

United States

(12) REISSllEd Patent

(10) Patent Number:

Chang et al. (54)

US RE37,305 E

(45) Date of Reissued Patent:

Jul. 31, 2001




Radin, George, “The 801 Minicomputer”, ACM Sigplan Notices, vol. 17, No. 4, Apr. 1982, pp. 39—47.*

(75) Inventors: Albert Chang, Austin, TX (US); John (jocke, Bedford, NY (Us); Mark E

(List continued on next page.)

Mergen, Mount Kisco, NY (US); George Radill, GrandVieW, NY (Us)

Primary Examiner—Jack A. Lane (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Sughrue, Mion, Zinn, Macpeak & Seas, PLLC

(73) Assignee: International Business Machines

Corporation, Armonk, NY (US) (21) Appl. No.: 07/812,837



A memory address translation and related control system for

(22) PCT Flled: (86) PCT NO;

Dec‘ 30’ 1982 PCT/US82/01829

performing the dual functions of converting virtual memory addresses generated by the CPU into real memory addresses

Sep. 19, 1983

in a highly ef?cient and versatile manner and for controlling certain memory functions such as journalling. The address

§ 102(6) Date: Sep‘ 19’ 1983

ing converting the Virt?JaI address i?fo a second viFtual

PCT Pub No. W084/02784

address or an effective address and ?nally the step of converting the effective address into a real memory address.

PCT Pub. Date: Jul. 19, 1984

The ?rst step utilizes a set of special registers addressable by

§ 371 Date: (87)

translation function com rises tWo ste s, the ?rst com ris

a small ?eld to the CPU generated virtual address Which converts the virtual address into an expanded form. The second or effective address is then used as the subject of the

Related US. Patent Documents Reissue of:



Patent No.: Issued:

4,638,426 Jan. 20, 1987

second or address translation step. To greatly enhance the translation of frequently used virtual addresses, a special set

Appl. No.:


of translation tables referred to herein as a Translation


Sep. 19, 1983

Look-Aside, Buffer (TLB) contain current effective to real address translations for use Where frequently referenced addresses are requested. The TLBs are addressed using a

U.S. Applications:

subset of the effective address whereupon the contents of the (63) (51)


Continuation of application No. 07/299,177, ?led on Jan. 19, 1989, now abandoned ? Int. Cl. .................................................... .. G06F 12/10

addressed TLB is examined for a match With the effective address. If the addresses match a successful address trans lation is possible and the real address stored in the address ?eld of the TLB is available for System use. If the desired

U-S- Cl- ........................ .. _

effective address is not present in the the page frame tables stored in main memory are accessed and searched for

711/216 Fleld 0f Search ................................... .. 395/400, 425;

the desired effective address and if found the associated real

711/206’ 207’ 208’ 216

address is accessed. Further a special data ?eld is provided


(56) 3,588,839

in both the TLBs and the page frame tables in main memory

References Clted

Wherein a bit is provided for each line in the referenced page


at a given effective to real address translation Which bits may be used to indicate When a line of data has been accessed or

6/1971 Belady .

3,781,808 * 12/1973


Ahearn et a1. ..................... .. 364/200

(List continued on next page.)

65 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets EFFECTIVE MJDRESS 0







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45 SEE H145 51K

‘2 ?nsh/{__—l_/—Z?l29-llll VHUUAL PAGE ADDRESS TAG




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US RE37,305 E Page 2

US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,828,327 * 3,942,155 * 4,020,466 *

8/1974 3/1976 4/1977

4,037,215 * 4,042,911 *

7/1977 Birney et a1. .. 8/1977 Bourke et a1. .

. 364/200 . 364/200





Berglund er a1- ------------------ -- 364/200 LaWlor ......... .. . 364/200 Cordi et a1-- 364/200

Bourke et a1.



470537948 * 10/1977 Hogan et a1_

_ 364/200

4,057,848 * 11/1977 Hayashi ____ __


6/1985 Cane .

4,581,702 * 4,604,688 * 476547819 4,731,739 *

4/1986 Saroka et a1. ...................... .. 364/200 8/1986 Tone ................................... .. 364/200 3/1987 Stif?er et a1__ 3/1988 Wof?nden et a1. ................ .. 364/200





Reference and Change Blt Recording


IBM Technical


Disclosure Bulletin vol. 23, No. 12, May 1981, pp.

4,077,059 * 4,084,225 *

2/1978 Cordi et a1. ........................ .. 364/200 4/1978 Anderson et a1. ................. .. 364/200

5516—5519 (Hoffman et a1). Design COnsiderations For the IBM System/38 Soltis et a1,

471457738 *

3/1979 Inoyile et a1. ........................ .. 364/200

élatickj 8

18th IEEE Computer Society International Conference,


4,170,039 * 10/1979 Beacom et a1.

. 364/200

4,215,402 *

7/1980 Mitchell et a1.

4,218,743 * 4,251,860 *

8/1980 Hoffman et a1. ................... .. 364/200 2/1981 Mitchell et a1. ................... .. 364/200



10/1982 Chueh _






“Virtual to Real Address Translation Using Hashmg IBM 1D. 1 B H t. 1 24 N 6 N 1981

T h .

6C mca

15C Osure

‘1 em>v°'





2724_272 (Cocke et a1); _ TARCUS—A Modularlled System APPr0aCh—R1ChI@r 61

a1, Proceedings of the Sixth Texas Conference On Comput

4,410,941 * 10/1983 Barrow et a1. ..................... .. 364/200

ing Systems, Nov. 14—15, 1977, pp. 7B—12 through 7B—20.

4,453,212 4,463,420

A. J. Smith, Computing Survey, vol. 14, No. 3, Sep. 1982, pp 518_520_

6/1984 Gaither et a1- 7/1984 Fletcher.

4,490,787 * 12/1984 Ohya et a1. ........................ .. 364/200


4/1985 Chan et a1. .

* cited by examiner

U.S. Patent

Jul. 31, 2001


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US RE37,305 E



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US RE37,305 E 1



accesses are accomplished at cache or main storage speeds.

Only when this look-aside hardware fails (less than one in one hundred attempts) does the system pay the cost of

Matter enclosed in heavy brackets [ ] appears in the original patent but forms no part of this reissue speci? cation; matter printed in italics indicates the additions made by reissue.

accessing the relocation table structure. And only when the relocation tables fail (i.e. the data is not in main storage) does the system pay the signi?cant “page fault” overhead. Thus the penalties are paid only when they are really necessary, which is surely the goal of a good architecture

This is a Continuation of reissue application Ser. No. 07/299,177 ?led Jan. 19, 1989 now abandoned which is a

and implementation. 10

Reissue ofSer'. No. 06/573,975, Sep. 18, 1998, US. Pat. No.


1. Field of the Invention


The “instruction” to access are usually called “read/write” or

The present invention relates generally to computer


memory subsystems and more particularly to such a memory subsystem organized into what is known in the art as a virtual memory. Still more particularly, the invention relates to an apparatus for converting virtual addresses into real

This data is not shared or recoverable. It may in fact be in

main storage (in some buffer area). But for every access, the program must pay the overhead of these explicit “read/ write” calls. Thus access methods, when suitably de?ned,

memory addresses and for effecting certain unique control functions within the memory hierarchy. In most modern computer [system] systems, when a program is executing, it frequently attempts to access data or

code which resides somewhere in the system (that is, in

When the data is to persist beyond this execution of this program, most modern systems require that, instead of Load/Store/Branch instructions, access be made by explicit requests to software-implemented “access methods.” These access methods generally support data which are organized into certain de?ned aggregates, called “records” and ?les.”

have resulted in programs which are less complex and more

generally usable than in primitive systems, but the perfor mance of these accesses are uniformly poorer than Load/ 25

Store, and the data accessed must have been structured into

the appropriate aggregate type.

some level of the cache/main store/Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) storage hierarchy or even at another node in a distributed system network). For the most primitive system, consider what the program must understand in order

When the data is to be shared or recovered, most modern

systems require that explicit requests be made to software implemented “data-base subsystems.” These accesses are generally much slower than those for access methods, not

to make this access.

only because of the additional functions of lock and journal

Where is the data (or code)? The location will generally

management, but also because the kinds of aggregates which determine what kind of address must be used for the access these subsystems support (eg relations, hierarchies) are (e.g. main storage address of 24 bits, or sector address on a themselves more complex. disk track, or node address in a network). The location will 35 Again, the data may in fact be more simply structured and also determine what kinds of instructions must be used to in a buffer in main storage, but the overhead must be paid on accomplish the access (e.g. Load/Store/Branch for main every access request. storage accesses, channel command words for disk accesses,

Some systems support the recovery of non-persistent data with a facility called “checkpointing.” Now the programmer

communication protocols for network accesses). Is this data shared with our program executions? If it is, the access cannot proceed unless certain locks are held. If the changes which this program is about to make to data are not to be seen by others at this time, the Store instruction must be to some private address. Is this data to be recoverable? If it is, some “journalling” strategy must be implemented so that a consistent prior state of the data can be retrieved when necessary.

who wishes to write a recoverable application must deal

with three different facilities—checkpointing for computa tional data, explicit backup for ?les, and “commit” instruc 45

Suppose, in this very primitive system, the program was

hardware required to implement the architecture, and has not yet provided a uniform approach to sharing or recovery.

in fact required to make these distinctions at each access.

Then the following would result:

Various techniques are known in the art whereby a

If the program is to be generally applicable the accesses would be very slow, even for the most frequent occurrences

of “trivial, safe” requests, namely, for private, unrecoverable data in main storage. If the program were to perform well it would be locked into one accessing mode, so that it would not run correctly


large parent storage capacity, which capacity is often much

The program would be complex, large and prone to error. Modern systems have addressed these problems in vary

addressable bytes of virtual storage are available. This

virtual storage space is conventionally thought of as being

ing degrees. For instance: Relocate architectures generally allow private,

divided into a predetermined number of areas or segments each of which is in turn divided into pages with each page consisting of a predetermined number of lines each in turn

unrecoverable, nonpersistent data and programs to be

having a predetermined number of bytes. Thus segment and

addressed uniformly, with an address siZe of 16 to 32

requirements). When these architectures are implemented with proper “look-aside” hardware, the vast majority of such

number of computer programs, whether executed by a single essential processing unit or by a plurality of such [a] processing units, share a single memory. The memory being shared by programs in this manner requires an extremely

larger than the actual capacity of the memory. If, for example, a system employs a 32-bit addressing scheme, 232

against data with different characteristics.

bits—(usually adequate for temporary computational

tions for data base. The IBM System/38 has gone farther than most systems in providing at least a uniform addressing structure for all data. But it has done this at the cost of making all addresses very large, many accesses very slow, much storage and


page designations or addresses assigned to virtual storage are arbitrary programming designations and are not actual locations in main storage. Therefore, virtual segments and

US RE37,305 E 3


pages are usually randomly located throughout main storage

systems is predicated upon the fact that, subsequent to the

and sWap in and out of main storage from backing stores as they are needed. The random location of segments and pages in main storage necessitates the translation of virtual addresses to actual or real addresses using a set of address translation tables that are located in main storage conventionally

?rst access to a particular virtual page, there Will be a great many accesses to the same page during a given program

execution. As indicated above, even though subsequent accesses are to different lines and bytes Within a page, the virtual to real page address translation is the same for that

page regardless of Which line or byte is being addressed.

referred to as page frame tables. In a large virtual system a

great many such address translation tables are employed. These may be organiZed in a number of different Ways. The essential feature of any such organiZation is that the par

The use of the TLBs signi?cantly reduces the number

translations that must be made (in the page frame tables) and 10

overall virtual memory system. Another problem With such prior art relocation systems is

ticular virtual address must logically map to a memory location in said tables Which Will contain the real address for

said virtual address (if one exists). Functionally, the operation of such address conversion tables is as folloWs: the high order bits of the particular

handling the problem of journalling. That is, maintaining a copy of data in back up storage While a current program is 15

example, 16 pages there Would be 16 page tables, for each frame, and a separate frame table Which Would have the entries pointing to a particular set of individual page tables. It should be understood that the above description is gen

Will still be available. This function has been accomplished 20



knoWn in the computer arts for many years. It is also Well knoWn that the virtual addresses must be translated into real addresses via some sort of relocation or address translation

means Wherein the translatability of the virtual address into the real memory address must be assured. While it Would be 30

as Well as the means for addressing same, starting With the

CPU produced virtual address. In the subsequent description of the preferred form of the invention as set forth and disclosed in the embodiment there Will be a detailed descrip tion of the hash address tables (HAT) and the inverted page

in the past by complex and time consuming hardWare and softWare routines to provide the requisite journalling func tion again at the cost of sloWing doWn memory performance. As stated previously, virtual memory systems have been

eraliZed in nature and that there are many different Ways of

organiZing the address conversion utiliZing the page tables,

running and using the data. Thus in the event of some hardWare or softWare failure a valid copy of the original data

virtual address are used to access a speci?c section of said

translation tables, Which relate to a particular frame or segment, Where upon a search is then performed on the loWer bits to see if a particular virtual address is contained therein and, if so, What real address is associated thereWith. Each page table pointed to by a virtual frame address contains the real locations of all of the pages in one of the frames. Therefore if a particular frame is divided into for

thus has a considerable effect on the performance of the


tables (IPT) Which, in essence, are functionally organiZed as set forth above.

impossible to list all patents and articles relating to this subject, the folloWing prior art is intended to be exemplary of typical address translation mechanisms and represents the closest prior art knoWn to the inventors. U.S. Pat. No. 3,828,327 of Berglund et al describes a prior

storage control technique for extending the memory by means of adding a high order bit to the address Which high order bit is not part of the program apparent address but is

When making the actual address translation, regardless of

controlled by the different system modes, such as interrupt

the details of the overall system organiZation and use of the

mode, I/O mode, etc. This patent relates to a memory

page tables, the proper entry point into the page-frame tables is made and the page tables are accessed using the presented virtual address as the argument and, usually after a plurality of memory accesses, the desired entry in the page tables is found. At this point a check is usually made to determine if all system protocols have been folloWed and if so, the real address of the requested page in memory is accessed from the page table. The byte portion of the virtual address or “byte offset” is essentially a relative address and is the same



in the virtual page as in the real page Whereby once the

desired real page address portion of the virtual address has been translated, the byte offset portion is concatenated onto the real page address location to provide the real byte address in main storage. As is Well knoWn in current virtual memory systems, in


order to avoid having to translate a virtual address each time


extension system but is provided together With appropriate address translation hardWare. US. Pat. No. 4,042,911 of Bourke et al also discloses a system for extending main storage and explicitly includes address translation means thereWith. Neither of these tWo patents disclose the virtual

address expansion concept nor the provision of special lock bits in both the TLBs and page frame tables.

An article entitled “The 801 Minicomputer,” by George Radin, published in ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES, Vol. 17, No. 4, April 1982, pages 39—47, includes a general descrip tion of an experimental computer Whose operational char acteristics depend to a large extent on a very fast memory

subsystem in Which the present relocation mechanism Would

have particularly utility. U.S. Pat. No. 4,050,904 of Bourke et al discloses a memory organiZation including an address relocation trans

the memory is accessed, current translations of recently used

lator Which includes among other things stack segmentation

virtual addresses to real addresses are retained in a special

registers. The particular segmentation registers disclosed in

set of rapidly accessible tables or high speed memories

this patent are for the purpose of storing a real assigned address of a physical block in the main memory rather than for storing an expanded virtual address as utiliZed With the

referred to as Directory Look-Aside Tables (DLAT) or Translation Look-Aside Buffers (TLBs) as used in the present invention. These tables or buffers are conventionally


present invention.

special high speed or rapidly accessible memories Which

U.S. Pat. No. 4,251,860 of Mitchell et al. discloses a

may be accessed much faster than the previously described page frame tables Whereby frequently used virtual addresses may be stored in this table and accessed very rapidly With the resultant saving of a great deal of execution time Within the computer. The ef?ciency of such TLB address translation

memory addressing system including virtual addressing 65

apparatus for implementing a large virtual address memory. The patent describes [a] splitting of a virtual address into a

segment and offset portion, hoWever, the segment portion and associated segment registers are used as a convenient

US RE37,305 E 5


Way of splitting the address and do not operate in any analogous manner to the address translation scheme of the

[12-bit] segment [registes] registers. The contents of the selected segment register are concatenated onto the remain ing 28-bits of the virtual address to form a 40-bit effective address. Thus, it may be readily seen that each segment can contain up to 228 bytes of data. It should be noted that this

present invention. US. Pat. No. 4,037,215 of Birney et al, discloses a system very similar to that of the previously referenced US. Pat. No. 4,050,094, in that a series of segmentation registers are utiliZed for pointing to speci?c real memory blocks. This

patent additionally shoWs the use of ‘read only’ validity bits tied into the speci?c segmentation registers. These bits have little analogy to the special purpose lock bits provided in the hardWare of the present relocation mechanism.

neW 40 bit address is still a virtual address. It is translated

by ?rst accessing a high speed partially associative Trans


Another unique feature of the present organiZation is the provision Within both the Translation Look-Aside Buffers and also the page frame table of special purpose lock-bits to

US. Pat. No. 4,077,059 of Cordi et al, discloses a

hierarchical memory system Which includes the provision of special controls to facilitate journalling and copyback. A plurality of dual memories is involved in this patent Wherein


the current version of data is kept in one of the memories and changes are noted in the other to facilitate subsequent

line Within a page and is utiliZed for the purpose of con

controls of this patent bear little resemblance to the lock bit 20

Ware means are also provided in the system Whereby these

It is a primary object of the present invention to provide a virtual memory subsystem having an extremely large 25

US. Pat. No. 4,218,743 of Hoffman et al is eXemplary of a number of patents listed beloW Which relate to the IBM

System/38 relocation architecture. This particular patent 30

It is another object of the invention to provide a control mechanism Within such a virtual memory subsystem Which

US. Pat. No. 4,020,466 of Cordi et al also discloses a 35

facilitate journalling and copyback procedures. The patent has no relationship to the locking bit control means of the

present invention.

US. Pat. No. 4,215,402 is cited as eXemplary of the use of various hashing schemes for accessing a virtual memory translation mechanism.


of the present invention Will be apparent from the folloWing description of the preferred embodiment of the invention as DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS


FIG. 1 comprises a functional block diagram of the major portions of the address translation and access control system of the present invention. FIG. 2 is a diagrammatic illustration of the format of the

Segment Registers used in the present address translation 50

a virtual memory subsystem is provided Which takes a

pervasive hardWare-softWare approach to the address trans lation and overall memory control function. All data and programs in the system are addressed uniformly regardless of Where they reside, Whether they are temporary,

It is another object of the invention to provide such a control mechanism Which is available to both the softWare and hardWare.

illustrated in the accompanying draWings.


In accordance With the teachings of the present invention,

greatly facilitates journalling and related data protection.

The foregoing and other objects, features and advantages

US. Pat. No. 3,942,155 of LaWlor discloses a form of

segment partitioning in a virtual memory system, hoWever, the segmenting used in this patent is quite different from the segmenting operation of the present invention Which is utiliZed to expand the virtual address.

It is another object of the invention to provide such a memory subsystem Which is less prone to addressing errors due to the use of incorrect translation tables.

4,215,402. memory system Which incorporates a special facilities to

virtual address space. It is a further object of the invention to provide such a memory subsystem Which functions as a “one-level store”

for all memory operations.

illustrates a simpli?cation of the manner in Which I/O

handles addressing in a virtual storage computer system. Other patents related to the subject of the virtual storage system are: US. Pat. Nos. 4,170,039, 4,251,860, 4,277,862,

trolling journalling Within the system. Accessing and soft bits are accessible to softWare as Well as hardWare.

including a counter are included With each entry in a

Directory Look-Aside Table (DLAT).

check locking, journalling and authoriZation. It is particu larly to be noted that a plurality (16 in the present embodiment) of such lock bits are provided With each real address both in the Translation. Look-Aside Buffers and also in the page frame tables. One lock bit is provided for each

journalling and copyback operations. The hardWare and system of the present invention. US. Pat. No. 4,053,948 of Hogan et al, discloses an address translation system in Which special provisions

lation Look-Aside Buffer to determine if the real address is present and if not, the system, as With other translation systems, then refers to the pages tables to effectuate the address translation.

mechanism. FIG. 3 is a combination functional block diagram and data How diagram illustrating the conversion of an effective address to a virtual address.

FIG. 4 is a combination functional block diagram and data 55

How diagram illustrating the complete address translation

catalogued, shared or private, recoverable or not. This

mechanism from an effective address to real address.

means, for eXample, that the accessing of private, non recoverable, computational data Which is in the cache may be recovered at cache-access speed. HoWever, a further

FIG. 5 is a diagram illustrating the organiZation and contents of the organiZation of the Translation Look-Aside

result is that even though data is shared, access by a

Buffers as used in the overall address translation mechanism 60

particular program Which holds the key is also at cache

speeds. Thus, the architectural organiZation of the herein dis closed memory subsystem Which permits this type of uni form or “one-level store” addressing includes the provision Within the system of a 32-bit virtual address Which is issued by the CPU of Which address, 4-bits point to a set of siXteen


of the present invention. FIG. 6 is a conceptual illustration of the combined Hash Anchor Table/Inverted Page Table and a data How diagram therefor illustrating the operation of these tables When no TLB entry is found for a given virtual address. FIG. 7 comprises an illustrative diagram of the structure and contents of the actual Hash Anchor Table/Inverted Page Table as it is stored in memory.

US RE37,305 E 8


invention With structural details Which Would be readily apparent to those skilled in the art in vieW of the functional description of same. Also, various portions of these systems

FIG. 8 illustrates the format of the reference and change bits as utilized With each I/O address. FIG. 9 is a diagrammatic illustration of the I/O Base

have been appropriately consolidated and functionally

Address Register con?guration.

described to stress those features pertinent to the present

FIG. 10 is a diagrammatic illustration of the format of the

invention. The folloWing description Will alloW those skilled in the art to appreciate the possibilities and capabilities of the disclosed memory subsystem and further Would alloW its ready incorporation into any one of a variety of computer

RAM Speci?cation Register. FIG. 11 is a diagrammatic illustration of the format of the

ROS Speci?cation Register. FIG. 12 is a diagrammatic illustration of the format of the


Translation Control Register. FIG. 13 is a diagrammatic illustration of the format of the

Storage Exception Register.

scale integrated circuit technology.

FIG. 14 is a diagrammatic illustration of the format of the

Storage Exception Address Register.


Translated Real Address Register. FIG. 16 is a diagrammatic illustration of the format of the

Transaction Identi?er Register. FIG. 17 is a diagrammatic illustration of the contents of

one of the sixteen Segment [Registes] Registers. FIGS. 18.1, 18.2 and 18.3 illustrate diagrammatically the

generated by the attaching adapter. When the T bit is one, storage addresses (instruction fetch, data load, data store) are 25

Within the herein disclosed architecture, storage protec tion is not effective for storage requests Which are not

The objects of the present invention are accomplished in general by the herein disclosed storage controller that 35

as described subsequently. The present address translation mechanism implements a

“single level storage” addressing structure. The address translation mechanism provides support for the folloWing in the herein disclosed preferred embodiment:

dynamic. The translation mechanism is functionally divided into three sections (see FIG. 1). The CPU storage channel interface (CSC) 10 logic consists of the Common Front End (CFE), section 12 Which provides the proper protocol from

. Multiple independent virtual address spaces. . Address space siZe of 4 gigabytes. 45

. Journalling and locking of [128 bytes] 128-byte lines. . Real storage addressability of up to 16 megabytes. . Reference and change bits for each real page.

look-aside buffer (TLB) organiZed as 2-Way set associate With 16 congruence classes. Logic is provided that auto matically reloads TLB entries from page tables in main

10. HardWare assist for load real address, invalidate TLB

storage as required. The Storage Control logic 16 provides

entries, and storage exception address. 55

storage. Dynamic memory refresh control is also provided It should be noted at this point that the present invention relates primarily to the novel structural combination and

functional operation of Well-known computer circuits,

grams that shoW only these speci?c details pertinent to the present invention. This is done in order not to obscure the

Storage is treated as if it Were mapped onto a single 40-bit

virtual address space consisting of 4096 segments of 256 megabytes each. The 32-bit address received from the CSC is converted to a 40-bit (“long form virtual”) address by using the four high-order bits to select one of sixteen

by this logic.

devices and functional units and not in the speci?c detailed structure thereof. Accordingly, the structure, control, and the arrangement of these Well-known circuits, devices and blocks are illustrated in the draWings by the use of readily understandable block representation and functional dia

. Demand paging.

. Page siZe of 2048 or 4096 bytes. . Storage protection. . Shared segments, for instructions and data.

address received from the storage channel to a real address used to access storage. This logic contains a translation

the interface from the Address Translation Logic 14 to

subject to translation. Reference and change recording is effective for all storage requests, regardless of Whether they are subject to transla tion. For addresses subject to translation, the translation opera tion logically proceeds as folloWs.

Various implementations may perform different parts of this function in parallel rather than in strict logical sequence

Storage can be interleaved or non-interleaved, and static or

the storage channel to the Address Translation Logic 14 and Storage Control Logic 16. All communication to and from the storage channel is handled by this logic. The Address Translation Logic provides the translation from a virtual

subject to translation. When the T bit is Zero, storage addresses are treated as real.


attaches to a host CPU Storage Channel Which implements the address translation architecture described in general terms previously, and Which Will be described in greater detail subsequently. The translating mechanism contains the logic required to interface With up to 16M bytes of storage.

Whether an address is translated (treated as virtual) or

treated as real in the present system is controlled by the value of the Translate Mode bit (Tbit) on the CPU Storage Channel (CSC). Each device Which places a request on the CSC controls the value of the Translate Mode bit for each request. The T bit is taken from the appropriate ?eld of memory access instruction provided by the CPU. For stor age accesses generated by I/O devices, the T bit value is

FIG. 15 is a diagrammatic illustration of the format of the

format of three of the ?elds utiliZed for each page reference in each of the Translation Look-Aside Buffers. It is noted that there are tWo separate Translation Look-Aside Buffers in the presently disclosed embodiment and that there are sixteen real page references stored at any one time in each of said buffers.

architectures. FIG. 1 illustrates the above described functional portions of the present address translation system Which Would be appropriately located on a single logic chip in a very large

segment registers, the 12-bit contents of Which are concat enated With the remaining 28 bits of the effective address. The translation mechanism then converts the 40-bit virtual address to a real address for storage access. As Will be readily appreciated the siZe of the virtual address can be 65

changed by minor changes to the hardWare. At any given instant, only 4 gigabytes of storage is addressable, namely the sixteen 256 megabyte segments

US RE37,305 E 9


speci?ed by the sixteen segment registers. This fact allows the operating system to create multiple independent virtual address spaces by loading appropriate values into the seg ment registers. As a limiting case, 256 completely indepen

mentations may limit this value to as feW as 10 bits, thereby

restricting the maximum amount of real storage supported to 2MB of 2KB pages.

Reference Bit: A bit associated With each Page Frame

dent 4 gigabyte address spaces could be created in this manner, although it is more likely that some segments (such as nucleus code) Would be shared across multiple address

Which is set to “1” Whenever a successful storage reference


Storage protection similar to that of the IBM System 370 is provided on a 2K or 4K byte page basis. Store produce and

fetch protect are supported, With the protect key (equivalent to the key in the S/370 PSW) speci?ed independently for each 256 megabyte segment.


Support for a Persistent Storage class is provided by a set of “lock bits” associated With each virtual page. The lock

bits effectively extend the storage protection granularity to


hardWare containing the virtual-to-real mapping (in some implementations the TLB may contain only a portion of this mapping at any given time). In addition to the mapping each

“lines” of storage (128-bytes for 2K pages, or 256-bytes for 4K pages) and alloW the operating system to detect and

automatically journal changes to Persistent variables. Per sistent Storage class as used herein means storage Which may reside permanently on disk ?le storage. The folloWing terms are used throughout this document and are de?ned here for clarity and convenience.

(read or Write) is made to that Frame. Segment ID: A number in the range 0 to 4095 (12 bits) Which identi?es a 256MB virtual storage segment. The Segment ID concatenated With the Virtual Page Index uniquely speci?es a page in the 40-bit virtual address space. Storage Key: A 2-bit value in each TLB entry Which indicates the level of protection associated With one particu lar page. This key is similar in function to the Storage Key associated With each System/370 memory page. TLB: Translation Lookaside Buffer. The TLB is the


Byte Index: A number in the range 0 to 2047 (11 bits) for 2KB pages [or 0 to 4095 (12 bits) for 4KB pages] Which

TLB entry contains other information about its associated page, such as Translation ID, Storage Key and Lockbits. Transaction ID: A number in the range 0 to 255 (8 bits) Which identi?es the “oWner” of the set of Lockbits currently loaded in a TLB entry. Virtual Address: The 40-bit address value formed inside

identi?es a byte Within a page or page frame. The Byte Index 25 the present address translation mechanism by concatenation

is taken from the loW-order 11 bits [12 bits] of the Effective

of the Segment ID With the loW-order 28 bits of the Effective


Address. (That is, Segment ID Virtual Page Index Byte

Change Bit: Abit associated With each Page Frame Which is set to “1” Whenever a successful storage reference (Write only) is made to that Frame. Effective Address: The 32-bit storage channel address generated by devices on the storage channel. This can be an

Index.) Virtual Page Index: A number in the range 0 to 131,072 30

(17 bits) for 2KB pages [or 0 to 65,536 (16 bits) for 4KB pages] Which identi?es a page Within a virtual storage

segment. The Virtual Page Index is taken from bits 4—20

address generated by the host CPU for instruction fetch, data

[4—19] of the Effective Address.

||: Concatenation. load, or data store. It can also be an address generated by an The hardWare required to support the present address I/O device on the storage channel, such as a DMA address. 35 translation mechanism is described beloW. Note that some Line: A 128-bit portion of a page on a 128-byte boundary. This is the amount of storage controlled by one lockbit. Lockbit: One of a set of 16 bits associated With each page of a Persistent Storage segment. Each lockbit is associated With one Line of storage. The combination of Transaction ID, the Write bit, and the Lockbit value for a Line determine

?eld Widths may vary With different implementations. The TLB consists of an arbitary number of entries, With each entry controlling the translation of the virtual address 40

Whether a storage access request is granted or denied in a

Persistent Storage segment. Page: 2048 bytes [or 4096 bytes] of storage on a 2048

byte [4096-byte] boundary. “Page” properly refers to virtual


storage While “page frame” refers to real storage, but his torically the term “page” has been used for both virtual and real. Page Frame: 2048 bytes [or 4096 bytes] of storage on a

2048-byte [4096-byte] boundary. Pages reside in Page


Frames or on external storage (i.e., disk). Page Table: The combined hash anchor table inverted page table entries in main storage that are used for transla tion of a virtual address to the corresponding real address (also referred to herein as HAT/IPT).


Protection Key: A 1-bit value in each Segment Register Which indicates the level of authority of the currently executing process With respect to accessing the data in the given segment. This key is similar in function to the System/ 370 PSW Key, but is applied individually to each segment

of one page to its real address.

Details of the organiZation of the TLB are implementation dependent. TWo implementations are possible. A content addressable memory (CAM) Which Would be addressed by Segment ID Virtual Page Index and Which Would contain one entry per real storage frame. The index (ordinal number) of the CAM entry Would be equal to the Real Page Index. A set associative TLB Which Would be addressed by some number of the loW-order bits of the Virtual Page Index. The Real Page Index Would be contained Within a ?eld in the TLB entry. The only constraint on TLB shape is that a non-CAM implementation must be at least tWo-Way set associative. Each TLB entry can be read and Written individually from the CPU using IOR and IOW instructions. TLB entries

contain the folloWing ?elds: The incoming 32-bit effective address (from the CPU or

rather than globally to all of addressable memory. Real Address: The result of the translation operation: the

an I/ O device) is ?rst expanded to a 40-bit virtual address by concatenating a segment identi?er to the effective address. The virtual address is then presented to the translation hardWare for conversion to the equivalent real address. Virtual addresses are translated to a real storage address by the process described beloW.

Real Page Index (10 to 13 bits) concatenated With the loW-order 11 bits [or 12 bits] of the Effective Address. (Real

are used to index into the segment table to select one of

Page Index Byte Index.) Real Page Index: Anumber in the range 0 to 8192 (13 bits) Which identi?es a page frame in real storage. Some imple


The high-order four bits of the incoming effective address 65

sixteen segments. A 12-bit segment identi?er, a “special segment” bit, and a key bit are obtained from the selected segment register. The 12-bit segment identi?er is used for

US RE37,305 E 11


formation of the virtual address. The special segment bit and

hardWare efficiency reasons). As shoWn in FIG. 6, a hash

the key bit are used for access validation as described

function converts a Virtual Address into the index of an entry

subsequently. FIG. 2 shoWs the segment table format. The 12-bit segment identi?er is concatenated With bits 4 through 31 of the incoming effective address to form a 40-bit

in the HAT, Which in turn points to the ?rst of a chain of IPT entries (real pages) With the same HAT index. Asearch of the

virtual address. The loWer order 11 bits for 2K pages, or 12 bits for 4K pages, of the effective address are used as the byte address for the selected real page. These bits are not

Will yield the IPT index (thus Real Address) for the desired

chain of IPT [entires] entries for a match on Virtual Address

altered by the translation process. The remaining 29(28) bits of the virtual address are then presented to the translation hardWare. FIG. 3 shoWs the generation of the virtual address


by ?rst exclusive or-ing selected loW-order bits of the effective address With bits from the segment identi?er. This

using the segment [inditifer] identi?er and the storage effec tive address. The herein disclosed address translation system utiliZes a Translation Look-aside Buffer (TLB) to contain translations

Virtual Address, or Will terminate With no match found (page not mapped). In the present embodiment there is one HAT and IPT entry for each page of real storage. Translation of a virtual to a real address is accomplished

TLB entires from main storage page tables as neW virtual addresses are presented to the TLBs for translation. A

“hashed” address is then used to index into the HAT. The selected HAT entry is pointer to the beginning of a list of IPT entries to be searched for the given virtual address. Entries in the list of IPT entries to be searched are linked together by a pointer in each entry that points to the next IPT entry to be searched. A?ag bit in the IPT entry is used to indicate the end of the search chain. Note that since the hashing

simpli?ed data-?oW of the translation hardWare is shoWn in FIG. 4 and the format of each TLB is shoWn in FIG. 5.

function can produce the same HAT address for several different effective addresses, there can be several virtual


of the most recently used virtual addresses (32 in the present

embodiment). HardWare is used to automatically update

The system utiliZes tWo tWo TLBs With 16 entries per

address entries in the IPT chain to be [seached] searched.

TLB (2-Way set associative With 16 congruence classes).

For hardWare ef?ciency reasons, the HAT and IPT are

The loWer-order 4 bits of the virtual page index are used to

combined into one structure Which can be addressed by one

address both TLBs in parallel. The Address Tag entry in each TLB is compared With the segment identi?er concatenated With the remaining bits of the virtual page index (25 bits for


megabyte of real storage organiZed as 2K-byte pages requires 512 entries and 512K bytes organiZed as 4K-pages

2K pages, or 24 bits for 4K pages). If either of the tWo

requires 128 entries. The format of the combined HAT and IPT entries is shoWn in FIG. 7. The HAT/IPT contains 16 bytes for each entry and starts on an address that is a multiple of the table siZe.

compares are equal and the TLB entry is valid (as indicated

by the [Valide] Valid Bit), the associated TLB contains the translation information for the given virtual address. The Real Page Number Field (RPN) in the selected [TLM] TLB entry contains the number of the real page in main storage that is mapped to the given virtual address. If this is not a special segment, the access is checked for

indexing structure. There is one entry in the combined HAT and IPT for each page of real storage. For example, 1

The ?rst Word in each entry contains the address tag Which is composed of the segment identi?er concatenated 35

storage protect violations using the Key Bits from the TLB entry and the Key Bit from the Segment Register before the

With the virtual page index. Note that for 2K pages the address tag is 29 bits, and for 4K pages it is 28 bits. If a page

by the Special Bit in the segment register, lockbit processing

siZe 4K is used, the 28-bit address tag is stored in bits [3 through 30]. Bit 2 is reserved. The ?rst Word also contains a 2-bit key Which is used for storage protection as described

is performed before the access is alloWed. The storage


protect facility is described subsequently as is special seg ment processing. If the access is permitted, main storage is then accessed and the reference and change bits associated

The second Word contains the HAT pointer, IPT pointer, and valid bits for each pointer. Use of the pointer is

access is alloWed. If this is a special segment, as indicated

described subsequently.

With the page are updated. The setting of the reference and

change bits is also described subsequently.


subsequently also.

If no match is obtained from the tWo TLB compares, the

address translation logic Will attempt to reload the faulting TLB entry from the page table entries in main storage. The main storage page table is resident in real storage and logically consists of tWo parts, a Hash Anchor Table (HAT) and an Inverted Page Table (IPT). The HAT alloWs the mapping of any virtual address, through a ?ashing function,

The fourth Word is not used for TLB reloading and is reserved for possible future use. The HAT/IPT base address is a ?eld in the Translation

Control Register (described subsequently), and is used for computing the beginning address of the main storage page

to any real page.

The Inverted Page Table (IPT) speci?es the virtual address (if any) Which is associated With each real page frame. It is organiZed as an array of entries indexed by Real

Page Number, With each entry containing its associated Segment ID and Virtual Page Number. Determining the Virtual Address for a given Real Address is trivial, since the IPT is indexed by Real Page Number. To determine ef?ciently the Real Address for a given Virtual

The third Word contains the Write protect, lock bits, and TID for special segments. Use of these ?elds is described


table. The value contained in the HAT/IPT base address is multiplied by the amount shoWn in Table 1 depending on storage and page siZe to obtain the starting address of the main storage page table. Also shoWn in Table 1, is the siZe of the HAT/IPT for each storage siZe and the page siZe. TABLE I HAT/IPT Base Address Multiplier

Address requires a hashing function to map the Virtual

Storage SIZE

Page Size

Address to an anchor point and a chain of entries to resolve



64K 64K 128K

2K 4K 2K

hash collisions as Will be Well understood by those skilled in the art.

The Hash Anchor Table (HAT) is logically separate from the IPT (though it is physically incorporated into the IPT for

HAT/IPT [Entries/

Bytes] 32/51 2 1 6/25 6 64/1K

HAT/IPT Base Address

Multiplier 5 12 256 1024

US RE37,305 E 14


An access is made to the ?rst entry in the IPT and the

address tag compared to the given virtual addres. If the tWo are equal, the real page assigned to the virtual address has been located and the faulting TLB entry can be reloaded.

TABLE I-continued HAT/IPT Base Address Multiplier

Storage SIZE

Page Size



128K 256K 256K 512K 512K 1 M 1 M 2 M 2 M 4 M 4 M 8 M 8 M 16 M 16 M

4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K

HAT/IPT [Entries/

Reloading of the TLB entry Will be described subsequently.

HAT/IPT Base Address


If the tWo are not equal, the IPT search continues by


32/512 128/2K 64/1K 256/4K 128/2K 512/8K 256/4K 1024/16K 512/8K 248/32K 1024/16K 4096/65K 2048/32K 8192/128K 4096/64K

512 2048 1024 4096 2048 8192 4096 16384 8192 32768 16384 65536 32768 131072 65536

accessing the IPT pointer. The IPT pointer address is com


chain. If the Last Bit is a zero, there are additional entries and the search process continues. If the Last Bit is a one, there are no additional IPT entries to be searched, and a

“page fault” is reported. 15

With bits from the effective address. The number of bits used

used to access the next entry in the IPT search chain and the 20


entries in the HAT/IPT. This hashing operation is shoWn in

The selected HAT entry is accessed and the Empty Bit checked to determine if the IPT search chain is empty. If the Empty Bit is one, there is no page mapped to the given virtual address and a “page fault” is reported as described later. If the Empty Bit is zero, entries in the IPT search chain exist and entries in the IPT are searched. The HAT Pointer ?eld of the selected HAT entry is then used as a pointer to the start of the IPT search chain.

address tag contained in the selected entry is compared to the given virtual address. If the tWo are equal, the real page assigned to the virtual address has been located and the faulting TLB entry can be reloaded. If the tWo are not equal,

the search process continues by accessing the pointer to the

is chosen so that the resulting index Will select one of n

FIG. 6. The bits used for generation of the HAT index are listed in Table II. The storage address of the selected HAT 0100. entry is computed as: HAT/IPT Base Address+HAT Index

If there are additional IPT entries to be searched, the

address of the next IPT entry for searching is computed as: HAT/IPT Base Address+IPT Pointer 0000. This address is


As stated previously the HAT index is computed by exclusive or-ing selected bits from the segment identi?er

puted as: HAT/IPT Base Address+HAT Pointer 0100. The IPT pointer is then accessed and the Last Bit checked to determine if there are additional entries in the IPT search

next entry to be searched. The address of the pointer to the next entry is computed as: HAT/IPT Base Address+IPT Pointer 0100. This Word is then accessed and the Last Bit is checked to determine if there are additional entries in the IPT search chain. If the Last Bit is a one, there are no


additional IPT entries to be searched, and a “page fault” is reported. If the Last Bit is a zero, there are additional entries and the search process continues. The current IPT Pointer is

used to access subsequent entries using the previously described process, until either the address tag in the IPT entry is equal to the given virtual address, or no match is 35


found and the Last Bit indicates no further entries exist in the search chain. The folloWing is a synopsis of the steps to be folloWed to convert a Virtual Address to the index of its IPT entry (and

thus to its corresponding Real Address). (1) Select the loW-order 13 bits of the Virtual Page Number. This Will be bits 7—9 of the Effective Address if


4KB pages are used, or bits 8—20 if 2KB pages are used. HAT/IPT Index Generation Source Fields

(2) Select the 12-bit contents of the Segment Register speci?ed by bits 0—3 of the Effective Address. Concatenate














[# Bits]

64K 64K 128K 128K 256K 256K 512K 512K 1M 1M 2M 2M 4M 4M 8M 8M 16M 16M

2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K

7:11 8:11 6:11 7:11 5:11 6:11 4:11 5:11 3:11 4:11 2:11 3:11 1:11 2:11 0:11 1:11 0 H 0:11 0:11

16:20 16:19 15:20 15:19 14:20 14:19 13:20 13:19 12:20 12:19 11:20 11:19 10:20 10:19 9:20 9:19 8:20 8:19

5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 10 9 11 10 12 11 13 12


The HAT pointer previously accessed is used as the starting index into the IPT. The storage address of the ?rst IPT entry is computed as: HAT/IPT Base Address+HAT Pointer


a ‘0’ bit on the left to form a 13-bit ?eld.

(3) Exclusive-OR the tWo 13-bit ?elds from steps (1) and (2) to form a 13-bit Hash Anchor Table entry number. 50

(4) Shift the value from step (3) left 4 bits. This forms the byte offset of the start of the IPT entry Which physically contains the desired HAT entry. (5) Compute the address of the HAT/IPT entry. This is

done by adding the result of step (4) to the starting address of the IPT. If the IPT is constrained to start on an appropriate 55

poWer-of-tWo byte boundary, the “add” may be replaced by OR or concatenation.

(6) Check for empty IPT chain. Investigate the “E” (“empty”) bit in the HAT/IPT entry. If E=1 then the IPT

chain is empty (HAT pointer is invalid): the search termi 60


nates unsuccessfully; the virtual page is not mapped. (7) If the IPT chain is not empty, select the HAT Pointer from the address HAT/IPT entry. This 13-bit value is the index of the ?rst IPT entry in the chain of entries having the same hash result [step (8) Shift the IPT index value left 4 bits. This forms the byte offset of the start of an IPT entry Which is to be checked for a match on Virtual Address.

US RE37,305 E 15


(9) Compute the address of the IPT entry. This is done by adding the result of step (8) to the starting address of the IPT.

real address has been determined by the TLB, the requested access is veri?ed to insure proper access authority. This facility alloWs each page to be marked as no access, read

If the IPT is constrained to start on an appropriate poWer

of-tWo byte boundary, the “add” may be replaced by OR or concatenation.

only, or read/Write. Access control is a function of the one-bit protection key

(10) Compare the Virtual Address match. Compare the Segment ID Virtual Page Number from the IPT entry (28 or 29 bits With the segment register contents speci?ed by the Effective Address [step concatenated With the Virtual

entry, and Whether the access is a load or store operation. Access is controlled as shoWn in Table III.

Page Number in the Effective Address.

in the selected Segment Register, the tWo-bit key in the TLB



(11) If a match, search has completed successfully. This

Protection Key Processing

entry is the one corresponding to the desired Virtual

Address; its index number is equal to the required Real Page Number. (12) If not a match, check for end-of-chain. Investigate the “L” (“last”) bit in the IPT entry. If L=1 then this is the last IPT entry in this chain: the search terminates unsuc


Key in

Key in


Seg Reg




0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No

cessfully; the virtual page is not mapped. (13) If not end-of-chain, slect the IPT Pointer ?eld from


the IPT entry. This 13-bit value is the index of the next IPT


entry to be investigated. (14) Go to Step


TLB Reload If an IPT entry is found With an address tag ?eld equal to

Access Permitted



the given virtual address, the faulting TLB entry is reloaded. Reloading consists of selecting the least recently used TLB entry for the congruence class of the faulting virtual address, and loading the selected entry With the given virtual address tag ?eld, the corresponding real page number and the key

If the access is not alloWed, then the translation is

terminated, and a Protection exception is reported to the CPU. LOCKBIT PROCESSING

Lockbit processing is applied only to special segments as indicated by the Special bit in the selected segment register.

bits. If this is a special segment as indicated by the Special Bit in the segment register, then the Write Bit, TID, and LOCK bits are also reloaded.

Special segments are used to support Persistent data. Lock

HardWare is used to determine the least recently used TLB entry in each congruence class. Since the loW-order bits of the virtual address determine the congruence class, the only decision to be made is Which TLB should have the selected entry replaced. One of the tWo TLBs Will then be selected based on Which TLB contained the entry in the given congruence class that Was least recently referenced.

bit processing alloWs the operating system to automatically

Once the least recently used TLB entry for the given congruence class has been determined, the selected TLB entry can be reloaded. The Address Tag Field and Key bits are reloaded from the IPT entry contained in main storage. The address of this entry Was previously computed in the IPT search process. Since the IPT index computed in the search process is equal to the real page number, this value is used to reload the Real Page Number ?eld in the TLB. If this is a special segment, as indicated by the Special Bit in the segment register, the TID and Lock Bits are also reloaded. The TID and Lock Bits are reloaded by accessing the third Word in the selected IPT entry.


monitor changes to Persistent variables and to journal

changes, create shadoW pages, and perform other processing required for data base consistency. Lockbits also extend the protection from the page siZe resolution (either 2K or

4K-bytes) provided by the storage protect facility to lines of


either 128 or 256 bytes. Aresolution of 128 bytes is provided for 2K pages, and 256 bytes for 4K bytes. The individual line lockbit is selected by bits [21:24] of the effective address for 2K pages, and bits [20:23] for 4K pages. Access control is a function of the one-bit Write key in the selected TLB entry, the lockbit value of the selected line, the TID compare, and Whether the access is a load or store

operation. Access is controlled as shoWn in Table IV fol

loWing. TABLE IV Lockbit Processing Current TID Compared to

Write Bit

Lockbit Value for Selected

special segments and provides read/Write protection for each


in TLB


page of real storage. The second facility applies only to special segments and is used to support persistent data types.




The present address translation mechanism provides tWo


access control facilities. The ?rst facility applies to non

These access control facilities apply only to translated accesses. If a violation is detected by either facility, the storage access is terminated and an exception reported as

60 Not Equal

Access Permitted Load






0 1 0

Yes Yes No

No No No




Storage protection processing applies only to non-special segments. Once a correspondence betWeen a virtual and a

The Data storage exception is used to report a lockbit violation. This violation may not represent an error; it may be simply an indication that a neWly modi?ed line must be

processed by the operating system.

Virtual memory address translation mechanism with controlled data ...

Sep 19, 1983 - (73) Assignee: International Business Machines. Macpeak & Seas ... 20, 1987 translation of frequently used virtual addresses, a special set. Appl. No.: ..... made by reissue. This is a Continuation of reissue application Ser. No. .... the art whereby a number of computer programs, whether executed by a single.

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