Incentive Plus Social, Emotional, Behavioural, Mental Health & Well-Being Resources

Life Skills


Resiliency • Self-Esteem • Alcohol & Drug Education

Mental Health & Well-Being


Anxiety & Stress • Anger Management

Social & Emotional Skills


Feelings & Emotions • Social Skills

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Internet Safety • Anti-Social Behaviour • Mentoring

Catalogue for Ages 11-18



w w w. i n c e n t i v e p l u s . c o . u k CONTENTS

Dear Colleague Welcome to our latest catalogue, which is packed full of practical resources. At Incentive Plus, we are experts in providing effective teaching resources. In this catalogue you will find an exciting range of motivating, useful and engaging products to help with your lessons on the important social, emotional and behavioural skills that underpin success for young people. To see our full range of resources visit our website:

Resiliency Decisions & Choices Health Self-Esteem Alcohol & Drug Education

If you wish to contact us please call 01604 870828 or email [email protected]



The Incentive Plus Team

Anxiety & Stress Suicide, Self-Harm & Depression CBT Anger Management

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Feelings & Emotions Social Skills

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All UK establishments may order on account. Phone: 01604 870828 International: +44 (0)1604 870828 Fax: 01604 870986 International: +44 (0)1604 870986 Email: [email protected] Post: Incentive Plus, PO Box 928, Northampton, NN7 9AP, UK. Customer Service Team: 01604 870828

Internet Safety Anti-Social Behaviour Mentoring



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P Photocopiable

24 25 27

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CD Rom

20 22


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Incentive Plus is the UK’s largest supplier of social, emotional, behavioural, mental health and well-being resources.


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LIFE SKILLS Resiliency

Resilience & Growth Mindset Posters Short quotes make a strong impact. This bumper set of 40 different posters has thought-provoking, hard-hitting and positive messages designed to motivate and inspire your students.

best seller

Every so often a truly groundbreaking idea comes along. This is one. Developed by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, the theory of Growth Mindset is based upon the principle that a person’s most basic abilities can be developed by hard work; brains and talent are just the starting point. Crisply worded and to the point, these messages are designed to help students understand the importance of resiliency, grit, determination, perseverance and character building. These full colour A3-size posters are presented in a display folder and assemble together aspirational quotes, a selection of which are shown below. All ages

Ref: 502-50283-259 £79.95*

For even more resources visit our website


LIFE SKILLS Resiliency

Inner Strength Cards


Help students build resiliency and self-esteem by finding their inner strengths By Nikki Giant Use these Inner Strength Cards in discussions and other activities to help young people to adopt a more positive, healthy mindset, strengthen their inner sense of self and become more emotionally intelligent. The Inner Strength Cards can support the process of positive thinking and help young people to: • Cope with stressful events • Manage disappointments and setbacks • Build healthy, long-lasting relationships • Be motivated to set and reach goals

A skills-based programme to support achievement in young people By Ruth MacConville This practical book is in four sections: • Theory of resilience and key concepts related to the programme • Staff preparation and PowerPoint • 12 session student programme • Developing the work in school. The concepts covered in the programme include: FREE CD ROM • Visualise success, think good and feel good • Managing stress and bounce-back muscles • Persistence, goal setting and action plans • Friendship, relationships, social capital and social smarts. There are comprehensive facilitator’s notes which provide guidance on the content and structure for the sessions as well as all the necessary resources.

They can be used with groups or on a one-to-one basis in a formal environment such as at school and other educational settings or informally at home. Includes additional cards with introductory material, hints/tips and instructions for different activities. Age 11-16

55 cards 90 x 130mm £24.95*

Resiliency Bingo An engaging and educational game on developing and maintaining skills in users to help them ‘bounce back’

All ages


For Teens Ref: 13-6197-259

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182 page A4 wire-o-bound book Ref: 77-50172-259 £46.25

Teen Resiliency-Building Workbook

Resiliency - the ability to bounce back from life’s difficulties and challenges in a healthy way - is becoming a popular model. Teach its attributes and strengths use this fun bingo activity to teach these attributes and strengths: This includes: • Coping skills • Self-awareness • Internal motivation • Honesty • Trust. Looks at five main areas: • The home/family environment • In social situations and with others • Negative, unhealthy attitudes or actions • At school • About myself, demonstrating resiliency on a personal level. Age 13-Adult


Building Resilience

• Develop and maintain selfconfidence

Ref: 386-50378-296

Shrinking the Smirch

A workbook to help young people manage stress, gain confidence, resist peer pressure and stay healthy By Jo Johnson This unique workbook for teenagers asks them to pretend all their tricky thoughts and feelings are coming from a smirch, an imaginary friend, a mind bully who wants to pull them into the pit of despair. The book helps users work out what their smirch makes them think, feel and do and create an image or description of their own smirch; it includes twenty practical ways to shrink their smirch, ideas based on psychological approaches that have been proven to work including narrative therapy, CBT, ACT, systemic and solution-focused models as well as mindfulness and positive psychology. This book addresses relevant issues including: • low confidence • peer and academic pressure • anxiety • social media Age 12-21 136 pages paperback Ref: 77-50444-259 £22.99


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01604 870986

Workbook to provide teenagers with the requisite skills they need to manage their emotions and to develop and maintain resiliency By Dr John J. Liptak & Ester A. Leutenberg The Teen Resiliency-Building Workbook contains five separate sections to help students learn more about themselves and how to build the resiliency which will enable them to thrive in times of adversity, change and stress. They will learn about the importance of building resiliency skills to turn change and stress into opportunities and challenges, to live life zestfully, and to take positive actions in order to live their lives with less stress. The five sections of the book include: • Optimistic Outlook Scale identifies how optimistically we view and live life • Sense of Control Scale explores the extent to which we believe we have control over what happens in our lives • Sense-of-Self Scale explores the strength of our self-esteem, self-confidence and selfconcept • Ability to Bounce Back Scale increases our ability to bounce back and recover from a setback. Age 11-19

122 pages A4 wire-o-bound book Ref: 446-50173-259 £45.00



The Resiliency Skills Handbook How to develop lifelong skills in social and emotional resilience By Steve Burns This mammoth collection of quick, engaging and effective activities brings together techniques adapted from NLP, Life-Coaching and Positive Psychology to provide an essential and flexible classroom resource for teachers working with students to promote the key skills of social and emotional resilience.

Bounce Back Game An educational game to teach resiliency skills Designed to encourage students to become more aware of the resiliency skills that may help them reduce and cope with the stress in their lives. These skills include: • Co-operation • Optimism • Attentiveness • Empathy • Curiosity • Independence.

Bounce Back is intended to help students learn the values of using these skills to solve both everyday problems and more serious “crisis”. Especially useful for those who are considered “at risk”. Game board - 3 decks of problem and crisis cards and the Bounce Back pack. Age 11-18 Ref: 45-1486-259

Strength Cards


best seller


Resiliency Skills Handbook How to develop lifelong skills in social and emotional resilience Steve Burns

best seller

Comprehensive, accessible and tried-and-tested classroom lessons are provided and crossreferenced throughout for easy identification in all the following areas: • Self-Awareness – Knowing myself; Understanding my feelings • Managing My Feelings – Managing how I express my emotions; Changing uncomfortable feelings and increasing pleasant feelings • Motivation – Working towards goals; Persistence, resilience and optimism; Evaluation and reviewing • Empathy – Understanding the thoughts and feelings of others; Valuing and supporting others • Social Skills – Building and maintaining relationships; Belonging to groups; Solving problems including interpersonal ones. The resource includes exercises, stories, games and puzzles. They are suitable for either one-off lessons, looking at specific issues, or can be delivered as a series of developmental sessions which can also be adapted for accreditation. Age 11-18

124 pages Ref: 386-50144-259 £64.95


best seller

Positive Thinking Game

54 cards to produce positive solutions to problems using our strengths The 54 cards display a simple graphic with a positive concept to create a versatile tool to reinforce the important principle: we all have strengths! It’s a very versatile resource that will help users to concentrate on producing positive solutions to problems.

All ages 54 laminated full colour cards 150 x 120mm 2-part upright cardboard box 40 page booklet of suggested uses. Ref: 99-1667-259 £37.95*

Incentive Plus is the UK’s largest supplier of social, emotional, behavioural, mental health and wellbeing resources.

Maintains the premise that thought is the source of our emotional states

Visit to see our full range of products to help you raise the achievement and fulfil the potential of all young people.

This game is helpful in addressing emotional difficulties such as anxiety, depression, anger/rage and general low esteem. Suitable for groups.

By becoming more aware of our self-talk and cognitive responses to situations, we can better control or select our emotions.

Age 9-18

2-6 players Ref: 45-1621-259 £49.95*

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Decisions & Choices

Activities to Help Young People Deal with Decisions & Choices


Teen Choices Workbook Enable young people to be confident in making a multitude of choices

20 choices and decision-making activities

By Ester A. Leutenberg & John J. Liptak

By Stephanie George & Patricia Andrews-Wardell

The important choices that young people face may affect their growth and development positively or negatively. This workbook guides them in acting responsibly, taking into consideration past decisions and the consequences of those choices. Through self-assessment and roleplaying students will:

A resource to support teachers and pastoral staff to help students navigate the choices, well-being and character development journeys that they make each and every day. Here are 20 Choices and DecisionMaking activities that cross the bridge between the pastoral and curriculum aspects of learning, including:

• Analyse factors that influence their decisions • Examine how they make choices about friends, best friends and dating • Explore how accepting and receptive they are to people who are different from themselves • Consider past choices that were not successful and outline more effective decision-making techniques • Investigate the positive and negative risks they have taken.

• Self-Assessment • Action Plan • Choices at 16 • Choices at 14

Age 11-18 A4, 80 pages, photocopiable Ref: 386-50374-259 £35.00




30 discussion cards on a wide range of PSHE topics including fairness, bullying, risktaking and social responsibility

Age 11-19

Quandaries John Linstead

By John Linstead Generate discussion with a difference by posing these quandaries and encouraging responses by asking the questions given. Take it a stage further by finishing the session with the big/wider issue suggested. The areas covered include: • Equality • Rule breaking • Bystanders • Cyberbullying • Alcohol • Strangers • Online safety • Courage • Animal cruelty • Litter • Climate change • Graffiti Age 9-14

The activities and exercises will fundamentally equip teenagers to manage thoughts and feelings about making effective decisions in the future.

30 A5 cards

Ref: 386-50375-259 £29.95*

Incentive Plus is the UK’s largest supplier of social, emotional, behavioural, mental health and well-being resources. Visit to see our full range of products and to download your FREE resource.

125 pages

Ref: 446-11020-259 £45.00

Talking Box: Moral Dilemmas By Stephanie George Drawing on real-life dilemmas, this Talking Box offers a way to explore, debate, discuss, consider, review and deliberate on moral issues with young people. The dilemmas cover a broad range of issues such as:

Maureen is a Year 8 student who has a medical condition that means she cannot always attend school. The school is understanding of the situation.

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Maureen states that one of the girls has stolen her favourite pen, but Maureen has actually hidden the pen in her bag.

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Students are encouraged to use the skills of enquiry, examination and questioning to openly and deeply interrogate each scenario.

25 dilemma cards, 12 guidance cards, A5 Age 11-16

Ref: 386-50383-259


What Would You Do If ... ? Discussion Cards Choices Covers issues that young people face in today’s society This unique resource covers topics that present concern in a young person’s life. This set includes 30 laminated discussion cards which cover drugs, mobile phones, Internet chat-lines and others important issues. Also included in the set is a supporting CD Rom which contains the same 30 printable activity sheets together with full instructions and suggestions for use including a description of Edward de Bono’s Thinking Hats.

Includes a supporting CD Rom. 30 cards.

[email protected]

Maureen accuses one of her friends of going into her pencil case without asking and this escalates to a situation where both girls are shouting at each other in the classroom.

• Peer pressure • Detention • Lying • Fighting • Stealing • Cheating • Jealousy • Lost possession • Being on report • Achievement • Borrowing an item • Smoking • Intimidation • Homework • Social media • Rudeness

Age 11+


Maureen has just returned to school after a bout of illness and hospitalisation. On her return to school she feels that she has lost many of her friends.

Maureen’s Dilemma

By Eve Wilson



A resource to encourage discussion of moral issues

Ref: 199-5617-259




Great Motivational Quotations Posters Featuring the sharpest business minds of the 20th and 21st centuries, these inspirational quotations will engage students of all ages in entrepreneurial thinking and spur them on to achieve their personal goals and ambitions. Set of 12 posters. Size A3 All ages

Ref: 386-50053-259


value PURCHASE 2 SETS OF POSTERS AT A SAVING Great Motivational Quotations Posters - set of 2 Ref 386-50148-259 £56.95* set To order by phone call

01604 870828



Teen Workbook Series Fully photocopiable workbooks of activities and handouts addressing essential areas affecting teenagers By Ester A. Leutenberg & Dr John J. Liptak The fully reproducible self-assessments, activities, worksheets and educational handouts in these workbooks help teenagers engage in self-reflection, examine their thoughts and feelings, learn new skills and explore ways to lead healthier, happier lives. Available as a value set or as individual titles, each workbook addresses a specific mental health or life skills issue.

best seller

Teen Anger Workbook Reproducible activities which deal with anger issues This workbook is organised into five sections focusing on: • What triggers feelings of anger

• Identifying how prone individuals are to anger and angry reactions, and the strength of these angry feelings

Activities and worksheets to tackle bullying and aggressive behaviour This workbook has six sections, each addressing an aspect of aggression and bullying. The tasks in the book use three psychological tools to manage aggressive feelings. Throughout the activities focus on: • Engaging in self-reflection

• Identifying ways of expressing this anger

• Examining thoughts and feelings that lead to feelings of aggression

• Exploring adverse effects of uncontrolled anger in relationships and life

• Learning effective tools and techniques for managing these feelings.

• Gaining a better understanding and development of skills in anger management.

Role-playing exercises enhance empathy and allow young people to practise assertive bully prevention strategies.

Age 11-19

121 pages Ref: 446-10949-259 £45.00

Age 11-19

132 pages

Ref: 446-10914-259 £45.00

Teen Stress Workbook

Teen Respect of Self & Others Workbook

Assessments, activities and handouts to tackle teenage stress

Equip teenagers to be successful in the development of personal and professional life through learning about respect

Help teenagers identify the primary reasons they are feeling stress, find better ways to use their new-found stress management skills to feel more confident and less helpless, and to cope and make better choices when responding to stress. The five sections include: • How do I know when I’m stressed? • My stressors • Eustress versus distress • Stressed for success • How I deal with my stress. Age 11-19

120 pages Ref: 446-50174-259 £45.00

This workbook is packed full of exercises about self-respect and respecting others. It will help individuals to: • Identify their own level of self-respect by exploring self-confidence, self-efficacy, selfacceptance and self-love • J udge how respectful they are to other people • Explore their level of generosity • Find out how considerate and respectful they are to the environment • Identify their altruist level and ways to be of service in the community. Age 11-19 122 pages Ref: 446-11019-259

Teen Self-Esteem Workbook

Teen Friendship Workbook

A workbook of exercises focusing on selfesteem in young people

The activities in this workbook enable young people to learn about themselves and the fundamental skills needed to develop and maintain healthy friendships. Students will discover and understand better the importance of these skills for living in harmony with friends. The sections of the book address five key areas:

Through combining three effective tools in five accessible sections, this book enables young people to do the following:


• Engage in self-reflection • Examine their thoughts and feelings that either enhance or detract from healthy self-esteem • Learn effective tools and techniques for building positive feelings of self-esteem and self-worth • Increase their empathy • Practise self-esteem building strategies. Age 11-19

125 pages Ref: 446-11018-259 £45.00

value VALUE! set 6

Teen Aggression & Bullying Workbook

To order by fax dial

• Characteristics of friends • Friendship skills • Communication with friends • Friendship personality • Peer pressure. Age 11-19 116 pages


01604 870986


Ref: 446-10948-259 £45.00

Ref: 446-50551-259


LIFE SKILLS Positive Solutions Posters Posters showing ways to deal with six emotional states By Eve Wilson A unique set of six A3 size posters plus a full colour A3 blank poster and an A4 laminated photocopiable black and white worksheet. All ages

Ref: 199-5582-259 £29.95*

Positive Thinking Posters Posters offering an at-a-glance guide to the thinking process By Eve Wilson These posters set out the main components of the thinking process and suggest relevant questions which enable the student to approach thinking in a logical way. A pack contains a set of seven A3 posters plus A4 photocopiable resource. All ages

Positive People Posters

Ref: 199-8259-259


Positive Learning Posters

Positive statements encouraging young people to become healthy, responsible and confident members of society

These thought-provoking posters highlight the thinking process and suggest useful questions for students to consider By Eve Wilson

By Eve Wilson

This set of 7 posters includes a general one and the others outline the characteristics of Visual, Aural and Kinaesthetic (VAK) learners to help students identify which of the learning styles mostly applies to them.

All people, but young people especially, need positive role models. All the posters are attractively illustrated to engage the students’ attention. 7 A3 size posters. All ages

Ref: 199-8260-259 £29.95*

Seven A3 posters plus a CD-Rom with questionnaires and Teachers’ Notes. All ages

Ref: 199-7177-259



Ref: 199-50552-259


Incentive Plus, PO Box 928, Northampton, NN7 9AP, UK


LIFE SKILLS Self-esteem

Self-Esteem and Life Skills (SEALS) Books

Age 12-18

The SEALS books are filled with hundreds of reproducible activity handouts for young people with age-appropriate language, graphics and illustrations. No two activities are alike even if the topic appears in more than one book. Each book includes a FREE CD Rom of activity handouts.



Topics in this title include:

Topics in this second volume cover:

• Anger management • Assertion • Awareness • Communication skills • Coping skills • Emotion identification • Goal setting • Health awareness • Money awareness • Money management • Problem solving • Risk taking • Self-esteem • Stress management • Support systems • Time management • Values clarification.

• Body image • Communication • Conflict resolution • Coping skills • Creative expression • Humour • Job readiness • Leisure skills • Nurturance • Relapse prevention • Relationships • Responsibility • Roles • Self-awareness • Self-esteem • Sexual health • Social skills • Stress management • Suicide issues • Values. Ref: 13-50091-259 £55.95

Ref: 13-50090-259 £55.95



The third volume includes activity handouts on:

Volume four covers:

• Coping skills • Expressive arts • Fear • Goal setting • Grief • Humour • Independent living/transition skills • Interpersonal skills • Leisure • Making changes • Positive outlook • Recovery • Relationships • Self-awareness • Self-esteem • Spirituality • Stress management • Supports.

value set


best seller

Ref: 13-50092-259 £55.95

• Assertiveness • Communication • Coping and recovery skills • Emotions • Goals • Grief/loss • Leisure • Money management • Physical health • Positive thinking • Relationships • Responsibility • Self-esteem • Social skills • Spirituality • Stress management • Substance abuse • Recovery • Time management. Ref: 13-50093-259 £55.95


Body Image Programme

Body Image


Assessing and Developing Self-Esteem

Ref: 13-50094-259 £212.50 Self-Esteem Bingo for Teens


Activities to develop positive and confident girls

Nikki Giant


Activities to develop positive and confident girls By Nikki Giant A structured, weekly programme enabling girls and young women to discuss and explore their personal identity while building self-esteem, selfworth and self-respect. Contents include: • Guide to setting up and running the programme • Understanding body image and identity • Activities: initial circle sharing prompts, games and icebreakers, circle affirmation activities • Activity themes: self-image, media literacy, healthy living, identity, sex and relationships (ages 11-14), body celebration and self-love • Developing a peer-led leadership programme (ages 11-14) A4, approx. 150 pages, photocopiable Age 7-14 Ref: 386-50570-259 £45.00


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An easy way to explore a FREE CD ROM young person’s self-esteem By E A Morris With this resource a self-esteem indicator is used to explore a young person’s self-esteem, their sense of self, belonging and personal power. Its key features are that it: • Provides a quick and informal assessment • Offers a practical facility for reassessment • Has age-related activities designed for individuals and whole classes • Is an innovative, photocopiable resource Its purpose is to assess and develop self-esteem at secondary level and to provide follow-up activities for intervention. Includes teacher guidance and is suitable for group and individual work. 150 pages A4 Ref: 386-50042-259 £45.00 Age 11-16

[email protected]

Explore the subject of self-esteem with this familiar and fun game By Estelle Leutenberg & Kathy Korb-Khalsa Self-esteem is an essential topic for teens in schools. Use this game to explore five different areas: • Benefits of self-esteem • Self-esteem busters • Self-esteem boosters • Acknowledging strengths • Taking responsibility Includes two photocopiable handouts: ‘Affirmations for increasing self-esteem’ and ‘Ways to increase self-esteem’. Ref: 13-4059-259 £45.95* Age 11-18

LIFE SKILLS Personal Skills

YOUR CHOICE - A Personal Skills Course for Young People

By Shay & Margaret McConnon YOUR CHOICE provides teachers with practical interactive lessons, which enable students to understand their

best seller

own beliefs, feelings and behaviours and those of their peers, in a safe environment. The modules also provide them with the ability to identify areas where they need to acquire skills in the management of their emotions and encourages the setting of achievable goals. The material is an easy-to-use course of activities and strategies with accompanying photocopiable master worksheets. Each manual represents about a term’s work on a specific aspect of personal skills development with structured lesson plans and suggestions for further work. Age 11-16

Boyfriends, Girlfriends Identifying and evaluating behaviours, attitudes and personal qualities that help and hinder boy/girl relationships: • Common problems • Relationship issues •Feelings and gender issues • Realistic perceptions. Ref: 464-2114-259 £29.50

• Behaviour • Attitudes.



Ref: 464-2112-259 £29.50

• • • •

Ref: 464-2109-259 £29.50




Interpersonal Communication Awareness of communication as a two-way process:


• Managing feelings • Coping • Anger • Depression • Self-esteem. Ref: 464-2110-259 £29.50


Decision Making

• Solutions • Smoking • Alcohol • Drugs • Careers. Ref: 464-2111-259 £29.50


Ref: 464-2116-259 £29.50


The importance of making people feel welcomed and valued, the qualities of trust, empathy and some ‘dos and don’ts’ of friendship:

Ref: 464-50285-259

• Empathy • Trust • Active listening. Ref: 464-2117-259 £29.50


Assertiveness Aggressive, passive and assertive responses are contrasted and the consequences of these ways of behaving are explored: • Verbal and non-verbal skills

Awareness of the extent and range of decisions required in everyday life and developing the life skills for making effective decisions:

Listening Body language Turn taking Interrupting.

Being proud! Choices Self-worth Positive stickers.

Skills of Friendship

Awareness of feelings and accepting responsibility for them and developing effective coping strategies:

• Negotiations • Responses • Behaviour change.


Increase students’ awareness of how they can be more positive about themselves:

• Health • Assertiveness • Organisation • Friends • Relaxation. FREE CD

Rules Leaders Roles Decisions Difficulties.


Nature and causes of stress and developing techniques for managing stress effectively:

Why conflict occurs, how this can be escalated or diffused and introducing these situations:

value set

Ref: 464-2108-259 £29.50



Ref: 464-2120-259 £29.50

• • • • •

• Values

• Winners • Losers • Consequences.

• • • •

Understanding how groups can function more effectively: • Co-operation

• Identity

Understand what friendship is and explore qualities and behaviours which promote good relations between people:

Ref: 464-2119-259 £29.50


Awareness of self and clarity about life goals:

Nature of Friendship

Ref: 464-2115-259 £29.50



• Saying no • Different responses. Ref: 464-2118-259 £29.50



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01604 870828



Alcohol & Drug Education

Drunk & Disorderly Goggles Simulate the harmful visual, bodily and reactionary disruption that alcohol misuse can cause with these incredibly realistic impairment goggles. They deliver a powerful message about irresponsible drinking and replicate the stark dangers of being drunk

best seller

An outstanding way to educate about the shocking effects of alcohol consumption, these Drunk & Disorderly Goggles will instantly simulate the destructive physical effects of drinking too much. They simulate: • Reduced alertness • Slowed reaction time • Confusion • Visual distortion • Alteration of depth and distance perception • Reduced peripheral vision • Poor judgement and decision making • Double vision • Lack of co-ordination. They offer a very realistic simulation of alcohol impairment and each represents an approximate range of units for the ‘average’ person consuming alcoholic drinks in quick succession, but under ‘average’ circumstances.

Drunk & Disorderly Goggles are perfect for educating about the shocking physical consequences of abusing alcohol. Ideal for use in schools, colleges, underage drinking and drug awareness programmes, alcohol and drug treatment programmes, alcohol support groups and safety management.

“Colleagues had a very positive reaction to using the goggles and found them to be fun and effective, although with a serious message behind them about the dangers of alcohol use. They are adaptable and there are so many things you could do with them; the list is endless. It has provoked both debate and a consideration of the issues within the team.” Jane Barker Thomas, Drug training Co-ordinator, Wolverhampton

Each set of goggles progressively shows the impairment which irresponsible drinking can lead to, with the Low Level goggles offering an excellent insight into the initial stages of drunkenness, while the Extreme Level goggles display the serious impairment irresponsible drinking can lead to. All ages

“Very educational [and] excellent in evoking a discussion – all professionals want them for when they are working with young people!” Charlotte Gordon, Senior Drug & Alcohol Worker/ Trainer, Hertfordshire

“Very good and realistic… useful as a harm reduction tool.” Sandra Delahunty, Alcohol Project Co-ordinator, Lighthouse Project, Liverpool

All goggles come in a cloth carrying bag and include an Instructor’s Guide.

Extreme Level, Low Light Simulates drinking 16-20 units – Dark lens, extreme impairment in a low light environment e.g. nightclub or driving at night-time Equivalent to: • 6-7 pints of strong lager • 5-6 large glasses of wine Low Level, Low Light • 12-13 shots of vodka Simulates drinking 8-9 units – Ref: 383-50162-259 £86.95* Dark lens, relatively strong impairment in a low light environment e.g. a nightclub or Low Level driving at night-time Simulates drinking 5-7 units – Clear Equivalent to: lens, moderate impairment • 3-3½ pints strong lager • 3 large glasses wine • 6-7 shots vodka

Equivalent to: • 2-2½ pints strong lager • 2 large glasses wine • 4-5 shots vodka

Ref: 383-9944-259 £86.95*

Ref: 383-9943-259 £86.95*

High Level, Low Light

High Level Simulates drinking 10-14 units – Clear lens to simulate strong impairment

Simulates drinking 12-16 units – Dark lens, very strong impairment in a low light environment e.g. nightclub or driving at night-time

Equivalent to: • 4-5 pints strong lager • 4 large glasses wine • 9-10 shots vodka

Equivalent to: • 5-6 pints strong lager • 4½-5 large glasses wine • 11-12 shots vodka

Ref: 383-9945-259 £86.95*

Ref: 383-9946-259 £86.95*

value set 10


Guide to symbols

CD Rom


P Photocopiable



Ref: 383-50163-259 £413.00*


Alcohol & Drug Education

Drug Goggles Simulate the harmful disruption that taking drugs can cause with these incredibly realistic impairment goggles

Drug Goggles are ideal for use in schools, colleges, underage drinking and drug awareness programmes, alcohol and drug treatment programmes, drug support groups and safety management. All ages

All goggles come in a cloth carrying bag and include an Instructor’s Guide.

Drug Goggles

Cannabis (Marijuana) Goggles

Drug Goggles simulate many of the effects of using illegal drugs including: • Disorientation • Altered space perception • Vertigo • Lack of concentration • Image distortion • Memory problems • Feelings of euphoria. Ref: 383-50097-259

value set


Smoking marijuana can affect your ability to perform simple tasks, it impairs concentration and co-ordination, it can cause slowed reaction time, and can result in short-term memory loss. Smoking marijuana can also result in a feeling of nausea, which these goggles simulate. They are a useful training tool to enlighten young people. Ref: 383-50098-259 £86.95*


Ecstasy/Molly/LSD Goggles The effects of using Ecstasy (Molly) are impaired judgement, blurred vision, confusion, a distorted perception of colour and an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) is a hallucinogen that is making a comeback. Combined with impaired depth perception, these goggles simulate effects of using Ecstasy/Molly or a bad LSD trip. Ref: 383-50099-259 £86.95*

Ref: 383-50100-259



Low Level

Drug Goggles

value set

Low Level, Low Light

High Level

High Level, Low Light

Cannabis (Marijuana) Goggles

Extreme Level, Low Light

Ecstasy/Molly/LSD Goggles


Ref: 383-50386-259


To order by post send to

Incentive Plus, PO Box 928, Northampton, NN7 9AP, UK



Alcohol & Drug Education Alcohol CD Rom

Thought-provoking activities on the issue of alcohol including how to avoid risky situations By Ashley Ross & Sue Neame Session plans on CD Rom using discussion and practical activities to cover the big issue of alcohol. The activities present information regarding the law and facts, and put young people in decision-making situations. The thoughtprovoking activities will help youngsters consider how to avoid risky situations where alcohol might adversely affect their judgement. Information and resource sheets to accompany the activities are ready to print out. Contents include: • Understanding units of alcohol • Alcohol quiz • Alcohol and drugs – what are the facts? • Alcohol and drugs – what are the risks? • Alcohol and driving • Alcohol and sex • Alcoholism and addiction • Circle Time activity • Binge drinking • Alcohol in society. Age 11-16

Drugs Education DVD Encourage discussion about drugs with this thoughtprovoking video drama, lesson plans and PowerPoint This drugs education programme has a principle focus on two issues: • The effect drug use has on relationships and the legal issues surrounding the use of recreational drugs • To provide information on the types and effects of drugs both medical and psychological The programme is designed to be delivered in three lessons. By discussion students will define their own ideas about drugs. The video drama has a narrative running through from a drug dealer who believes he is providing a service to society. It is only in the final frames of the video that it is clear that he is in prison. 156-50500-259 £79.95* Age 11-18

Ref: 54-50031-259 £29.95*


• How alcohol affects decision making • Can you drink and be safe? 156-50502-259

Age 11-18


Marijuana the Gateway Drug DVD Illustrates the dangers of the lure into deadlier drugs and their disastrous outcomes

By Sue Neame & Ashley Ross An easy to use and flexible planned programme of comprehensive lesson plans. The lesson plans include learning objectives, starter activities, main activity and include resource sheets, and plenary sessions. They are based on active learning and address a wide range of drug related issues. The lesson plans cover: • Prescribed and nonprescribed drugs • Taking risks and making decisions • Alcohol and tobacco • Saying no • Solvent abuse • Illegal drugs • Challenges • People you can trust • Stereotyping. This popular programme can be easily adapted to your own school and student needs.

Contents: 28 lesson plans £39.95*

Incentive Plus is the UK’s largest supplier of social, emotional, behavioural, mental health and wellbeing resources. Visit to see our full range of products to help you raise the achievement and fulfil the potential of all young people.



• How alcohol affects the body

A popular and widely used publication that is flexible and simple to use

Ref: 54-1327-259

Encourage discussion about alcohol with this thoughtprovoking video drama, lesson plans and PowerPoint This resource covers key issues relating to alcohol including the effects of long-term and binge drinking, as well as the way relationships and attitudes are affected by an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. In the video drama a group of young people are drinking competitively and over time the drama shows behavioural changes typical of drinkers: aggression, irrational behaviour and a loss of reality. The lesson headings are:

Drug Education CD Rom

Age 11-16

Alcohol Education DVD

For orders or enquiries call the Customer Service Team on

01604 870828

Marijuana is known as the third cornerstone gateway drug after tobacco and alcohol because it introduces users to illegal drugs. Its mind-bending effects initiate users into a more advanced form of altered states. Its use promises excitement and adventure but delivers exposure to deadlier drugs and an unstable lifestyle. ­Features hard-hitting interviews with teenage users and an unblushing, no-holds-barred presentation by a probation officer and a former user whose brother was murdered by a dealer. This resource is hip and contemporary with arresting visuals and sounds that will appeal to a teenage audience. Age 11-18

Running time: 28 minutes

Ref: 162-10584-259 £49.95*



Alcohol Prevention Bingo Encourage students to think about the effects of drinking alcohol and how to discourage its use with this novel bingo activity

Anger Bingo for Teens


The calling cards each provide a potential topic for group involvement and discussion so that by the end of the game players will: • Understand why teenagers drink • Have been presented with the myths and facts about alcohol use • Know about the short- and longterm physical effects of drinking • Realise the truth about drinking and driving

Best-selling bingo game on anger management

• Know of ways to say no to alcohol use

This bingo game covers five areas relating to anger and its management:

Age 11-18

• Anger triggers • Anger symptoms • Anger causes

Ref: 69-5049-259


Drug Prevention Bingo Fun and informative, this bingo game teaches drug prevention in a supportive, non-threatening format


16 laminated Bingo cards, 5 sets of calling cards with 15 cards in each set, instructions, a photocopiable handout, Bingo chips. Up to 16 players Ref: 69-5854-259 £45.95*

Take a unique approach to smoking prevention by using this bingo game as a teaching resource Sixteen large laminated bingo cards address five important topics: • Why youngsters smoke • The effects of smoking • The facts about tobacco • Ways to say no • Smoking prevention activities Five sets of calling cards provide additional facts and ideas that can serve as a springboard to class discussion. Age 11-18

Age 13-19

Ref: 13-3077-259



Help teens address and handle the stresses in their lives by learning easy-toimplement coping skills

• Why young people use drugs • Recognising drug problems • Effects of drug use • Saying ‘No’ • Drug facts. Calling cards provide information that expands on the teaching points introduced in the game.

Smoking Prevention Bingo

Includes a photocopiable handout ‘How to Control and Prevent Anger’.

Coping Skills Bingo

Topics include:

Age 12-18

• Anger control • Anger prevention.


Teens are especially vulnerable to stress. Add to the usual vulnerability of the teenage years the present-day situation of uncontrollable world events and there is a recipe for anxiety and stress. Includes 16 laminated bingo cards, chips, five sets of calling cards, facilitator instructions, reproducible laminated handout. Age 11-14 Ref: 13-6903-259 £45.95*

Conflict Resolution Bingo


Teach conflict resolution in a fun and educational way As students play Conflict Resolution Bingo, they learn 25 different concepts about conflict resolution. Each concept has a reproducible activity sheet to further explore the ideas. Playing this game will empower students to resolve conflicts both in and out of schools with the skills learnt. Age 11-14

Ref: 13-6906-259 £45.95*

Ref: 69-5050-259 £45.95*

value set


Ref 13-50571-259

For even more resources visit our website




Activities to Help Young People Deal with Stress & Anxiety

The Anxiety Workbook for Teens Over 40 activities to help young people relieve anxiety

Young people will gain an understanding of stress and learn coping strategies with these activities

By Lisa M Schab This self-help workbook gives young people a collection of tools to control their anxiety and face day-to-day challenges. It provides an insight into problems, as well as practical ways to overcome them. The activities include:

best seller

By Stephanie George This book offers a range of activities that include identification of stress, assessment, the impact of stress upon a young person, relaxation techniques and other ways that help learners to manage stress and anxiety. The content covers: • What is stress and anxiety – Definitions • Recognising stress and anxiety – What happens when I am stressed? Why I need to do something about it • Managing stress and anxiety – Coping strategies and techniques • Moving forwards with coping.

• Seeing the bigger picture • Talking it through • Eating and anxiety • Managing fears and phobias. Age 13-19

156 pages Ref: 391-10092-259 £17.95

Managing Stress 12-session programme that addresses the stressors associated with adolescence By Tina Rae The sessions in this programme have been designed to help students: • Increase self-esteem, self-concept, co-operation and empathy • Understand how a positive attitude towards change can minimise stress • Understand the nature and causes of stress, and how stress is person-specific • Recognise their own optimum stress levels • Recognise reactions and behaviours which both reduce and increase stress • Develop joint problem-solving skills within a supportive framework • Understand the importance of emotional support in coping effectively with stress • Understand how a healthy lifestyle can reduce stress • Develop the ability to organise work and social agendas to reduce stress • Understand the difference between aggression and assertion • Develop and practise assertiveness skills, understanding how such skills can help manage stress • Understand how stress can adversely affect muscles and breathing. The session plans all incorporate detailed facilitator notes regarding delivery and approaches. Age 11-18

204 pages Ref: 409-10651-259 £45.95

Relaxation Through Sound and Vision DVD

120 pages A4 wire-o-bound book Ref: 386-50147-259 £35.00

Age 10-18


Stress Bingo for Teens An engaging and educational game about stress and ways to reduce it Teaches the basics of stress management and reviews five important stress areas specifically targeting teens: • External stressors • Internal stressors • Physical stress symptoms • Emotional/behavioural stress symptoms • Stress relievers. Using the five sets of calling cards enables the players to review and personalise how these factors affect individual stress management styles. Age 11-18

Ref: 13-3054-259 £45.95*

Music and images to enhance feelings of well-being Music and images based around the four seasons by John Evans A unique and outstanding collection of beautiful music and stunning images to delight the senses and provide a calm and tranquil environment. Whether in a learning, nurturing or caring establishment this extensive collection of especially composed music and original accompanying photographic artworks will provide important moments of calm, serenity and reflection – all activities that are important contributors to an overall sense of well-being.

Relaxation through sound and vision Journey through the seasons

• Learning environments • Thinking time/meditation • Relaxation • Visualisation • Healing A ‘must-have’ for schools, groups and all organisations where introducing a moment of calm and serenity into a busy day will make life so much better.


Ref: 386-50290-259 £19.95*

To place an order call

01604 870828 or fax

Visit to see our full range of products to help you raise the achievement and fulfil the potential of all young people.

John Evans

This versatile resource is suitable for

All ages

Incentive Plus is the UK’s largest supplier of social, emotional, behavioural, mental health and wellbeing resources.

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MENTAL HEALTH & WELL-BEING Anxiety & Stress Little Tin of Big Worries

Little Tin of Teenage Worries

70 discussion cards to tackle the worries and anxiety in young people

70 discussion cards to tackle those problematic issues that teenagers face

By Eve Wilson & Katie Sarl

By Eve Wilson & Katie Sarl

The card set outlines 70 common worries for discussion, grouped into five main areas: friendship, home and family, school and society, personal, and the world around. Examples include: no one talking to you, parents splitting up, your appearance, moving home and bullies. There’s even a “?” card for you to add your own worry.

The card set outlines 70 common worries for discussion, grouped into five main areas: relationships, lifestyle, safety issues, life skills and local/world issues. Examples include: peer pressure, an unplanned pregnancy, having the wrong phone, getting in trouble with the police, knowing if I’m gay, feeling depressed and being a victim of cyberbullying.

There are also six strategy cards with ideas on how to handle the concerns and to help players decide on an appropriate way to tackle each individual worry. The strategies are:

There are also seven strategy cards with ideas on how to handle the issues and to help players decide on an appropriate way to tackle each individual worry. The strategies are:

• Asking for help • Looking for the positive • Taking preventative action • Realising when it is someone else’s worry • Finding information • Knowing when a worry needs to be discarded.

• Is there anything I can do to stop this happening • Are there any positives to this • Can I ask someone for help • Is it my worry or does it belong to someone else • Do I have all the facts or do I need more information • How likely is this to happen • Let it go.

The cards can be used across a wide spectrum of ages and situations as each user interprets the worries in their own way and will relate them to their own experiences.

70 worry cards, 7 solution cards, teachers’ notes in a storage tin. Age

70 worry cards, 6 solution cards, teachers’ notes in a storage tin Age



value set

Ref: 199-50001-259 £29.95*

Starving the Anxiety Gremlin

best seller

Ref: 199-50015-259 £29.95* VALUE! BUY BOTH TINS AT A SAVING Ref: 199-50170-259 £56.95*

Starving the Stress Gremlin

Starving the Anger Gremlin



A cognitive behavioural therapy workbook on anxiety management

A cognitive behavioural therapy workbook on stress management

A cognitive behavioural therapy workbook on anger management

By Kate Collins-Donnelly

By Kate Collins-Donnelly

By Kate Collins-Donnelly

The Anxiety Gremlin loves to eat anxious feelings, and the more anxious you feel, the more he eats and the bigger he gets! This unique resource helps young people understand different types of anxiety and how to manage them, including panic attacks, phobias, social anxiety, generalised anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder.

The Stress Gremlin loves to feed on your stress and as he gets bigger you get more stressed! This workbook shows young people how our thoughts are related to our behaviour and emotions, allowing them to understand why they get stressed, the effects of stress and how to manage it.

The Anger Gremlin is a troublesome pest whose favourite meal is your anger, and the more he eats the angrier you get!



166 pages

Ref: 48-50287-259 £12.95

value set



136 pages

Ref: 48-50427 -259


The activities help young people understand why they get angry, how their anger affects themselves and others, and teaches them how to manage angry thoughts and behaviours. Age 11-18

88 pages

Ref: 48-50425-259



To order online visit



MENTAL HEALTH & WELL-BEING Domestic Violence, Suicide & Depression After I’m Gone: Suicide Awareness DVD

Friday Night Shirt DVD High-quality educational resource pack about abusive relationships for use in PSHE

This program takes a haunting look at teen suicide from the perspective of Cari, a young girl who appears to have taken her life due to relentless abuse from her parents and peers

This award-winning film, funded by world-famous author JK Rowling, tells the story of a young woman ending an abusive relationship and starting a new life with her daughter. The film is designed to raise important discussion points. Accompanying guidance cards offer: • 16 questions relevant to the DVD drama, with 4 exercises • Background information • Where to get help.

As Cari observes life from the other side, she meets Christine, an older more rebellious spirit, who reluctantly acts as her guide and confidante. Together they observe Michael, an artist friend of Cari’s, who has also been the victim of bullying and abusive parents. In desperation Michael begins to contemplate suicide, a helpless Cari is suddenly forced to revisit her own nightmares and find a way home.

Running time: 15 mins Age 11-18 Ref: 246-8229-259 £32.95*

Age 15+

Ref: 501-11361-259


Home Truths DVD Five young people tell of their experiences of domestic violence This film shows young people responding positively to five very different situations. Each takes some action: • Telling friends or a trusted adult • Contacting voluntary or statutory agencies • Asserting their right to live in a safe environment, free from violence. Home Truths tackles some of the myths about domestic violence: • That it is a private matter • That it’s the woman’s or child’s fault • That the men involved can’t help it • That it only arises in families from specific class and cultural backgrounds. An accompanying booklet containing background information and suggestions of ways to develop work with the DVD is included. Age 11-13

Running time: 12 mins Ref: 189-6551-259


The Teen Relationship Workbook & Card Game A resource enabling teachers to help adolescents develop an understanding of abuse

By Lisa M Schab This self-help workbook is an invaluable tool in providing a comprehensive approach to treating depressed teenagers. The 40 illustrated activities include: • Helping teenagers to be more assertive • Finding ways to make friends • Handling conflicts • Dealing with sad and difficult things.

Evaluating Your Relationships Understanding Abuse Social Influences Building Healthy Relationships • Making Good Decisions • Review.

A4 135 pages Ref: 13-1803-259

To order by email contact


Beyond The Blues

• • • •


A groupwork approach to self-harm By Sarah Hodgkins Positive Focus introduces a sevensession groupwork framework which has been designed to support young people who self-harm. The group aims to encourage young people to develop alternative coping strategies for dealing with their feelings, thereby reducing the need to self-harm. Each session includes topics such as: • Anger/Anxiety management • Relaxation • Assertion/Communication skills • Distraction/Channelling • Problem Solving • Self-control Group members will receive printed information from the sessions to take away with them and build into a support reference. The sessions will enhance the individual’s feelings of self-control and responsibility for their actions, giving them a sense of choice about how they deal with difficult situations and feelings. Ref 77-50554-259 £35.99 Age 11-18

40 activities to help teenagers who are depressed

The workbook includes 50 activities for use in group and individual sessions with 68 reproducible worksheets. 72 cards are included, which give open-ended questions that correspond to every page of the workbook. With six sections:

Age 12 -Adult

Positive Focus


[email protected]

Age 13-19

160 pages Ref: 391-10091-259



CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) can help people change how they think (‘Cognitive’) and what they do (‘Behaviour’). These changes can help them to feel better. CBT can change negative thoughts to positive ones to create a better outcome, so young people can be helped to feel better about themselves and the situations they are in.

Bridge Over Worried Waters Game

best seller

Cognitive behaviour therapy card game to help young people handle their fears and worries by modifying the way they think  The game teaches players to: • Better understand situations that trigger anxious feelings • Learn a variety of cognitive (self-talk) strategies to decrease anxious feelings • Learn a variety of behaviours (relaxation and activities) to decrease anxious feelings • Develop improved emotional competence • Improve self-esteem and self-mastery as a result of increased emotional competence.

2-5 players

Age 11+

Ref: 7-10614-259

Banish Your Body Image Thief

The book comes with a FREE CD Rom of 50 worksheets. Ref: 13-6930-259

A Clinician’s Guide to Think Good – Feel Good



240 pages


This is the companion guide to the highly successful workbook Think Good - Feel Good. It builds upon the practical material presented there by looking at the process of undertaking child focused CBT, including: • Engaging young people in CBT • Developing an individual case formulation • Undertaking Socratic questioning and inductive reasoning • How best to involve parents • Effective methods to use with young people. The book also includes psychoeducational materials for young people and their parents.


Packed with activities and real-life stories, this imaginative workbook will show you what self-esteem is, how it develops, the impact it can have and how all this applies to your own selfesteem. Using cognitive behavioural and mindfulness principles and techniques, this workbook will help you change how you think and act in order to build positive self-esteem. Ref: 48-50543-259

By Paul Stallard


By Kate Collins-Donnelly

Age 11-18

Using cognitive behaviour therapy with young people

value set

• Focusing on our strengths • Understanding mental illness • Reducing stress • Connecting with people • Expressing our positive feelings • Getting closer to people • Standing up for ourselves in a positive way • Managing anger • Using our time well • Avoiding problems with alcohol and drugs.

A CBT workbook on building positive self-esteem for young people

Using a host of activities and real-life stories, this imaginative workbook will look at what body image means, how it develops, the impact it can have and how all this applies to your own body image. Based on cognitive behavioural and mindfulness principles and techniques, it is packed with strategies that will help you change how you think and act in order to build a positive body image.

Ref: 158-7599-259

This book contains 10 modules, each with 5 sessions, which cover:

Banish Your Self-Esteem Thief

By Kate Collins-Donnelly

All ages

Practical activities to enhance coping skills using cognitive-behavioural strategies

Age 13-18


A CBT workbook on building positive body image for young people

Age 11-18 240 pages Ref: 48-50544-259 £14.95

Coping Skills Group

best seller


Ref: 48-50573-259


Think Good – Feel Good A cognitive behaviour therapy workbook By Paul Stallard This practical book links cognitive behaviour therapy with thoughts, feelings and behaviour, what they are and how they can be changed. The contents follow this format- Thoughts, feelings and what you do: • Automatic thoughts • Thinking errors • Balanced thinking • Core beliefs • Controlling your thoughts • How you feel • Controlling your feelings • Changing your behaviour • Learning to solve problems. The book also includes useful exercises and worksheets that can be applied to each unique set of problems. All ages

Ref: 158-7598-259



To order by phone call

01604 870828



Keep Your Cool DVD Resource Pack Designed to show young people that taking responsibility of their anger can help prevent conflict The goal of this programme is to help teens accept anger as a normal emotion, make them aware of anger triggers/ causes, understand anger profiles and realise how to handle their anger by keeping cool and taking charge of their feelings and actions. Included on the DVD is a printable Teachers’ guide, with discussion questions and suggested activities, making up 12 handouts. High-quality, entertaining dramatisations of each individual section of the programme are designed to help students: • Understand that losing control leads to conflict •R  ealise that they control and are responsible for their anger • Identify their anger triggers, cues and styles • L earn a problem solving attitude to defuse anger and avoid conflict. Age 12-17

Ref: 385-9285-259


Think it Through Anger Game

Activities to Help Young People Deal with Anger How to address issues relating to anger and conflict using a mentoring approach By Stephanie George These activities have a particular focus on developing skills for managing anger, conflict and relating to others. They provide specific, structured tasks that can be used during one-to-one mentoring intervention and for group work. There are 20 conflict/anger management specific activities that cross the bridge between the pastoral and curriculum aspects of learning. The activities include: • My anger triggers • Anger matrix FREE CD ROM • Initial self-assessment – relating to others • Student reassessment and evaluation • How I feel when I am angry • Ways of coping • Improving my listening • Dilemmas • Conflict – what it is and how to deal with it • What happens next? Each activity includes full instructions and any necessary worksheets to photocopy or print out. Age 10-16

A discussion board game to explore the triggers and outcomes of anger

Think it Through Anger Game

By Hilary Whates This engaging and colourful board game will encourage players to consider ways to deal with situations that may make them angry and to recognise their personal anger ‘triggers’.

Anger Game

Players move around the A discussion board game to explore the triggers board and when they land on and outcomes of anger a Situation Square they take a Solve It! card which describes an angry trigger and offers several ways to deal with it. Players must discuss and decide which they feel is the most appropriate course of action. Anger triggers featured include: • Sadness • Frustration • Embarrassment • Jealousy • Hurt • Disappointment. Ref: 386-50146-259 £47.50*

Age 10-14

A4, 74 pages

Ref: 386-50025-259


Anger Bingo for Teens Best-selling bingo game on anger management This bingo game covers five areas relating to anger and its management: • Anger triggers • Anger symptoms • Anger causes • Anger control • Anger prevention.


Includes a photocopiable handout ‘How to Control and Prevent Anger’. Age 13-19 Ref: 13-3077-259 £45.95*

The Anger Control Game This engaging game teaches young people the skills they need for effective anger control By Berthold Berg

Strategies for Anger Management Reproducible worksheets for teens By Kerry Moles This practical resource helps teens to learn how to cope with anger in healthier ways. Divided into three sections: • Understanding anger • Interventions for anger management and conflict resolution • The differences between anger and abuse. 34 subjects are covered, each has one or more photocopiable worksheet and facilitator’s information sheet outlining the purpose, background information and guidelines for leading an individual/group activity. A valuable and practical resource. Age 11-16


100 pages

To order by fax dial

Ref: 13-4566-259 £48.95*

01604 870986

Particularly helpful in treating conductdisordered young people or those with temper control problems, the objective of the game is to accumulate as many chips as possible by responding appropriately to the cards. Based on cognitive-behavioural principles, the game focuses on six skills: • Empathising with the victim • Distinguishing between aggressive and non-aggressive acts • Using self-talk to diffuse anger • Generating and evaluating alternatives to aggression • Identifying feelings underlying anger • Evaluating the opinions of others. An Anger Control Inventory helps determine which skills a child needs to develop. Can be played one to one or in a classroom group. Age 10-18

1-6 players

Ref: 152-5937-259 £48.95*

MENTAL HEALTH & WELL-BEING Anger Management Anger Management Programme

best seller

Beyond Anger Management

A practical programme of strengthbased solutions and a focus on dealing with ‘emotional hijacks’ By E A Morris This collection of ten session plans covers every aspect of running an anger management programme with secondary-aged students. By linking to emotional literacy, students will learn the skills of self-awareness, selfmanagement, impulse control, active listening, empathy, understanding of non-verbal cues, conflict resolution and mediation. The ultimate aim is to elicit in participants an optimistic outlook, a better focus, and acceptance of other people and how they VOLUM FREE CD ROM E are. Central to the programme is how to deal with angry outbursts – known as ‘emotional hijacks’ – both pre- and post-hijack. Each session plan details the aim, resources required and method, and is accompanied by reproducible student and teacher sheets. Contents: • Introduction • Suggested ways in which to use the session plans • The sessions: 1 Feelings focus, 2 Different kinds of anger, 3 What I get angry about, 4 What I can do when my anger is building up, 5 When I talk to myself 6 Melt down! 7 Melt down 2! 8 After the storm 9 Making ‘I’ statements 10 Rules for myself.


Age 11-16

value set

A4, 76 pages Ref: 386-10935-259 £42.50

Session plans to improve communication and assertiveness skills By E A Morris Help young people learn better communication skills, particularly when to apply the assertive option, with this practical manual. Areas covered include personal rights, body language, making requests and expressing feelings in an emotionally literate way. The exercises allow practice in being assertive, including how to say “No!” confidently. An assertiveness questionnaire enables you to monitor progress. Particularly useful as a follow-up programme to any anger management course.

best seller




The manual’s contents include: • Introduction • Assessment • Management suggestions for teachers/group facilitators • The sessions: 1 Introducing assertive behaviour, 2 What do you think you have the right to do, think and feel?, 3 Behaviour options, 4 What do I want and how can I get it?, 5 How to ask for what I want, 6 How to say “No!”, 7 Kindly speak up!, 8 More behaviour options, 9 Practice makes perfect!, 10 How assertive are you now? Age 11-16

A4, 80 pages Ref: 386-50000-259 £42.50

VALUE! BUY BOTH BOOKS AT A SAVING Anger Management Programme and Beyond Anger Management Ref 386-50010-259 £80.95

Resiliency Ball Set Balls to help build resiliency through discussion and interaction These balls are a highly effective way of building resiliency skills. They make an excellent ice-breaker or warm-up activity and are ideal for Circle Time, in large or small groups.. Throw the ball and the catcher responds to whatever is nearest their right thumb – a question, an instruction or a symbol with a specific meaning. The balls come with instruction sheets with suggestions for play. Balls are available individually or in a 6 ball value set. All ages Approximate inflated size: 20cm

Character Strength Ball

I Can Cope Ball

This ball looks at strength of character eg. why forgiveness is positive for both people, why being fair is vital to friendship and why anger control is important.

The I Can Cope Ball suggests coping skills such as stretching, drinking a glass of water, smiling and forgiving yourself. Ref: 45-6974-259 £25.95*

Ref: 45-50306-259 £25.95*

Conflict Resolution Ball

Less Stress Ball

The Conflict Resolution Ball suggests ways of resolving conflict, like compromising, listening to others and being assertive rather than aggressive.

The Less Stress Ball has techniques to make you feel less stressed like smiling, making a funny face and taking deep breaths. Ref: 45-5223-259 £25.95*

Ref: 45-50118 -259 £25.95*

Self Control Ball

Bounce Back Resiliency Ball

The Self Control Ball highlights how self control can help you at school, how important decision making is and suggests way of being self controlled.

The Bounce Back Resiliency Ball suggests ways of bouncing back, such as taking a break, asking for help and having a positive attitude.

Ref: 45-50119 -259 £25.95*

Ref: 45-50120-259 £25.95*

value set

VALUE! BUY ALL 6 BALLS AT A SAVING Ref: 45-50669-259

To order by post send to


Incentive Plus, PO Box 928, Northampton, NN7 9AP, UK



best seller

The Big Book of Blob Feelings Photocopiable Blob pictures focusing on feelings By Pip Wilson & Ian Long A special selection of Blob pictures designed for work on feelings. Arranged into three sections, the contents include: • B  lob theory - Blob Trees, the id/ego/superego, needs, shadows • Emotions - anger, calm, depression, disappointed, happy, hate, hyper, jealousy, lonely, mixed-up, numb, paranoia, rejection, sad, trauma, worry • Developmental/issues - bridge, clouds, doors, feelings, holes, pit, pitch, stairs, families, home. Each picture is accompanied by ideas and questions to kick-start class, group or one-to-one discussion. Complete book included on accompanying CD Rom. All ages

128 pages, A4 Ref: 77-7278-259 £36.99


Big Book of Blob Feelings 2 Blob pictures to initiate discussion on a whole range of feelings By Pip Wilson & Ian Long This book is a follow on from the best selling Big Book of Blob Feelings, it contains a whole range of different and generally more advanced feelings. It’s divided into four sections: • Blob Theory – Blob Tree, Bob Adlerian, Blob Attitude Scale, Blob Iceberg, Blob Maslow, Blob Plutchik’s Wheel • Blob Emotions – Bored, broken, isolated, rejected, shame, stress, tension • Blob Issues – Abuse, addictions, self-harm, sex, suicide, families • Blob Drawing the Line – Anger, behaviour, violence, sadness, relationships, personal space. Each picture is accompanied by ideas and questions to initiate class, group or one-to-one discussions. The book includes a free CD Rom which can used to project the images on to an interactive white board or easily printed off.

value set

144 pages, A4 wire-o-bound book

All ages

best seller

To help understand and control anger This set of cards provides 56 different elements of the anger cycle. The cards assist in: • Understanding what happens to make us angry (triggers)

• Facilitating a process of change away from angry responses • Learning that anger can control our lives or we can control our anger.

56 cards, 125mm x 80mm boxed, with instruction booklet

Ref: 77-10694-259 £25.75*

best seller

All ages

48 cards, 125mm x 80mm boxed, with instruction booklet

Ref: 77-10806-259


People of all ages can relate to these appealing Blob characters. So, to get people talking about feelings, turn up a card and see which Blob you get. They may be angry, happy, depressed or excited – the cards span a whole range of emotions.

All ages

best seller

48 full-colour cards 125 x 80mm, boxed, instruction booklet

Ref: 77-9264-259 £25.75*

48 full-colour cards 125 x 80mm, boxed, instruction booklet

Ref: 77-9265-259 £25.75*

For email updates of our latest offers email

These cards help the user to understand how we all relate to one another by our behaviour. The cards include:

Feelings Blob Cards

Encourages young people to talk about emotions


To help understand human behaviour

Initiate discussion and reflection about feelings

Emotions Blob Cards The groups of Blobs on these cards are acting in many familiar ‘human’ ways: celebrating, fighting, feeling left out, supporting or ignoring each other. Looking at Blobs together instead of alone enables you to explore a wide range of feelings and emotions to do with personal and social interaction.

Behaviour Blob Cards

• Feeling elated • Feeling furious • Feeling as though something is missing • The feeling of coming first and second • The feeling of not wanting to talk to one another • Putting on a mask of feeling happy or sad.

• Developing an awareness of what happens to us when we become angry

All ages



Anger Blob Cards

All ages

Ref: 77-50150-259 £37.99

[email protected]

value set



Ref: 77-50574-259


SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL SKILLS Feelings & Emotions Stones… Have Feelings Too! Cards

Funky Fish Feelings Cards


48 cards to get participants talking about feelings

52 quirky, engaging, happy, sad, afraid, shy, joyful and just plain outrageous ‘stone’ character cards! Help students build a vocabulary for naming feelings, as well as prompting dicussion about how feelings are interpreted. Each card features a delightful stone character brimming with personality and wearing a different expression. There are no words on the front of the cards, leaving the user free to interpret the feeling portrayed. On the back are three possible words for that feeling. Comes with 44 page booklet of suggested uses. 52 full colour laminated cards 100 x 150mm All ages

Ref: 99-5174-259

The Feelings Game will help young people to: • Identify and label feelings • Differentiate levels of feelings • Recognise that thoughts, not circumstances, cause feelings • Identify the cognitive errors related to negative feelings • Replace negative thinking with positive thinking.

1-6 players Age 8-18

Ref: 152-6581-259


• If the seahorse knows the fish really well, might this change his response to the emotion displayed? Ideal for ice breakers, storytelling and therapeutic conversations. £39.95*

Talk-It-Out Game

The Institute of Public Policy Research states, “Tragically for too many children the transition to adulthood is complex, messy and unsuccessful”. By Margot Sunderland Bothered aims to empower people to have thoughtful, reflective conversations with teenagers about their life experiences, so that it doesn’t have to be this way. This book is full of tools and techniques for what to say and how to be when having conversations with teenagers, underpinned by the latest research, psychology and neuroscience in adolescent development. The exercises will help teenagers to move towards real self awareness, better self-esteem and the ability to thrive. This book provides an opportunity for transformational conversations that will really make a difference. Age 11-18 150 pages A4, wire-o-bound book + CD Rom FREE CD ROM Ref: 77-11313-259 £46.25

By Berthold Berg

• Do you think the seahorse could have a different perspective from yours?

Ref: 99-50413-259

Bothered: Helping Teenagers Talk about their Feelings

The Feelings Game

• What do you think the seahorse is seeing?

Age 11-18 48 full-colour A5 cards, 24-page booklet


Helps young people gain greater control over their emotions

These cards show fish with attitude such as the flummoxed flounder, cranky crab, despondent dolphin and shy shark. Each card also features a cute little seahorse who plays the role of observer. Having an observer as a witness creates different ways of building conversations and can turn a two-person dialogue into a ‘trialogue’. For example:

A therapeutic board game designed to encourage teenagers to communicate This game supports the therapeutic process by addressing cognitive, emotional and behavioural issues that affect adolescents. A sturdy, beautifully produced game board, spinner and large colourful game cards give teens the opportunity to discuss family, friends, feelings, dreams and hopes for the future. Questions posed are thought-provoking, imaginative and sure to engage even the most resistant teen. Age 12-Adult

2-6 players Ref: 152-4512-259 £47.95*

Feelings & Emotions DVD Teaches the understanding of feelings and emotions The DVD covers 30 different human situations, from family dynamics to accident and hospital scenarios, and from office and classroom conflicts to friendship and success. Through the DVD and the accompanying ideas and activities for discussion and writing, students will: • Expand their vocabulary of emotions to express and manage feelings more appropriately • Develop empathy • Understand, respect and respond to the feelings of others • Build more successful relationships and friendships. Contents: 30 film clips covering happiness, fear, sadness, anger, surprise, motivation, calm, boredom, frustration, worry, friendliness, embarrassment, guilt, jealousy, pride, bravery, relaxation, loneliness/rejection, stress, anxiety, disgust and many more. Age 11-18 Ref: 386-10809-259 £49.95*

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Social Skills

Talkabout Second Edition Now designed specifically for adolescents or adults with special needs, this practical resource is packed with activities and games for developing social skills


Talkabout Board Game


best seller

nd EditSioencond Edition

By Alex Kelly Social competence is an essential aspect of our quality of life and this resource will help you to develop these skills with this client group. The book includes:


• Over 60 activities to develop social skills in body language, the way we talk, conversations and assertiveness





• Over a year’s worth of work on developing social skills

ss ce ac e g lin rtin on po als s i p de su ter clu to ma


• A short introduction to working with adolescents and adults with social skills difficulties • An assessment of social skills and planning sheet for intervention • Ideas for group cohesion activities to use within your groups • Forms and evaluation sheets to help with the smooth running of groups • All activities available to download to print out and use.

A4, 216 pages

All ages

Ref: 77-1775-259



s ce ac e g in in nl ort s s o pp rial e d su te clu to ma In

Game to promote social communication, self-esteem and friendship skills

The Talkabout Board Game is a journey through the week encountering a number of different social skills tasks which must be completed in order to get to the end of the week. The purpose of the game is to promote teamwork: players work with each other to achieve the goal. The game can be played at six different levels, each tackling a different skill: • Self-awareness and self esteem • Body language • Conversational skills • Friendship skills • Assertiveness skills • Any combination of the above. Age 7-16 2-6 players. Game board, 6 Talkabout character pieces, 5 sets of Talkabout Challenge Cards, 1 set of chance cards

Ref: 77-10698-259 £47.25*

Talkabout Relationships

Talkabout for Teenagers

Building self-esteem & relationship skills

Teaches social and relationship skills

By Alex Kelly

By Alex Kelly & Brian Sains

A hands-on groupwork resource ideal for teachers or anyone working with those who have difficulty making or maintaining friendships. Includes the following topics:

This practical workbook provides ready-made material for running social and relationship skills groups. It’s divided into five hierarchical modules, with each module including a five-week teaching plan with worksheets and photocopiable resources. The five modules are: • Self-awareness and self-esteem • Body language • Conversational skills • Friendship skills • Assertiveness skills. The book includes a short assessment to identify the module that is most appropriate to each and the skills within that module that are relevant. Contents: Assessment; Level 1: Talkabout Me; Level 2: Talkabout Body Language; Level 3: Talkabout Talking; Level 4: Talkabout Friends; Level 5: Talkabout Assertiveness.

• What is self-esteem? • S elf-identity: Who am I? What do I look like? • P  ersonal qualities: me/ other people • Situations and options • Introduction to relationships • Friendships • Talking and listening • Expressing feelings • Trust and responsibility. Provides practical photocopiable worksheets to help teachers work through self-esteem and relationship skills within a structural group setting. All ages

Age 11-18

A4 256 pages Ref: 77-5456-259 £39.99

value set 22

best seller

235 pages A4, wire-o-bound book Ref: 77-10452-259 £39.99


Guide to symbols

CD Rom


P Photocopiable



Ref: 77-50575-259


SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL SKILLS Straight Talk A self-discovery game for young people


By Diane Brokenshire

Building Resiliency provides a comprehensive approach to implementing policies and practices that promote and develop resiliency skills for at-risk students: • covers eleven core components necessary in a resiliency programme • provides essential background information and implementation guidelines • contains a unified set of practical learning opportunities for students

• What are 3 things you love to do? • What do you think your friends like about you?

• includes numerous student activities and useful templates.

• What is one birthday you’d like to forget? All ages

50 cards, instruction booklet, durable storage box £24.00*

Straight Talk Manual A self-esteem and life skills workbook for young people


Age 9-14

Over 200 pages, FREE CD-ROM of reproducible worksheets £29.95



Social Skills 6 Board Games

88 pages £27.95

Draw On Your Relationships Helps empower people and improve their quality of life by building on their relationships By Margot Sunderland

This is a no-nonsense, friendly and ‘right to the point’ programme on self-esteem and life skills. For use by teachers, parents and counsellors.

value set

Age 11+

Ref: 381-50129-259

By Diane Brokenshire

Ref: 464-50134-259

Developing skills to positively meet the challenges of life By Paula Galey

Straight Talk encourages players to explore their experiences, feelings and relationships and has a way of bringing people closer together. Adults like to play it too! Straight Talk is a fun and friendly card game that is easy to play and teaches communication and empathy skills. Players choose a card and answer the question. Examples of the cards are ...

Ref: 464-50133-259

Building Resiliency

best seller

Illustrated by Nicky Armstrong

best seller

Draw on Your Relationships comprises photocopiable exercises and drawings which are specifically designed to ease the process of talking about relationships. The illustrations are vital openers or triggers to help people express their perceptions or emotions far more precisely than with words alone. • Contains step-by-step guidance on using the exercises with clients and how to develop a theme when the drawings open up a rich channel of communication • The exercises can be used with individuals, a couple, parent and child, family or a group • An excellent resource for the PSHE curriculum • Includes key rules/guidelines to help people articulate their feelings • Underpins psychological insights, backed by the latest brain science All ages

232 pages Ref: 77-9975-259 £46.25

Draw on Your Emotions

best seller

Exercises and pictures specifically designed to ease the process of talking about feelings Six games to develop social and emotional skills This resource contains six different board games which address: • Morals - what would you do? • Manners – how to behave • Empathy – how others feel • Friendship – what makes a good friend? • Showing emotions – acting out • Managing emotions – mountains of emotions. The games are bright and colourful, easy to play, and are extremely good value with all six games in one box. Age


Ref: 331-9755-259 £23.95*

By Margot Sunderland This manual includes a series of illustrations which are intended to be used as photocopy originals, providing a source of effective ready-made material. Contents: Your life; Who are you?; Your feelings; Things which make life difficult; The good things in life; Feelings about placesand other people.

All ages

value set

A4 136 pages 77-1773-259 £40.99


Draw on Your Relationships and Emotions

For email updates of our latest offers email

Ref: 77-50569-259 £82.75

[email protected]



Internet Safety

Surf Safe Posters Top tips on Internet safety on A3 laminated posters By Eve Wilson This vital resource for today’s Internet society is a set of posters which outlines and reinforces 8 top tips for the safe use of chat rooms and social networking sites. The top tips are: A3 • Stay anonymous • Be private • Want to post a photo • Want lots of friends • So you want to meet • Be happy • Talk to someone • Believe … NOT! The full colour A3 posters come in packs which can be put up around the school in classrooms and strategic spots. The posters also have an accompanying FREE CD Rom which contains A4 copies of the poster which can be handed out to pupils to take home with them and an A4 guide for parents and teachers providing websites, information, help and further advice.


All ages

Surf Safe Posters Multi Pack of 5 with 1 FREE CD Rom Ref: 199-10028-259 £24.95* Cyberspace discussion cards and topics.

Surf Safe Posters Saver Pack of 10 with 2 FREE CD Roms Ref: 199-50033-259 £44.95*

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Surf Safe Posters Super Saver Pack of 15 with 3 FREE CD Roms Ref: 199-50034-259 £64.95*


Internet Safety DVD DVD showing where the potential dangers of the internet lie and how to reduce exposure to them

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.


Cyberspace Issues Discussion Cards

36 cards to encourage students to look at appropriate ways of behaving in the virtual world By Ashley Ross & Sue Neame This new resource addresses the misuse of smartphones and other mobile technology in a range of contexts in and out of the school environment.

Almost all young people are already very familiar with the internet, which many view as the natural territory of the young, with little regard for the dangers inherent in it. To address this topics covered on the DVD include:

These question-based discussion cards encourage students to think about and reflect on both the appropriate use and misuse of mobile technology. In addition, using the cards provides an opportunity to establish a considered and agreed set of ground rules to ensure appropriate behaviour is adopted in a consensual way. Topics for discussion include:

• Email and chat rooms: being careful about distributing your address • Knowing who you’re talking to, being discreet, knowing who could see your information • Social networks: how to use them, what not to publish, commercial use of your information, internet dating • Online bullying: who to trust and how to be safe • Technical safety: Firewall, viruses, malware, spyware, sites to avoid • Privacy: understanding issues of personal privacy Age 11-18



01604 870828

Mobile phones should be allowed in lessons Mobile phones and other devices should be allowed in schools.

How might mobile/smart phones help you learn? When might your mobile phone/smart phone etc help you learn? Which features or apps might be useful to you in lessons and why?

7 • Texting in lessons • Social chat rooms • Homophobic bullying • Texting in company • Sexting • Playing computer games at home • Talking face to face • Misuse of social networking sites • Agreeing school rules on use of mobile phones etc • Banning electronic devices at home • A supermarket checkout situation • Taking pictures in and out of school then posting them on social media • Celebrities and social media.

Age 11-16


For orders or enquiries call the Customer Service Team on

Online dating Use of cyber evidence in courts Gaming Texting or talking? When texting is better than talking Mobile phones should be not allowed in lessons Mobile phones should be allowed in lessons Social chat rooms Employers’ use of cyber space Job interviews Cyber bullying Cyber homophobic bullying Cyber blackmail Cyber blackmail – getting help Social media and anti social behaviour Cyber space and the Police Texting in company - phubbing Texting while driving Texting/using social media at work Sexting Sexting risks Playing computer games at home Talking face to face Misuse of social networking sites Banning mobile electronic devices A supermarket checkout situation Taking pictures in or out of school then posting them on a social media forum. Celebrities and social media Celebrities and hate mail Online gambling Online shopping Who polices the internet? Using social media to communicate with friends Grooming Using cyberspace to help others Plagiarism

36 cards 130 x 90mm Ref: 54-50036-259 £29.50*


Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti-Social Behaviour DVD & CD Rom Pack A DVD depicting anti-social behaviour with supporting CD Rom of activities, lesson plans and resources By Ashley Ross & Sue Neame These resources and lesson plans use a variety of active learning teaching strategies and provide suitable approaches for different types of learners and differing levels of ability. The programme includes: • What is anti-social behaviour? • Perceptions • How it affects different groups of people • Choices • Consequences • Respect. The topics covered include: • Graffiti • Excessive noise • Intimidating groups of young people • Chewing gum • Alcohol • Stealing cars • Aggressive behaviour.

“The DVD was very sensitive, thought provoking and realistic. It went to the heart of the matter, addressing significant issues. The lesson plans are a very useful addition for teachers and will help them make full use of the DVD without having to do a lot of preparation work.” John Allen – Key Stage 3 Manager, Kent Local Authority

Includes resource and activity sheets. Age 11-16

Ref: 54-6469-259 £49.95*

Guns & Knives DVD Resource Pack A realistic, thought-provoking education pack – a must for any school


Guns & Knives has been developed to help young people understand the real-life implications of becoming involved in a culture of guns and knives. It graphically illustrates what can happen when young people carry weapons and shows, in vivid detail, the subsequent involvement of an armed response unit. Ideal for KS3 & 4, this resource is also suitable for those at risk of exclusion, including young offenders. It advocates an extremely strong message that carrying guns and knives has grave consequences and looks at why young people resort to arming themselves with deadly weapons. All actors in the dramatisations are secondary school students and the DVD is supported by printable teacher’s notes and lesson plans on an accompanying CD Rom. Activities include: • Word searches • Interviews • Debates • Discussion starters • Role-plays • Printable card and board games • Activity sheets. This is an indispensable resource which will help young people learn about the facts, actions, consequences and legalities of carrying and using guns and knives. Age 11-16

Anti-Social Behaviour Discussion Cards Tackle the anti-social issues in today’s society with the thought-provoking questions on these discussion cards


By Ashley Ross & Sue Neame This set of cards addresses a number of key areas of low-level, anti-social behaviour including: • Drunken behaviour • Litter • Graffiti • Intimidation • Spitting • Sport and violence • Manners • Disability • Respect for adults and older people • Loud music and noise • Vandalism • Racism • Bullying • Arguing with people in authority • Animals fouling pavements and grass Each card contains a statement pertaining to the topic with a number of questions for broad discussion. The cards have been written to be used in a wide range of contexts and organisations, such as schools, pupil referral units, clubs and youth groups. 25 cards 130 x 90mm. Age


Ref: 54-50032-259


Ref: 54-9333-259



Young People with Anti-Social Behaviours Photocopiable worksheets designed to dissuade young people from engaging in antisocial behaviours By Kathy Hampson The exercises and games within this resource are suitable for use with individuals showing a multitude of bad behaviours. Areas addressed include: • Criminal damage • Theft • Racism • Bullying and truancy • Alcohol • Drugs • General anti-social behaviour.

Age 10-18

217 pages Ref: 82-10882-259 £39.95

For even more resources visit our website



Challenging Behaviours: What to know and what to do

Rob Long’s Intervention Toolbox Toolbox to tackle social, emotional and behavioural difficulties

By Andrew Chadwick

By Rob Long

If you deal with challenging behaviours this book includes strategies covering a range of special needs including autistic spectrum, Asperger’s, dyspraxia, dyslexia, depression, Tourette’s, obsessive compulsive disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and specific learning difficulties. It addresses problems such as: • Truanting • Swearing and verbal abuse • Theft • Bullying • Attention seeking • Drug abuse • Low self-esteem • Vandalism.

The Toolbox provides solutions to deal with the multi-faceted nature of challenging behaviour. It’s divided into six sections: • Physiological • Feelings • Behaviour • Cognitive • Social • Happiness. Each section provides a number of tools (interventions) that can be used depending on the age and level of understanding of the young person.

Includes case histories to provide some insight into the difficult situations teachers may encounter in the classroom. All ages

240 pages Ref: 409-10000-259 £66.95

As all problem behaviours have many component parts the Toolbox enables you to employ several interventions to comprehensively tackle challenging behaviours. Comes with a CD Rom that includes resources for putting strategies into practice. Age 5-16

110 pages

Ref: 138-10217-259 £39.95


How to End … CD-Roms Set By Dave Stott Invaluable set of three CD-Roms full of practical advice from a leading UK trainer, consultant and author on how to end lunchtime troubles, low-level disruption and exclusions.

How to End Lunchtime Troubles CD-Rom A practical assessment and training programme to help schools deal with upsetting and frustrating lunchtime disruption. Ref: 386-50029-259 £54.95* Age 11-16

How to End Low-Level Disruption CD-Rom How to create an interruption-free teaching and learning environment. Ref: 386-50028-259 £54.95* Age 11-16

How to End Exclusions CD-Rom Tackle exclusions with a three-step approach: effective prevention, provision and re-engagement. Age 11-16 Ref: 386-50002-259 £54.95*

VALUE! BUY ALL 3 CD-ROMS AT A SAVING Ref: 386-50253-259 £156.75* The Behaviour Management Toolkit

Retracking A photocopiable resource pack aimed at promoting student effectiveness

A ten session programme to help students who are at risk of exclusion

By Jenny Bates

By Chris Parry-Mitchell

Retracking sets out to guide students on a journey in three distinct stages:

This book consists of 10 sessions that make up a programme to help students who are at risk of exclusion. Each session has detailed facilitator notes and accompanying worksheets on the CD Rom. The young people learn how to think, communicate, behave, and relate to each other and other people, in more useful ways.

1. Awareness raising of the factors and experiences. 2. Understanding of their emotions and of their behaviour in a variety of settings. 3. Skills training aimed at tackling areas of difficulty.

The book offers: • Content that works for schools, Pupil Referral Units and any setting working with young people on behaviour management • Advice on dealing with common pitfalls and difficult scenarios • Guidance on how to work with parents and carers to help them understand how they can reinforce the approach at home.

Contents: 65 photocopy resources which include: • Who do I trust? • Memories • Friends • School • I am good at • Concerns • Rights and responsibilities • Good things/bad things • Excuses • Anger control • Temptations • Positive thoughts • Challenges • Problem solving • Agreements • Listening and much more. Age 11-16

Ref: 381-1186-259


value set

Everything in this book has been tried and tested with young people who are at risk within their school settings, and for most of them it has been a turning point in their lives.

A4 86 pages Age 10-18


To place an order call

01604 870828 or fax

01604 870986

121 pages Ref: 138-50197-259



BEHAVIOUR The Mentoring Toolkit


best r selleMENTORING

The essential guide for mentors THE working in any setting By Stephanie George Here is a step-by-step guide to the process THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE FOR MENTORS WORKING IN ANY SETTING of mentoring covering identification of students, resources for intervention, monitoring, assessment and evaluation. The content includes: • The mentoring process • Mentoring policy, protocols, permissions and agreements • Identification of barriers to progress and learning • Question and discussion Stephanie George prompts resources and strategy banks • Assessments and reassessments • Action plans, target setting, monitoring and review • Daily evidence records • Evaluation, feedback and exit resources A4, 112 pages , photocopiable Ref: 386-50372-259 £39.95 Age 11-18


Activities to Help Young People Build Character Character-building activities for all professionals working with young people By Stephanie George & Jeba Begum Focus on character building with these activities which cover: • Target setting • Learning character/ behaviour • Self-discipline • Assessing situations • Nurturing • Changing perspective • Positive outlook • Raising selfesteem • Building self-endurance • Personal gains • Personality test • Overcoming weaknesses and building strengths • Removing barriers • Empathy Approx 80 pages, A4, photocopiable



to help Young People

Build Character

Age 11-18

Stephanie George & Jeba Begum

Ref: 386-50576-259 £35.00


Activities for Mentoring Young People Activities to Help Young People Deal with Anger How to address issues relating to anger and conflict using a mentoring approach By Stephanie George These conflict/anger management specific activities include: • My anger triggers • Anger matrix • Initial self-assessment – relating to others • Student reassessment and evaluation • How I feel when I am angry • Ways of coping • Improving my listening • Dilemmas • Conflict – what it is and how to deal with it • What happens next? • Stop seeing red • My autobiography • My progress • Target setting and action planning

Age 11-16

Each activity includes full instructions and any necessary worksheets to photocopy or print out. Age 10-16

A4, 74 pages

Ref: 386-50025-259



Young people will gain an understanding of stress and learn coping strategies with these activities By Stephanie George This book offers a range of activities that include identification of stress, assessment, the impact of stress upon a young person, relaxation techniques and other ways that help learners to manage stress and anxiety. The content covers: • What is stress and anxiety – Definitions • Recognising stress and anxiety – What happens when I am stressed? Why I need to do something about it • Managing stress and anxiety – Coping strategies and techniques • Moving forwards with coping.

value set

120 pages A4 wire-o-bound book Ref: 386-50147-259 £35.00

92 pages Ref: 386-50003-259



Activities to Help Young People Deal with Bullying Activities to support professionals working with young people on all areas related to bullying By Stephanie George, Patricia St Louis, Jeba Begum & Jacqueline Morrison Activities YP Bullying Covers:Layout 1

Activities to Help Young People Deal with Stress & Anxiety

Age 10-18

A practical, comprehensive range of activities to help engage productively with young people By Stephanie George Engaging with young people as a mentor can be difficult but here the author draws on her years of experience to provide tried and tested activities that will help. The mentoring activities include: • Knowing me, knowing you • Planning the journey • Initial self-assessment • Target setting and action planning • Improving attendance • Conflict – what it is and how to deal with it • I’m seeing red/stop seeing red • It’s about time • A place to study.

A book of activities to help professionals work through bullying issues with young people, covering: • The impact of the group • Belonging • Social settings • Norms • Values • Peer groups • Friendships • Power • Isolation • Responsibility • Restorative work • Conciliation work. The activities cover the range of bullying behaviours seen in educational settings such as whether a student is exhibiting bullying behaviours, the role of the bystander, the perception of bullying as a behaviour choice and the impact of bullying upon others.



Page 1


to help Young People deal with


Stephanie George, Patricia St Louis, Jeba Begum & Jacqueline Morrison

Each activity is laid out with an objective, intended audience, instructions and how to end the activity. They all have accompanying activity sheets to copy and hand out to students. Age 10-18 FREE CD ROM



74 pages, A4, spiral-bound book Ref: 386-50027-259 £35.00

Ref: 386-50577-259

To order online visit



TEEN-TALK! BEHAVIOUR TEEN-TALK! Developed by Pam Anderson & Bob Skeldon

Developed by Pam Anderson & Bob Skeldon

A whole school online resource of 100 activities for promoting social and emotional wellbeing and positive learning in all pupils.

Danny worked hard today and was very honest about his poor attendance. Danny said that generally he really liked school but in one or two subjects he felt he was falling behind quite badly and his perception was that the teachers in these classes didn’t care! I re-assured Danny that this wasn’t the case as both teachers had spoken to me about being worried about him. I asked Danny why he missed so much school last term and danny said that his dad had got some work and that Sam (Danny’s little brother) needed looking after, I explained to danny that although it was great news that his dad was working, it was not Danny’s responsibility to look after Sam. I told Danny I would speak to his social worker to see if she could help Danny’s dad get Sam looked after so that Danny can come to school. Danny said he would like to spend some time with Ms Hall in the base, I told Danny, I would check this out with Ms Hall.

Automatically record the activity, add notes & save into individual, group or class portfolio.

Pupil Support Assistant, Year 9

For a FREE Teen-Talk Trial call Matthew on 28

For a FREE Teen-Talk Trial call Matthew on

01604 870828

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Please photocopy before use


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Email: [email protected] Fax: 01604 870986


Post: Incentive Plus, PO Box 928, Northampton, NN7 9AP, UK.




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Discover inspiring educational resources from around the world Incentive Plus is the UK’s largest supplier of social, emotional, behavioural, mental health and well-being resources for young people. Our expertise is enhanced by teachers and education specialists who help us select products, give us feedback and offer ideas and suggestions.

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• For young people aged 11-18 to help you raise their achievement, fulfil their potential and prepare them for our changing world • Ideal for teachers, students, other professionals in teaching and learning, social workers and psychologists • Activities, games, lesson plans, posters, books, discussion cards, DVDs and much more. Need advice on resources to meet your requirements? Call our product advisors (with no obligation) on 01604 870828.

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