Scope The symposium will have ONLY poster sessions preceded by invited lectures from eminent researchers.Selected posters in a given session will be called for short presentations.The symposium will cover the following areas of specialisation: • Advanced Materials (Bio, Energy, Functional, Nano, Smart and Composite Materials) • Computational Materials Science and Engineering
Registration Fee Participants from India/SAARC Countries: Rs. 3000 Overseas Participants:
US$ 250
Detailed information on registration and payment methods areavailable on the symposium website. The registration fee includes the conference material, lunch, dinner and refreshment.
International Symposium for Research Scholars on Metallurgy, Materials Science & Engineering
• Mechanical Behaviour of Materials • Solidification, Phase Transformations and Materials Processing (Joining, Forming, Casting, and other Processes) • Surface Engineering & Environmental Degradation • Texture & Advanced Materials Characterization
Materials Quiz and Metallography Contest ISRS 2016 will have a Materials Quiz competition and Metallography Contest in optical and electron microscopy category.
Important Dates Abstract submission : July 15, 2016 Intimation of abstract acceptance: August 15, 2016
Accommodation Limited accommodation in hostels is available for participants on payment basis. More details will be available on the website.
Murty BS Convener
Kamaraj M Subramanya Sarma V
Murugaiyan A
Intending participants must pre-register and then upload abstracts on the website: http://mme.iitm.
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600036
A souvenir will be brought out on the symposium, giving details of the programme, abstracts, list of sponsors and advertisements.Sponsorship details and the advertisement rates are available at the symposium website.
Venue: IC & SR Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai, India
For further details contact:
Best posters in each session and best metallographs will be awarded.
December 21-23, 2016
Co-Convener Treasurer
Phone: +91-9884223963 (Secretary:Nandha Kumar E) E-mail:
[email protected] Web:
Organised by
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras In association with
IIM Chennai Chapter Material Advantage Chapter of IIT Madras Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Students’ Association (METSA)
Preamble Development of communication and analytical skills as wellas exchange of ideas and interaction among research scholars are an integral part of training in the research programme of every institute. The present symposium, International Symposium for Research Scholars on Metallurgy, Materials Science & Engineering(ISRS-2016) is devoted solely to research scholars so that they can interact with their peers from all over the world and exchange research ideas, which can help in improving their quality of research, analytical and presentation skills. ISRS-2016 aims at achieving these objectives and provides a unique forum for research scholars from all over the world to broaden their perspective by increasing their awareness of diverse areas of research worldwide. The first session of ISRS-2016 will be focused on the theme of Surface Engineering. The pre-requisite for participation in ISRS-2016 is that the participant should be currently pursuing a research-based degree. Keynote lectures by experts will be an added attraction of ISRS-2016. These will inspire the research scholars with an exposure to a variety of topics and provide opportunity for discussions with stalwarts in materials research. The Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (MME), IIT Madras in association with IIM Chennai chapter, has been organizing the biennial symposia, National Symposium for Research Scholars (NSRS) on Materials Science and Engineering since1996. In 2004, it has been elevated to International Symposium for Research Scholars (ISRS). This year’s symposium, ISRS-2016 is the 7th in the series of international symposia, and we earnestly hope that it will be a great success in bringing more research scholars together. Research scholars, including scientists from various laboratories and industries, pursuing their Doctoral/ Master’s Degree (Research) are invited to present their original work and participate in ISRS-2016, a threeday event in the academic and serene environs of IIT Madras.
IIT Madras is committed to providing a world class education to its students and ISRS-2016 serves the educational experience of research scholars by providing them with a world class, international forum to exchange and enhance their research ideas.
Patrons Bhaskar Ramamurthi, IIT Madras Ashutosh Sharma, DST, New Delhi Baldev Raj, NIAS,Bangalore Rama Rao P, ARCI, Hyderabad
Advisory Committee Ajayan PM, Rice University, USA Balasubramanian V, Kalyani Carpenter Special Steels Ltd Dheepa Srinivasan, GE, Bangalore Dipankar Banerjee, IISc, Bangalore Hahn H, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Indranil Manna, IIT Kanpur KamachiMudali U, IGCAR, Kalpakkam Manoj Gupta, NUS, Singapore Natarajan R, Tube Investments Okazaki M, Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka Peter DHodgson, Deakin University, Australia Rao, TVLN, Sundaram Clayton, Chennai Ravi Ravindaran C, Ryerson University, Canada Samir V Kamat, DMRL, Hyderabad Sanjay Chandra, Tata Steel, Jamshedpur Sharma S C, VSSC, Trivandrum Sundararajan J, CPRI, Bangalore
Local Organizing Committee Chairman Murty BS, Head, MME, IITM Convener Kamaraj M, MME, IITM Co-Convener Subramanya Sarma V, MME, IITM Treasurer Murugaiyan A,MME, IITM Secretaries Guruvidyathri K, MME,IITM Nandha Kumar E, MME, IITM Members Ajay Kumar Shukla, MME, IITM Anand Krishna Kanjarla, MME, IITM Balasubramanian M, MME, IITM Bhattacharya SS, MME, IITM Ganesh Sundara Raman S, MME, IITM Hari Kumar KC, MME, IITM Janaki Ram GD, MME, IITM Lakshman Neelakantan, MME, IITM Manas Mukherjee, MME, IITM Murugaiyan Amirthalingam, MME, IITM Parasuraman Swaminathan, MME, IITM Phanikumar G, MME, IITM Prathap Haridoss, MME, IITM Ranjit Bauri, MME, IITM Ravi Sankar Kottada, MME, IITM Ravikumar NV, MME, IITM Sabita Sarkar, MME, IITM Sampath Kumar TS, MME, IITM Sampath V, MME, IITM Sankaran S, MME, IITM Somnath Bhattacharyya, MME, IITM Sreeram K Kalpathy, MME, IITM Srinivasa Rao Bakshi, MME, IITM Sundararajan G, MME, IITM Sundararaman M, MME, IITM Tiju Thomas, MME, IITM Uday Chakkingal, MME, IITM