Volume 9, Number 4

APRIL 2013


The Lepers Shared Forthcoming Revival Needs Preparation PASTOR JEFF BROWN

New Mission Statement and Core Values

My prayer is that each of our Apison members are praying daily for the Spring Week of Prayer / Revival which begins March 31 and runs through April 6.

Our Mission is to be a family of believers that Know Jesus, Love People, and Treasure Truth.

2 Kings 6 and 7 tell about a horrible siege that the Arameans laid upon Samaria--the capital of the northern kingdom. They cut off all food and supplies from the city, so that a donkey's head (the worst part of an unclean animal--that's how hungry the people were) was sold for two pounds of silver. People were even resorting to cannibalism. Elisha said it would soon be over (2 Kings 7:1-2) but the royal officer, the king's assistant, didn't believe him.

RELATIONSHIP Our relationship with Jesus is the heart of Christianity.

Four lepers were discussing their options when they decided to check out the camp of the Arameans. They figured, either way they're going to die, but maybe, just maybe, the Arameans might give them a few scraps to eat. They expected to die anyway, and said, "If [the Arameans] kill us, we will but die." In other words, the worst that could happen to them is death, and they were going to die anyway.

SERVICE Because Jesus has supplied our needs, we work to supply the needs of our community and the world.

But when they got to the enemy camp, they found that no one was there. God had scared them all away and they left everything--including their food. So the lepers went from tent to tent, eating and drinking. Soon, they realized that they were not doing the right thing. The right thing to do was to share! So they went back to Samaria, and told the gatekeepers what had happened, and the whole city, except for the unbelieving royal officer, who was trampled at the gate (7:17), enjoyed plenty of food. We each have enjoyed plenty of spiritual food. The Lord has blessed us, calling us from a life of sin into His remnant church. But let's not keep His blessing to ourselves! Like the lepers, we need to say, "This is a day of good news!" (7:9) and share the spiritual feast, the blessing of salvation, with all who will listen. PLEASE PRAY that God will show you whom He has brought into your life to share the Gospel with. "To every one God has committed a work, to make known His salvation to the world. In true religion there is nothing selfish or exclusive.... It is impossible for one to retain the favor and love of God, and enjoy communion with Him, and still feel no responsibility for the souls for whom Christ died, who are in error and darkness, perishing in their sins. – To Be Like Jesus, p. 260.

DISCIPLESHIP We submit to Jesus, praying that His character will be reflected in our lives.

OUTREACH God's saving love motivates us to reach out and share the Good News with everyone. COMMUNITY By God's grace, we will be a safe, loving family that looks out for each other. TRUTH We daily search the Scriptures seeking to understand truth, to live it and encourage others to do the same. This mission statement was voted by the church board after an appointed committee had carefully reviewed, revised, refreshed and renewed the previous one.




ENGAGED Coral Hightower and Girard “Dusty” Miller have announced their engagement. The wedding will take place at the McDonald Road SDA Church on June 23. Tyler Adams is currently attending Laurelbrook School. He went on the mission trip with students from there in November and decided he would like to try it for a semester. Jonathan Beaumonte is also a student there. Steve and Mary Lou Pride report: “We decided to keep our home phone and that's how people can reach us - not on our cell phones. … 238-9602. Those that are following the Revived by His Word plan may be interested in knowing that Christopher Beason has written nine of the upcoming blogs. Faye McColpin is on another mission trip to Africa with Maranatha Volunteers.

At Rest John Linn suffered a stroke March 2. He was taken to Erlanger Hospital for testing, and later transferred to Standifer Place Nursing Home for rehabilitation. March 7, he died peacefully in his sleep. He was 93. A memorial

service will be held at our Apison church at 3:30 on March 30. Jeanie Hair, daughter, is one of the survivors. A more complete notice will appear in the next issue. Angelina D. Bowden passed to her rest March 15 after a long illness. She will be remembered as attending with Delmar and Della Anderson. She was 89 and a native of the Philippines. Survivors include her daughter, Mary Jane Stover and five grandchildren. Other recent passings include Mona Millard’s mother and Frank Treadway’s mother.

Committees Review Church Plant Needs At a recent joint meeting of the Building and Maintenance Committees, plans for repairs, maintenance, and improvements for the church building were reviewed, according to an interview with chairman Eric Schoonard by Apison Appeal staff. Among the issues addressed were: low water pressure, safety in the baptismal tank, repairs to the broken communication conduit between the church and school buildings, new firerated stairs to upstairs classroom space currently unusable, building of a family bathroom where parents can take their children or elderly parents for assistance, new carpet for the church foyer, renovations to the Sabbath School wing that will include space for Pathfinders and Adventurers, and paving, lighting, and marking the parking lot. Remodeling of the kitchen/dining area was finished recently and is very attractive. Schoonard said that the funding to finish the parking lot is nearly complete and that it is hoped that this can begin in the spring. An architect is working on plans for the planned renovations.

APRIL 2013

Women’s Ministry Hosts Breakfast SUE BRUCE

Fifteen Prayer Warriors attended the Women's Ministry Prayer Breakfast on February 24. We began with a few encouraging quotes form Mrs. White on the power of prayer. Our prayer time was broken into categories that included the world, our country, our community, our church, and our families. Many specific prayers were offered in each category. Virginia Holley shared the concept of community prayer boxes in which people in the community could put prayer requests at different businesses. The person who placed the box would gather the prayer requests and pray for these requests and the person making the requests. We prayed for businesses to accept these boxes. We also drew one of 31 names for our secret sisters. We hope you will remember her often, encourage her, and pray for her. Gifts may be left in classroom C before 9:30 and after 10:45. Please remember to check each week. We also chose to pick a woman in our church who needed encouragement, and just needed to know someone cared as a secret sister. Shutins would be a good choice. If you have not chosen one please do so soon.

Sharing prayer concerns was one of the activities at the Women’s Ministry prayer breakfast. Photo:

Sue Bruce

APRIL 2013



Seventh and Eighth Graders Enjoy Trip to Gatlinburg BY THE STUDENTS

Students passed out memory verse papers to the residents.

Lester Coon Adventist School Life Care Center of Collegedale Welcomes LCA Students Seven cars filled with happy K-6 students went to the Collegedale Life Care Center recently. The students were happy because they were on a field trip and upbeat because they knew where they were going, what they were doing, and who they would be sharing Christ's love with when they got there. It was but a short, straight walk to the dining hall, a large room which does double duty as an assembly room. The students assembled like a choir, and Mrs. Louise Eirich settled herself at the grand piano. Mr. Ron Miller stood poised with his recorder, ready for the singing to begin. LCA principal Mark Sargeant greeted the residents, introduced the LCA school family, then began the group singing. Amy Johnson then had opening prayer. Other musical numbers were performed by students Carissa Schoonard and Matt Raney on the piano, and Carolina Smith and Audrey Coulter on the violin. Mr. Miller played several recorder solos, and in between, Mr. Sargeant led all in singing Christian choruses and old hymns. At one point the residents were given beautifully decorated Bible Memory Verse sheets that had been handwritten by LCA attendees. Even more special, was the opportunity

Students also prayed with patients.

students had to pray with every resient who requested it. Mr. Sargeant gave a homily on God as the One who brings us peace. He said he felt a little nervous being up front, because in the audience was his 95-year-old stepmom. Of course he wanted to make a good impression! After the final song, Amazing Grace, Josh Tinkham closed the occasion with prayer. Students said goodbye, but didn't leave the building before walking all the way down to the end of the Center, distributing Memory Verses to the residents along the way. At the end of the hall was a sunroom containing a very large, glass-enclosed birdcage which all were delighted to see. The lively, colorful birds preening and chirping therein were very cute and entertaining. Even without the leadership and support of the seventh and eighth graders, away in Gatlinberg on their class trip, they had done a great job on their witnessing trip. In their hearts they knew that the kindness and love shared with lonely, aged children of God hadn't gone unnoticed by their all-seeing heavenly Father.

We left for Gatlinburg at 3:00pm on Sunday from the school. The boys rode with Mrs. Taylor and the girls road with Mr. and Mrs. Mundall. Tori (Victoria Beason) came up later with her dad. We got lost in the tangle of confusing street names and bad directions. When we finally got to the cabin, the driveway was a nightmare, with an almost straight drop down into the parking area. We could barely walk down the hill! The cabin was large and beautiful with a gorgeous view of the Smoky Mountains. It had three floors and a kitchen, a pool table, a living room, and an upstairs loft where the girls slept. The guys slept downstairs in the pool room. Downstairs was also another bedroom where Mr. and Mrs. Mundall stayed. Mrs. Taylor stayed on the pullout bed in the living room. For our first meal we had mac and cheese, green beans, and hot dogs. After supper we watched a movie and went to bed. On Monday we went to Cade's Cove. We drove around and saw lots of deer and some other creatures like turkeys and wild hogs too. One deer even jumped right behind our car! We also got to see lots of old buildings including several old churches and homes. We also found a virtual geo cash. For lunch we ended up in the middle of a field sitting on blankets, with the wind blowing away our food. We were so hungry that we didn't mind. Next we went into the gift shop. They had amazing chocolate there. We completed the loop and then did some shopping in Gatlinburg that evening. Tuesday was the town day. We first went to Wonder Works, a museum that looks like an upside down mansion. We did laser tag and Arielle lost her wallet. Thankfully she found it later. There were so many cool things to do there. There was a three-level rope course, a bike that when you Continued on Page Eight



The Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church 11421 Bates Road – Apison, TN 37302 Post Office Box 1551 – Collegedale, TN 37315 Telephone: (423) 236-4214 -oVisit Our Website: www.apisonchurch.org -oFind us on facebook: Apison SDA Church -oPastor: Jeff Brown -- 728-2480 [email protected] -oHead Elder: Glen Wintermeyer -- 443-1039 Head Deacon: Barry Becker -- 505-6415 Head Deaconess: June Paynter -- 396-3999 Clerk: Sharon Adams – 475-7017 -oLester Coon Adventist School Telephone: (423) 236-4926 -oVisit Our Website: www.apisonsdaschool.com

The Apison Appeal Monthly Newspaper for Members and Friends -oEditor: Erling Odell – 591-4779 E-mail: [email protected] Electronic Circulation: Amanda Thomas Print Circulation: Jan Haveman Calendar Editor: Lisa Jennings Photographers: Brian Wilson and Anita McGrath Printing: Modern Way Printing and Fulfillment xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mailbox Missionaries: Taking the Hope of Jesus to Every Door VIRGINIA HOLLEY

In addition to the quarterly direct mail personalized post cards that are designed by our team and delivered to the 1497 homes in our Apison Zip code, the Evangelism Team unanimously voted to sponsor a saturation mailing of “PROJECT: Steps to Christ” to our Community this March. This is one part of the plan which is designed to reach our community in multiple ways in order to find the 'ripe' fruit. There have been several church members who requested a saturation mailing and were willing to finance a project such as this. We would like to invite those of you who have a passion for this ministry to donate for additional projects like this one. With this one mailing the following books are available for request. The Path to Peace (Steps to Christ), and On The Edge of Time (an abridged version of The Great

APRIL 2013

Controversy). Each of these "mailbox missionaries" not only contains soul-saving truths but also many offers for other free literature, Bible studies, and an invitation to visit our special evangelistic website (www.peacefinders.org) where they can find even more uplifting resources. Every person who responds to these initial free offers is given an opportunity to join our Bible Student Library Club where they can order up to seven additional Spirit of Prophecy books free of charge, including the entire "Conflict of the Ages" series plus Christ's Object Lessons, The Ministry of Healing, and Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing. Through the “PROJECT: Steps to Christ” mailing program, people can literally study themselves into the Three Angels' messages before ever stepping into our church. For only 60 cents per home the mailing includes the cost of the books, postage and handling, and all the free literature and Bible studies offered. In addition, a systematic, follow-up support program is in place to help us follow-up on the interest generated from our mailing. Therefore, join us in praying for God to "send for the reapers for the harvest is ripe" Matthew 9:38. The “mailbox missionaries" are designed to 1) sow the gospel seed, 2) open doors for the preaching of the gospel, 3) discover and meet the felt-needs of our community, 4) develop Bible study leads or even 5) plant a new church. IMPORTANT NOTE: Conducting the personal follow-up on each interest generated from our saturation mailing is essential to the overall success of the mailing program. “PROJECT: Steps to Christ” began 40 years ago and is primarily a seed sowing ministry. Our mission, in obedience to Christ, is to "go" and "preach the gospel to every creature," giving them THE OPPORTUNITY to hear and respond to the message. We trust God to do His part in bringing the seed you have helped plant and water to harvest! Ask God where He would like for you to minister for Him.

April 2013 SUNDAY

PF= ADVPathfinders = Adventurers ADV = LCA = Lester Adventurers Coon Adventist School LCA = Lester Coon Adventist School






Birthdays: Setsuko Carey Dan Seebeck

10:30 am Praise & Prayer Mtg.

6:30 Kids in Disc. 7:00 Week of Prayer

7:00 Week of Prayer

8 Apison Church Birthday – Organized in 1961







Birthdays: Vonn Williams

Birthday: Jousha Blevins

6:30 PF






10:30 am Praise & Prayer Mtg.

Birthdays: Brooklyn Brailsford Jesse Coulter

Birthdays: Caleb McKissick John Coulter

Birthday: Ryan Harrell

6:30 Kids in Disc.

6:30 ADV 7:00 pm Prayer Mtg.

Church Campout Sunset 8:11

11:00 Guest 12:30 Fellowship Lunch Church Campout






Birthday: Mika Carey

Birthdays: Art Miles Clarina Oliver

Birthdays: Greg McGuire Ross Kloosterhuis

Birthday: Bo Smith

Birthday: Jason Williams

6:30 PF 7:00 pm Prayer Mtg.

Pathfinders Camporee Sunset 8:17

10:30 am Praise & Prayer Mtg.

6:30 Kids in Disc.


Pathfinders Camporee

11:00 David Ryder HOMECOMING 3:00 Love & Respect Seminar 3:00 Sunshine Band

7:00 Week of Prayer Sunset 8:06



Birthdays: Jubilee Hills

7:00 Week of Prayer

7 pm School Board

7 pm Church Board Meeting


7:00 Week of Prayer

7 pm LCA Constituency Meeting

8:00 pm Newsletter Articles Due Church Campout



7:00 Week of Prayer

11:00 Pastor Brown Pathfinders Camporee






10:30 am Praise & Prayer Mtg.

Birthday: John Gulley

6:30 Kids in Disc.

Birthdays: Bette Brown Dennis Becker Katie Scott Roy Turner

Birthday: Ellen Greenleaf

6:30 PF 7:00 pm Prayer Mtg.

Birthdays: Isaac Klein Isaiah Klein

Sunset 8:23

6:30 Vespers




Internet Safety Presentation

Birthday: Ray McKissick

Birthdays: Denise Ford Faith Laughlin 10:30 am Praise & Prayer Mtg.

6:30 Kids in Disc.

11:00 Pastor Brown



APRIL 2013

First in a Series

Flashlight Adventure

Glen Wintermeyer taught life lessons to children in West Africa while on mission service there.


Today (February 23), I was asked to preach at church in Monrovia, Liberia, something I have done for six straight weeks here in West Africa. Karen "suggested" I change my Sabbath sermon after about the third time of her hearing it. And she even suggested a topic born out of a bush encounter with a little kid. There I had invited a 3-4 year old kid to come and turn on my flashlight -- one of those you twist to turn on. And my invitee failed the test. Again I asked another to the challenge and she failed. By this time I reduced the anti by asking an older girl - maybe 10, to challenge the mystery. She immediately took off the end of the flashlight to expose the fact that there were no batteries in the light! Well, I have used that same illustration a number of times for the Sabbath sermon, including today when I am not sure who had the last laugh. Let me explain. At the outset of my sermon I invited a 3-4 year old boy to come up and help me. We walked up on the stage "so everyone could see." I asked him to turn on the flashlight. Promptly, he laid the flashlight down on the carpet in front of him. Exasperated, I asked another child to come up, and of course, you know what happened. Precedent had been established and he, too, immediately set the thing on the floor in front of us. By this time the congregation is rolling in the aisles with laughter and I am wondering desperately what I was saying to get the wrong action. So I laugh with them and ask a third child - a boy of 9 or 10, to come up on the platform. And ask him the same question, to which he takes the flashlight and promptly throws it on the floor. The audience is hysterical by now.

Photo: Wintermeyer

To them I said, "I thought everyone spoke English." A fourth volunteer, a girl, came up, took off the end of the flashlight and revealed the problem "no batteries." I asked her where she thought she could find some batteries. "On the other side of the fence," she answered without missing a beat. Of course, I didn't mean for her to go street-side to buy some. I pulled two from my pocket and she stuck them into the flashlight, and pressed the switch to which there was immediate light. I wondered if the throw to the floor might have disabled my light forever. Wow, talk about a story pregnant with illustrations for my ensuing sermon on lighting the world. Clearly, it's a sermon that I will not soon forget. I pray that my listeners will also remember it a long time and even more importantly, the lessons taught. #

Internet Safety Seminar Coming NOELLE HOLLAND

An Internet Safety Seminar is coming to the Apison church the last weekend of April. It will be conducted by Ernest Staats on April 27 for vespers and continuing on Sunday the 28th . Staats will discuss: “Social media and Mobile devices -- Your Job: Physical, Spiritual, and Mental Health.” Recommended audience for vespers: Everyone!!! Important “NOW” information in how media can be managed to protect the physical,

spiritual, and mental health of our families. It offers eye-opening information about what information we may feel is private … is not! April 28 (Sunday): 1:00 – “Social and Mobile Security” Parents centered, youth focused, giving parents the tools to protect their kids. Recommended audience: Parents who want to know (hands on) how to monitor and protect their children from bad internet influences and their family's information from the public. (For those who would like to bring their computers or mobile devices, they would be welcome to do so. Handouts will be provided as well. Ernest Staats has a Master’s in network security and several professional information technology certifications. He has served as a computer security expert for government, schools, private and religious institutions both nationally and internationally. He wants to change perceptions by giving ordinary people the tools to know security. “Security is less about technology than it is about education and having a plan,” he says. He has a passion for working with and protecting young people using education and technology. He now works for Georgia-Cumberland Academy as Director of Technology. Staats’ student-run computer help-desk team has provided technical services for other schools across the United States as well as conducting networking and security presentations.

APRIL 2013


Where Are They Now? Several families who came to Collegedale to train for the gospel ministry at SAU fellowshipped with our Apison church family and served in various offices. They have moved on now to take their places in “the vineyard.” It has been suggested that we run an article encouraging prayer for the pastors and missionaries that Apison has "sent out." As best we remember, here is a list of those. Have we missed anyone? Darryl and Ginger Bentley Keith and Nancy Ingram Wayne and Mary Long Jonathan and Kelly Cross Tom and Charity Stone Edgar and Pam Alquinta Jim and Becky McCurdy Cory and Christal Herthel Sean and Pris Knapp Clint and Jona Ratliff Let’s add these names to our daily prayer list. As space permits, we plan to run short sketches about where they are now.

Jona Ratliff Writes From Thailand Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings from Thailand. It has been nine months since we left The US to come to Thailand as missionaries. God has been good to us. At first we really didn't know where and what to do here. Communication is a challenge for us since very few people speak English. Our plan is to learn the language and the Thai culture for the first year. God lead us to a place 2 hours away from Bangkok where Asia-Pacific International University is located. It is a beautiful country setting surrounded by mountains, but nowadays this town is growing quickly. Buildings are rising and highways are being widened. Clint got a job at Adventist International Mission

THE RATLIFFS School as an Art teacher. This takes care of our visa for a year and a missionary stipend that helps us with our basic needs. Every Sabbath afternoon we have a branch Sabbath school 15 minutes away from our place. We are teaching the children about Jesus, and some songs. It is very sad when you ask these children who Jesus is, they have no idea, and they don't know anything about Jesus. But they are open and very happy to learn about Jesus. For now we are doing the friendship ministry, developing relationships with the locals, and by God's grace we will see people responding to the love we shared to them. Everything went well until February 27, 2013. We were on our way to go to a Bible study. All four of us were packed on the single motorcycle with helmets on. Joy the eldest in front, Clint the driver with Thai driver’s license, Love next and I'm at the back when the truck was pulling out of the parking place facing the road. The driver of the truck didn't check the traffic coming. She has no driver's license. We were very close to the truck that it was hard for us to stop. Everything was so sudden. We hit the truck that was blocking the road. Even if we already hit the truck we had the driver just keep on driving. Joy flew on the cement road head first. Thank God she had a helmet on. Clint was under the truck, arms spread while the truck's front wheel ran over his shoulder. The driver stopped the truck. Love was ok, no bruises no scrapes whatsoever. My


hand was swollen and my left thighs, legs and arms are full of bruises. We were sent to the hospital by the ambulance. We had our X-rays and check up, and by the grace of God no broken bones for all of us. Another miracle was that we had no insurance and we just paid 35 dollars for all the hospital bills. The ambulance was free. The driver of the truck helped us pay the hospital bill and to fix our motorcycle. An angel must have lifted the truck when it ran over my husband’s shoulder. God saved our lives. We know we still have a mission here in Thailand. Please pray for us; we have two doors opening now to do God's work. One is to start a Medical Missionary Training Center 20 minutes away from where we live, and the other one is to help in the orphanage in the jungle between Burma and Thailand. Recently, we were praying and fasting for God's direction. After the accident we feel the great need for a four-wheeled vehicle. For many months, a motorcycle has been a blessing to us (this is the only vehicle we could afford) but now we realize the danger of it, especially with our kids riding on it. Thank you so much. May God richly bless you. In His service, The Ratliff's – Clint, Jona, Joy, and Love. THANK YOU To Myra Sargeant, Rae Miller, Richard Schoonard, Bozena Wentland, and all others who helped with the renovation of the kitchenette / two Sabbath School rooms. A great job well done! FLOWERS Anyone who has beautiful flowers that they would be willing to donate to the church for Sabbath services please contact Myra Sargeant or Rae Miller. MOTHERS’ PRAYER GROUP Mothers interested in praying for their children meet on the third Sabbath of each month. If you have any questions, you may call June Paynter at 396-3999 or Nancy Patton at 236-4790


Student Field Trip Continued from Page Three pedaled, would go upside down in loops. There was a lot of fun with little activity centers too, like a bubble lab, a freeze-frame thing, and some fun quizzes. After wonder works we ate lunch at Mellow Mushroom, which Tori's dad paid for. After that we went shopping around Gatlinburg some more. We went to several shops and had fun browsing, and buying stuff too. Finally at the end of the day we went back to the cabin. That evening we had fun eating smores, playing games, watching a movie, and the girls and boys each had a turn in the hot tub. Wednesday morning we packed up and left the cabin. We went into town to go get some pancakes at the Pancake Pantry. It was amazing! Then we went to the Ripley's Aquarium. We saw lots of fish and got to watch the divers clean the tanks. There was even a conveyer belt that you stood on that took you through an underwater glass tunnel. Then since we had some extra money we split it among ourselves. Then we went shopping again to spend the last of our money before we left. That was the end of a really cool and fun trip. #


Lentil and Nut Roast 1 ½ cups cooked brown rice or dried no yeast flat bread crumbs 1 cup nut meal 1 medium onion, chopped 2 cups cooked lentils ½ teaspoon each of sage/savory/salt Combine all ingredients and add vegetable juice or water if too dry. Pour into casserole and bake 45 minutes at 325 degrees. Serve with tomato sauce or gravy. #


Evangelism Video Available to Those Who Missed It AVIYA LeBRUN

On Saturday night March 2, over a dozen of our church's evangelistic leadership team viewed a two-hour teaching video by Pastor Patrick Vincent entitled "Evangelism Boot Camp.” This training focused on the process of soul winning and how we cannot leave it to chance. We were inspired and motivated and learned from this experienced soul winner that we have much work to do as a church family and as individuals. With fasting and prayer we can be a part of the needed laborers to pick the ripe fruit (people that God has prepared to hear and accept His truths) and nurture the green fruit so that when they are ripe, we can be ready to pick them and bring them to the family of God. Derek Morris gave a challenge a few years ago with his "Radical Prayer" that I would like us all to include in our daily prayers. “Lord of the harvest, I earnestly beg You to throw out laborers into Your harvest, and You have my permission to begin with me.” I believe that with fasting and prayer, we will see great miracles in bringing others to Christ. For any who missed the Evangelism Bootcamp video and would like to watch it, it is available online at: http://vimeo.com/59281293. Many other videos uploaded by the GeorgiaCumberland Conference are also at vimeo.comon the GCC SDA channel.

March Board Actions Evangelism was the major issue discussed at the March board meeting. The “Project Steps to Christ” activity was approved. (Story on Page 4) We are mailing to all Apison addresses a copy of Steps to Christ with many offers of other books inside. This was suggested by Noble Vining. Another project, “Prayer Box,” was also approved. A story on this will be told in our next issue.

APRIL 2013

A new statement of the church’s mission and core values was approved and appears on the front page of this issue. The pastor will give a sermon on this soon. It was voted to allow the Pathfinders to collect an offering on the second Sabbath of every month (Pathfinder Awareness Sabbath). #

Class Trip Photos

The Apison Appeal The Lepers Shared - Apison Seventh-day ...

Apr 4, 2013 - these requests and the person making the requests. We prayed ... Amazing Grace, Josh Tinkham closed .... illustration a number of times for the.

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Jul 9, 2012 - movie about Native Americans in the visitor center. After .... July 7-8 ACS Disaster Relief Training Event. Event will be in ... asked why, in Sabbath School, do we not call for Birthday / Thank Offerings as the church used to do.

the apison appeal - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
May 8, 2012 - computers and cars. The Hustad Family: Tim, Catherine, Matt, and Brian ... 325 degrees. Serve with tomato sauce or gravy. Newsletter Editor ...

the apison appeal - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Jul 9, 2012 - goods and services from businesses in the community. Twentyfive church .... Apple Teacher of the Year Award for 2012. Pictured here with his ...

The Apison Appeal - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
May 3, 2011 - ... works for the conference and she has children in .... on my way to Miss Dot's house, for the very first time! ... call from Miss Dot. She could not ...

The Apison Appeal - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Dec 5, 2011 - His good for those who believe in His son, Christ ... please email [email protected] and we .... Newsletter .... church service. Photos:.

the apison appeal - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
the electric service following a straight-wind storm, many families were ... call for those who were interested in ... stay home with his sick toddler while his wife went to the ... loss of a loved one, loss of job or loss of something very important