out of town. (C) It's five o'clock. (D) It's Tuesday. 61. What is the man's job? (A) Librarian (B) Children's author (C) Teacher (D) Bookstore manager


62. What are the speakers talking about? (A) A pack of gum (B) A camera (C) A video (D) An MP3 player

66. When must the website be finished? (A) Today (B) Tomorrow (C) Tonight (D) Now 67. What does the man promise to do? (A) Create an impressive site (B) Meet her tonight (C) Work on the launch (D) Work through the night 68. What did they change about the restaurant? (A) The tables (B) The menu (C) The chefs (D) The customers 69. Where were they supposed to advertise? (A) On the street (B) TV news (C) Billboards (D) In airports 70. Why has their business not grown? (A) The name is spelled wrong on their signs. (B) They're serving new food. (C) Mr. Ramsey doesn't like them. (D) Nobody knows about it.

63. What is a unique feature of the product? (A) It can post updates on the web. (B) It is sold online. (C) It is the size of a pack of gum. (D) It can make a video soundtrack.



Part 4: Talks

Directions: You are going to hear some talks given by one speaker. You are going to be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Choose the best answer to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet on page 204. The talks are not printed in your test book, and will be spoken only once. Track 3.04

71. Who is listening to this talk? (A) A waitress (B) A fitness expert (C) An elevator repairman (D) A new employee 72. Where does the tour begin? (A) A new office (B) The fitness center (C) A restaurant (D) The lobby 73. What is the speaker's opinion of the company? (A) The bosses are honest. (B) It's a nice place to work. (C) It offers valuable experience. (D) It doesn't care about the staff. 74. Where would this message be heard? (A) The phone (B) Online (C) A taxi stand (D) The radio 75. What is required for groups of five or more people? (A) An experienced driver (B) A new cab (C) Immediate help (D) 1Wo cars 76. What must you do in order to make a complaint? (A) Call a driver (B) Press four (C) Do not press anything (D) Press two



77. Who is the speaker? (A) A website designer (B) A job-skills trainer (C) A job seeker (D) A social events organizer 78. What advice was given in the past? (A) Make online connections (B) Host many events (C) Socialize as much as possible (D) Make your own website 79. What will she talk about? (A) Useful training (B) Making friends at work (C) Online networking (D) Meeting useful people at parties 80. Where is the announcement being made? (A) An office meeting (B) A film studio (C) A film preview (D) A factory 81. How many films is MJM releasing this summer? (A) Four (B) 1Wo (C) Ten (D) Six

82. What will happen Monday morning? (A) Scripts will be read. (B) Product placement in two films will be discussed. (C) Products will be seen in two movies. (D) Movie plots will be written. 83. Where is this announcement being made? (A) On a tour (B) In a restaurant (C) On a cooking show (D) On a game show 84. What will participants do in the taste test? (A) Eat a meal (B) Guess the different kinds of strawberries (C) Enjoy four different strawberry desserts (D) Taste a variety of foods



Questions 169-172 refer to the following advertisement.

~~~.~ ~~ Mti Spk'o~i's l'izzti -~~:...J




M~kin9 pizz~ Ol.fr W~Lf

One cold winter morning in 1984, Mary Spiccoli thought it would be fun to make some pizzas with her kids . They made so many that they gave some to their neighbors. Everyone loved her pizzas so much that they asked for more, and a business legend was born. At first, Mary, or "Ma" to most people, would bake at home with her kids, pack up the pizzas in her station wagon, and deliver them to some of the local markets and restaurants. Eventually, demand became too large for her little kitchen to accommodate, and she moved into a small bakery and cafe downtown, a year after making her first pizzas. Now, you can visit one of five locations around town, and taste the old Spiccoli family recipe. Come in for Happy Hour and get two pizzas for the price of one, and free soda for the kids! Daily from 5-7. Visit www.maspiccoli.com for hours, locations, and menus. 169. When did Ma Spiccoli open her first restaurant? (A) 1984 (B) One winter morning (C) 1986 (D) 1985 170. Where did Mary first bake her pizzas? (A) Downtown (B) Her home (C) In her station wagon (D) Local markets 171 . What can you get for free during Happy Hour? (A) 1\vo free pizzas (B) One pizza (C) Drinks (D) Dessert 172. According to the advertisement, what can customers NOT see online? (A) Restaurant addresses (B) Closing times (C) T)rpes of pizzas at Ma Spiccoli's (D) Ma Spiccoli's email address 113



Listening Part 4 Identifying speakers, audience, and location

Some of the questions in this part ask you where the speaker is located, who the speaker is, or who the audience may be. a. Complete sentences 1-6 with words from the boxes. people

new employee employer website designer waitress trainer flight attendants domestic travelers train passengers international travelers party planner job seeker elevator repairman


movie theater factory online phone street home film studio banquet hall sports stadium radio office boardroom

1. A man is walking through a building, looking lost, trying to find his new office. He is a .................. .

2. A person is talking about pressing numbers on a phone and choosing from various options. This is being heard on the ............. ..... . 3. A woman is standing on a stage and giving advice to a big group of people. She is a .................. . 4. A man is talking to a small group of people about a contract the company has signed with a film group. He is standing in a .................. . 5. A woman is standing on a stage, speaking to a large group of people while they finish their dinner. They are in a .................. . 6. People are listening to instructions about how to enter the international terminal of an airport. They are ................. . b. Look at your answers to Exercise a. Using your own ideas, write one action and one adjective for the people, and two adjectives for the places.

For example:

flight attendants: .~~r:!.(f!-g. t;f;Tj!l;~~~. !:t:~P~T!:~~~?f!.. movie theater: dark, loud Track 3.05 c. Now look back at questions 71, 74, 77, 80, 89, and 98 on pages 100-101. Listen to the monologues again, and think about your answers. Check your answers on pages 170-172.




85. What will guests eat in the dining room? (A) Five strawberries (B) One fruit dish (C) A snack (D) A big meal 86. What is the main theme of this TV show? (A) Auckland tourism (B) Fixing office equipment (C) Customer complaints (D) Improving office managers' effectiveness

93. Why is loud noise discouraged? (A) It is too enthusiastic. (B) It distracts other people. (C) It is a small museum. (D) It makes conversation difficult. 94. What will staff do if they take your camera? (A) Take pictures with it (B) Erase the pictures (C) Give it back later (D) Keep it

87. What kind of office is being focused on today? (A) A cell phone retailer (B) Home office (C) A call center (D) Surveyors

95. What is Janice's job? (A) Receptionist (B) Radio DJ (C) Sound technician (D) Reviewer

88. What is Mr. Maker's problem? (A) He leaves early. (B) He does not finish his work. (C) He is too strict. (D) He is too kind.

96. What is the biggest advantage of the headset? (A) It is loud. (B) It is comfortable. (C) It is heavy. (D) It has a microphone.

89. Where is the speaker? (A) At home (B) A banquet hall (C) A sports stadium (D) A board meeting

97. What is the problem with this product? (A) It puts pressure on the ears. (B) It is used by too many people. (C) It has a poor quality microphone. (D) It must be used with different computers.

90. What is being given to all the guests now? (A) Gifts (B) Dessert (C) Awards (D) Dinner

98. Who should listen to this announcement? (A) Domestic travelers (B) Train passengers (C) International travelers (D) Flight attendants

91. What does the audience expect from the speeches? (A) They will not be interesting. (B) They will be tiring. (C) They will be funny. (D) They will be valuable.

99. What can passengers leave on? (A) Jewelry (B) Socks (C) Jackets (D) Shoes

92. What is not allowed inside the museum? (A) Taking photographs (B) Focusing on art work (C) Carrying cell phones (D) Talking to other people

100. Where should liquids be placed? (A) In a metal case (B) In one bin (C) In individual bags (D) In one lOOml bag



111. Tina De Sousa will be .. .. .... ... ... ..... the role

of Cinderella. (A) creating (B) exhibiting (C) performing (D) taking in 112. Mr. Vernon would like to .... .. ............. his

account with our community bank, as he is moving to another country and needs to change to an international bank. (A) open (B) withdraw (C) deposit (D) close 113. The next train will only make two stops

between here and Venice, .. .. .. ............. to the woman at the information counter. (A) as stated (B) in accordance (C) in agreement (D) according 114. Dave has a background in .... .. ............ .

engineering, so he would be the ideal candidate for this job. (A) mechanical (B) machine (C) machination (D) machinist 115. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you will have to ............ .. ..... . (A) reschedule (B) rescheduled (C) rescheduling (D) to reschedule 116. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you can return it .. .. ........ .. .. 90 days.

(A) from (B) since

(C) within (D) until 117. Travelers that book now will receive a 20%

discount on hotel .. ........ .... .. ... in the month of June. (A) calendars (B) bookings (C) openings (D) guests



118. The new guide includes information on hotels and restaurants that has .. .. .... .. ......... been published before. (A) ever (B) ago (C) never (D) for 119. Make a right at the first signal, then go

straight ................... three miles. (A) to (B) at (C) through (D) for 120. People who eat too ...... .. ...... .. ... may

experience indigestion. (A) quickly (B) quick (C) quicker (D) quickest 121. In China, it is not ................... to bring up

problems right away in conversations. (A) moral (B) maligned (C) polite (D) patriarchal



122. That bakery sells all ............ .. ..... bread at

half price after 5 o'clock. (A) these (B) an (C) a (D) the 123. The sign says .................. . all deliveries must

be brought to the back door. (A) which (B) that (C) where (D) who 124. Commuting by bicycle would .................. . C0 2 emissions by 40 percent if just 10 percent

of the population chose this mode of transit. (A) cut (B) add to (C) validate (D) release






Section 2: Reading In the Reading test, you will read a range of texts, and answer several different types of comprehension questions. The Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and there are directions provided for each part. You should answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.

Part 5: Incomplete Sentences Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of these sentences. Four answer choices are shown below each sentence. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet on page 205.

101. The new releases this summer are much more action-packed than those from ...... ............. summer. (A) previous (B) last (C) past (D) before

106. They say the testing phase will be finished next month, .............. ..... the first prototype will be produced two months later. (A) and (B) for (C) or (D) due to

102. The lunch hour specials at Hunan Bar and Grill feature half-priced ................... , and all-you-can-eat salad and bread sticks. (A) carnivores (B) agriculture (C) beverages (D) foliage

107. If you have a smartphone, you do not need a computer, an MP3 player, or a .................. This phone does it all. (A) distance (B) camera (C) device (D) stereo

103. The new plant is ................... 30 people for the assembly line, and five office staff. (A) hired (B) hiring (C) will hire (D) hires

108. It is ................... for the person sitting at head of the table to give the first toast. (A) customers (B) costumer (C) customary (D) costume

104. Sheila, who works ........... ........ research and development, has a 3:00p.m. appointment with the boss. (A) at (B) of (C) during (D) in

109. The frame of the glasses is ................... of blue plastic, and has a one-inch logo in the top right corner. (A) published (B) made (C) founded (D) consisted

105. The import tax on perishable goods ........ .... .. ... by 8 percent in the last two years. (A) is rising (B) has risen (C) will rise (D) have risen

110. When I checked the number online, it said that the.iie~i-siiip.ment would arrive in three days' time. (A) mailed (B) boating (C) boxed (D) tracking




Part 6: Text Completion

Directions: Read the texts below. In some of the sentences, a word or phrase is missing. Four answer choices are given below each of the missing words or phrases. Choose the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet on page 205. Questions 141-144 refer to the following letter.

The Boston Concert Orchestra Dear valued member, You are cordially invited to the annual Masquerade Ball, benefiting the Boston Concert Orchestra. The ball will take Saturday, july 191h, from 7 p.m. 141. (A) on (B) off (C) after (D) place to 11 p.m. Honored donor Mr. jergins has been very generous this year by allowing the ball to be held on his grand estate in Needham. A map is enclosed this letter. 142 . (A) by (B) of (C) on (D) with Every year, the Boston Concert Orchestra hosts the magnificent Masquerade Ball to raise funds for the following performances. There is much reason to 143. (A) (B) (C) (D)

year years' years year's

be excited about the upcoming schedule. The new program includes Beethoven's masterpiece, Ode to joy. The ball this year will begin with a five-course meal at $200 a head, followed by ballroom dancing. This is a black-tie affair, with masks designed by Prada being out at the door. 144. (A) given (B) give (C) giving (D) gave RSVP before july l0 1h to reserve your place at the table and the dance. Sincerely, jann Masterson


Boston Concert Director



125. The power company now .................. . customers to pay online. (A) would allow (B) allows (C) allowed (D) will allow 126. The speaker ................... the presentation today was educated at an Ivy League school. (A) giving (B) gave (C} gives (D) is giving 127. I'm writing to ................... about a possible position in your marketing department. (A) receive (B) request (C) resign (D) enquire 128. The sales rates for this company are going up, as there is no competition for them in this market, and ................... , no other options for consumers. (A) though (B) in addition (C) nevertheless (D) therefore 129. In ................... to the letter dated 5/2/12, you have been selected as a finalist; enclosed is the information on the next stage of the competition. (A) writing (B) reference (C) disregarding (D) confirmation 130. A compromise has been reached which states that ................... companies will pay equal amounts for the restoration project. (A) one (B) every (C) both (D) each 131. The price of a towel has been added to the bill, as it was found ................... after your departure, and has to be paid for. (A) have missed (B) missing (C) missed (D) miss

132. The aerobics class is starting right . .................. this yoga class. (A) after (C) then (D) afterward (B) next 133. The singer has agreed to play at the event, on the ................... that his family can come to the show for free. (A) rule (B) condition (C) allowance (D) clause 134. These plants were such a bargain that I ................... to buy them. (A) had (C) could (B) must (D) should 135. They estimate that the fees will be approximately $1,000, and are due ................... April. (A) on (C) in (B) since (D) at 136. This course will give you the skills to pass . .................. job interview with flying colors. (A) a lot of (B) all (C) any (D) some 13 7. The new stoplight at the intersection of 5th and Madison has really made the neighborhood much ................... . (A) safe (C) more safer (B) safer (D) safest 138. The bank ................... a message saying that the loan repayment is due tomorrow. (A) said (C) left (B) made (D) talked 139. An old bicycle can cost twice as much as a new bicycle costs just because .................. . is a "vintage" model. (A) mine (B) he (C) these (D) it 140. Visitors to the maternity ward must wash their hands and ................... a medical mask before entering. (A) put on (C) put up (B) put out (D) put in




Questions 149-152 refer to the following email. From: h m n resources®danceproud. com

To: All staff Re: Time-off requests Date: 6/7/12 Dear teachers and support staff, Congratulations on making our five-year anniversary party a success yesterday! I really think all the students had a wonderful time. I some pictures of the event to this email.

149. (A) (B) (C) (D)

relayed stuck put attach

Now, I would like to address the flurry of time-off requests I've been getting. I realize in your contracts with us, it is stated that you may request any time off you would like, as long as it is at least one month in advance. There is no limit on the amount of time off you may request; however, we, as your employer, the right to deny your request. We

150. (A) (B) (C) (D)

rescue reserve reprieve retrieve

have had to deny quite a few requests this summer, and have made some of you very unhappy. Allow me to explain why we cannot let our teachers take time off all at once. Our students sign up for courses lasting from one month to three months, and they expect to have the same teacher the time. Teachers and students bond in that first week of

151. (A) (B) (C) (D)

entire limited long short

class, and this allows students to feel comfortable and relaxed in their class. This relationship of trust also allows the instructor to correct the pupils without taking away their confidence. When a substitute teacher takes over for just one class, the students do not enjoy it as much, or _ _ _ _ _ as much. We have had a lot of feedback from students about this.

152. (A) (B) (C) (D)

have learned learning learned learn

Thus, I am instituting a new policy. Only three teachers may request time off at the same time in a month. I am going to insert this clause into your contracts immediately. Please see me before the end of next week to sign your new contracts. I hope you all understand the reasons behind the new policy. Thank you, Kiko Bolshoi




Questions 145-148 refer to the following brochure.


I .

Introducing a computer with no AC adapter and no battery! You will no longer have to take your laptop or notebook out to a cafe to work. only to open it and groan with at

I 1,,'=.

145. (A) pleasure (B) excitement (C) frustration (D) delight

the "low battery" warning. No longer will you have to carefully select a seat so that your cord can reach a power . This laptop uses the most natural and readily available of power sources -the sun! 146. (A) hole (B) bill (C) company (D) outlet

The solar panels lining the outside of the shell add a mere 4oz to the overall weight, making this laptop lighter than its competitors . , the 147. (A) However (B) Also (C) But (D) Next

beautiful and durable weather-pr oof sleeve ensures that no matter what the weather, it can be left outside to capture all that natural energy . You can even throw it in a pool of water on a cloudy day, and the first solar-powered laptop will be ready in minutes. We guarantee! 148. (A) (B) (C) (D) :

going to use has been used to be using to use





Questions 156-158 refer to the following advertisement. r

- ,


The new HG Everything Printer It faxes, photocopies, scans, prints remotely, and posts directly to the Internet! This new and improved wireless printer has everything that a home office or business needs. It features all the standard functions of a printer, but adds remote access, and one-step web posting. And, the touch screen control panel makes it very easy to use!

Only $140 If you buy before March 18th*, you'll receive a $20 mail-in refund for two free replacement color cartridges, and two packages of white paper. *Only available in select Best Mart stores in Australia. Offer not valid in the USA.

L------------------------~ 156. What function does the printer NOT have? (A) Printing from a distant computer (B) Connecting to the Internet (C) Photocopying (D) Posting videos 157. Where can the customer receive the $20 discount? (A) Australia (B) The USA (C) Canada (D) All over Europe 158. What can the customer receive if purchased before March 18th? (A) Two packs of paper (B) Two cartridges of paper (C) Two pads of paper (D) Two white papers




Part 7: Reading Comprehension Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, blogs, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Choose the best answer for each question, and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet on page 205. Questions 153-155 refer to the following email. To: Janet Tsai

From: Fred Willard Re: Cafeteria food options Date: 4/9/12

Dear Ms. Tsai, My name is Fred Willard and I began working for the magazine last month, in the public relations department. I have really enjoyed my work here in the last month, but there is one small problem I'd like to bring up. I'm a strict vegetarian, both for moral, and health reasons. This has been my diet for a decade now. A big perk of working for this company is the free lunch room that all employees can use for breakfast and lunch; however, I've not been able to take advantage of this opportunity, as the vegetarian options are almost non-existent. I'm not asking for any major changes to the menus, but it would be excellent if there could be at least one option for me at each meal. I've heard good things about the quality of the food, and am looking forward to trying more of it. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, Fred Willard

153. What is the purpose of the email? (A) To complain about bad food (B) To request a more varied cafeteria menu (C) To request a longer lunch hour (D) To inform about menu changes 154. In the email, the word perk in paragraph 2, line 2, is closest in meaning to (A) Extra benefit (B) Extra money (C) Contract clause (D) Reason 155. Why can't Fred eat in the cafeteria? (A) There is no meat. (B) There is only one vegetarian dish. (C) There is not much food he can eat. (D) He brings his food every day.




Questions 164-168 refer to t he following review.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••• n Game Plans, the new comedy by Brian Siebert, the lighter side of working alongside other people is explored. Unlike many workplace-related films that only make j okes out of how terrible it is to have a 9- 5 job, this film actually recognizes that many employees enjoy not only their jobs, but also the folks they work with.


In this refreshing comedy, starring Virginia Beck as Sabrina, and Glenn Brewer as Mike, the main characters work at a golf course- she is a golf pro, and he works in the restaurant. When the golf course attendance begins to dip, Sabrina, Mike, and their co-workers develop a plan to jump-start business, and get more people golfing. Involving the local community, they introduce the sport to people wh o would never normally consider playing it, and make the course very popular in the meantime. Although the plot sounds a little thin, the writing and performances more than make up for the lack of a totally convincing story. Virginia Beck is completely believable as the older golf pro who never made it on the LPGA circuit, but has a knack for teaching others to love the game. Brewer does an amazing job as well, providing impeccable comic timing. This is a fi lm for all ages, so bri ng the family, buy some popcorn, and enjoy.

• • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •••• ••• •• •• •• • • •••• • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • 164. What is Brian Siebert's job? (A) Director (B) Author (C) Golfer (D) Actor 165. According to the review, why is this film different than other job-related movies? (A) It is about sports. (B) It is more positive. (C) The lighting is better. (D) It is about golf. 166. What problem does the business face in the film? (A) It is not supported by the community. (B) People would rather take dips in the pool. (C) A decrease in customers. (D) The golf course is old. 167. In the review, the word thin in paragraph 3, line 1, is closest in meaning to (A) Skinny (B) Dull (C) Weak (D) Fine 168. How is the performance of Glenn Brewer described? (A) Believable (B) Timely (C) Moving (D) Funny 112



Questions 159- 163 refer to the following article.

Office makeover Look around your office, cubicle, or desk. Have you had the same five pictures up ever since you started working there? Is that a picture of you and your loved one clearly from the early 90s? Does th e color scheme consist mainly of beiges, whites, and browns? Is the ambient n oise mainly coming from the busy street outside, and your co-workers' loud phone conversations? If you can answer "yes" to one or more of these questions, it's time for an office makeover! One way to definitely brighten up your work environment is to bring in some photographs that remind you of wonderful times you've shared with family or friends. When you're in the middle of a ten-hour work day, glancing up and remembering that vacation to Dubai can help put a smile on your face, and motivate you to keep going. Also, research has consistently shown that mood is directly influenced by color. For example, yellow has been proven to promote joyful moods, and greens and blues can bring about calm. Lastly, music can be an excellent way to improve your work days. We recommend some upbeat or relaxing music, such as jazz, or classical. Happy makeover! 159. What is the article mainly about? (A) noise reduction (B) changing jobs (C) old pictures should be thrown away (D) improving the work environment 160. According to the article, what office noise may be negative? (A) jazz (B) busy workers (C) people talking (D) classical music 161. In the article, the word brighten in paragraph 2, line 1, is closest in meaning to (A) make more personal (B) make more cheerful (C) make more recognizable (D) make more space 162. Why should workers bring in photographs from home? (A) They are friendly. (B) They motivate people to spring clean. (C) They make long days easier. (D) They are environmentally friendly. 163. Why is green a good color? (A) It is happy. (B) It is fun. (C) It is relaxing. (D) It is exciting. 111



Questions 173-176 refer t o the following letter

Dear editor, Last month's issue of Cycle West featured a short article on bicycle routes that are family-friendly. My girlfriend and I decided to test one out last weekend, before recommending it to friends with kids. We loaded our gear in the small bicycle trailers and set off, choosing the Spring Mountain Pass that was recommended in the magazine. Please tell all your readers that this is not a safe route for anyone, especially the section near Big Rock. The "road" is actually a very busy highway with a lot of steep climbs. We had to pull over to the side of the road when larger trucks passed because there was not enough room for those trucks and our trailers. It is very important that you correct this error in your magazine before someone gets hurt. Thank you, John and Jean H arrison Carson, C alifornia 173. What is the purpose of this letter? (A) To recommend a cycling route (B) To warn the magazine of a mistake (C) To request safer bicycles (D) To describe a bicycle trip 174. Why did the Harrisons want to try the bicycle route? (A) Their friends told them it was a good route. (B) They didn't trust the magazine. (C) They wanted to recommend it to friends who are parents. (D) They wanted to take their kids. 175. Why is the Spring Mountain Pass dangerous? (A) It is flat. (B) There are too many trailers. (C) It is too narrow. (D) There are too many families. 176. Where do the Harrisons live? (A) Big Rock (B) On a highway (C) Spring Mountain (D) Carson




Questions 177-1 80 refer to the following flyer.

Come and experience the best that nature has to offer on Praline Island! Join us in Walnutville, the gateway to Praline Island, for a hearty breakfast at Old Wives' Diner. Stay a while, enjoying freshly brewed Pacific Blend coffee, because you'll be too full to start hiking right away! When you're ready, take the shuttle bus or ride a rented bicycle to the start of the Marine Trail- one of the most beautiful hikes in the country. (Private cars are not allowed on the island.) At the top of the trail, you can relax in the Trailside Hut, a quaint little lunch spot for nature enthusiasts, offering a wide selection of snacks and meals. In the evening, go to Zen Corner Spa to ease any aches you might have after such an active day, and then dine at George's Steak House for a meal you'll never forget. Join us in April for the 3rd Annual Whale and Turtle Festival! Reserve your spot on the Whal e Boat today!

Go to www.gopralineisland.com for more information.

177. What is the purpose of this flyer? (A) To promote tourism (B) To encourage fitness (C) To advertise a restaurant (D) To promote a festival 178. What is recommended before lunch? (A) Going to the spa (B) Renting a car (C) Relaxing at the Trailside Hut (D) Eating breakfast 179. What is recommended for traveling to the Marine Trail? (A) Car (B) Bicycle (C) Hiking (D) Boat 180. Why should people go to Zen Corner? (A) To be active (B) To eat steak (C) To relieve sore muscles (D) To see whales



Questions 181-185 refer to the following coupon and email.




Tulip Fields Hotel Visit us for a romantic getaway that you will never forget. A two-night stay

From: Barney Miller To: Mr. Webster Re: Our stay 7/23-7/26

Date: 7/28

King-size bed, whirlpool, and hot tub in bedroom Japanese soaking pool on premises Two rounds on our world-famous golf course Dinner for two at our Fireside Grill

All for$100 Dear Mr. Webster, I would like to congratulate you on running such a fine establishment! I took my wife to Tulip Fields for our anniversary this year, partly due to the fabulous coupon I found online, and also because I'd heard of your sterling reputation. Upon arrival, we were greeted with flowers, cookies, and Oolong tea. I'm not sure if this is normal treatment, or because I'd told them it was our 50th anniversary. We then had a late breakfast in your Hot Potato Diner, which was tasty, and very filling. That afternoon, we played a round of golf and absolutely loved your course - challenging and beautiful. Then, after relaxing in your pool, we took advantage of the dinner for two included in the offer. The experience was truly gourmet. From the warm spinach salad starter, to the chocolate fudge cake for dessert fantastic. Then we did it all again the next day! If fact, we had such a wonderful time at your hotel for those two nights, we decided to stay an extra night. I will definitely write a positive review on your website, and tell all my friends to stay at Tulip Fields.

Sincerely, Barney Miller

181 . Why did Mr. Miller stay at Tulip Fields Hotel? (A) He likes to swim. (B) He got a good deal. (C) He and his wife loved staying there last year. (D) He loves their food.

184. How many nights did they pay the full price for? (A) None (B) Two (C) Three (D) One

182. What did the Millers have to pay extra for on the first day? (A) Breakfast

185. What will Mr. Miller do now? (A) Write to newspapers (B) Write an online review of Thlip Fields (C) Review the hotel in a magazine (D) Take his wife to Tulip Fields

(B) Golf

(C) Spa treatments (D) Spinach salad 183. What did the Millers do when they finished playing golf? (A) Stayed an extra night (B) Ate dinner (C) Went to the Japanese pool (D) Sat in their hot tub 116



Questions 186-190 refer to the following day-planner page and blog post. Monday August 5

Tuesday August 6

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pv-oofv-ee~ c\ v-e.s~AVVte,

.seV\.-c\ to .see~ V\,et. COVVt foLLow-lAp cC!LL to IT New:; C!V\.-c\ Tecl-1 TI!LR- Toc\C!kj p~cR- lAP c\v-u-cLee~V\.,~V\.,g


wv-~tLV\.,g .se~ VVtpLe

1.0 C!.VVt.

to Tecl-1 Til LR,

cl-1ecR- cLe~.s.s~fl--ec\.s OV\.- VVtC!c.sL~.st.coVVt c\~V\.,V\.,ev- w~tl-1 Me~v-t~V\.-C! -7 p.VVt.

August7 This week has brought a lot of promising news on the job-hunt front! Last week I decided to dedicate myself full-time to finding work. After graduating last May, I haven't really been looking too hard. I was just happy to have finished my journalism degree, making it through the finals, and actually finishing near the top of my class. But after a long, relaxing summer, my funds are beginning to run a bit low, and I'm finally ready to work. So, I made an appointment to get my hair cut, and finally took in my one suit to be cleaned. I sent my resume to a couple magazines last month, so I called them again on Monday to see if there was anything else they needed from me . Surprisingly, Tech Talk Today, one of the more popular technology publications, wanted to see a sample of my work. I think that's quite a positive development. Then, on Tuesday, I had an interview for a position as a web editor. They loved me! It's only a parttime job right now, but if my articles get enough hits, they'll hire me full-time! (So, if you're reading this blog, go to seanet.com and read my reviews, please!) But the biggest news is this: as of Tuesday night, I officially have a fiancee! She said yes! I really don't think this week can get any better.

186. What did Sibusiso do last week? (A) Made appointments (B) Got a new girlfriend (C) Bought a new suit (D) Finished his finals 187. When did he graduate? (A) In August (B) Last month (C) Three months ago (D) Last week 188. Before Monday, who had he already sent a resume to? (A) The Daily News (B) macslist.com (C) Tech Talk (D) seanet.com

189. According to his blog, what happens to Sibusiso if people read his reviews on seanet. com? (A) More people will also read his blog. (B) He gets a full-time position. (C) seanet.com will review his blog. (D) He will get an interview. 190. Why did he have dinner with Martina? (A) He wanted her to proofread his resume. (B) He wanted to tell her about his new job. (C) It was at 7 p.m. (D) He asked her to marry him.




Questions 191-195 refer to the following letter and article. Dear valued subscriber, In this month's issue of Healthy Life, we are including something special for our more tech-savvy readers. This app, called Accu-Discover, allows readers with smartphones to access more information on the topics in the magazine. For example, if you are reading an article on growing your own food, you can click on the symbol in the text and your phone will connect you to a website for buying seeds, or online pictures of home gardens. This is our first issue to use this app, so please log on to our website, www.healthyapps.usa, and let us know how you like it. For those of you with a smartphone, all you have to do is follow the directions below.


!: ,

1. Download the free Accu- Discover app. 2. Launch the app and watch the introduction video. 3. Look for the Accu-Discover symbol

~ throughout Healthy Life, and click on the symbol.

4. Check your phone for the connection, and wait for the icon to appear on the phone's screen. If the icon doesn't appear within 30 seconds, click on the symbol again.


5. Touch the icon that appears on your phone's screen, and experience the healthy virtual life!


Looking to relocate? Check out our best cities list! We surveyed over a thousand readers to discover which urban environments offered the most nourishing atmosphere for the mind and body. 1. Los Cielos, CA

From biking and hiking around this hilliest of western cities, to taking in one of the many affordable, nightly theater performances this city has it all.


2. jefferson City, MO

Not only is the employment rate one of the highest in the nation, but this city also has the most museums and monuments per square mile. It's a great place to work and learn.


3. Billyburb, CO


If snow sports and amazing food are high on your agenda, this place is a must-see. Come for a vacation, and you might not want to leave. 4. Davis, TX

These days, this southwest town is famous for its music scene. There are at least 20 concerts choose from every night, and the Mexican food is fantastic.


5. Portville, OR

This city has the highest number of bike commuters~ in North America, and the greatest density of city parks. A healthy heaven!




191. What is the purpose of the letter? (A) To help people work the Accu-Discover app (B) To describe a new magazine article (C) To thank magazine subscribers (D) To advertise a smartphone 192. What should readers do before looking for the symbols in the magazine? (A) Touch the icon on the phone's screen (B) Watch a tutorial (C) Check the phone for the connection (D) Buy the app 193. Who decided these cities were good to live in? (A) Magazine editors (B) People that read the magazine (C) A health organization (D) Residents of those cities 194. What information about Los Cielos will most likely be provided by the Accu-Discover app? (A) Street map (B) Film reviews (C) A movie theater guide (D) A schedule of plays and musicals 195. What information about Portville will most likely be provided by the Accu-Discover app? (A) Cycling map (B) Telephone book (C) List of museums (D) Restaurant guide




Questions 196-200 refer to the following notice and email.

Attention! 50,000 pairs of Clanks shoes are being recalled to the factory. These shoes were marketed to healthcare professionals, and it has been proven that they are not safe to be worn in hospitals and clinics with linoleum floors. The rubber soles are faulty, and have caused numerous injuries. If you purchased a pair of Clanks between January 2008, and December 2011, please call l-800-475-2937 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CT, Monday-Friday, or email the company at [email protected]. You will receive a full refund.

To: Clanks representative

From: Daisy Raineer Re: Product recall Date: 2/2012 Dear Sir or Madam, I recently saw a product recall notice at a local supermarket for your shoes. I bought a navy blue pair of Clanks a year ago, and had so many problems with them that I stopped wearing them after two months. I tried them again a little while later, but the rubber soles stuck to the hospital hallway, and caused me to fall forward. As I result of the fall, I injured my knee quite badly. Right after that incident, I threw them away. I was also in physical therapy for six months for my knee. I believe I deserve a refund, and maybe some compensation for the pain caused by wearing these shoes. I can show you a credit card statement from that year, which shows the date and the name of the product purchased. Is this enough proof to receive a refund from your company? Waiting for your reply, Daisy Raineer

196. What customers did Clonks advertise to? (A) Hospital cleaners (B) Physicists (C) Floor polishers (D) Nurses and doctors

199. How long did Daisy keep the Clanks shoes? (A) She still has them. (B) Six months (C) Less than one year (D) Two months

197. In order to receive a refund, when does the receipt have to be dated? (A) 02/ 2001 (C) 1/ 08-12/ 11 (B) 01/2000 (D) 01/2012

200. What does Daisy want to receive? (A) A refund, and money for her injury (B) A new pair of shoes (C) A credit card (D) Medication

198. Why did Daisy write the email? (A) She lost her receipt. (B) She saw a recall announcement. (C) She wants a new pair of shoes. (D) She works at a supermarket.




Reading Part 7 Identifying meaning from context Some questions in this part ask you to find a word in the text and then choose the correct meaning of the word. You must read the whole sentence containing the word, and maybe a sentence before or after, to match it to an appropriate meaning.


Watch out!

When choosing an answer in this question type, do not choose the first meaning that you know. Take time to look at the text and think about the context.

a. Read the sentence and think about the meaning of the underlined word. Then, write the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb), and a definition in your own words. Do not use a dictionary. 1. The big perks of working for this magazine company are the free breakfast and lunch, the employee fitness center located in the building, and free tickets to professional football games once a month.

2. Some methods to brighten up your work environment are to bring in some photographs of friends and family, paint the walls a lively color, and play some lively music.

3. Although the plot sounds a little thin, the writing and performances more than make up for any lack of story.

b. Use a dictionary to check the definitions of the underlined words in Exercise a. There will be a few definitions to choose from, so you should think carefully about which one matches the sentences. Compare your ideas with the answers on page 177. c. Write your own sentences using the underlined words in Exercise a. Each sentence should have at least six words. 1.....................................................................................................................................................

2. 3 .................................................................................................................................................... . d. Now look back at questions 154, 161, and 167 on pages 109, 111 and 112. Check your answers on pages 175 and 176.




Speaking Test Directions

The TOEIC® Speaking test contains 11 questions that measure various aspects of your speaking ability. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. For each question type, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for preparation and speaking. You should attempt to say as much as you can in the time allowed. It is also important that you speak clearly, and that you answer each question according to the directions. Questions 1-2: Read a text aloud Track 3.06

Directions: In this part of the test, you will read the following texts out loud. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read each text out loud.


Have you ever seen a man ride a bicycle through fire? Have you ever seen two people fall 50 feet and land safely? You can see all of this and more this Sunday! The Amazing Angels are coming to town! The Angel family has been performing for over 30 years all over the world, and now they are coming to Bishop, California. Tickets are available right now for only $15; however, they are selling out quickly. There will be a show at 2 p.m., 6 p.m., and 9 p.m. Bring the whole family, and prepare to be amazed!

2. If you are heading to the beach this summer, you probably need something to read. For those of you who do not like long novels, we have just the thing. Comic books! That's right- comics are not just for kids anymore. At King Comics on Thistle Avenue, our expert staff can help you find a story that will keep you interested and entertained. So, before you pack your beach bag , come into our store. You can pick up something awesome to read for your vacation , and it won't take all summer to finish!




Question 3: Describe a picture

Track 3.06 Directions: In this question, you will describe the picture shown in as much detail as possible. You have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you have 45 seconds to talk about the picture.

Questions 4-6: Respond to questions Directions: In this part of the test, you are going to answer three questions. For each question, start responding immediately after you hear the beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6.

Track 3.06 Narrator: A new local restaurant is doing some research. Imagine that a representative has called you on the phone. Answer his questions about your preferences for eating out. Question 4: How often do you eat out? Question 5: What kind of restaurants do you like? Question 6: Describe your idea of the perfect restaurant.




Questions 7-9: Respond to questions using information provided Track 3.06

Directions: In this part of the test, you are going to answer three questions based on the information given. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions start. For each question, begin answering immediately after you hear the beep. No additional preparation time is given. You will have 15 seconds to answer Questions 7 and 8, and 30 seconds to answer Question 9.

BLOGLANDIA- 2012 If you are a professional blogger, or interested in becoming one, this is a must-see event. When? March 2-4

Where? Phraya Halt Bangkok, Thailand

March 2 3p.m.

How to attract readers over 50


Meeting your goals


Marketing a blog for small businesses


Opening banquet

March 3


Reading blogging contracts


Social media trends for business

11 a.m.

Attracting advertisers

1 p.m.

Turning your posts into books


Slogging for small businesses

March 4 10a.m.

Marketing to technophobes

11 a.m.

How to write your biodata

12 p.m.

Awards lunch

1 p.m.

Speech by surprise guest

How much? Individuals - 3 days: $140, or pay per day: $50 Small groups- 3 days: $120/person, or 1 day: $45/person

Narrator: Hi there. I saw an advertisement for your blog conference and I was hoping you could give me some more information on it. Question 7: I'm not sure if I can make it the first day. What would I miss? Question 8: How much does it cost? Question 9: Which sessions are related to business on the yct and 41h? 124



Question 10: Propose a solution Track 3.06

Directions: In this part of the test, you will be given a problem and asked to suggest a solution to it. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. Respond as if you work for this shoe store. In your response, remember to •

show that you understand the problem

offer a solution to the problem

Question 11: Express an opinion Track 3.06

Directions: In this question, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time provided. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.

Narrator: Some people prefer to have jobs with flexible hours so they can choose the hours they work. Others, however, prefer to have jobs with regular hours every day. Which situation is better? Give reasons to support your opinion.




Speaking Questions 7-9 Track 3.07 Listen to two examples of answers for Questions 7-9, Test 3. Which set of answers is better? Write down reasons to support your decision .

.......................................................................................... ....... ...... .... ........................ ...... ...... ............. ········ ········· ····················································· ········· ·············· ········· ··· ········· ·········································· Speaking Question 10 Phrases for problems and solutions

In this question, you will hear an explanation of a problem, and you have to offer a solution. Your answer must be organized well and show a clear understanding of the problem you are addressing, before offering a clear solution. This must be done in one minute. a. To show you understand the situation, first summarize the problem in your own words. You can use the following phrases:

Hello, this is

calling in reference to a message I recently received.

I'd like to address the problem/issue/trouble/difficult situation you are in. I understand that ... [summarize problem here in 1-3 sentences]. Track 3.07 b. Listen to the two problems and write a summary of them in your own words in 1-3 sentences. Use the phrases from Exercise a. 1 .................................................................................................................................................... .

2. ································································· ·· ········ ···· ················ ··· ················· ···· ·····························

Offer a solution

c. After summarizing the problems, write two possible solutions to each problem in Exercise b, using the following phrases:

In order to address this problem/issue, I would like to ... I believe the best way to resolve this difficult situation would be to ... One remedy would be to ... I feel/think the answer to your problem is to ... 1 ....................................................................... .. ..... .. ................... ....... .......... ................................ . 2 .................................................................................................................................................... .

d. Choose the best solution from Exercise c. Now, practice giving a complete answer using your ideas from b and c in 60 seconds.

e. Now look back at question 10 of the test on page 125, and try your answer again, using the advice above.




Speaking Question 11 Phrases for opinions and support

In this question, you have to offer a clear and strong opinion in one minute. Stating your opinion a. Use the following phrases to express your opinion on the issues below. An example has been done for you.

I (strongly/ really) feel/ believe that. .. I am of the opinion that ... To my mind, .. . In my view, .. . There is no doubt in my mind that. .. To be honest, I think that ...

Watch out!

After opinion phrases, you must give an opinion , such as I believe that money does not equal happiness. Do not follow the phrases with a fact, such as I believe that many people need money.

1. Choosing a job you love vs. choosing a job with a high salary I strongly believe that choosing a job that I love is more important than undertaking a career merely for the salary. Since so much of our life is dedicated to work, I think that our energy should be put toward something that would make us happy, as we all know that money alone does not necessarily equal happiness.

2. Flexible hours vs. regular hours

3. Living in a big city vs. living in a small town

4. Going to a live music concert vs. listening to recorded music




Adding examples b. Use the following phrases to support your opinions. An example has been done for you.

For example/ instance, ... More specifically, .. . One example that comes to mind is .. . To give you an example, .. . To illustrate, .. . Take [noun] for example.

1. Choosing a job you love vs. choosing a job with high salary I strongly believe that choosing a job that I love is more important than undertaking a career merely for the salary. Since so much of our life is dedicated to work, I think that our energy should be put toward something that would make us happy, as we all know that money alone does not necessarily equal happiness. Take myself for example. I worked as a lawyer for many years, as it was a job that came with not only a high salary, but also status. I assumed that if I had those things in my life, then I would automatically be happy. However, I was not cut out for that job, and I dreaded going to work every day. I really don't think the long hours would have been that bad if I had enjoyed my career. Then, I decided to follow my love of photography. I took some classes, and now I have my own business. I still put in very long hours, but I absolutely love my job, and can't wait to meet new clients and start on new projects.

2. Flexible hours vs. regular hours

3. Living in a big city vs. living in a small town

4. Going to a live music concert vs. listening to recorded music

c. Now look back at question 11 of the test on page 125 and try your answer again, using the advice above and your notes from question 2 in this section.




Writing Test Directions

The TOEIC® Writing test has eight questions that measure various aspects of your writing ability. The test lasts approximately one hour. For each question type, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for writing. Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture

Directions: In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on the picture shown. For each picture, you will be given TWO words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words, and you can use the words in any order. Your sentence will be scored on • the appropriate use of grammar, and

• the relevance of the sentence to the picture.

You will have eight minutes to complete this part of the test. 1. [play jon]

4. [row /place]

2. [stop/ outside] 5. [prepare/before]

3. [dog/ while]




Questions 6-7: Respond to written requests Directions: In this part of the test, you will show how well you can write a response to an email. Your response will be scored on • the quality and variety of your sentences, • vocabulary, and • organization. You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each email. We have a new cooking course opening this summer! The course will last one week and will only be open to a maximum of 50 people. However, due to t he limited number of spots, there will be an assessment to determine if your cooking skills are of a sufficient level for this advanced course. If you are interested, send us an email for further information .

Directions: Answer the email above. Respond as if you are interested in the cooking course. In your email, give ONE detail about yourself, make at least TWO requests for information, and ask ONE question about the exam.

I heard about your charity organization from a friend, and I am interested in possibly donating some money. There are so many wonderful charities to choose from, but I can only afford to choose one. Please send me some information on the work your organization does. In addition, I might be interested in volunteering for you next year with my family. What volunteer opportun ities do you have?

Directions: Answer the email above. Respond as if you work for a charity organization. In your email, give at least TWO details of the work your charity does, and TWO details about volunteer opportunities.




Question 8: Write an opinion essay Directions: In this part of the test, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion on a topic. In general, an effective essay will contain at least 300 words. Your response will be scored on •

whether your opinion is supported with reasons and/or examples,


vocabulary, and


You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Many people are of the opinion today that newspapers are not needed any more, while others feel that these printed forms of news still have a place. In your view, should newspapers still be printed? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.




Writing Questions 6-7

Watch out!

Read the two example answers for Question 6, on page 130. Write three reasons why the first email is a better response than the second email. 1. Dear Sir/ Madam, My name is Ryanne King, and I am writing regarding the cooking course being offered this summer. I have been cooking for 20 years, and have been told by many friends and family that I am an excellent cook, and I am interested in learning some new techniques.

Many students do not plan because they are worried they will not have enough time. If you do not plan, your answer will not be organized and you won't get a good score. Practice the timing for the exam including planning, writing and checking. See Strategy 4 on page 13 for further help .

I have a couple questions. Firstly, how many spots are available? Also, is there a curriculum I can look at online? I would like to know what techniques will be focused on, as I do not want to take the course if it is teaching methods that I am already familiar with. Furthermore, about the assessment, do I have to bring any of my own cooking tools and materials, or will all of that be supplied? I would appreciate a response at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Ryanne King 2. Hi there, I am a very good cook. I want to know about your cooking class. What things will you teach me? What will be on the assessment? Thanks, Ryanne

Writing Question 8 Organizing an opinion essay

For this question, you must write a formal essay expressing and supporting your opinion on a given topic. You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and check your work. Planning a. Every writer must take some time to brainstorm and plan before writing. In this part of the test, you should take 2-3 minutes to plan your essay.

Complete the following plans with your own ideas. Write down everything you think of, as there is no right or wrong answer when planning. Writing down many ideas gives you a lot to choose from when you begin to write.

1. Some people prefer to take long vacations, while others like to have many short ones throughout the year. Which would you prefer?

A.AY. .~:: .tJ!t:e.. ~ ..V.~: ......... . A. ~

t.O. . tr.~far_ ~

[main idea]

1 . .~ .~. tt4:e.a.:~. oj~t.O.. ii~t.o

a. b. 132

S.~/r~~. . C/t#.e~. .l't.rt!.~~ --




-~- qi:.-~~~- ~- f:O...~..~. ~e. ./7jj. ~ ........................ . a. .I.~t~ .. ............................ ........... .......................................... .. . . b.

B. -~

f:O. .r.~ e:ttjoy1'.~. 1.

[main idea]

-~- ~- ~ oy_ft{/p t:o. ~0.. '1f. ..tl1!!.~t... .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

...................... .

a. ~;$f:jtA4~. ~.!~Pf.- ~. !.~qy. b.efo!e.3~- b.~_f:O...~~-­ .tl1! .A.1 ..... ~ b.

2. ~f:O.~n: .a. .~ . ~ -3e-f.0!o..a. . ~ -~Y

............... .

a . .tr.~~e.(t.O. .!t.a!y1 _ ~#..0:. ~':0j.e _~ft! a..~- ~ .~ ~e./t1!...... two ...uum.tiU ............... b.

2. Many people are of the opinion today that newspapers are not needed any more, while others feel that these printed forms of news still have a place. In your view, should newspapers still be printed? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion. M


.. . '}'~: ........... ....... . .. . ...................... ............. . .......................... ........ ....... ... .

[main idea]

A. 1. ................... ..... ........ ............. ... . ........ .... ............. ................... ............ ....... .


·· ······ ············· ·· ······· ·•····· ··············· ······· ···· ········ ·································· ·········


······ ········· ·· ····· ······· ········ ········ ·························· ····· ···· ······· ···"'


. ... ....... ..... ········· •···························· ···················· ··· ··········

a. b.

. ......... ........ ..................................... .... ........... ······ ················· ············ ················· ·········· ·······

................ ....... ... ...... .......... .. ···· ···················· ········

............. ......................

··········· ······· ... ........ ... .

[main idea]

B. 1 . .............. ... ........ ......... ............... .......................

············ ·· ·

.. ....... ....... .. ....................... ...... .............. ...

a. b.


........................................ .... ....................................... ........... ........................... ....................... ......................................... .......................... .. ............ .

a. ·············-·····-········-·· ··-········ ················ ·····-······ ····-·· ··-··· ····-······-······ ·-·· ·


.................. ............ .. ................. ..... ....... ........ ...................

··-·······-·· ····-··· ··· ·-··-·············-·-······--··· ···-··




3. Some people believe that students with higher marks should be taught separately, while others feel that all students should learn together. What is your opinion on this issue? M



.... !}' .~·............... .


[main idea]


a. b. 2.

........................................... ............................................................................................ ,

a. b.


..... ...... .............. .... ...................................................................... ········-······

[main idea]

1. a.

b. 2.

a. b. Writing b. Read the question and the model essay below, then answer the questions that follow.

Some people are of the opinion that advertising is too powerful today, and that it makes people buy too many things they do not need; others, however, disagree. What is your opinion? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion. 1 The popular cable television series Mad Men depicts the beginning of the power of advertising in the 1950s and 1960s. This is when the industry really took off in America. Many people are of the opinion that advertising, though fantastic, merely reflects what people need, so that they can then buy the products. I disagree, however. I feel that advertising has grown into such an enormous business that it 5 creates need, not fulfills it. Firstly, we can see this invention of want in entertainment goods. Countless commercials depict gorgeous products such as flat screen televisions, blue-ray DVDs, and cameras that are so small and pretty they look like jewelry. I honestly do not believe that anyone actually needs to purchase these extremely expensive goods. Nevertheless, the advertisements are so powerful, that they convince 10 consumers that they not only want to spend the money on these entertainment devices, but they actually need these things in order to be happy. What is more, this same trend can be seen in the amount of food that people buy and consume on a daily basis. Although it's clear that people do need food to survive, I would say that the food being advertised is usually unhealthy, and therefore it is not what is actually required by our bodies. For 15 example, a survey conducted by Media Matters in 2009 found that only one out of 20 food ads focused on fruit and vegetables, while over 60 percent of commercials were paid for by fast-food restaurants serving food that was greasy, cheap, and very unhealthy. 134



To sum up, commercials do have enormous sway in what and how much people buy, and this need will only grow more powerful in the foreseeable future. I think that the authorities should recognize this phenomenon, 20 and take future steps to curb advertising, hopefully encouraging people to think for themselves. 1. What is the author's opinion?

2. Where does she first state her opinion? 3. What are the main ideas of paragraphs 2 and 3? 4. Check the information that is found in the conclusion. Restate main points from the body


Reasons/examples to support opinion


Restate opinion on topic


Future prediction of topic


Recommendation for solutions



c. Every writer must check their work when they have finished. On the TOEIC® tests, checking your work for grammar and vocabulary can lead to a higher grade. You should check one aspect at a time. First, check the structure of the essay. Make sure there is only one main idea in each body paragraph. Then make sure every sentence has new information. Underline structural mistakes in the paragraph below. One major reason for taking one longer vacation, as opposed to many shorter ones, is having time to travel to locations that are very far away. If one lives in North America or Europe, a trip to South Africa or Chile might take up to two days of travel time to reach. Sometimes, it takes a couple days to fly to another country. After so much effort expended in transit, jet lag would surely take effect and steal another few days from the vacationer. The person traveling would lose many days. In addition, a longer vacation could afford someone time to learn a new skill, such as a new language. For example, one could fly to Italy, take an immersion language course for two weeks, then spend another month just living there and practicing the language every day. d. Rewrite the underlined text from Exercise c to improve the structural problems.




e. After checking the structure, go back to the beginning of the essay and check the vocabulary. •

Look for repeated words and replace them with synonyms.

• •

Check spelling. Replace simple words (i.e. good, bad, thing) with more advanced vocabulary (i.e. excellent, negative, item).

Now underline vocabulary problems in the paragraph below. One chief reason for eliminating printed newspapers is that they are bad for the enviroment. First, all the paper that is used for them is bad for the environment. Not only are good trees disapeering, but a lot of garbage is created. Trees are a good for things, and garbage is not good. Secondly, the transportatoin of newspapers requires motorized vehicles, and vehicles make air pollusion. If people only read things online, then a lot of carbon dioxide would be eliminated from our atmosfera. f. Rewrite the paragraph from Exercise e to improve the vocabulary problems. Then check your answers from Exercise e on page 178 .

....... .. ......................... ... ....... .............. .. .......... ... ...... .............. .. .. .... ... ............. ..... ........... .......................

g. Finally, check your essay for grammar problems. There are many grammar errors that can be checked for, but the following should always be focused on:

Verb tense/form

Singular/plural nouns

Use of articles

h. Rewrite this paragraph correctly. Then check your answers on page 178.

First off, students of different abilities who study together can learn about teamwork. In today's globalized world, this skill is especially valuable. For example, if one work as a graphic designer, he or she may be get a job in a technical company. The graphic designer most likely has had a creative mind, but still must work with engineer and accountant. All three people had very different skill sets, yet, in order to complete a project, they must cooperate with each other and will listen to each other's opinions. This idea of working with different person does not stop in one's office; with the global nature of today's marketplace, workers were often called upon to collaborate with people in other countries. For instance, it would not be unimaginable for a salesman in London to work with client in Dubai and factory owners in Taiwan.







KEY AND EXPLANATION Test Strategies p6 Strategy 1 Listening Part 1 (possible answers) 1. kids, young people, restaurant, table, waitress, food, straw, friends, water, tray, stools, cook 2. two girls, look at, purse, bag, mom, help, daughter, sister, try on, clothes, store, pants, on sale, tag, hang 3. businessman, man, read, newspaper, chair, TV, briefcase, lamp, hotel, bed, computer, phone, planner, agenda, paperwork, pen Listening Part 2 (possible answers) 1. Have you ever been to Mexico? ~ No, I haven't. I Yes, I went last year. I Yes, three times, actually. 2. Do you want to take a lunch break in an hour? ~ No, I have too much work to do. I Sure. What do you want to eat? 1 Definitely. I'm starving. 3. Did you finish that proposal yet? ~ No, I'm still working on it. I I finished it this morning. 1 Not yet. There's still a lot of research to do. Reading Parts 5 and 6 1. part of speech: noun possible words: document, spreadsheet, presentation, slide, image, file 2. part of speech: adverb possible words: quickly, speedily, fast, right away, immediately 3. part of speech: adjective possible words: excellent, incredible, amazing, entry-level

Strategy 2 Listening Part 1 1. Correct answer: (B) (A) He is eating. (eliminate - He is smiling.) (B) There is a variety of pastries in the case. (C) There is a wedding happening. (eliminate- There is no wedding in the picture.) (D) There is a breakfast buffet. (eliminate- We do not see a buffet or breakfast food.)

Listening Part 2 b. Correct answer: (C) (A) It starts at 5 o'clock. (B) Everything is 10 percent off. (C) We drove about 20 miles. c. Answers (A) and (B) should be crossed out. (A) because it is a time, not a distance (B) because the question is not about a sale, but a sales conference Listening Part 3 b. Correct answer: (B) (A) He stole one in the past. (B) He wanted to discourage someone from stealing it. (C) Orange is his favorite color. (D) It was a present for the woman. c. Answers (A), (C), and (D) should be crossed out. (A) because he didn't steal a bicycle, but his was stolen by someone else, (C) because his favorite color is not mentioned, and (D) because he says the new bike is his. Listening Part 4 b. Correct answer: (C) (A) Write out the details of the proposal (B) Find the new clients (C) Proofread the Power Point slides (D) Do a team review c. Answers (A), (B), and (D) should be crossed out. (A) because writing is not mentioned, (B) because finding the clients is not mentioned, and (D) because that is Tom's job. Reading Parts 5 and 6 a. 1. Correct answer: (D) (A) Coming - not a main verb (B) Comes - does not agree with the time reference or plural subject (C) Are coming - is not the correct tense 2. Correct answer: (D) (A) Or - not a choice (B) Although - not a contrast (C) However - not a contrast

Strategy 3 Listening Part 3 a. 1. new bicycle 2. last bike c. 1. (A) 2. (D)

Listening Part 4 a. 1. Who/hour 2. What/team/do c. 1. (B) 2. (A)

Reading Part 7 a. 1. Where/buy /ingredients 2. How much/soup/buys/coffee c. 1. (B)

2. (A)

TEST ONE: Listening and Reading Section 1: Listening The first answer given is the correct option.

Part 1: Photographs p15 1.

(A) The picture shows three people looking at each other and smiling, so they are probably having a conversation. (B) There are no phones in the picture. (C) There aren't any calendars in the picture. (D) The people aren't giving money to anyone. 2.

(B) The picture shows a man eating food from a plate. (A) There is no newspaper in the picture. (C) The people are in a restaurant or cafe, not in a grocery store. (D) He is holding a knife and fork to eat something, not holding some drawing tools. 139




13 .

(C) The picture shows different types of boats on the water. (A) The picture does not show a family sailing. (B) The picture shows many boats, not a couple of boats. (D) The people are standing, not sleeping.

(A) The picture shows her coworker talking to her at her desk. (B) The people are talking to each other, not talking on the phone. (C) The man is standing next to the woman; he is not sitting beside the woman. (D) The people are not touching a light switch, so they are not turning off the lights.

(B) The question asks for an arrival time for the repairperson, and (B) responds by saying he has not arrived yet. (A) is incorrect because it responds to a question about your arrival time. (C) responds to a yes/ no question.

4. (D) The picture shows people

standing on the platform. (A) There is no taxi in the picture. (B) The people are on a train platform, not at an airport. (C) The train hasn't arrived yet, so the people are not boarding the train. 5.

(A) The picture shows three boys standing next to a car. (B) The picture does not show a family in the vehicle; the people are outside of the car. (C) The picture shows the car being lifted by a device, not by the boys. (D) The picture shows three boys, not five boys. 6. (B) The picture shows the people eating popcorn. (A) The people are sitting down; they are not in line. (C) The people are probably watching a movie; they are not reading books. (D) The people are in a movie theater, so they are not at home.

7. (C) The picture shows a man


(A) The picture shows a woman building a bicycle. (B) The woman is standing, so she is not riding a bicycle (C) The woman is not handing over money to pay and is not in a store, so she is not buying a new bicycle. (D) The woman is in a factory, so she is not walking to the factory.

Further Practice and Guidance p17 Listening Part 1 a. Answers will vary. b. talk, converse, stand c. A 1. She is sitting at a table/ smiling. 2. They are sitting at a table/ smiling. 3. He is sitting at a table/smiling/ eating his breakfast. e. B Part 2: Question-Response p18 11.

leaning on the desk. (A) The man is not sitting in the chair. (B) The man is awake, so he is not going to sleep. (D) The man is not touching the computer, so he is not turning on the computer.

(C) The question is How far ... ?, which asks for a distance. (C) is the only response that gives a distance. (A) is incorrect because it responds to a question about the duration of time. (B) is incorrect because it responds to a question about a specific time.


12 .

(B) The picture shows the people

(A) The question requests a choice of ordering or waiting. (A) makes a choice. (B) is incorrect because it responds to the wrong meaning of party. (C) is a response to a yes/no question, and does not answer the request.

shaking hands. (A) She is sitting down , so she can't be walking through the door. (C) She is looking at the man, so she's not looking out of the window. (D) She is shaking hands, so she's not writing in a notepad. 140

14. (A) is an appropriate response to the question that asks for an amount of people. (B) and (C) are incorrect because they respond to the wrong meaning of line.

15 . (A) The question asks for a

response with an adjective to describe business. (B) is incorrect because it responds with a description of a man, not business. (C) is incorrect because it responds with a time, not a description of business. 16. (C) is the correct answer because the question asks Did you ... ? and

the answer responds with the correct verb agreement, I did. (A) responds to a question about time. (B) responds to a question about a person. 17. (B) is the correct answer because the question asks about a future arrangement, and it includes the phrase going in the fall in the response. (A) is incorrect because it's an opinion, and doesn't respond to a question about a future arrangement. (C) is incorrect because it responds to a question about the past, not about a future arrangement.

18. (B) is the correct answer because the question asks Have you met ... yet? and the answer responds with I have and introduced, meaning that the people met each other. (A) is incorrect because it is the wrong meaning of manage (be able to), and responds with fix . (C) is incorrect because it's a response about the purchase of a car (bought), not a person.




(C) is the correct answer because the question asks about the location of the speaker's phone. (A) is incorrect because it responds with information about the phone of the person answering. (B) is incorrect because it responds with a phone number.

(C) is the correct answer because the question asks for the location of a place. (A) is incorrect because it provides an opinion about a show, and doesn't respond to the question about the location. (B) is incorrect because it responds to the location of a person, not a place.


(B) is the correct answer because the question asks for a description of the interview, and the answer responds with an adverb, well. (A) is incorrect because it responds to a question about time. (C) is incorrect because it responds to a question about a time in the future. 21.

(A) is the correct answer because the question asks about a time in the future. (B) is incorrect because it responds to a question about the subject of the report, not a time. (C) is incorrect because it responds to a question about an amount, and refers to the past. 22.

(C) is the correct answer because the question asks for an explanation. (A) is incorrect because it does not offer a logical explanation. (B) is incorrect because it refers to the opposite situation. 23 .

(A) is the correct answer because it responds to the invitation in the question. (B) is incorrect because it is the wrong meaning of work (to function). (C) is incorrect because it is an offer, not a response. 24 .

(A) is the correct answer because the question asks for a yes or no answer about a future arrangement and the answer responds with definitely, which means yes. (B) is incorrect because it is the wrong meaning of train (mode of transportation) . (C) is incorrect because it responds to a question about a past event, not a future arrangement.

26 .

(B) is the correct answer because the question asks if the person wants some food, and the person answering says no because the person is not hungry. (A) is incorrect because it responds with an opinion about something that isn't food. (C) is incorrect because it responds with information about another person, not the speaker. 27 .

(B) is the correct answer because the question asks Did you ... ? and it is about a first-class seat. The response is No, I didn't, because first-class seats are expensive. (A) is incorrect because slept doesn't respond to the question about the reservation. (C) is incorrect because a first-class seat reservation must be on a plane, or train, not at a restaurant. 28.

(A) is the correct answer because the question asks for an opinion about an art exhibition. (B) is incorrect because it responds to a question about a location, not an opinion. (C) is incorrect because it responds to a question about information, not an opinion. 29 .

(C) is the correct answer because the key question words are How much, which ask for a price. (A) is incorrect because it responds with an opinion, not the price. (B) is incorrect because it responds with a description of the jeans, not the price. 30.

(C) is the correct answer because the answer responds to the request to order legal pads. (A) is incorrect because it responds

to a question about lunch, not to the request to order legal pads. (B) is incorrect because it is an opinion about an action being illegal, not a response to a request. 31.

(B) is the correct answer because the question asks about a future arrangement, and the answer responds with definitely, which means yes, and mentions that the listener will bring coffee as well. (A) is incorrect because it responds to a question about the past, and refers to a different person, not the speaker. (C) is incorrect because it responds to a question about news in the past, not about a future arrangement. 32.

(A) is the correct answer because the question contains the tag don't we? and the answer responds with We do. Also, the question asks about a long weekend, and the response includes information about the long weekend. (B) is incorrect because it doesn't confirm the answer about the long weekend. (C) is incorrect because it responds with a description of the weather, not information about the long weekend. 33 .

(A) is the correct answer because the question asks for information about a computer password, and (A) responds with the details. (B) is incorrect because it doesn't give the information needed. (C) is incorrect because it responds to a question, not a request for help. 34.

(C) is the correct answer because the question asks a yes/no question starting with Does and the response is Yes, it does. The speaker also seems to need a dentist, and the listener asks if the speaker has a cavity. (A) is incorrect because it responds with a fact about sugar and teeth, not with information about dental treatments. (B) is incorrect because it responds with an opinion of the dentist, not with information about dental treatments. 141


35. (C) is the correct answer because the question asks Can you ... ? and the answer responds with I can't. The question also asks for an opinion about a book, and the answer responds with boring. (A) is incorrect because it responds with information about another person and a different book. (B) is incorrect because it responds with information about the person answering making a sale. 36.

(B) is the correct answer because the question asks for a yes/no answer, and makes a request for money for a present. (A) is incorrect because it responds with an opinion of a party, not with an answer to a request. (C) is incorrect because it responds with a question about the age of the speaker, not with an answer to a request. 37.

(B) is the correct answer because the question asks a yes/no question about a camera on a cell phone. (A) is incorrect because it responds with a phone number, not information about the camera. (C) is incorrect because it responds with the location of a phone, not information about the camera. 38.

(C) is the correct answer because the question asks about the location of the work gloves and the answer responds with at home. (A) is incorrect because it responds to a question about work as a verb, not a type of gloves. (B) is incorrect because it responds with a time, not a location. 39.

(A) is the correct answer because the question asks a yes/no question, and the answer means yes. (B) is incorrect because it is a command, not a response to a yes/ no question. (C) is incorrect because it responds with information about the speaker. 40.

(B) is the correct answer because the question asks for information about the conference: Did Judy tell


... ?The answer responds with She did. (A) is incorrect because it's an offer, not a response about the conference. (C) is incorrect because it responds with information about the speaker, not Judy.


(B) The woman says on my way into the office. (A) It was at the beginning of the working day, not the end. (C) She was on her way to work, after leaving home. (D) She was coming to the office, not leaving it.

Further Practice and Guidance p19


Listening Part 2

(A) The man talks about the graphics.

a. Answers will vary.

b. 1. 2. 3. 4.

It's only two .. . I would/will .. . It starts at .. . A total of .. .





Part 3: Conversations p20 41. (B) The woman says, I assigned

you the job at the diamond mine . . . ? and the man says, Yes. (A) They do not talk about rings. (C) The woman tells him not to go to the office-supply store. (D) They do not mention a cafe. 42 .

(A) The woman gave the man this responsibility, or told him to do it. (B) No marital relationship is mentioned , and the conversation takes place in a work environment. (C) No information is given to indicate this answer. (D) Accounts are not mentioned. 43.

(B) is the correct answer because she asks him not to do this because there is not much time. (A) He is already using a map . (C) The man is going to leave 'right now.' (D) He has a map to help find the mine. 44.

(D) They are discussing a competing yogurt company. (A) The man talks about graphics of an advertisement, not T-shirts. (B) The speakers are talking about the healthiness of yogurt, not health food in general. (C) They do not mention vitamins.

(B) He does not give his opinion about the location of the advertisement. (C) The speakers do not like the comparisons. (D) The man says 'you just can't trust marketing .. . ' which means he doesn't like the claims. 47.

(A) The man says seminar at the Hilltop Hotel. (B) The hotel is next to the movie theater. (C) The Richter Auditorium was where the man saw the lecture last year. (D) The office is not mentioned. 48.

(C) The title of the lecture is The Four Steps to Success. (A) The man says a friend of his has tickets. (B) The man says, "it honestly has helped. " (D) The woman mentions that she has been trying for a promotion. 49.

(D) The man says, you don't have to pay for it. (A) They do not mention going to the movies. (B) Only the man and his friend are going, and that is not many. (C) The man does not say the lecture will lead to a promotion.

so. (B) The man says new uniform being enforced next week. (A) Next week is before next Saturday. (C) Today is not mentioned. (D) The woman says she'll have to buy new skirts this weekend.


51. (D) The woman says I don't see why pants aren't suitable. (A) She doesn't give an opinion about her body and she owns some skirts. (B) The woman says she needs to go shopping; she doesn't mention whether she likes it or not. (C) She says that the rules are unfair. 52.

(D) The man says, I'm happy that the men don't have to change anything. (A) The outcomes are not mentioned. (B) He doesn't mention that he is happy, but he agrees that it's unfair. (C) He does not say how he feels about the new rules, besides being happy that men do not have change anything. 53.

(A) The woman says, I can only read three for free. (B) Five is not mentioned. (C) The woman says that she has to pay $10 to read more. (D) The man says he gets all the information he wants online for free. 54. (C) The man says, I think we read

the same paper. (A) He says he gets his news for free. (B) A free newspaper is not mentioned. (D) He reads the same - not a different - newspaper than the woman. It's the opposite of what he says. 55. (A) The woman says, How will the newspapers make any money these days if they don't earn money from their online editions? (B) The man says he doesn't mind the advertisements. (C) The man says, advertisements keep popping up. (D) Authors are not mentioned. 56.

(B) The man says, I know you were sick, so you missed the staff meeting. (A) She wasn't at the meeting.

(C) Canceled wasn't mentioned. (D) She was sick, not on vacation. 57.

(C) The man says, those black dress pants. (A) Only the black dress pants are mentioned. (B) The man says, We've only sold two pairs! (D) The woman asks if the jeans are on sale, but the man says no . 58.

(C) The man says, We've only sold two pairs! (A) The woman was sick for three days. (B) None is not mentioned. (D) The pants cost only $1. 59. (A) The man says, Are you going

to donate money? (B) The name of the charity is Toys for Tots. (C) The woman says, 25 percent of my paycheck this holiday season. (D) They are in sales, and the name of the charity is Toys for Tots. 60.

(B) The woman says, I promised myself that I would use at least 25 percent of my paycheck ... for charity purposes. (A) The woman didn't mention starting a charity. (C) She says this holiday season and she doesn't mention sales teams. (D) Other sales groups donate money to charity. 61.

(C) The man says, the head office pays for lunch. (A) The woman talks about her paycheck. (B) A trophy is not mentioned. (D) The man says, Last year we went to a really nice steakhouse. 62.

(C) They mention that they are getting coffee from Brazil now instead of Colombia. (A) The man says, All our cafes. (B) Brazil is where they get their coffee from now. (D) The man mentions that cafes across the country are changing coffee.


(B) The man says putting out new advertisements. (A) The man says, Howie told me yesterday. (C) is not mentioned. (D) The man says, All of our cafes across the country are switching. 64.

(D) The woman says, we'll both be working this weekend. (A) They are switching coffees next Monday. (B) The day of the week is not mentioned, so we don't know if it is the weekend tomorrow. (C) is not mentioned. 65.

(D) The man says, The box says ... they're as sharp as an ax ... I couldn't even make a little cut. (A) He tried the knives at home. (B) The man says, The box says they're as sharp as an ax. (C) The man says, I couldn't even make a little cut in the wood. 66.

(A) The man says, I tried this at home ... a little cut in the wood. (B) The man says, The box says the knives can cut through a wood block. (C) The woman says, I'll demonstrate. (D) The man says, The box says ... they're as sharp as an ax. 67.

(C) The woman says, we'll set you up with a brand-new box of knives. (A) The woman says, Follow me to the back [of the store]. (B) The man says, The box says ... a wood block. (D) is not mentioned . 68.

(D) The man says, Well, the numbers all look good. (A) It is not mentioned. (B) The woman says, glasses that connect to the Internet. (C) The woman says, their friends can watch the video. 69.

(B) The woman says, anywhere in the world. (A) The woman says, whether at home or traveling.



(C) The woman says, whether at home or traveling. (D) Office isn't mentioned. 70.

(B) The woman says, ... the

wearer's web page and their friends can watch. (A) The woman says, at home or traveling. (C) Email is not mentioned. (D) The user wears the glasses, not the friends watching.

Part 4: Talks p22 71.

(B) The woman says, welcome to the .. . Technology Library. (A) She says, this historical event. (C) She says, featuring writings. (D) She says, featuring writings, but famous people are not mentioned. 72 .

(A) She says, the first computer wouldn't fit in any of our rooms. (B) They are exhibiting reproductions of the first printing press. (C) Writing works will be shown. (D) They are exhibiting reproductions of the first robot. 73 .

(D) She says, In just a moment,

you can walk through the twelve rooms. (A) She says, computers ... wouldn't fit. (B) She says, first robot. (C) She says, writings from .. . technology. 74.

(C) The man says, will be delayed

for one hour. (A) is not mentioned. (B) The train number is 6550. (D) The passengers are going to eat lunch. 75.

(D) The man says, Meal vouchers ... will be brought to everyone. (A) The train is going to Miami. (B) The passengers were already told they would leave in one hour. (C) Sandwiches are not mentioned.



(C) The man says, all of the

passengers on this train. (A) Lunch vouchers are mentioned, not lunch-carts. (B) He says, technical difficulties. (D) The passengers are not on an airplane. 77. (A) The woman says public holidays not vacation, and they will be closed two weekdays Friday and Monday. (B) Remodeling is not mentioned. (C) She says, If you'd like to make an appointment. (D) Retreat is not mentioned. 78.

(B) The woman says they will be closed through the 7'h. (A) March 17'h is when their special offer ends. (C) The 7'h is the last day they will be closed. (D) The 4'h is the first day they will be closed. 79.

(D) The woman makes a list of what information the caller should leave, and cost is not part of that list. (A) She says, please leave your name, number .. . and which service you would like. (B) She says, please leave your name, number .. . and which service you would like. (C) Cost of service is not mentioned. 80. (B) The man says that the building has a food court, a department store, and a sunglasses shop, as well as more than one entrance and an information booth. (A) Outlet is not mentioned. (C) Restaurant is not the same as a food court. (D) The department store is only one part of the location within the mall. 81.

(C) The man says in front of the

sandwich shop. (A) The man says, on a table. (B) Floor is not mentioned. (D) The man does not say the item was in anyone's food.

82. (B) The man says, bring proof of identity. (A) Purse is not mentioned. (C) Proving the gloves fit is not mentioned. (D) The sandwich shop clerk is not mentioned. 83.

(D) The woman says she is moving

there tomorrow. (A) She doesn't mention three days. (B) She says, I called you all in here today. (C) She says, I have worked ... the past three years. 84.

(A) The woman says, it seems sudden ... I'm terrible at goodbyes ... avoid farewells. (B) She says she has loved working with her staff, but this is not the reason she gives for the announcement. (C) Her feelings for Hettie Park are not mentioned. (D) Being ready is not mentioned. 85. (D) The woman says, I would like

to introduce my replacement. (A) Dallas is not mentioned. (B) A former manager is not mentioned . (C) She does not describe her new position. 86. (C) is the correct answer because the woman says, Since this is a

short flight ... (A) The heat is not mentioned. (B) She says, if you can show us a reservation number for any hotel ... your drinks are free, but not as the reason for serving drinks right away. (D) Morocco is the destination, not the reason for serving drinks right away. 87.

(A) The woman says, coloring books ... for little ones. (B) Little ones means children, not short people. (C) Money is not mentioned. (D) Boredom is not mentioned.


88. (A) The woman says, For first-class

passengers, the menus are in the seat pocket in front of you. (B) The seat pocket is in front of them, not a screen. (C) Non-first-class passengers have vegetarian or fish options. (D) She mentions the movie, but not in relation to lunch. 89. (C) The man says, This afternoon,

we will dock .. . (A) The Santa Margarita is the name of the boat. (B) St. Marts is where they'll dock. (D) A captain is not mentioned. 90. (D) The man says, a water aerobics class in the south pool, but doesn't mention swimming lessons. (A) Shopping is mentioned. (B) Water aerobics class is mentioned. (C) Rock ' n ' roll dance is mentioned . 91. (B) The man says, we will dock ...

for three hours. (A) A number of days is not mentioned . (C) The scavenger hunt begins at 11 :00. (D) He doesn't say for the whole afternoon. 92 . (A) The man says, I've asked you into my office, and tells James about a new position. (B) James will be head of the weddings department. (C) James is going to a conference. (D) The trip organizer is not mentioned . 93 . (A) The man says, we would like

to pay for your trip to London. (B) A concert is not mentioned . (C) The name of the company is Extra Flowers . (D) He will get a certificate from the conference but this is not the reward . 94. (C) The man says, cannot promote

you for another five months.

(A) He says, new fiscal year as the time when the promotion lasts until. (B) Leap year is not mentioned. (D) He says, When you retum ... you will be eligible for a promotion . 95. (B) The woman says, This program

is brought to you by ... Audio Systems. (A) Newspapers do not have programs. (C) Advertisements on a side of a bus do not have programs. (D) Billboards do not have programs. 96. (B) The woman does not mention glasses. (A) A TV is mentioned. (C) Speakers are mentioned. (D) A DVD is mentioned. 97 . (A) The woman says, you will also

receive a copy of this new movie. (B) A discount is not mentioned. (C) Tickets are not mentioned. (D) She says, DVD release ... sound system. 98. (D) The man says, recently

installed a new phone line and high-speed Internet connection. (A) Wi-Fi is not mentioned. (B) The name of the company is ComLast Cable, and they want the listener to buy a cable package. (C) A modem is not mentioned. 99. (D) The man says, If you are

experiencing any difficulties ... please ... call our customer service department. (A) He says, We recently installed a new phone line. (B) He says, If ... not able to pay ... , please call our billing department. (C) A new company is not mentioned. 100. (C) The man says, if you add

another service, such as a cableTV package, all service prices are reduced by a further 5 percent. (A) The discount in on all service prices. (B) A new TV is not mentioned. (D The discount is on all service prices.

Section 2: Reading Part 5: Incomplete Sentences p24 101 . (A) A positive adjective, like

useful, is needed to describe the smartphone. (B) The adjective useless has a negative meaning. (C) Pretty is a synonym for beautiful, and would be a repetition. (D) The adjective dull has a negative meaning. 102 . (A) A simple past passive form is required, as the sentence begins with the name of the person hired. (B) The present progressive is hiring is incorrect because a passive form is needed here. (C) The pronoun she is not needed. (D) Hire is incorrect because a past passive form is needed. 103. (D) A positive adjective with as to complete the comparative phrase is needed here. (A) As is missing in the comparative phrase. (B) The adjective worse is incorrect because a comparative phrase with a positive adjective is required here. (C) As is missing in the comparative phrase, and the adjective better is the incorrect form. 104. (C) The pronoun it should be used here to refer to cafe. (A) Us is incorrect here because it is a plural pronoun that refers to people. (B) They is a plural pronoun and is used to refer to a group of people. (D) These is incorrect here because it is a plural form. 105. (B) That is needed to describe the idea why the person is late. (A) It is incorrect here because it refers to a singular noun. (C) They is incorrect because it refers to a third-person plural noun. (D) He is incorrect because it refers to a male person.






(C) The noun increase is the correct answer because it describes prices going up. (A) Decrease means prices going down . (B) Quality is not used for prices. (D) Promotion means a move to a higher level in a job.

(C) is the correct answer because the clause needs a third-person plural form in the simple present tense used with when to refer to the future. (A) Opening is a gerund form. (B) Opens is a third-person singular form . (D) Opened is a simple past form.

(B) any is a determiner used in negative sentences with never to describe something hasn't happened. (A) few means not many. (C) much means a large amount of something. (D) some means more than one.


(C) The conjunction or is used because it introduces a choice. (A) but introduces a contrast. (B) nor introduces a contrast in a negative sentence. (D) neither introduces an additional negative idea or choice.


(B) The verb file is the correct answer because it describes an action that can be done with documents at a court. (A) The verb do is not usually used with court documents. (C) The verb make is not usually used with court documents. (D) The verb play is not usually used with court documents.

(C) is the correct answer because chat is the only verb that can be used with online. (A) The verb see is not usually used with online. (B) The verb balance is not usually used with online. (D) The verb contact is only used with online with an object.


113 .

(A) The conjunction but is the correct answer because it introduces a contrast between the two clauses. (B) We use the conjunction or to introduce a choice. (C) We use the adverb also to introduce an addition. (D) We use the conjunction because to give a reason.

(B) Never is the correct adverb to describe something that doesn't happen at any point in time. The students are not fit, which means they do not exercise. (A) Sometimes means on some occasions or in some situations. (C) Always means on every occasion. (D) Frequently means on many occasions.


(A) Since is used for talking about a period of time up to now and the verb in the main clause of the sentence is usually in the present perfect tense. (B) Until is used to talk about something happening or done up to a particular point in time, and then stopping. (C) While is used to talk about a period of time when something is happening. (D) On is a preposition used with a date or day when something happens. 110.

(D) is the correct answer because an infinitive with to is needed after would love. (A) Talk is an infinitive form but does not include to. (B) Talked is a simple past form . (C) Talks is a simple present form .



(D) You is the correct subject pronoun to use because the first clause of the sentence also has you as the subject. (A) It is the incorrect subject pronoun to use here. (B) We is the incorrect subject pronoun to use here. (C) He is the incorrect subject pronoun to use here.


ll9 .

(A) The preposition over is used to describe the position of something. (B) The preposition at cannot be used with there. (C) here is an adverb and cannot be used with another adverb like there. (D) about is used to describe an approximate position and does not make sense here. 120.

(C) The noun bill is used because it refers to the utility statement with an amount of money that needs to be paid. (A) receipt means the document you receive stating the money paid for a product or service. (B) utility means a public service like water, gas, or electricity. (D) socket means a place on a surface with holes for connecting a piece of electrical equipment. 121.

(D) The conjunction so is needed to describe a result or an outcome. (A) Since describes why a situation exists. (B) However introduces a contrast. (C) But introduces a contrast.

(A) Making a direct deposit means putting money in the bank so it cannot be spent immediately as cash. (B) withdraw means take money out, usually to spend it. (C) check means a form of payment used instead of money. (D) cash means a form of money.

ll6 .


(B) higher is used because it is the adjective that best describes fees. (A) cost is a noun. (C) funny is not used to describe fees . (D) darker is not used to describe fees.

(C) signature is a noun that can be used following a possessive -s, husband's. (A) the noun sign is the incorrect meaning here. (B) to sign is a verb, not a noun.



(D) the noun signing is the incorrect meaning here.



(C) ever modifies the verb in a


question to mean at any time. (A) never is incorrect because it is used in negative sentences. (B) always is incorrect because it means all the time. (D) usually is incorrect because it means in most situations.

(B) The sentence needs to be completed with the present perfect passive because it gives news about what has happened to someone. (A) gave is the Simple Past tense. (C) give is the Simple Present tense. (D) giving is a present participle.



(C) The simple past tense booked

(C) recommended is used to give health advice. (A) created means made. (B) said would only be correct with to be + adjective. (D) exhibited means showed or presented.

(D) The phrasal verb wrap up means finished, and matches completed in the second clause. (A) take to is the incorrect meaning here. (B) leave to is incorrect, because to is not used with work. (C) start has the opposite meaning to complete.


(C) The adjective rotten means decaying, and describes the negative state of the fish that would upset a chef. (A) rapid means fast. (B) excellent means very good, so has a positive meaning. (D) fresh has a positive meaning; the opposite of rotten. 125.

(B) The verb to take is used for all medicine that is swallowed. (A) taste is used with food and liquid, not medicine that is swallowed. (C) drink is used with liquids, not medicine that is swallowed. (D) eat is used with food, not medicine that is swallowed. 126.

is needed because it describes completed actions in the past. It is also used with the time phrase yesterday. (A) were booking is the past progressive tense, so cannot be used to describe completed actions in the past. (B) book is the simple present tense, so it is incorrect here. (D) will book is a future form, so it is incorrect here. 131. (D) The phrasal verb to put on

means to organize something, and is used with event. (A) constructing means making, so is incorrect here. (B) assembling means putting things together, so is incorrect here. (D) making is incorrect here, and is not used with event. 132.

(D) The phrasal verb sign up is used because it means to join a course or organization. (A) write is incorrect here as it is not followed by at. (B) play is incorrect here. (C) show is incorrect here.

(A) The negative pronoun nobody is needed because it matches anymore. (B) somebody is a positive pronoun. (C) everyone is a positive pronoun. (D) everybody is a positive pronoun.



(B) The verb form following an adjective describing feelings needs to be an infinitive. (A) heard is a simple past form. (C) has heard is a present perfect form. (D) was hearing is a past progressive form.

(A) miles is a unit of distance used to give distances to places (the center). (B) kilograms is a unit of weight. (C) centimeters is not used to give distance to places. (D) pounds is a unit of weight.


(A) The time phrase last is used with month when it describes the previous month as a point in time. (B) previous could only be correct when used with in the ... (C) ago is used to indicate a period of time in the past. (D) before usually follows the word month.

(A) A third-person singular passive form is needed to match the third-person singular subject. (B) to give is the infinitive form. (C) gives is an active form. (D) were giving is an active form and does not match the subject.



(B) public transportation is the only mode of transportation that would reduce traffic. (A) foot transportation is not a type of transportation. (C) personal transportation is not a type of transportation. (D) vehicle transportation is not a type of transportation and would not reduce traffic. 138. (D) The phrasal verb tum off means to stop a piece of

equipment working, so it would save on power, and matches radio. (A) put off means to make someone not want to do something, so is incorrect. (B) tum up means increase the volume, so is incorrect. (C) tum on means to make a piece of equipment start working, so is incorrect. 139.

(B) The adverb again is used when someone does something one more time, or that has been done before. The word always in the second sentence means that Paula has hosted before. (A) once means on one occasion only. (C) for the first time does not match the meaning of the second sentence. (D) another is not an adverb and is grammatically incorrect.



140. (C) The infinitive to save can

be used in an imperative after remember. (A) saved cannot be used after remember. (B) The -ing form is not used in a command after remember. (D) safe is an adjective, not a verb.

Further Practice and Guidance p27 Reading Part 5 X

a. 1. Bridget~ the first book

ialreadyland~the se{ond book today. X

2. The first two ideas~ much X


better than the last two.

IfyQ!!~to the conference, I ~ ~with yQ!J_. 3.

b. 1. Bridget read the first book already (simple past) and is buying the second book today (present progressive). 2. The first two ideas were much better than the last two (simple past). 3. If you are walking to the conference (present progressive), I would love to walk with you (future). c. Answers will vary. d. 102. A


110. D

Part 6: Text Completion p28 141. (B) regret is used as part of the

phrase to inform you and is used to convey negative information, in this instance, the cancellation of the subscription. (A) am pleased (to inform you) is used to convey positive information. (C) have faith is not used as part of the phrase to inform you. (D) am sincere is not used as part of the phrase to inform you.


142. (D) texted means to send a written

message to someone using a cell phone. (A) dialed means to press the phone buttons on a phone to make a call. (B) called means to make a phone call and speak to someone. (C) mailed means to send information by mail. Posted means to put information on a website. 143. (C) The adverb unfortunately is used to introduce bad news-in this instance, that the subscription is no longer valid. (A) Surprisingly is used to say that something is unexpected, so is incorrect. (B) Fortunately is used to convey positive information, so is incorrect. (D) Interestingly is not used to convey bad news.

144. (B) remove is the correct verb to

describe the action of taking away trash. (A) refer means passing on information. (C) refurbish means restore. (D) take off is not a verb used with garbage. 145. (D) appliance is the general noun,

of which ovens and toasters are examples. (A) systems means a set of connected things. (B) kitchens are rooms, not appliances. (C) instruments means tools. 146. (B) hold is the base form needed

in the phrase not only + base form, but also + base form . (A) has held is the Present Perfect tense. (C) holding is a present participle. (D) to hold is incorrect because we don't need to in the second part. 147.

(A) if completes the conditional clause, If you + verb, you will + verb. (B) so introduces a result. (C) furthermore introduces an additional idea. (D) until introduces a time limit or final action.


(D) The adjective annual matches yearly in the first sentence. (A) timed is not used with vaccination. (B) monthly is the wrong time frame. (C) daily is the wrong time frame 149. (C) productivity is the noun to describe the rate at which goods are produced, especially in relation to the time needed to produce them. (A) products are goods, not the rate of work. (B) labor means the same as work and would be a repetition. (D) produce means goods, not the rate of work.

150. (C) prevented means to stop something happening, such as sickness, as a vaccination would do. (A) encouraged would mean more sickness, not less. (B) reserved means to keep something, which would mean more sickness. (D) kept means to stay the same.

151. (B) this refers to the policy being

described in the sentences before. (A) his is a pronoun used to refer to a person. (C) these is a plural pronoun. (D) her is a pronoun used to refer to a person. 152.

(A) information fits to make the phrase For more information. (B) medicine would be a repetition of the shot. (C) remedies would be a repetition of the shot. (D) evidence would not be followed by the preposition on.

Part 7: Reading Comprehension p31 153.

(A) It is an advertisement to be a member of the Garden of Rock. (B) tickets are not mentioned. (C) information about a rock star's life is not mentioned. (D) albums are not mentioned.


154. (D) The advertisement says,

160. (A) The title of the notice is Lost

Advance notice of all concerts. (A) attendants are not mentioned. (B) valet is not mentioned. (C) cheaper tickets are not mentioned.

Dog. (B) Selling is not mentioned in the article. (C) The money mentioned is for a reward. (D) Finding a dog is not mentioned.

155. (B) notion refers to an idea (a 'community of trust') which is then described. (A) noise or sound is not mentioned with regard to the business. (C) applause or clapping is not mentioned. (D) nothing written is mentioned. 156. (C) The article says, No one is

policing these vehicles to check ... the cleanliness and the member is responsible for throwing away all trash, wiping up all spills .... (A) GPS is mentioned but not as a reason for trust. (B) The article says, No one is policing ... (D) the owners are not mentioned. 157. (D) The article says, being the first

to come up with this idea . . . . (A) The article says, market it almost exclusively to young people. (B) The price of membership is not mentioned in the article. (C) The environment is not mentioned in the article. 158. (C) The article says, waiting for a

budget-conscious customer. (A) stock is not mentioned. (B) The article says, liberal-minded youth, which doesn't refer to the price. (D) The exact age is not mentioned. 159. (B) The last sentence in the article encourages people to try the program: Who needs ... when a Hipcar is just around the comer? (A) The article says, who needs to

pay for ... car-ownership expenses. (C) Selling is not mentioned . (D) stock is not mentioned.

161. (B) Fur is synonymous with coat, or hair, in reference to animals. (A) Hairstyle is not used in reference to animals. (C) Jacket is a type of clothes and not used to refer to an animal's fur or skin. (D) It is not possible to see the skin through the fur. 162. (B) The letter says, I would like

to extend my apologies for the dreadful experience. (A) The problems referred to are those that Mrs. Bachman had. (C) It is a letter, not an advertisement. (D) The vacation package description is a detail in the last paragraph and not the main idea of the letter. 163. (C) The letter says, solutions

undertaken to address these problems. (A) Write is incorrect in this context. (B) Discuss is incorrect in this context. (D) locate is incorrect in this context. 164. (A) The letter says, the

inexperienced tour guides. (B) The waiters were rude, not the guides. (C) Overqualified has the opposite meaning of inexperienced. (D) This information is not mentioned. 165. (D) The letter says retrained. (A) The staff has received feedback from clients. (B) Talking to old clients is not mentioned in the letter. (C) Finding new tour guides is not mentioned in the letter.

166. (B) The letter says, at your convenience, so there is no time limit. (A) The letter mentions she has taken ten vacations. (C) The itineraries are week-long. (D) The letter mentions she has been loyal over the years. 167. (D) The article says, find a gift

that is thoughtful ... (A) Three types of people are mentioned in the article, but they are described for the purpose of gift ideas. (B) Shopping is too general. (C) History is not mentioned. 168. (A) The article says, despair into

the hearts of those without a partner. (B) not liking their partner is not mentioned in the article. (C) not happy is not mentioned in the article. (D) The article talks about fear not despair. 169. (C) The article says, show a lack of

thought. (A) The article says they might be appreciated but won't be remembered as special. (B) Price is not mentioned in connection to traditional gifts. (D) Usefulness is not mentioned in the article. 170. (D) The article is about buying romantic gifts for girlfriends. (A) Studious people is mentioned as a detail in the article. (B) Adventurous people is mentioned as a detail in the article. (C) The article mentions that it's most likely to be men buying romantic gifts for girlfriends. 171. (C) The brochure says, offer you

a credit card that is just right for you, followed by the advantages of each card. (A) Helping customers improve their credit rating is not mentioned. (B) Comparing bank services is too general. (D) bank account is not mentioned. 149


172. (B) The brochure says, full balance of payment due every month in the Gold Card section. (A) eam more points is a benefit, not a monthly requirement. (C) credit their account is a benefit, not a monthly requirement. (D) keep a large balance is not mentioned.

173. (D) The brochure says, put toward

eligible home loans. (A) small businesses are not mentioned. (B) renters would not have a home loan. (C) No interest is charged for a year. 174.

(A) The article says, schools located in other states with more money. (B) Funding reduction is in the future, so does not explain present circumstances. (C) Hiring professors is not mentioned. (D) The gas underground is not a reason connected to trailing given in the second paragraph. 175.

(A) The article says, to the dismay of those present. (B) quietly is not mentioned. (C) proudly is not mentioned. (D) analytically is not mentioned. 176. (B) Paragraph 4 mentions dangerous, harmful, and polluted. (A) money is not mentioned in the paragraph. (C) Knowledge of the by-product is not mentioned. (D) water is not garbage.


(D) The brochure says, In every area where natural gas has been extracted using the techniques described by Governor Thistle, the surrounding ground water has been polluted. (A) pass is a repetition of approved. (B) saving is not mentioned. (C) protest is not mentioned.


178 . (D) It is an advertisement for a

language school. (A) The advertisement is not a classified ad and is aimed at students. (B) No sale is mentioned. (C) The advertisement itself is not teaching anything. 179.

(C) The advertisement says, lowerlevel, not beginner. (A) Finishing the Meeting classes is not mentioned. (B) People who want to travel is the description of The Tourist class. (D) Those who have finished the Pen classes are not mentioned. 180 .


(D) The memo says, if workers get three negative comment cards, they get a verbal warning. (A) Being rude to the boss is not mentioned. (B) Being late for work is not mentioned. (C) Being responsible or not is not mentioned. 186.

(A) The advertisement says, highlight the core strength. (B) traditional ballet is listed under the samba section. (C) Music is only background information and is not focused on. (D) Arms and legs are not part of the core.

(C) The advertisement says, the next day . . . which classes you would be eligible to take. (A) The person is not in the class yet. (B) The representatives explain results. (D) Payment is not mentioned in the advertisement.

(C) The advertisement says, Sponsored by the Daily Press News. (A) dancers are not sponsors. (B) A dance company is not a sponsor. (D) Pittsburg is the location of the performances.



(A) TV is not mentioned after How did you hear about us? (B) Radio is mentioned. (C) Internet is mentioned. (D) newspapers is mentioned.

(B) The review says, I sat close enough to see how hard the performers were breathing. (A) It was the performers who were breathing hard, not the writer. (C) The review says the opposite of this. (D) Being a member of the press isn't the reason why he knows the dancers were breathing hard.


(C) In the staff section, it mentions speed is very poor. (A) Their performance is only poor. (B) Their professionalism is only poor. (D) Friendliness is average. 183.

(B) The memo first describes reasons for the need for changes, and then gives details of the changes. (A) The absence is not explained. (C) It is only a detail. (D) The memo says, NO repeat customers. 184 .

(C) The memo says, I have not held any employee training. (A) She has reviewed the cards. (B) The memo says she has not been calling customers. (D) cleaning houses is not mentioned.


189. (C) without error means without flaws, or problems. (A) original goes with innovate or groundbreaking, which describes the piece, not the performance. (B) flowing describes the movements. (D) inaccurate means not correct.


(C) The review says, although fans of traditional ballet may not approve of these works. (A) The reviewer mentions audiences of all ages. (B) ballet dancers are not mentioned as part of the audience. (D) The reviewer mentions audiences of all ages.


191. (A) The flyer says, To help to sell

the remaining houses. (B) The flyer says, Over 60 % of condos have already been sold. (C) renters are not mentioned. (D) This opinion is not mentioned. 192.

(D) The flyer says, Open House is this June 1". (A) appointments are not mentioned in the flyer. (B) the manager's office is not mentioned. (C) $100,000 is the lowest price of a condo but not mentioned in relation to viewing. 193.

(B) The letter says, I am now in the market for a new property and I hope that you can show me some units. (A) introducing his family is a detail not the purpose of the letter. (C) He does not want to sell a new home; he wants to buy one. (D) shares are not mentioned. 194.

(D) The letter says, not throw away money on rent. (A) his family not being there with him is mentioned but not as a reason for not renting. (B) difficult to find a good house is not mentioned. (C) waste of money is the opposite of what is stated.

(B) Not having enough time is not mentioned as a reason. (D) Pay is not mentioned . 198.

(D) The email says, we are not placing any more orders until ... (A) She is not apologizing. (B) A nail description is not given. (C) The purpose of the email is not social. 199.

(D) The email says, I became head of Nutritional Services for Harken County. (A) Yousif McVee is the head of Sweety Inc. (B) Sweety Inc. is Yousif's company. (C) She mentions her family but not in relation to employment. 200 .

(D) The email says, until the Health Department has inspected your facilities and sends ... certification. (A) She is not inspecting. (B) a fine is not mentioned. (C) an apology is not mentioned.

Speaking Further Practice and Guidance p46 Questions 1-2 Pronunciation


This~~ with our~ and~

195 .


(C) The letter says, Please call me or send me an email. (A) Comparing is not mentioned. (B) Mr. Sung cannot go to the open house. (D) Mr. Sung already has a farm.

one of


(A) Sally Denai is the person who wrote to Yousif. (B) Yousif McVee does not work at Jan 's company. (C) The worker already saw it. (D) Jan Bellows is the head of quality control. 197. (C) The report says, we are not

allowed to work overtime. (A) They always make 50,000 a day.

~lastsforc§V~. 2. Not only will you~~ after just@~, you will

~too! 3. How would you like to~

the~ of the a~ angle?



Question 3 Describe a picture

a. 1. There are many customers waiting in line. 2. There are a lot of expensive products to choose from.

3. There is a person giving a credit card to a salesclerk. b. Answers will vary. c. [I] In addition, on the right-hand side of the photo, there are many more people walking past some tall buildings. [§] Finally, this must be a big city, because I see many tall buildings along both sides of the street. [±] There is some light traffic and a couple of pedestrians crossing the street, heading to the right. [I] First, I can see on the left there is a man stepping onto the sidewalk. It is a street scene. [Start with an overall sentence to introduce your answer.] []] It looks like there are two cars and a truck parked on that side of the street as well.


d. First, I can see on the left there is a man stepping onto the sidewalk. It looks like there are two cars and a truck parked on that side of the street as well. There is some light traffic and a couple of pedestrians crossing the street, heading to the right. In addition, on the right-hand side of the photo, there are quite a few more people walking past some tall buildings. Finally, this must be a big city, because I see many tall buildings along both sides of the street. e. Answers will vary. g. Comment: Answer 1 is organized well, with linking words and interesting vocabulary. Answer 2 has none of those things, and it talks about opinions and life outside the picture as well as being too short.

Questions 4-6 p49 Example Answers Question 4 In all honesty, I don't go to museums very often, perhaps only once every other year when I take a vacation. The last museum I went to was in Italy. My mom and I went to the Vatican and we saw a lot of old relics and mummies and statues from Egypt. It was really amazing.



Question 5


If I have to choose a museum to go

to , I usually choose art museums. I really like modern art museums, like the Tate Modern in London. My favorite museum in the world, though, is the Reina Sofia in Madrid . I was really impressed when I saw the Guernica from Picasso, as it filled a whole huge room. Question 6 Well, as I said, my favorite museum is the Reina Sofia. It's on the same street in Madrid as the Prado, and, if you have time, you can visit both in a weekend and walk from one to the other. It really takes at least two days to see each one, though, as they are both huge. I remember the Reina Sofia has a special exhibit on film when I was there in 2002. The featured filmmaker was an Italian director named Fellini. I had never seen any of his films, but I had heard of him. There were 6 different screens set up running scenes from his most famous movies. There was quite a lot of singing and dancing, and also some ridiculous images, like women wearing really funny clothes and makeup with oddly shaped bodies. I watched some of his movies after seeing that exhibit. Questions 7-9 p49

Answers should include, but are not limited to, the following information. 7. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, July 6th through the 8th,l0:00 in the morning to midnight 8. If you are one of the first 100 people to go to the event each day, it is free. If not, then adults have to pay $5; and teachers, students, and seniors pay $3. 9. Half of all the money made from ticket sales will be donated to Doctors Without Borders. There is also a raffle to support scholarships for at-risk youth. The tickets are $1 each, and participants can win a new car.


Further Practice and Guidance p51 Questions 1-5 Word formation

a. noun (person)

noun (activity)























b. The following are possible

answers. 1. My commute is only 20 minutes. 2. Many commuters on the train read the paper in the morning. 3. The meeting today is scheduled for 3:00p.m. 4. I'll meet you in front of the theater in two hours. c. Answers will vary. d. Answers will vary.


Questions 6-7 p53

Answers should include: email 1 • suitable opening response • information about area you want • information about size of house and include at least one detail about the inside • one further question • suitable closing response email2 • suitable opening response including information about your responsibilities • information for Mijoung Lu, answering the queries and giving more details • one further request • suitable closing response

Question 8 p55 Model Answer In recent years, gender equality has been an important issue, and is sometimes contentious. One very important area of society in which this has been focused is the workplace. Some people feel that all professions should employ the same number of males as they do of females, for the purpose of fairness. However, I am of the opinion that, although it is fair, it is just not logical or sensible to always have equal numbers of men and women in all jobs. In the first place, some work requires skills that both genders do not possess in the same ways. Take construction work, for example. The tasks that must be done in these types of jobs often require great physical strength. Admittedly, some women are as strong as men, but the majority of men is naturally stronger than their female counterparts and, therefore, would find construction work more difficult, and may be slower and less efficient in carrying out this job. Men and women are not only inherently different in the physical sense, but also in terms of mental capacities. Women seem to be more empathetic, sympathetic and willing to care for others besides themselves. For them, careers in the medical field or education would come more easily.

Secondly, I believe that skill and aptitude should be the first consideration, not fairness. More specifically, employers should value the experience and education of applicants over what gender they are. For example, if a man is applying for a sales position, and he has an MBA plus a decade of experience in sales, then he should get the job. The human resources department should not hire the female candidate, with no degree and only two years of experience, just because their department does not have enough women working there. In summary, it does not make sense to try to have the same number of men and women in every profession. Fairness and objectivity should be the most important factors in hiring practices, and I believe they will be in the future.

Further Practice and Guidance p56 Speaking and Writing Linking words

Answers will vary.

TEST TWO: Listening and Reading

(D) No one is looking at a watch or a clock. 3.

(C) The picture clearly shows three bags. (A) The people are standing still. (B) The people are standing. (D) There are only two people shown in the picture. 4.

(A) He looks like a deliveryman in uniform, and there is a box next to him. (B) He is holding a clipboard, not a pen. (C) There is no desk in the picture. (D) There is only one box. 5. (D) The man and the woman are shaking hands. (A) The man is not speaking on the phone. (B) No one is walking in the picture. (C) We cannot see the computer screen, and do not know what she is doing on the computer. 6.

(D) The woman is holding a plate of food in each hand. (A) She is not holding any glasses. (B) She is not cooking in the picture. (C) She is not eating in the picture. 7.

Section 1: Listening The first answer given is the correct option.

Part 1: Photographs p59 1.

(B) There is one ship with many boxes on it. (A) We do not know how long it has been traveling for. (C) The ship is not clearly moving in the picture. (D) It does not look like a cruise ship, and we do not know how long it has been traveling for. 2.

(B) One woman is holding a clipboard. (A) There is no object indicating that it is a new product. (C) No one is pouring liquid into the glasses.

(A) The woman is standing at one end, or the head, of the table. (B) She is standing still and she is alone in the room. (C) There is not a meeting happening right now in the room. (D) She is standing next to the table. She is not standing on top of it. 8.

(C) The man has his hands in some dough and is standing next to a rolling pin. (A) There is no cake in the picture. (B) He does not look like a waiter and there are no customers in the picture. (D) He is not eating in the picture. 9.

(B) A person is holding a glass up to a machine that we can assume is polishing it, maybe at the end of a manufacturing process. (A) We cannot see any person wearing glasses in the picture.



This is also a different meaning of glass(es) than what is shown in the picture. (C) There are no raw materials in the picture so the manufacturing phase cannot be beginning. Instead, we see the finished product of the glass. (D) No one is drinking in the picture.

(C) The speaker invites a person to dinner, and the person answering says yes. (A) The speaker is inviting someone to dinner, so mentioning tickets is an inappropriate response. (B) This provides information about what the speaker would like to eat, not whether he/she wants to go to dinner.



(C) There is a plate in front of the woman with a folded napkin on it, so it appears that she has not yet eaten. (A) She is not eating. She is looking at her computer. (B) She is alone at the table. (D) There is no money and there is not a bill in the picture.

(A) The speaker wants to confirm whether the place is called the Sunset 1tansit Center. The person answering tells them it is not. (B) I'll sit here describes an intention and doesn't respond to where the Sunset Transit Center is. (C) This gives an opinion about the Sunset Transit Center, and is not an appropriate response.

Part 2: Question-Response p61 11.

(C) The speaker offers to pay the bill because he thinks it is his turn. The person answering disagrees and says the speaker paid last time. (A) This is incorrect because it refers to a different meaning of tum. (B) This is incorrect because it refers to the position of something. 12.

(B) This question requests the method of payment, and the person responds by deciding to pay with a Visa card. (A) This is incorrect because it refers to a different meaning of charge. (C) This is incorrect because it doesn't answer the question about the method of payment. 13. (C) The speaker asks for help finding a hotel, and the person answering agrees to help and wants to know which hotel the speaker wants. (A) This is incorrect because it doesn't answer the question Can you help me? (B) The speaker answers with a statement, not a reply to the question.




(B) The speaker wants to know when the food will be ready. The person answering says it will be ready in a couple minutes. (A) This responds to a question about what someone would like. (C) This response gives an opinion about the food, not when it will be ready. 17.

(A) The speaker wants to know when the company will be taken over, and the person answering gives them a future time. (B) Last year does not answer a question about future time. (C) Because answers a why question. 18. (B) The speaker asks the customer if they want an extended warranty and the answer is a polite no. A warranty is a guarantee that the product will be fixed or replaced at no or little charge, it is not a gift. (A) The response is incorrect because the question asked about a warranty, not a gift. (C) The question doesn't ask for information about the size of something. 19.

(B) The speaker is asking about a person's travel experience in the past and uses the Present Perfect tense. The person answering says that they went there (Rome) last summer.

(A) This responds to a question about how long something has taken, not about a past experience. (C) This doesn't respond to the question about a travel experience. 20.

(A) The question is how often, and asks about the frequency of the sending of coupons. (B) This responds to a question about how, not how often. (C) This response doesn't answer the question about the frequency of something. 21.

(C) The speaker uses the question word who, and wants to know which person will work on this account, and the person answering says I will. (A) This response gives information about when not who. (B) This response gives information about where not who. 22.

(B) The speaker's question begins with can you, and the answer is I can. (A) This is a response to a question about winning and probably confuses prize with price. (C) This is a response to the offer of a drink. 23.

(C )The person answers the question when by giving the time

(10 minutes). (A) This is a response to a question about what the lecture is about. (B) This is a response to a question about where the lecture is. 24.

(C) The speaker asks when the hospital will be completed in the future. (C) is the only response that gives a time. (A) This responds to a question about what type of hospital it is. (B) This is not a response to a question about a time. 25. (A) The speaker is telling someone that they have arrived two hours late, and the person answering makes an appropriate apology. (B) This response ·is not an apology. (C) This response answers a question or statement about the location of a house.





(A) The speaker wants to know if there is money in the budget to buy a new scanner, and the response is that a new one is not needed, so there is no money allowed for it. (B) This is an offer to scan documents. (C) This is a response to a question about a price not the budget.

(A) The question is asking for an opinion about the packaging. (A) is the only response that gives an opinion about the packaging. (B) This responds with information about the packaging, not an opinion about the packaging. (C) This responds with an opinion about a person, not the packaging.

(C) The first speaker wants to speak to someone on the phone in the Purchasing department. (C) responds by giving information about a phone extension number. These are commonly used for different departments, or different employees in a company. (A) This responds with the verb purchase in the past. (B) This doesn't respond to the request to speak to someone.


(C) The speaker wants to know which gate is theirs, probably a departure gate in an airport. The response provides information about the gate number. (A) This is a response to a question about time. (B) This does not respond to the question about which gate. 28.

(B) The first speaker wants to know if the new manager has been doing a good job or not, or if the new manager is working out. The response is excellent. (A) This is a response to a question about what someone is doing, not if he is doing a good job or not. (C) This is a response to how someone is, not how the manager is doing. 29.

(C) The question asks about the mark-up, or the amount of money added to the purchase price so the seller can make a profit. (C) is the only response with a sum of money. (A) This responds to a question about the price, not the mark-up. (B) This responds to a question about whether the product is in stock or not. 30.

(B) The question asks for the reason for closing up earlier than normal, and (B) is the only response that gives a reason why. (A) This responds to a question about when the office is closing, not why. (C) This response refers to a question using close as an adjective.


(C) The key question word is who. (C) answers the question by giving the name of the person (Megume). (A) This is not a response to a question about who the person was. (B) This gives a negative response, not information about who the person was. 33.

(C) The question asks for a time in the future when they will arrive in Toronto. (A) Information about pictures is not needed in the response, so is incorrect. (B) This responds to a different meaning of reach. 34.

(B) The question asks someone if they want to share a salad. In many countries, the salad comes before the meal and so can be called a starter. (A) This responds with a different meaning of share, so is incorrect. (C) This is not the correct response to the question about sharing a salad. 35.

(A) The question asks whether the download is free. (A) responds with information about the price (ten cents) . (B) This doesn't respond to the question about cost. (C) This doesn't respond to the question about cost. 36.

(C) The question asks about someone's attendance and begins with Are you. (C) answers with I am and talks about someone else's attendance. (A) This responds with a different meaning of trade. (B) waiting is not an appropriate verb to use about attending a trade fair


(A) The key question words are How long. The time period five months is given in the response. (B) This responds to a question about when the visa will arrive. (C) This responds to a different meaning of visa. 39.

(B) The first speaker asks a yes/ no question and wants someone to cancel a meeting that they are supposed to have at 4 o'clock. (B) responds to the yes/no question. (A) This doesn't respond to a yesjno question. (C) This gives a response to the opposite situation. 40.

(B) The question needs the reason for having another phone, and (B) responds by giving the reason: for business. (A) This response doesn't give a reason for having another cell phone. (C) The person answering is responding to sale, not cell.

Part 3: Conversations p62 41.

(A) The man says maintenance is OK but our technical support is not very helpful . . . the problem is in our customer service section. (B) Hardware is not mentioned. (C) Sales numbers are not mentioned. (D) Reporting skills are not mentioned. 42.

(B) The woman says we can resolve this by providing more training. (A) Hiring new employees is not mentioned.



(C) Replacing the manager is not discussed. (D) Calling the operators is not discussed. 43.

(C) The man says Let's do that now. The demonstrative pronoun that must refer to an idea that came earlier in the discussion. Before the man said that, the woman said call in Salah, the manager from technical support. (A) complain to customers is not mentioned. (B) The woman asks the man to call in the technical manager. This means to have a meeting, not have a telephone conversation. (D) Training not train is mentioned. 44. (D) The woman says our publicity

push and, for this push, or event, the man says he organized waiters to walk around the mall ... inviting people to come to our store. (A) a cleaning company is not mentioned. (B) The woman says, We asked some reporters and photographers to put the event in the Lifestyle section of Friday's paper as well. (C) The woman says, I got five waiters and ordered all the food as well. 45.

(A) The woman says the publicity push this weekend and ... for both Saturday and Sunday. (B) Friday or weekdays are not mentioned. (C) The event is for the whole weekend. The woman says this weekend and for both Saturday and Sunday. (D) The event is for the whole weekend. The woman says this weekend and for both Saturday and Sunday. 46.

(C) The woman says I think being on your feet while balancing trays of food isn't as easy as it sounds. (A) The woman says their contract states no more than five hours a day but this is not an opinion. (B) The woman says the opposite, balancing trays ... isn't as easy as it sounds.


(D) Walking and talking at the same time is not mentioned.


(B) The man says about our company's insurance plan. (A) A newspaper story is not mentioned. (C) Hospital fees are not mentioned. (D) Car insurance is not mentioned. 48.

(B) The woman says family members ... can be added ... for an extra $100 a month per person. (A) Depends on the doctor is not mentioned. (C) The man says if I pay the $200 for my family to be covered. (D) No charge is not mentioned. 49.

(B) The man asks if his family members will have all the same benefits as I do, and can see the same doctors. The woman answers they do, and they can. (A) Go to the hospital is not mentioned. (C) Special clinics are not mentioned. (D) Dentists are not mentioned.

so. (A) The man says our new ear bud headphones . . . will come in a soft cotton bag. (B) The shells are part of the packaging, not the product. (C) Hats are not mentioned. (D) Greeting cards are not mentioned 51.

(C) The man says they will come in a soft cotton bag. (A) The man says instead of a cardboard box. (B) The woman says no garbage is created. (D) The woman says instead of ... a plastic shell. 52.

(A) The woman says That's fantastic! . . . the bag can be used after purchase. (B) The woman says no garbage is created. (C) The woman says it can be used for carrying but doesn't mention if it's easy to carry.

(D) The woman doesn't mention the cost. 53. (B) The woman says some ways to increase campsite usage ... people don't want to camp right now . . . think of something to get our numbers up. (A) The woman says I know the weather has not been great ... (C) People don't like camping is not mentioned. (D) The woman says ways to increase campsite usage. 54.

(B) The man says if people reserve two or more spots, they get 10% off the rental fee. (A) The woman says Let's take these ideas to the boss! (C) The woman says the discount will encourage families to visit the campsite together. (D) The woman says it will encourage families to visit the campsite together, instead of couples. 55. (D) The woman says camp and use the hot springs. The hot springs must be nearby if campers can use them. (A) Family restaurant is not mentioned. (B) Hot showers are not mentioned. (C) Hiking is not mentioned. 56.

(C) The man says virtual training environments for the new sales people. (A) High school students are not mentioned. (B) The man says virtual training environments. This is a different meaning to environmentalists. (D) The man says I have a presentation to do. 57.

(D) The man says I'm really terrified of speaking in public. Terrified means very scared. (A) The man says I know the program really well and have nothing but confidence in it. (B) The man says I'm really terrified of speaking in public. (C) The man mentions new sales people but doesn't say he is scared of training them.




(D) The woman says just look over

(C) I The woman says in the last six months ... I had two of my own accounts. (A) The woman worked at Cornelius and Sons, and says I did all of the graphic design for their clients' web sites. (B) The woman says she had two accounts of my own, which is a different meaning of account. (D) The woman says she did all of the graphic design.

the audience's head, meaning that the man should not look at the people and make eye contact. (A) The woman says pretend it's an empty room. (B) The woman says as long as you know the material really well, and you do, but she doesn't mention practicing. (C) Practice online is not mentioned. 59. (B) The woman starts her conversation with the man by saying you like the Galaticos Football Club, and then the rest of the conversation is about news on this club. (A) To sell a newspaper is not mentioned. (C) Football tickets are not mentioned. (D) The woman says that the football club is going to run out of money.


(A) The man says I read this morning that ... (B) Watching football is not mentioned. (C) Watching commercials is not mentioned. (D) Choosing a cable provider is not mentioned. 61.

(B) The man says they'll still get paid to play football. (A) doing interviews is not mentioned. (C) The man says The players won't even get paid for the commercials. (D) The man says exclusive rights, so the players are not allowed to appear on other TV channels. 62.

(B) The man says has your experience prepared you for this job at the beginning of the conversation, and at the end he says we will call you next week about the position. (A) The woman says my internship has probably given me the most experience. (C) The man says Let's talk some more about your background. (D) looking at websites is not mentioned.


(A) The woman says, they said their hits increased by about 1,000 people a month. The number of hits means the number of times people visit a website. (B) The woman says their hits increased by about 1,000 people a month, which means people visited the website but didn't necessarily buy anything. (C) The woman says 1,000 people, not dollars. (D) hits means the number of times people visit a website, so has a different meaning. 65. (D) The man says my little sister is looking for a summer job. (A) On the weekend is not mentioned. (B) Next year is not mentioned. (C) After she graduates is not mentioned .


(A) It is a cleaning job, and the man says she does lots of chores at home. Chores are unpaid tasks that people have to do, such as cleaning and cooking. (B) The woman asks Has she ever had a job before? And the man answers no. (C) Wants her out of the house is not mentioned. (D) The man says she does lots of chores at home. 67.

(B) The woman asks the man to have her fill out the application tomorrow and the man says Great, I'll let her know. An application must be filled out before his sister can come to work. (A) Bring her sister to work is not mentioned .

(C) Bring the woman home is not mentioned. (D) The man's sister is going to apply for the job, not the man. 68. (D) The woman says she has been gone for the summer, and I was doing important research in China. (A) Studying Chinese is not mentioned. (B) The woman says It wasn't a vacation! (C) Being sick is not mentioned.

69. (D) The woman says I have to

learn a new computer system that was installed while I was gone. (A) The woman says a new computer system, not new computers. (B) Staff changes is not mentioned. (C) The department was moved is not mentioned. 70.

(C) The man says if you have any questions, just ask me. (A) Training is not mentioned. (B) Her vacation pictures are not mentioned. (D) Time off is not mentioned.

Further Practice and Guidance p64 Listening Part 3 Drawing conclusions from conversations

a. Answers will vary.

b. 1. Your boss asks you to book a table for four people for dinner. You ... (A) eompl11in to customers. (B) go home. (C) call a restaurant. (D) get Oft II trllift. 2. Two people talking about a sale on sweaters probably work at ... (A) 11 ele11ning ser v iee. (B) 11 ne vv sp11per. (C) 11 restlltlfllftt. (D) a mall. 3. Your cafe is not making any profit because ...



(A) the food is exeelletlt. (B) the number of customers has decreased. (C) people do not like to eat out. (D) yott need to open more restattrants. 4. A man that read about the weather this morning was probably ... (A) reading the newspaper this morning. (B) w atehing the ne vv s this morning. (C) voatehing eommereials this moming. (D) ehoosing a eable prooider this moming.


(A) The announcement begins with the feny to . . . and this is followed by details of the ferry trip that passengers would need to know. (B) Professional drivers are not mentioned. (C) Ticket sellers are not mentioned. (D) Catalina is the name of the island, not the name of a family. 75. (B) The man says vehicle(s) ... with the appropriate sticker on the window. (A) $20 is not mentioned. (C) an island pass is not mentioned. (D) The man says Retum tickets can be purchased at our destination.

Part 4: Talks p65


71. (D) The woman introduces her

(A) The man says the trip will take approximately one hour. (B) The man says all vehicles ready to board in five minutes. (C) The man says The ferry to Catalina Island will leave in twenty minutes. (D) TWenty-five minutes a day is not mentioned.

message with her main idea which is our email system has been hacked. Hacking is when a person enters a computer system and this person should not be accessing the system. (A) The message is about email hacking, not how to use company emails. (B) Email messages have been sent to the employees' client. (C) The woman says I promise to strengthen our security systems.

72. (C) She says at around 2 a.m. on Friday, a person or persons hacked the system. (A) The woman was alerted to the problem on Sunday. (B) Advertisements through email and messages were sent on Saturday. (D) The system was hacked on Friday, not on the weekend. 73. (B) She says I .. . am working to resolve the problem right now. (A) Talking to a security guard is not mentioned. (C) The hackers have emailed the company's employees and their clients. (D) An employee memo is not mentioned.



(A) The name of the company being advertised is Social Contact, as the woman says a customer services representative from Social Contact will return your call. This is the only name that is mentioned. (B) The advertisement talks about social media, but is selling a service to small businesses to increase their customer base. (C) A credit card is mentioned as a method of payment. (D) The woman says a personal advisor will help you ... bring your marketing strategy into the 21" century. 78 .

(A) The woman says are you a small business owner ... if the answer is yes, please text ... (B) People who want their own website are not mentioned. (C) The representatives will call back the potential customers. (D) The woman says a personal advisor will help you with a business plan.

79. (C) When the call is returned, the woman says please have your credit card ready. (A) a usemame and password are not mentioned. (B) The woman says a personal advisor will help you with a business plan. (D) Contract is not mentioned. 80.

(D) The whole announcement is about the speaker's company acquiring another company named Ghirabelli, and at the end of the announcement the man says that Ghirabelli becomes part of the Bradbury family. (A) The man says we have been in negotiations for months with Ghirabelli. (B) The man mentions Ghirabelli as the famed chocolatiers. Chocolatiers means chocolate makers. (C) The announcement is about Ghirabelli not to their employees. 81.

(B) The man says the international brand recognition for this name is very high. (A) The man says Ghirabelli are from Italy, so we can assume they are in a different country. (C) The cost of the chocolate is not mentioned. (D) This is not mentioned. 82.

(D) The man says is part of the Bradbury family today. (A) Next week is not mentioned. (B) Tomorrow is not mentioned. (C) The man says we have been in negotiations for months ... 83.

(C) The woman says she is returning a call and at the end asks to be called back. (A), (B) , (D): These responses are incorrect because the woman says she is returning a call. 84.

(A) The woman says a cell phone he recently bought. (B) The woman says Mr. Martinez has thirty days to post the documents. (C) Nine months ago is not mentioned. (D) Six months ago is not mentioned.


85. (A) the woman says mail in the

refund card. (B) The woman says the refund card ... cannot be submitted by email. (C) through the nearest Horizon store is not mentioned. (D) The woman says the refund card ... cannot be submitted by ... fax. 86. (C) A chairperson is the person

who controls and introduces a meeting, as the speaker seems to be doing. (A) Parking lots is one of the subjects mentioned. (B) There is no discussion of legal matters, so it's unlikely a lawyer is speaking. (D) The speaker says I will be presenting an award to the salesperson of the month. 87. (B) The man says we are required to designate at least ten of our parking spaces for disabled people. They need ten parking spaces but now they have only two, so that means they need eight more. (A) They currently have only two parking spaces. (C) One is not mentioned. (D) They need ten parking spaces but now they have only two, so that means they need eight more.

90. (D) The man says these enormous

stores open, and these refers to the Glammart stores. He continues to say soon all the surrounding independently-owned stores are forced to shut down. Shut down means close. (A) The man says the opposite - all the surrounding independentlyowned stores are forced to shut down. (B) The man says the opposite Glammart has stores all over the globe, and their purchasing power is enormous. (C) The man says that large companies like Glammart can buy and sell any product at much lower prices than our smaller businesses are able to. 91. (B) The man says that Glammart offers everything a person needs in one place, which means they have a large variety of products. (A) Thanking their customers is not mentioned. (C) Friendly local employees is not mentioned. (D) Guarantees is used as a verb, so has a different meaning.


mentioned. (A) Parking spaces are mentioned. (B) Regional sales meeting is mentioned. (D) Salesperson of the month is mentioned.

(C) The woman says the project is near and dear to her, and that she has been working on this idea for nearly a decade. (A) The woman doesn't say she's a computer teacher. (B) The community technology center will offer people help with job skills. (D) The woman says Come see our job counselor.



(D) The man introduces the meeting by saying they are there to discuss Glammart, and at the end of the announcement he says how can we compete in the future with Glammart. (A) The man says Glammart can buy and sell any product at much lower prices than our smaller businesses. (B) The meeting is to discuss the threat to small businesses. (C) The meeting is to discuss the threat of chain stores for small businesses, not the benefits.

(C) She asks the audience if they are having trouble searching for jobs, and then says learn how to use internet resources efficiently. (A) She says We don't offer basketball courts. (B) A chemistry laboratory is not mentioned. (D) She says We don't offer ... a swimming pool.

88. (C) Sales figures are not


(A) The only services that the woman mentions the center having are job counselors, and

classes or a private tutor for people whose computer skills are not meeting today's employment requirements. (B) Computer teachers will be working at the center, so logically wouldn't look for help. (C) Private tutors will be working at the center, so logically wouldn't look for help. (D) The center doesn't offer any sporting facilities, so it's unlikely sportsmen would use it. 95. (D) The speaker is taking some

customers around the showroom floor, and introduces a variety of office furniture. (A) Showroom floor is part of a store, not a theater. (B) The man says I understand that you are opening a new branch office here in town. (C) Reception area is not mentioned. 96. (D) The man says since you will be buying so many pieces from us. Individual units of furniture are often referred to as pieces. (A) The man mentions last year's models but not in relation to a discount. (B) This is not mentioned as a reason for a discount. (C) This is not mentioned as a reason for a discount.

97. (D) The man says Now, let's take a

look at ... chairs. (A), (B), and (C) are not mentioned. 98. (D) The woman says we are experiencing some technical problems and are being forced to make an unscheduled stop. (A) The woman says any turbulence is normal and by no means dangerous. (B) The woman says Due to storm activity in the area, the landing may be a bit bumpy. (C) The woman says being forced to make an unscheduled stop in Paris.


(A) The woman says we should be able to take off in the morning. (B) One morning next week is not mentioned.



(C) The woman says the airport is not letting any planes take off tonight. (D) one night next week is not mentioned.

100. (C) The woman says that the passengers will receive a voucher for one night at a nearby hotel. (A), (B), and (D) are not mentioned.

Section 2: Reading Part 5: Incomplete Sentences p67 101. (C) Benefits are advantages, or good things, such as increased foot traffic and lower rent. (A) Reimbursement means to return money to someone that they have paid. (B) One meaning of margin is an amount of money that you give a stockbroker to pay for possible losses on money that they invest for you. (D) Penalties is a negative word, and can mean a fine or punishment that one has to pay. 102.

(A) This is a comparative structure, adjective -er + than. (B) Highest is a superlative and cannot be used to compare two things. (C) Most high would be an incorrect superlative form. (D) As high as is a comparative but is not used with than. 103. (D) Although is a linking word, used to contrast two different ideas such as buying a new house without having sold the first one. (A ) If is used in conditional sentences. (B) When is used for time clauses. (C) Even can be used with though as a contrast linking word, but not by itself in a contrast. 104.

(A) According is used with to in order to introduce a noun to be referenced. (B) Seeing as cannot be used with to. (C) Looking should be used with at, not to. 160

(D) There is no indication of people agreeing with each other or an idea in this sentence. 105. (B) Through is used to indicate a time period, such as from now until the end of March. (A) Since is used with a specific time in the past. (C) Between is used in time phrases with and. (D) While is used for two actions happening at the same time. 106.

(D) Putting up is a phrasal verb meaning to fix something to an upright structure. (A) Seeing is not used with up. (B) Showing up means able to be seen, but the subject in this sentence is we and it's the billboard not the we which is showing up, (C) Lifting up means a person is lifting an object with their arms, and a billboard is too heavy to be lifted manually.

107. (C) Features is used here as a verb

to mean having something special. (A) Demonstrates means to show how to do something. (B) Exposes is similar to features, but is used to show something illegal or something that should be hidden. (D) Carries means a person bringing something with them, usually on their body, but an office cannot carry anything. 108. (C) A is an indefinite article used before a singular noun beginning with a consonant. (A) Any is a determiner used with plural nouns. (B) Some is a determiner used with plural nouns. (D) An is an indefinite article used with singular nouns that begin with a vowel.

109. (B) A person works at a desk

when their job consists of sitting at a desk. (A) A person can work with another person or a tool, but not a desk. (C) A person can work to achieve a goal. (D) a person cannot work in a desk.

llO. (A) Was sent is the passive structure, as a person sent the memo and the subject of person is not there. Sent is the past participle of to send. (B) Send is a Simple Present form. (C) Sending is the present participle. (D) To send is the infinitive.

111. (A) Withdraw funds means to take

out money, usually from a bank. (B) One cannot eam funds, but one can earn money or a salary. (C) Only a thing, not a person, can cost money. You is the subject of the sentence, not a thing. (D) Spent is the past participle and cannot be used with to. 112. (B) Documents are saved and then

seen on the desktop of a computer. (A), (C), and (D) are all prepositions that are not used with desktop. 113. (C) Take advantage is a phrasal

verb that means to use something in a beneficial way. (A) Appropriacy means correctness, and is not used with take. (B) Aptitude means ability, and is not used with take. (D) Assent means agreement, and is not used with take. 114. (B) Moreover is used to introduce

an additional and important idea. (A) Nevertheless is used to contrast two ideas. (C) Despite is used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it. (D) But is used to join two ideas or statements and contrast them. 115. (B) Agency means company or

business. (A) Society is a group of people in general, or a community. (C) Institution is a large organization such as a hospital or university, usually a public organization and not a private business. (D) An agent is a person.




(A) Or is used to connect choices. (B) But is used to connect two ideas that are different. (C) Nor is used to connect two ideas that are negative. (D) Either is used with or in choices, such as either the museum or the exhibit. 117.

(D) Producer means a person, or group of people (such as a country or company), that makes something. (A) Product means a good, or item. (B) Produce, as a noun, means fruit, vegetables and other things farmers grow. (C) Production means a process of making something. 118.

(D) Will meet is the future form and agrees with next week. (A) To meet is the infinitive and is not a main verb. (B) Meeting is a present participle and cannot be used as a main verb by itself. (C) Met is the Simple Past. 119. (D) Revised means changed or

improved, as first drafts have to be looked over. (A) Looked has to be used with at. (B) Written cannot be used here as a first draft is already written. (C) Documents, such as proposals, would not need to be opened on a first draft. 120.

(C) It is the correct pronoun to refer to the shelf. The pronouns (A) they, (B) them, and (D) those are not correct to use with the singular noun shelf. 121.

(A) Applies is the third person singular present tense used with the subject tax. (B) Apply would be the Simple Present form for a subject which is a plural or you. (C) Applying is a present participle and not a main verb. (D) Be applied is not a main verb. 122.

to become one larger organization. (A) Are donating means giving money. (B) Are connecting means joining, but it is not used to describe companies or businesses. (D) Are becoming needs to introduce a noun that something is changing into , such as are becoming partners. 123 . (C) Would be is used with if

+ Simple Past to form the second conditional, expressing a hypothetical situation, a hope or a wish. (A) Will is used with if + Simple Present to form first conditionals, expressing situations that are likely to happen . (B) Is is not used with Simple Past to form a conditional sentence. (D) Is going is not used with Simple Past to form a conditional sentence. 124. (B) Unless is used with a negative

clause to introduce a condition that must be met in order for another action to happen, such as an age requirement that must be met in order to see a restricted film. (A) If only is used to express a wish that a situation is different from how it is. (C) In case can be used to mean if. (D) In order is used to introduce a goal or a hoped-for effect, such as "In order to see this film, you must be over eighteen." 125.

(D) A person serves food in restaurants and diners. (A) A person can eat food in a diner, but a diner cannot eat. (B) A sandwich can be made, but usually not created. (C) A diner might sell food, but not give it, which suggests the food is free. 126.

(C) Occasionally means sometimes, but not frequently or regularly. (A) Frequently means often, and busy people do not have time to cook often. (B) Never means at no time in the past or in the future, and cannot be used after only.

(D) Busy people would not have time to always cook, as always means all the time. 127. (B) Should is used to give advice. (A) Must is not used with to and is

not used to give advice. (C) A positive auxiliary verb is needed here to make sense, not a negative phrase. (D) Would is not used with to . 128. (B) Which is a relative pronoun

giving extra information about the meeting. (A) What can be a relative pronoun that is the subject or object of another clause, and not used with commas. (C) When is a relative pronoun introducing an action that happens at the same time as another action. (D) Where is a relative pronoun used to give information about a place or location but must be followed by an independent clause, such as "The meeting where I learned about the new community center was at Tai's house. " 129. (C) Make a living is a phrase that

means earn money to support oneself. (A), (B), and (D) : None of these verbs is used in a phrase with a living. 130.

(A) Targets mean goals, or expected outcomes, and is often used to describe numerical goals like sales or earnings. (B) Ambitions are things that you want to achieve, but the word is not usually used to describe business goals, but rather what individual people want to do. (C) Purposes are reasons for doing something. (D) Objects are things not goals. 131.

(B) Appearing means seeming. (A) Achieving means succeeding, which is positive, while unprepared is negative. (C) Thinking is not used with unprepared.

(D) Alternating means changing between two things.

(C) Are merging means combining




(C) Has continued is the Present Perfect, meaning that business started to improve in the past, and has kept getting better from then through to the present. (A) Continuing is a present participle and not a main verb. (B) To continue is an infinitive and not a main verb. (D) Continue is a Simple Present verb, but not for a third person singular subject such as business. 133.

(A) Job market is the phrase to describe the total number of jobs that are available in an area or region. (B) career, (C) profession, and (D) work are not used before the word job because the meanings are too similar. 134.

(D) Appetizer means the same as starter. (A) Appetite is the feeling of hunger and not something one orders. (B) Meal means all the courses on a menu, which the sentence says there is no need for. (C) Dessert comes at the end of the meal, and also starts with a consonant so cannot follow an. 135.

(A) Records are documents where information is kept, or recorded. It also refers to the plural pronoun they. (B) A bibliography is a reference list at the end of an essay or report that lists authors and book titles. (C) An author is a person who writes. (D) Data means numbers or statistics, but it is an uncountable noun which isn't used with they. 136.

(B) He is the pronoun referring to the inventor. (A) It is a pronoun that would refer to a thing, not a person. (C) They is a pronoun that would refer to a plural noun. (D) Him is an object pronoun referring to a person, but this sentence needs a subject pronoun. 137.

(C) Overhead is the amount of money paid regularly to run a business, such as rent. 162

(A) Overhang is something that sticks out over an edge. (B) Overdraft is an amount of money that is owed to a bank when someone has spent more than was in an account. (D) Overreaching is when someone does more than their ability allows. 138.

(D) Carefully means someone thinks about what they are doing so that they do not do anything wrong or so that they avoid problems. (A) Carelessly means done without thinking or worrying. (B) Haphazardly means done in way that is not careful. (C) Loudly means noisily. 139.

(B) Professional usually means more formal, which contrasts in meaning to comfortable, as the linking word yet indicates. (A) Cosy and (D) relaxed are similar in meaning to comfortable, so would be a repetition and not a contrast. (C) Expensive is not a contrast to comfortable.

Because of this introduces a result of the situation previously described. (A) Because, (B) Due to the fact that, and (D) Due to, all introduce causes. 143.

(A) Estimated means thought to be or guessed to be. (B) Announced means to make a public or official statement but is followed by that, not the infinitive. (C) Extricated means to get someone out of a difficult situation. (D) Advised means to give advice, or an opinion about the best solution. 144.

(B) The is a definite article used before a specific noun or noun mentioned before, such as this noise which we know refers to the construction noise. (A) A is an indefinite article used before a general noun or a noun introduced for the first time. (C) These, and (D) those are demonstrative pronouns referring to plural nouns. 145.

(C) On time means arriving at the correct time and not late. (A) On the road means traveling. (B) On top means above. (D) On tap can mean easily available.

(C) Since refers to a specific time in the past, such as last year. (A) For refers to a period of time. (B) Until refers to an action done up to a specific time. (D) While refers to a period at the same time that something else is happening.

Part 6: Text Completion p70




(D) Has been brought is Present Perfect Passive, meaning that the person who brought the news to the writer is not mentioned as the subject of the sentence. It also means that the news was given to the writer in the past. (A) Bring cannot follow has. (B) Has brought is Present Perfect Active, meaning that it is the agent bringing the news. It refers to an idea, not a person, and therefore cannot bring news to the writer. (C) Has been bringing is Present Perfect Progressive, describing an action that has continued over a period of time, unlike when a person simply gives news to someone. 142. (C) This refers to the situation

which was previously described.

(D) Not far from means close to, and the writer is suggesting meeting up for dinner since her hotel is close to her friend's office. Far often goes with from in phrases. (A) Distant means the same as far, but distant is too formal to be used in this situation. (B) Near, and (C) close cannot be used with from. 147.

(A) Have fun is a phrase that means have a good time, and fun is also uncountable so can go after much. (B) Excellence is not used with the verb have. (C) Good times is a plural noun and cannot be used with much. (D) Harmony means a pleasing combination of musical notes.



Further Practice and

(A) Following means next, as the 6'h and 7th are the two days after her flight gets in. (B) Gathering means meeting, or coming together and does not describe time. (C) Together means joined and does not describe time. (D) Previous means before and would be used to describe past time not future time.

Guidance p73

149. (B) They is the third person plural

subject pronoun referring to companies. (A) It is a singular pronoun. (C) Them is the third person plural object pronoun. (D) Those is a demonstrative plural pronoun that is used before the noun it refers to, such as those years. 150. (D) Free from is a phrase meaning without. (A) Free for would only make sense if talking about a price of $0, such as, "These books are free for students." (B) Away is not used with free. (C) Free to is a phrase that means allowed.


Reading Part 6 Choosing verb tenses, linking words and prepositions a. 1. Future Simple 2. Present Perfect 3. Simple Past 4. Simple Present 5. Present Perfect 6. Past Progressive 7. Present Perfect Progressive b. Answers will vary. d. 1. We're going to the museum this Sunday because they have an exhibit on vintage cars I want to see. 2. Helen tried getting doughnuts for the meeting this morning, but the bakery was closed. Because of this, there was nothing to eat and I'm really hungry now. 3. Due to the fact that the holiday falls on a Friday this year, there will be a three day weekend next month. 4. This particular brand has been on the market since 1989. 5. Don has been manager here for five years. 6. I am happy to announce that you are free from infection. You can go home today with a clean bill of health.

(C) Installed means to put software programs on a computer. (A) Instilled means to make e. Answers will vary. someone have a particular belief or feeling . · Part 7: Reading (B) Watched is used for TV or Comprehension p75 movies, not software programs. 153. (D) Crashed means a computer or (A) The advertisement states that program has failed . Shania sings about the happiness 152. she has found. (D) Immediately means right away. The advertisement doesn't give The writer wanted to use the 8.0 any information about (B) a piano version right after the 9.0 version player, (C) a poet, or (D) a novelist. failed again. 154. (A) Closely refers to something (D) The last line of the following a short time or distance advertisement says, Go to ... to after something else. download the first two tracks. (B) Slowly means at a slow speed. Tracks means songs. (C) Occasionally means sometimes The advertisement does not mention but not regularly. (A) track their favorite artists, or (B) get new ringtones. (C) The advertisement says download the first two tracks. Tracks are part of an album.

155 .

(A) Farewell means goodbye, as in a party for someone who is leaving. The receipt includes the items Relocation Rules: Massachusetts and New Jobs for Dummies. It is unlikely that someone would buy the items Relocation Rules: Massachusetts, and New Jobs for Dummies for (B) a birthday party, (C) a garden party, or (D) an anniversary party. 156.

(C) The receipt includes the items New Jobs for Dummies and Relocation Rules: Massachusetts. These would be useful for someone looking for a new job. The person is not likely to be (A) visiting a friend, (B) trying new food , or (D) going on vacation. 157. (B) The receipt lists $100 under the amount tendered section. Amount tendered is the amount of money received from the customer. It is not is not (A) $97.42, (C) $5, or (D) $2 .58.

158. (D) The article mentions to complete an online survey and in the last line of the article, it says click here. The here is a link to another website, so the article must be online. (A) The article refers to our readers, so it's not a personal website. (B) The article is about employment and jobs, so it's unlikely to appear in a science journal. (C) The article mentions online survey and click here, so it cannot be a print newspaper.


(C) The article says The most fascinating result was that almost all of you are currently working. Fascinating is similar in meaning to surprising and currently working refers to employed people. (A) The article says Contrary to popular thought, the likelihood of finding employment did not increase with more education. This means that being more highly educated doesn't mean you have more chance of finding a job. (B) and (D) The article says High school graduates ... were just as likely to have a job as respondents 163


with Masters degrees. Just as likely means there was an equal number of replies from people with and without Masters degrees. 160. (A) The article says Over 50% of you, regardless of whether or not you had a job, said that you had searched for work in the past six months. To do a job hunt means search for work. (B) , (C), and (D) are not mentioned . 161. (B) The article mentions Higher

pay, better work environment and less commuting time. More education is not mentioned. (A) A nicer office atmosphere is part of a better work environment. (C) Higher pay means higher salary. (D) Less commuting time means less travel time. 162. (B) The article says the number

one response to the question how your current job was found was networking. Networking is the same as contacting friends and associates for work opportunities. (A) updating resume is not mentioned . (C) chatting online is not mentioned. (D) being computer literate is not mentioned. 163. (A) The advertisement says Who can afford their own car ... ? Don't waste your money on insurance, gas and maintenance. (B) Eating steak is not mentioned. (C) Vacationing with family is one of the holiday weekend options. (D) Fireworks are part of one of the vacation options. 164.

(A), (B), and (C) are not mentioned.



(C) The text says the virtual world of NBA2U, an online game. We use this adjective to describe a computer-generated world. (A) Talented means to be very good at something. (B) Fake means false in order to trick someone. (D) Real has the opposite meaning of virtual.

(B) The advertisement says visit

www.frankscars.com for a full list of prices. Prices are the same as rates. (A) Restaurant coupons are not mentioned. (C) Gas prices are mentioned as a reason to use Frank's Driving Vacations. (D) Vacation plans are not mentioned. 167. (B) A cover letter is a letter usually

included with a resume, or CV, when applying for a job. The letter states I am applying for the Editor position. It is not (A) a letter of complaint, (C) a letter to request information, or (D) an apology letter. 168.

(C) The letter says position which was posted on jobs list. com, which must be an online classifieds website. (A), (B), and (D) are not mentioned. 169. (A) The letter says after one year I began to take on more editorial duties . . . six months later I was

promoted. One year plus six months is 18 months. (B) and (D) Faisal was working at Reason Publishing for one year and then was promoted to Editorial Assistant six months after then. (C) Two years is not mentioned. 170. (D) The letter says I also reviewed

new novels for the journal. (A) Designing science fiction books is not mentioned. (B) The letter says my ability .. . to meet deadlines. (C) Writing science fiction novels is not mentioned.

(C) The article mentions truck and trailer in the families section. The section finishes by mentioning the price. (A) hike in Hoola Canyon, (B) camping, and (D) fireworks are all part of the family driving holiday, so they do not have a separate price.

(D) The letter says I read all genres of fiction voraciously. Genres means types, so all genres would mean a variety of books. (A), (B), and (C) are not mentioned.



(D) The article mentions Don't forget . . . when paying your bill .. . and receive 10% off.

(B) The article says to discuss their latest wins and losses. These are words used with games. (A), (C), and (D) are not mentioned.




(C) The article says you choose to be one player for a whole season. (A) Pay a small fee is not mentioned. (B) The article says then try and win the championship, which takes place after you choose to be a player. (D) It is an individual game, and choose a team would be for a team game. 175. (B) The article says a party was

hosted ... for the most elite players. (A) The get-together is being held at a pizza restaurant but the purpose of it is to meet other people, not just eat. (C) Competition is not mentioned in relation to the get-together. (D) Team is not mentioned in relation to the get-together. 176.

(C) The article says I wish I could spend all my time playing NBA2U, the online game discussed in this article. (A) The article says none of them has ever played on a real basketball team. (B) and (D) School and university aren't mentioned in relation to where Kai wants to spend his time. 177. (D) Vintage is an adjective for

old things, such as antiques, and deal-seekers are people who like bargains. The notice says Tantalizing traditional pieces at prices you have to see to believe. (A) Baseball cards and fishing equipment are mentioned, but the notice would appeal more to people who like old things. (B) The notice mentions estate which is a house but this is the location of the sale. (C) The sale includes items from the 1920s.



(B) The notice says Thistle Vintage is having an estate sale. Thistle Vintage is capitalised, so it must be a name or proper noun. (A) Athletes, (C) residents of the house, and (D) clothing designers are all people and Thistle Vintage is not the name of a person, so it must be a company. 179. (B)

Books are not mentioned.

(A) Jackets means coats. (C) Dresser, nightstand, book cases and sofa are all types of furniture. (D) Fishing pole is a type of fishing equipment.

180. (A) The notice says boxes and bags

are not provided, so that means customers will need to bring their own. (B) It is an estate sale, so customers would not bring items to sell. (C) The notice says Personal checks are not accepted. (D) A car is not mentioned. 181. (D) The letter says we decided to

reward ourselves with something sweet. Dessert is usually sweet. It is not (A), (B), or (C). 182.

(C) The letter says we hear excellent things . . . from others in the office. Co-workers means people that you work with. (A) walking by it, (B) on the radio, and (D) an advert in the newspaper are not mentioned. 183. (A) The letter says we then squeezed

ourselves around the tiny table. Tiny means very small and squeezed means to fit into a small space. (B) It smelled bad, (C) it was near the hostess stand, and (D) it was dirty are not mentioned. 184.

(C) The letter says we decided to order one of everything. Then in the next paragraph it mentions all the food which is listed under snacks on the menu. (A), (B), and (D) are all single items. 185.

(C) The letter says you charged us for every refill of our coffees. On

the menu, there is an asterisk after Beautifully black coffee of the day, and the asterisk states *free refills. (A), (B), and (D) are not mentioned. 186. (B) The schedule says shifts -

10 a.m.-5 p.m./6 p.m.-11 p.m.,

so people would be able to shop between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. and 6 p.m until 11 p.m. (A) The shop is closed after 11 p.m. and doesn't open until 10 a.m. (C) The shop is closed between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. (D) The shop isn't open 24 hours a day. 187.

(C) The purpose of an email is usually found in the introduction, which is the first paragraph. The email says problems with the schedule. (A) The email mentions Sarah's situation but this is one of the two problems with the schedule. (B) The email mentions Tuesday but says There is no one scheduled for the night shift. (D) A mistake is not mentioned. 188. (D) Jack is complaining on behalf

(B) Workers are scheduled to work for the day shift. (D) This is not mentioned in the email. 191. (A) The coupon says buy two, get

one free, which means a total of three bags will be received when using this deal. (B), (C), and (D) are incorrect. 192. (D) The coupon is advertising to

people who want to know why their co-workers are ready to start work at 6 a.m. (A) The coffee is from Kenya. (B) This is not mentioned. (C) The coupon says Want to know what opens those sleepy eyes? 193. (D) In the text message from

Juana, she says coupon for coffee . .. Ms. Green said we must bring to meeting tomorrow. (A), (B), and (C) are not mentioned. 194. (B) In Juana's text, she says check

email. I sent coupon for coffee. (A) , (C), and (D) are not mentioned. 195. (A) In the text message from Lois, it says look at site .. . for travel deals - free bus tickets! (B), (C), and (D) are not mentioned.

of Sarah, and she ... needs this job to put herself through school. That means she is paying for her tuition, room and board, which means she is supporting herself. (A) and (C) are not mentioned. (B) Sarah has been working there for two months but that is not the reason she wants more shifts.

(A) The brochure is listing all the advantages of a product named Safetoburn. (B), (C), and (D) are incorrect.



(C) Fulfill a promise means to do what was promised. The letter says that Mr. Chan guaranteed that she would have at least five shifts a week, but he has not given this to Sarah. (A) Write down means to write something on a piece of paper. (B) Break means separate into pieces. (D) Too much is not a verb.

(D) The email says Mr. Wheeler has requested all information in the company to be saved in hardcopy form. The only position with the power to make decisions for the whole company would be the owner. (A) The Chief of Internal Security is Brian Oceancrest, the author of the email. (B) Head of acquisitions is not mentioned. (C) The IT Manager is Marco Jacobs.


(C) The email says there is no one scheduled for the night shift, which means no one will be working at that time. (A) The schedule lists schedules for Tuesday, which suggests the market is open.



(C) Steps means measures. (A) Sizes and (B) widths are the

wrong meanings of measures.



(D) Safeties would be a repetition of security. 199. (B) The email says As this necklace had been advertised for three months prior to the product launch ... (A) The email says This caused a delay of one month. (C) The email says One week before the ... products were due to hit the stores, all the computers in our central distribution center crashed. (D) 4 months is not mentioned. 200. (D) The email says make sure that everyone ... receives a new Safetobum drive. They are sitting in the stockroom, waiting to be distributed. (A), (B), and (C) are not mentioned.

Further Practice and Guidance Reading Part 7 p85 Skimming, scanning, and fi nding answers

a. l.B

2.C 3. A

c. film (line 00) Taiwan (line 00) fruit (line 00) English (line 00) locals (line 00) summer (line 00)

d. l.A

2.C 3.


Speaking Questions 7-9 p89

Answers should include, but are not limited to, the following information. 7. Thesday, June 7, 6-8 p.m., at the college in Klick Hall, which is room 344 in the Language Arts Building.

1 66

B. You can call 09-308-1555 or go to

the college's website, www.hopper. edu/auckland. 9. There are three degrees that are considered sustainable, which means they focus on environmentally friendly methods in their classes. These courses are Sustainable Agriculture Methods, Sustainable Business Practices, and Sustainable Construction Practices. Question 10 p90

Answer should include the following: hotel across the street/ Grand Orchid/room for 200/Hannah manager/6'h free/more expensive; five stars/call Hannah/ 384-2938 Model answer:

Hi Nahla. This is Chuck. I am the manager at the hotel that you want to have the banquet at, and I'm calling regarding the trouble with the reservation. You said that you needed a room for 150 people on December 6th, unlike your previous reservation stated. Unfortunately, as you know, our events room only holds 100 people. Even if we did have room, we are all booked up on that night anyway. However, I do know the manager at the hotel across the street, The Grand Orchid, and she can help you resolve this problem. Their events room is larger than ours, and can serve up to 200 people. I called the manager over there, Hannah, and she said they actually have the night of the 6th free. I should tell you that their prices are a little higher than ours, as it is a five-star hotel compared to our three-star hotel. Call Hannah as soon as possible with all of your details to firm up the booking. Her number is 384-2938, extension 12. Good luck Nahla, and happy New Year. If there's anything else we can do for you just give me a call. Question 11 p90

Answers should include the following: 1. She does not give her opinion on the question. 2. treated differently;not always good/not good for relationships of family ;usually treated better/ should not be allowed to hire family members/nothing positive

Model answer: 2.

I am of the opinion that family of managers or bosses should definitely not be hired. In my experience, when this situation happens in the workplace, the employee who is related to the boss definitely gets treated differently than the rest of the workers. This special treatment is not always good, though. For example, my cousin went to work for his dad in a factory his family owned. He was one of their accountants. His dad didn't want people to be jealous of his son, so he went out of his way to criticize his work. I don't think it was good for their relationship, working together, so my cousin went to work for someone else. He and his dad get along much better now. Nevertheless, I think usually when someone works for a boss that they're related too, the boss treats them better than everyone else. It happened at my workplace last year. The secretary was the manager's daughter, and she never had to do anything. I had to answer the phone all the time, since she just sat at her desk, posting stuff online and chatting to friends. So, to my mind, managers should not be allowed to hire family members, as it usually leads to nothing positive.

Writing Questions 1-5 p91 Example answers: 1. The man is fixing a fence outside. 2. There are two bridges over the wide river in the picture. 3. One man is pulling off his friend's boots because their work is done. 4. The man working on the roof should be careful. 5. There is one man looking at the paper while another man, in front of him, is staring off into the distance.

TEST THREE: Listening and Reading Section 1: Listening p94 The first answer given is the correct option.


Part 1: Photographs p95


1. (C) He is surrounded by shelves of

(A) The three men have raincoats on. (B) There are no umbrellas in the picture. (C) The men are not playing. (D) They are not wearing hats.

food so he is probably shopping, and his eyes are focused on his list. (A) He is not making any movement to fold the list. (B) He is not looking around the store for anybody. (D) He is not writing. 2. (B) There is a pair of glasses in his

hand. (A) He is not drinking. (C) He is not touching his tie. (D) He is not writing anything. 3. (D) She is standing outside a

house with a 'sold' sign on it. (A) She is not in running clothes. (B) She is not inside the house. (C) We cannot see if the house is open or not. 4. (C) She is holding a phone up to

her ear. (A) She is not typing on a computer or a typewriter. (B) She is not in motion or ready to go out of the room. (D) She is not looking at a book. 5. (D) The two men are smiling and one has his fist in the air, all signs of happiness or excitement. (A) They are not in motion, and so are not walking. (B) There are no documents in the picture. (C) They are outside, not inside.

6. (B) The light is sitting above, or on

top of, the stop sign. (A) There is no storm in the picture. (C) There is no traffic in the picture. (D) There are no people in the picture. 7.

(B) She is holding a seat belt. (A) She is not moving off the plane, she is standing still. (C) She is not serving anything to the passengers. (D) There is no food in the picture.

9. (A) The man is holding two plastic bottles, and is putting them into a larger container. (B) He is not pouring anything into the bottles. (C) Full garbage containers are not in the picture. (D) There is no refrigerator in the picture.

10. (A) The man has his wallet open and is standing in front of a machine. (B) He is not in a shop, and is not paying for any clothes. (C) He is standing still and not walking. (D) There is no line of people in the picture.

Part 2: Question-Response p97 11. (B) In this question, the person

asks to taste some ice cream. Sure means yes, and the person answering offers a spoon needed to taste the ice cream. (A) and (C) do not answer the request. 12. (A) The question asks if the

reservation will be kept, or held, for them, in case he or she shows up late. The person answering says yes, and that it will be held for 20 minutes after the reservation time. (B) is incorrect because the expression on hold here means on the phone. (C) is incorrect because it answers a question about a journey on a plane. 13.

(C) The key question words are how many and workers, so a number of people (20) is the correct answer. (A) answers a question about time, not number of people. (B) answers a question about distance.

14. (C) The key question word is

where, and the person wants to know where the crates should be put. (A) answers a question about the location of the store, not the crates. (B) doesn't answer the question where. 15. (A) The question asks about the

number of accidents, and the person answering says one. (B) is incorrect because it uses accident to mean by mistake. (C) doesn't answer a question about the number of accidents. 16. (B) The key question word is

what, and the question asks about information discussed in the meeting. The answer is new clients. (A) answers a question about the location of the meeting, not what was discussed at the meeting. (C) doesn't answer a question about information discussed at a meeting . 17. (C) The person wants to know

what size coffee the customer wants. The answer is large. (A) is incorrect because it answers a question about the size of clothes, not coffee. (B) is incorrect because it answers a question about whether someone wants milk in their coffee. 18 . (C) The person wants to know if a seat is free, or if it is taken, and the person answering says no one is sitting there, so the speaker can take it. (A) is incorrect because it answers a question with a different meaning of taken. (B) is incorrect because it doesn't answer a yes/ no question, and refers to plural nouns.


(B )The question asks for a person's opinion, and the person answering says I love it. (A) is incorrect because it answers a question about a book club, not an Ebook reader. (C) is incorrect because it gives an opinion about a book, not an Ebook reader. 167


20. (B) The key question words are

How much, and the question asks about the price per mile, perhaps for taking a taxi cab. The answer is $1.40. (A) is incorrect because it doesn't answer the question about the price per mile. (C) is incorrect because it answers a question about distance, not price. 21.

(A) The key question word is where and the person wants to know the location of the notebook, and the answer is next to your briefcase. (B) and (C) are incorrect because they don't answer the question about where the notebook is. 22.

(C) The person is asking for an opinion on the new policy, or plan, and the person answering doesn't agree with it. (A) and (B) don't give opinions about the new policy, so are incorrect. 23.

(B) The person wants to know if anything else, such as bills, is included in the price paid for the rent. The answer is that gas and water are included in the rental price. (A) doesn't answer the question about what is included in the rent. (C) asks what is included in the rent, not the amount of the rent charged. 24.

(C) The person is trying on a pair of jeans and thinks they do not fit. The person answering doesn't believe that they do not fit. This person thinks the jeans look great. (A) is incorrect because it is talking about a possible time slot, not an opinion. (B) is incorrect because it provides information about a sale. 25.

(C) The question asks a yes/no question about construction of a building. The person answering says it is almost finished and they are putting the windows in the building today. (A) is incorrect because it answers a question about lunch. 168

(B) is incorrect because it doesn't answer the question about whether the construction is finished. 26. (B) The key question word is why

and the person wants to know the reason for the customer returning the coffee pot, as we return products that we do not want. The customer provides the reason that the coffee pot doesn't work. (A) and (C) don't answer the question why.

32. (C) The person asks a tag question, didn't you? The person responds with I did and confirms that he/she worked there. (A) and (B) are incorrect because they don't respond with I did and don't confirm if the person worked there.


(A) The question asks for a fax number and the person responds by giving a number. (B) and (C) are incorrect because they don't respond with a number.

(C) The key question word is why and the person wants to know the reason for leaving early. The answer gives the reason that checking in takes forever, so the person answering wants to allow extra time for this process. (A) and (B) don't answer the question why.



(A) The key question word is what and speaker wants to know if anything should be brought to the appointment. The response includes information about what should be brought to the appointment. (B) is incorrect because it answers a question about the time of the appointment. (C) is incorrect because it answers a question about the location of the appointment.

(A) This is a yes/no question that offers the person a different chair. The response is no, because the person answering thinks the chair is fine. (B) is an incorrect response to the offer of a different chair. (C) is an incorrect because it answers a question about quantity.



(A) The statement gives an opinion on the view, and the person answering agrees with the opinion and provides a reason why the view is fantastic, that you can see the whole city. (B) and (C) are not appropriate responses to an opinion about the view. 30. (C) This is a yes/no question, asking if someone wants to buy a product. The person responds by answering no. (A) and (B) are incorrect because they don't respond to the request about the purchase. 31.

(B) The question asks for information about a clothes size, and the person responds with the information we only have it up to an B. (A) is incorrect because it responds to a question about time, not size. (B) is incorrect because it responds to a question about weight, not size.


(B) The key question word is where and the asks for the location for buying speakers. The answer responds with the location online. (A) and (C) are incorrect because they don't answer the question where. 36.

(A) The yes/no question asks for information about the weather. The response gives information about the weather: no, it's supposed to rain. (B) and (C) are not appropriate responses to the question about the weather. 37.

(B) The yes/no question asks for information about the speed of the Internet connection. The person answering responds with yes, there is. (A) is incorrect because it answers a Can I ... question. (C) is incorrect because it doesn't answer the question about the speed of the Internet connection. 38.

(B) The key question word is where and the person wants to


know if they are waiting in the right place for the ferry. The person answering responds with yes. A dock is where passengers and cargo get on and off boats. (A) is incorrect because it answers a question about time, not location. (C) is incorrect because it gives an opinion. 39.

(C) The person is inviting someone to dinner, and the response is an apology, sorry, because the person answering is busy. (A) is incorrect because it responds to a question about choice of food . (B) is incorrect because it doesn't respond to the invitation. 40.

(A) The key question words are what kind and the person is asking about copy paper. The person responds by giving information about the type of paper, heavy white paper. (B) and (C) are incorrect because they don't give information about the type of paper.

Part 3: Conversations p98 41. (D) The woman says we have to

recall all of the new skateboards. (A) and (C) The man says the rollerblades and surfboards are selling really well. (B) Roller skates are not mentioned.

44. (A) The woman asks the man's opinion of the new word processing

program. (B), (C), and (D) are not the topics of the conversation. 45. (B) The man says I'm a terrible

speller. (A) The man says I don't really like it, but he is referring to the word processing program. (C) The man says I have to keep

stopping to check the dictionary while I'm writing. (D) The wrong version is not mentioned. 46.

(B) The woman says I do like how simple this new version is. (A) The man says this new edition doesn't have spell check. (C) The man says I have to keep stopping to check a dictionary while I'm writing. (D) Help for bad writers is not mentioned. 47. (C) The speakers are talking about a musical, which is a play with singing and dancing performed in a theater. (A) a concert venue, (B) a cinema,

and (D) a sports arena are not places where a musical would be performed.



(B) When the man asks why the product is being recalled, the woman answers the wheels were

(A) The woman says she's seen the musical before. She says that was ten years ago, which means the same as a decade. (B) The woman says I saw it in

too close together. Placement means location. (A) Handle is not mentioned. (C) The ugly design is not mentioned. The man says it was a

design flaw. (D) The man says he wasn't going too fast ... and does not give this as a reason. 43.

Manchester when I was in college. (C) The woman says That was ten years ago. (D) The man says My co-workers got me the tickets for my birthday. 49 .

(A) The man says my co-workers got me the tickets for my birthday,

(D) The woman says a kid from Ohio ... hurt his arm. (A) He lost a lot of money is not

so the tickets were a birthday gift. (B), (C), and (D) are not mentioned.

mentioned. (B) The man says he didn 't break anything, meaning any bones in his body. (C) He hurt his leg is not mentioned.

(B) The man says the contract arrived for my new job. (A) a new house, (C) Chinese lessons, and (D) a new sales deal are


not mentioned.

51. (C) The man says I'm worried that

I can't understand it completely. The it refers to the contract. (A) The man says The contract finally arrived for my new job in Shanghai. (B) His friend is in China is not mentioned. (D) The man says The salary is great. 52. (C) The woman says I have a friend

. .. she can translate it for you ... I'll call her. (A) go to China is not mentioned . (B) and (D) the woman says her friend can translate it for you, in

exchange for a small fee. 53. (D) The woman says you allow pets in the building, so the man must set the rules of the apartment complex. Also, the man says They

have to keep to the terms of the contract they signed for me. The person who sets the rules and handles the contracts of a building is the landlord. (A) A lawyer is not mentioned. (B) The woman says My neighbors in apartment 3D . .. (C) The woman is talking about the tenants with the man. 54. (B) The woman says that her neighbors' dog won't stop barking. (A) She's allergic to dogs, (C) She hates pets, and (D) She would like a pet are not mentioned . 55. (A) The man says I'll take care of it, meaning he will talk to her

neighbors and solve the problem of their noisy dog. (B) The man says They have to keep

to the terms of the contract they signed for me ... (C) The man says they have to leave, meaning that the tenants will have to move out if they don't keep to their contract. (D) Take care of his dog is not mentioned. 56. (C) The man says due to budget

constraints, we don't really have any extra time. Budget constraints are strict controls on money. (A) There's a lot of work to do is not mentioned. 169


(B) The conference begins soon is not mentioned. (D) The man says we don't really have any extra time to go sightseeing. 57. (B) The woman says I've never been to Tokyo before and I really wanted to explore. (A) The woman says I've never been to Tokyo. (C) Working vacations are not mentioned. (D) She loves Tokyo is not mentioned.

58. (A) The man says it takes a whole day just to fly there, and then we have to start working immediately. He also says they don't have any extra time to go sightseeing. (B) The flights are at bad times, (C) Tokyo is a very busy city, and (D) They arrive very late at night are not mentioned.

59. (C) The woman says this is a crowded bus! (A) The man works at the library but doesn't mention going to the library. (B) Going to work is not mentioned. (D) Going on a vacation together is not mentioned.


(A) The man says everyone is leaving work early for the long holiday weekend. (B) It is going out of town is not mentioned. (C) The time is not mentioned. (D) The day of the week is not mentioned. 61.

(A) The man says I'm a librarian at the county library. (B) Children's author, (C) Teacher, and (D) Bookstore manager are not mentioned. 62.

(B) The woman says this new camera will really sell. (A) The woman says It's the size of a pack of gum. (C) The woman says to put a song in a video. (D) The camera has a built-in MP3 player.




(D) The woman says what's really

(D) The man says we're not any busier than the last time he was here. The only reason given for this is that they haven't done one very important task - advertise. If they have not advertised, or told anyone about their restaurant, then not many people will know about it. (A) The man says The name was spelled wrong on the flyers. (B) The woman says We've changed our menu but that isn't mentioned as the reason why the business hasn't grown. (C) Mr. Ramsey is not mentioned as a reason.

unique is that it allows the user to put a song in a video. The music behind a video or film is called the soundtrack. (A) The woman says posting straight to the web but doesn't mention this as a unique feature. (B) Sold online is not mentioned. (C) The woman says It's the size of a pack of gum but doesn't mention this as a unique feature. 64. (A) The woman says I know

what all my friends and family are getting for their birthdays this year. This implies that she will buy this camera for all the birthday gifts because she is so impressed. (B) Herself, (C) The designer, and (D) Her manager are not mentioned. 65. (C) The man says we're just

finishing the graphics for the main menu. So, he and his team are designing the main menu for the website. (A) Restaurant owner, (B) Salesman, and (D) Rocket launcher are not mentioned. 66.

(B) The woman says they launch the website tomorrow. Launch means to start selling a new product or service to the public. (A) today, (C) tonight, and (D) now are not mentioned. 67.

Part 4: Talks p100 71. (D) The woman says I'd like to be

the first to welcome you, and then goes on to mention all the benefits of being an employee in that building. At the end of the talk, she says your new office. (A) A waitress, (B) A fitness expert, and (C) An elevator repairman are not mentioned. 72. (D) The woman says first, you can

see in the lobby here. (A) The woman says let's go see your new office at the end of the talk. (B) The woman mentions the fitness center after the lobby. (C) A restaurant is not mentioned. 73.

(D) The man says my team will work on it through the night. (A) Create an impressive site, (B) Meet her tonight, and (C) Work on the launch are not mentioned.

(B) The woman says it is a lovely place to work. (A) The bosses are honest, (B) It offers valuable experience, and (D) It doesn't care about the staff are not mentioned.



(B) The woman says we've changed our menu. (A) The tables, (C) The chefs, and (D) The customers are not mentioned.

(A) The man says listen carefully to our new phone menu service. (B) Online, (C) a taxi stand, and (D) the radio are not mentioned.


(D) The man says groups of five or more people will need two cars. (A) An experienced driver, (B) a new cab, and (C) immediate help are not mentioned.

(A) The man says get the word out . . . especially in the neighborhood. In the neighborhood means the same as on the street. (B) TV news, (C) Billboards, and (D) In airports are not mentioned.



76. (C) The man says if you have a

complaint ... please remain on the line ... The man does not tell the caller to press any buttons. He tells the caller to remain on the

line. (A) Call a driver, (B) Press four, and (D) Press two are not mentioned. 77. (B) The woman talks about her audience learning about a vital skill, and she also says I used to

instruct my trainees ... (A) A website designer, (C) A job seeker, and (D) A social events organizer are not mentioned. 78. (C) The woman says A decade ago, I used to instruct my trainees to

attend as many social events as they could. (A) The woman says today, a lot of networking is done online. (B) Host many events, and (D) Make your own website are not mentioned. 79. (C) She says a lot of networking

is done online, so we'll talk more about that first. (A) Useful training, (B) Making friends at work, and (D) Meeting useful people at parties are not mentioned. 80. (A) The man says I'm here today to announce and come in to the office on Monday morning so he must be talking to employees in an office environment. (B) The man says our new

agreement ... with one of the biggest Bollywood movie studios. (C) A film preview and (D) A factory are not mentioned. 81. (C) The man says They are coming

out with ten new movies this summer. They refers to MJM. (A) Four, (B) 1lvo, and (D) Six are not mentioned. 82. (B) The man says come in to the

office on Monday morning with placement ideas for them. Them refers to the films this company's products will be placed in.

(A) The man says Over the weekend, I expect you all to read the scripts ...

90. (B) The woman says now that

(C) and (D) are not mentioned.

dessert is being served. (A) Gifts are not mentioned. (C) The woman says it's time for the speeches and awards. They are not

83. (A) The woman introduces herself by saying My name is Marie and I will be your guide today. She is taking people on a tour. (B) The people will eat a meal but this is part of the tour. (C) A cooking show and (D) A game show are not mentioned. 84. (B) The woman says We will first

do a blind taste test, in which two of you lucky folks will taste four different strawberries . . . and guess each variety. Variety means kind. (A) People will eat a meal after the taste test. (C) and (D) are not mentioned. 85. (D) The woman says enjoy a

delicious five-course meal. (A), (B) and (C) are not mentioned. 86. (D) The man says we help

office managers to improve their effectiveness in the workplace. (A) The office is located in Auckland. (B) Fixing office equipment and (C) Customer complaints are not

mentioned. 87. (C) The man says today we go to

. . . a call center. (A) A cell phone retailer, (B) Home office, and (D) Surveyors are not mentioned. 88. (D) The man says Mr. Maker is too lenient and easy-going. These adjectives have the same general meaning as kind. (A) The man says we see Mr. Maker

allowing an employee to leave the office early. (B) The man says the employee has not finished his work for the day. (C) Strict means the opposite of

happening yet. (D) The woman says I hope you all enjoyed your dinner so they have finished most of their meal. 91. (A) The woman says You may not

be looking forward to this part of the evening, assuming it will be boring! This part of the evening refers to the sentence before, in which she says it's time for the

speeches and awards. (B) Tiring, (C) Funny, and (D) Valuable are not mentioned. 92. (A) The man says photography

is strictly prohibited inside the museum. Prohibited means that something is not allowed. (B) Focusing on art work is not mentioned. (C) The man tells the people to turn off their cell phones, but he doesn't say that they cannot carry them in. (D) The man says please use low

voices when speaking to each other. 93. (B) The man says the

conversations will distract other people from enjoying the art . Conversations would be the noise. (A), (C), and (D) are not mentioned. 94. (C) The man says your camera will

be confiscated and returned to you at the end of your visit. Confiscated means taken temporarily. (A), (B), and (D) are not mentioned. 95. (D) When Janice introduces herself, she says product reviewer. (A) Receptionist, (B) Radio DJ, and (C) Sound technician are not mentioned.

lenient and easy-going. 89. (B) The woman says welcome to our awards banquet. A banquet is a formal meal for a large number of people that takes place in a hall.

96. (B) The woman says The biggest

(A) At home, (C) A sports stadium,

(D) The headset has a microphone but it is not mentioned as an advantage.

and (D) A board meeting are not mentioned.

advantage, I think, is the comfort. (A) Loud is not mentioned. (C) The woman says The headset is lightweight, not heavy.



97. (C) The woman says There is one

big disadvantage. I found that the microphone was very poor. Disadvantage means problem. (A), (B), and (D) are not mentioned. 98. (C) At the beginning of the announcement, the man says if

you are traveling internationally. (A), (B), and (D) are not mentioned. 99. (B) The man says you can leave

your socks on. (A) The man says remember to take off anything containing metal, such as jewelry. (C) and (D) the man says Place shoes and any coats or jackets on one tray. 100. (C) The man says all liquids ...

must be ... placed in individual plastic bags. (A) In a metal case and (B) In one bin are not mentioned. (D) The man says all liquids .. . must be less than 100 milliliters.

Further Practice and Guidance p1 02 Listening Part 4 a. 1. new employee 2.phone 3. trainer 4. boardroom 5. banquet hall 6. international travelers b. Answers wilt vary

Section 2: Reading Part 5: Incomplete Sentences p103 101.

(B) Last is the adjective to describe a past time. (A) In this sentence, previous should have the in front of it, such as the previous summer.

(C) In this sentence, past should have a pronoun in front of it, such as this past summer, or a plural noun to follow it, e.g. past summers.


(D) In this sentence, before should go after the noun, such as the summer before. 102.

(C) Beverages means drinks. (A) Carnivores means animals that eat meat. (B) Agriculture is a word associated with farming. (D) Foliage means the leaves of a plant or tree. 103. (B) This sentence is talking about an action that is continuing in the present, so the Present Progressive tense is used. Therefore, is hiring is the correct answer. (A) Hired is Simple Past and cannot follow is unless it is being used as an adjective or a past participle. (C) Will hire is a future form and cannot follow is. (D) Hires is Simple Present for third person singular subjects and cannot follow is. 104. (D) In is the preposition used before naming a field or profession. (A) At is used before a company name. (B) Of is not used after works. (C) During is used before a time period. 105 . (B) Has risen is the Present Perfect tense, as this sentence is describing an event that has occurred during a period that started two years ago and continues up until the present. (A) Is rising is Present Progressive, so cannot be used to describe an event that has occurred in the past. (C) Will rise is used to describe future time. (D) Have risen is Present Perfect, but have cannot follow a third person singular subject (the import tax).

106. (A) And is a conjunction used to join two similar clauses. (B) For is used to introduce a cause. (C) Or is used to join or list choices. (D) Due to is used to introduce a cause.

107. (B) Camera is a noun that means a piece of equipment. (A) Distance means the amount of space between two people or things. (C) Device is a general noun, not used in this context to describe a specific function of a smartphone. (D) Stereo is a piece of musical equipment used for listening to the radio or CDs, MP3s, etc. 108. (C) The adjective customary means usual in a particular social situation. (A) Customers means people buying products and is a plural noun, not an adjective. (B) Customer means a person buying a product and is a singular noun, not an adjective. (D) Costume means clothes that a performer wears, and is a noun, not an adjective. 109. (B) The past participle made means created, and blue plastic is the material that the glasses are

made of. (A) Published means produced copies of a book, magazine, etc. (C) Founded means started an organization. (D) Consisted means made of, but should be active in this sentence in order to make sense, such as "consists of blue plastic." 110.

(D) tracking describes a number used to "keep track" of a shipment. (A) Mailed describes a product that has been sent by post, not a number. (B) Boating would not describe a number, as it would describe something to do with water. (C) Boxed would not describe a number, as it would describe something being put in a container. 111. (C) The present participle performing means to do something in front of an audience, such as the role of Cinderella. (A) Creating means making. (B) Exhibiting means to put something interesting in a museum or in another public place so people


can look at it. Generally speaking, the "something" is not a person, but a work of art. (D) Taking in means to include something. 112.

(D) Close his account means that Mr. Vernon has taken all his money out of the community bank. (A) Open an account means the opposite of close an account. (B) Withdraw means take money out of an existing account, but not to stop an account. (C) Deposit means the opposite of withdraw. 113.

(D) According to is used to say where information or ideas came from. (A) As stated is used with by + person, such as "as stated by the woman." (B) In accordance is used with with to mean "in a way that follows a rule." (C) In agreement is used with with to mean "to have the same opinion. " 114.

(A) The adjective mechanical is needed here to describe the noun engineering. (B) Machine is a noun. (C) Machination is a noun, meaning "a secret and complicated plan." (D) Machinist is a person whose job it is to work with machines. 115.

(A) Have to means "it is necessary" and should be followed by the bare infinitive, reschedule. (B) Rescheduled is Simple Past and is not used to follow have to. (C) Rescheduling would not follow have to.

(D) To reschedule is the infinitive with to and would not follow have to. 116.

(C) Within + time period means "during a particular period of time." So, any time during these 90 days, one can return the purchase. (A) From means starting at a particular time and is used with to in time phrases, such as "from March 1 to March 20. "

(B) Since means "starting at a particular point in the past and continuing until now and is used in time phrases with the Present Perfect tense. (D) Until means "happening or done up to a particular point in time, and then stopping" and is used in phrases such as "you can return it until March 20." 117.

Bookings are arrangements to stay at hotels. (A) Calendars means a set of pages showing days, weeks and months . (C) Openings mean occasions when new buildings start working and are available for people to use. (D) Guests are the people that stay in a hotel. (B)

118. (C) Never is used to make the Present Perfect negative, such as has never been published. (A) Ever is used with Present Perfect only in questions, not statements. (B) Ago is used with the Simple Past after a time phrase. (D) For is used with Present Perfect before a time period, such as "he has been a writer for five years." 119.

(D) The preposition for is used before a distance. (A) To is used for saying the place where someone or something goes. (B) At is used for saying the time or place where something happens. (C) Through means from one end or side of something to the other. 120. (A) Quickly is an adverb, as are almost all words that end in -ly, and it describes eat. (B) Quick is an adjective. (C) Quicker is a comparative adjective, but there are not two things being compared in this sentence. (D) Quickest is a superlative adjective and cannot follow too.


(C) Polite describes a pleasant way of behaving that follows societal rules. (A) Moral describes a right way to behave, and usually relates to a set of spiritual beliefs. This word is too

formal and serious to fit logically in this sentence. (B) Maligned means spoken about in an unpleasant and critical manner. (D) Patriarchal describes a system or society in which men have almost all the power. 122. (D) Bread is an uncountable noun,

and the is correct because we are referring to specific bread, that which is sold in the bakery. (A) These is a plural demonstrative pronoun and cannot go before an uncountable noun. (B) An and (C) a are indefinite articles that come before singular countable nouns. 123. (B) That is a relative pronoun

that introduces a relative clause with essential information. These clauses do not take commas. (A) Which is a relative pronoun that introduces extra information in a clause, and this clause does take commas. (C) Where is a relative pronoun introducing extra information about a place. (D) Who is a relative pronoun introducing essential or extra information about a person. 124. (A) Cut means decrease, and using bicycles would decrease pollution. (B) Add to is a phrasal verb that means increase. (C) Validate means to officially prove something as true. (D) Release means to let someone or something out. 125 . (B) Allows is Simple Present, third person singular which agrees with the subject the power company and is describing the correct time of now. (A) Would allow describes a possible action. (C) Allowed is Simple Past. (D) Will allow is used for future time. 126. (A) Giving the presentation today is an adjective clause in this sentence, describing the



speaker. The "who is" has been omitted - the sentence could read "The speaker who is giving the presentation today was educated at an Ivy League school." (B) Gave, (C) gives and (D) is giving are all main verbs and this sentence already has was educated as the main verb.

(B) Next means after, but is not used in a phrase with right. (C) Right then means at that moment. (D) AfteTllJard is an adverb meaning next or after, but is not used in a phrase with right.


introduces an action that must happen in order for the first action to occur. (A) Rule is a statement of something someone can or cannot do, but is not used with on the. (C) Allowance is an amount of money that someone receives regularly. (D) Clause can be a part of a legal document, but is not used with on the.

(D) Enquire means ask. (A) Receive means to get something given to you, and cannot be used with about. (B) Request means to ask for something, but cannot be used with about. (C) Resign means to quit a job. 128.

(D) Therefore is a linking word that introduces a result of a situation that has just been mentioned - in this sentence, no competition. (A) Though introduces something that makes the main statement seem surprising. (B) In addition introduces an extra piece of information. (C) Nevertheless introduces an idea that occurred despite a fact already mentioned. 129.

(B) In reference to something introduces a topic that has been mentioned in the past. (A) Writing, (C) disregarding, and (D) confirmation are not used in a phrase with in + to. 130.

(C) Both means two, and is the only word that can be used here as companies is plural. (A) One, (B) every, and (D) each can only be used before singular nouns. 131.

(B) Missing is an adjective to describe it, which refers to the towel. (A) Have missed is a main verb. (C) Missed is a past participle and can be used in passive or perfect phrases. (D) Miss is a main verb. 132.

(A) Right after means immediately following another action.


133. (B) On the condition that


(A) Had to means it was necessary, and is in the Simple Past, which agrees with were. (B) Must is not used with to. (C) Could is not used with to. (D) Should is not used with to. 135.

(C) In is the preposition used before months. (A) On is used before specific dates. (B) Since is used with months but only with the Present Perfect tense to talk about the past. (D) At is used for stating the exact time when something happens. 136.

(C) Any means all and is used before singular nouns. (A) A lot of, (B) all, and (D) some are used before plural nouns. 137.

(B) Safer is a comparative adjective and can be used after much. This sentence is comparing the safety of the neighborhood now to the safety of the neighborhood before the stoplight. (A) Safe is an adjective but cannot be used after much. (C) More safer is grammatically incorrect. (D) Safest is a superlative and is not used after much. 138.

(C) Left a message means that someone has sent a note or a voicemail on the phone.

(A) Said is not used with a message. (B) Made means create and cannot be used in a phrase with message. (D) Talked is not used with a message. 139 . (D) It is the third person singular

pronoun and it refers to an object, an old bicycle. (A) Mine is a first person possessive pronoun. (B) He refers to a male person. (C) These refers to a plural noun. 140.

(A) Put on is a phrasal verb that means to start wearing something. (B) Put out can mean to leave something for somebody to have. (C) Put up can mean to build something. (D) Put in can mean to give time or effort.

Part 6: Text Completion p1 06 141.

(D) Take place means to happen. (A) Take on can mean to employ someone or to accept work. (B) Take off means leave or remove. (C) Take after means to look or behave like a relative. 142.

(D) Enclosed with means included inside, or put in with or alongside. (A) Enclosed by would need to be followed by a date. (B) Of would not follow enclosed. (C) On would not follow enclosed. 143 .

(D) Year's is the possessive form of 'year', so the following year's performances means the performances in the next year. Since this fundraiser is held yearly, this is the most logical choice. (A) Year is a noun and cannot go before another noun. (B) Years' is the possessive form of years in the plural. (C) Years is a plural noun and cannot go before another noun. 144.

(A) Being given out is the passive form. The subject, or the people giving the masks, are not mentioned.


(B) Give, (C) Giving, and (D) Gave cannot follow being. 145.

(C) The noun frustration means a feeling of annoyance or upset, as you would feel if your battery was out of power and you wanted to work on your computer. (A) Pleasure, (B) excitement, and (D) delight are all positive words meaning happy, and so would not make sense in this context. 146. (D) Power outlet is the holes in the wall into which you plug electrical devices. (A) Hole would not follow power. (B) Power bill is the document received telling a resident how much money is owed for their electricity usage. (C) Power company is the company that owns the means of supplying electricity.


Also is a linking word used to add another idea. (A) However, and (C) But are linking words that introduce contrasts. (D) Next is a linking word used to introduce something that comes after something else. (B)

148. (D) Ready is followed by the infinitive to use. (A) Ready cannot be followed by the -ing form. (B) Ready cannot be followed by Present Perfect. (C) Ready cannot be followed by the Progressive infinitive in this context.

149. (D) Attach to an email means

connect to or include with the email. (A) Relayed means to communicate information, but does not mean connected to . (B) Stuck has a similar meaning as attach, but is informal and is used with email. (C) Put is not used with to. 150.

(B) Reserve the right means to keep a right until you think it is necessary to use it. (A) Rescue, (C) reprieve, and (D) retrieve are not used with the right.



(A) The entire time means the whole time, or the complete duration of the time. (B) For a limited time means for a short time. (C) Long time would refer to a lengthy piece of time, but is not used with the. (D) Short time is not used with the.

(D) The advertisement says posts to the Internet but does not mention video. (A) The advertisement says it adds remote access. (B) The advertisement says one-step web posting. (C) The advertisement says It photocopies.



(D) Conjunctions such as or join

(A) The advertisement says only available in . . . Australia. (C) Canada and (D) all over Europe are not mentioned.

two clauses of parallel grammar, so the verb tenses should agree. Enjoy is Simple Present, so learn fits grammatically. (A) Have learned is Present Perfect. (B) Learning is not a main verb. (C) Learned is Simple Past.

Part 7: Reading Comprehension p1 09 153. (B) The email states that the vegetarian options are almost nonexistent. Also, it states there could be at least one option for me at each meal. (A) The email states I've heard good things about the quality of the food. (C) The email does not mention a request for a longer lunch hour. (D) The person is asking for, not informing about menu changes, and the email states it would be excellent if there could be at least one option for me at each meal.


(A) A free lunchroom offered by a company would be considered a perk, or an extra benefit offered by an employer. (B) Extra money, (C) contract clause, and (D) reason are incorrect in this context. 155.

(C) The email states the vegetarian options are almost non-existent, which suggests that there isn't much food that Fred can eat. (A) Fred is a vegetarian, which means he doesn't eat meat. (B) The email does not specify how many vegetarian dishes are available. He asks if there could be at least one option. (D) This is not mentioned in the email.


(A) The advertisement says two packages of white paper. (B) The advertisement says two free replacement color cartridges. (C) The advertisement mentions two packages, not two pads. (D) Tl.vo white papers is not mentioned and is not grammatical. 159. (D) The article says brighten up

your work environment. (A) Noise reduction is not mentioned. (B) Changing jobs is not mentioned. (C) The article doesn't actually say that the old pictures should be thrown away but suggests bringing in some new ones. This is only part of a more general makeover. 160.

(C) The article says your co-workers' loud phone conversations. (A) and (D) The article says We recommend some upbeat music, such as jazz or classical. (B) Busy workers are not mentioned. 161. (B) The example given in the article for brighten up your work environment is to bring in photos in order to put a smile on your face. No examples are mentioned for (A), (C) or (D) .

162. (C) The article says in the middle

of a ten-hour work day ... motivate you to keep going. (A), (B), and (D) are not mentioned.




(C) She started making pizza in

(C) The article says greens and blues can bring about calm. (A), (B), and (D) are not mentioned.

1984. 170.

164. (A) The review says the new comedy by Brian Siebert. By is followed by the name of the director when talking about films. (B) Author is not mentioned. (C) Virginia Beck's character is a golfer. (D) Virginia Beck and Glenn Brewer are mentioned as the actors in the film.

165. (B) The review says unlike many

workplace-related comedies ... this film actually recognizes that many employees enjoy not only their jobs, but also the folks they work with. (A) and (D) The film is about golf but this is not mentioned as a reason. (C) The lighting is better is not mentioned. 166. (C) The review says when the golf

course attendance begins to dip ... (A) The article says Involving the local community, they open up the sport to people ... (B) and (D) are not mentioned. 167. (C) The article says the lack of a

totally convincing story and this refers to the plot. (A), (B), and (D) would not be used in this context. 168. (D) The review says Brewer does

an amazing job as well, providing impeccable comic timing. (A), (B), and (C) are not mentioned. 169. (D) Ma Spiccoli started making pizza in 1984, but the advertisement says she moved into a small bakery and cafe downtown a year after making her first pizzas. (A) The review says in 1984, Mary Spiccoli thought it would be fun to make some pizzas with her kids. (B) One winter morning is mentioned in the review but refers to when she first started making pizzas.


(B) The advertisement says at first ... Mary would bake at home with her kids. (A) The advertisement says she moved into a small bakery and cafe downtown a year after making her first pizzas. (C) The advertisement says ... pack up the pizzas in her station wagon, and deliver them ... (D) The advertisement says deliver them to some of the local markets.

171. (C) The advertisement says free soda for the kids! (A) and (B) The advertisement says get two pizzas for the price of one. (D) Dessert is not mentioned.

172. (D) Ma Spiccoli 's email address is

178. (D) The flyer says Join us .. . for

a hearty breakfast at Old Wives' Diner. (A) The flyer says In the evening, go to Zen Comer Spa. (B) Renting a car is not mentioned. (C) The flyer says you can relax in the Trailside Hut, a quaint little lunch spot ... 179. (B) The flyer says take the shuttle bus or ride a rented bicycle ... (A) The flyer says Private cars are not allowed on the island. (C) Hiking is one of the activities, not a method for travelling to the Marine Trail. (D) Boat is not mentioned.

180. (C) The flyer says go to Zen Corner

important that you correct this error in your magazine. (A), (C), and (D) are not mentioned.

Spa to ease any aches you might have ... (A) A spa is a place of relaxation, so people wouldn't go to the Zen Corner to be active. (B) The flyer says then dine at George's Steak House for a meal ... (D) The flyer says Join us in April for the 3rd Annual Whale and Thrtle Festival! Reserve your spot on the Whale Boat today!

174. (C) The letter says before

181. (B) The letter says due to the

not mentioned. (A), (B), and (C) The advertisement says Visit www. maspiccoli.com for hours, locations and menus. 173. (B) The letter says It is very

recommending it to friends with kids. (A), (B), and (D) are not mentioned.

fabulous coupon I found online. (A), (C), and (D) are all true but not the reason he went to the hotel.

175. (C) The letter says there was not

182 . (A) Breakfast is not mentioned as

enough room for those trucks and our trailers. (A), (B), and (D) are not mentioned. 176. (D) The letter says Carson,

California under the names of the people who wrote the letter, the Harrisons. (A) Big Rock is located on the cycling route. (B) On a highway is not an address. (C) Spring Mountain Pass is the name of the cycling route. 177. (A) To promote tourism is the main

idea. (B), (C), and (D) can be considered as details and part of tourism.

part of the deal in the coupon and the letter says We then had a late breakfast in your Hot Potato Diner. (B), (C), and (D) are all mentioned as part of the deal in the coupon. 183. (C) The letter mentions relaxing

in your pool, after the information about playing golf. (A) The letter mentions that they stayed an extra night, but this was at the end of the two-day visit. (B) The letter says Then, after relaxing in your pool, we took advantage of the dinner for two ... (D) is not mentioned.


184. (D) A two-night stay is included on the coupon. The letter says we decided to stay an extra night. (A), (B) and (C) are incorrect. 185. (B) The letter says I will definitely write a positive review on your website ... (A), (C), and (D) are not mentioned. 186. (A) The blog says last week, I decided to dedicate myself . . . to finding work ... so, I made an appointment .. . (B) The blog says I officially have a fiancee! (C) The blog says took in my one suit to be cleaned. (D) The blog says After graduating last May ... I was just happy to have finished my Journalism degree, making it through the finals ... 187. (C) The blog is dated August 7 and says after graduating last May. (A), (B), and (D) are incorrect. 188. (C) The blog says I sent my resume . . . last month . . . I called them again on Monday ... Tech Talk ... (A) The Daily News isn't mentioned. (B) The day planner says check classifieds on macslist.com. (D) The day planner says proofread resume, send to seanet.com. 189. (B) The blog says if my articles get enough hits, they'll hire me full-time. (A), (C), and (D) are not mentioned. 190. (D) The day planner says dinner with Martina- 7 p.m. on Thesday. The blog says as of Thesday night, I officially have a fiancee! She said yes! (A) and (B) are not mentioned (C) The dinner with Martina was at 7 p.m. but not the reason he had dinner. 191. (A) The letter mainly contains a description of the app and then directions on how to install it. (B), (C), and (D) are incorrect.

192. (B) The letter says in the directions 2 . .. . watch the introduction video. (A) This is listed under direction 5 in the letter. (C) This is listed under direction 4 in the letter. (D) The letter says Download the free Accu-Discover app. 193. (B) The magazine article says we surveyed over a thousand readers (A), (C), and (D) are not mentioned. 194. (D) The magazine article says nightly theater performances in the Los Cielos section. (A), (B) , and (C) are not mentioned. 195. (A) The magazine says This city has the highest number of bike commuters in the Portville section. (B), (C), and (D) are not mentioned. 196. (D) The notice says marketed to healthcare professionals. (A), (B), and (C) are not mentioned. 197. (C) The notice says if you purchased a pair of Clonks between January 2008 and December 2011 ... (A), (B), and (D) are incorrect. 198. (B) The email says she recently saw a product recall notice. (A) and (C) are not mentioned. (D) The email says I recently saw a product recall notice at a local supermarket. 199. (C) The email says I bought a pair a year ago ... I stopped wearing them after two months . . . I tried them again a little while later ... right after the incident, I threw them away. (A) The email says I threw them away. (B) Six months is not mentioned. (D) The email says I stopped wearing them after two months. I tried them again a little while later ...

200. (A) The email says I believe I deserve a refund, and perhaps some recompense for the pain caused. Recompense means payment that is given to someone who has suffered an injury. (B), (C), and (D) are not mentioned.

Further Practice and Guidance p121 Reading Part 7 a. Suggested answers 1. noun: good things a person gets from their job or company, besides money 2. verb: make more cheerful; make happier 3. adjective: not having a detailed story b. Definitions from www. macmillandictionary.com 1. perk: an extra payment or benefit that you get in your job 2. brighten: to start looking or feeling happier 3. thin: a thin explanation, argument, statement, etc. does not have enough evidence or detail to be effective c. Answers will vary.

Speaking Speaking Questions 7-9 p124

Answers should include, but are not limited to, the following information. 7. You would miss three lectures. The first one is about getting readers over the age of SO to read your blog, after that there are talks on how to attain your goals, then marketing a blog for a small business, and finally we have a big dinner for everyone that evening. 8. Individuals pay $140 for all three days, or just $50 per individual days, and small groups pay $120 per person for all three days, or just $45 per person for individual days. 9. On the 3'd, you can learn how to read contracts, how to use social media for business promotion, how to attract advertisers to your blog, and also there's a lecture on blogging for small businesses in general. On the 4'h there is a talk on



marketing to people who don't like computers and technology, but the rest of the day doesn't have much for blogging and business.

Further Practice and Guidance p126 Speaking Questions 7- 9

Comment: The first set of answers is better. In Question 7, the second example just lists exactly what's on the schedule, without using any original vocabulary or linking words. It's also very short. There are also no complete sentences. In Question 8, the second answer is too short, has little original vocabulary and gives the wrong information. In Question 9, there is little original vocabulary, it is too short and it is missing information, like times and one business blog. Speaking Question 10

b. Answers should include the following information: 1. Arlene Jackson left her credit card at the restaurant I work at and she needs it today before 7 p.m. because she's going on vacation. She doesn't have a car so she needs directions from the train station. 2. Shanta Brown's friend just had a baby and she wants to buy her a teddy bear from my store. She can't come in to buy the toy, so she needs to know how we can get her the teddy bear by the end of the afternoon. c. Answers will vary. Speaking question 11 p127

a. Answers will vary. b. Answers will vary. Writing Questions 6-7 p132

Reasons why the first email is a better response: l. Email one is more complete. 2. It gives a lot of specific information, and includes all the information that the directions ask for. 3. It has good vocabulary and a variety of sentence structures.


Writing Question 8 p132

a. Answers will vary.

b. 1. Advertising is too powerful 2. Fourth sentence, line 4 3. Paragraph 2: expensive entertainment goods that aren't really necessary Paragraph 3: food and advertising of unhealthy food 4. • restate opinion on topic • future prediction of topic • recommendation for solutions c. One major reason for taking one longer vacation, as opposed to many shorter ones, is having time to travel to locations that are very far away. If one lives in North America or Europe, a trip to South Africa or Chile might take up to two days of travel time 1Q.. reach. Sometimes. it takes a couple of days to fly to another country. After so much effort expended in transit, jet lag would surely take effect and steal another few days from the vacationer. The person traveling would lose many days. In addition. a longer vacation could afford someone time to learn a new skill. such as a new language. For example, one could fly to Italy, take an immersion language course for two weeks, then spend another month just living there and practicing the language every day. d . Suggested changes: Sometimes, it takes a couple of days to fly to aflother eetmtry. The traveler would therefore waste time recovering from the journey for a few days. In addition, taking a longer vacation could allow time to learn a new skill, such as a different language. e. One chief reason for eliminating printed newspapers is that they are bad for the enviroment (environment). Firstly, all the paper that is used for them is bad (terrible) for the environment (ecosystem). Not only are good (valuable) trees disapeering (disappearing), but a lot of (a huge amount of) garbage is created. Trees are a good (benefit) for things (animals and humans), and garbage (waste) is not good (harmful). Secondly, the transportatoin (transportation) of newspapers requires motorized vehicles, and

vehicles (vans and trucks) make air poll us ion (cause pollution). If people only read things (periodicals) online, then a lot of (a great deal of) carbon dioxide would be eliminated from our atmosfere (atmosphere). f. Answers will vary h . First off, students of different abilities who study together can learn about teamwork. In today's globalized world, this skill is especially valuable. For example, if one works as a graphic designer, he or she may get a job in a technical company. The graphic designer most likely has a creative mind, but still must work with engineers and accountants. All three people have very different skill sets, yet, in order to complete a project, they must cooperate with each other and listen to each other's opinions. This idea of working with different people does not stop in one's office; with the global nature of today's marketplace, workers are often called upon to collaborate with people in other countries. For instance, it would not be unimaginable for a salesman in London to work with clients in Dubai and factory owners in Taiwan.

LISTENING SCRIPTS Test Strategies p7

Strategy 3

Strategy 1

Listening Part 3

Listening Part 2


1. Have you ever been to Mexico? 2. Do you want to take a lunch break in an hour? 3. Did you finish that proposal yet?

M: Did you see the new bike I bought? I just go0t--

Strategy 2



Listening Part 2 b. How far did you drive to attend the sales conference?

(A) It starts at 5 o'clock. (B) Everything is 10 percent off. (C) We drove about 20 miles.



Listening Part 3 a. (Man): Did you see the new bike I bought? I just got it yesterday. (Woman): I didn't notice a new bike outside. Where did you lock it up? M: I locked it to the tree, right next to the front door. How could you miss it? It has bright green tires and a fluorescent orange seat. W: Oh, I came in the back door today. I'm sure I would have seen that bike, though! It sounds very ... unique. Why did you get such a noticeable one? M: Because my last bike was stolen, and I figure since this one is so noticeable no one will want to take it. If someone did take it, I could spot them from a mile away! b. Why did the man buy the bicycle? (A) He stole one in the past. (B) He wanted to discourage someone from stealing it. (C) Orange is his favorite color. (D) It was a present for the woman.

Listening Part 4 a. W: Our new clients are due in the boardroom in one hour. I need everyone working on the presentation that we will give them, so everything is polished and professional. Also, I'd like all of you to be familiar with every detail of our proposal, so if they ask any of you any questions, you can be confident and detailed in your response. So, Jackson, I want you to look through the PowerPoint slides to make sure there are no mistakes, and Tom, take the rest of the team and review the details of the deal. Thank you, everyone, for working so hard to make this new deal happen. See you in an hour. b. What does Jackson have to do? (A) Write out the details of the proposal (B) Find the new clients (C) Proofread the PowerPoint slides (D) Do a team review

yesterday. I didn't notice a new bike outside. Where did you lock it up? I locked it to the tree, right next to the front door. How could you miss it? It has bright green tires and a fluorescent orange seat. Oh, I came in the back door today. I'm sure I would have seen that bike, though! It sounds very .. . unique. Why did you get such a noticeable one? Because my last bike was stolen, and I figure since this one is so noticeable no one will want to take it. If someone did take it, I could spot them from a mile away!

Listening Part 4 a. W: Our new clients are due in the boardroom in one

hour. I need everyone working on the presentation that we will give them so everything is polished and professional. Also, I'd like all of you to be familiar with every detail of our proposal, so if they ask any of you any questions, you can be confident and detailed in your response. So, Jackson, I want you to look through the Power Point slides to make sure there are no mistakes, and Tom, take the rest of the team and review the details of the deal. Thank you, everyone, for working so hard to make this new deal happen. See you in an hour.

TEST ONE Listening and Reading Section 1: Listening Part 1: Photographs p15 1.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

The three people are having a conversation. They're checking their phones. The three people are looking at their calendars. They're paying for their lunch.


(A) (B) (C) (D)

He's reading a newspaper. He's eating his breakfast. He's buying some groceries. He's holding some drawing tools.


(A) (B) (C) (D)

A family is sailing. There are only a couple of boats sailing. There are many different types of boats on the water. Travelers are sleeping on the beach.




(A) The taxi is waiting for a fare. (B) The passengers are waiting for their flight. (C) The passengers are boarding the train. (D) There are quite a few passengers on the platform.

5. (A) (B) (C) (D)

Three boys are standing next to a car. The family is in the vehicle. The car is being lifted up by the boys. Five boys are fixing a car.


(A) (B) (C) (D)

They're waiting in line. Three people are eating popcorn. They're reading books. They're studying at home.


(A) (B) (C) (D) 8. (A) (B) (C) (D)

He's sitting in the chair. He's going to sleep. He's leaning on the desk. He's turning on the computer. She's walking through the door. They're shaking hands. She's looking out of the window. She's writing in a notepad.


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Her co-worker is talking to her at her desk. They're talking on the phone. The man is sitting beside the woman. The two people are turning off the lights.


(A) (B) (C) (D)

She's building a bicycle. She's riding to work. She's buying a new bicycle. She's walking to the factory.

Further Practice and Guidance p17 Part 1c Focusing on the picture

c. (A) (B) (C) (D)

The three people are having a conversation. They're checking their phones. The three people are looking at their calendars. They're paying for their lunch.

Part 1e

(A) (B) (C) (D)

He's reading a newspaper. He's eating his breakfast. He's buying some groceries. He's holding some drawing tools.


Part 2: Question-Response p18 11. How far is the meeting hall from here? (A) It will last one hour. (B) The meeting is at five o'clock. (C) It's only a couple of miles away. 12. Would you like to order, or do you want to wait for the rest of your party? (A) I'll go ahead and order now. (B) The party was quite spectacular. (C) No, we haven't received our drinks yet. 13. When does the copy machine repairperson get here? (A) As soon as I can. (B) I don't know. He should be here already. (C) Yes, I called him this morning. 14. How many people are working on this line? (A) We have a total of 600 workers here. (B) I can never draw a straight line. (C) Form two lines in an orderly fashion, please. 15. So, how has business been, Howard? (A) Slow, my friend. Very slow. (B) He's away on a trip until Friday. (C) It's open from 10:00 to noon. 16. Did you leave your wallet on the bus? (A) In ten minutes. (B) She left already. (C) Oh, no! I think I did! 17. When is the vice president traveling to Europe? (A) She loves Europe this time of year. (B) He's planning on going in the fall. (C) She went to Spain three years ago. 18. Have you met the new manager yet? (A) No, she hasn't managed to fix it yet. (B) I have! We were introduced yesterday. (C) She has never bought a new car. 19. Did you see my phone anywhere? (A) They bought me a new phone last week. (B) Her number is 555-9087. (C) No, I didn't. Do you want to use mine? 20. How did the interview go? (A) They went on Friday. (B) It went very well, thank you. (C) In half an hour. 21. Can you tell me when the report is due? (A) In two hours. (B) It's about marketing in the Pacific region. (C) I made ten copies. 22. Why is the air conditioner still on? (A) It's freezing outside. (B) George turned it off already. (C) Because it's a hundred degrees outside!


23. Do you want to go get some pizza after work? (A) That's a great idea! (B) No, it didn't work. (C) I'll take you to work this morning. 24. Are you going to the training session on Friday? (A) Definitely. I think we'll learn a lot. (B) The train leaves in the morning. (C) Last Friday I went home early. 25. Where is the theater? (A) I heard the new musical is awful. (B) The director is backstage. (C) It's just around the corner, across from the steakhouse. 26. Would you like an appetizer? (A) I don't like plastic tables. (B) No, thank you. I'm not that hungry. (C) His appetite is quite small. 27. Did you reserve a first-class seat? (A) I slept all the way to India. (B) No, I didn't. It costs too much. (C) No, the restaurant was fully booked. 28. That exhibition was amazing, wasn't it? (A) It was totally incredible. (B) The exhibition is in the next hall. (C) Sales are looking good this year. 29. Excuse me, miss. How much is that pair of jeans in the window? (A) Yes, I'll show you. (B) They look good on you. (C) On sale for $30. 30. Can you order some more legal pads, please? (A) No, she brought her lunch. (B) That's against the law. (C) I did already. They'll be here on Wednesday. 31. Are you coming in tomorrow morning? (A) He came into the shop yesterday. (B) Definitely. I'm going to bring everyone coffee, too. (C) The news was published in this morning's paper. 32. We have a three-day weekend this month, don't we? (A) We do. I'm going to Florida. (B) You're busy this week. (C) July will be hot and humid, as usual. 33. Can you remind me what our computer password is? (A) Just type in our phone number. (B) You just log in. (C) Yes, I can. 34. Does our insurance plan include dental treatments? (A) Sugar is not good for your teeth.







(B) I hate going to the dentist. (C) Yes, it does. Do you have a cavity? Can you believe this book is a best-seller? (A) He gave me a good book to take on vacation. (B) I made a big sale yesterday. (C) I can't. It's such a boring read. Can you contribute five dollars for Debby's birthday present? (A) Yes. The party was fabulous. (B) No. I don't even know her! (C) How old are you? Do you have a camera on your phone? (A) Sure. It's 678-3948. (B) No, but I should. I'm always taking pictures. (C) It was in my pocket. Where are your work gloves? (A) They don't work here. (B) I finish in two hours. (C) I left them at home. Do you want your pay deposited into your account? (A) That would be great. (B) Do not disclose your account number. (C) I get a raise next month. Did Judy tell you about her conference in Egypt? (A) I'll give her a ride in my car. (B) She did, and she showed me lots of amazing pictures. (C) I just got back from Saudi Arabia.

Further Practice and Guidance p19 Part 2 Understanding question and response patterns

11. How far is the meeting hall from here? (A) It will last one hour. (B) The meeting is at five o'clock. (C) It's only a couple of miles away. 12. Would you like to order, or do you want to wait for the rest of your party? (A) I'll go ahead and order now. (B) The party was quite spectacular. (C) No, we haven't received our drinks yet. 13. When does the copy machine repairperson get here? (A) As soon as I can. (B) I don't know. He should be here already. (C) Yes, I called him this morning. 14. How many people are working on this line? (A) We have a total of 600 workers here. (B) I can never draw a straight line. (C) Form two lines in an orderly fashion, please.

18 1


Part 3: Conversations p20 Questions 41 to 43 W: Hi, Al. Did you remember that I assigned you the job at the diamond mine this morning? M: Yes, of course. I already printed out a map from the Internet, so it shouldn't be difficult to find. Why? W: They changed the meeting time from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., so there's not much time to get there. Please don't stop at the office-supply store on the way because I'll go instead this afternoon.

M: Sure, no problem. Actually, I'll leave right now so I have plenty of time to find it. 41. Where is the man going this morning? 42. Who is the woman? 43 . What does the woman NOT want the man to do?

Questions 44 to 46 M: Have you seen our competitor's new yogurt shop advertisement? It claims their yogurt is ten times healthier than ours. W: I did see that this morning, on my way into the office. I don't see how they can support that claim. I mean, how is it healthier? And what flavor are they comparing it to? M: Well, people must realize that you just can't trust marketing these days. But their graphics do make the yogurt look tasty. W: I know. Let's actually try the yogurt today at lunch. As they say, know the enemy! 44. What kind of product do the speakers sell? 45. When did the woman see the advertisement? 46. What does the man like about the advertisement?

Questions 4 7 to 49 M: A friend of mine has three tickets to that seminar at the Hilltop Hotel this weekend, next to the multiplex movie theater on 7'h Avenue. Do you want to go with us? W: Is it that motivationallecture-"The Four Steps to Success"? M: It is, actually. I realize how fake it sounds, but honestly it's helped a lot of people. I went to one like it at Richter Auditorium last year and really liked it. Plus, you don't have to pay for it, so why not just come with us? W: OK, I'll give it a try. Who knows? Maybe it will help me get that promotion I've been trying for! 47 . Where is the lecture taking place? 48. What is the talk about this weekend? 49 . What reason does the man give for going to the lecture?

Questions 50 to 52 W: Did you see the memo about the new uniform being enforced next week?


M: No, I didn 't. I don't want any more rules! What does it say? W: It says that all females now have to wear skirts that match our company shirt. That means that I have to buy some new skirts this weekend! I don't see why pants aren't suitable! M: Are there any new rules for men? W: No. It's so unfair. M: I completely agree that it's not fair, but I'm happy that the men don't have to change anything! SO. When do women have to start wearing skirts? 51. What can be inferred about the woman? 52. How does the man feel about the new rules?

Questions 53 to 55 W: My favorite paper has started charging for its online content. I can only read three articles for free, and then I have to pay ten dollars if I want to read more. M: That's awful! I think we read the same paper, too. I haven't paid for news in years! I get all the information I want online for free, and I don't really mind all the advertisements popping up. W: I know. But I guess it's about time they started charging for their articles. I mean, how will the newspapers make any money these days if they don't earn money from their online editions? 53 . How many articles can be read for free? 54. Where does the man get his news? 55. How does the woman think newspapers should make money?

Questions 56 to 58 M: Did you hear that we marked down those pants last week? I know you were sick for three days, so you missed the staff meeting on Friday when we talked about new sale prices. W: Yeah, I had the flu. Sandra sent me all the important information in an email, though. Is the sale on these jeans here? M: No, no. Those black dress pants in the corner. No one really likes them, even though they cost only $1 now. We've only sold two pairs! W: Well, I certainly won't buy any. They're horrible! 56. Why does the woman not know about the sale? 57. Which pants are marked down? 58 . How many pairs of pants have sold?

Questions 59 to 61 M: Are you going to donate money to Toys for Tots this year? Our sales division usually gives the most money every year. It's kind of a competition between all the sales divisions in the state. W: Of course I'll donate! It's a great cause, and I promised myself that I would use at least 25 percent of my paycheck this holiday season for charity purposes. Besides, if we can beat the other sales divisions at something, it's even more fun! What do we get for winning?


M: Besides bragging rights? Not much. The head office

M: Why would people want to do that?

usually pays for a lunch out for all the salespeople who gave money. That's usually pretty fun . Last year we went to a really nice steakhouse. 59. What does the man ask the woman? 60. What did the woman promise herself? 61. What is the prize for winning the donation competition?

W: Because people want their life online now. So

Questions 62 to 64 W: Did you hear that all of our coffee is now coming from Brazil instead of Colombia? Howie said that not only is it cheaper, but the quality is much better. M: Yeah, Howie told me yesterday. All of our cafes across the country are switching to the Brazilian blend next Monday. We have a lot of work to do to get ready! All of the menus have to be changed as well as putting out new advertisements . W: I know. I guess we'll both be working this weekend! M: Good thing we have fresh coffee to keep us going! 62. Where did they use to get their coffee from? 63 . What do they have to do before the coffee is changed over? 64. When do the man and woman have to work on this new project?

Questions 65 to 67 W: Hello. I'm the manager. You asked to speak with me, sir? M: Yes. I bought this set of knives from you last week, and I'm not happy with their quality. Your product doesn't live up to the claims on the box. W: I'm so sorry, sir. What are your problems with the knives, exactly? With more detail, perhaps I can find a solution for you. M: The box says the knives can cut through a wood block, that they're as sharp as an ax. I tried this at home, and I couldn't even make a little cut in the wood. W: Let me get you a new set, then. I assure you that they are sharp enough. Follow me to the back, and I'll demonstrate. Then we'll set you up with a brandnew box of knives. 65. What is the man complaining about? 66. What did the man try to do at home? 67 . What is the manager's solution?

Questions 68 to 70 W: If you invest in our idea, I promise a return on your investment within the first year and at least a 10 percent return within the first two years. M: Well, the numbers all look good. Can you tell me a little bit more about your idea for the product? W: Of course. We have successfully built and tested a pair of glasses that connect to the Internet wirelessly, anywhere in the world. When the wearer turns them on, they record the exact view of the person wearing the glasses.


68. 69. 70.

everything the wearer sees is recorded, whether at home or traveling. The images are sent to the wearer's web page, and their friends can watch the videos. Well, most of what I see is pretty boring, and I would never buy these glasses myself, but I suppose young people might go for this idea. Good work. What does the man like about the proposal? Where can someone wear these glasses? Where can friends see the videos?

Part 4: Talks p22 Questions 71 to 73 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the opening ceremonies for the brand-new Technology Library. We are pleased to have you all here today to witness this historic event. In just a moment, you can walk through the twelve rooms that are open to the public today, featuring writings from the very beginning of what we might now call "technology." You can not only read about the various inventions and theories, but you can also see actual reproductions of such objects as the first printing press and the very first robot. Of course we would have loved to show you what the first computers looked like, but they wouldn't fit in any of our rooms! [audience chuckles] These reproductions are only exhibited for our opening week, and they'll then be returned to the museum. So, folks, take your time to wander around, reading and playing with exhibits, and do let us know if you have any questions. 71. What is the purpose of this talk? 72. What is NOT shown at this library? 73. What will the audience do after the talk is finished?

Questions 7 4 to 76 We are so sorry for the inconvenience, everybody, but due to technical difficulties, train number 6550 to Miami will be delayed for one hour. I know this may cause some problems for some of you, but there is really nothing we can do as we must wait for a replacement part to be delivered. To apologize for any difficulty the delay has caused, we would like to offer all of the passengers on this train free lunch. Meal vouchers for the station restaurant will be brought to everyone shortly, so please stay in your seats until you get the vouchers. Thank you for your time, and, again, we sincerely apologize. 74. When will the train leave? 75. What will passengers receive now? 76. Who is listening to this announcement?

Questions 77 to 79 Thank you for calling Ricky's Salon and Spa Services. Due to the public holidays, Ricky's will be closed from Friday to Monday, so during this time, our staff is taking a much-needed vacation. Therefore, we regret that we are not able to take any appointments on the 4'h through



the 7'h. However, to make it up to our wonderful clients we have a deal for you. Buy any service before March ' 17th, and you ~an receive a second service for half price. If you would ltke to make an appointment, please leave your name: number, the time and date you want to come m, and which service you would like. Happy holidays! 77. Why is Ricky's Salon closed? 78. When will they open again? 79. What should people NOT leave in their message?

Questions 80 to 82 Attention, everyone. A pair of pink and black gloves has been found on a table in the food court, in front of the sandwich shop. There was also a wallet with the pink gloves. These items have been taken to the information booth at the north entrance, which is located between Meecy's Department Store and the Sunglasses Shack. If you believe these items belong to you, please come in person to the information booth. Please bring proof of identity that matches the name and address in the wallet. The wallet will not be given to anyone who cannot prove that it belongs to them. Thank you and have a good day. 80. Where is this announcement taking place? 81. Where were the items found? 82. How can the owner get the items back?

Questions 83 to 85 I suppose many of you are wondering why I called you all in here today. Well, I have some bad news, but I guess some of you might see it as good news. As of today, I am no longer your manager. I have been offered a new position in our Beijing office, which I have accepted, and I am actually moving there tomorrow. I know it seems sudden, but I'm just terrible at goodbyes and I wanted to avoid any long farewells. I have loved working with all of you these past three years, and I hope the feeling is mutual. I would also like to introduce you to my replacement, a

woman who has been with the company almost as long as I have and really deserves this promotion. Hettie Park, please come up here and say hello to your new staff! 83 . When is she moving? 84. Why did she wait to make this announcement? 85 . What is the purpose of this announcement?

Questions 86 to 88 Flight 268 to Morocco will be taking off shortly. Since this is a short flight, drinks will be served immediately after we reach cruising altitude. Also, if you can show us a reservation number for any hotel in Morocco, your drinks are free. For those of you not staying there, you have to pay for your beverages. Flight Attendant Joella will be walking around the cabin with crayons and coloring books for any of you traveling with little ones. Lunch will be served one hour after takeoff. For first-class passengers, the menus are in the seat pocket in front of you. For all other passengers, your choice will be between vegetarian lasagna or fish . The movie today will be Jack and Laura's Wedding. Thank you for choosing Easy Blue Air, and enjoy your flight.


86. Why will drinks be served right away? 87. Why is a flight attendant offering coloring books? 88. How do first-class passengers order lunch?

Questions 89 to 91 ~~od morning, everyone! And what a beautiful morning It Is! Today on the Santa Margarita, boredom is definitely no~ on the itin.erary! I know most of you are probably e~Joymg a deltcious breakfast at the Barnacle Buffet, but I JUSt wanted to let you know what excitement awaits you after you've finished. Starting at 10:00 a.m., the lovely Britney will be leading a water aerobics class in the south pool, and a scavenger hunt for the whole family starts at 11:00. This afternoon we will dock at St . .Mart.s for three hours, so all of you can go shopping or JUSt he on the beach and take in the gorgeous views. Don't forget: Tonight is the 1950s Rock 'n' Roll Dance, so bring your dancing shoes ! 89. Who is listening to this announcement? 90. What is NOT an event happening today? 91. For how long will the ship dock at St. Marts?

Questions 92 to 94 James, I've asked you into my office for a very specific reason. Now, it's nothing to be alarmed about, so stop looking so worried . You have actually been chosen to participate in a conference being held in London next week. We've noticed how hard you work, and we're amazed at how quickly you have picked up the skills needed for this job. So, as we at Extra Flowers like to reward those who deserve it, we would like to pay for your entire trip to London . When you return with the certification in arrangement you will receive at the conference, you will be eligible for a promotion to head of the weddings department. Unfortunately, there is a promotion freeze until the new fiscal year, so we cannot promote you for another five months. However, you will definitely get the new position at that time. 92. Who is speaking? 93. How is James being rewarded for his hard work? 94. When will James probably be promoted?

Questions 95 to 97 This program is brought to you by the makers of Sound Around, the new speaker system by Audio Systems. This new system features the latest technology to bring you sound so true to life that you won't realize you're listening to a recording. If you combine this speaker system with the new 3-D TV, every movie- or TVwatching experience will seem just like real life. If you want to experience walking on the moon, simply pop in the new DVD release of Moon THppers. If you purchase either the TV or the sound system before the end of the month, you will also receive a free copy of this fantastic new movie. Buy today! 95. Where would this advertisement be seen? 96. What products are NOT mentioned? 97. What will the customer receive if purchasing before the end of the month?


Questions 98 to 1 00 Hello. This is a message from ComLast Cable. We recently installed a new phone line and high-speed Internet connection in your home at 786 North Monroe Street. We would like to thank you for choosing our company, and we want to let you know that your bill is due in two weeks. If for some reason you are not able to pay this bill in full, please call our billing department. If you're experiencing any difficulties with these services or have any questions, please call our customer service department. We hope that you enjoy the new phone line and Internet connection, and please remember that if you add another service, such as a cable-TV package, all prices are reduced by an additional 5 percent. 98. What services were recently bought? 99. What should the customer do if there are Internet problems? 100. How are people encouraged to buy the cable package?

TEST ONE Speaking Further Practice and Guidance p46 Questions 1-2 Pronunciation


this view technology

cats role

theater nail laptop work

mail walk

e. 1. This exciting session with one of our trained and certified instructors lasts fo r one hour. 2. Not only will you feel younger after just one month, you will look younger, too! 3. How would you like to explore the history of the South from a different angle?

g. 1. If you are over 50 and looking for a new way to get in shape, 24-Hour Exercise has the class for you. Try our new SWAT class - Seniors Weights and Toning. This exciting session with one of our trained and certified instructors lasts for one hour. 2. How would you like to explore the history of the South from a different angle? Merry Bright has been running Mississippi riverboat cruises since 1980 and has shown millions of passengers what is truly beautiful about Southern history.

Question 3: Describe a picture p47 g. Answer 1 There is a lot going on in this picture. First of all, on the left hand side, I see a man stepping onto the curb after he has just crossed the street. Behind him, two cars are parked, and it looks like a truck is parked in front of the cars. On this side of the street, there is a no parking sign and some skyscrapers. On the street itself, in the middle of the picture, there are not many vehicles as traffic seems light at this moment. There's a tunnel over the street that might be for pedestrians. There are also

two people - one is a girl with a backpack, crossing the street towards the right-hand side of the picture. On the right side, there are also tall buildings. Lastly, I see a fire hydrant and a newspaper box, as well as some people meandering to and fro on the sidewalk. g. Answer 2 This is a city picture. There are some people walking. I see some cars too. There are many tall buildings. On one side there are some cars parked. A girl has a backpack. My city looks like this, with many tall buildings and people walking. I like big cities because there is a lot to see and a lot of entertainment options.

Questions 4-6: Respond to questions p49 An American university student is doing research on

museum attendance. Imagine that she has called you on the phone, and answer these questions. Question 4: How often do you go to museums? Question 5: What kind of museums do you like? Question 6: Describe a museum you remember well.

Questions 7-9: Respond to questions using information provided p49 Hi. I saw the advertisement for the Summer Tea and Cookies Festival in the paper, and I have some questions I want to ask you . Question 7: When is the festival? Question 8: How much are tickets? Question 9: I heard this is a non-profit organization. What do you do with the proceeds from the event?

Question 10: Propose a solution p50 Hi there. This is Aasim Haddad, and I have a slight problem I need your help with. Actually, it's kind of a big problem. I came to your company yesterday, Thursday the 31 ", and gave a presentation on outsourcing in the afternoon. I accidentally left my flash drive in your conference room. I really need this flash drive because it has all my presentations on it, and I have not saved them on my computer. I'm giving another presentation on Monday morning at 10:00, and I must have that flash drive. Your offices are closed for the weekend, and you don't open until 9:30 in the morning on Monday. I can't come to retrieve the flash drive because I'm already on my way to another city. After working with me for many years, you know that I am usually very responsible and have never had a problem like this before. I really don't want to inconvenience you, but I see no way I can resolve this problem myself. How can I get my flash drive before my presentation on Monday morning? Please call me at (555) 787-8978. Thank you.

Question 11: Express an opinion p50 Some people believe that no one should download free music and movies from the Internet, while other people do not see any problem with this behavior. What is your opinion about free media downloads and sharing? Give reasons to support your opinion. 185


TEST TWO Listening and Reading Section 1: Listening Part 1: Photographs p59 1. (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. (A) (B) (C) (D) 3. (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. (A) (B) (C)

The ship has been traveling for a long time. The ship is carrying a lot of cargo. The ship is turning around. The ship has been cruising for a week. She is showing a new product. She is holding up a clipboard. They are filling up the glasses. They are checking the time. They are walking away. They are sitting patiently. There are three bags. There are many people waiting. The man is delivering a package. He is holding a pen. The delivery man is between the desk and the shelf. (D) He is delivering three boxes. 5. (A) He is speaking on the phone. (B) They are walking around the desk. (C) She is checking her email. (D) They are shaking hands. 6. (A) She is pouring a drink. (B) She is cooking. (C) She is eating. (D) She is picking up two plates of food. 7. (A) She is at the head of the table. (B) She is leaving the meeting. (C) She is attending a meeting. (D) She is standing on the table. 8. (A) He is decorating a cake. (B) He is serving customers. (C) He is making bread. (D) He is eating pizza. 9. (A) He is wearing glasses. (B) A glass is being polished. (C) The manufacturing phase is just beginning. (D) He is drinking from a new glass. 10. (A) She is eating lunch . (B) She is sitting with friends . (C) She is waiting for her lunch . (D) She is paying the bill.


Part 2: Question-Response p61 11. Is it my turn to pay the bill? (A) She's turning around now. (B) It's on the left. (C) No, you paid last time. 12 . Will that be cash or charge? A) You charge too much. (B) Put it on my Visa card. (C) I will not go out tonight. 13. Can you help me find my hotel, please? (A) I don't have a watch. (B) I am at the hostel. (C) Sure. Which one are you looking for? 14. Would you like to join me for dinner? (A) You have the tickets. (B) I'll have a hamburger and fries. (C) I'd love to. 15. Is this the Sunset Transit Center? (A) No. That's the next stop. (B) No. I'll sit here. (C) The old center was better. 16. Are the meals almost ready? (A) I'll have coffee, please. (B) Just another couple minutes. (C) Dinner was delicious. 17. When will they take over the company? (A) They said at the end of next quarter. (B) Last year. (C) Because I said so . 18 . Do you want the extended warranty? (A) No, I bought the gift yesterday. (B) No, thank you . (C) Yes, it is quite large. 19. Have you ever been to Rome? (A) It has taken hours. (B) Yes. I went last summer. (C) No . They saw it last night. 20. How often do you send out these coupons? (A) Once a month. (B) In the mail. (C) It's good for another 10% off. 21. Who is going to follow up with the Lopez account? (A) Next Tuesday. (B) It's in the shop . (C) I will, Ma 'am. 22 . Can you guarantee that this is the best price? (A) No, I got second place. (B) I definitely can. (C) I would rather have coffee.


23. When does the next lecture begin? (A) It's about wise investments. (B) In Hall C. (C) In ten minutes. 24. When will the new hospital be finished? (A) This is a private hospital. (B) They lost by two points. (C) It'll be done by September. 25. You are two hours late for your appointment. (A) I'm so sorry. (B) I will be there. (C) Our house is on the right. 26. Did we budget for a new scanner? (A) No, we didn't. The old one isn't broken. (B) I can scan those for you. (C) It costs $300. 27 . Which gate do we go to? (A) At 7 p.m. (B) The gate is open. (C) A26

28. How is the new manager working out? (A) No, he is studying. (B) His performance is excellent. (C) He's very healthy. 29. What is the mark-up on this product? (A) The price has gone up. (B) It's not in stock. (C) About $5. 30. Why are we closing early? (A) In three hours. (B) Today is a holiday. (C) It's too far. 31. Do you like the new packaging? (A) No, not really. (B) A brown box. (C) Yes. She is very nice. 32. Who thought of this new internet advertisement? (A) The website is up now. (B) I don't think so. (C) That was Megan's idea. 33. When do we reach Toronto? (A) We will look at your pictures later. (B) The shelf is too high for me. (C) Tomorrow morning. 34. Do you want to share the salad? (A) The share price has increased. (B) No . I want my own starter. (C) I brought the bread.

35. Is the download free? (A) No. It costs ten cents. (B) I can burn it for you. (C) The download file is open. 36. Are you attending the trade fair next month? (A) The trading finished for the day. (B) I'm waiting for it. (C) I am, and so is Samuel. 37. I'd like to speak with someone in Purchasing, please. (A) I purchased ten units from them. (B) You can return it with the receipt. (C) That's extension 546. I'll connect you now. 38. How long is this work visa valid for? (A) Five months. (B) Next day mail. (C) We accept credit. 39. Can you cancel my 4 o'clock meeting, please? (A) I am staying home today. (B) No problem. I'll tell them now. (C) We'll see you then. 40. Why do you want another cell phone? (A) He called last week. (B) I want to use it just for business. (C) There's a shoe sale on now.

Part 3: Conversations p62 Questions 41 to 43 W: So, we're here today to talk about improving our after-sales service. We've had some complaints in this area lately. M: Yes, I read the report. Apparently, maintenance is OK but our technical support is not very helpful. I think, then, the problem is in our customer service section. W: Exactly. There's an indication that we can resolve this by providing more training. Call in Salah, the manager from technical support, and ask him how we can improve training for his employees. M : Great idea. Let's do that now. 41. What do they want to improve? 42. What is the woman's solution? 43. What will the man do now?

Questions 44 to 46 M : Did you organize the catering staff for our publicity

push this weekend? W: I did. I got five waiters and ordered all the food as well. They will be walking around the mall, offering snacks and inviting people to come to our store. We asked some reporters and photographers to put the event in the Lifestyle section of Friday's paper as well.



M: That's fantastic. How long can the wait staff work for? W: Their contract states no more than five hours a day,


44. 45 . 46 .

for both Saturday and Sunday. I think being on your feet while balancing trays of food isn't as easy as it sounds. Well, they will certainly attract attention by offering free snacks to all the shoppers, and hopefully bring in more customers as well! Where do the speakers work? When will the waiters be working? What is the woman's opinion about the waiters' job?

Questions 4 7 to 49 W: Hi. How can I help you?

M: I have some questions about our company's

insurance plan. Can I add my wife and daughter? W: You definitely can. However, it's not free to cover



47. 48. 49 .

them. Family members of employees can be added to their plan for an extra $100 a month per person. So, if I pay the $200 for my family to be covered as well, then they have all the same benefits as I do and can see the same doctors? They do, and they can! It's a really excellent plan, actually. What are the speakers talking about? How much does an employee pay for coverage for one family member? According to the woman, what can family members do if they have the plan?

53. Why are the speakers having this conversation? 54. How can someone receive the 10% discount? 55. What other facility is near the campground?

Questions 56 to 58 W: Hey Ron. Why do you look so stressed out? M: Oh, I have a presentation to do this weekend. It's on

using virtual training environments and it's for the new sales people. I know the program really well and have nothing but confidence in it, but I'm really terrified of speaking in public! W: Ron, that's not a big deal! As long as you know the material really well, and you do, there's absolutely nothing to worry about. Just look over the audience's head and pretend it's an empty room. You'll be fine. 56. Who can be trained using this program? 57. What is he scared of? 58. What is the woman's advice?

Questions 59 to 61 W: Hey, Jorge. You like the Galacticos Football Club.




Questions 50 to 52 M: What do you think of our new packaging? W: I don't remember what it looks like. Remind me.

M: It's for our new ear bud headphones. Instead of a cardboard box or a plastic shell, they will just come in a

soft cotton bag. W: That's fantastic! No garbage is created, it's 100%

natural and the bag can be used for carrying the headphones and the MP3 player. Did you think of that? M: I wish! It was Ying's idea. 50. What products are getting new packaging? 51 . What is the new packaging made of? 52. Why does the woman like the bag idea?

59. 60. 61 .

Questions 62 to 64 M: Let's talk some more about your background. How


Questions 53 to 55 W: So, the boss wants us to brainstorm some ways to

increase campsite usage. I know the weather hasn't been great, so people don't want to camp right now, but we have to think of something to get our numbers up. M: Well, we can offer a discount of some sort. What about if people reserve two or more spots, they get 10% off the rental fee? W: Yeah, that's a good idea. Maybe it will encourage families to visit the campsite together, instead of couples. We can also offer a package deal for people who want to camp and use the hot springs. Let's take these ideas to the boss!


Did you hear that they're going to run out of money at the end of the month? I know, I know. I read this morning, though, that they're making a TV deal that's going to save them. The current owner will be able to keep the team . Oh yeah? What's the deal? It's kind of crazy, actually. Not only will Channel Five get exclusive rights to all the games so no other channel can show them, but the team members must appear in promotional spots for the station. The players won't even get paid for the commercials, but at least they'll still get paid to play football! Why does the woman want to talk to Jorge? According to the conversation, what was Jorge most likely doing this morning? What will the players get paid for?




would you say your experience has prepared you for this job? Well, I'd say that my internship has probably given me the most experience. I worked at Cornelius and Sons last year and I learned a lot. In the last six months that I was there, I even had two accounts of my own and did all of the graphic design for their clients' websites. Wow, that's a lot of responsibility for an intern. Did the companies like the websites you designed? Well, they said their hits increased by about 1,000 people a month after I redid their sites, so I suppose they liked my work quite a bit! Excellent. That's an amazing growth in the amount of people visiting their sites! Well, thank you for coming in and we'll call you next week about the position.


62. Why is the man talking to the woman? 63. What happened in the last six months of her internship? 64. Why did the companies like the websites she created?

Questions 65 to 67 M: Hi, Stella. I was wondering if I could ask you a



W: M:

65. 66.

question. You know that vacancy on the cleaning staff? My younger sister is looking for a summer job and I want to get an application for her. Certainly! Has she ever had a job before? No, but she does lots of chores at home and is a very good worker. I wouldn't recommend her for the job if I didn 't trust that she'd do well. OK, have her fill out the application tomorrow and get it back to me by next week. Great, I'll let her know. When does his sister want to work? Why does the man recommend her?

67. What will the man do now?

Questions 68 to 70 W: Wow, it's difficult to come back to the office after




68. 69. 70.

sabbatical! I was only gone for the summer, but it feels like much longer. Why? Shouldn't you be ready to work now? I mean, you've had a three month vacation! It wasn't a vacation! I was doing important research in China! And now I have to learn the new computer system that was installed while I was gone. It seems like everything in our department is different. Don't worry about it. You'll pick it up in a couple days, no problem. If you have any questions, just ask me. Why has the woman been absent from work? What happened while she was gone? What does the man offer to do?

Further Practice and Guidance p64 Listening Part 3


M: Did you organize the catering staff for our publicity

push this weekend? W: I did. I got five waiters and ordered all the food as

well. They will be walking around the mall, offering snacks and inviting people to come to our store. We asked some reporters and photographers to put the event in the Lifestyle section of Friday's paper as well. M: That's fantastic. How long can the wait staff work for? W: Their contract states no more than five hours a day, for both Saturday and Sunday. I think being on your feet while balancing trays of food isn't as easy as it sounds. M : Well, they will certainly attract attention by offering free snacks to all the shoppers, and hopefully bring in more customers as well! W: So, the boss wants us to brainstorm some ways to

increase campsite usage. I know the weather hasn't been great, so people don't want to camp right now, but we have to think of something to get our numbers up. M: Well, we can offer a discount of some sort. What about if people reserve two or more spots, they get 10% off the rental fee? W: Yeah, that's a good idea. Maybe it will encourage families to visit the campsite together, instead of couples. We can also offer a package deal for people who want to camp and use the hot springs. Let's take these ideas to the boss! W: Hey, Jorge. You like the Galacticos Football Club.

Did you hear that they're going to run out of money at the end of the month? M: I know, I know. I read this morning, though, that they're making a TV deal that's going to save them. The current owner will be able to keep the team. W: Oh yeah? What's the deal? M: It's kind of crazy, actually. Not only will Channel Five get exclusive rights to all the games so no other channel can show them, but the team members must appear in promotional spots for the station. The players won't even get paid for the commercials, but at least they'll still get paid to play football!

Part 4: Talks p65

M: So, we're here today to talk about improving our

after-sales service. We've had some complaints in this area lately. M: Yes, I read the report. Apparently, maintenance is OK but our technical support is not very helpful. I think, then, the problem is in our customer service section. W: Exactly. There's an indication that we can resolve this by providing more training. Call in Salah, the manager from technical support, and ask him how we can improve training for his employees. M: Great idea. Let's do that now.

Questions 71 to 73 W: Hi, this is Janet Suzuka from the office. I'm sorry

to bother you on the weekend, but I need to let everyone know that our email system has been hacked. At around 2 a.m. on Friday, a person or persons hacked the system and retrieved all the email addresses of our employees. These addresses were then used all day on Saturday to send advertisements to every address saved in each account. This means that every client you have ever emailed and every friend or associate you have messaged got some very annoying messages in their inboxes. I was alerted to the problem Sunday



morning and I'm working to resolve the problem right now. I'm very sorry for the i_nconvenien~e and I promise to strengthen our secur1ty systems ngh_t away. Call me at the office if you have any quest10ns. 71. What is the purpose of this message? 72. When was the system hacked? 73. What is the speaker doing right now? Questions 7 4 to 76 M: The ferry to Catalina Island will leave in twenty

minutes. Please have all vehicles ready to board in five minutes. If your vehicle is not in line with the appropriate sticker on the window at that time, you cannot drive onto the ferry. Windo~ sticker passes can be purchased at the booth m the northwest corner of the parking lot. For passengers on foot, please have tickets ready and one form of identification. The trip will take approximately one hour. Return tickets can be purchased at our destination. Thank you, and have a good day. 74. Who is listening to this announcement? 75. What must cars have in order to board? 76. How long is the trip? Questions 77 to 79

W: Are you a small business owner who is wondering how to make social media work for you? Would you like to expand your customer base significantly, without spending much money? If the answer is yes, please text "socialcontact" to 1-800-987-9999, and a customer services representative from Social Contact will return your call within the hour. Please have your credit card ready. After payment is processed, a personal advisor will help you with a business plan to bring your marketing strategy into the 21" century. We can start helping you today. Remember, it's as easy as texting "socialcontact" to 1-800-9879999.

77. What is the purpose of this advertisement? 78. Who should send a text to this number? 79. What do you need to have when the representative calls you? Questions 80 to 82 M: Thank you for coming in on such short notice. As

you all know, we have been in negotiations for months with Ghirabelli, the famed chocolatiers from Italy. Acquiring Ghirabelli as another part of this company would be a huge gain for us, as the international brand recognition for this name is very high. So, not only would we see an immediate rise in sales nationally, we would also be entering into the European candy market. Well, I am extremely pleased to announce today that an agreement has been reached, and Ghirabelli becomes part of the Bradbury family today! 80. Who is listening to this announcement? 81. Why is this deal so important? 82. When will these two companies merge? 190

Questions 83 to 85

W: Hello this is Gina from Horizon Mobile returning a call' from Mr. Glenn Martinez. Mr. Martinez had a question about the refund for the mobile phone he recently bought from us. In order to receive the refund of $100, he must mail in the refund card plus a copy of his receipt to our head offices. Please address the envelope to Horizon Mobile Refund Center, 1616 Gateway Drive, Philadelphia, PA, 19144. Just to reiterate, this is a mail-in refund only, and cannot be submitted by email or fax. Mr. Martinez has 30 days to mail the documents. If the envelope is postmarked more than 30 days after the date of purchase, the refund offer is invalid. If you have any questions, please call us back at 746-5656. Thank you. 83. Where would this message be heard? 84. When did Mr. Martinez buy his phone? 85. How should the refund card be sent? Questions 86 to 88

W: Hello all, and welcome to the meeting. Please take a seat. Please direct your attention to the screen at the front of the room for the agenda. As you can see, the first item of business to discuss is the parking lot situation. By law, we are required to designate at least ten of our parking spaces for disabled people. Currently we only have two, so we must decide who will give up his or her spot for this purpose. Second on the agenda is a brainstorming session for the regional sales meeting that we are hosting this year. We have a lot of details to iron out for this huge event. Lastly, I will be presenting an award to the salesperson of the month. OK, as for the parking ... 86. Who is the speaker? 87. How many more disabled parking spaces are needed? 88. What is NOT on the agenda for today's meeting? Questions 89 to 91 M: Thank you so much for coming to this meeting.

I've invited all the small-business owners in the area to attend tonight to discuss the huge chain superstore, Glammart, which just opened nearby. All over the country, these enormous stores have opened and soon all the surrounding independentlyowned stores are forced to shut down. Glammart has stores all over the globe, and their purchasing power is enormous. Therefore, they can buy and sell any product at much lower prices than our smaller businesses are able to. Their lower prices, coupled with offering everything a person needs in one place, guarantees that our sales will drop as Glammart flourishes. So, what are our options here? How can we compete in the future with Glammart? 89. What is the purpose of this meeting? 90. According to the speaker, what is the effect of a Glammart opening? 91. How does Glammart attract shoppers?


Questions 92 to 94 W: Today we are opening the doors of a cutting edge project. A project that is near and dear to me, as I've been working on this idea for nearly a decade. At long last, the community technology center is ready to help people. This is a place where anyone, of any age, race, or background, can learn and explore ideas that are relevant in the modern world. We don't offer basketball courts and a swimming pool, as traditional community centers do; rather, we consider ourselves more of an educational institution. Are you having trouble searching for jobs? Come see our job counselor and learn how to use internet resources efficiently and effectively. Do you feel your general computer skills are not meeting today's employment requirements? Drop in and check out our class schedule, or sign up for a free, private tutor. In addition to these services, we will offer ... 92 . Why is this woman introducing the project? 93. What is a facility that can be used at the center? 94. What group of people will likely get help at the center?

Questions 95 to 97 M: Hi there. My name is Mr. Young and I'm going to be taking you around the showroom floor today. I understand that you are opening a new branch office here in town, and you need a great deal of new office furniture. Since you will be buying so many pieces from us, you will be receiving a significant discount on all purchases. First, let's take a look at desks - you can see we have reception desks, L-shaped desks, U-shaped desks, and executive desks. Every model is available in black, brown, or off-white. Alternatively, if you need to set up a room with cubicles, we do offer work stations as well. Moving on to storage. These file cabinets are last year's model so they are on sale now, but we are getting in new ones tomorrow. Media storage centers are on the left, in front of the bookcases. Now, let's take a look at something very important to employee health - chairs. 95. Where is the speaker? 96. Why is a large discount being given to these customers? 97. What will the speaker do now?

Questions 98 to 100 W: Attention passengers. We are experiencing some technical problems and are being forced to make an unscheduled stop in Paris. Due to storm activity in the area, the landing may be a bit bumpy, but please be advised that any turbulence is normal and by no means dangerous. Once we land, we may be grounded for quite a while because of the storms. Although we are being allowed to land, Charles de Gaulle airport is not letting any planes take off tonight. Therefore, all passengers on this flight will receive a €50 food voucher, redeemable anywhere in the airport, plus another voucher good for one night at a nearby hotel. Please go to the Amber Air desk upon disembarking for these vouchers. According

to reports, we should be able to take off in the morning. 98. Why are they landing in Paris? 99. When will they most likely be able to continue their journey? 100. Where will the passengers sleep?

TEST TWO Speaking Questions 4-6: Respond to questions p88 A marketing firm is doing research in your country. Imagine that a representative has called you on the phone and answer his questions about your fitness habits. Question 4: How often do you exercise? Question 5: Where do you like to exercise? Question 6: Describe the benefits you get from exercise.

Questions 7-9: Respond to questions using information provided p89 Hi. I'm calling regarding the advertisement for the college that was in the Daily Journal on Monday. I was hoping you could answer some of my questions. Question 7: When and where is the information session? Question 8: How can I sign up to come to the information session? Question 9: I heard that you have an environmentallyfriendly focus. Can you tell me more about that?

Question 10: Propose a solution p90 Hi. My name is Nahla Ray, and I'm a secretary at Donaldson's Copy and Fax. Last month, I reserved the events room in your hotel for our end of the year banquet. I told you that we would want the room on December 5'\ from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. I also told you that there would be approximately fifty people from our company in attendance. So, here's the problem. I was completely mistaken, and I feel terrible about it. I was actually looking at last year's calendar when I made the reservation. In reality, there are 150 of us coming to the banquet, and the event is scheduled on December 6'h, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. I really, really hope that you have that night free for us, and that you have enough space for all 150 people. I remember last year you said that the room could only hold a maximum of 100 people. Since you are the manager of the hotel, I am hoping that you can figure out a way to help me. Please call me back. Again, my name is Nahla, and my cell phone number is 598-876-9747.

Question 11: Express an opinion p90 Some people feel that friends or family of managers should not be hired at the same company. They say that this could lead to special treatment of some of the employees. What is your opinion on this issue? Give reasons to support your opinion.



TEST THREE Listening and Reading Section 1: Listening Part 1: Photographs p95 1. (A) The man is folding up his list. (B) The man is trying to find his friend . (C) The man is looking at his shopping list. (D) The man is writing out an invoice. 2. (A) He is drinking from a glass. (B) He is holding a pair of glasses. (C) He is tying his tie. (D) He is filling out a form. 3. (A) She is going for a run. (B) She is working in the living room. (C) The house is open. (D) She is selling her house. 4. (A) She is typing. (B) She is leaving the room. (C) She is on the phone. (D) She is reading a book. 5. (A) The men are walking out. (B) They are handing the documents over. (C) The men are inside a mall . (D) The two men are excited. 6. (A) There is a snow storm. (B) The light is above the stop sign. (C) Traffic has stopped. (D) There is a crowd of people waiting. 7. (A) She is getting off the plane. (B) She is demonstrating how to use the belt. (C) She is attending to passengers. (D) She is serving lunch. 8. (A) They are wearing raincoats. (B) They are carrying umbrellas. (C) They are playing in the park. (D) They are putting on their hats. 9. (A) He is recycling some bottles. (B) He is filling up the bottle. (C) The garbage is full. (D) He is putting the milk in the refrigerator. 10. (A) He is at the ATM machine. (B) He is buying a new outfit. (C) He is walking to work. (D) He is waiting in line.


Part 2: Question-Response p97 11 . May I taste the chocolate ice cream? (A) No, my birthday is in May. (B) Sure. Here's a spoon. (C) Yes, it is a waste. 12 . Will they hold the reservation for us? (A) Yes, but only for 20 minutes . (B) I've been on hold for an hour. (C) Mahmood flew first class. 13. How many workers are on the line today? (A) She's worked here for 20 years. (B) It's about a mile from here. (C) I think we have twenty people on. 14. Where are these crates stored? (A) The store is across the street. (B) It's very safe. (C) They're in the back room . 15. Have you had any accidents in the factory this year? (A) Only one, but it wasn't serious. (B) I ran into her by accident. (C) I have fixed the car already. What did you talk about in the meeting this 16. morning? (A) They met in the hall. (B) We discussed new clients. (C) When I woke up. Would you like a small, medium, or large coffee? 17. (A) It looks too big on you. (B) I want some milk. (C) I want a large, please. 18. Is this seat taken? (A) Take as much as you'd like. (B) They're in the back row. (C) No. You can take it. You like your new Ebook reader, don't you? 19. (A) The book club meets on Tuesday. (B) I love it! (C) The ending was terrible. 20. How much do you charge per mile? (A) Put it on my card. (B) It costs $1.40. (C) It's four miles away. 21. Where did you put my notebook? (A) It's next to your briefcase. (B) I turned it on already. (C) Yes, I wrote it on the last page. 22. What do you think of the new policy? (A) I prefer second-hand. (B) There is a definite police presence. (C) I don't agree with it.


23. What is included in the rent? (A) Leave it on the desk. (B) Just the gas and water. (C) The rent is $1300. 24. These jeans don't really fit. (A) They can fit you in at 3 o'clock. (B) Those jeans are on sale. (C) I think they look great on you. 25 . Is construction almost finished? (A) We finished lunch already. (B) Yes. The instructions are clear. (C) Yes. We'll put in the windows today. 26. Why do you want to return this coffee pot? (A) Two cups a day. (B) It doesn't work. (C) Next month would be fine. 27. What is their fax number? (A) 847-4958 (B) Anytime. (C) They are on the third floor. 28. What should I bring to the appointment? (A) We just need the registration forms. (B) It's at 5 o'clock. (C) Exam room 5 is free. 29. The view from here is fantastic. (A) It is. You can see the whole city from here. (B) I don't like this museum. (C) I loved seeing George yesterday. 30. Would you like to buy the carrying case as well? (A) This case paid quite well, actually. (B) I saw the doctor yesterday. (C) No. I don't think I need it. 31. Do you have this in a size 10? (A) In half an hour. (B) No. We only have it up to an 8. (C) It doesn't weigh that much. 32. You used to work there, didn't you? (A) I only used it for an hour or so. (B) I can be there at 8 o'clock in the morning. (C) I did - for five years. 33. Why are we leaving so early? (A) In five minutes. (B) I took my shoes off. (C) Because check-in takes forever. 34. Would you like a more comfortable chair? (A) No, thanks. This one's fine. (B) Chairs come in all colors. (C) I would love some more, thank you.

35. Where can I buy these speakers? (A) The lecture starts soon. (B) They're only available online. (C) Be careful with the microphone. 36. Will the weather be nice tomorrow? (A) No. It's supposed to rain. (B) She is a very kind woman. (C) It depends on whether or not I go. 37. Is there a fast internet connection in the room? (A) No, you can't. (B) Yes, there is. (C) No, we have to change planes in Barcelona. 38. Is this where the ferry departs from? (A) In half an hour. (B) Yes. Dock C. (C) It was very interesting. 39. Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow? (A) I'll have the fish , please. (B) I'm full. (C) Sorry, I'm busy. 40. What kind of copy paper do you want? (A) The heavy white paper, please. (B) The news is terrible. (C) You can just pay per lesson.

Part 3: Conversations p98 Questions 41 to 43 M: Our new rollerblades and surf boards are selling really well, but did you hear that we have to recall all of the new skateboards? W: I did! What a disaster. Do you know why they're being recalled? M: It was a design flaw. The wheels were too close together, which made it impossible to ride. A kid from Ohio fell off and hurt his arm when he tried to use one. He wasn't going too fast so he didn't break anything, but it was our fault. W: Oh no! That's terrible. I guess it's better all the boards are returned then, even though we'll lose a lot of money. 41. What product is being recalled? 42. What is wrong with the product? 43 . What happened to one user?

Questions 44 to 46 W: How do you like the new word-processing program? M: Actually, I don't really like it. Don't tell anyone, but I'm a terrible speller, and this new edition doesn't have spell check. W: I know! Isn't that weird? I thought every word processing program had spell check. I do like how simple this new version is, though. It's very easy to use.



M: Maybe fo~ Y?U it is, but I have to keep stopping to check a dictiOnary while I'm typing. It takes forever! 44. What is the topic of the conversation? 45. What is the man's problem? 46. What does the woman like about the program?

Questions 4 7 to 49 M: Hi. Excuse me. Have you seen this musical before? W: Yes. I saw it in Manchester when I was in college. That was ten years ago though. I don't remember the details very well, but I do remember just loving the performance. Have you seen it? M: No, never. My co-workers got me the tickets for my birthday. I usually don't like going to see plays and musicals, though. But, it is a really gorgeous theater. W: Well, I really hope you like it. We should go to our seats now. It's going to start soon. 47. Where are the speakers? 48. When did the woman see the performance? 49. Why is the man there?

Questions 50 to 52 M: The contract finally arrived for my new job in Shanghai. There's only one small problem ... W: What's that? Did you not get the salary you wanted? M: No. The salary is great. However, the contract is all in Chinese! I'm having some difficulty reading it, because my Chinese isn't very good yet. I'm worried that I can't understand it completely. W: Don't worry! I have a friend that is from China. She can translate it for you, in exchange for a small fee. Since she's my friend, she won't charge you much. I'll call her. M: Oh, that's wonderful! SO. What is the contract for? 51. What is the man's problem? 52. How can the woman help?

Questions 53 to 55 W: Hi. I have a problem I need to talk to you about. M: Well, I'm kind of busy, but I can spare a couple minutes. What's going on? W: My neighbors in apartment 3D have a new dog, and it won't stop barking. I don't mind pets, and I know you allow pets in the building, but they have to be trained, don't they? M: They do, yes. I tell all new tenants that pets are fine as long as they don't bother anyone. I will take care of it, don't worry. They have to keep to the terms of the contract they signed for me, or they have to leave. Simple as that. 53. Who is the man? 54. Why is the woman complaining? 55. What will the man do now?


Questions 56 to 58 M: Our iti~erary this trip is very tight. Due to budget constramts, we don't really have any extra time to go sightseeing, as we'll only be staying the two days that the conference is being held. W: ~hat's too bad. I was really looking forward to it, as I ve never been to Tokyo before and I really wanted to explore! M: I know. Me too. This will be an exhausting trip; I mean, it takes a whole day just to fly there, and then we have to start working immediately. This will not be an easy trip! 56. Why is their travel schedule so tight? 57. Why was the woman looking forward to going to Tokyo? 58. Why will this trip be tiring?

Questions 59 to 61 W: This is a crowded bus! Do you mind if I sit here? M: I don't mind at all, go ahead. I guess everyone is leaving work early for the long holiday weekend. Usually there aren't that many people at this time of day. W: I thought it was unusually busy! It sounds like you use this bus often. Do you work along this line? M: Yes, I'm a librarian at the county library near S'h and Halsey. I manage the children's section. I love my job, but I'm ready for some peace and quiet for a couple days. W: I bet! 59. What are the speakers doing? 60. Why is the bus crowded? 61. What is the man's job?

Questions 62 to 64 M: I really think we've come up with a winning idea here. W: No doubt. This new camera will really sell. It's the size of a pack of gum, and it has all the functions people want these days - photos, videos, posting straight to the web. What's really unique is that it allows the user to put a song in a video before it's posted, using the built-in MP3 player. M: Whoa, Gemma, you don't have to sell it to me - I helped design it! W: I know, I know. I'm just really impressed, that's all. I know what all my friends and family are getting for their birthdays this year! 62. What are the speakers talking about? 63. What is a unique feature of the product? 64. Who will Gemma buy the product for?

Questions 65 to 67 W: Jackson, we launch the website tomorrow. I need to know that everything is ready. M: Almost, Ms. Jameson. We're just finishing the graphics for the main menu now. W: The main menu isn't done yet? But that's the first place that people will go! Jackson, I've got to be



65. 66. 67.

honest. I'm worried that you won't be able to meet this deadline. Should I have Amanda help you? No, no. I'm so sorry. I promise everything will be done on time for the launch. My team will work on it through the night. What is the man's job? When must the website be finished? What does the man promise to do?

would like to make a future reservation, please press four. If you have a complaint about one of our drivers or services, please remain on the line and one of our customer service professionals will be with you shortly. Thank you for choosing Rose City Cabs. 74. Where would this message be heard? 75. What is required for groups of five or more people? 76. What must you do in order to make a complaint?

Questions 68 to 70

Questions 77 to 79

M : Bjork, Mr. Ramsey is coming in tomorrow to check

W: All of you have come here today to learn about a vital skill in today's world: networking. If you are looking for employment, or even looking to advance your position in your current job, you must learn to connect with people. A decade ago, I used to instruct my trainees to attend as many social events as they could, for one never knows where a useful person will be waiting. However, today, a lot of networking is done online, so we'll talk more about that first. One word of warning, though. You must establish a clear divide between your professional links and your personal links, probably making two different pages for yourself with two different sets of friends and acquaintances. 77. Who is the speaker? 78. What advice was given in the past? 79. What will she talk about?




68. 69. 70.

on the restaurant's progress, and I don't think he'll be happy. We're not any busier than the last time he was here. I know, but we've followed all of his instructions. We've changed our menu and our wait staff are being polite to all the customers. We've done everything he asked and it's just not working. Are you kidding? We haven't done one very important task- advertise! He told us to get the word out about our Cajun restaurant, in the newspaper, on food websites, and especially in the neighborhood. We haven't done any of that. The name was spelled wrong on the flyers, and the printer still hasn't sent us the corrected ones. Oh, right, the flyers. Mr. Ramsey is going be really angry with us. What did they change about the restaurant? Where were they supposed to advertise? Why has their business not grown?

Part 4: Talks p100

Questions 71 to 73 W: I'd like to be the first to welcome you to Horatio and Young's. I'm Hermione and I'll be showing you around this morning. First, you can see in the lobby here we have a coffee area and lunch cart. The coffee is free for employees, but you have to pay for the lunch. Just through this first hallway is the employee fitness center. We just got in all new equipment and it's really nice to work out in there. This company really values the well-being of their employees, and I can honestly tell you that it is a lovely place to work. Follow me to the elevators now, and let's go see your new office. 71. Who is listening to this talk? 72. Where does the tour begin? 73. What is the speaker's opinion of the company?

Questions 74 to 76 M : Thank you for calling Rose City Cabs. Please listen

carefully to our new phone menu service. If you would like to order a cab to pick you up now, please press one. If you would like to reserve a cab for a later time, please press two. Groups of five or more people will need two cars. If you have a larger group of people which needs our services immediately, please press three. If you have a large group and

Questions 80 to 82 M: I'm here today to announce our new agreement for

product placement with MJM, one of the biggest Bollywood movie studios. They are coming out with ten new movies this summer, and they have signed a contract this morning promising to include our brand name at least four times in each movie. So, first we will talk about the plot of the first movie, and then we'll brainstorm where we could place our products in the film. Over the weekend, I expect you all to read the scripts for the next two movies, and come in to the office on Monday morning with placement ideas for them. 80. Where is the announcement being made? 81. How many films is MJM releasing this summer? 82. What will happen Monday morning?

Questions 83 to 85 W: Welcome to Striking Strawberries. My name is

Marie and I will be your guide today. This tasting room was opened last year in order to show the varieties of strawberry which are grown in this area, as well as exhibit the many ways in which they can be eaten. We will first do a blind taste test, in which two of you lucky folks will taste four different strawberries wearing blindfolds and guess each variety. Then, all of you will sit down in our dining room and enjoy a delicious five-course meal. The main ingredient in each dish, of course, is our featured fruit. Follow me and we will begin our tour! 83. Where is this announcement being made?



84. What will participants do in the taste test? 85. What will guests eat in the dining room?

Questions 86 to 88 M: Welcome to Office Fixers, the show where we help office managers to improve their effectiveness in the workplace. Today we go to Auckland, where Johannes Maker is managing a call center. The call center contacts people at home to survey them about various consumer habits. We spent five days in this workplace, eight hours a day, and the main problem we found was this: Mr. Maker is too lenient and easy-going. He is not able to make his employees change their behavior, and it is difficult for him to tell the staff what to do . Let's go to clip one, where we see Mr. Maker allowing an employee to leave the office early, although the employee has not finished his work for the day. 86. What is the main theme of this TV show? 87. What kind of office is being focused on today? 88. What is Mr. Maker's problem?

Questions 89 to 91 W: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our awards banquet. I hope you all enjoyed your dinner, and now that dessert is being served, it's time for the speeches and awards. You may not be looking forward to this part of the evening, assuming it will be boring! But let me tell you we've got some great speakers lined up this year, and I just know that all of you will enjoy listening to our speakers honor our most valued employees. First, put your hands together for CEO Leo Deschaine, presenting the award for best team player. 89. Where is the speaker? 90. What is being given to all the guests now? 91. What does the audience expect from the speeches?

Questions 92 to 94 M: Welcome to the modern art museum folks, and before we step inside, there are a couple of rules I need to go over with you. First, please make sure that all cell phones are turned off or set to vibrate. Using your cell phone is not allowed inside the building, as the conversations will distract other people from enjoying the art. Also, on that same note, please use low voices when speaking to each other. Again, this ensures a pleasant experience for your fellow art enthusiasts. Lastly, photography is strictly prohibited inside the museum. If you are caught trying to take any pictures, your camera will be confiscated and returned to you at the end of your visit. I hope you enjoy your visit. 92. What is not allowed inside the museum? 93. Why is loud noise discouraged? 94. What will staff do if they take your camera?

Questions 95 to 97 W: This is Janice, product reviewer for yourproducts. com. Today I'll discuss the new e-headset with microphone, designed for busy office receptionists

1 96

or for garners at home. The biggest advantage, I think, is the comfort. The headset is lightweight and does not put a lot of pressure on your ears. Also, the sound quality is very good - sharp and clear. However, there is one big disadvantage. I found that the microphone was very poor. I tested the headset with five different people, using five different computers as well, and everyone I spoke to had trouble hearing me. Therefore, I give this headset no stars and do not recommend that anyone purchase it. Thank you for listening to the yourproducts.com pod cast. 95. What is Janice's job? 96. What is the biggest advantage of the headset? 97. What is the problem with this product?

Questions 98 to 100 M: Attention all passengers. If you are traveling internationally, there are some new rules that must be followed in order to enter the terminal. Please take off all shoes when you get in line, but you can leave your socks on. Place shoes and any coats or jackets on one tray. Also, remember to take off anything containing metal, such as jewelry and belts, and place that in a separate tray. Lastly, all liquids, including bottled water, must be less than 100 milliliters, and be placed in individual plastic bags. Thank you for your patience, and enjoy your flight. 98. Who should listen to this announcement? 99. What can passengers leave on? 100. Where should liquids be placed?

Further Practice and Guidance p1 02 Listening Part 4 Identifying speakers, audiences and location W: I'd like to be the first to welcome you to Horatio and Young's. I'm Hermione and I'll be showing you around this morning. First, you can see in the lobby here we have a coffee area and lunch cart. The coffee is free for employees, but you have to pay for the lunch. Just through this first hallway is the employee fitness center. We just got in all new equipment and it's really nice to work out in there. This company really values the well-being of their employees, and I can honestly tell you that it is a lovely place to work. Follow me to the elevators now, and let's go see your new office. M: Thank you for calling Rose City Cabs. Please listen carefully to our new phone menu service. If you would like to order a cab to pick you up now, please press one. If you would like to reserve a cab for a later time, please press two. Groups of five or more people will need two cars. If you have a larger group of people which needs our services immediately, please press three. If you have a large group and would like to make a future reservation, please press four. If you have a complaint about one of our drivers or services, please remain on the line and






one of our customer service professionals will be with you shortly. Thank you for choosing Rose City Cabs. All of you have come here today to learn about a vital skill in today's world: networking. If you are looking for employment, or even looking to advance your position in your current job, you must learn to connect with people. A decade ago, I used to instruct my trainees to attend as many social events as they could, for one never knows where a useful person will be waiting. However, today, a lot of networking is done online, so we'll talk more about that first. One word of warning, though. You must establish a clear divide between your professional links and your personal links, probably making two different pages for yourself with two different sets of friends and acquaintances. I'm here today to announce our new agreement for product placement with MJM, one of the biggest Bollywood movie studios. They are coming out with ten new movies this summer, and they have signed a contract this morning promising to include our brand name at least four times in each movie. So, first we will talk about the plot of the first movie, and then we'll brainstorm where we could place our products in the film. Over the weekend, I expect you all to read the scripts for the next two movies, and come in to the office on Monday morning with placement ideas for them. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our awards banquet. I hope you all enjoyed your dinner, and now that dessert is being served, it's time for the speeches and awards. You may not be looking forward to this part of the evening, assuming it will be boring! But let me tell you we've got some great speakers lined up this year, and I just know that all of you will enjoy listening to our speakers honor our most valued employees. First, put your hands together for CEO Leo Deschaine, presenting the award for best team player. Attention all passengers. If you are traveling internationally, there are some new rules that must be followed in order to enter the terminal. Please take off all shoes when you get in line, but you can leave your socks on. Place shoes and any coats or jackets on one tray. Also, remember to take off anything containing metal, such as jewelry and belts, and place that in a separate tray. Lastly, all liquids, including bottled water, must be less than 100 milliliters and be placed in individual plastic bags. Thank you for your patience and enjoy your flight.

TEST THREE Speaking Questions 4-6: Respond to questions p123 A new local restaurant is doing some research. Imagine that a representative has called you on the phone.

Answer his questions about your preferences for eating out. Question 4: How often do you eat out? Question 5: What kind of restaurants do you like? Question 6: Describe your idea of the perfect restaurant.

Questions 7-9: Respond to questions using information provided p124 Hi there. I saw an advertisement for your blog conference and I was hoping you could give me some more information on it. Question 7: I'm not sure if I can make it the first day. What would I miss? Question 8: How much does it cost? Question 9: Which sessions are related to business on the 3'd and 4'h?

Question 10: Propose a solution p125 Hi. My name is Sue, and I bought a pair of running shoes at your store last week. I just found the receipt for this transaction in my wallet. I didn't look at it closely at the time of purchase, but looking at it now I notice some problems. I remember that one of the reasons I went into your store was because of the sign that said everything was half off. I did not get this discount on the shoes I bought, as I paid the full price of $45. So, can I come in today and get a refund of some sort? I think if you would be willing to give me the proper price, this would make me very happy and I would tell all my friends to shop in your establishment. Also, I have decided that I do not really need the running shoes I bought, but I might be interested in some shoes for work. What other styles would you recommend? Please call me back. My number is 453-9485. Thank you.

Question 11 : Express an opinion p125 Some people prefer to have jobs with flexible hours so they can choose the hours they work. Others, however, prefer to have jobs with regular hours every day. Which situation is better? Give reasons to support your opinion.

Further Practice and Guidance p126 Speaking Questions 7-9 1.

Question 7 Well, the first day has a lot of interesting events happening. At 3 o'clock, there's a talk on how to get older readers to follow your blog. After that, at 4, you can attend "Meeting your goals", which can help you decide what you want to achieve with your blog. At 5, there's a lecture on marketing your blog if you're writing about a small business. Finally, at 6, there'll be a big dinner for everyone to enjoy and talk to each other. Question 8 Oh, well, let's see. That depends on how many days you'd like to attend the conference. If you are on your



own, you can come for all three days and pay $140, or just pay for individual days for $50 a day. If you want to attend with a group of four or more, you would pay $120 per person for all three days, or $45 per person for individual days. Question 9 Hmm. That's a good question. On the third, you can go to the talk about reading contracts for blogs at 9, then straight after there's a session on using trends in social media to promote a business. You might also like the one after that, about getting advertisements for your blog. Finally, at 2 p.m., there's a general session on how to blog if you have a small business. The next day, the fourth, there's a lecture at 10 in the morning about how to promote your blog to people who do not like to use computers. And, yes, I think those are all the lectures that would relate to business that we have at the conference this year.

coming in? I am at work and I have to go to the hospital right after I finish here at the office. Please let me know how I can buy this teddy bear today, and receive it before tonight. Call me on my office line anytime, 7474395 extension 7. Thank yo u.


Question 7 3 pm. How to attract readers over 50. 4 p.m. Meeting your goals. 5 p.m. Marketing a blog for small businesses. 6 p.m. Opening banquet. Question 8 Small groups pay $120 a person for three days and $45 a person per day. One person pays $120 for three days and $140 for each day. Question 9 On March third, you can learn about reading contracts for blogs, social media and marketing. The next day, you learn about marketing to technophobes.

Speaking Question 10 1.

Hi there. My name is Arlene Jackson, and I dined in your restaurant two nights ago. That was January 28'\ and it was a Friday. I was with three of my friends, and we spent a couple hours there. Anyway, we left the restaurant around 8 o'clock, and I left my credit card there. I just noticed today because I wanted to use it, and it wasn't in my purse. It must be at your restaurant, because I used it to pay the bill on Friday night. I really need this card, because I'm going on vacation. I leave tonight at 7 p.m. I realize you guys are closed today. I saw the notice that you would not be open to the public today, as it was a staff training day. I don't have a car, so I need directions to your restaurant from the main train station. So, my question is, what time can I come pick up my card, and how do I arrive at your restaurant by public transport? Again, my name is Arlene Jackson, and my phone number is 453-3958. 2.

Hello, my name is Shanta Brown and I have a favor to ask of you. My friend just had a baby, and I would like to buy her a big soft teddy bear toy from your store. I looked online at your selection, and I know which bear I want - the big white one with the red bow tie. However, I also saw that you don't accept orders by email. I was wondering how I could purchase this teddy bear without

1 98


Testbuilder for the TOEIC Tests - Macmillan English.pdf

Page 2 of 198. Macmillan Education. Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP. A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. Companies and representatives throughout the world. ISBN 978-0-230-42788-4. Text, design and illustration c Macmillan. Publishers Limited 2012. Written by Jessica Beck. First published 2012.

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