Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church


11421 Bates Road, Apison, Tennessee 37302

...to the little church with a big heart. Our mission is to be a family of believers that Know Jesus, Love People, and Treasure Truth.

Morning Praise and Sabbath School Sabbath Praise ~ 9:00-9:30 Sabbath School Superintendent Class Study ~ 9:30-10:45

John MacFarlane Dennis Crane

Worship Service Sabbath, December 23, 2017

Sabbath School Class Descriptions and Locations Potter's Class ~ Library SS Lesson Study ~ Sanctuary Discipleship Group ~ Kitchen, across from the Sanctuary Life Application of the SS lesson quarterly ~ Across the hall from the Sanctuary st SS Lesson Study ~ Down the hall on left, just past the double doors; 1 classroom Cradle Roll (ages B-3) ~ Through double doors, follow the hallway; last door on left rd Kindergarten (ages 4-6/grades K-1) ~ Through double doors, follow hallway; 3 door Primary (ages 7-9/grades 2-4) ~ Downstairs, follow hallway, last door on right Juniors (ages 10-12/grades 5-7) ~ Downstairs, follow hallway, last door on left Earliteen (ages 13-15/grades 8-10) ~ Upstairs to the left Collegiate / Young Adults ~ Bible Study application discussion/Upstairs to the right

Calendar of Events Today: Sunday:

8:00 am 8:30 am 6:00 pm Tuesday: 10:00 am 8:00 pm Wednesday: 7:00 pm Friday 6:30 pm Next Sabbath: 8:00 am Speaker 5:00 pm


Church Budget as of 12/02/17 LCA Financial Aid for 2017-18 School Year CI / Foyer/Hallway/Family Bathroom Phase

$13,000 $15,000 $150,000

Lonny Byrd / Apison Ensemble

Announcements and Welcome

Received $ 3,491.00 $ 6,597.00 $31,598.00

John Warren

Call to Reverence


Invocation and Call to Worship Out of the Saltshaker Gifts of Worship

Virginia Holley Local Conference Advance


Prayer Group Prayer Group Church Family Christmas Caroling “Revelation” Prayer & Praise Group Bulletin Info Deadline Prayer Meeting Acts of the Apostles Prayer Group Pastor Martinez Vespers

Church Needs

Songs of Praise

Apison Ensemble

Children’s Story

Jan Haveman

Scripture Reading

Luke 1: 26 - 30

Invitation to Prayer

As We Come to You in Prayer

Worship in Prayer Special Music Worship in Word

Apison Ensemble Fearfully Unafraid

Hymn of Response It Came Upon a Midnight Clear Benediction

Pastor Burgess No. 130 Pastor Burgess

Postlude The celebration of the Sabbath ends tonight at 5:33 pm And begins again next Friday at 5:37 pm

No. 671

Piano Pianist: Jeanie Hair Media Services: Larry Cowan / Tyler Segarra

As We Come to You in Prayer Now, Dear Lord, as we pray, take our hearts and minds far away. From the press of the world all around To Your throne where grace does abound. May our lives be transform'd by Your love, May our souls be refreshed from above.

PLEASE KNEEL At this moment, let people everywhere Join us now as we come to You in prayer.

Here to Serve Pastor ........................................ Brian Burgess .................. [email protected] ............................................................. Or ....................................... (423) 637.9412 Youth Pastor ............................. Franky Martinez [email protected] ............................................................. Or ....................................... (816) 651.6414 Head Elder .............................. Eric Schoonard ............................ (423) 504.0661 Head Deacon ............................. Barry Becker .............................. (423) 505.6415 Head Deaconess ......................... Jeanie Hair ............................... (423) 364.4902 Church Clerk ..............................Jan Haveman ............................. (423) 779.6730 Treasurer ...................................... Karla Reel ........... [email protected] ............................................................. Or ....................................... (423) 800.8031 School Principal .................... Nancy Zima-Gentry......................... (423) 902.3883 School Treasurer...................... Reggie Thomas ............................ (423) 244.7825 Church Office ....................................... ......................................... (423) 236.4214 Church Secretary ....................... Lisa Jennings ................ [email protected] Church School....................................... ......................................... (423) 236.4926 Bulletin Editor ........................... Christy Beason .......... [email protected] Bulletin Info Deadline Tuesday 8pm ... ......................................... (423) 774.4717 Church Website..................................... ............................. www.apisonchurch.org

Apison Church Notices A SPECIAL WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS! We're happy you have chosen to worship with us today. If we can help you in any way, please see Head Elder Eric Schoonard or today’s Resource Elder, Deryl Holland. Church Officers ~ 2nd Reading ~

School Board Member ~ Bob Williams Sabbath School Superintendent ~ Eric Smith Placement Committee ~ Noelle Holland Associate Head Deacon ~ Howard Karst

Church Officer ~ 1st Reading ~ Treasurer ~ Dr. Sunia Fukofuka

Membership Transfers ~ 1st Reading ~ Incoming ~

Seth Sutherland from Tok SDA Church, Tok, AK Bruce and Merilee Jacobs from Chattanooga 1st SDA Church

Outgoing ~

Mishala Mundall to Bowman Hills SDA Church Kitty Rivera Rodriguez to Chattanooga Hispanic Community SDA Church

Prayer Requests ~ Bereavement / Special Needs / Healing ~

Victor Malcolm ~father of Janice Burgess and Helen Donnelly. He is suffering complications of stroke. Alana Bruce ~ doing well at home, sitting up, smiling and laughing more. Continue to pray for healing. Dan Seebeck ~ as he recovers from shoulder surgery. Rick Breedlove ~ Stephen Springer's granddaughter Maya ~ has passed the 5 lb mark. Continue to pray as she grows. Prison Ministry ~ please find addresses on the Bulletin Board for fellow members in prison and encourage them by sending cards. We are looking for committed men and women with a passion for souls to be trained and mentored to minister to the forgotten ones who are in our local jails. Call John Holley for more info 423-316-6722.

Apison Ensemble ~ will be playing today, Dec 23rd during the worship service. Want to join? Email [email protected] or call 256-457-6464. Apison Hour of Prayer (AHOPe) ~ join us as we seek the Holy Spirit for our lives, our church, the world church and government leaders. Sabbath mornings in the Church Library at 8 am. On Sunday mornings at 8:30 am, join us by calling 712775-7031 and use access code 682-097-212#. Kids in Stitches ~ will be closed until Thursday, Jan. 4th. Call Penny White 423883-4476 if there is a need. Blessings! Acts of the Apostles Study ~ continues Fridays at 6:30 pm at the church. Everyone is invited. No childcare. Church Family Christmas Caroling ~ Sunday, Dec 24 6-9 pm. Meet at church! Cuba And Communion ~ on Sab, Jan 6, the Beason family will share testimonies of their recent Cuban travels and present the communion service. Be encouraged in a special way during this first church service of the new year, invite a friend.

Mother’s & Father’s Prayer Group ~meets 1st Sabbath of the month, following the Church Service. See Nancy Patton or June Paynter for more info. Sunshine Band ~ meets the 1st Sabbath of each month at 3 pm. See John MacFarlane for more information. LCA Heating/Cooling System ~ is needing to be replaced at the cost of $16,000. Fortunately full enrollment helps us cover expenses like these, but if you have extra funds available after paying tithes and supporting the church budget, donations are welcome. Help Needed @ LCA~ a volunteer is needed who can supervise 6 SAU students at LCA on Monday, January 15 from 9:30 - 12:30 as they do some work around the school facilities. If you are able to supervise, please call the school at 423/236-4926. Thank you for considering this opportunity for service. Walking with Jesus Revival ~ beginning Feb 22nd. Please continue to pray for our church and non-attending members during our 90 days of Prayer as we prepare for the Revival. If you missed the Prayer card to insert in your Bible as you pray daily you may pick one up at the welcome desk. A Special Thank You ~ to all of you to all our friends & family who helped us celebrate our 50th anniversary. Your love and friendship mean so much to us. Steve & Mary Lou Pride Thank You ~ for your continued prayers for our father, Victor Malcolm who is under hospice care at this time. The Burgess and Donnelly families Pathfinder Fund Raiser ~ we will have our Aluminum Can Container to the right of the front door. Please gather your cans and bring them to help us raise funds to plan for expenses for the International Camporee. Thank you! Heaven's Bounty Food Pantry ~ serves 30-40 families each day that it is open. We are in need of helpers to put food away in bins before the clients arrive and picking up food once a week at Food City. Please contact Linda Fore 423/322-7206 to help or for more details. Volunteers Needed ~ to assist with a Depression and Anxiety Recovery Seminar. If you have experience or willingness to help, please let Pastor Burgess know [email protected].

Area Announcements ~ see the bulletin board in the hall weekly.

Area Announcements Sunshine Bands ~ of music, ministry and friendship are welcome at The Lantern of Collegedale on the 2nd and 4th Sabbaths at 3pm. Evening Anthem Vespers ~ presents its second annual Christmas Eve Vespers program on Sunday, Dec. 24, at 4 pm. Please join Kelly Mowrer and her family as they celebrate Christmas with an inspiring program of music and testimony that will encourage and bless you. You won't want to miss this. Come and celebrate Jesus our Savior!" Attention Men and Women ~ You are invited to attend the 3rd annual Blueprint for Men Symposium at Hamilton Community Church on Sabbath, January 13 from 3-6 pm. The theme for the TEDx style event is ABBA: Dads by Design. The keynote speaker will be John Finch, director and producer of the powerful documentary film, The Father Effect. If you have a father, are a father, or are married to a father this event is for you! Both men and women are encouraged to come. Child care provided. For more info, Marty Miller 423-322-8491 or www.blueprintformen.org. The Samaritan Center ~ needs grocery bags! Our stores use 800 - 1000 plastic bags every day and are always running low. Exec Dir, Tony Dahlberg invites you to "make a habit of giving your baggage to the Lord and your bags to us!"

Children's Ministries Convention ~ January 12-14 Cohutta Springs Conf Center. This event will provide more than 35 valuable workshops and inspiring messages that are designed specifically for those who work with children. VBS leaders: Don’t miss our weekend long training on a variety of VBS programs! For more info or to register, registration.gccsda.com. Deadline to register is Dec 20! Collegedale Academy Citrus Sale for Missions ~ enjoy citrus throughout the winter while supporting student mission work opportunities at CA – namely CA’s every other year mission trip (2019 to India). The next citrus order will be placed in mid-January. collegedaleacademy.com/citrus for items available, order dates or order instructions. Orders may also be placed by calling 423.396.2124 ext 5555. In either case list your name, address phone number and your order. The citrus sale, along with individuals fundraising efforts, help students experience tremendous mission work opportunities. Thank you in advance for your support. A Gift For You ~ from LifeTalk Radio! Enjoy Christ-centered Christmas music on LifeTalk Radio throughout the month of December. It is LifeTalk's gift to you. You can get a free LifeTalk Radio mobile app or listen online at www.lifetalk.net. In the Collegedale/Ooltewah area, hear LifeTalk on 98.5 FM. When you tell others about LifeTalk Radio, you are sharing the good news of the best Gift ever!

Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church

Dec 23, 2017 - He is suffering complications of stroke. Alana Bruce ~ doing ... Volunteers Needed ~ to assist with a Depression and Anxiety Recovery Seminar.

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Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
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Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Dec 31, 2016 - Call to Worship .... More info, www.blueprintformen.org or call Marty 423-322-8491. .... Listen online or get the FREE app at www.lifetalk.net.

Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
May 21, 2016 - Cost is $10 per person. Register soon, only ... the media, and branding design. The $100 ... or get the FREE mobile phone app at www.lifetalk.net.

Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Jun 25, 2016 - Life Application of the SS lesson quarterly ~ Across the hall from the Sanctuary. Discipleship ... Welcome and Call to Worship. Greg Williams.

Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Feb 18, 2017 - Life Application of the SS lesson quarterly ~ Across the hall from the .... You can also call in 712-775-7031w / access code 682-097-212.

Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Nov 26, 2016 - Life Application of the SS lesson quarterly ~ Across the hall from the .... You can also call in 712-775-7031 w / access code 682-097-212.

Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Sep 2, 2017 - James Patterson ~ recovering in LifeCare of Collegedale from bladder surgery recently. J R Purple ... the Ladd Springs Church in Cleveland.

Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Aug 26, 2017 - Sunshine Band ~ meets the 1st Sabbath of each month at 3 pm. See John .... Andrew Peterson in Concert (Free) ~ on Sept 9, 6:30 pm at the.

Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Dec 23, 2017 - Head Deacon ............................. Barry ... Associate Head Deacon ~ Howard Karst ... Dan Seebeck ~ as he recovers from shoulder surgery.

Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Sep 23, 2017 - Eric Smith. Hymn of Response .... If we can help you in any way, please see Head Elder Eric. Schoonard or ... J R Purple ~ Jim's son has been moved to Life Care of Dayton. .... Performances by Jaclynn Huse, Martin Young,.

Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Aug 27, 2016 - Life Application of the SS lesson quarterly ~ Across the hall from the Sanctuary. Discipleship ... Jeanie Hair. Media Services Tech: Bill Pearson ...

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Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Sep 2, 2017 - Invitation to Prayer As We Come to You in Prayer. No. 671. Worship in Prayer. Eric Smith ... Organ. Pianist: Karla Reel. Organist: Jeanie Hair. Media Services: Jonathan Duman / John Coulter .... Today ~ Members, please invite guests to