10 Memorable Principles That Will Empower Anyone Who Applies Them To Obtain Abundant Wealth Hello friend, My name is Brad Wegelin, and I am thrilled to share with you this FREE Action Guide based on a podcast, 10 Secrets To Abundant Wealth, by my mentor and friend, Fernando Loaiza. I invite you to read through each of the secrets and complete every section thoroughly. Give every question as much thought as possible, as you will be creating your abundant life with every word you write. You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the image below.

Complete each section under each secret. Once you have fully completed all the 10 secrets and begin to put them into daily practice, you will be well on your way to acquiring abundant wealth.

Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

DESIRE from Latin – “of the Father” Desire is the language of Spirit. You will never desire anything that you can’t achieve. It is the unexpressed possibility within, seeking expression without through physical action. The amount of money you earn is in direct proportion to your selfimage, or what you think you are worth. What is important is not what people can do, but rather, what they believe they can do. The body and the mind are capable of accomplishing great things, the problem is we don’t believe we can. In the space provided, write what abundant wealth means to you and why?

Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

In order to achieve abundant wealth, you must have a burning desire and you must be prepared to sacrifice anything except your health, your relationships and your self-respect.

In the space below, write the impact that the lack of money has had in your past, the present and the impact that not having money will have in your future. In addition write what you are prepared to give up to achieve abundant wealth. Past:



Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

What I am prepared to give up in the pursuit of abundant wealth?

In the space below, write the pleasure that you will enjoy as a consequence of having abundant wealth. The attainment of wealth must give you more pleasure than the fear of not having it. Pleasure:

Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

You can achieve anything you want in life so long as you know exactly what you want and the reasons why you want it. It must be specific and must be written in the present.

The Golden Rule for solving any problem. When you think you have explored all the options and every single possibility in trying to solve a problem, remember one thing…. You haven’t!

Think about what exactly it is that you want For example: If you want a new car. Know what type of car, what brand, what color and more importantly, know the reason why you want it and the benefits that you will receive for acquiring this goal. The same process applies to a house. Where is the house... country, suburb, beach? How many rooms? Does it have gardens, a pool, and how big is the garage? Why do you want it? Our mind is a goal seeking mechanism and needs a goal to aim for. Saying that you want to earn $1,000,000 is not as powerful as saying you want to earn $1,000,000 so that you can buy the car, the house of your choice and send your children to private schools as well as make a bigger impact in the world. You must imagine that you have already achieved the goal. Write it in the present. If you desire it than it is no longer a dream.

Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

Follow these 5 Steps For Manifesting Your Goal: 1. Write down your goal in the present, starting with, “I am so happy and grateful now that...” 2. Put it on the back of a business card and read it often. 3. Create a morning ritual and write your goal out every morning like a movie script, adding color, depth and the reasons why you want and need to achieve this goal. (Reasons will give your goal a purpose.) 4. Visualize yourself everyday as if you have already achieved that goal. 5. Re-frame FEAR to: Focus >> Emotion >> Action >> Results. Write your goal in the space below in the present starting with…. I am so happy and grateful now that it is ____ / ____ / ______

Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

Wealth is not defined by the quantity of money you have, but rather by what you achieve with it. The power to allow us to enjoy what we purpose.

If you want to triumph you must: 1. Organize Yourself 2. Organize Yourself 3. Organize Yourself Looking at the goal you have created above, explore 10 ways that you can achieve your goal. Write them in the space provided below: 1.___________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________________ 6.___________________________________________________ 7.___________________________________________________ 8.___________________________________________________ 9.___________________________________________________ 10.__________________________________________________

Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

Before accepting a job offer or starting a new business, ask yourself the following questions and circle one. 1. Will I enjoy it? Yes / No 2. Is it in line with my talents? Yes / No 3. Will it move me closer to my professional and financial goals? Yes / No

Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

When working with the 10 Secrets of Abundant Wealth, it is important to remember that all 10 secretes are equally important.

No one has acquired wealth without first acquiring specialized knowledge in at least one area. Finance, Business, or what clients need and want. Knowledge is power only when applied intelligently against a defined outcome. You don’t have to know all the answers, but you must know where to find the resources. In the space provided below, write some areas where you have acquired specialized knowledge. For example: sales, marketing, people, finance, online marketing, traffic, coaching, public speaking, fitness, etc. Areas I have acquired specialized knowledge: 1.___________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________________ 6.___________________________________________________ 7.___________________________________________________ Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan, “Press On!” Has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. ― Calvin Coolidge

The difference between those who triumph and those who don’t is persistence. Never give up when faced with rejection and obstacles.

Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up! ― Winston Churchill

Almost every person that has achieved anything of great significance acknowledges they couldn’t have done it without Persistence. How long will you try before giving up? Edison failed 10,000 times before inventing the light bulb. He put it best by saying he had not failed 10,000 but had rather discovered 9,999 ways to not make a light bulb. Successful people don’t see failure as failure but rather learning experiences.

Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

The Beatles were rejected 50 times before securing a recording contract If it were easy to achieve abundant wealth, everyone would have done it.

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though chequered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. ― Theodore Roosevelt

When working to build abundant wealth, it is important to remember that triumph is not the result of a single effort, but rather the accumulation of many efforts. The difference between those who triumph and those who don’t is not dependent on their talent but rather their perseverance. In the space below, write one instance where you have persevered to achieve a goal. As you consider this instance, think about what you did well that had you last as long as you did. What did you learn from this experience?

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of questions you ask yourself on a daily basis. ― Tony Robbins Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

It’s important to remember that the more you earn the more you’ll spend. As your income increases you most likely will get a bigger house, a better car, new clothes, and enjoy better travel. Create a habit of working to a budget wherever you are at today. Abundant wealth is built on a solid foundation. Wealth requires you to create a constant flow of income. A pond that does not have a constant flow of fresh water will eventually dry up.

10% of your income should be put away to invest in wealth creation opportunities. This will allow you to have money work for you rather than you work for money. It’s important to be careful with aggressive High Risk Plans.

Managing your monthly expenses and outstanding debt. Monthly Income: Less 10% for investments Balance for living and Credit Debt

$__________________ $__________________ $__________________

Determine a date by which you will contact your creditors and make arrangements to pay a set amount monthly excluding your living budget. Creditor

Date I will Contact

1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total Monthly Payments:

Agreed Payment / Month

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

The notion that all wealthy people are corrupt is as silly as the assumption that all poor people are honest. Statistics show that the lower socioeconomic groups also have the highest rates of delinquency. Some use poverty as an excuse. In the space below, write a current business proposition your are exploring to create wealth, then ask and answer the questions afterwards. My business proposition is:

Now that you have your business proposition, here are the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Is it Legal? Is it morally correct? (Karma/sowing and reaping) Will pursuing this proposition make me feel proud of my self? If there was a news camera here and my parents / children would see this, would they feel proud or ashamed? 5. Would I respect myself after I do this? It is hard to live with someone you don’t respect, especially when that person is you. Power thoughts: Money is not an end. It is a means to an end. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? Our actions, words and thoughts are like boomerangs, they always return to us. Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

What if it doesn’t work? What is the cost? What reasons did I have to trust? I am responsible for my life and I have the power to change it. Everything starts with faith. We wouldn’t start a task or set a goal unless we believed we could achieve it. The only problem is the risk attached. In the process of doubt and procrastination, we need only ask 1 question… What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Be decisive, and powerful forces will arise to help you. When faced with important decisions we must be decisive. Most people fear failure of getting it wrong but the only way to fail is not to try. If you try it’s impossible to fail completely as you will at least have learned something. These people may never acquire wealth because they are afraid to take risks. Only those that risk are free. The biggest risk is to not risk at all. Always act as if you will achieve your goals and if you are going to triumph act as if you could not fail and as if nothing will stop your purpose in life. All changes bring with them some uncertainty. You cannot get to a new port unless you leave the current one. Trust your instinct. When you apply faith miracles begin to happen Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

In the space below write what you would do if you knew you could not fail:

As you start to act, faith in self and life will continue to grow. You can repeat affirmations or auto-suggestions. They impact your subconscious believes. Any thing you repeat over and over again will become part of your subconscious mind. Example affirmations: “Money comes to me in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a consistent basis.” “God’s Riches flow into my life and satisfy all of my needs and desires. Nothing can detract the manifestation of abundant wealth in my life.” “All that happens, happens for one reason and 1 purpose, to enrich my life.” “Any thing I ask of life, I shall receive in the appropriate moment and the appropriate place.” Write these daily as part of your morning ritual in Step 3. The biggest lesson is life is that if you have Faith, you can achieve anything. Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

Faith is the ability to see the invisible, Belief the incredible and that will allow you to have what the masses call impossible.

Come to the edge, he said. We are afraid, we replied. Come to the edge, he sai We came; He pushed us… We flew! ― Anonymous

In the space provided below, write about a time where you have exercised faith and what the outcome was:

Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

Give without expecting anything in return. Have you ever helped someone achieve something... just because? What were the feelings you experienced as a result of helping that person? In your subconscious you feel worthy of receiving in return. As you give to others you are receiving it.

To get he had tried, but his store was still Meager To a wise man he cried in a voice keen and eager Pray tell me, what must I do to successfully live. Came the wise mans’ reply, to get you’ve got to give As to giving he said, what have I to give I’ve scarce enough bread and of course one must live I would partake of life’s bountiful store Came the wise man’s reply… Then you must give more The lesson he learned to get was forgotten As he turned to mankind with a love new begotten And as he gave of himself in useful living Then joy crowned his life For he grew rich in giving.

No matter what you give you will always get it back not necessarily from the same person. This invokes the Law of Reciprocity.

Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

Give away 10% of your income, starting immediately. It will change your life! All the secrets working together play a key role in your success. As you give you become more prosperous. Wealth is life’s fertilizer. If you extended and spread it will bring fourth riches. If you leave it alone, it becomes stagnant and begins to smell and becomes a place where bacterial grows. You must not wait to have the abundance before you begin to share it. Consider this… is it easier for a person earning 100 million to donate 10 million compared to a person who earns 10 million to give away 1 million of their income? Make it a habit to give away 10% of your income to help others. It engraves in your subconscious a feeling of abundance and from that point it begins to bring abundance into your life. None of us can achieve anything on our own. There are always others who contribute. We need to keep the flow through charity. Very rarely will you achieve anything of great significance without the help of others. As we help others, we inadvertently help ourselves. In the space provided below. List some charities or causes you could contribute 10% of your income starting today. These are some of the charities I am willing to support: Charity 1_____________________________________________ Charity 2_____________________________________________ Charity 3_____________________________________________ Every person is rich as they make a difference to others!

Brought to you by Brad Wegelin, Attraction Marketing Specialist

Brad Wegelin works with network marketers around the globe helping them to grow their business using The Attraction Marketing Formula to attract and convert qualified prospects online. P.S. If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Attracting Qualified Prospects Online Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access If you are ready to make this year the year you Attracted Abundant Wealth, connect with Brad and let him coach you to success! Phone: (208) 724-8187 Email: [email protected] Skype: brad.wegelin Facebook: Brad Wegelin

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