Republic of the Philipfines

Department ot Education Region lX, Zomboongo Peninsulo DIVISION OF ZAMEOANGAEIfl uorkoson Lnro..omooongo Lrry



5 2016 \




Submission of Copies of Ownership Titles ol Public Elementary and Secondary Schools


14 June 2016


This has reference to the unnumbered Depanment Memorandum dated April 4, 2016, requesting this Office for certitied true copies of documents ot all s{hools within this Division, which include any or all ol the lollowing:


Transfer Certilicate of Ttle (TCT);

2. origlnal certilicate ot I e (TcT); 3. Special Patents; 4. PresidentialRoclamations; 5. Tax Dedaration; 6. Deed ot Donation; 7. Deed ol Absolute Salei

8 9

Usufrucl Agreement; Exprogriaiion; 10. Survey/Subdivision Plan; and I L Other similar do@ments.

Pursuant to this, you are hereby direcied to submit certitied true copios of the dooiments pertaining to the o\ri,nership or usufruc't of your school, to this Office, c/o Atty. lrma Mari P Medalle, Anorney lll, Legal Unit, Sdrools Division ol Zamboanga City. Please save a sott mpy of the documents into a USB tlash drive, properly identilied by your schml name. Submit clear and readable copies of the aforementioned doqJments not later than July 1 , 2016. For your guidance, the Tax Dedaration of the sctrool site may be requested from lhe City Assessor! Otfice, City Hall, this city. Atter securing the Tax Dedaration, you may request for a copy of the TCT or OCT ol the property, should there be any, where the school ls sltualed, lrom t||e Registry 0l Deeds. For schooB wnich are c.lasslfled as public lorest or timberland, please consult the City Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) about Special Land Use Permit, among other matiers.

"Do ond 8e beller eoch doy wilh o sense of Urgerx:y"

relefar: C/,2 993 l514 www d.oPd'.nn h.1 i9d. rv I tr)

Republic of the Philippines

DeDartment of Education Region lX, Zomboongo Peninsulo DIVISION OF ZAMBOANGA CITY Boliwoson chico. Zomboonso



Costs relative to this undertaking may be charged against local funds, subject to saict budget, auditing and accounting rules.

For clarification, you may visit the Legal Unit, this Division, or contact ttiaalhr Qallacanla. Legal Assistant, Legai Unit, al (062)991-6004.


For your inlormation, guidance and strict compliance.


Otficerin:6!arqe Schools Divisiori



Unnumbered DM dated April 4, 2016

"Do ond Be belter eoah doywilh o tense of Utgency

telelox: 062-993- l5






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sebmi$ion cf cop106 ofownerihlp Tltl0r gt I'ublic El€m0^tlrv

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dnd S.condrrY Schoo19 04 Aprll 2016


er impretrns lhirr doi,,ba!e, throush th? diRitir.tior of it$ r€cards,5sch as owncrshiP tltlet of ell tt/bl,c schoolr Ftlgnwlde and othel r!bst0otive Cotlt.nenti pen,ining to schgoltltlhg' Thls initiatlvs ls to 6nsufo irn p-fticip{\'i 'nd eiltctlve rr.oroing snd updlln8 of .ll dotunents of tltles o{ pubiic elsfientary and Jecandtry ,choola nrtio|lwidc.



coFlet ir, vrs\'r oFlhe iortgorng, rhtr crlice hereby |oquests tor the subrl]'53ion ot{cttlfiad .)' 6wn.rrhrp tlrlcs,, whrqh inclldC Survey pllnt And Cadastrll Msp! of sll plbllc e{emen$rv and ,',,,r lsry sqhools wrthii yor./r rr€a. Thcre ownsr$hl0 of tl ei mry sither be ufider the


lfansfer C.rtfflcrtar gf Tttle (TC]li 0f r8irel Certiflcates of Tltle {OCT);

Spcciai Pstent5' Pres;deDlirl FroclFfi


Tdt 0ccl.ration; D€ed ot Don.tlons {OOO!)l Deed of Absolute $l€; Usulf i.rct Agmemant! (U,A); ttp'opntsllon, e^d c)tt\er

!i|niltr docuftents

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dititlrttlon it lhcta docurncnrt zrE \,ilal ro ibr initl'l 5t'8e of lhc of memlv ,;";rn","t'ip titr., ot puft'c *t'oots undlr the cuttodv sro tre Pro)ccl

clcaf' legibtr !,notocoplei and mostly u0cloar 3nd diffruult to bt rcad Pla$€ rtlbmlt tfr|t aoFl!1, sobrirJlion of tho i)efore 2$ Aorll 2016. a,re


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For clarlf,Lalrons, pr,:i5e .or'..tsct Ms 9df"ry.i. M, RrnSing ofgtct lltlint Olflce it ihe tollowin8 t.hpkon€ nufiberi. {02) 6r1-tr491 dnd 61),3Jtz ot o! Emstl addfess: trcar xrr$!?!3P.!S8gy ?i For l-cuf gurrinnc! nnd cont)li&rco.

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c)tt\er !i|niltr docuftents. Page 3 of 4. Submission of Copies of Ownership Titles of Public Elementary & Secondary Schools.pdf. Submission of Copies of ...

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