The Timothy Plan family of funds conducts proprietary research on publically traded companies based on their moral integrity. We then apply that information to maintain a “Do Not Buy List” for our family of morally responsible mutual funds. We will not invest in companies that are involved in abortion, pornography, anti-family entertainment, alternative lifestyles, as well as alcohol, tobacco and gambling. Our research process for the funds Anti-Family Entertainment screen, includes (but is not limited to) gathering information on popular video games. With Christmas and the gift giving season approaching, we are pleased to offer this information to anyone concerned with the content of the video games you or your loved ones may be considering as Christmas gifts. We hope this list will help you achieve a better understanding of some of the most violent and anti-family games available to date, and that you’ll find it useful when considering which games you want in your home.

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Carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses before investing. A prospectus is available from the Fund or your financial professional that contains this and other more complete, important information. Please read it carefully before investing or sending money. REVISED: 12-08-08

© 2008 by Timothy Partners, Ltd. All rights reserved. All original images, are copyrighted by their respective owners. *The ESRB rating icons are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.

Video Games


(2007 & 2008)




SEX: Strong Sexual Content: From the start of the game you see a man and woman in what appears to be bondage gear, with the woman slapping the man with a whip, while they both exude sexual sounds. After this happens, the gamer gets in a car with his cousin who drives them to his apartment. The cousin asks if you have had two girls at once, and then says, "Four big t**ies to play with!" Later, he makes a comment about the diversity of women in Liberty City, "Thirty-six flavors of t**ies!" You meet a character named Michelle that you take on dates and then to her apartment to sleep with her. Nothing is shown on camera, but the sounds and implications are unmistakable. You can also set up a profile on a dating website, and repeat the same process with other girls leading up to sleeping with them. Prostitutes roam the streets of the city. Honking the horn of your car will get them to join you. You can then drive to a back alley or behind a building and pay for several different forms of sex. The prostitute will stay fully clothed, but will perform whatever act you requested. All this is viewed from the outside of the car. You will be able to hear the conversation (and it is dirty) from the car. Once finished, you pay her and you are on your way. While driving, you will see and hear ads on the internet, TV, radio, and posters that make reference sex. NUDITY: Partially Clothed: Typically, you will see women in strip clubs either in a skimpy bikini or pasties, with other strippers walking around the club. Private dances are offered, and once you say yes, she will take you to a back room and dance erotically while making some sexual references. You are in control of the camera angles during this, as you are in the rest of the game. Paying two strippers to dance with each other is an option as well. GAY & LESBIAN: Homosexual Themes: The main character can solicit dates from males on his online dating website, but will be turned down because he lists himself as a straight male. VIOLENCE: Intense Violence, Blood: When you shoot, hit or run over an enemy, blood shoots out and can land on floors and walls. Blood will land on screen and stain your clothes to show when you are close to death. During cut-scenes, the image of blood and violence is much more prevalent. Killing is very realistic, as your enemy shows pain and even tries to escape. When you drive over a person they leave a blood stain on your windshield before they are crushed. The environment is extremely realistic, as if you are walking down a real street. You can drive any car you see in the game, whether you own it or not. You examine your surroundings, break the window of the car, hotwire it, and drive off with it as if it was yours. If the car has someone in it, Niko will pull them out and demand their car, leaving you with the option to beat them up, shoot them, or leave them in the street. Once you obtain a gun, you can literally kill anyone you would like to. Starting the game as a taxi driver, you end up involved with your cousin and his illegal activities, which put you in position to rob banks, kill others who he has trouble with, and take out police if necessary. There is literally nothing that could be considered moral about the game. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: The game uses of the most aggressive profanity you could think of, including using God's name in vain. Slang words for genitals are thrown at random. The civilians in Liberty City are just as foul mouthed as you are, and will interact with you in that manner. DRUGS: Addiction: It is common to see characters doing lines of coke, smoking weed, heroin, crystal meth, and drinking frequently. Most missions involve you having to either kill drug dealers, work for them or steal drugs. ALCOHOL: Use: Throughout the game you will be invited to drink with your friends. You park outside of the bar, the screen fades to black and end up drunk outside the bar. The screen becomes very blurry, making it extremely difficult to walk. You can get in the car and drive drunk, all the while telling yourself “If you drink and drive you’re a bloody idiot!!” The police will immediately be after you if they see you, and many times catch you. There is an option to just wait until you sober up.


SEX: Sexual Themes: Players engage in numerous illegal activities, with prostitution being one of the main ones. You can install stripper poles in your "crib" and utilize females in that area. A prominent porn star, Tera Patrick, was brought in to do several developmental diaries for the game. She is not only a part of the games promotions but also a playable character. There is a "Ho’ing” diversion that shows a closed door where you pleasure a partner using the two gamepad sticks (the Xbox 360 gamepad vibrates in a provocative manner and the audio makes it very easy to tell what’s happening). NUDITY: Partially Clothed: Partial female nudity is exposed in scenes. GAY & LESBIAN: Homosexual Themes: Players are able to customize their character in almost any way they can imagine. You can cross dress your character, and select voices to match your homosexual or transgender created player. Characters like Randy the Tranny were used in marketing the game.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by THQ Inc. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO LANGUAGE, VIOLENCE, AND SEXUAL CONTENT

VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: There are many graphically violent and vicious assaults involving human targets. Several melee kills involve special cut scenes where you can throw a character in front of an oncoming train or into a jet engine. Kills are glorified with excessive violence and blood. There are even missions that reward you for going on rampages, brutalizing groups, and destroying property. Almost every mission involves combat and weapons range from chainsaws to rocket launchers. A killing stroke with a katana involves the sword being jammed through the victim's chin and exiting the top of his or her head. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: Nonstop profanity throughout including racial slurs. DRUGS: Addiction: Drug use and dealing throughout. The story revolves around the drug trade and a new smokable drug that involves marijuana, chemicals, and a light bulb. ALCOHOL: Use: Alcohol is often consumed.

© 2008 by Timothy Partners, Ltd. All rights reserved. All original images, are copyrighted by their respective owners. *The ESRB rating icons are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.



SEX: Sexual Themes: There is a strip club called "Eve's Garden XXX," advertising to "come bite the apple." She appears topless, with only her hair covering the vital areas. While never encountering actual nudity, you do see the body of a stripper who has been murdered. VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: At the center of the story, there is a moral dilemma place on you that affects gameplay. You must decide on whether you want to harvest (or kill) the little sister (a young girl character in the game) and gain the maximum amount of health you can, or save her life, and in turn end up getting less health in return. There are repercussions either way you play it, as the little sisters have guardians. Throughout the world you are playing in (Rapture), you encounter bodies that are burned, bloodied, skinned, and even mutilated. Corpses of children, animals, and women are laying around, some shown that they were killed in an extremely violent manner, with objects and weapons sticking out of them (A woman with surgical utensils sticking out of her eye sockets for example). When using fire as your weapon, you can send enemies screaming after setting them on fire, and watch in detail as they burn.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD AND GORE, DRUG REFERENCE, INTENSE VIOLENCE, SEXUAL THEMES, AND STRONG LANGUAGE.

LANGUAGE: Strong Language: Strong profanity including the “f-word”, as well as numerous others which we prefer to not include in this report are used extensively. DRUGS: Reference: Players are required to inject needles in their arms whenever their health runs low, or they need to recharge their main weapon (your hand shoots anything from lightning to fire). This is done in a graphic manner whenever necessary. At the beginning of the game, you have an intense reaction to the injection, causing you to black out. ALCOHOL: Use: You can drink any variety of alcohol, from beer to hard liquor. Alcohol does have side effects, as if you drink too much the screen will spin before the effects wear off. It is presented with benefits for its use, as well as tradeoffs for using it too much. TOBACCO: Use: The game begins with you smoking a cigarette as seen through your own eyes (first person). Once in Rapture (the city) vending machines are around that contain cigarettes and cigars. Smoking will reduce some of your health, so there are side effects.

FALLOUT 3 SEX: Sexual Themes: Brothels and sexually transmitted diseases are part of the game. A nightgown will be one of your options to wear when you play as a female character. Off color comments are made from a bartender telling his prostitute how he wished she "sc**wed more" and slept less. VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: Blood is everywhere as you are shooting your way through the game. Blood stains the walls, floors and ends up on the screen to represent blood in your face or eyes. Mutilated bodies are scattered everywhere, along with monster bodies and burnt human skeletons. There is a unique combat system called V.A.T. S. employed in the game. This enables you to target any specific body part of your enemy. With this system you can take any object, including a gun, and maim people until you cripple their heads, arms, legs and torso. This is used in effect to weaken your enemy by impairing their vision, causing them to drop their weapons, or making it impossible for them to maneuver. Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Bethesda Softworks. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD AND GORE, INTENSE VIOLENCE, SEXUAL THEMES, STRONG LANGUAGE, AND USE OF DRUGS.

LANGUAGE: Strong Language: The language in this game varies. There is a child mayor who repeatedly used the f-word. The longer you talk to someone, the more likely they are to respond with profanity, and you as well. You will be talking to almost every character in the game, and you can repeatedly have a conversation over and over again laced with strong profanity. DRUGS: Use: There are fictional performance enhancing drugs throughout the game. Med-X and Stempak for health, Ultra Jet, RadAway and Rad-X for radiation poisoning, Psycho, and Mentats. Many of these drugs act as steroids, increasing resistance to attacks. These are habit forming and can turn into an addiction. The drug names were altered and turned fictional for the game release, it was much worse in the conceptualization process of the game, where real world drugs were employed. ALCOHOL: Addiction: Beer, hard liquor and wine are prevalent throughout the entire game. If you drink too much, you become addicted to alcohol. This will require you to keep drinking or suffer the side effects if you stop. A doctor is the only person who can cure you through a detox. Bars are around, and characters are seen drinking and drunk while in them. TOBACCO: Reference: You see smoking, but you do not smoke in the game.


SEX: Strong Sexual Content: While playing you can go into strip clubs where dancers are clad in leather and chains, and even semi-nude. To go along with that, there is quite a bit of sexual dialog throughout the game. NUDITY: Partially Clothed: Once in the strip clubs, you will find some women barely clothed, even exposing breasts and buttocks. VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: This is one of the most violent and graphically gruesome games in history, and certainly for the Wii. This is a set in first person style, and you get to utilize the Wii controller just as you would if you were holding the weapon in your own hand. Weapons of choice include knives, sledgehammers, and even your bare hands. Slashing your hand in front of the television screen slashes the knife to kill your enemy. You can follow some on screen prompts to perform special execution killings, and then be rewarded for these disgustingly violent actions. All the while, you will hear your victims scream and howl as you tear apart their body. You can even electrocute some enemies by smashing their faces into fuse boxes, and drown others by holding their heads in toilets.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD AND GORE, INTENSE VIOLENCE, STRONG LANGUAGE, STRONG SEXUAL CONTENT, AND USE OF DRUGS.


LANGUAGE: Strong Language: You start out the game uttering "Holy F**k." It only goes downhill from there, with harsh profanities throughout the game. DRUGS: Addiction: As the game starts, you are encouraged to "clear your head" by taking drugs. While trying to find the drugs, you end up jabbing a syringe into your arm, and temporarily regain your memory. Injecting yourself with needles is commoplace throughout the game.

AGE OF CONAN: HYBORIAN ADVENTURES NUDITY: Unclothed: Females in the game are shown topless. VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: During the course of the game, you chop off enemies' heads, with blood oozing from any part of the body you strike. It is a very graphically violent game. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: Animations are very crude, as you taunt other people and enamies that you come in contact with. Additionally, there is an option to turn the language on or off. ALCOHOL: Use: As you play the game you can buy drinks even to the point of drunkenness. At this point, you stumble around, unable to even fight until you sober up.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by SCI Entertainment Group. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD AND GORE, INTENSE VIOLENCE, NUDITY, LANGUAGE, AND SEXUAL THEMES.

GAME ADDICTION: Addiction: The game is intended to be played online, and is incredibly addictive. At times, it can almost seem to be an unending quest, and can go on for as long as you let it. Games of this nature tend to steal time and productivity for more useful things from young gamers unprepared for this kind of gameplay.

© 2008 by Timothy Partners, Ltd. All rights reserved. All original images, are copyrighted by their respective owners. *The ESRB rating icons are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.



VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: This game falls under the horror genre of first person shooters. You will be required to kill enemies in numerous ways, utilizing anything laying around to pummel attackers. This is done in very graphic fashion, with blood spread all over their bodies. Typically, you will kill whatever isn't dead yet in the goriest fashion imaginable, leaving dead bodies to lay around the city. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: The strong profanity in this game includes the “f-word” as well as many others. DRUGS: Addiction: You have an addiction to pills, which will cause you to become jittery and affect gameplay if you don't continue taking them.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Sega Sammy Holdings Inc.

ALCOHOL: Addiction: From the very beginning of the game, you are drunk. If you go too long without having another drink, as with the pills, you will become jittery and gameplay becomes difficult.



SEX: Suggestive Themes: Female characters are sexualized, wearing short miniskirts and thong underwear. Spanking the girls during touchdown celebrations is common. During the course of the game, you can allude to some sexual favors you performed for your girlfriend to other characters in the game. VIOLENCE: Blood, Violence: There are graphic depictions of devastating hits which results in injury. Just as seen in several movies and television shows, the camera immediately shows an internal view of the body, allowing you to witness bones shattering and organs exploding. This is all shown with copious amounts of blood and disgusting sound effects. You can fist fight with other players on and off the field. During gameplay, you can rip off an opponents' helmet and use it as a weapon against them. Players are even rewarded for extra crushing and blatant hits, which cause blood to smear all over the screen.


DRUGS: Use: Drugs are presented as legal or illegal. You are encouraged to shoot yourself up with them to enhance your performance on the field. This is so close to real life steroids, as it helps you become stronger during gameplay and heal quicker from an injury. During parties, you can slip drugs into other players drinks. ALCOHOL: Use: Other players are shown drinking at parties during cut scenes. TOBACCO: Use: Just as with drinking, players are shown smoking during parties in cut scenes.


CRACKDOWN SEX: Sexual Themes: Prostitutes abound during gameplay, and some of the female gang members will use sex as a weapons against you. VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: As with other games in this genre, you can drive over or shoot whoever you want to during the course of gameplay. Several of the graphic scenes contain large amounts of blood, and even let you throw enemies off ledges.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation.

LANGUAGE: Strong Language: Swearing includes "sh**," and some use of the middle finger. DRUGS: Addiction: Gangs and their kingpins use drugs, even relying upon it for strength at times.




DARKNESS, THE SEX: Suggestive Themes: Implied sexual activity takes place, but none is actually shown on screen. The dialog is laced with sexual references throughout the game. VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: This first person shooter is actually based on a graphic novel, and is a horror story. People are gunned down in cold blood, and combat is relentless. Although you use firearms, the main weapon of the game is the "Darkness", which is a snake-like appendage that grows out of your back and can then be directed at any enemy you see. The "Darkness" graphically depicts the image of tearing the hearts out of enemies, and eating them to regain your power and health. You are bent on revenge throughout the game, with one scene actually depicting an execution style killing, and another putting a gun in the mouth and committing suicide. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: There is a mobster storyline throughout the game, which leads to harsh dialog including frequent use of “sh**” and the “f-word.” DRUGS: Use: Drug trafficking is a big part of the storyline. DEMONIC: Role Play: Upon command, you can transform into a demon-like character. As stated in the violence area, this is part of the "Darkness" ability.


SEX: Sexual Themes: As part of the gameplay, there are mini-games throughout. One such game allows you to follow the on screen prompts to have off screen sex with women. You can hear everything happen, including moaning, until they finish and give you a reward for your job well done.


NUDITY: Unclothed: Woman can appear topless at various points throughout the game. VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: The whole game is built around revenge, and thus results in extremely graphic fighting. Enemies are mythical in nature, such as a cyclops or a medusa, and are killed in the most violent nature possible. Medusa can be effectively killed by twisting her head off, and the cyclops can have his eye ripped from his head. All fighting revolves around two swords that are chained to you at all times. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: This is heard throughout the game and during cut scenes.

© 2008 by Timothy Partners, Ltd. All rights reserved. All original images, are copyrighted by their respective owners. *The ESRB rating icons are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.

LANGUAGE: Strong Language: Plenty of f-words, along with any other profanity you would hear in an R-rated movie. Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Midway Games Inc.


SEX: Sexual Themes: The game has one sex scene involving what appears to be a female alien (she is never defined as female, but has all female qualities). This is done by showing a cutscene, allowing you to observe the players rolling around in bed and kissing in an extremely provocative fashion. NUDITY: Partially Clothed: The sex scene shows some partial nudity, including upper female nudity and rear nudity.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD, LANGUAGE, PARTIAL NUDITY, SEXUAL THEMES, AND VIOLENCE.

GAY & LESBIAN: Lesbian Themes: Female characters are involved in the same sex scene as male characters. This can be portrayed as opening the door to same sex relations, as the alien in the sex scene has mostly female characteristics. VIOLENCE: Blood and Violence: Human beings are shown impaled, and blood is shown throughout the game. Since this is a first person shooter, you utilize anything from pistols, shotguns, rifles, and grenades to dispatch of both humans and robots. LANGUAGE: Language: Occasional curse words are used, like "*ss" and "sh**."


Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. RATED T FOR TEEN DUE TO ANIMATED BLOOD, CRUDE HUMOR, LANGUAGE, SEXUAL THEMES, USE OF ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO, AND VIOLENCE.

BULLY: SCHOLARSHIP EDITION GAY & LESBIAN: Homosexual Themes: Gay achievements such as “over the rainbow” can be reached on the XBOX 360 when you kiss 20 boys. You are described as "hot" and a "totally awesome kisser" when you make out with other boys. VIOLENCE: Animated Blood, Violence: This game is a simulation set in a school atmosphere. Bullying violence such as kicking and fist fighting occurs, all the while enduring and hurling humiliating insults. During fights, you can employ a slingshot, firecrackers, a baseball bat, amongst other things. LANGUAGE: Language: Some occasional swearing and plenty of taunting by calling someone a "loser" or calling a guy a "girl" (implying he might be gay). COMIC MISCHIEF: Crude Humor: Sexual remarks are made, and you can play a prank by sneaking into the girls bathroom to try and take pictures, or steal a girl's underwear. Steam from the shower/bathroom blocks any nudity. ALCOHOL: Use: You can see alcohol being used in the game.


DEF JAM: ICON SEX: Sexual Themes: A stripper pole is part of the game, with females dancing suggestively around it. VIOLENCE: Blood, Violence: You are a fighter in this game, and attacks range from punches and kicks, to actually catching people on fire. Just as they would in real life, characters bleed after taking a beating. Just as in "professional wrestling" (WWE variety), you can also attack your enemy with various objects, and kick them while they are on the ground.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Electronic Arts. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD, STRONG LYRICS AND VIOLENCE.

LANGUAGE: Strong Language: Hip-hop music is heard throughout the game, using derogatory words like the "N-word, and "hoes," and lines like "tell yo buddies I f-worded you right, tell 'em how you licked my b**ls." DRUGS: Use: A few songs refer to getting high. ALCOHOL: Use: A few songs refer to getting drunk.


DEVIL MAY CRY 4 SEX: Sexual Themes: Scantily-clad women are featured in two different cut scenes. VIOLENCE: Blood, Violence: The two main characters, Nero and Dante, employe both sword and guns to fight their way through assorted enemies. Combos of enemies slain leads to bonuses, and are highlighted on the screen to encourage more killing. Satanic undertones abound as many of your enemies are demons sent from hell.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Capcom Company Ltd. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO SEXUAL THEMES, VIOLENCE, BLOOD, AND LANGUAGE.


LANGUAGE: Language: Words such as "g*****n," "sh**" and "b****rd" are used frequently. DEMONIC: Demons: Killing demons is the main emphasis of the game, as you try to save the world from hell.

FABLE II SEX: Strong Sexual Content: You can engage in adultery, group sex, bigamy, and polygamy with either sex. Divorce can be brought up by either you or your spouse. Condoms are available while playing, as unprotected sex will lead to pregnancy (wanted or unwanted). You are able to physically abuse your wife (or wives). GAY & LESBIAN: Homosexual Themes: Players can have a gay/lesbian marriage and have gay/lesbian sex.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD, LANGUAGE, SEXUAL CONTENT, USE OF ALCOHOL, AND VIOLENCE.


VIOLENCE: Blood, Violence: Fighting occurs between both human and otherworldly enemies, but is not gory or drawn out. ALCOHOL: Use: Consuming alcohol is an option in the game, and you can become drunk.

GOD OF WAR: CHAINS OF OLYMPUS SEX: Strong Sexual Content: Just as with any other game in the God of War series, there is a sexually based mini game. While it takes place off screen for the most part, everything can be heard, and once finished you are rewarded for your job well done. NUDITY: Unclothed: Woman can appear topless at various points throughout the game.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Sony Corporation. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD AND GORE, INTENSE VIOLENCE, NUDITY, AND SEXUAL CONTENT.

VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: The central thrust of the gameplay revolves around sword swinging, mauling enemies in extremely graphic and bloody deaths. The bigger the character in the game, the more gory the death can become, ranging from impaling to head bashing.

© 2008 by Timothy Partners, Ltd. All rights reserved. All original images, are copyrighted by their respective owners. *The ESRB rating icons are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.

TOBACCO: Use: You can see tobacco being used in the game.


SEX: Suggestive Themes: Several women wear sexually suggestive clothing in the game. You are also able to use an adult magazine as a distraction. VIOLENCE: Blood, Violence: Once engaged in fighting, there is constant blood. You carry a knife which can be used in any way you see fit, from intimidation to slitting an enemies' throat. There is an option to turn of the blood in the game.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Konami Corporation. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD, CRUDE HUMOR, STRONG LANGUAGE, SUGGESTIVE THEMES, AND VIOLENCE.


LANGUAGE: Language: Occasional profanity can be read or heard, including sh**, damn and the f-word. Most of the language used in the game is in the context of where it would be used in real world situations, so it is not as prevalent or constant as in other games. TOBACCO: Addiction: Solid Snake, the main character, glamourizes smoking as it is a key part of his character, as it has been in the past iterations of the game. Even when the game is loading on your hard drive, Snake is seen smoking a cigarette slowly to the end, emulating real life.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: SHADOW OF CHERNOBYL VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: Explicit violence is seen throughout this game as well as gobs of blood. Realistic weapons are utilized, such as pistols and shotguns, to kill humans and various mutated creatures. Characters bleed profusely when shot and blood spatters stay on the walls in floors. In multiplayer game play, players are a rewarded for head shots. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: The language heard makes frequent use of profanities on the level one would hear in an R-rated movie.



ALCOHOL: Addiction: Liquor can be found and consumed throughout. Although consuming Vodka causes the player to become temporarily drunk, it has healing powers in this game.

WORLD OF WARCRAFT: THE BURNING CRUSADE SEX: Suggestive Themes: Some suggestively dressed female characters and sexual allusions. VIOLENCE: Blood, Violence: A reasonable amount of fighting interspersed between various missions. Many attacks can cause enemies to bleed.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Activision Blizzard, Inc. RATED T FOR TEEN DUE TO BLOOD, SUGGESTIVE THEMES, USE OF ALCOHOL, AND VIOLENCE.


Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Ubisoft Entertainment SA. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD, INTENSE VIOLENCE, STRONG LANGUAGE, AND DRUG USE.


LANGUAGE: Mild Language: You may find a very occasional "d*mn." ALCOHOL: Use: Players have the option of purchasing and consuming alcohol, even the ability to get drunk. GAME ADDICTION: Addiction: Due to the nature of the game and its length, it is extremely addictive. Time limits need to be set when playing the game.

HAZE VIOLENCE: Blood, Intense Violence: As with any first person shooter, you are given an array of guns, grenades, and other weaponry to dispatch of your enemies in a bloody fashion. You can earn special bonuses for knifing characters in a certain way. During the course of game play, there are cut scenes that show more graphic style killings, specifically execution-style killings and hacking off of limbs. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: Profanity includes the f-word, among others, especially during the more action oriented parts of the game, and during cut scenes. DRUGS: Use: The drug "Nectar" is a prominent part of the game. You need this highly addictive drug to function as a highly efficient killing machine. This drug allows you to recover quickly from injury and renders you incapable of seeing the terrible violence and carnage that is surrounding you at all times.

HELLGATE: LONDON VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Violence: You employ swords, guns, and magic to do much of the killing damage throughout the game. The results include enemies exploding into little pieces in a violent and bloody fashion. Due to the nature of the game, you are fighting zombies and ghosts. The enemies you fight are typically covered in blood, and designed to appear very gruesome. LANGUAGE: Language: During the course of the game, dialog will include "h*ll", "d**n", "son of a b**ch", and "b****rd".

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Electronic Arts. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD AND GORE, MILD LANGUAGE, AND VIOLENCE.

DEMONIC: Occult: From the name alone, you can see what to expect during gameplay. The game revolves around apocalyptic times and themes, which is set out to provide a very realistic and scary gameplay scenario. Many of the creatures are from the depths of hell, GAME ADDICTION: Addiction: While this game can be played alone, it is truly designed to be a continuous multiplayer game, which will require a serious time commitment. You will truly need to spend at least five to ten hours a week, or you have difficulty finding someone online willing to play with you.


Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by SCI Entertainment Group. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD, DRUG REFERENCE, INTENSE VIOLENCE, AND STRONG LANGUAGE.

VIOLENCE: Blood, Intense Violence: You play this game as a mercenary, so you start out being on the wrong side of the law fighting against the police. You are given a variety of weapons, from guns to grenades, to dispatch of enemies. Various methods of killing people can be employed, including sneaking up behind an enemy and breaking his neck. During the course of gameplay, there is a massacre of innocent hostages that takes place. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: Excessive use of profane language. Mainly the “f-word” is used. DRUGS: Use: The essence of the gameplay revolves around drugs. Drugs that are incorporated in the missions are also the employed in the name of the missions. In one scene, you are forced to inject another character with adrenaline to keep him alive, also running the risk of overdosing if you use it too much.

© 2008 by Timothy Partners, Ltd. All rights reserved. All original images, are copyrighted by their respective owners. *The ESRB rating icons are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.

Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by THQ Inc.


Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Ubisoft Entertainment SA.

NO MORE HEROES SEX: Sexual Themes: There is a scene in the game where you rub oil on a woman wearing a small bikini. Several obvious sexual innuendos are prominent during the course of conversation in the game as well. VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: As in other games with the Wii, this game allows you to act out what you are doing on the screen. It is over the top violent, as you slice and dice enemies, attempting to behead or disembowel them. Blood flies all over the place as you hack and slash your way through the game. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: A variety of choice four letter words are used with regularity.


Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Konami Corporation. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD AND GORE, INTENSE VIOLENCE, LANGUAGE, AND SEXUAL THEMES.


Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Midway Games Inc.

SILENT HILL: HOMECOMING NUDITY: Partially Clothed: Some of the slow moving zombies walk around partially clothed. One enemy type is a zombie-like, feminine humanoid dressed up as a nurse in tiny miniskirt and low-cut blouse. When initially introduced, the creature strikes a creepily seductive pose as the camera pans to show cleavage and a small portion of exposed buttock. VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: This game is already gory to begin with but becomes more so when you fight with a knife. Some of the more graphic element s include: physical and psychological terror, screams, insane laughter, blood, and guts. There is no shortage of decapitations, dismemberments, or random dead bodies in various mutilated states throughout. Two of the more disturbing scenes are non-interactive. The first is when you see a character pulled apart on a torture rack, the second being a scene where another character is cut in half from head to groin. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: Instances of "sh**," "*sshole," and "f-word" are sprinkled in various story segments.

STRANGLEHOLD, (JOHN WOO PRESENTS:) VIOLENCE: Blood, Intense Violence: Players are able to specifically place bullets on their enemies during slow motion play to inflict maximum damage. The story itself becomes quite graphic presenting issues of the drug trade, gang violence and betrayal of both family and friends. It could be compared to a rated R movie. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: Strong language including damn, sh**, h*ll. ALCOHOL: Use: Alcohol is used to heal the main character.



Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Electronic Arts. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD, INTENSE VIOLENCE, AND STRONG LANGUAGE.


Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD AND GORE, INTENSE VIOLENCE, AND STRONG LANGUAGE.


Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Konami Corporation. RATED M FOR MATURE DUE TO BLOOD AND GORE, LANGUAGE, SUGGESTIVE THEMES, AND VIOLENCE.


Game Jacket artwork is owned and copyrighted by Sony Corporation. RATED M FOR MATURE FOR BLOOD AND GORE, INTENSE VIOLENCE, AND STRONG LANGUAGE.

ARMY OF TWO GAY & LESBIAN: Homosexual Themes: Although never spoken of, undertones of homosexuality are present. Weaponry in the game can be decorated to be anything from diamond encrusted to gold plated. You share a parachute with your partner, and the riot shield system allows one player to use a shield or car door as portable cover while the other cuddles up close behind and dispenses "lead" from his "iron". VIOLENCE: Blood, Intense Violence: As part of being an army of two, you employe machine guns, shotguns, and grenaded to dispatch the enemy. The emphasis of the game is killing for money, but towards the end of the game you do develop a conscience. Violent killing is prevalent throughout the game, as this is a first person shooter. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: The “f-word” and sh** appear regularly in the dialogue. You chat back and forth with each other with vulgarity constantly.

GEARS OF WAR 2 SEX: Mild Suggestive Themes: Although not mentioned in the descriptors, there are sexually themed titles to achievements you can reach throughout the game. Examples include: “Escort Service”, “One-Night Stand”, “Open Relationship”, and “Friends with Benefits”. VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: If the first Gears of War was considered extremely violent, this newer rendition takes it to a new level of violence. As withe any first person shooter, you will be given a vast array of weapons to utilize, from typical guns and rifles, to grenades, to the obligatory chainsaw. The chainsaw kills in this game are even more graphic, with you either slicing your enemy in half from bottom to top, or from top to bottom, depending on the angle you approach them. Bodies are sent flying in every direction across the screen, with endless blood flowing everywhere. As with the first Gears of War, there is a curb stomp execution style of killing, where you can crush your enemy's head by stomping on it, or smash it with the butt of your gun. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: The “f-word” and sh** are used with regularity.

SILENT HILL: ORIGINS SEX: Suggestive Themes: Humanoid (feminine but not exactly human) nurse-like creatures wear provocative clothing. VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Violence: Players are able to beat enemies over the head with a variety of blunt instruments, set them on fire, punch them, or just shoot them. Monsters grab you and spit out fluid as they try to slash your character’s face. Blood sprays out of the fallen creatures and stays present on the walls and other items. One of the more disturbing scenes involves your character carrying the body of a badly burned girl in the beginning. LANGUAGE: Language: Cursing includes sh**, h*ll and damn. DEMONIC: Hauntings: The main character is haunted throughout by a bloody figure of a young girl who was burned to death in the beginning of the game.

RESISTANCE 2 VIOLENCE: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence: Combat is the only activity players engage in during this game. Graphic depictions of your enemy being dismembered are not uncommon. Even though your enemies are mostly aliens, there are still strong situations such as suicide bombers who hurdle themselves towards you. One look at a player using the Splicer gun to mow down his attackers can easily show the extent of the violence during game play. LANGUAGE: Strong Language: Characters sometimes curse using strong words, including a few f-bombs.

© 2008 by Timothy Partners, Ltd. All rights reserved. All original images, are copyrighted by their respective owners. *The ESRB rating icons are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.


© 2008 by Timothy Partners, Ltd. All rights reserved. All original images, are copyrighted by their respective owners. *The ESRB rating icons are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.

SCORE CARD Total Score is calculated by adding each descriptor (scored based on intensity/context) 1 - 3 (1 = mild and 3 = intense).

© 2008 by Timothy Partners, Ltd. All rights reserved. All original images, are copyrighted by their respective owners. *The ESRB rating icons are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.

SCORE CARD Total Score is calculated by adding each descriptor (scored based on intensity/context) 1 - 3 (1 = mild and 3 = intense).


RESOURCES FOR PARENTS ESRB: Entertainment Software Rating Board ESRB ratings provide concise and impartial information about the content and age-appropriateness of games that you might consider purchasing or renting for your children. For the more inquisitive parent seeking greater detail or different perspectives about the games their children want to play, visit Every video game console allows parents to set their own security preferences based on the video game rating. Instructions can be found on ESRB’s website (

What They Play What They Like’s first product, What They Play, is the parents guide to video games. As the most comprehensive resource of its kind, What They Play provides parents with expert insight into the themes and content of hundreds of today’s most popular interactive entertainment products. Through thousands of informative video game descriptions and topical feature articles, What They Play empowers parents with everything they need to know to make informed decisions about what games are right for their children.

Commonsense Media Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the media and entertainment lives of kids and families. They review movies, web sites, television, games, books and music. Parents and children are allowed the opportunity to review and rate the media in addition to the ratings by Commonsense Media.

National Institute on Media and the Family Parents Television Council

Research was collected from multiple sources including, but not limited to, actual game play, ESRB, Commonsense Media, What They Play, Parents TV, as well as numerous video game sites, magazines, newspapers, etc. The scoring system of the descriptors was created to give parents a better understanding of the intensity of the content found in the game. It is, of course, subject to personal interpretation, although our goal was to remain objective and fair. Please know this list is not comprehensive and may not include all offensive games or content contained in the games listed. This is not an attempt to ban video games, or dictate whether people should play them.

© 2008 by Timothy Partners, Ltd. All rights reserved. All original images, are copyrighted by their respective owners. *The ESRB rating icons are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.

Total Score is calculated by adding each descriptor (scored based on intensity/context) 1 - 3 (1 = mild and 3 = intense).

VideoGames-2008 (Revised):Layout 1.qxd

Dec 8, 2008 - a closed door where you pleasure a partner using the two gamepad sticks (the Xbox 360 gamepad vibrates in a provocative manner and the audio makes it very easy to tell what's ...... Every video game console allows parents to set their own security preferences based on the video game rating. Instructions ...

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