Sciatica Treatment: Cure Sciatica in Just 8 Mins


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Sciatica Treatment


Learn How to Cure Sciatica Naturally in Less Than 7 DAYS Completely with Unique Sciatica Treatment. No Drugs,

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About Sciatica What Is Sciatica? Sciatica Symptoms Sciatica Causes Diagnosis Sciatica Treatments Sciatica Exercises Sciatica Surgery

Surgery, Physical Therapy, Exercise, or Change of Diet! Miraculous Relief Within 8 Minutes! -100% Guaranteed Results or You Pay Nothing!Skeptical? Please click here to read our customers comments first. Are you one of the millions of people suffering from sciatica? Is the sciatica pain unbearable in your hip and your leg? Is the sciatica pain causing misery and inconvenience in your life?

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If yes, then read on. I am going to tell you the EASY WAY TO COMPLETELY CURE SCIATICA without using any synthetic drugs, surgery, or physical therapy, and

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even without needing to exercise or changing your diet.

sciatcia Sciatica

The best part is that you can cure your sciatica completely in just 7 DAYS or less.

Sciatica Nerve Sciatica

Plus, you need to spend just 8 MINUTES per day on your self-treatment, which means within 56 MINUTES of therapy, your sciatica is completely gone!

Treatment sciatic

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Sciatica Exercises Nerve Pain Sciatica Pain Sciatica nerve sciatic

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“Your treatment (just for 8 minutes) has actually reduced the pain considerably. It is really amazing as I did have quite major difficulties just walking before–now I can. This thing really works!” –Cliemel Brown

“I know this sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. I have experienced it myself. I was one of the worst sufferers of sciatica. And in the third day of treatment, it was completely gone!! Disappeared into oblivion!!! Now, I am wondering if I ever had sciatica in the first place.” –Dave Leans

Who can cure your Sciatica safely, fast and effectively? Is there any method that you know of that can cure sciatica in such a short time, and with such permanent effects? Sciatica occurs due to a variety of reasons. It can happen due to Herniation of the Spinal Disc, Spinal Stenosis, Piriformis Syndrome, Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and even Pregnancy. If you are looking for a complete cure for sciatica and visit your doctor, they may arrange a physiotherapy treatment for you. They may ask you to perform a series of exercises. But

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sciatic pain relief

will this cure sciatica completely? Drugs can be toxic to the body, even if they are prescribed medicines- plus, your body gets used to them. The moment you stop taking the medication, the pain will return. And about physiotherapy, the less said the better. Is there ever a quick result obtained from this method? You punish your body with painful exercises and often spend your last dollar too, but the pain remains right there and sometimes become worse. How long do you want to endure painful treatment when you are already in pain? Forget these methods. I have a method for you that will cure your sciatica completely and assuredly without using any drugs or physiotherapy. It is completely natural. The treatment originates from TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). However it’s 100 times better than Chinese medicine, acupuncture and other traditional Chinese treatments. And, your sciatica can be cured in a relatively short time. This is what my 100% foolproof sciatica treatment method will do for you…

1. Fast and effective. It will relieve you of of your ailment completely within 7 days or even in one day. It takes just 8 minutes per day to use this method. 2. Safe. You don’t have to take any drugs, use any weird gizmos or change your diet. It is so safe that even pregnant women can use this method without any worries. 3. Simple. You don’t have to perform this method at a special time or in a special place. You can do this anytime and anywhere you wish –

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sitting, standing or even lying down. 4. 100% natural method. It is completely free of side effects. Here are some comments from our users: “Hi, thank you for giving me my life back. I had been suffering from sciatica for years and spent thousands of dollars and a lot of time on different kinds of therapies, medicines, physical therapies, acupuncture and chiropractic treatments–none of which worked. I have had enough! After reading your eBook and following your treatment, I was cured in 7 days. I can’t believe the cure is so simple! Everyone with sciatica should try this.” –David Solomon, New York USA

“Before trying your method, I had to visit the chiropractor twice a week and there was no change whatsoever. Thank you for your simple and powerful method. After just five days, I no longer have shooting pains down my leg. I feel that my life has been returned to me.” –Brian Macdougal, Melbourne Australia

“I suffered from sciatica which occurred during my pregnancy and I really worried about my baby during those days. I had no idea what kind of therapy I should

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choose. One day, I found your website on the Internet. I want to tell you that your method worked very well for me. Now, my body has made a perfect recovery from the sciatica. Your method is very safe and it is very effective. I really appreciate it. Thanks!!!” –Rebecca Sidmore, Ohio USA

“I never thought that my sciatica could be healed by such a simple method. Really, no one needs to suffer from sciatica anymore using this amazing method.” –Kevin Seguin, Canada

You don’t have to suffer from Sciatica any more… Treat Sciatica NOW contains my method described in detail. I have described the various causes of sciatica in this eBook and have outlined the different symptoms of the disease. I have also described the general therapies that are commonly used for sciatica treatment. But what is most important in the eBook: Treat Sciatica NOW is my step-by-step method that can treat the disease in 7 days or less. This unique method is available only in this eBook, and you will see effects within as little as 8 minutes, regardless of the underlying cause for your sciatica is.

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So, read Treat Sciatica Now, follow the method in it and… Treat Sciatica Now by Steven Guo PDF Download

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1. You will no longer need to take harmful drugs. 2. You will no longer need to endure painful physiotherapy. 3. You will no longer need to spend time doing regular exercises. 4. You will no longer need to consider any extreme therapies such as surgical procedures, which could result several side-effects. 5. Say goodbye to the doctor and other medical personnel. Instead of waiting for these treatment providers to find the right treatment, spend that time enjoying a pain-free life. 6. Enjoy a trip or purchase a gift for your family with the money saved. 7. Most importantly, get your self-confidence and energy back. Revel in the joy that you will be able to do all the things that you did before the awful pain set in.

100% Money Back Guarantee In the rare case you are not completely satisfied with the method in Treat Sciatica NOW (which I really don’t expect you to, because this method is fantastic), I offer you of a full money back guarantee. If you don’t find yourself cured, as I promise, or you aren’t satisfied with the product for

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john says: September 15, 2010 at 12:16 pm

I purchased your e book for getting rid of sciatica for my wife who suffers terribly with sciatic pain in her buttocks lower back and down the back of her legs. As she suffers on both sides i have concentrated on one side, and will now work on the other side.My wife informs me that she feels it is gradually starting to work. yours sincerely John Reply

Skip Clapper says: October 16, 2010 at 4:34 pm

A note to let you know that your treatment WORKS! I have a blown disc in lower back, which can produce extreme pain. With your treatment, the pain is reduced to little or most times to zero. Keep up the good work to spread this life changing method. Thanks again and the information is invaluable. Skip Clapper Reply

Hao Truong says: November 2, 2010 at 12:26 am

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I just purchased the ebook and applied the techniques that were shown. After the first treatment, I can feel the difference in the pain level. Reply

missmary says: November 14, 2010 at 8:58 pm

I bought your ebook after being in considerable pain. it started to work after a few treatments. Reply

Sam says: December 19, 2010 at 7:52 am

I can’t believe it worked ,, oh my God i can feel the relief in my sciatica pain the very first day . It is no joke its a magic . How i got Sciatica pain , well i lifted 310 lbs of Deadlift for 4 repetitions and next week lifted 300 lbs of Squat for 5 repetitions . Now you can judge the main cause of my pain . I was diagnosed with L3-L4 and L4-L5 Bulging Disc but the disc cured naturally after few months , but the pain on my right side of buttock was intolerable . I have lived with this pain for last 2 years. I tried everything on me – Muscle Imbalance Therapy , Inversion Therapy , Enzymes Supplement , Heat and cold , physio therapy and many more , but nothing happened . I downloaded this book yesterday night after i made the payment and followed the treatment as it is stated in the book and u won’t

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believe this my sciatica pain was decreased to 70% in just 1 day . Go through this treatment it will change your life forever . It worth it. Reply

antje blecken says: December 24, 2010 at 12:46 am

after suffering from sciatica for almost 9 month, I am finely pain free. I spend a lot of money on chiropractic, accupuncture and physio treatment. but nothing really worked. UNTIL I TRIED THIS TREATMENT!!!. It took a bit longer, than one week. you just have to persevere. I must say:IT IS WORTH THE MONEY. Reply

Sherry says: January 5, 2011 at 3:59 am

After only 32 minutes, I feel great relief from the Sciatica I have endured for the last 6 months. I expect a full recovery and look forward to resuming my active lifestyle. Reply

Serenityblue says:

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January 16, 2011 at 5:31 pm

nice for those who can afford it! Reply

Raghavendra Nagarajachar says: January 20, 2011 at 7:01 am

My wife had Sciatca for long time. When I applied the treatment, pain has started reducing considerablly. Raghu Reply

Rebecca Barrett says: January 23, 2011 at 3:10 pm

This worked the first day….it is amazing. My Sciatic pain in 90% GONE. Reply

Anonymous says: February 9, 2011 at 1:57 am

Dear Steven

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I’ve been suffering from piriformis sciatica for 5 months. Physiotherapy, NSAIDS and Corticosteroid tablets provided no relief. As a sportsman I felt totally incapacitated by the severe pain I had and very discouraged. Two weeks ago I purchased your e-book and today I’m cured. I ‘m very grateful for your website and wish you much success and blessings for the future. Please do offer more Body Balancing Cures. Reply

Drew says: February 15, 2011 at 3:50 am

Working well after only 5 days of treatment. Thanks for everything. Reply

William Wu says: February 22, 2011 at 2:22 am

Amazing… it took about 4 weeks before I started noticing the difference. It is about 85% pain free. I had sciatica for almost 20 years; been to acupuncture, chiropractor and orthopedic doctors with no much success. I still have weakness and slight pain behind my thighs and calf occasionally and it doesn’t seem to go away even though I am using this method for over 2 months now. But, definitely

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better than before. Reply

Debi Myers says: March 11, 2011 at 1:53 pm

After 2 months of being awakened all night long due to the pain, I got on the internet to see if there was something out there. When I ran across this site my first thought was it sounded too good to be true, but had to give it a try as I wanted some sleep. After 2 days I was able to sleep through the night pain free. After 5 days, there is no pain left. Thank you so much! Thank you again. Reply

Sheila Martin says: March 31, 2011 at 10:30 pm

Having experienced a very distressing and prolonged episode of sciatica, I searched the Web, looking for information. I discovered and subscribed to your website, albeit sceptically, and embarked on the programme. I felt a measurable degree of improvement within days and now manage to keep

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the condition under control without resorting to analgesics. I am very grateful to you for enabling me to manage my condition. Any residual symptoms, i.e. pins and needles, can be attributed to degenerative changes after 40 years of Nursing. Reply

moyra manifold says: April 1, 2011 at 9:10 pm

Thank you very much for your wonderful cure.I do not know how it works- but it does. I had very bad leg pain 2 years ago. It was so bad I had to have two operations, one on my back and one to replace my hip. I’m much better now but last week I got a nasty pain in my leg. I could only just about walk home. I fell into a chair,took out my laptop and typed in ” Sciatica”. Your article came up and I downloaded your E book. I could hardly believe it. The next day the pain was gone. Now I feel in control and I am not so afraid of the pain anymore. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Reply

Wayne says: April 11, 2011 at 2:38 pm

I still can not believe this worked. I felt this was well worth the try. I had pain on the left side like I have never had before. Couldn’t stand up straight nor lay down. Slept in a chair for several nights before trying your cure. It took ten days to be completely without pain. It started working after three days. It was well worth

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the money. Never thought I would be pain free just as the golf season opens. Thanks, Wayne Reply

WES RUBY says: May 11, 2011 at 8:03 pm


Chris says: May 26, 2011 at 6:04 pm

Suprisingly quick relief with little effort. I am a post lumbar discectomy patient who probably has some scar tissue that causes some sciatica occasionally. The treat sciatica in 8 minutes method seems to work best. Reply

Anthony Carlson says:

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June 10, 2011 at 10:28 pm

Wow: I was really skeptical that this treatment would work, but being in constant sciatic paqin all day and night, I started imediately to find a way to do this treatment..after the first tre3atment I could walk upstairs with no sciatic pain at all..really amazing 1st day! It has really improved a dismal situation to a feeling of future joy as to results I am reaping! Thank you for this valuable information! Anthony Carlson, Antelope, Ca. Reply

Carolyn says: June 20, 2011 at 10:54 pm

I was extremely sceptical, but the pain outweighed the scepticism. Within an hour of downloading the information, the first treatment was complete and I was feeling better than I can put into words. The sciatica is not gone yet (it’s still the first day), but it IS better! So much better in fact, I took long walk for the first time in a long time. Thank you – it was a small amount of money very well spent. Reply

Francoise Reiter says:

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June 21, 2011 at 2:45 am

I have sciatic episodes that last me several months at a time with severe pain in my buttocks, thigh and foot. I’ve felt hopeless many times, living with pain when I walk and when I sit. I’m not one for medications or surgery and just wait the episodes out, living with so much pain until they subside. My quality of life just goes down the drain until these episodes subside, which sometimes takes 6 months! I’ve used your method for the last two days and am amazed at the major improvement in my pain. My pain has decreased to the point of forgetting that I am in pain! And only after two days! I look forward to being cured of sciatic pain completely in seven days! Your method has given me my quality of life back! Your method is truly amazing and without any drugs or surgery! Reply

L. Gorham says: June 27, 2011 at 2:49 am

WOW! Although I am a firm believer in natural and alternative medicines, I was skeptical about an instant cure for my sciatica problem. My condition started about 6 weeks ago and I have been going to the chiropractor sometimes daily, along with high doses of NSAIDS, Ibuprofen, Vicodin, icing the area every hour and lots of rest – to NO avail or relief. If I walked 40 ft or stood for 15 minutes the pain would become so intense I would have to be off my feet for hours before attempting mobility again. Tomorrow my doctor was going to schedule an MRI

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and take it to the next level of treatment – whatever that was. I was actually looking at surgery options online when I found your website. I ordered your e-book and have done the technique one time so far today. UNBELIEVABLE RELIEF!!! In 8 MINUTES, I would say close to 85% reduction in pain and almost full bending and mobility – although I am not pushing the mobility yet. I can actually run my hand up and down my spine and there is NO SORENESS. My doctor could barely touch my spine without me yelping before. Order this book! P.S. It would be great if the instructions and diagrams were a little clearer, but it WORKS! Thank you for making this data easy to find. No huge books to read and wade through. Concise and to the point – RELIEF! Reply

Beth says: July 14, 2011 at 9:43 pm

This is a super easy way to get relief from sciatic pain. We bought it 2 weeks ago and already I can walk without pain. This was the best money I have spent this whole year. Thanks so much for helping me! Reply

Bev Todd says: July 15, 2011 at 1:16 pm

I have been suffering for over 20 years with sciatica and because I can’t afford

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insurance I can’t afford to see a doctor nor get physical therapy. It got so bad last month that my husband started looking online to find me some help. Thank God he found you and we bought the e-book that day! I used this system for about 10 days and my sciatica is easing up so much I can now walk without pain. Thank you so much! Bev Hall – Georgia, USA Reply

Yuri says: July 18, 2011 at 9:21 am

I bought today a book of Mr.Steven Guo.Immediately started to do explained treatment for my very painful sciatica in my left leg.Did not think that pain will start to disappear today,but at the end of day pain diminished.I think explained method for treatment sciatica possibly can as well work for other illnesses too.I believe in it.Thank you Mr.Guo. Reply

Kaling says: July 23, 2011 at 5:20 pm

Thank you! Thank you! Natural relief for terrible pain. -Kaling

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carola says: July 29, 2011 at 3:57 am

I am amazed how the pain was relieved in just one day of treatment, I can move and drive the car today, yeasterday I drove for five minutes and wanted to get out of the car because of the pain down my left leg. Pain relieve medication was not working, I am going to carry on with this treatment for the next 6 day, I feel so much better thank you Steven Guo Reply

Alex says: August 8, 2011 at 2:08 am

On my third day of treatment and starting to notice the difference in the intensity of my sciatic pain. thanks Reply

Gautam says: August 12, 2011 at 8:17 am

Second day with the treatment, have tried all other alternative options. I trust in miracles & my problem healing.

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Arthur C Theurer says: August 13, 2011 at 6:21 pm

Doctor Steven Guo I am a 78 year old man and I was suffering with Sciatica pain in my left leg for over 2 weeks. it got so bad I couldent sleep, I then got on the internet and found your book, I bought and tried your treatment. I was amazed with the results, I was relived of most of my pain immediately after treatment. The rest of the pain was gone at bedtime, and I got my good nights sleep in over 2 !/2 weeks. I thank you with all my heart. I will continue to use your system for the next 2 weeks Your PAIN FREE friend Arthur C. Theurer Reply

Amy says: August 23, 2011 at 4:11 pm

After weeks of burning hellish pain, increasingly larger doses of vicodin and steroids and their side effects, loss of sleep and mobility, depression, and tears, I CAN SAY THAT I AM COMPLETELY PAIN-FREE!!! After the first treatment, the pain was reduced to a numb tingly sensation, the second day I was outside doing yardwork, and I have resumed my exercise program! The pain killers and

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prednisone are in the trash where they belong. This is nothing short of a miracle, and I am eternally grateful to you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Amy Reply

Jenny says: August 24, 2011 at 2:15 am

After putting your Sciatica method to work my pain has reduced significantly. I am very pleased with the results. Thank you. Reply

Kerrie says: September 26, 2011 at 7:57 pm

I’m shocked! After one 8-minute treatment, there is a vast improvement in my severe sciatica pain. It’s not totally gone yet, but I can highly recommend your book already. I know with a few more days of self treatment, I’ll finally be able to say good bye to this very painful condition, and play with my son again. Thank you so much! Reply

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Minerva says: September 30, 2011 at 7:56 pm

OMG! the best money I spent this year, my pain is gone. Thank you Steven Guo your treatment really worked for me. Reply

Donald says: October 6, 2011 at 6:25 pm

Bought this treatment for wife and found her to already start feeling better with little or no pain…thanks Reply

Christy says: October 22, 2011 at 3:24 am

I purchased the ebook 24 hours ago. Did the routine for 3 times and my boyfriend is considerably better now. He had this back pain for 2 months, didn’t do anything as he thought it was just a normal low back pain (on the first 3 weeks) from doing yard work, lifting, and cycling. Until he can’t get up one morning. It went acute. The dibilitating pain had him ended up going to the hospital emergency department. The doctor precribed Tylenol 3 with side effects that had worsen the pain. He had Physio many times.

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All in all it “was” a two month ordeal. He has changed therapist as well. The second one gave him some reassurance. He was skeptic at first when I showed him the method. Tonight, he asked me to give him the treatment. Today he only had one Advil. Before was a cocktail of pain killers. I am so thankful and looking forward to a normal life with my boyfirend. Reply

spiridon tsioulos says: November 21, 2011 at 10:07 am

Thank you very much for the treatment you gave me.aAthough its the first day i am feeling already much better.I trully recommend this cure. Reply

Ewa says: November 24, 2011 at 4:19 am

This worked the first day….it is amazing. My Sciatic pain is less agressive after first 8min. I’ll keep going until all is gone. Ewa

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john says: December 2, 2011 at 1:43 pm

Your approach is truly unique Thanks for sharing this. Reply

Teofilo Bastos says: January 10, 2012 at 5:10 pm

First I didn’t believe. It couldn’t work so easy. My wife (74 years of age) got sciatic pain due to joint injury. Started treating by means of physical therapy during two months. No result. Pains where along the whole leg from top to heel. Then we tried Shiatsu (chinese therapy) and acupuncture for some time with the same no results. Then I bought your book, first two time a day, then one single time. It is now the 8th day and I can assure to everybody that the method works and my wife is now free of at least 90% of the pain. Thank you. Teo Bastos – Gaia, Portugal. January 2012. Reply

Earl says: January 11, 2012 at 6:16 pm

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For me its been almost three years that I’ve had to endure excruciating sciatic pain. Let me tell you I hate it! At first I went to the doctors only to have them basically tell me they can’t help me at all, and to charge me ridiculous amounts of money for pills that don’t do anything besides put you to sleep; so when you do wake up you’re in even more pain! That’s when I quickly learned I needed to find a natural cure. I knew there was one out there but had no idea what it was. I ended up trying to work on my posture which helped for a bit but my pain never went away entirely. Gradually my pain worsened until present time. Then last week I came across this site. At first I didn’t believe it but the testimonials swayed me. I didn’t but the book immediately but came back after becoming desperate to stop the pain. So I bought the book and read it, then immediately tried the tanagra which seemed typo easy to actually do anything. But within minutes I felt my pain lessen! I’m only three days into it but I feel myself physically becoming a normal person again and I love it! I can’t describe how happy I am to have this info now! And I can finally get proper sleep! Reply

Heinz says: January 18, 2012 at 10:40 am

It wasn’t the sciatica in my case, I have problems with my hips. But I would like to say thanks having got my money back without any problem. Reply

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kevin says: January 19, 2012 at 4:20 am

didnt think someting so painfull could be treated with something so simple. im very impressed kevin Reply

Leda Shamchuk says: January 20, 2012 at 11:33 pm

From Leda… Canada I was truly amazed at how quickly I responded to the first Sciatica treatment. I was in such pain that walking became very difficult because every time I put any kind of pressure on my hip the pain was indescribable. I’m very grateful to Steven Guo that I ordered your book. I’m telling all my friends about it and how quickly this method works. Thanks again Reply

Thomas Sayer says: February 14, 2012 at 6:31 am

My wife has been suffering from sciatica for some months now and it restricts our life style so much so that I downloaded your eBook. I have been following your

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instructions and she says it is helping to the extent where she no longer needs to take 3 to 4 lots of pain killers through the night’s sleep. Hopefully this improvement is permanent and we will be able to resume our caravan trips around Australia – Thank you Reply

Catherine says: March 1, 2012 at 3:45 am

Having going thru sciatica pain from my right buttock down to my feet while walking, sitting and sleeping effected my lifestyle for the past weeks , has find relieve with improvement thru your simple treatment, of lesser pain and are able to do my house work. Will continue to use your treatment and believe I will be totally be free from pain. It works quick and will convey this simple sciatica treatment to all my friends by giving them your website. Thanks. Reply

David Meldrum says: March 5, 2012 at 8:01 am

I never thought that i was going to be able to feel better with my sciatica problem. Could it be healed by such a simple method? i don’t know fully yet but am really impressed by the results so far. No one needs to suffer from sciatica

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anymore. Use this amazing method and try yourself Reply

Hanif says: May 1, 2012 at 10:07 pm

I have minor sciatica but after the first day, I have noticed the difference, it has reduced it by a lot. Hopefully doing the full treatment will remove it completely. Thanks you Reply

Ed says: May 4, 2012 at 3:20 am

Treat-sciatica -now– its fantastic! Reply

Santosh says: May 22, 2012 at 2:48 pm

After trying various options to cure my Sciatica pain i finally came across this website. Initially i didn’t believed it but finally after reading many reviews on different websites i finally purchased this ebook. After trying the treatment for 3

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days only i started getting relief. Thanks Steven for the same Reply

Sylvia from Texas says: May 24, 2012 at 5:31 pm

Instant relief! Wow, I couldn’t believe it. I was so desperate to get relief after having this pain for almost 3 weeks. It was unabling me to take care of my 91 year old mother. It was like a miracle the pain has vanished. Thank you for sharing. Thank you so much. God Bless Reply

sally says: May 28, 2012 at 3:17 am

This was amazing….. I was diagnosed with a buldging disc in 2010 and nothing had worked even a cortisone injection didnt touch it until now….. dont know how this works but it does. I would highly reccommend giving it a go !! Reply

George Taylor says: June 8, 2012 at 8:10 am

I just purchased your book and tried the technique for the first time. After 8

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minutes I couldnt believe the noticeable improvement to my sciatic pain that runs down my left leg. Thank you! Reply

Jennifer says: June 10, 2012 at 2:22 am

I wanted to come back on this and let everyone know how it worked- IT CURED ALL MY BACK PAIN 100%- it is a God given cure for sure! It took me about 21 days of doing it instead of 7 days as it advertised, but it really really worked! Thank you Lord that I am not in pain anymore and that I can work again- I was practically in the bed or sitting all the time before-now I can live again! I am 35 weeks pregnant now and in no pain! I had this pain on and off for about 8 yearsthe worse during this pregnancy and now it is 100% gone! Tip- I found it was better to do this treatment myself instead of having my husband do it- my husband did it for me for 11 days (and it got a little better but wasn’t going away completely) and then I started doing it myself so I could make sure I got the right spot and then it went away completely! So I think it is better if you can do it yourself. Reply

Eileen says: July 7, 2012 at 2:28 pm

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I was a bit skeptical but I was in so much pain I was willing to try anything to get a good nights sleep. By the end of one week 80% of the pain had gone. It took about six weeks before all the symptoms dissapeared. Thank you. Reply

Mike Nordlander says: August 6, 2012 at 9:50 pm

I was a Sciatica sufferer for almost 6 months. I tried anything on earth and the pain just didn’t want to go away. My doctor gave me so many different pain killers but nothing helped. I think I didn’t sleep for more than 3 hour every night for 5 months until I bought your book. Things start to change even my doctor couldn’t believe me. I just wanted to say thank you. Reply

vinay says: August 13, 2012 at 5:18 am

I have been suffering the sciatica pain for many years now and did not get good relief. i tried medication and physiotherapy, but of no use. I am following the procedures mentioned in this book and can see the relief. i am happy about my decision to go for it. it really helps.

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arthur skillman says: October 6, 2012 at 9:45 am

Male 76 years old U/K I did not think it would work but bought the E BOOK It worked for me I felt better from the first treatment, I wish I had this book 30 years ago, wonderful. I look forward to reading your other book, Thank you. Reply

renifred tabugara says: December 3, 2012 at 2:46 am

I can’t believe it worked.I have lived with this pain for almost one year,I tried many types of treatment,and even visit a chiropractor for several times,but nothing happened. I downloaded your e book and apply the method,my sciatica pain decreased by 50% just 1 day. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Reply

Anna Bergstrom says: January 5, 2013 at 4:00 pm

My sister bought this for me and I was pleasantly surprised by how easy and

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effective it was. Thanks for making this available. Reply

David says: January 14, 2013 at 4:33 am

Thanks Steven for sharing your invaluable wisdom at such a low price. There are people who would pay thousands for this information. Thanks also for the second book (Back Pain Relief Miracle) which comes free , and for your advice as to how this may be applied to address my dad’s chest pain. Reply

Noreen says: January 26, 2013 at 2:42 am

My physician diagnosed sciatica… the pain was unbearable and I felt hopeless. My Doctor ordered prednisone for treatment, however, it was basically ineffective. Thankfully, I came across this website and I ordered the e-book right away. After using Steven’s application, my pain began to subside. There are no words to express my gratefulness to Steven and the product that he has shared. My pain is now completely gone. Reply

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Brenda says: February 2, 2013 at 11:43 pm

When I came across this therapy, I was very doubtful but with the pain I WAS in, I decided to give it a try for the price. After the first session, my pain was about 50% diminished, after the 2nd, almost gone, and today, hours after the 3rd treatment, other than a very slight ache, it’s completely gone! I’ve missed over a week’s work because of this!! Thank you SOOOOO much!!! Reply

Derryl Bloomfield says: February 5, 2013 at 7:06 pm

I was very shocked to see the treatment you suggested work so quickly. After just three days I woke up in the morning with no back pain whatsoever. That was something I had for several years and had gone to many doctors to try to treat. I am so glad for your book. Thank you for making your therapy available. Reply

Karl Grossman says: February 24, 2013 at 3:15 am

This is absolutely amazing! I am a long-time investigative reporter and thus critical, to say the least, of any purported miracle cure for anything. But this truly is a miracle cure for sciatica. I was struck with sciatica at a 9 and 10 pain level.

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Did it hurt!!!!! Having the treatment done (by my wife) as directed, eight minutes a day for seven days, caused the sciatica to, yes, vanish! This is a vitally important — and very much needed — medical marvel. Karl Grossman New York Reply

Hendor Lee says: March 9, 2013 at 11:56 am

After a few day,I believe it is working as the burning sensation at back of the butt/leg is reducing. I would recommend that it works. Thank God for Steven and that Steven would continue to explore in his area of Human balancing. Hendor Lee Reply

Kelly says: March 17, 2013 at 5:39 am

I purchased your book for my father who has had sciatica pain for several years now. He has been taking medication, but has not had full relief. We were both

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skeptical at first, but decided to try out your treatment, since my father was at the point of trying anything. My father tried it for a week and has noticed a decrease in his pain level. I think if he continues the treatment, his pain will continue to lessen. I have noticed that since trying the treatment, he has been limping less than before since he has less pain. Thank you for sharing your knowledge! Reply

Kelly says: March 18, 2013 at 1:35 am

Thank you for this wonderful relief, relief got in one time of the technique. No drugs, no Physical therapy, and no side effects. Thanks so much! Reply

Lorrie says: March 18, 2013 at 5:52 pm

Thank you so much for this information…..I’ve been in pain for 8 weeks and just 4 minutes of this on the first try relieved my back of a lot of tightness and pain. This will save me so many trips back to the doctor and not having to take medication is the best part. Thanks again for my soon to be pain free life!!! Reply

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julie says: March 27, 2013 at 2:07 am

wow , i have suffered this problem now for 4yrs and have tired just about everything except for hard pain killers which i refused . thank you so much for this, it is incredible to know such relief of pain . i download your ebook and started reading immediately and tired the your method , and again all i can say is thank you big time it was fast relief. i know that there are a lot of scams out there on the internet , but i was desperate and i will never regret taking this offer . please try this – it works .. Reply

NOORA says: March 29, 2013 at 10:42 am

amazing .!!! really amazing !!! This is Day 1 to me … and shall say, i am impressed Thank you so much ! Reply

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Hendor lee says: April 2, 2013 at 2:31 am

I have downloaded the ebook and tried it. I tried it for a week and the pain at the butt and down to the leg has reduced greatly. It is great relief and thank you for making this therapy available. Reply

Tavinder says: April 11, 2013 at 4:53 am

I just tried it for the first day and it really works… Reply

Yashhraaj says: April 20, 2013 at 6:10 am

I have been suffering since 1998… It had been a on and off affair, until I found your treatment it has been a eye opener. God bless you. Thanks for give us the treatment. It’s worth every penny!! Reply

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Ivy Yu says: May 15, 2013 at 4:48 am

I received the e-book yesterday, and did the treatment twice. This morning, while having coffee and reading the newspapers, I suddenly realised that I had stood upright while making coffee — normally, due to my sciatic pain, I would be leaning slightly to the left. Then, while preparing lunch later that day, I again realised that the achy deep pain in my right buttcok was missing! Will definitely continue the easy treatment for at least 7 days. Reply

Raza Tahir says: June 1, 2013 at 1:02 pm

I have started this method of cure and will update further, but as the first day goes I have felt some relief already. Will definitely continue treatment for the next 6, to see what happens further. So Far so good. Reply

WK says: June 8, 2013 at 8:58 am

I have a L5-S1 herniation with a pinched sciatica. I’ve had a cortizone steroid injection (which did nothing) and spent several thousands on massage, chiro and physio over the years.

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This treatment that he provides is very specific and takes a short amount of time each day which every one in this type of pain can afford. It’s day 5 and while there is still sciatica nerve pain, all referral pain is gone. I can sleep well again like I used to. Falling asleep within 10-15 mintues. No more pulling in my mid back and neck from the sciatica and disc herniation. While I am still on this treatment, I am very optimistic. It’s worth the price – and seriously what’s a few bucks compared to what you’ve spent so far on your health. Reply

Gavlar says: June 10, 2013 at 8:54 am

Turns out surgery is my only option, however the method is very interestering, no hassel money back as promised Good Luck Reply

Liga Runge says: June 18, 2013 at 11:16 pm

So. Another testimony. Another HAPPY customer. It has been one month from

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when I bought the book and I am walking again!!! My story in short: in the last trimester of pregnancy I started to feel sharp pain in my right leg but it would get better while I was walking. After baby was born and got heavier, pain got worse, at night I couldn’t stay straight anymore, in the mornings it was little bit better. Pain in the leg, numbness in the foot, bended back. Walking got unbearable, so I staid home, keeping to be as active as possible which was walking from room to kitchen and sitting down again. After a couple of doctors and MRI I was diagnosed with herniated disc and inflammation in SI joint. Tried physioteraphy, acupuncture, ozone injections, that was all I could do because of breastfeeding. Nothing worked, of course. 6 painfull months and not being able to walk more than 10 steps without sitting down. Found “treat sciatica in 7 days” through pinterest and after reading so many good reviews decided to give it a try, so happy I DID. I felt little bit better after first couple of sessions, but I had to go on for almoust 3 weeks to feel the real difference. So, if it doesn’t work right away, keep doing the treatment, now I am also sure, it will work. I found it little less efective doing myself, using the ball worked better for me, but I imagine that depends on each person and his body. I am still not 100% well, but let’s say 90%. I can go by myself and my baby to grocery store, walk all around it without sitting down, carry the bags and the baby, arrive home and feel no pain. I don’t know how to thank mr. Steven Guo, this treatment is worth much much MUCH more than what he is charging to us. THANK YOU for giving my life back! Reply

Gonchi rodriguez says: July 12, 2013 at 11:49 am

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I start to use this therapy and in the first day I felt 50 % my pain gone, this method really works Reply

Patti says: July 15, 2013 at 4:10 am

Mr. Guo — Thank you so much! Even though I had my doubts about this, in desperation I tried your method. It works! At first I didn’t notice any change, but several hours later, after only one “treatment,” the pain lifted and I was amazed. So amazed that I thought once was enough and didn’t treat myself the second day. The pain returned, although not as bad, so I’ve been treating now for several days, at least once a day and sometimes twice. I’m so relieved to be free of that awful pain. For the record, I have spinal stenosis, bulging discs, arthritis, scoliosis, bone spurs, and spondylosthesis in my back. Thank you again! Reply

Steve Liu says: July 16, 2013 at 5:58 pm

It’s amazing that works! I was diagnostic of sciatica few months ago. I saw doctor and referred to PT and spends hundred of dollars with visiting Physical Therapy but the pain still there until I purchased/downloaded your ebook and thing changed. Now I feel much better than ever before since I had sciatica pain.

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Thanks so much to post such a wonderful ebook to help sciatica patient. Reply

harry burridge says: August 5, 2013 at 3:50 am

thankyou,it makes sense,and would seem to be working from the start, harry Reply

Joy says: August 11, 2013 at 12:47 pm

I am starting to use your instructions for sciatica pain. I can feel some relief already! Reply

Mansoor Ali says: August 15, 2013 at 8:50 pm

I have been suffering from sciatica for more than 2 years now. All sorts of therapies and treatments provided little relief. I am on 2nd day of treatment and already my range of motion is enhanced and pain is decreasing gradually. I am looking forward to completing this schedule and getting totally pain free.

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Ivan Leftley says: October 3, 2013 at 8:59 pm

I have purchased this book for my wife, and after just two treatments she is already feeling benefit. I purchased after neither Doctor or Physiotherapist could offer her any relief, and was attracted by your natural remedy. Thank you so much Reply

Cwray says: October 12, 2013 at 7:30 pm

Unbelievable results!!! Give this book a try…you won’t be disappointed!! Reply

Erion Renato Franco Pozzobon says: October 17, 2013 at 1:13 pm

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I´m in the second day and it´s working great for me! Finally a light at the end of the tunnel! God bless you! Reply

Robert Jackson says: October 22, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Your cure is nothing short of MIRACULOUS ! For upwards of 3 years I had been suffering from sciatica with severe pain in my right groin, hip and leg the whole way down to my foot. I was unable to walk for more than 5 mins. without a rest and my sleep was interrupted virtually every night. Chiropractic and Physio had not helped at all and I got very little relief from NSAID’s. Since commencing your cure 6 days ago the results have been amazing — total relief from pain, no sleep interruption and I can now walk continuously for at least 30 mins. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending your treatment to any other suffferers. Reply

jaygee says: October 24, 2013 at 4:14 pm

Worked for me. Severe sciatica a few days after heart attack and angioplasty.

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Unable to walk more than a few steps. Constant pain. Was sceptical, but desperate. Would try anything. After two days could definitely feel improvement. After four days, much better; not gone, but much better. Reply

jaygee says: November 1, 2013 at 7:55 am

Pain gone completely. Took ten days, but then I was in a lot of pain. Able to walk and sit normally. Would definitely recommend this method. Reply

Jean says: November 24, 2013 at 4:36 pm

I was suffering for server sciatica pain for the past two months. I was unable to sleep at night. And sitting in a chair for more than two hours made the pain worse. After trying this method I was shock on how much the paid had subsided. The next day I woke up with less pain. I will continue to follow this method.

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Thank you Reply

Liz says: January 7, 2014 at 5:05 pm

Didn’t believe it would work but desperate for any relief. After the first session, I slept better and have continued to improve since. Thank you for sharing this. Reply

Carolyn says: January 10, 2014 at 4:54 pm

I bought this for my mom who was in severe pain, unable to sit, stand, lie down or walk. She was willing to give anything a go. She is absolutely amazed by the results. Even after the first couple of days she felt so much better. She feels great now and is walking and able to go out again. Worth every penny! Reply

[email protected] says: January 16, 2014 at 4:14 pm

It’s amazing. I bought this for my mom who was unable to sit, stand or walk because of the pain. She has followed your remedy for 7 days and is back on her

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feet and up and about. Definitely worth every penny. Reply

Randal says: January 27, 2014 at 5:04 am

I don’t know how it works or why it works. I only know that it works. And that is plenty good enough for me. Thank you!!!! Reply

Maria says: February 3, 2014 at 6:47 am

I purchased the e-book 10 days ago and am happy to say that I have already seen an improvement. After four months of pain and continuously taking pain killers I finally have some relief. I will continue to use the method described in the book and recommend others to try it. Reply

irene says: February 7, 2014 at 4:31 pm

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Bought this for my father who was in great deal of pain – Had no problem locating the point and after just couple days, feel much much bettter Reply

Melissa Merritt says: February 12, 2014 at 1:47 pm

I tried this as a last resort I really did. I have respect for eastern medical tradition and thought well, can’t hurt and certainly all the pain relief I have been on must be doing that and more. So I applied, and with trial and error, followed the advice and to my amazement and absolute delight, it actually is working. Fourth day in a row now I have not had any symptoms during day, nothing evening and only waking with stiffness. None of that numbness, or excrutiating pain or leg weakness. I have even begun to further strengthen muscles with yoga and exercise, when I didnt think I would even be able to use them again. Thank you so much, can’t understand how, but this works for me!! Reply

Bill says: February 15, 2014 at 5:11 pm

I have had sciatica for five years and tried everything, even surgery. Although the surgery helped, it did not take away all the pain in my left buttock. I’m on my second day of using this method and am feeling significantly better. For the first

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time in years I feel confident that I am going to make a full recovery. If you suffer from sciatic pain, give this a try. Reply

sharon says: February 15, 2014 at 9:30 pm

OMG this is unbelievable. I’ve suffered from R scistica over 8yrs.Unable to enjoy retirement of 2yrs.due to limited walking. I started this treatment yesterday.Today I made the 300ft one way trip to the barn did feeding without bending over multiple times & sitting down in between watering, hay & graining.If it wasn’t for my yearling filly I probably wouldn’t have gotten out of bed I was in so much pain. When I 1st read this I thought I guess I’ve spent $37 worse.I have canceled Dr.appt to evaluate for surg.My R low back felt looser I haven’t felt that with meds, exercise or manipulation.All I can say is THANK YOU. .. Reply

Kaylene says: March 19, 2014 at 9:13 pm

It works!!! I have had sciatica pain since 2007 when a chiropractor pinched it and could not push off my right foot. It would get better here and there but the last 3 months it has been painful. I have been doing the instructions for a week and can tell big difference. Thankyou so much for getting me back to my life. 3/19/2014

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Ralph Eckes says: April 1, 2014 at 3:19 pm

After one treatment NO PAIN. I am a believer. Best Money I have spent. Give it a try. Reply

Bill says: April 11, 2014 at 2:24 am

It works. I have had pain in my legs for months. When I press the right place I can feel the pain ease. I will continue to try this treatment for the recommended period. I can already tell a difference after a couple of days. Reply

M Nuron Idil says: May 6, 2014 at 3:40 am

I purchased your e book even though I had my doubts about getting rid of sciatica on both of my legs. I have had this problem for about one year now. The Western medicine treatment did not work for me so, I went for traditional Chinese

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massage, it did relieve some of the pain but the pain recurred again about four months ago. This time I went to visit the Korean Chiropractor, it works for a while but, it resurface again. So, I visited the Neuro Surgeon and had MRI to discover that I had problem with my L4 & L5 stenosis. The doctor suggest to perform surgery on my back but, I decided not to go for it – fearing what if the surgery goes wrong. I thank God who had linked me to your website for the remedy. It has been 3 weeks now and looks like the pain has subside. Thank you for this amazing method of yours. Hopefully my sciatica will go forever. Reply

Jon Mosen says: May 29, 2014 at 1:12 pm

This really works!. After suffering intense pain for several weeks, I downloaded this program and put it to work. That was only 5 days ago and the pain has almost totally gone already.Thank you Reply

richard mudge says: June 3, 2014 at 12:31 pm

Was skeptical but amazingly started to feel relief on the 3rd day. Now it seems totally gone. Recommend this method especially those who have tried various treatments that have not worked and feel hopeless about curing their sciatica.

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Mary Webster says: June 12, 2014 at 10:52 am

This technique is amazing and brought me immediate relief after 6 years of sciatic pain. Reply

Annmarie says: June 12, 2014 at 8:22 pm

Purchased your ebook last night about 7 p.m. Started treatment at 8 and then again at 11. I woke up in the middle of the night having to use the bathroom and I noticed I could walk to the bathroom without that pinching, stabbing sciatica pain. I awoke in the morning to do my housework and had minimal pain. It can only get better each day. I have suffered with this for 8 years, the last 3 have been the worse. I was getting ready to have a procedure done in Dallas to clean all the herniated discs, but canceled that. I have spondylolisthesis (mild), and 4 herniated discs (so they say) can’t get an honest answer from any doctor. One tells me I need a fusion and an orthopedic doctor says it’s an inflamed nerve. I have been going around in circles with everyone and read about your treatment and said, why not, and am glad I did. It’s not perfect but the pain as subsided so much so that I only took one dose of ibuprofen today and it’s after 4 p.m. here where I am. Whew, hoo! Hope this continues!!!

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Shanna says: June 15, 2014 at 4:06 am

Great book!! Thank you so much Reply

Linda Newton says: June 15, 2014 at 7:54 pm

I have been suffering with a severe sciatica for 3 months no relief from muscle relaxers, pain meds, chiropractic nothing. Out of desperation I started researching and came across this website and decided to try the muscle imbalance treatment …started feeling some relief 2nd day… Iam now on my 4th day with absolutely no nerve pain at all! I am so very greatful the angels of mercy led me to this site!!,, if you are suffering I strongly recommend you give this a try…will save you a lt of money and unfruitful time searching elsewhere!!!! I thank you from the bottom of my heart!, for getting me out of that misery!,,, Reply

Linda Newton says: June 15, 2014 at 7:56 pm

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It really works! I got relief on the 2nd day when nothing else worked and I tried everything!! Reply

Bob Knight says: June 18, 2014 at 1:35 pm

I was very skeptical about trying but went ahead anyway. I received e-book on Sunday and did the procedure from Sunday ( first day ) until the following Saturday twice a day as directed and most of the pain is gone. I now can play 18 holes of golf with minor pain when I am done. I reccomme4nd Highly. Bob Knight Reply

Laura says: June 25, 2014 at 9:37 am

I have been suffering severe sciatica for one week. Download e book last night and try for 1st attemp. When wake up, all the pain drop to 90%, I can bend, move around. At butt and knee only slightly burn sensation. Reply

Faheem says:

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June 30, 2014 at 11:21 am

I have been suffering from sciatica pain. Last night buy this e book and this is second day for me, feel relax from pain 50%. Allah Willing will cure 100%. Thank you alot. Reply

Mike says: July 1, 2014 at 3:57 am

After three days, my sciatica is much improved. Reply

alex says: August 2, 2014 at 11:08 pm

The suggested simple tratment in the e-book worked for me the second night I have applied the treatment. Definitely the nagging pain has decreased in my leg and I am positive it will disappear in the days to come. And when you consider that a chiropractor said I have to leave with it and just apply Arnica and cold once in awhile….Thanks. Reply

Dave says:

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August 6, 2014 at 9:52 am

After finding the treatment with your help I soon found relief but also stopped using harmful pills for which I was very thankful. I don’t have any trouble now and would have to say your remedy works. Many thanks Dave Reply

Eileen says: August 14, 2014 at 10:40 pm

After months of excruciating pain I came across this website. I was desperate for some sleep so gave it a try. The first couple of days I thought it was not working but by the third day I could sleep without medication and by the 7th day my pain had reduced by 80 percent. It took about three weeks to four weeks before all signs were gone (tingling in feet). I cannot recommend this treatment enough. It was a godsend. Reply

G W Carroll says: August 15, 2014 at 11:07 pm

I ordered the ebook 7 days ago and started the treatment same day. I have had sciatic nerve problem for about 5 months, hip, leg pain and burning in foot. After

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7 days I finally have relief of almost all pain and burning and also numbness in toes. I will continue using this method until all pain is gone. All I know is this works for me. It’s great to be able to move freely again. Hope you all try it. IT’S GREAT!!! Thanks Gary Reply

Shahida Jamil says: September 7, 2014 at 11:16 pm

I ordered the book three days ago. I started using the method from the next day and I feel a lot of relief from pain already alhamdulillah. I have been suffering from sciatica for four years and tried physio without success. Hopefully I will be relieved from pain completely. Reply

Valdemar says: September 10, 2014 at 3:19 am

When everything else failed, this was the only method to ever give me relief, even tough I’m still not completely recovered, the progress is very noticeable. I’m glad I’ve found it.

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Shahida Jamil says: September 11, 2014 at 10:40 am

I have been using your method for a week now and my 70% of my pain has gone and I believe the rest will go soon. Thank you for your book. The method really works. Reply

Sarah says: September 17, 2014 at 7:14 pm

It works!! It works! Reply

priscilla nichols says: September 26, 2014 at 10:53 pm

I’ve felt a difference the 1st time. I gonna keep it going. After 2 hard days in tears from pain and no hope for relief, I’m smiling and sleeping better. Thank you. Reply

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monica says: October 13, 2014 at 5:51 pm

I didn’t believe for a second in the beginning. It is such a long time my back is acking and that I suffer. I was just thinking to myself : why not, nothing can cure me, but, let’s try, who knows? and the miracle happened. After only 5 days, I am allready begining to feel better, and yesterday, I went shopping, enjoying my day, beeing able to laugh , for some hours walk. It didn’t happen for such a long time. Thank you so much…Monica Reply

Eddy says: October 14, 2014 at 3:33 am

It is working. I am feeling much better just after 4 days of treatment. Thank you! Reply

Dion-Magrit says: October 19, 2014 at 9:20 pm

My pain began to subside on the second day of using Guo’s method. I have now been given my life back again – pain free. Reply

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Jake says: November 14, 2014 at 5:14 pm

My pain had been going on for about 3 months. I decided to give Mr. Guo’s method a chance to see if my pain would lessen. I can’t believe that I feel no pain at all. It took me about 4 days to notice that my pain was completely gone. Reply

Debbie says: November 20, 2014 at 3:56 am

thanks alot. I have done the treatments for 3 days and it seems to be relieving pain I have had for months. Reply

Barbara says: November 26, 2014 at 2:27 am

I have had great relief and on the way to being 100% again since using the techniques given! Thank you!! Reply

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Makrand says: December 5, 2014 at 7:41 pm

Thanks So Much Steven. I have been suffering through sciatica for more than 3 years now and visited every Doctor which I know of but no real help. I thought of giving a try to see if it works and it is helping .. I started 2 days back and immediately saw the positive difference and pain has been reduced. I am going to continue this until I am completely pain free and would like say Thank You for your all kind help…. Reply

Donna Gaudet says: January 6, 2015 at 9:07 pm

I am progressing very well pain has lessened over 50% Thank you Donna Reply

AMYTH says: January 7, 2015 at 8:45 am

I m a 25 yr old guy….had started acute pain frm my right lower back till toes of right leg…dis all started wen i was 20 1/2 …..its a day now and a lot of stiffness

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has reduced….I can fell a positive vibe ….realy lookin forward in life …..ty very much its realyy a miracle Reply

lisa says: January 7, 2015 at 8:50 am

My mum has been suffering sciatica for almost a year before she came across your website. She was skeptical at first but she still shared this with me. I had been feeling so helpless in seeing her in pain that felt this was really worth a try especially after reading the testimonials here therefore purchased this ebook for her. There was some perseverence needed but overall the treatment did help and after two weeks she could even do some light household chores. Thanks for sharing this with us. Reply

sam says: January 21, 2015 at 1:38 pm

Mild Sciatica for the past 9 months and I have been following this treatment for the past 4 weeks. First improvement was observed after 2 weeks of applying the treatment. Now I am progressing every day. I hope that I will be fully cured soon. Reply

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Shelley says: January 29, 2015 at 11:04 pm

I was skeptical at first, but my symptom has been progressively getting well. The pain has lessened. Thank you so much! Reply

Catalin Badea says: February 10, 2015 at 8:46 pm

I never had any kind of health problems until sciatica and it came as a frightening surprise. I couldnt walk for three weeks and no cure seemed to work . I was begining to panic and started doing a lot of research on the internet and came across this website . I was very skeptical but i was desperate and would have tried anything . To my susprise the cure actually worked and im back to my old self again , i still have numness in my leg and that makes it a bit difficult to walk right but the pain is completely gone . In those initial three weeks i had a lot of sleepless nights because of the excruciating pain. Thank you very much !!! Reply

Gordon Litt says: February 10, 2015 at 9:57 pm

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the treatment worked for me within 2 or 3 days, I was so grateful. Anyone with sciatica should try this. Reply

Elegant says: February 11, 2015 at 6:08 am

First, thank you Mr. Guo for the book. My wife has been suffering sciatica for 1 year, start from the back and eventually to her upper thigh. She has been visiting many local sin she, but the pain always come again. After using the method described in the book, she feel better, no more pain now. Really unbelievable. Reply

Lyndsay says: February 26, 2015 at 8:59 am

What can I say but OMG !!!!! I’m 36 year old nurse an had a back injury 6 urs ago which left me with the joys of sciatica. I had suffered terrible going the doctors medication after medication , physio and acupuncture and never seemed to get any improvement until I’m resting completely. In my type of job this is near impossible being on your feet for 14 hrs a day unless your off sick . It’s such a debilitating pain in the arse (pardon my French ) . When I had got to the point I couldn’t take it anymore I did some research on the net and found Mr Guo’s book . At first I thought it was just a hoax but OMG !!!!! This is the best money I have ever spent . It’s TRUE !!! It started to work after a few short days and I have

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finally got my life back . THANKYOU MR GUO you have given me a young 36 year old adrenaline junkie her life back ….. AMAZIMG Reply

Marge says: March 9, 2015 at 4:38 am

I am a PTA and usually I don’t believe in a miracle when we talk about sciatica, but this treatment works. My patients were able to decrease pain level and improve range of motion in a few days. Now I offer this treatment to every patient as home treatment. Reply

shawn says: March 11, 2015 at 10:32 pm

I tried this after searching for a solution. I have been doing it for 30 days and finally noticed a change. Tx Reply

Vakha Albersnagel says: March 19, 2015 at 12:11 am

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I had been suffering from sciatica for 12 months, doctors had told me that if it kept going the way that it was, I would have to get surgery with a chance the surgery fail and that I end up in a wheelchair. So you can imagine just how excited I was to discover this technique that is taught in this book! After a few weeks of practice, my sciatica is 95% gone. I am looking forward to it being completely gone within a few more weeks! Thank you for this book! I hope everyone suffering from sciatica takes advantage of this wonderful book and cures themselves! Reply

Dora Boulding says: March 25, 2015 at 7:24 pm

I have been suffering with sciatica for 6 months now and thought that I would just have to live with it. At the early onset, my left hand side, from waist right down to tips of my toes, was completely numb and after a course of treatment, improved considerably but was still there. I hate taking medication so did not take further courses, apart from one painkiller in the morning and another before bed, and hoped that, eventually, it would go away. 6 months on and being fed up with it, I trawled the internet, looking for natural remedies and found the advertisement for this so thought I would try it as a) it is inexpensive, b) could pay by PayPal, offering security and legitimacy and c) no medication required. After the first treatment last night, could feel an immediate improvement within 5 minutes and for the first time in 6 months, did not need to take a painkiller this morning when I got up. Have done 2 more treatments today and I can honestly say that, if it gets no better than it is at the moment, I am more than happy with the results at this

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time. My hip pain has gone, which my GP said was rheumatism and I have 95% more movement and ease than I have had for the last 6 months. I cannot begin to say how happy I am that I made this purchase. Thank You. Reply

Nancy A. Ward says: April 2, 2015 at 2:59 am

I have been suffering with sciatica for over eight months. I have been to a chiropractor, orthopedic specialist and physical therapist. All to no avail. I tried the stretches I found on YouTube which would help but only for the pain to return a short time later. I found your website advertising your method to cure sciatica in only eight minutes. I figured the price was reasonable so I purchased your treatment plan. I started using the plan five days ago and I felt relief the first day. I thought it was possibly a short period of relief as has happened in the past. I recently had a total knee replacement four months ago and people would ask how my knee was and I would respond that the knee pain is nothing compared to the sciatica. I used the cane for my opposite leg instead of the leg with the knee replacement. Since I started using the suggested treatment I must say I have found relief, not at 100% but I can say at least 90%. Even sometimes during the day it’s at 100%. Reply

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Elliott Masters says: April 11, 2015 at 7:03 pm

Dear Sirs: Before I tried your technique, I could barely walk the pain was so intense. This morning, I ran 50 yards before I realized it. I suddenly realized what I had done; I am just elated. I am so thrilled. I am lost for words. Thanks. And, thanks again. Your technique is worth infinitely more than the measly $37.00 that you charge. Sincerely, Elliott Masters Reply

Betsy Modglin says: April 14, 2015 at 3:42 am

Just bought this ebook for my mother who has been suffering tremendously with bulging discs. Gave her the first treatment and she said for the first time in weeks she didn’t feel any pain. She has an appointment with neuro-surgeon in May. Hoping with continued treatments she can cancel! Thanks for this information. Reply

Kyna Moore says:

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April 22, 2015 at 3:18 am

I have been suffering with sciatica pain for about 7 months. My doctor did nothing except offer me a pain medicine prescription which i never got filled. I was only able to sleep on my right side. It was a miserable feeling and I was afraid of getting worse. Pain radiated from my butt, down my leg and to my foot sometimes. I have been using your treatment for about 8 days and I have to say, I feel great. I can now sleep on either side. The pain is almost totally gone. I would say that I am at about 97%. I am going to keep it up. This is the best money I have ever spent. Thank you so much!!! Reply

sanjeev says: June 7, 2015 at 5:47 am

Very useful and helped my wife to get relief in pain immediately.. Many thanks.. Reply

Martin.N says: June 21, 2015 at 2:43 am

Wow!!!! I never believed that this would work,unbelievable after 5 days I was 80%relieved and im a believer and now I can get back to my normal life.I was homebound 3 months with sciata in my left buttock and down my leg.I am back to normal almost but with no pain thanks guys are doing a wonderful

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thing spreading this remedy.changed my life ,it really works thanks alot. Sincerly, Martin.N Reply

Anthes says: June 27, 2015 at 8:27 am

Very promosing book just started it feels better already! Reply

anthes says: June 28, 2015 at 7:06 am


Maecola Crockett says: July 1, 2015 at 6:45 am

Thank you Jesus! God bless you Steven , I tried it one time and the pain is 90% better, after one try, unbelievable!….Thank you with all my heart. I look forward to life again. M. Crockett

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William Henry says: July 8, 2015 at 2:31 pm

Within 12 hours of my first treatment the pain had subsided by about 50%. What a relief. I have been able to sleep in bed for 2 nights straight and am looking forward to complete relief. Thanks Dave Reply

Ihab Shalaby says: August 2, 2015 at 9:20 am

The treatment is amazing, simple and safe . You can use it as a replacement to anti inflammation / pain relief medicines. Ihab Shalaby Reply

Marylin Goff says: August 14, 2015 at 1:25 am

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