REG. No. :

OBJECTIVE To design and obtain the output of RC Phase Shift Oscillator circuit. COMPONENTS REQUIRED S. No. 1. 2. 3.

Name of the Components Transistor Single power supply Resistor



5. 6. 7. 8.

CRO Breadboard Connecting wires Probes for CRO

Type BC107 0-24V/1A 100KΩ/0.5W 10KΩ/0.5W 1.5KΩ 0.01µF 10 µF

Quantity 2 1 1 4 1 3 2 1 1 As required 2

RC PHASE SHIFT OSCILLATOR PROCEDURE 1. Connect the components as per the given circuit diagram. 2. Connect the CRO across the collector of transistor Q and note down the readings. 3. Plot the graph by taking time across X-axis and amplitude along Y-axis.


15MH206L-Electrical and Electronics Laboratory



TABULATION Amplitude (V)

Time (ms)

Collector of transistor

RESULT: Thus, the output of RC Phase Shift Oscillator was obtained and graph was plotted. MARKS (20)


15MH206L-Electrical and Electronics Laboratory


experiment_2 study of characteristics of strain ... - MOBILPASAR.COM

CRO. 1. 6. Breadboard. 1. 7. Connecting wires. As required. 8. Probes for CRO. 2. RC PHASE SHIFT OSCILLATOR. PROCEDURE. 1. Connect the components ...

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