Fairfield County School District Teacher Salary Schedule FY 2016 - 2017

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Class 8 Class 7 Class1 Doctorate Masters +30 Masters 46,887 43,403 48,259 44,432 49,633 45,463 50,291 45,829 51,665 46,859 53,039 47,889 54,411 48,919 55,785 49,948 57,157 50,979 58,531 52,008 59,905 53,039 61,277 54,068 62,651 55,098 64,024 56,128 65,396 57,157 66,770 58,188 68,142 59,217 69,516 60,247 70,211 60,850 70,914 61,459 71,623 62,073 72,339 62,693 73,063 63,320 73,793 63,954

39,920 40,950 41,979 42,397 43,426 44,455 45,486 46,515 47,545 48,575 49,606 50,635 51,665 52,695 53,725 54,754 55,785 56,814 57,383 57,956 58,536 59,122 59,712 60,308

Class 2 Class 3 Bachelors +18 Bachelors 36,436 34,839 37,362 35,594 38,322 36,556 38,688 36,972 39,649 37,934 40,577 38,860 41,538 39,821 42,465 40,749 43,426 41,710 44,353 42,636 45,314 43,597 46,241 44,524 47,202 45,486 48,129 46,413 49,091 47,374 50,018 48,301 50,979 49,263 51,905 50,190 52,425 50,691 52,948 51,197 53,479 51,710 54,013 52,227 54,552 52,749 55,098 53,276

FY15-16 Teacher Salary Schedule - July 2015.pdf

Page 1 of 1. Fairfield County School District. Teacher Salary Schedule. FY 2016 - 2017. Class 8 Class 7 Class1 Class 2 Class 3. Doctorate Masters +30 Masters ...

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