Simple Guide

to Making a


The Social Networking Experiment The Uber Generation

by Stephen T. Jones Copyright 2011 Stephen T. Jones and OrganicXpression.com Publishing

Writing a book with the world… If even one percent of the population – or even just one percent of one percent – posted their ideas in one day, you’d have enough information to fill a book with world solutions. These are the ideas behind OrganicXpression.com. You don’t have to worry about every line being perfect, just blog it. Even better: Since the book is written online, every author can add things that are not available in conventional books such as videos, audio, pictures, art, poetry and articles. Well, We’ve gone and done that hardest part by writing the first chapter: “A Simple Guide to Making a Difference: Making The World A Better Place By Being YOU.” Now all we have to do is finish this collective global mission and – bam! – We’ll have a book. ONE BOOK, ONE BRAND in this ONE WORLD with unique chapters inspired by people and organization from all walks of life in our global community in the name of PROGRESS. Stephen T. Jones is a Visionary, Inspirational Speaker and Social Media Lobbyist who is really starting to find his artistic expression in the world. He is a dreamer that loves to connect with water and waves while taking time to build community ventures and corporate projects. He runs his company hands free with Dreadlocks and flip flops.

Table of Contents The Social Networking Experiment The Uber Generation 1. Introduction 1.1 The Social Network Experiment: The fat kid meal plan 1.2 Television (TV) vs. Computer 1.3 Rules of the Game (Real Life Experience) 1.4 The MELTING POT is dying 2. Vision And Inspiration 2.1 Mark Twain: How would Mark Twain use the social networks? 2.2 How would Jesus use the social networks? 2.3 Understanding the me generation 3. Co-Inspired Event 3.1 The ABC’s of Social Media 3.2 Make it Rain 3.3 Karmercial: Be The Change Or See The Change 4. Organic Projects 4.1 Facebook Better Than A Sex Tape 4.2 SDSU: Collective Children’s Book

5. Conclusion (Organic Case Studies) 5.1 The Start

Forward Written By Chris Papciak "We're starting to see the beginnings of a power shift in the world today. The generations of yesterday are slowly on their way out and Generation X and Y are starting to come into power. Growing up with the many tools and technology at their disposal, this new generation is capable of accomplishing more than any other in our history. Much of this change is due to the internet, and social networks. Social networking is a part of a larger evolution of technology and culture. Never before in known history have we been more connected to each other than we are now. Instant communication from across the world had only been dreamed of 100 years ago. With this powerful tool, people around the world can accomplish incredible feats in very short windows. Just think what could have been accomplished, had social networks been around 2000 years ago. What would have been different? What would the great leaders throughout history use it for? With social media and networking, it's easier than ever to organize a collective movement of thousands of people, enough to even perhaps influence a social change. A perfect example of this would be the recent struggles in Egypt and the Middle East. Social media was becoming so powerful; the crumbling government had to literally shut off the internet for the entire country. It's remarkable to think that a few simple keystrokes can take down a regime, but these are the times we live in. Social media, and the internet is still very new to us, and we've yet to harness it's true power. Over time, we'll start to see more and more of the effects of social networks can have on society and culture. I've personally been an avid internet user since the mid-90's and have been working in online marketing for 3 years. Social media has had a tremendous impact on individu-

als and businesses I've been privileged to be a part of. I've been working with Steve to help fulfill his vision of writing a book with the world, and to help spread ideas to likeminded people. By getting others to submit helpful information, we can help solve the world’s problems, one step at a time. In this book, Steve makes note of the social changes going on, and what you can do to influence change in your own life. This book is a valuable resource for anybody looking to leverage social media, and to help us all band together to build on what we have, share ideas, and to make the world a better place.

Chris Papciak Search Engine Marketing Specialist

1. Introduction 1.1 The Social Network Experiment Okay, even though I hate doing this in a moment, I am going to tell you why I am qualified to write this book. But first, I would love for you to go to the back of the book with the sub-chapter titled the start and give it a read. I believe that you will get the most out of this if you know where I am coming from. Welcome back. I am what you'd call a good leader. I started to wake up in the last 5 years and really started to take this stuff seriously about 3 years ago. I'd love to tell you that once I did this, things started to come together nicely. However, I am somewhat ashamed of what I had to give up for this. I am 41 year old and my dad is 81. I have similarities to the 4 generations that are currently working side by side in the corporate culture for the first time in history. In the last 3 years I resisted being thrown into the public eye because I feared losing my freedom. In recent months, my website has put me in a position that I could have an incredible living with virtually being an unknown. In doing this, would I be living up to my potential? I am not talking about my potential that society has cast upon me, because I am clear of my true abundance. I could also possibly be put in the position that I could be a great leader, but those men and women usual get shot. One thing that being 4 generations in one body has taught me, is that now is not the time to do it alone. We still need great leaders. Who is a great leader? One in a million? One in a hundred million? I think one of the problems in society is that if we are all trying to be a great leader, we may be holding 999,999 others down. Sometimes great leaders are so dynamic, that the people in their company become passive to the point that it creates a slave master relationship. What I want to

be, is a GOOD leader who helps inspire great things with other good leaders…When they say leadership is lonely they are talking about great leaders because good leads have peers. One of the shocking things that I have heard was that all of the US Presidents over the years said their job was a lonely one. Wow, even with all those people around you? Most of them are just trying to be great leaders, and most of the time it's virtually a crapshoot. I love my odds of being a good leader. The more good leaders we have from all walks of life, the more great communities we will produce. I consider the UBER Generation a Hybrid of my generation Here is why scientifically: • You have more freedom to question life collectively than any generation. If my generation said we were depressed, we would get yelled at and my parents’ generation they would of got beaten. This is both a gift and a curse, because all of our emotions, positive and negative, are awareness allowing yourself to do both can help you to move mountains. • You can do things that took me 40 hours to do in 5 minutes (sales, marketing, research, etc, etc, etc) • The world has drastically changed in the last 5 years. This was during your formative years and although most of you don’t see it, you were also around a bunch of peers that shared this growth, which is very important. • Because of this, unlike most generations, you need guidance not direction. All you are missing collectively is one thing and that is more life experience.

1.2 Television (TV), Computer and Video Games Most of us don’t realize it, but the home television has been around for just as long as the computer. I am not talking about the personal computer, as that wasn't developed until much later. More importantly, we are really starting to see and understand the impact of personal computers and the freedom they allow us. Nowadays it's much easier to level the playing field to compete against the big guys. In order to do this, we must learn a distinction between the two. First, we have the TV, which is passive and is something we have little control over. We've adapted ourselves to watching television with a conscious or sub-conscious filter. This filtering enables us to have a life outside of TV because with less dimensions engaged, we clearly see it as something external, which it is. Second, we have the personal computer which has multiple dimensions, more decisions and far more reach. This interaction can cause us to think that we have more control, which is true. However, it also can be destructive without a system or filter in place. Next, we have video games. Video games are able to engage us to the point where we are actually able to lose sight of reality for some time. The military has, in fact, used video games to train our soldiers. I have a question for you that you will possibly be asking yourself for the rest of your life: How can we use technology for positive change? Once I started asking this question, I realized that it was happening much more than we think and I am optimistic that it will be starting to happen more and more. I am not talking about a website. I am talking about viral juggernauts and engaging and empowering the masses. In the past, juggernauts were built for destruction and/or protecting what was theirs. If there is something that this economy is telling us, it's that we need to stop smoking the Ivy League Crack. Your generation is different and this book is all about creating a bridge from where you are now, to what I call “Grood Corporate Culture.” I am

optimistic that this is already happening and inspired by the chance of it happen more and more like a wave of consciousness.

1.3 Rules of the Game “Learning is experience.” Stephen T. Jones Okay here are the rules of the game I don’t write books to make money I actually wrote 7 books and published 3 before I even sold or cared to sell one. My writing style is all about YOU taking ownership in your experience whether you love or hate something it is up to you. Before we move forward I want you to know that my main goal for this book is to challenge, engage and inspire you to be amazing right now individually and collectively.

1.4 The MELTING POT is dying “I truly believe that individuals can make a difference in society. Since periods of change such as the present one come so rarely in human history, it is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier world.” Dalai Lama 7 months ago, I was reading a part of Emma Lazarus’ poem, which sits on the pedestal statue of liberty, which states, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”. People from all over the world come to melting pot of the United States of America. It is amazing how we have so many different races and cultures and for the most part are able to fit into the order of status quo. This being said, I think the melting pot has worked for some time now but I believe that because

of the societal influences of Social Media, it needs a facelift. The world has changed so much in the last 3 to 5 years and I think this is a great opportunity for America to change with the times. Although I am proud to be an American, it feels strange to me talking nationally instead of globally in today’s world. This is what I know about America; We have always taken great pride in being one of the world leaders and I believe it is time to lead with a better example by holding on to what works and letting go of what doesn’t. Where should we start? I believe it would take a simple tweak from the melting pot into the meshing pot. How do we tweak the melting pot? First, I would like to define the origin of the melting pot. Melting pot came from pot in which metals or other substances are melted or fused. Maybe this is why America is having trouble adapting to a changing world. Perhaps some of our ideas of old are fused or stuck. Let face it, when is the last time you used a melting pot? I am sure they were replaced with something better. I believe that our forefathers really anticipated this because they knew that absolute power corrupts absolutely when they created and signed the declaration of independence. Second, I believe that as a nation and a world we should let go of some of our sensitivities and differences knowing that it is okay to have a different opinion. I believe that one of the cornerstones of freedom is freedom of speech. Yes, freedom of speech can get out of hand at times but I also believe we can learn more about each other by laying these sensitivities to rest. I also believe that Corporate Social Media is going to play a big part in this. Lastly, I believe that due to the 2 degrees of separation that is happening on the internet, we are collectively more powerful than any one government. I believe the days of putting pressure on the government to change is a loss cause and I

believe to get more freedom we need to appreciate the freedom that we already have. I hear a lot of people say that “no one is free until everyone is free.” Yes, I do believe this is true and I also believe we are taking this too literal. In order to have the freedom to evolve we need to see more and more examples of people that are free and are willing to be free.

2. Vision And Inspiration

2.1 Mark Twain: How would Mark Twain use the social networks? “Adopting the word experiment has really helped me to reduce the stress of the unknown of this massive worldwide web.” Stephen T. Jones When I was in 7th grade, I was promised that computers would put us in a position that we wouldn’t need to work so much. What this meant to me is that our lives would be simplified by technology and the way I see it this just isn’t the case. Just for the fact that we are always connected a full time job that is really a FULL TIME JOB, without getting paid for overtime. Quit Smoking the Ivy League Crack 8 months ago, we were working on a project at a college campus and I kept asking myself, “How would Mark Twain use YouTube?” The more and more I contemplated this question, I began to see more and more that most of us have been taking the social networks for granted. Twain is one of the most quoted figures in American History and a true legend. Even though Mark Twain lived over a hundred years ago his quotes are timeless intellectual banter, questioning the status quo. The reason I say that it is timeless, is because most of his quotes can be applied to what is going on in today’s world. The cool thing about this, is we are collectively making this happen in the world starting with a few good leaders stepping up to create great movements. I could image it just like when Tom Sawyer persuaded (engaged) others to paint the fence, Mark Twain would engage us to post his ideas on our Facebook wall.

• He would use the social networks to influence society and use that as a platform for social change and making the world a better place. • He would still be very controversial and he wouldn’t be afraid of the repercussions of his convictions. Because of blogs, we don’t need to be a lone voice in the world, there is strength in numbers. • He would have been able to reach more people during his life time and achieve greater levels of influence. • He wouldn’t use twitter, he would think it's stupid (lol) • He wouldn’t spend time on the social networks, he would have a team of 20 something’s that he would influence and let them find ways to spread his cause on the net. • He would do live events and broadcast them worldwide so people could feel part of something bigger than all of us. • He wouldn’t be wasting his valuable time preaching to people the etiquette of Facebook, Twitter while forcing them to take in more rules and more beliefs. Pretty funny, and when I first started asking these question lots of people said that he wouldn’t be on the social networks. Is this true? Maybe or maybe not… I suggest that you could Google “Mark Twain” and find out for yourself. Now is a good time for you to think about leaders of the past that you look up to and brainstorm, In your own way have a little fun answering these questions, How would you favorite leader of the past use the social networks? How would your favorite comic book character use the social networks? How would your favorite celebrity use the social networks?

2.2 How would Jesus use the social networks? So much blood has been shed by the Church because of an omission from the Gospel: "Ye shall be indifferent as to what your neighbor's religion is." Not merely tolerant of it, but indifferent to it. Divinity is claimed for many religions; but no religion is great enough or divine enough to add that new law to its code. - Mark Twain, a Biography Before we get started in this sub-chapter, I want to let you know where I am coming from so you can focus on the content. I was born and raised Christian. In the last eight years, I have become more spiritual, and the best quote that describes the difference is "Religion is for people who are afraid of Hell, spirituality is for people who have already been there." I personally believe that since I was born Christian and to Christian parents this makes me Christian. Ghandi was quoted saying "I am a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, and a Jew." In the last two years I adopted this principle as part of my spirituality and added atheist. This being said, I am not training to push my beliefs on anyone of you because that would at best make me a great leader, willing to die for a cause. I believe that in order move forward, we need more good leaders that are transformative and that agree on only one thing, progress. 1. Partisan is defined by Wikipedia as a fervent, sometimes militant, support of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea. Can you see how this gets in the way of progress? 2. Bi-Partisan- is defined by Wikipedia as a political situation, usually in the context of a two-party system such as the United States, in which opposing political parties find common ground through compromise. Nobody likes a compromise, it actually causes more conflict

3. Non-Partisan- is defined by Wikipedia as free from party affiliation, bias, or designation. It is impossible to get Bi-Partisan or Non-Partisan people to be NonPartisan. 4. Transformative Politics- Take some time in your own way to view the first three and realize however limited they are, they’re exactly as they need to be. And once we understand that we can start to ask the question “How can we make it better?” This is where good leaders come in who are able to set aside our beliefs from time to time for a greater good to transform the world we live in. Progress is never a compromise because progress can only be created from abundance not lack. How do you get involved? Ghandi said,“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Well, maybe most of us are not ready for that, but what we all are ready for is to see the see this change in others and to promote them. Now would be a good time to try something out. 1. What type of stuff do you like to promote online? 2. What compels you to promote someone or something? 3. How many comments do you think you make online a day? 4. How many comments do you feel your friends make? 5. What percentage do you feel are promoting the good you want to see in the world? 6. What impact do you think and feel it would make in the world if all your friend's content was 10% more positive?

I believe that if Jesus were alive today he would say in a transformative way “I will make you bloggers of men and women.”

2.3 Understanding the me generation There are 2 ways that a viral campaign starts by giving up control or having a shit load of dough.” Stephen T. Jones No matter what your business is, understanding the me generation should be a big part of your social media focus. I believe this so much, that 80% of my focus is on college campuses along with 20% Corporations. Over my career I have spent lots of time with the me generations, and 15 years later I am really starting to understand their impact on society. What started out as a perceived selfish generation has now turned into a generation that has really changed the world we live in on a large global scale. Over the rest of this sub-chapter, I am gonna give you some insights to see how valuable you are in the marketplace and the importance of you seeing and receiving this value in some way. • First of all, I like to call you the “WHY?” generation because from an early age, unlike any other generation in history, you were allowed to question the status quo. As we know, this can be a blessing and a curse, but the more real life experience that you have, you will create a bigger impact for the world. Why is this important? Because you have countless peers worldwide that are highly connected with viral technologies that are able to naturally think globally. • You probably can’t see it but most of you are all looking to be part of something

bigger than ourselves. And once you find this individually, and as a generation, hello new world. • Unlike any other generation, you do not need strict direction, especially with social media, you need guidance. Here is how I work with you; I tell you my vision and what I want and let you develop and manage the how-to. You are able to do an action in 5 minutes that took my generation 40 hours. If corporations 40, 50 and up year olds keep on forcing you to do it the way we did they will soon be working for you. I don’t believe this is the answer, but it is a good start. • More than any other generation, you respond to incentives… You can do so much for Starbucks, Best Buy and ITunes cards. Once you start to change that incentive, you will be trading that incentive for a six-figure income right out of college. Now do I have your attention? I learned this in the last 3 years; if I didn’t value my gifts first and foremost, very few other people would. Take some time in your own way to ask yourself, Could I do a better viral marketing campaign than a xyz company? How would I make it better? What type of companies would I like to promote? What should I do today to build me resume? “I believe that the education system doesn’t need to be reformed it just needs to mirror the real world.” Stephen T. Jones

3 Co-Inspired Event

3.1 The ABC’s of Social Media About 15 year ago, I heard a quote somewhere that really stuck with me, “A students teach B Students to work for C students.” In the last 3 years, I started to realize how important it is to think and act like an A, B or C student depending on the situation. In addition to this, it is important that we are able to embrace other roles as part of the bigger picture. All three of the roles have pros and cons, and for this sub-chapter I just want to communicate how we can leverage mostly the pros as it pertains to Corporate Social Media. A Students- Generally A Students are good at setting rules and/or following them. This is a great way to add structure to the chaos of social media. A Students are accountable and when they have clear and define goals they show up consistently to make things happen. The challenge for them is to avoid trying to learn everything about something that will be changing in a few months. Because your generation grew up with these technologies, you naturally get it and it is very easy for you to do. You may get a little frustrated teaching social media to 30 and up’s because, generally, we have a lot of technological blind spots. B Students- Generally B Students are a bridge to between different personalities they are well rounded always thinking short and long term. B students are great at filling gaps to make sure that the team is always flowing towards accomplishment. B Students are able to wear many hats and manage others to thrive in their role. B Students are at their best when they are more focused on engaging the team with a more hands free

approach. It is easy to teach Social Media to these people because they are just trying to get the concept so they can make it work. C Students- Generally, C Students are the creators and catalysts with a "make it happen" now attitude with more action, less planning. The more they plan, the more mistakes they make because frustration sets in without a short term goal in the near future. This chaos, when harnessed in the right manner, can be very powerful especially when it comes to the social networks. This types of people will give you the vision and let you create the steps from A to B. Okay here is where is gets exciting and they rarely teach this in school…Image if you would work for the same company, doing the same thing, with the same level of education your value in the market place is. A Student is $10.00 an hour B Student is $25.00 an hour C Student is $100.00 an hour A-B-C Students are PRICELESS Right now in your own way ask yourself, which role is my primary role? Which types of roles do I work best with? Which role is lacking to develop an A-B-C Team? Would I feel comfortable doing what I love and making ABC money?

3.2 Social Change “MAKE IT RAIN” “We are constantly being astonished at the amazing discoveries in the field of violence. But I maintain that far more undreamt of and seemingly impossible discoveries will be made in the field of nonviolence.” —Gandhi Like I was saying earlier, when I was growing up they said that in the future, “We wouldn’t need to work so much because of computers". Now that the future is here, we have more and more people working while being less efficient. Because of technology, we are more connected than ever with oceans and seas of knowledge are only a point and click away. This sounds great. So why aren’t we able to become more efficient and put some of the problems of old behind us forever? I feel it can be as simple as adopting the organic process of distillation to create a Social Media Campaign to create Social Media Assets for your company or organization. Here is how it works: Distillation has been an essential part of nature since the earth began which is a great opportunity for us to align with it. This is how it works the heat of the sun evaporates water from the earth’s surface into the atmosphere, leaving impurities behind. As the vapor cools, it condenses and falls back to earth as rain, snow or other forms of precipitation. Evaporation- Many times, the birth of an idea comes from conflict, pain or loss. Most social change is born from deep suffering of someone that loves someone more than themselves. As life happens to us, there is a time that we wake up for a higher calling of inspiration to create a better world. Stepping out of our comfort zone to dig deep to create something beyond all expectations; just think of being inspired by anger created by a loss, combined with a deep level of love which evolves into a powerful level of

compassion. Your compassion or the passion of your clients or employees is one of the most intense and powerful emotions for getting things done in the world. Condensation- Is the act of condensing which in this situation we can represent getting our ducks in a row waiting for a shift. With technology today, we can research lots of information and bring all the right people together in days that would have taken years in the past. Condensation also represents waiting for the time to launch, not forcing things, but understanding that everything will happen in good time. Ideas are able to breath and stay alive by collaborating and meshing ideas without trying to reinvent the wheel. Precipitation- After condensation, lots of companies and people get stuck over thinking and waiting for that perfect time to launch. Once it is time to launch, let it rain and go with the flow. Don't be afraid of making the wrong moves because being stuck is the worst thing that you can do. This rain, aka social change, creates something that can heal the world for all of us. For companies to continue to create Social Media Assets, we need to repeat the distillation process. Over the years, lots of companies and ideas have been organically launched and they get stuck and start to die because they aren’t willing to evolve. In the beginning, they were able to benefit from organic growth, and as companies become less lean they get stuck. Being stuck causes us to make bad decisions and force us to protect what we feel we are entitled. Companies that are afraid to make the shift aren’t surviving in today’s world. Right now take some time in your own way to think about the changes that are doing on collectively worldwide and How Social Media is a big part of this? This about how you can use this distillation process on a larger or smaller scale to transform the world around us?

Make it Rain Exercise You know how viral starts intuitively from its organic birth, but do you know how valuable that is? In your own way answer the questions below 1. Pick a current or viral campaign from the past 2. Think about it organic start and what set apart this from others 3. What is the one action that transformed it into the mainstream 4. How valuable do you think this would be to a company? 5. How valuable could this awareness be to creating a better world?

3.3 Karmercial: Be The Change Or See The Change One of my mentors and friends was talking about how his anger was coming back. He thought he had taken care of this problem when he had his thyroid removed. This reminds me of one of the Rush Hour movies when Chris Tucker's Character was talking to someone that said “I am overweight because I have a thyroid problem” and Chris Tuckers character said in a high pitched sort of way, “then quit eating thyroid!” This is very ironic and also pretty sad that we always like to blame the monitor our successes and failures by our symptoms, and this is only part of the story. We need to have a relationship with the symptom and the cause to have sustainable solutions locally and globally. My buddy, David Moye, inspired me to start a movement for people to create a commercial for companies and products we like. Not just the same boring testimonials

we hear all of the time, but an all-out commercial promoting a good cause in a fun way. What if instead of always wasting energy attracting and attacking symptoms we label as bad, we were able to spend time promoting what we want to see in the world? What if we were to focus more and more of our attention on people we like and love in the world? We have all heard the statistic that when we like something, we tell 3 people and when we hate something we tell 23 people. What would happen if the roles were reversed?

4. Organic Projects 4.1 Facebook Better Than A Sex Tape “The two most engaging powers of an author are to make new things familiar, familiar things new.” William Makepeace Thackeray Let’s face it, most of us will never become famous from a sex tape but all of us could benefit from The Facebook Story. Recently I just saw the movie THE SOCIAL NETWORK and it really got me thinking; no matter how you feel about the players, it is a great blueprint for launching a cutting edge Social Media Campaign. In order to do this we need to embrace Chaos, Order and Organized Chaos. CHANGE EMBRACE CHANGE EMBRACE CHANGE NOW First, we have the FIRE and AMBITION of ORDER Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook. He is a good leader, with a good idea with Harvard University roots which is the Mecca of status quo and order which we talked about earlier. Okay right now I want to address that although he's a good leader with good ideas, the fact that he is not totally polished gives us and the people that work with him room to be creative in this social medium. He is not afraid of risk and he does not try to do too much. One of the things that I always said is that Facebook is a hunk of software in the middle of nowhere and we are the content. Having a good leader leaves room for great employees some leaders are so dynamic their employees just feel that they can just sit

back and watch them work, which will kill a viral campaign immediately. Second, we have the WIND of CHAOS, one the best things that ever happened to Facebook. Even though it appeared to be destructive at times, this was the addition of Sean Parker. Parker was the Napster founder who is able to dance with the winds of change. With his strong track record and Attention Deficient Disorder, he balanced his mind with his own ambition and drive which proved to be a great formula. Okay, lots of us corporate types have probably lost interest because we don’t understand good chaos and the thought of the word makes you want to call your attorney. This is an example of good chaos throwing a creative all nighter. Rent a house for your employees for the night and start with an unstructured idea and let them collectively build it from scratch. This will help with team building, in addition to helping them set a standard that everything doesn’t need to take 6 month to 1 year to happen. In addition to this, you will create a buzz all throughout the process as this continues to become more and more structured that can reap benefits for a life time. As you will see in my Organic Case Studies on OrganicXpression.com, I come up with ideas and start pitching them when I am unaware of the next step. What I do is extreme, but it is part of my customized brand strategy to engage people and I am starting to get really good at it. When we are leading something and we don’t even know where it is going it leaves lots of room for viral growth. Third, we have the WATER of ORGANIZED CHAOS. How can all those great minds and even greater egos operate in on the same Facebook software? Let’s go a recap of what we have learned so far, it has to do with the understanding of collective solutions and getting to the right solution with everyone doing their part. I think of it like this; if someone is drowning, they are panicking so much that they drown a skilled swimmer

that is trying to save them. They are taking being right to a new level by making the other person believe that drowning is the only option. Here is a better solution; I think of it like dropping a pen in water it doesn’t fight it, it dances with the water and as in sinks to the bottom. Don’t worry your company is not the pen, it is the splash. Take some time in your own way to ask yourself, what earlier sub-chapters in this book are really starting to make sense? How will this work specifically in my company? How can I leverage the Facebook story in my business in the near future?

4.2 SDSU: Collective Children’s Book I recently I wrote a book called, “Little boy, Mr. Chimes and the Bendy Path” with a freshman named Sarah D’Amico at San Diego State University. This is a story about the little boy that lives inside of all of us yearning to live our dreams and follow the rules. After researching the campus and what was going on for 5 months, I wrote the book in 3 hard charging days that surprisingly took a lot out of me. What does this have to do with social media? For one, when I asking myself how would Mark Twain us he social media I started coming up with ideas like this. I bet you are still not getting it. I posted the book on my blog for free and posted this letter. Hello SDSU Community and the world, This book was inspired by the students of San Diego State University to let the children of the world from 3 to 103 know what is happening on the campus of the Montezuma

Mesa. We wanted to personally thank Sarah D’Amico for helping co-author and coinspire this book to give a voice to the students as they find their place is this changing world. This book was intentionally created with no illustrations so that the SDSU community can continue and continue to bring this book to life in more and more ways. Our vision is individuals, classes, departments, groups, fraternities, sororities and all different campus organizations using this book to create unique versions. Just imagine the entire campus community to bring this story life with unique illustrations, music, art, iPhone applications, T-shirts, ring tones and performances. This is all part of an experiment that anything and everything is possible. Much Love, Stephen T. Jones aka Jones-z Visionary and Inspirational Speaker

The Story Behind The Story Then at the end of the book, I put The Start, just like this one, and I posted video’s on how I can help them leverage this to raise money, write papers and create lots of stuff in the letter. I did this without even asking anyone for permission, because that is how a C Student thinks and than I started to meeting faculty that didn’t give me the time of day wanted to help me. Why am I telling you this? It takes a lot of money or power to get into a college campus. I am created a formula to do that. You don’t need to know because you are already there and it is the best time to make a lot of this happen before you sell out. In my definition, it is selling out your dreams primarily, for the dreams of someone else. For me personally, I tried to be great and I wanted it so bad, that 10 years

of my career I lost myself and caused a lot of conflict. I am not complaining, because that conflict was a gift because that scripted experience has given me the freedom to understand the scripted and unscripted ways. The reason why I am telling you this is because if you follow the rules to the point you lose yourself, and you will not be able to tell right from wrong. Then, all it takes is one bad boss, one bad business partner, one bad deal or one bad company and you could lose everything. Now that is some heavy shit. Now back to the children’s book... While Sarah and I were writing the book, she came up with the idea of the bendy path that is a lot better for a children’s book. Tell you the truth, I actually like it better, and it is less complicated than scripted (rules) and unscripted (dreams) or I guess it depends on who I am talking to. If you would like to read the book you can read it for free on OrganicXpression.com

5. Conclusion (Organic Case Study)

5.0 The Start: Live for a Cause All my life I have heard people say that we only get 15 minutes of fame and this has lead me to ask, do we really only have minutes of fame? How about an even better series of questions, If you had your 15 minutes of fame how would we spend it? Who would we spend it with? What would we want the world to know about you? Before you answer these questions I think it is important to make a choice to live for a cause or die for a cause or a blend of both.

LIVE for a CAUSE (GOOD Leaders have 15 Moments of fame) Life goes way too fast, I can remember one of my mentors and friends telling me, “Life is not a dress rehearsal; you don’t get a second chance.” We all have some big goals,

but are we willing to pay the price for being famous? If you want to indulge in your 15 moments of fame, now is a good time to determine what that would look like…Lots of us live for the one day when they reach a peak, to celebrate their 15 minutes of fame. Let’s face it, for most of us that day will never come, and it usually isn’t all it is cracked up to be. Celebrate life right now, enjoy life right now, because whatever the future holds this is something that you can take with you. DIE for a CAUSE (GREAT leaders have 15 Minutes of fame) Recently, I was looking at my resume from 10 years ago and it said PUBLIC SERVANT. Now when I hear that, it doesn’t feel right. Now I am OF SERVICE, and I don’t feel I owe the world anything. Although this new belief didn’t feel good at first, it has enabled me to do more good with less effort because the burden of a servant can be the biggest obstacle in the way of progress. We need to take more time for ourselves, our friends and/or our families because we may be trying to save the world that probably doesn’t need saving. Saving the world sounds like a noble gesture, but it creates a sense of entitlement that can cause you and the people around you to suffer. Proactivism: Just a thought Progress + Activistism= Proativism…I am not against activism. Learning from history has shown that sustainable activism always ends in violence. Lets take the example of the hippies in the 60’s. They started with love and peace which over time transitioned into pockets of violence. Sustainable activism is fueled by anger, and overtime anger always leads to violence. Remember it is okay to feel angry about something that is wrong in the world, just make sure that PROGRESS is your guide. We don’t need to continue to create and see problems to continue to see solutions. When we combine anger and progress, it creates a deep compassion that we need more of in this world.

Where do we go from here? Now all that being said, where do we go from here? You need real life experience and currently no one is giving your generation as much of a chance as they should. I am not telling you this because I see you as a victim, because I actually honor your generation. I am letting you become aware of a problem, so we can start working on the solution right now as peers. I am not looking to be your leader I am looking to be your peer and I promise you if you step up the way I know you have and the way I know you can, I will continue to share your voice with the world. Why did I say step up? I am seeing you collectively start to accept everyday societal shit that could stymie your growth like all the generations before you. I am not trying to put pressure on you, just help you see the power that we all have a point and click away. The world needs more good leaders that are willing to live for a cause and less great leaders that are willing to die for a cause. I honor the great leaders that suffered to transform this world to where it is. Great leaders today are causing us to stand passively by as we collectively fall asleep. Great leader got us to where we are good, bad or indifferent GOOD LEADERS will get your generation to where it needs to go to collectively to be THE GREAT UBER GENERATION THAT YOU WERE BORN TO BE and my promise is if you step up I will walk with you.

Peace, Love and Abundance, Stephen T. Jones


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