The World Leader in Posture Trainers More than 15,000 people from over 101 countries share why the love training with the UPRIGHT GO

Jeremiah Smith @itsJeremiahS

Just backed my first @Kickstarter campaign @UprightPose Everything went better than expected Time to work on that Screen-slouch.”

UPRIGHT GO Fix your screen-slouch One tap for better posture and improved well-being

C Ku, 9/20/2017

Tim Verhees, 9/21/2017

I just got my UprightGo. App works great on the One Plus One. Calibration needs some work but it gets the job done. Great quality product! Really glad I bought it.”

I received mine last weekend and started using it. Love the packaging and the app. thank you!”

Yay! I got a surprise Kickstarter that I didn’t even know had shipped! Upright Go! Bc I love me some fitness tech! ❤️ It’s this little thing you stick on your back and anytime you slouch it vibrates, so you can fix your posture. #iamupright #uprightgo #fitnesstech #fitness.”

Loise, 9/11/2017 Liran Reller reviewed UPRIGHT

Orly Margulis reviewed UPRIGHT


My second home. I truly believe this is a life changing product. You should try it.”

Got mine last week! Great package, haven’t had the time to test for a while yet. First backed project that got actually shipped and works <3 Thanks guys!”


[email protected]


Super easy to use, and helped me with my posture. My mom doesn’t nag me anymore to sit upright!”

Christopher Michael reviewed UPRIGHT


It’s very easy to use! Just a little tip for hairy men like me, you’ll have to shave that part of your back so it sticks well. After using it for 45 minutes, my back felt so good. It hurt at first, but I literally felt taller afterward. It’s only been a few days now and the biggest thing I’ve noticed so far is that it’s super easy to remember how to get back into good posture now. Before if I realized that I was slouching, I’d have to go through the motions of sitting with my feet on the ground, rolling my shoulders back, pretending a string was pulling my head up, pushing my chin back slightly, etc. etc. -- Now it’s instinct instead of a thought process. A+.”

Lauren Jarmusz, DPT @LJarmusz

Proto732, 9/08/2017

Got my Upright yesterday. Packaging was great, setup was a breeze. Only issue I am finding is the vibration is a bit weak. I hear it buzzing behind me more than feel it. Definitely kept me straighter at work all day today.”

Trying out a new posture tracker! Looking to collect objective data to address postural dysfunction! @UprightPose.”

Albena Geleva reviewed UPRIGHT

Thomas Bogaarts reviewed UPRIGHT


I’ve been using the Upright trainer for a month now and started feeling the muscles strain on my back just as after a workout. I think they’re strengthening and I’ve got more aware about my posture too. It does the trick!”



Wouter Hanhart reviewed UPRIGHT


Interesting product. I am 65 now, and I trained mysel last year to sit upright (whithouot help from a device) Challenging, also painful. Tiring. Emotional. And after measuring myself for a new ID, I foudn out that I am now 1 cm longer then I have ever been. Your device would make it easier to train. And I believe, that sitting straight, standing straight, even sleeping straight, will increase ones health dramatically. Everybody has a different back, seldom somebody has a straight back. A bent upperback is an expression of carryng a burden, and its challenging to throw off that burden and walk and live straight again!”


[email protected]

Fu-Chang, 9/07/2017

Just received our 2 upright go today, in Singapore. I must say packaging is quite nice and the device is well designed. So far, so good. Full testing will follow tomorrow! Thanks for this smart product!”

George Jijiashvili @George_CCS

Aoffy Thanapop, 9/07/2017

Looking forward to using the #UprightGo posture training wearable - bit concerned about sticking it on my back though! #wearables.”

I received mine today in Japan. After a quick check and try, I love the product and look forward to having a much better posture and less back pain from the office :D thank you Upright team!”

Marc Backes @backesmarc

Finally, my #UprightGo arrived! #crowdfunding #posture /cc @uprightpose.”

5 Shani Singer Milhem reviewed UPRIGHT

Amazing product! Really brought up my awareness to my posture and strengthened my core to make it easier to stand straight.”

Jacob Shanbrom reviewed UPRIGHT


Hi folks, Once this problem gets solved, the UpRight gets 5 stars without a doubt. I may have just gotten a defective one. I’ve been trying to do a firmware update for HOURS and throughout this process the app crashed 3 times. After uninstalling and reinstalling the app at least 6 times my UpRight finally got to about 720 of the 8500 blocks, I went to eat and I come back an hour later and the thing is only at 821. The problem is that since it thinks it has outdated firmware, i can’t even use the thing. I have no doubt this thing is awesome, I just wish I could use it.”


@upright.trainer I’m so excited to have my #UprightGo and to be trying my first “training session”. I love the packaging and app intro thus far. So easy to use and get started. This is the future of posture devices... and I just got buzzed since I slouched over my phone!”

[email protected]

Asaf Elyahu reviewed UPRIGHT

Cédric Bollag reviewed UPRIGHT


A truly amazing product and must have for anyone working at a nine to five desk job, changed my life.”


It helped me straighten up my back! Beautiful design of the UPRIGHT itself and a very useful app. Highly recommended to give it a try!”


Alexis, 8/22/2017

Thank you for the quick reply. I’m already impressed by your packaging. Well thought, clean. First time I see a Kickstarter device at this level of accomplishment.” I finally received my #uprightgo from @upright.trainer today! this is the first time I backed a campaign on #kickstarter and it was actually successful. the gadget is beautiful and easy to use and it is quite sensitive when I slouch! I hope it will help me correct my posture! #iamupright #Singapore #SG #sgig #hashtageverything”


Jeff, 8/29/2017

Good news is I just got discharged from physical therapy and just doing yoga couple times a week which really helps between the yoga in the upright it seems to be working. Took about five years or so to get my posture messed up so bad so don’t expect that to change overnight but positive progress is what I’m looking for and seem to be getting it it’s pretty incredible machine and it is long as I get it placed right in this part of the back and calibrated right it works great thanks guys and girls. Of course Parkinson’s didn’t help with that just kind of made it worse so a lot of walls to climb but then do it.”


Patricia, 8/14/2017

Thiên Moc Phát reviewed UPRIGHT

Thank you!!!! So excited when the package came this weekend. Looking forward to finally bettering my posture. I’m 32 and a new mom and working in a cube to 5 days a week. My posture is horrendous. Lol”


[email protected]

How can i buy it with a big amount??”



Alexis Cobb, 8/13/2017

Shiva Rai reviewed UPRIGHT

I just received my Upright Go today so I haven’t gotten a chance to use it yet but I just wanted to say that I thought the packaging was really awesome! I loved the little box that said “Kickstarter Limited Edition” and then what number backer I was out of the 16,000 people; it was a really nice touch. It sounds silly but it made me feel like I was really a part of this project lol. Besides that I did want to say that I’m pleasantly surprised by how small the device is! I don’t know why but I thought it would be bigger haha I am super excited to try it out tomorrow though!”


I just got my upright today and did my first 5 minutes of training. Amazing product and a fantastic design. I am suffering from Facetal Arthritis and I really hope improving my posture will reduce the amount of pain I am in.”


Anthony, 8/10/2017

I was secretly doing my Day 7 training today at work, when a new colleague commented from across the room, “You have SUCH good posture!”. Guess it might be working...! :)”

Laszlo Teunissen reviewed UPRIGHT


Upright GO has shown in my first training session: That it took me 59minutes, while being attended by the vibrations, to have a proper posture for 9minutes. I found this very impressive and even more disturbing!”


Emery, 8/02/2017

Today is my first day using Upright Go and I appreciate it! I think it’ll help a lot in the long run, especially in building my passive core strength.”


[email protected]



BETA Users

Kyle, 7/27/2017

Daniel Carlin

Gal Rubin

Loving my new UprightGO. From packaging to on-boarding to actual day-to-day use the experience has been great!”

I am much more aware of my posture and I consciously try to keep an optimal posture. Actually I find myself to be aware of my posture possibly more than 90% of the day, even if I didn’t train that day.”

Well I’m bragging that I’m a tester and each person that sees it talks about a relative or himself who needs it. I think 90% of people need it.”


BETA Users

Mor Schlesinger, 7/25/2017

Catalin Esanu

How likely are you to recommend to a friend? “Very much, and I already have. Because after using it and seeing the results, I sincerely believe that it’s a useful (and even important) device for everyone working in front of a computer/ just sitting down for many hours a day, or just anyone not happy with their posture.”

I’d recommend this to friends with back issues, because this does make you more aware of your posture.”

Ananya Agrawal @Ananya_NUChron

Got my Upright Go (posture tracking/correcting wearable from @uprightpose in the mail today!!! Time to see just how much I slouch.”

BETA Users

Shiri Katalan, 7/6/2017

I love it and I can see that it actually helps.”

#iamupright (soon)… #kickstarter.”


[email protected]



Nate, 7/31/2017

Ohad Arieli

Arkady Fukzon

Got mine last week and tried it today at work for the first time. Really liked it and glad I read the comment below about changing the vibration pattern. Great product so far!”

I was very excited to finally receive the device after a long time, and seeing it for the first time was incredible, a lot better than I expected.”

I liked that it resembled the packaging of ‘high end’ products. Everything was arranged very neatly. The thing I liked the most is the attention to small details, I could see that a lot of effort was put into designing this package right.”

BETA Users

Mor Schlesinger UPRIGHT GO Users

Rachel Smith 7/30/2017

Just wanted to say great job on the product, app and packaging. Super professional, clean and easy to use. Just finished my first training session and I am one happy backer (happy backs for happy backers).”

Very much, and I already have. Because after using it and seeing the results, I sincerely believe that it’s a useful (and even important) device for everyone working in front of a computer/ just sitting down for many hours a day, or just anyone not happy with their posture.”


Judi Levy 7/31/2017

I do want to say how impressed I am by the way Upright Tech presents and handles itself as a company. (I’ve even mentioned it to the Product Managers at my office.) I am forever telling people that for American’s “image is everything” and that to take a company to the next level (in which it is taken seriously by American investors and consumers), the typical start-up attitude of “it’s good enough” just won’t do. It’s clear to me that Upright really thinks about every little detail… and it’s really impressive. Examples include the branding touches on the travel case, the design of the device, box, user guide, and I can just go on and on!”


Got my Upright Go in the mail today! Already started tracking and retraining my posture. Props to the @upright.trainer team for a dope product #iamupright #kickstarter #uprightgo.”

[email protected]

BETA Users

BETA Users

Tal Gurevich, 7/6/2017

Eyal L, 7/7/2017

It works well. It’s slick stylish and has a good app overall. The unboxing was exciting and the welcome experience was cool.”

Minimalistic design, clan box and printing. Brand colors are gentle. Short “manual” on the back side could attract people unfamiliar with the product. Inside the box- Case, charging cable, manual-like apple products- liked it.”

BETA Users

Ori Radzyner, 7/8/2017

BETA Users

Arkady Fukzon, 7/7/2017 I liked the design and the colors of the box and the case. In my opinion green is a right choice of color since it reminds me of health.”

Just got this cool device in the mail that helps improve posture. It’s called UpRight. You stick the little device between your shoulder blades and it’ll buzz every time you slouch. It’ll record the number of times you slouch each day to help you be more conscious of your posture so you can improve it. What a cool idea! #kickstarter #IAMUPRIGHT.”

I liked that it resembled the packaging of ‘high end’ products like mobile phones etc, everything was arranged very neatly. The thing I liked the most is the attention to small details I could see that a lot of effort was put into designing this package right.”

TLDR @CodesLikeAGirl UPRIGHT GO Users

Day 2 using my Kickstarter “Upright Go” (@UprightPose). Already noticing a difference!”

Maria, 7/28/2017

Love it! It has really helped me with my posture. I have started to feel better.”

BETA Users

Daniel Carlin BETA Users

Atalia Reznik I am much more aware of my posture and I consciously try to keep an optimal posture. Actually I find myself to be aware of my posture possibly more than 90% of the day, even if I didn’t train that day.”


Worked very well, alerted me whenever I slouched, which was not often so that it didn’t interfere with my work.”

[email protected]

israfish1, 7/7/2017

Dudu Mahabad. 7/10/2017

I use it every day and it works perfectly! it reminds me when i bend to long (slouch) to streighten up. most of the time i just use the button on the device but you control all the setting through the app ( e.g. you can set the vibration as you like). it doesnt bother me at all because its so small and light. comes with an attractive case to keep when i take it off. i am still in training stage using it more and more every day. it does it job to make aware of my posture and take control of my back. there aren’t any miracles. it not a heeling device but its a great idea to help us straighten our posture. thanks upright!”

i have been using upright go for 10 days, and already see results.”

Daniel C. 7/7/2017

I have been using Upright Go for just over a week. So far it has made a big difference. Just using it a few minutes a day whilst getting positive feedback about my posture has increased awareness of my posture which continues throughout the day. I had a similar feeling with the original Upright trainer but the new device is much better IMO in that it is easier to apply, has a smaller profile and can be worn standing and walking. I am an Orthopaedic Surgeon who who developed Multiple Sclerosis 10 years ago. I sit a lot and when I stand and walk (for a short distance only, thats all I can manage) my posture is bad .I wanted to decrease back pain and improve my appearance when mobilizing on a mechanized chair. So far Upright Go has improved my posture and I hope that this awareness will increase and become more permanent over time.”


Tom Roes, 7/28/2017

Mor Schlesinger, 7/25/2017

Received mine a few days ago and I’ve been using it in a few different settings. I am impressed with the build quality and I believe that it is definitely helpful for my posture. I do find that the vibration is difficult to feel on my back... Overall, I’m really happy with it!”

I do feel better about my posture, and I’ve been told by my co-workers that it’s improved immensely. My husband also agrees that my posture is better, and he’s a physical therapistso I’ll take his word for it ;). My back and neck hurt less, which is also a big plus.”


Mr Nebbi @MrNebbi

My #uprightGo has arrived! Top work from @UprightPose, fastest Kickstarter delivery of anything I’ve backed.”

[email protected]


Sarah, 7/22/2017

Today I had more “buzzes” than usual. But it makes sense because I woke up with a sore neck and it took more effort than usual to maintain good posture while on my laptop. Kind of amazing that the device read my spine/neck so accurately!”



James Yang, 7/12/2017

JJ, 7/17/2017

Started using it on the first day it arrive and I already love it! Thanks.”

It seems to work great at catching slouching at my desk/ office chair but my poor Netflix posture seemed to be escaping unnoticed.”

Happy Kickstarter Backers receiving their UPRIGHT GO’s around the world

Fixing my posture one vibration at a time #uprightgo #kickstarterfunded #backhealth #newtech #standingupstraightfeelsweird #butalsokindofgood #hiworld”


[email protected]


Andrew, 7/13/2017

Devin Pyscher, 7/14/2017

Hello! I just received my Upright Go the other day and I love it! What a great help this is for being mindful of better posture throughout my day!”

I received mine today and I just have to say it is worth the wait!! This is by far one of the fastest shipping times I have seen with a kickstarter so everyone can calm down. Also I just have to say I was SHOCKED at how small this guy was - it was an awesome surprise. I’m not sure why, but i expected it to be bigger and this little thing is adorable. thanks so much for an awesome product!”

Kevin Mise, 7/15/2017

Got my new posture trainer in the mail! My posture has been terrible for years and I always blame it on growing up as a swimmer (look it up, it’s a thing). Super excited to try this out! I got number 8940 out of the first 16000 sold”

UPRIGHT GO Fix your screen-slouch One tap for better posture and improved well-being

I really love how accurate the device is with slouching. The real time graphic indicator in the app is wonderful. I’m really looking forward to tracking my stats however. No rush, I know it takes time to get it right :)”



Avi, 7/23/2017

Jonathan, 7/17/2017

After first couple of hours the product is very nice and easy to use!”

I’m very happy. I have bad posture and have tried all the harnesses and while it’s too soon to tell I’m enjoying it. It’s training me as opposed to bracing me which does nothing.”


[email protected]

UPRIGHT GO Customer Review.pdf

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