Stewardship Seconds for Easter 2016, Revised Common Lectionary Cycle C, were written by Terry Shillington (Lethbridge, AB). April 3, Second Sunday of Easter Christians are ones who cannot keep silent and cannot keep their gifts to themselves. April 10, Third Sunday of Easter In our culture of excess, in our climate of entertainment and cynicism, does the Risen Christ ask us too, "Why do you persecute me?" April 17, Fourth Sunday of Easter Christians refuse to let a culture of entitlement and high expectations silence them as they join the chorus of faithful praise over the ages. April 24, Fifth Sunday of Easter In its brokenness, we hear Creation’s cries for help. In its unfinished possibilities, we dream with God. In its cries of anguish, we hear our own call to serve. May 1, Sixth Sunday of Easter Drink deeply of God’s grand vision for the earth, for it will feed us on the walk of faith. May 8, Seventh Sunday of Easter We are the face and hands of Jesus in the world. We walk in the world with that awesome honor and that responsibility.

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