


The natural world Label the pictures. Choose from the words in the box.

10 marks

bark hoof

bat mme

beak nest

branch snall

frog trunk



42.2 15rr3arks

42.3 5 marks

7 8 Name the odd one out. Explain why it is the odd one out. Example: plgeon, bat, peacock, eagle A bat is a rnmrnd but Mans, peacocks and eagles are biras. 4 crab, shark, t w ~ g whale , 1 scales, bough, gllls, tail 2 worm, f~r,oak, elm 5 seal, stalk, petals, pollen 3 wh~skers,paw, claws, wlng

Put these verbs in the right places. fertll~se





their crops.Then they ( 2 ) First farmers ( I ) them.When the crops are ready for eating them. Gardeners usually l~keto grow things that (4) . In or processing,the farmers (3) them to make thew- home look beautiful. sprlng or summer, they may (5)

42.4 marks

/40 50

Answer these questions. Example: Is a plne tree dec~duousor evergreen? Evergreen 1 Is an oak dec~duousor evergreen? 2 Do frogs h~bernate? 3 Is a snail a mammal? 4 Are d~nosaursextlnct? 5 What tree 1s trad~t~onally decorated at Christmas t ~ m e ? 6 What popular sweet-smelling flower w ~ t hsharp thorns is a symbol of love? 7 Does a worm make honey? 8 Whlch an~malllves In the desert and has two humps? 9 What does a cat use its wh~skersfor? 10 W h ~ c hb ~ r dhas a particularly magn~ficenttall whlch ~t can open out to display beautiful colours? Test Your Englrsh Vocabulary m Use (upper-intermediate)

The natural world.pdf

Page 1 of 1. ;* "* The natural world. 42.1 Label the pictures. Choose from the words in the box. 10 marks. bark bat beak branch frog hedgehog. hoof mme nest ...

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Page 1 of 1. ;* "* The natural world. 42.1 Label the pictures. Choose from the words in the box. 10 marks. bark bat beak branch frog hedgehog. hoof mme nest ...

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