Language functions 1. Expressing hypotheses. - If we film here, it will look great. / If we use this guy, the advert will be a disaster. - If you take VitaVit, You’ll be fit for life. / We won’t sell any vitamins if he’s boring. - If you want to stay fit, use VitaVit every day. / If you want to be healthy, eat lots of fruit.
2. Expressing result. - I used to be so tired that I had no energy. -I’m so healthy that I recommend VitaVit to all my friends. - I’m so angry that I’m going to scream.
Grammar See Vocabulary and grammar Book 2, pages 68 and 69. See Appendix I. 1. If + present, will + infinitive. 2. If + present, present. 3. If + present, imperative. If-clause
Present simple If you are late, (Si llegas tarde,
Present simple If you heat ice, (Si calientas hielo,
Main clause WILL + infinitive I will wait for you. te esperaré.)
The result of the condition is likely to happen.
Imperative take the bus.
The result of the condition is a command or a piece of advice.
Present it melts se derrite.)
ZERO CONDITIONAL The result of the condition is always true.
4. So … that. Usamos so + adjective + that… para expresar consecuencias. - I used to be so tired that I had no energy. / I’m so angry that I’m going to scream. - I’m so energetic that I walk ten miles every day. Such + noun phrase + that … - It is such a boring film that I will not watch it again. - She has such beautiful eyes that she got a job as a make-up model.
Phonetics /e/ /i/ /i:/ (page 21, exercises 1 and 2). Sentence stress (page 25, exercises 1 and 2).
Vocabulary See Vocabulary and Grammar Book 2, pages 28 and 29. 1. Advertising Advertising Advertisement Advert Ad Commercial Advertiser Advertising campaign Advertising agency To advertise To launch a campaign A special offer Branded clothes
Publicity Publicity agent Publicity campaign Brand Jingle Memorable jingle Slogan To persuade someone to do something To convince someone to do something To promote To be influenced by To be catchy
Speaking - Is advertising important for you when you buy a product? Why (not)? - What types of advertisements do you like and why? - What is the best / worst ad you have ever seen in your country? Why did you like / hate it? - Think about a product and tell your partner about it (What type of product is it?, What’s the brand name?, what’s special about it?, what’s the slogan or the jingle?)
- What brands of clothes and shoes do you often buy? What are your favourite brands and why do you like them? - What do you do when there are commercials on TV? - Page 27, exercise 6.
Writing You work for an advertising company and have to write an advertisement for a product that will appear in a magazine or a newspaper. In about 100 words write the advertisement and then write a paragraph explaining why you think it can convince the customer to buy the product.
Page 1 of 3. MODULE 4 â UNIT 2. âADVERTISINGâ. Language functions. 1. Expressing hypotheses. - If we film here, it will look great. / If we use this guy, the advert will be a disaster. - If you take VitaVit, You'll be fit for life. / We won't sell any vitamins if he's boring. - If you want to stay fit, use VitaVit every day. / If you want to ...
c) Wikipedia. d) the headquarters of the. Internet. Page 2 of 2. MODULE 4 - UNIT 10 - EXERCISES.pdf. MODULE 4 - UNIT 10 - EXERCISES.pdf. Open. Extract.
Every __th person. â¢. People walking into store. Calculator. MATH ... number of apps A is between ____% and ____%. I am ___% confident that the average.
Module 4. The âBig Pictureâ. For other scientists to understand the significance of your data/experiments, they must be able to: ⢠understand precisely what you ...
o A square with side length 1 unit, called âa unit. square,â is said to have ... Eureka Math, A Story of Units. Module 4 Sample ... Module 4.pdf. Module 4.pdf. Open.
change. By resisting today's ICT methods such as cell phones, Myspace, and Wikipedia, schools ... The only way to move forward effectively is to ... economic and business literacy; civic literacy; learning and thinking skills; creating the passion.
subtracting multi-digit numbers. to 200, and will apply their skills. when solving problems. Building the number 234 with. place value cards showing the. following ...
360, as well as. subtracting from those. numbers. This will be. useful when ... For more information visit Page 2 of 2. Module 4.pdf. Module 4.pdf.
Fuel Used. ⢠a) Petrol Vehicles: Car, scooter. ⢠b) Diesel Vehicles: jeep, truck, bus. ⢠c) Electric Vehicle: electric car, electric buses. ARUN JOSE TOM, MLMCE, ...
organic, sustainable food. The Bay Area is also the headquarters of many environmental and clean-tech initiatives, an area of. technology that is growing rapidly.
There was a problem previewing this document. Retrying... Download. Connect more apps... Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. Module 4 RBs.
The clock â a circular number line! From the non-profit Great Minds. For more information visit Page 2 of 2. Module 4.pdf. Module 4.pdf. Open.
2 mol Al x. 2. 3. 1 mol Cr O. 26.98 g Al. 1 mol Al x. 7.10 g Al. = mass of Al(s) required to have a 20% excess = 120% 7.10 g 8.52 g x. = Part 2. (Pages 350â351).
Page 1 of 10. Warwick Public Schools with process support from The Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin. 1. Grade 6 English Language Arts, Quarter 4, Unit 2. Tell the Whole Story. Overview. Number of instructional days: 22 (1 d
Download. Connect more apps... Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. Unit 2 PCH 2.1 Notes period 4.pdf. Unit 2 PCH 2.1 Notes period 4.pdf. Open.
The first object may generate a display asking for the object file, list file and ... executable filename can further be entered at the DOS prompt to execute the file.
If return type is not explicitly specified, C will. assume that it is an integer type. If the function is not returning anything the return. type is void. Function_name ...
There was a problem previewing this document. Retrying... Download. Connect more apps... Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. MODULE 2.pdf.
An if statement consists of a boolean expression followed by one or more statements. Syntax : The syntax of an if statement in C programming language is: if(boolean_expression). {. /* statement(s) will execute if the boolean expression is true */. }
8 G s s : as & 0 & 6 a 6 s is 3 s p r s ( & & ) & 6 s et & q' () e s - G - e. e. e. e s is a e s e & & c s s is 8 & 9 s so 6 c q & s e s 6 & 8 & e & G. & 6 e s & e s 8. Write the ...
HINDUSTAN UNIVERSITY. Page 1 of 48 ... temperature inside an occupied area. Page 4 of 48. Unit 4.pdf. Unit 4.pdf. Open ... Displaying Unit 4.pdf. Page 1 of ...