DELEGATES SAY YES TO ROADS Construction company M & M Paving, has been given the green light to finish the village roads, following a long lively debate at the recent Delegate Assembly meeting on August 5th by Sue Cohen The company is already nearing completion of the 40% of the Village which required the most urgent repair. The sadly neglected roadways and infrastructure gained the support of Delegates to complete the entire project despite disgruntled comments from several members of the meeting. One remark that the roads were fine as they were, was meet with audience disdain whilst the Stratford K President, Howard Silver, complained that the work already completed was not up to acceptable standards. Praising UCO Community

Association Manager, Rodger Carver for his prompt response to his buildings complaint, Silver suggested that the standard of work by UCO contracted company wasn't as high as he expected. Delegates had listened patiently as UCO Treasurer, Ed Black and LCAM, Rodger Carver, explained the details of the outstanding project. Together with UCO Executives,”Negotiations with M& M regarding the outstanding work had proved highly favorable” claimed Roger Carver. They were prepared to finish the outstanding 60% of the project at the same price whilst accepting Roads, Continued on page A8

President’s Report DAVID ISRAEL Those who build and those who tear down On Monday, August 1, 2011 UCO Vice President Sal Bummolo passed away. Sal was an Engineer by training and in his career managed a major manufacturing plant engaged in production of military equipment. Sal was a kind man whose retired life was devoted to service to his Community. For some 18 years he served in various positions here in Century Village; Condo President, Board member, member of the Executive Board, and Vice President of UCO. Look around our Village, virtually anything related to water has Sal’s fingerprints on it: Irrigation, shoreline restoration, and reclaimed water. Some 18 years he was

Chair of the irrigation committee. Sal was a multitalented man, and was also a President of the popular wire, stone and glass arts club. Sal was a highly compassionate “hands on” UCO Vice President. He was always in the field, checking his pumps, and most importantly, going to the aid of CV residents who had problems. On many occasions, Sal interceded with Association Boards on the behalf of distressed unit owners. His quick smile and strong negotiating skills were the hallmark of a man dedicated to service and solving problems. Compare Sal’s approach to life and service to those who come to our meetings to complain about everything and disrupt any effort to build up and improve our Village infrastructure and service sys-

Photo by Jean Dowling

tems. These disrupters bring nothing to the table save dissension , they have no ideas. They bring only noise. This small group of dedicated people attempt relentlessly to tear down everything that people like Sal have built up. They use the facilities while simultaneously complaining about those who create and manage them. They are acquisitive of power but eschew any real service, save lip service about themselves. Sal is missed in UCO, and every time you see these disruptive people rise to bring meetings to a halt with their nonsense, think of Sal, and ask how he would deal with the issues at hand. A few words about the fine work of our Transportation committee. While I am disappointed about the infeasibility of green technology buses at this time, and recognize that

the costs are way beyond our reach, I heartily congratulate the Committee on bringing in a proposal which, in its first year of a five year term, is a full one hundred thousand dollars less than that of the outgoing vendor in their first year. This is a remarkable result. The company selected has national reach and solid financial depth; they will provide excellent, reliable service to our bus riders. Last, but not least, the Village paving project continues apace, and those areas that have been completed really look good. There are some issues which will be dealt with in the final “Punch List” process. This is normal with projects this size and complexity. With the approval of the majority of our Delegates at the July meeting, the whole Village should be completed in November.

Development Review Officers at Palm Beach County Zoning and Planning Department have asked for changes before considering granting certification to the proposed redevelopment of the Golf Course, now known as Reflection Bay. Reporting on the Pro-Active Blog, Vice President, Honey Sager states, "There are still several issues which the developer has to resolve with the County Planning Division, which is why the proposal was not certified." "Pro-Active Committee Officers and a few residents were in attendance", she stated. After first announcing that the Development Review Officer would consider the proposal again in September, a subsequent post suggested it may be earlier.

INSIDE Vice Presidents' Corner . . . . . . 2A Delegate Assembly Minutes . . . 3A Anglo Saxon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4A Editorial Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6A Society Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9A Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10A At the PBC Library . . . . . . . . . 11A

SECTION B Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B Legal Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3B Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B Political Updates . . . . . . . . . . . 9B Organization News. . . . . . . . . 19B Classified. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22B Recreation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29B Around the Village. . . . . . . . . 31B Email articles and comments to [email protected] Read recent back issues at centruy-village-wpb.blogspot.com

REMINDERS DELEGATE MEETING Friday 9/2/11 9:30 AM Located in the Theater





Cambridge • Canterbury Chatham • Dorchester Kent • Northampton Sussex

Berkshire • Camden Dover • Hastings Somerset • Wellington Windsor

Frankly Speaking....

Mark mid-September on your calendars! More specifically, start thinking about September 20, 2011 as this is the current date Comcast has tentatively scheduled the major change from analog to digital transmission of cable images. Yes, we have had two major rollouts that would have provided unit owners with the free boxes for noneruptible viewing of television in their units. HOWEVER, we have approximately 1500 units in this village that, according to Comcast, have no boxes. These residents will, effective September 20, 2011, be able to view only channels 2 through 22 and 97, 98 and 99.

A Man for the people:

A Tribute to Sal Bummolo You taught us it is not size of a person which counts, but the size of your heart. Sal gave unselfishly of his time, knowledge and experience for the betterment of Century Village and its residents. As a quadrant Vice President, if he was unable to reach you by phone - you would find him at your doorstep. At any given time you could see Sal around the village handling the lake restoration or problems with irrigation and any other problem that he could help with. Sal was always willing to give a helpful hand to everyone. Those of us that knew Sal and considered him a friend will miss his wonderful smile, his willingness to listen and always being there to help . We have all lost a good man. You taught all that knew you, what courage is, Rest in Peace – Sal – you more than deserve it. To Wendy and Family, Thanks for sharing Sal.

Additionally, approximately another 2000 units only have one box. If these unit owners only have one TV they are all set; however, if they have multiple sets they will receive today’s channels on the set with the box but, like those with no box, they will be limited to the above mentioned channels. Please, this is the time to contact Comcast if you need additional boxes. During the latest rollout I was receiving as many as 40 phone calls per day from people seeking information. Should this happen again some folks may need to wait for an answer to their questions. As I write this, the day after the August Delegate Assembly, I wish to send a hardy THANK YOU to those who attended yesterday’s meeting. There were several motions that needed to be acted upon and, while it was a long, intense meeting, several actions were taken. The continuing of the paving project was approved, the financing potentials for that project were approved, and the new transportation contract was approved—all major accomplishments. Have a safe Labor Day weekend.

Coventry • Easthampton Norwich • Plymouth Salisbury • Sheffield Waltham I did not have an article in the last issue of the Reporter because I was away for a month and, by the time I realized it, it was too late. So here I am now, and if you will bear with me, I would like to tell you about my vacation. My husband and I went to California to help celebrate our younger son's 50th birthday. His wife made him a surprise party and Stewart and I were part of the surprise. Our trip began last January, when Jana, our daughter-inlaw, called to say she was planning this party and would we come. I do not fly and so I was making plans to take Amtrak, and Stew was going to fly, but at the last minute he decided to go with me by train and so started our odyssey. Four days and four nights on three different trains in three


If you are having a problem,


please call the UCO Office at 683-9189 and ask for the Vice

Sal Bummolo

President that is covering your Association.

OFFICERS • President: David Israel • President Emeritus: George Loewenstein • Vice Presidents: Sal Bummolo, Frank Cornish, Bob Marshall, Phyllis Richland • Treasurer: Ed Black • Corresponding Secretary: Avis Blank • Recording Secretary: Open • Community Assn. Mgr.: Rodger Carver • Administrative Assistant, Office Manager: Mary Patrick Benton


different states coming and going and we are still married. We did have first class accommodations, so it was comfortable, and we did meet a lot of really nice folks that were traveling just as we were. We had a lot of time to read and watch the country go by in the observation car and all of our meals in the dining car were with different people at each sitting. We finally got to Los Angeles and the car we rented was nowhere to be found. We had to go to another agency and, of course, it cost more, but we finally got the car and headed to our hotel. We needed to stay out of sight for two days and not go anywhere near my son's area so as not to spoil the surprise. Fortunately we knew the area well, having lived in Simi Valley for four years. So we went to a lot of our old haunts and we saw the people we wanted to see. We did some shopping and finally the day of the party arrived. It was wonderful and what really was even better was to see the friends that our son and his wife have. We shlepped a lot of naches. In our parish that means we had a lot of pleasure and felt a lot of pride. When we got home it took almost a week to get over the time change and the train ride. For a couple of days it still felt as if we were moving. So, here we are like it never happened but we are still looking at photos and every once in a while we remember another incident and we talk about it all over again.

• UCO-Business Coordinator: Edie Levine • Office Assistants: Charlotte Brown, Beverly Lyne, Florence Pires, Isabelle Scherel • Receptionists: Sonia Goldberg, Natalie Hauptman, Claudette LaBonte, Mildred Levine, Ron Massa, Coralie Oliviera • Transponder Desk: Barbara Libbey, Sandy Levine

Executive Board David Bernstein Randall Borchardt Suzy Byrnes Sandy Cohen Ken Davis George Franklin Roberta Fromkin Louise Gerson Dom Guarnagia Jackie Karlan

Jerry Karpf Claudette LaBonte Dot Loewenstein Haskell Morin Honey Sager Joe Saponaro Howie Silver Myron Silverman Lori Torres Jeanette Veglia


UCO INFORMATION Delegate Assembly Minutes

Friday August 5th, 2011 President Dave Israel asked for a minute of silence in memory of UCO Vice President SAL BUMMOLO. Captain Calloway led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lt Diberardino reported that there was one robbery in CV last month and an arrest was made and property returned. Fourteen traffic citations were issued last month. 150 Delegates were present. The minutes were accepted as was the Treasurer’s report. President’s Report – Appointment to the Executive Board MOTION: George Franklin moved that Toni Salometo be appointed to the Executive Board and Dave Bernstein seconded the motion. Motion carried. Unf inished BusinessAmendment to the UCO Bylaws: MOTION: Randall Borchardt moved that Expenditures not previously budgeted, in excess of $10,000 are required to be approved in advance by the Officers’ Committee, the Executive Board and finally the Delegate Assembly. Requests for expenditures not previously budgeted, under $1,000, shall be presented to the President for his approval. Requests for expenditures not previously budgeted of $1,000 or more, not to exceed $10,000, are required to be approved in advance by the President, the Officers’ Committee and the Executive Board. Dave Bernstein seconded the motion. Motion failed. MOTION: Dave Bernstein moved that we continue the paving project throughout the entire Village with M & M Paving at a cost of $2,445,000, unless subsequent bids with the exact same conditions come in at a lower rate. The proposed completion date is November 30, 2011. Claudette LaBonte seconded the motion. Motion carried. MOTION: Roberta Fromkin moved that UCO secure a Line-of-Credit of $1,000,000 from our Bank at 412⁄ % interest to commence November 1, 2011 and conclude October 31, 2012. When draw down is complete, this would turn into a simple interest loan to be repaid over 5 years. Louise Gerson seconded the motion. Motion carried. New Business – MOTION: Phil Shapkin moved that UCO accept the proposal from Midnight Sun Tours Inc. for CV bus transportation along with the diesel fuel option, and Howie Silver seconded the motion. Motion carried. These minutes were taken by Mary Patrick Benton

Upcoming Open Meetings DATE







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The Carping Columnist


Doing Someone Else’s Bidding We get a fair amount of mail at the Reporter. Thankfully some of it is favorable, but even the less complimentary ones get looked into . All allegations, no matter how preposterous, are investigated, which is why I'm so surprised even our most ardent UCO watchdogs have failed to notice the Bid Committee. Am I really the only person to have noticed that their meetings are not announced in the regular way, either in the UCO Reporter or on the Blog site? Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this mean that the Bid Committee, UCO Employee Rodger Carver, UCO VP Frank Cornish, UCO Treasurer Ed Black, Executive Board Member and Pro-Active spokesperson, Jeanette Vaglia, UCO Insurance Chair, Toni Salometo and Executive Board Member, the highly likable, Dom Guarnagia, are meeting behind closed doors without giving CV residents the opportunity to attend? UCO President David Israel painstakingly explained the role of this committee to me last May and simplified, I

was told that it was primarily to monitor WPRF over inflating the budget and charging for unnecessary repairs. The Bid Committee Charter extended to major UCO Committees if, and I was told, only if, help was needed in obtaining bids. So what on earth has happened? Why are we sent this committee's minutes but not given prior notice of the meetings? Is this group from 'UCO', behaving more 'EGO' and perceive that every one else's actions are questionable but not theirs? At one of their more recent clandestine get together( June 16th) the minutes informally reported that Anita, Rodger and Frank had taken an emergency decision ( because of a trip hazard ) at Hastings Pool. The minutes report that: 'repairs were unable to be done in house and an emergency decision had been made to get a contractor'. Now maybe I'm over reacting but doesn't this rather defeat the whole object of the Bid Committee. There was no mention of why this contractor was chosen or how much this had actually cost.

Where on earth have all those petitioners who wanted UCO to account for every pencil and paper clip gone? At a recent publicized meeting, Ty Beba, presented two insurance proposals which needed immediate attention within a matter of days. The irrepressible Frank Cornish, demanded that the Bid Committee become involved and due to the lack of time, took an impromptu vote of bid committee members. Do we really have to subject outsiders to this kind of over enthusiastic bullish behavior? In the run up to next years election, it's becoming increasingly clear that those dissenters not wishing to see David Israel returned, are doing their hardest to discredit him and his administration by creating trouble where none exists. I also find it 'interesting' that no one has brought the unrestrained antics of the Bid Committee to his attention. Unless of course, some of those involved in, or on the Bid Committee, fancy their chances and are just giving us a taste of what they would like to come.

Celebrate, Socialize and Learn!

Great Expectations. Those following the Ist Priority Restoration Saga, may be interested to learn that Ist P. Director, Saloman Teboul, has started another chapter. Late last year the elusive Mr. Teboul single-handedly launched a new company P1000006547 which is registered as Great Restoration Inc. - bet choosing that name kept him awake all night!!! Oddly, although he still maintains his mailbox at 3389 Sheridan Street, originally home to the many Ist Priority associated companies, Great Restoration and Mr Teboul have a new address at 3113 Stirling Road, Hollywood. Just a mile up the road, at Sheridan Street, apart from Mr. Teboul and Hila Vanunu – Florida Sciences Inc., the mold analysis experts allegedly used by 1st P. , all other associated companies are no longer listed by Corporationwiki.com at this address. This includes, 1st P, attorney the lovely Rhonda D Zimmerman. Esq. and Ist Priority President,Yitshak Levy. The disappearing Mr. Levy also failed to appear in court in April of this year at a pretrial conference were as Plaintiff he had alleged he was owed almost $4,000. The case: 502010SC005848XXXXMB was dismissed for 'Lack of Prosecution'. The name of the defendant was Zimmerman so lets hope it's not any of the lovely Rhonda's relatives and she's busy defending Ist P. in

three legal actions brought against the company by it’s employees. For those of you new to this saga, Ist Priority Restoration Inc. came into the village after being presented by the then UCO Maintenance Chair, Jerry Karpf, - who later claimed this was on the recommendation of two association presidents whose names he couldn't remember. They were championed and, in my opinion, promoted by Dan Gladstone, the then, UCO Insurance Chairman. During the sudden great water leak pandemic of 2009. Ist Priority gutted hundreds of apartments leaving many CV residents homeless for months, if able to return at all – several passed away whilst out of their apartments and others were forced to abandoned their units when their insurance company refused to pay. The average cost was $40,000 per apartment which caused our building insurance company to drop our coverage. At much greater expense, the then, Insurance Chairman, Dan Gladstone and Insurance Agent Plastridge secured building coverage but all residents ultimately paid much higher premiums as a direct result of the scourge of sudden water leaks and mold. That was the case until this current UCO Administration reduced insurance costs by negotiation and more importantly a new agent.

Hosted by VITAS Innovative Hospice Care® All events are held at the VITAS Community Resource Center and are open to all Century Village residents. Grandparents Day Celebration!

CAM’s Corner

Wednesday, September 7 2 - 3:30 p.m. Light refreshments served


Lecture: Safe Sex for Seniors

Wednesday, September 14 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch served Potluck Dinner

Monday, September 19 3:30 - 5 p.m. Please RSVP to 561.683.5012 VITAS Community Resource Center 110 Century Boulevard Suite 101, Medical Building

We are well underway with the paving in the Village and, so far, not too many problems. We are about 80% complete on phase one in this project. The good news is that we will be able to continue the rest of the Village (phase two) so that everything should be completed by November 30th (weather permitting). Let me remind you that there will be a “punch list” for each Association. Do not panic if you see a prob-

lem. Call me at the UCO office and I will make note of your issue, investigate it, and if need be add it to your punch list. Shoreline restoration is continuing and should be completed soon. Lake levels are still very low. We need rain! Our irrigation system is working very hard. We have had to shut down several zones as our pumps do not have enough water to prime and run.


EDITORIALS A word of caution

by Sue Cohen

We enjoy receiving and reading your submissions but please don't assume we are here to rewrite your article/letter for you. Alas, we still get copy that is poorly presented, lacking in punctuation and grammar to the point that no capital letters are used at all. Needless to say it's these very people who complain that the Reporter has too many errors. We simply don't have the time, nor to be honest in my case, the inclination, to practically re-write your material. Although the Reporter now has a competent, highly valued staff of 16 they are still all volunteers and it's unfair to expect them to clean up your work. A word about copyright. Please don't forward those 'This is hilarious ' pieces emailed to you by a friend who is computer literate enough to press the send button. Apart from being spam magnets, just because it's on the Internet doesn't mean it's yours or, for that matter, ours to print. I know this has happened in the past but the copyright belongs to the origi-nal author and to use it however innocuously is technically speaking theft. It has to be assumed that all written material is copyrighted so please don't plagiarize other peoples material. As the Internet expands so do the lawsuits – often from another country for this form of stealing. The UCO

Reporter is each month launched into Cyber Space so in the interest of ethics please keep your copy original. Incidentally by the time we get to print it, judging by the amount of email addresses it's been forwarded to, more than half the world has already read it and we would much rather hear your hilarious stories than those of someone who has fractionally more talent by uploading to the Internet than pressing a send button. All those not involved with UCO should now turn the page because this is strictly for UCO officials only. Whilst we love to read about your personal lives, - no need to hack phone lines in CV for gossip, I think our readers may prefer to read about them elsewhere in the newspaper. Each month, as a matter of courtesy, you have column inches given to you so that your electorate can be informed, in your own words, about your hopes, plans and accomplishments you achieve for them in CV. Please use your space wisely. To end on a positive note – yes even I can do that occasionally, keep your copy coming in. This is after all YOUR Reporter and I have always consid-ered it a privilege to share your thoughts through your letters articles and photographs. These clearly illustrate the Village as it should be seen an ex-cellent example of life's unique tapestry.

SEARCH/NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE It’s almost that time again…. time to prepare the bios for those who want to run for office. President, two vice presidents, treasurer, recording and corresponding secretary and ten executive board members are up for election. The process of giving us the bios has changed. All bios must be e mailed to me. You will receive acknowledgment of your bio within a few days. In the subject box, please insert “UCO bio”. It will then be sent to the REPORTER. There is no exception

Who do you see in the morning? by Jean Dowling What you see is what you get. When that face looks back at you from your mirror, if its frowning, scowling or grim, that is what you are giving to others. Most of the time, if we smile and speak pleasantly, others will respond in kind. The kind of day we have many times depends on how we start ours. Most people check their hair, clothes and shoes to put forth a picture of good grooming and forget to adjust their attitude to match. Who is usually the life of the party? That person is usually a person who laughs often and talks about fun things. Have you ever been laughing and talking and one person walks in and starts a negative tirade that ends the fun? Were you that person? If you want to have a good day, start a good day at your mirror. Make yourself happy first and then present a smiling face to the world and hopefully, the world will smile with you.

as to how to submit a bio. It must be done this way. Let us know what experience you’ve had as a volunteer in Century Village along with a short bio of your life. My e-mail address is [email protected]. If you have any questions, call me between 9am and 5pm. If I’m not home, leave your name, phone number and a short message. 712 0259 is the number to call. Of course I will return your call. Good luck to you all... Roberta Boehm-Fromkin

LETTERS Great job on the new look! Hello, my name is Martha Ripp and I am the CoPresident of the Dover Association. I am writing to let you know how much I enjoy reading the UCO Reporter.. I live in Madison, Wisconsin during the summer months and I have it mailed to me every month. I look forward to receiving it in the mail just as I do when I am in Dover during the winter months. It is very informative, interesting and enjoyable to read. I like the "new look" and new features.

Please pass my appreciation and comments to all who work on the Reporter. I encourage all residents of Century Village read the Reporter as a way to be upto-date with the happenings in CV. Thank You! Keep up the good work Sincerely, Martha Ripp.




Sept. 15-18 Disney on Ice: 100 Years of Magic BANK ATLANTIC CENTER One Panther Way, Sunrise • 954-835-8000 Sept. 9-11 Bridge & Tunnel THE BOCA RATON THEATRE GUILD 301 S. Military Trail, Boca Raton • 561-948-2601 Sept. 24-26 Sesame Street Live: Elmo’s Healthy Heros BROWARD CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 201 SW 5th Ave, Ft. Lauderdale • 954-462-0222 Sept. 1-4 Six Years CALDWELL THEATRE 7901 N. Federal Hwy, Boca Raton • 561-241-7432 Sept, 10 Brad Paisley Sept. 18 Journey with Foreigner and Night Ranger Sept. 23 Blink 182 and My Chemical Romance CRUZAN AMPHITHEATRE 601-7 Sansbury Way, W. Palm Beach • 561-795-8883 Sept. - Oct. 8 k.d. lang KRAVIS CENTER 701 Okeechobee Blvd., W. Palm Beach • 561-832-7469 Sept. 1-11 Greater Tuna Oct. 6-23 Little Shop of Horrors LAKE WORTH PLAYHOUSE 713 Lake Ave., Lake Worth • 561-586-6410 Sept. 13 Roger Daltrey SEMINOLE HARD ROCK & CASINO 1 Seminole Way, Hollywood • 800-745-3000

MOVIE DATES *No admission to be charged

TRUE GRIT Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Hailee Steinfeld PG-13 110 Min A tough U.S. Marshal helps a stubborn young woman track down her father's murderer. 09/11 Sun 1:45PM 09/12 Tue 6:45PM 09/13 Wed 1:45PM 09/15 Fri 6:45PM 09/18 Sun 1:45PM

THE CONCERT Aleksey Guskov, Mélanie Laurent, Dmitri Nazarov PG-13 119 Min Thirty years ago, Andrei Simoniovich Filipov, the renowned conductor of the Bolshoi orchestra, was fired for hiring Jewish musicians. 09/19 Mon 6:45PM 09/20 Tue 1:45PM 09/22 Thu 6:45PM 09/25 Sun 1:45PM 09/26 Mon 6:45PM


Kevin Spacey, Barry Pepper, Jon Lovitz R 108 Min A hot shot Washington DC lobbyist and his protégé go down hard as their schemes to peddle influence lead to corruption and murder 09/27 Tue 1:45PM 09/29 Thu 6:45PM

Arts & Entertainment IRV RIKON CALDWELL'S SIX YEARS When I was growing up in the 1940s, I had a neighbor, a short, stocky man whose facial expression never changed. He didn't smile. He didn't frown or scowl. He didn't speak. He walked with his arms held close to his chest rather than at his side. His arms always shook uncontrollably. I asked a friend what was wrong with him. "Shell shock," my friend explained. "He got it from World War One." America has been through many wars since then: World War Two; the Cold War; the Korean War; the Vietnam War; the Persian Gulf War; Iraq; Afghanistan. The list seems to go on and on. The country has been through enough wars so that most readers know or have met someone like that. My example is extreme: Since World War Two medicine has improved. "Shell shock" has all but disappeared. Today we have "post-traumatic syndrome". Our Judeo-Christian society says "Thou shall not kill," but for military personnel in combat it's often "Kill or be killed." So what happens after you've killed people or seen your buddies killed or wound-

ed or realized that you yourself have been wounded? Sharr White's new play, Six Years, currently produced by the CALDWELL THEATRE COMPANY in Boca Raton, tries to deal with this delicate subject. In 1949, Phil Granger (Todd Allen Durkin) is a returned World War Two combat veteran, but when he comes home to his wife Merdedith, (Margery Lowe,) he rarely speaks, certainly says nothing about the war, and is given to explosive outbursts of temper. He can't adjust to civilian life even though his mental faculties appear to be okay. His brother-in-law and the brother-in-law's partner want to enlist his help investing in a real estate project. It appears that eventually he does. The project is successful. The story is told in six-year intervals, hence the title. Phil never really improves, and in one telling scene, in which he picks up a girl in a cocktail lounge, the audience gets a sense of why he doesn't: The horrible memories of war haven't left him, and he's aware that they never will leave. Phil and Meredith have a son, yet Phil remains almost impossible to live with. His wife engages in an affair and later divorces him. During the

final scene, which takes place in 1973, after the Vietnam War, he delivers a truly memorable line: "Dying isn't the greatest sacrifice. -- We are". At intermission, a lady sitting next to me, a stranger, asked what I thought of the play. "It's not always easy to take," I said, "yet I really like it." "I know people like that," she continued, "but do I want a mirror held up for me onstage?" I replied,"Sometimes it's good for us to look in a mirror and see some truths about ourselves." The theater's ads indicate that this is a story about "The Greatest Generation". Perhaps. But Phil is just an ordinary "GI Joe," -- there's nothing great about him, -and that's what makes his tale all the more touching and compelling. Yeah, upon further consideration, I really did like the play. Clive Cholerton's directing is fine, as always. The cast is good, if not yet entirely uniformly so. Tim Bennett and the technical staff have everything just right. The play closes September 4. For reservations and additional information telephone 877-245-7432 or online: www.caldwelltheatre.com.

Reader’s Corner LENORE VELCOFF Night Road by Kristin Hannah is the story of the Farradays, a family of four – mother Jude, father Miles, son Zach and daughter Mia (high schoolers), who allow a young woman, Lexi, into their lives and their hearts. Hannah tells the story through Jude and Lexi’s voices. Mia and Zach have every social advantage that money can buy while Lexi is bounced around from one foster home to another until she moves in with an aunt her senior year in high school.

Mia and Lexi become best friends and Lexi and Zach become lovers. The three become inseparable. They all make decisions with severe consequences. The Farraday family will be torn apart and Lexi will lose everything.The issues in this book are serious and all the while we are putting ourselves into each characters shoes. This is a tale about justice and punishment, tragedy and destruction, courage and forgiveness. While I believe the author

did a good job of developing flawed characters, I felt the book had all the stereotypes of irresponsible teens and a liberal mother who hovers over them. I thought it was like a Lifetime movie, with a predictable end. Still, it was painful and frustrating to watch it all play out.If you like a four-hankie page turner, Night Road might be your kind of book. I found it to be a 3 out of 5 read.


The Steering Wheel Bar A good habit overdone A few years ago I bought a “Club,” which, for those of you who don’t know, is a locking bar you affix to the steering wheel of your car when you leave it. It deters thieves,

because one end of the bar extends so far the wheel can’t be turned more than a few inches before it is stopped by the car seat. I resolved to always attach the Club to the wheel, no matter how brief the stop I was making. Acquiring new good habits is not my strong suit, so it was quite atypical of me when I found myself putting

Local chorus invites singers for the new season The Women of Note Chorus is gearing up for a busy 2011-2012 season with performances already scheduled in all of the remaining months of the year, including their annual show, Rising Stars, on November 12th at the Eissey Campus Theatre in Palm Beach Gardens. “We’re so excited for all of the new performing opportunities we’ll have this year,” says Mitch Greenberg, director of the group. “Our goal is to expand our sound and welcome new singers to participate in these great events with us!” In addition to their annual show, the Women of Note will also be making a special appearance at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event on Saturday, October 22nd at the Meyer Amphitheater in downtown West Palm Beach, as well as heading back to the Willow Theatre in Boca Raton for holiday performances on December 17th and 18th. The chorus welcomes new singers

throughout the year and encourages any woman who loves to sing to join them for a rehearsal on Tuesday evenings at the Boynton Beach Community High School. The award-winning Women of Note Chorus is a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, a nonprofit music education association for women. Made up of teachers, nurses, lawyers, legal assistants, bookkeepers, artists, business owners and homemakers, among others, the Women of Note delight audiences with beautiful 4-part a cappella harmony, innovative choreography and dazzling costumes. The chorus holds open rehearsals on Tuesday nights at Boynton Beach Community High School and welcomes any woman who loves to sing and who wants to have fun while making new friends. For more information about the Women of Note, call 1.877.966.7464, or visit our website at www.womenofnote.com,

the Club on the wheel whenever I got out of the car, even to run in and out of the post office. I was rather proud of myself until one day when it was my undoing. Driving to the Royal Palm Beach WalMart, I got in the left lane on Route 7 and stopped for the red left-turn light. Without realizing what I was doing, I attached the bar!

Gradually cars piled up behind me, and then the light turned to green. It was only then that I realized what I had done. Feeling very foolish (and wondering who behind me could see the foolish thing I had done), I shut the engine off so I could get at the key to the bar, which was on the same key ring as the ignition key. I unlocked the bar, cast it aside,

reinserted the ignition key, and started the car up. It took only seconds, but when a traffic light turns green, seconds seem like minutes, and I was sure it did to those behind me. But not a person honked. I guess just about anything can be overdone.

—Lanny Howe


Roads, Continued from page A1

staggered payments. “Long term, this would save the Village residents who fund the communal roadways many thousands of dollars”, he added. Giving an equally conscientious explanation, UCO Treasurer, Ed Black, reiterated the savings by allowing the company to

finalize the project. “We have sufficient funds to finance this undertaking, but he added that UCO had been advised to secure a line of credit of one million dollars”, which he added, he hoped wouldn't be needed. Should the village be hit by a hurricane and our funds depleted by the roadway project, it is

essential that we would have sufficient funds or access to them to finance any urgent repairs. The line of credit issue prompted further debate by Delegates and a protracted interrogation by resident Myron Soloman. Under the ever watchful eye of UCO President, David



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Israel, Delegates passed the first motion to contract M&M Paving to complete the entire project with a comfortable majority. The second motion to approve the line of credit also passed with a 106 Delegates in favor. Despite the lengthy meeting, President David Israel also presented the transportation contract and thanked the Transportation Committee profusely for all their hard work and negotiations. He reported that Midnight Sun

Tours would supply diesel buses under the terms of a new contract. The first year was $100,000 lower than the bid proffered by the current company Community Transport Inc. UCO VP, Phyllis Richland reported that the new company would also allow other buses on campus whilst VP Frank Cornish reassured the Delegate Assembly that the Bid Committee had looked over the contracts.

Do you want to submit material for the UCO Reporter? Please email your submissions to

[email protected]



Aunt Blabby's Diary I was talking to my girlfriend Lillibet (the Queen of England) the other day. As you know, she and I go back a long way and we met when I was across the pond at Boarding School –St Trinans in Chorlton-cum-Hardy. She was very upset because that horrid little man, Rupert Murdoch, Head of News Corp. International, had been up to tricks by allowing his employees on the News of the World to hack into people's telephones. Lillibet was outraged! “What can I do”, she pleaded her stiff upper lip stiffening. “Tell your government to have words with him,” I told her, “Has your buddy Blabby ever let you down?” “I just can't get the staff these days, Blabby, but I'll tell them you said so and if they don't do it, I'll send them all across the Pond to work for UCO!” “I'm sure they would rather avoid another international incident!”

Well it seems Lillibet wasn't the only one outraged at the 'goings on' and as Mr M. sat answering questions to a Parliamentary committee with son James, and wife “numero 3”, Chinese born, Wendi Deng Murdoch, some loon lunges at the disgraced newspaper tycoon with a foam pie! Before you could say 'Singing Bamboo', in a flash of pink cashmere, Wendi had grabbed the assailant, returned his pie compliment pinned him to the floor and landed him with a karate chop that reverberated across the Thames. It was a move that would have done Jackie Chan proud. Even Lillibet was impressed. “One was taken by complete surprise,” she told me. “Little Mrs Murdoch had floored the fiendish felon before PC Plod even knew anything was amiss”. “Blabby, Wendi, is half his age you know, and I just don't understand what she sees in that billionaire.”

Dear Aunt Blabby

Dear Homer, Hospitality is making your guests feel at home when you wish they were. Aunt Blabby -Dear Aunt Blabby, I’m curious, is Aunt Blabby a decisive person? Just Curious

CV’S OWN PSEUDO-PSYCHOLOGIST Dear Aunt Blabby, I’m writing a book. Can you tell me what plagiarism is? Billy Shakespeare Dear Billy, To steal from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research. Aunt Blabby -Dear Aunt Blabby, When will women really be equal to men? Eve Dear Eve, Women will never be equal as long as men can walk down the street with a bald

head and a beer gut and still think they are sexy. Aunt Blabby -Dear Aunt Blabby, I need to borrow some money. What should be my best approach? Rocky Fella Dear Rocky, Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won’t expect it back. Aunt Blabby -Dear Aunt Blabby, How would you define hospitality? Home Owner

Dear Just, I used to be indecisive. Now I’m not sure. Aunt Blabby -Dear Aunt Blabby, I’m a gym enthusiast at the Health Club. I want to impress a beautiful girl. Which machine should I use? Health Nut Dear Nut, The ATM machine. Aunt Blabby

Aunt Blabby will give you advice on all of your problems and issues of the heart. For her sage opinions, email her at [email protected]


SERVICES Insurance




You are all probably wondering why we’re giving out checks to Associations that are insured with Brown and Brown and why we’re had to change our scheduled distribution schedule. First, a little background: Prior to 2011, we had many policies with different expiration dates. The Law & Ordinance policy expired 5-31, the Director’s and Officer’s policy on 10-1 and UCO’s policies were a hodgepodge of 4-26, 10-1, 11-1. You get the idea. I can’t imagine why it was like this but, it required that every month or two, we were renewing another policy. It also didn’t give us an idea of what we had, the entire package. So, in January of 2011, we decided that we were going to make all the policies expire on the same date: January 1st. The Law & Ordinance was short termed to January 1st, as you found out. One policy, the Director’s & Officer’s policy, because of its unique form had to be renewed in October of 2010. We asked to have the policy extended to 1-1-11 or a short-term policy written for that period. I was advised that that wasn’t possible. So, we wrote an annual policy and cancelled it as of January 1st, 2011. This required cancelling over 250 policies

and getting the premiums back for the unused portion. So that’s why we are returning the premium. When we received the checks, the name of the Association was “written” on the check, as well as having “United Civic Organization” typed on the check. We were advised that the bank would accept these, but we have since found out that this information is incorrect. All the checks have been returned to our former agent, Plastridge and we await new checks with the correct names typed. Once the new checks are received we will contact each Association to come to UCO and pick up their check. We apologize for the inconvenience. We are beginning to look at the new renewal for January 2011-2012. All the policies will expire on January 1st and be sent out for bid, as per our mandate from the UCO President and Officers and in adherence with UCO’s by-laws. We’re heard you that you want options and some of the more popular ones will be continued. There will be an opportunity to choose the wind buydown of your choice as well as payment option- installments or full pay. Any ideas, thoughts or comments, we’re glad to hear from you. We’re there during regular UCO work days at 561 683-9189 ext 150 or 151. Toni or Claudette.

August Transportation Report BY BURTON DALE

Have you ever looked at your interior doors and wondered why there’s a 1” to a 1 1/2” gap between the floor and the door bottom? Perhaps it was the error of a novice carpenter or maybe not. Whether you have ‘through the wall’ AC Units, found in most two-story condos or central AC units found in the multi-story condos, that gap serves an important purpose and was created to allow the efficient exchange of warm air recirculating to the AC Unit to be cooled and dehumidified. It is important that the opening be maintained unobstructed by carpeting or an area rug compromising it, so the greatest benefit can be obtained. An efficient AC unit should discharge humidity in the form of a slow flow of water dripping on the walkway or into the condensate drip tube, depending upon the type of unit, all is reused. Ceiling fans, as mentioned in the past, rotating clockwise, improve air circulation and help evaporate perspiration, thereby creating an additional cooling effect on your skin. Energy Conservationists recommend that the lowest setting, to get the biggest bang for your buck, is 78 degrees F. Ideally,10 degrees below outdoor temperature is best, but here in Florida that is too high, so your AC unit will operate efficiently at 78 degrees. For those who may be considering replacing your AC unit, do not be tempted to increase the size beyond that which exists. There are two reasons to match the existing load capacity. One, your limited amperage

provided cannot safely operate a larger unit without compromising the wiring serving your condo. Two, a larger unit will cool the area quickly but will do so without extracting sufficient humidity during the operating cycle, leaving you cool but clammy and uncomfortable. Changing the filter during the warm / hot months, when the AC is running frequently, will improve efficient airflow and reduce operating costs. Accordianfolded paper filters, available at the local building supply store for $10.00 packages of three are a good choice unless you suffer from airborne allergies. Filters should be changed every 4 to 5 weeks during the hot season and every 8 to 10 weeks during the cool season and washable filters in wall units, bi-monthly. While you are purchasing filters, don’t forget batteries for your digital thermostat, if you have one. All thermostats require low voltage electric current, but digital readout ones require either two Double A (2-AA) or three Triple A (3-AAA) batteries to provide the numbers in the little windows that relay the message to the AC unit. Battery life is somewhat longer than one year, but to be safe, replace them annually so that while you are away on vacation they won’t fail. Remember to replace the battery in your smoke / fire detector, a 9 Volt rectangular replacement, as well. Monthly Maintenance Committee meetings resume on Friday, September 9 at 10:00 A.M. in Classroom A, 2nd floor in the Clubhouse. Come and share your questions and information with others.


Mary Jarret Whilsler’s presentation opened the Transportation Meeting.

VITAS hosted this month's meeting of the Transportation Committee and a short presentation of the many services offered by VITAS to the residents of our Village in The Community Resource Center was given by Mary Jarett Whisler, spokesperson for the organization. For more information, call 561-683-5012. The Transportation Committee unanimously elected John Albinos to serve on the board and praised him for his constructive comments as a guest at many previous meetings. A vote to bring the Number Two Bus to Hastings every half hour, rather than every hour, was tabled until the next meeting. The vote to run the Number

Photo by Burton Dale

Two bus on the same route on Sunday as on Saturday, after brief discussion, carried as a benefit to Village residents who do not drive. The new bus contract was the subject of much discussion. By scheduling buses for excursions to Tuesdays only, it was brought to the attention of the Committee that a saving of $23,000 would accrue. A wish list by the members was requested by the Chairperson, Dot Loenstein, to advise the new bus company what might improve their service. The new buses will begin next January and can be identified as Century Village with the bus number on both sides and the rear for the convenience of riders.

First of all, my apologies: We were so concerned with the route changes, that we neglected to remove those tiny letters saying “4th Wednesday Carnival Flea Market”. Previously we mentioned that the committee had voted (on June 22nd) to change that 4th Wednesday trip to Boynton Beach Mall. It will not change back to Carnival in Delray, unless a change is made at our monthly meeting. We thank all of you that took note and informed us of our error. The error is not that of the UCO Reporter; it is entirely mine. Good thing I have broad shoulders! Our drivers deserve kudos for the way they handled their routes while paving was being done in our vil-

lage. They had no advance warning, and each morning would begin their route and immediately learn how to improvise. In spite of this, they were not late. Although we have always been fond of our drivers, we were amazed that none complained about having to rereroute spontaneously - they just took it in stride. Thank you all, guys! We hope you’ll be with us for many years to come. Trips to Festival Flea Market are quite popular and we find it necessary to take down names and phone numbers NOW, not at the last minute. Since our next trip* is scheduled for Tuesday, November 29, seats have been reserved already. Call Dot at 686 6854. *(That’s assuming you’ve already been on the August trip.) Glad you enjoyed it.


Okeechobee Branch Library News The Okeechobee Blvd. branch library plays an active role in the work, study, and play of the surrounding community. Your library card will provide you with free access to books and computers, job search assistance including resumes, accurate financial information, adult programs and classes, the latest blockbusters plus foreign films, bestsellers by your favorite authors and how-to materials on new hobbies and skills. Sign-up for a library card today! The Okeechobee Boulevard Branch Library is located next to Dunkin' Donuts. The hours are: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. All Village residents, including seasonal residents, are eligible for a free library card with proper I.D. Visit the library today! Okeechobee Blvd. Branch Library 5689 Okeechobee Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33417 (561) 233 1880 www.pbclibrary.org

SEPTEMBER PROGRAMS Tue, Sept. 6, 2:00 p.m. • Movie Wed, Sept. 7, 6:00 p.m. • Internet Tips & Tricks Tue, Sept. 13, 2:00 p.m. • Movie Wed, Sept. 14, 3:00 p.m. • Interm. MS Excel

Thu, Sept. 15, 3:00 p.m. • Interm. MS Word Mon, Sept. 19, 6:00 p.m • English Exchange Tue, Sept. 20, 8:30 a.m. • Mousing Class Tue, Sept. 20, 2:00 p.m. • Movie Tue, Sept. 20, 5:30 p.m. • Writers’ Workshop Thu, Sept. 22, 8:30 a.m. • Browser Basics

Thu, Sept. 22, 3:00 p.m. • Interm. MS Access Mon, Sept. 26, 6:00 p.m. • English Exchange Tue, Sept. 27, 2:00 p.m. • Movie Wed, Sept. 28, 2:00 p.m. • Open Mic Thu, Sept. 29, 2:00 p.m. • Book Discussion





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R E S I D E N T P H O T O G R A P H Y Your pictures could be here! Want to see your photos in print? Email them to [email protected]


Bridge to

HASTINGS Photos by Jean Dowling


Food Is Love!

Hungarian Sour Cream Pancakes

Goren Perlmuter was an emirate Rabbi. Both were charismatic and progressive leaders of this congregation which was, and still is, a big part of Jewish life on the South of Chicago. Max Janowski, a composer of liturgical music, directed the music at KAM at this time. It had a not very big, but quite active, circle of members. At some point, they even published a small brochure with all of their favorite recipes. Here is one of these by Herb Kalk: Hungarian Sour Cream Pancakes.

Hurricane season isn’t over yet!

Have you stocked up on...

TAMARA DRAGAN My first job as a bookkeeper was at KAM Isaiah Israel Synagogue, the oldest Jewish congregation in Chicago on the South Side, where the first Jewish immigrants lived before moving up North. To get there, I had to take 3 kinds of transportation: a bus, a train and a bus again. It is a beautiful Synagogue with huge stained glass windows, grand architecture and a unique chapel with great acoustics. It is across the street from President Obama’s house. During this period Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf was a leader of this reform congregation and Rabbi Hayim

Hurricane Alert!

• Batteries, • Flashlights • Batterypowered radios • Non-perishable food items

Ingredients: • 2 eggs • 6 tbsp flour • 1 cup sour cream • 1/4 tsp baking soda • Pinch of sugar • 2 pinches of salt Directions: Mix all the ingredients until the mixture is smooth, but do not overmix. On a very hot griddle or frying pan, drop batter from the tip of tablespoon. Pancakes should be about silver dollar size. When the top is dotted with holes, turn the pancakes over. Remove when the bottoms are golden. Serve immediately on warm plates with maple syrup. Enjoy

Bon Appetite!


Be prepared in the event of a storm! The time to buy supplies is NOW – not the day before the storm!














THURSDAY Bereavement Support Group 10AM-11:30AM

FRIDAY Conversation & Coffee 9AM- 11AM

Massage Therapy 10AM-1PM

110 Century Blvd. 8 Suite 101 West Palm Beach, FL 33417 (561) 683-5012

Blood Pressure Checks 9AM -11AM

Blood Pressure Checks 9AM -11AM

Blood Pressure Checks 9AM -11AM

Care Giver Support Group 1:30-2:30 PM

Care Giver Support Group 1:30-2:30 PM

Care Giver Support Group 1:30-2:30 PM

Potluck Dinner 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM

Blood Pressure Checks 9AM -11AM

Care Giver Support Group 1:30-2:30 PM

Veteran Services Officer on Site 9AM – 11AM Reiki 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Grandparent’s Day Event 2PM – 3:30 PM

Bereavement Support Group 10AM-11:30AM

Veteran Services Officer on Site 9AM – 11AM Reiki 10:30– 12:30 PM Safe Sex for Seniors Discussion 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Bereavement Support Group 10AM-11:30AM

Veteran Services Officer on Site 9AM - 11AM

Bereavement Support Group 10AM-11:30AM

Reiki 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Massage Therapy 10AM-1PM

Veteran Services Officer on Site 9AM - 11AM

Bereavement Support Group 10AM-11:30AM

Reiki 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Massage Therapy 10AM-1PM

Susan Wolfman RE/MAX DIRECT

Buyer Specialist 561-401-8704 Office 561-340-1980 Fax

Ground Floor 1 BEDROOM / 1 BATH NEW!! SHEFFIELD K All tile, updated kitchen, stall shower ......... $16,500 Upper Floor 1 BEDROOM / 1 BATH NEW!! NORTHAMPTON M Wtr vu's, rent, pet OK, needs TLC ..... $12,900 ED NEW!! D Dollhouse, furnished, updated charmer ........ $16,900 E N TWALTHAM R

COVENTRY F BRING THE POOCH!!!!! Great corner apartment, light and bright. Ceramic tile throughout, located on preserve, nice friendly association ........................................................... $39,900 Ground Floor 1 BEDROOM / 1½ BATH NORWICH M Corner, walk to gate & clubhouse, needs TLC .......... $14,900 SOUTHAMPTON B Park at door, tile, nu shower, updated ............ $19,900 GREENBRIER C Park at your door, poolside, tile, updated, furn. . $35,900 L DCorner, park at door, walk to pool, needs TLC ..... $16,900 CAMBRIDGE S OE NEW!! COVENTRY I Tile, step in shower, new appl., near clbhse .. $13,500 NEW!! DOVER B Park at door, lakeside, updates galore, nr club .. $47,500 NEW!! SOMERSET C 2/2 Ground floor corner. Best location, tile throughout, newer kitche, unbelievable views of lake and sailboats ......................................................................... $69,900 Upper Floor 1 BEDROOM / 1½ BATH NEW!! WINDSOR R Dollhouse, pride of ownership, steps to pool .. $19,900 NEW!! SOUTHAMPTON C Oversize patio, updates, elevator .... $23,500 NEW!! WINDSOR G Walk to gate/pools, patio has garden vu's . $14,900 BEDFORD F Corner, light & bright, nu carpet, move-in ready .. $14,900 DOVER B Best views in village from lge patio, tile, upd'd kitchen . $39,900 WELLINGTON E Long lake views, tile throughout, updated ...... $49,900 O L D Open loftlike floorplan, completely redone ..... $59,500 DOVER CSWOW! SALISBURY D CORNER, new A/C, walk to clubhouse & gate .... $13,500

WELLINGTON J 2/2, GROUND FLOOR CORNER, light & bright, park at your door, poolside building, new cabinets and vanities, wonderful oversized patio with lake and pool views .............. $64,900

Conversation & Coffee 9AM- 11AM

Massage Therapy 10AM-1PM Conversation & Coffee 9AM- 11AM

Massage Therapy 10AM-1PM Conversation & Coffee 9AM- 11AM

Conversation & Coffee 9AM- 11AM

#1 REMAX in Century Village

email: [email protected] Visit my website ~ susanwolfman.com Ground Floor 2 BEDROOMS NEW!! WELLINGTON J 2/2, Long lake vus, tile, furn, poolside. $64,900 CANTERBURY J Great price and great location, tile S ................. O L D $28,500 D DOVER B Park at door, ultimate S loc., large patio ........ $52,500 O Llakeside, WELLINGTON K Two bedroom, two full size baths and oversized Florida room, poolside elevator building, furnished and ready for move-in ................................................................................ $64,900 Upper Floor 2 BEDROOM S NEW!! CANTERBURY D Corner beauty, furn., updates ................. $29,900 NEW!! WALTHAM H Corner, all tile, move-in, updated thruout ..... $37,500 NEW!! STRATFORD J WOW, Great price, walk to clubs & gate .... $29,000 NEW!! COVENTRY L All tile, compl. with lift, CAC, great price .... $23,500 CAMDEN D Cor., water surrounds, walk 2 pool, lift, 2nd fl laund .. $29,900 NEW!! COVENTRY F CORNER, dog friendly, CAC, tile thruout, upgraded baths, pretty building on preserve ............................ $39,900

NEW!!! WELLINGTON G 2/2 Ground floor, park at your door convenience, tile, new oversized enclosed patio. updates throughout, great price for this location................................ $49,900 REMAX RENTS SUSSEX B 1/1½, 2nd flr, 'clean as a whistle,' tile, unfurnished ... $550/mo. SOUTHAMPTON B 2/1½ New kit and baths, tile, partly furn ..... $700/mo. SHEFFIELD B 2/1½, Corner, ground floor, furnished, walk to Hastings clubhouse .............................$5000/season, $700/mo. ANDOVER H Ground floor, corner, looking for long term ............ $700/mo. WELLINGTON K 2/2 Tile, fresh paint, furnished or unfurn ....... $900/mo. CANTERBURY D 2/1½ 2nd floor corner, great location, furnished or unfurnished ........................................................ $700/mo.



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Getting to know you...

Jack Kasden: “Mr. Karaoke” By Lanny Howe “What kind of psychotherapy do I recommend for senior citizens? I recommend karaoke.” —Aunt Blabby “People come for different reasons,” says longtime bandleader and resident of Camden B, Jack Kasden, “some to sing, some just to listen, some to hear Latin music, and some to dance.” What Jack and his assistant, Cecilia Quinn, do at their karaoke sessions in Century Village, is see that a variety of songs are played and sung, and that everyone has a good time. Jack is expert at this. He tailors the program to the audience. They love it, some take part, residents pay nothing, and it’s therapeutic. CNN ran a piece a while back saying the best weapon for seniors fighting Alzheimer’s was music. Karaoke began in Japan in the 1970s. “It caught on quickly, spread to the US, and became very popular here, in part because it was an inexpensive form of entertainment,” explains Jack. “It was in effect, a one-man orchestra, after the big-band era.” Jack, 75, grew up in Brooklyn and was interested in music from early on. “As a kid,” he says, “I sang in Hebrew school, and at age 15 performed at the Mac Levy Studios on Flatbush Avenue. I hung out with the Moonglows at the Apollo Theater in 1954 while enjoying great new forms of music called Doo Wop and Rock and Roll. I began to make my own records for Mercury and recorded six sides with a 56piece orchestra.” From 1953-69, Jack worked at the New York Stock Exchange. He got married and then also became a bandleader from 1963 till 1990, performing at (as he puts it) “weddings, bar-mitzvahs, and catered divorces” for 27 years. Jack sometimes played bass fiddle, and he drove a limousine from 1988 till 1999. His mother’s aunt’s nephew was Morris Miller, otherwise known as Robert Merrill. Jack came to Century Village in 2000, and Karaoke came here in 2003, led by seasonal residents Bo and Marge, a couple from Michigan. When the 2004 hurricanes closed down the Clubhouse, Bo and Marge weren’t here. Jack saw a real need for entertainment during this “down” period and was encouraged by Jean Dowling to conduct karaoke sessions at the Kent pool. He bought $3,000 worth

of equipment and was back in the entertainment business doing what he loves. “From all bad things come good things. If it weren’t for the hurricanes, I wouldn’t be here today,” Jack testifies. Asked how good the volunteer singers are, Jack replied, “They run the gamut and that’s the fun of it.” Jack went on to say, “A thousand people turned out for the 2005 Fourth of July celebration at the Camden pool, with the karaoke going on for nine hours.” Another memorable occasion was the

CD Alternative


 karaoke service attended by 300 people and held in the Party Room in memory of karaoke singer Patrick White, by request of his wife. It meant everything to her. Until the Clubhouse is reopened in September, Jack and Cecilia are leading karaoke on Friday evenings at the Camden pool.

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Getting to know you...

Jim Ferrell Farmer turned artist-sculptor By Lanny Howe You never know who you will run into in the Village, do you? The person you pass on the sidewalk, see in the Clubhouse, or sit next to on the bus may have an interesting past. Take Jim Ferrell for instance. Most of us have been pleasantly delighted with the new quarters that came out a few years ago with engravings representing each of the fifty states. Jim Ferrell, who lives in Southampton C, designed five of them—Connecticut, Kentucky, Vermont, Georgia and Florida. Jim was brought up on a farm in southern New Jersey. He, a brother and a sister inherited artistic ability from their mother, and all have been able to earn a living as artists. Jim attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia where he studied painting and sculpture. “It’s important to find good instruction,” he says. “Drawing is design. The main ingredient is desire.” In 1961, Jim won a European Cresson Fellowship for young artists, which allowed him to travel

throughout Europe for four months. There, he specifically studied the impressionists. “French, which I loved in high school, came in handy,” he says. Two incidents during that time stand out. “I came within five feet of Charles de Gaulle in a motorcade on the Place de la Concorde Bridge,” he says, and, “I almost got stuck in East Berlin the day before the Berlin Wall went up. A friend and I had bribed our way in. It was a close call getting out.” Ferrell did illustrations for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, but his primary jobs for over 34 years were with the U.S. and Franklin Mints, in Philadelphia. Among the many artifacts he has designed are 11 Congressional Gold Medals, our country’s highest civilian award. Included were medals for Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul II, and Billy and Ruth Graham. During the Mandela presentation, Ferrell was pointed out in the audience to the old statesman, who insisted he come up on stage, where he put an arm around him, thanking him profusely. The pope’s medal, bearing Jim’s signature, is said to be buried with the pope. Jim also sculpted a portrait of Princess Anne of England, for the 400th anniversary of the parliamentarian government of the Bahamas. Jim retired from the Mint in 2003. Suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, he came to Century Village. Amazingly, his symptoms have almost vanished since the Florida move. One day in the Village Jim met Joe Friedman, an old friend from his days at the Academy of Fine Arts. They hadn’t seen one another since those days. At the Reporter office, Jim showed us a beautiful painting he did of a wood stork, which had been displayed in the Clubhouse. Asked “What advice would you give to our seniors who want to try their hand at painting?” he replied, “Just go for it!”


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Free shuttle transportation to Century Medical Care Center and also to Good Samaritan Medical Center’s Diagnostic Center Hospital Affiliations: Good Samaritan Medical Center, St. Mary’s Medical Center, Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center


Just Thinking... by Dom Guarnagia Just thinking! Did you ever wonder…..Have you given any thought to how GREEN the new electric vehicles, such as the Chevrolet Volt and the Nissan Leaf, really are? Unseen to the end user, somewhere on the National Electric Grid, whether Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Louisiana, someone is shoveling coal into a furnace to boil water, creating steam to drive an electric generator to produce electricity that charges the vehicles batteries here in Florida. That smoke stack is spewing smoke laden with sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and other

pollutants sending “acid rain” affecting the air quality of states east of the generator. Not very GREEN! The EPA is considering severe fines to electric utility companies in 27 states for the polluting adjacent states. The true advantage is, that it reduces our dependence on foreign petroleum, but has no effect on pollution. Just thinking! Did you ever wonder…..If MacDonalds changes the contents of their child’s popular Happy Meal by reducing the amount of fries and introducing sliced apples, will an apple a day really keep the doctor away? Slice an apple and let it sit on the counter or in the fridge for a couple of hours. It’s no longer appetizing white.

The addition of preservatives (chemicals) will be required to make those apple slices a desirable alternative to fries. It seems to be a no-win solution that the majority of children targeted with this choice will avoid. Obesity is a national problem with the new youth generation quite content to stay indoors after school playing on their computer, text messaging or watching TV. Whatever happened to bicycling, playing ball and spending time outdoors gathering with the locals and exposure to sunlight and perhaps exercise. We’ve come a long way in the past fifty years. Or have we?

R E S I D E N T P H O T O G R A P H Y Your pictures could be here! Want to see your photos in print? Email them to [email protected] Photos by Ken Graff




Answer To: The Mystery of the Missing Chandelier Answers to Last Week’s Mystery • Edited by David Saxon In the last edition of this newspaper, I challenged you readers to send an answer to a puzzle which has bedeviled old-timers here in Century Village. The puzzle was to locate the ornate chandelier that was shown in early brochures for the clubhouse but now appears to be missing. Here are some of the "guesses" I received: Whitney Stokes wrote, "I believe they put in a suspended (drop) ceiling and therefore the chandelier was

ABOVE it, invisible when you looked up." Good guess, but wrong. George Geller of Wellington wrote, “The chandelier was taken down and installed in the office of one of the UCO officers.” No, George, I’ve looked and none of them have room for it there. Read on. Barbara Windsor said, “During one of the blackouts, someone took down the chandelier to use at home.” Sorry, Barbara, your imagination is better than your

answer. Nice try all. Now I’ll turn this over to Dr. Wetson and Hemlock Shomes for the correct answer. "Shomes," Wetson stated, "you said you could solve the puzzle. Do you really know what happened to the missing light fixture? Tell me." "Yes," Shomes replied, "I’ve studied the case and I do know what really happened to the chandelier that the pamphlet shows prominently displayed in the center of the

ceiling in the clubhouse." Wetson gave his usual look of confusion as the great man began his usually rambling reply. "I don’t know how you do it, Shomes. Tell me, please." "It is elementary, my dear doctor. There never was a chandelier here in the first place to be missing." "That can’t be right, Hemlock, I’ve seen the picture of it right here in the brochure." "Oh yes," Shomes chuck-

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led, "there is a picture but it was only in the brochure and never was installed. The picture was designed to let new buyers know what had been planned, and I know that the illusion was created, but it was only an illusion. The Case of the Missing Chandelier is over. Now, Wetson, back to my flat at 221B Bakery Street and we’ll see if there may be another mystery for the readers of the Yucky Reporter to work on."

Always Remember and Never Forget... Put a smoke detector in your apartment and change the battery once a year. Doing so will keep you alerted in case of a fire in your unit.


MORE FAQ's and FACTS from the Infrastructure Committee FAQ: Rain water has been running back onto our walkways. Will the paving include changes in slopes to our association walkways?

structure. The resolution is an association responsibility. The paving involves drainage and grading of the asphalt surfaces only.

FACT: The grades of our walkways, established some 40 years ago, have with time, changed at both the buildings and surrounding land, with undesirable consequences, one of which is the reverse sloping, directing water toward, rather than of away from, the

FAQ: Will the deep puddles in the parking areas be eliminated? FACT: The goal is to greatly reduce puddles and standing water that both disappear in a matter of hours after a downpour. Through

improved drainage, utilizing swales and large pipes that redirect the water eliminating the "ponding"; large quantities of water that remain for days is the greater goal. FAQ: Will my association parking area and driveways be completed this year? FACT: The answer is a bit lengthy. The repaving process is progressing faster than anticipated. When the con-

tracts were written, scheduled work was to be accomplished in two stages with the Contractor removing his equipment and returning next season. There are several cost saving reasons for changing the completion schedule to be addressed at one time as follows: 1. Over a decade ago, when repaving work was performed, the cost of mobilization, assembling equipment on the job site was $350,000. Today that cost has risen to $500,000. Extending the contract to complete the project without removing and returning equipment will save half a million dollars. 2. The Contractor preordered and temporarily locked in the cost per ton of asphalt product required to do the entire paving at $60.00

per ton. That cost today is $70.00 per ton and increasing. Holding the price for a year is impossible. As evidenced by the price of gasoline at the pump today, the cost per gallon that had enjoyed a hiatus is, once again, rising. A continuum of paving will save thousands of dollars in cost of the petroleum-based material. With the worldwide economic climate and America's tenuous economic situation as well as a greater need for oil from developing countries, petroleum is becoming scarcer and increasingly expensive. This has already impacted the cost per ton of asphalt. West Palm Beach is quickly concluding the repaving of Okeechobee Blvd. to both make use of stimulus money and save on the cost of asphalt before that cost increases significantly.




WEST PALM RECREATIONAL FACILITIES W.P.R.F., Inc. Materials for Switchgear project. Photo by Elain brown

by Anita J. Pearce, Vice-President I would like to thank everyone for their understanding and cooperation during our 30-day closing for the switchgear project. Many residents have asked why we need to close and why we need to replace the switchgear. The photo with this article is of the current, old switchgear and as you can see, it occupies an entire room of its own. The

switchgear is the primary source of electrical power which distributes electricity throughout the entire building. Federal Pacific, the manufacturer of the existing equipment, can no longer supply parts for this system. If we tried to obtain re-built parts, the cost would be four times more than original, possibly greater. And we would still end up with "used" parts. Instead, as we change out the old system, we will be

upgrading the service, as well as removing ALL aluminum wire from the main switchgear to secondary switches. The shutdown of the Clubhouse will be a short-term inconvenience, while the possibility of having this outdated system, in need of serious repairs, fail us unexpectedly would cause a major emergency situation at our facility. For safety and insurance purposes, the bridge gate will remain closed at all times dur-

ing construction, and there will be no access to the Clubhouse island with the exception of contractors and some WPRF staff. During the Clubhouse closure, our telephones will be operative. In addition, you will find the following services located in the Lobby of the Hastings Fitness Center: 1. ID Office – we will be issuing IDs, guest passes and companion passes Monday through Friday from 7 AM to

3 PM,; 2. WPRF Office - we will be accepting payments and assisting residents with questions on their WPRF accounts Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM; 3. Staff Office – our Ticket/Staff Office in the Main Clubhouse will be closed while the work is ongoing; however, we will have our evening staff at Hastings each weekday from 3 PM until close and all weekend long to assist you with limited services available. 4. WiFi – Many residents enjoy having WiFi at the Main Clubhouse. So that you will not lose this service, we have made WiFi available at the Hastings Fitness Center as well. Again, I thank you all for your understanding. Enjoy the rest of the summer and be well.

Operations Committee Report by Jean Dowling The Operations Committee met on Tuesday, July 26, 2011. Special guests of the Committee were Abby Koffler, who books all of the entertainment for all four villages and Monica Wells, who is Comptroller for Cenville. Abby announced that there will be a preview of the shows booked for the 2011-12 season on July 27 in the theater. Abby has cancelled, at no cost, all of the entertainment which would have taken place during the renovation of the electric in the clubhouse. This is a very good achievement considering that each performer was under a contract. Monica announced that the shoreline

project had collected $1,757,000 to date and has paid out $1,367,000. The shoreline project is estimated to be 95% complete. Ty Beba, from Brown and Brown Insurance, had obtained two proposals for insurance. Zurich presented a cost of $389,542 and AmRisc proposed $380,252. The bottom line showed that the better coverage was with Zurich and the bid committee and the Operations voted to go with them. The equipment has arrived, and the clubhouse will close August 8 for 30 days for the change-out of the switch gear. At the same time, the guest pool will receive a complete renovation of deck and pool surface. The cost of pool ren-

ovation will be $39,292. The ID office will be relocated to Hastings, and karaoke will be held on Wednesday at the Kent Pool with Delores and Tommy and at the Camden Pool on Friday with Jack Kasner. The pools and building at the main clubhouse will be unavailable and the gates closed FOR 30 DAYS BEGINNING AUGUST 8. Accounts Receivable will be relocated at Hastings. The phones will be functional. Classes will be cancelled for the clubhouse closure. UCO meetings, currently held at the clubhouse, will be relocated to the UCO office or cancelled. A financial statement can be viewed, if you have given UCO your email address, and it will be part of the mailing

by President Dave Israel’s program to inform residents of what is happening in the Village and where their money is being spent. The 4th of July party at the main pool was deemed a success with a cost of $600. The main clubhouse had a roof leak over the switch room with a $2000 repair cost. The tennis courts will be resurfaced with fiberglass as explained in the report in the July issue of the Reporter. Kent pool repairs will total $28,496 and is scheduled to be done after the main pool is complete and the clubhouse opens. No smoking signs will be erected at all pools. The Committee voted to make the portecochere at the clubhouse a non-smoking area also. While

the clubhouse is down, kids may go to any pool. A new contract for Xerox machines came in lower than the previous contract with copies in black and white costing $.017 and color $.178. Hastings will get new landscaping and irrigation at a cost of $4,072. A water heater for the party room costing $586, including plumbing and electric, was approved by the Committee. The new pool rail covers have been well received. These were only installed at Hastings as a test to see if they were successful. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM.

SECTION B Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B

Classes by Courtney Olsen The September and October class schedule will now be available in the Ticket Office. Please keep in mind that the majority of the classes resume in November, December and January. We will be introducing new and exciting classes to the schedule this year such as, Mosaics, Jewelry Making and Memoir Writing. The complete list of

clubs are posted on Channel 63 with limited information, if there is a club that you are interested in please call the Ticket Office at 640-3120 ext. 1 to request more information. The next Metro Traffic School to reduce your car insurance by up to 10% is scheduled for October 13, 2011 at 9am. Registration is required. For more information call: 561 640-3120 Ext. 252

Legal Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3B Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B Political Updates . . . . . . . . . . . 9B Organization News. . . . . . . . . 19B Classified. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22B Recreation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29B Around the Village. . . . . . . . . 31B Email articles and comments to [email protected] Read recent back issues at centruy-village-wpb.blogspot.com


R E S I D E N T P H O T O G R A P H Y Your pictures could be here! Want to see your photos in print? Email them to [email protected]

Having fun with the Hispanic Club.

Your photo could be here! Your digital photos are wanted at the UCO Reporter!! Send your best quality digital pictures, in large format to [email protected]



Board Size Have you ever wondered what determines the number of directors of a condominium association? There are many associations which have determined their board size based solely on historical precedence (“This is the way we've always done it”!). Most bylaws, or amendments thereto, offer a range of five to seven persons. Some associations are fixed at five, seven or even a higher number of directors. Since election time is approaching in

the near futute, this may be the most opportune time to share this information regarding the legal board size of each association. Let us begin by referring to the Condominium Act, Section 718.112(2)(a)1., F.S., as follows: “In the absence of such a provision, the board of administration shall be composed of five members, except in the case of a condominium which has five or fewer units, in which case in a not-for-profit corporation the board shall consist of not fewer than three

From the County Sheriff RIC BRADSHAW The most fundamental function of being a law enforcement officer is to uphold a pledge never to betray the badge or the public trust. My agency’s more than 4,000 employees, both sworn and civilian, strive to maintain the highest standards in protecting lives, defending civil liberties, and securing the safety of all our citizens. But my workers aren’t perfect. Some violate our adminis-

trative policies. A few even break the law. That’s why the Sheriff ’s Office has the Division of Internal Affairs. Our staff of 34 is charged with receiving, processing and investigating all allegations against Sheriff ’s Office employees. The division also conducts administrative investigations for other law enforcement agencies in Palm Beach County. My Internal Affairs investigators review complaints from

Safety Committee GEORGE FRANKLIN Hi again folks. I want to let you all know that the SHREDDING EVENT in July went very well. We processed almost 700 pounds of paper. We do plan to run this service again some time in November. Watch the articles for date and time. Thank you to all that patricipated in this event. Again everyone needs to be reminded to lock your unit doors when you go

out and also lock your car doors when parking your vehicle. DO NOT leave windows open as that is inviting a crime to happen. Remove all articles in your car and place them in the trunk or take them into your home. Leaving articles no matter how small in your car invites a thief to break in. This is a "Crime of Opportunity." Another tip is to remove any

members.” When the bylaws fail to provide a specific number of board members, the default number in statute is five members, unless the range is accompanied by a method or mechanism for the association to determine the precise number of positions on the board from year to year. “In the absence of such a provision...” refers to the requirement for the method or mechanism to be placed in the bylaws accompanying a range. This also holds true for board size amendments which state, for example, “the Board shall be composed of not greater than seven (7) persons.” Basically, the statute provides a fall-back position when the documents either intentionally, or erroneously, fail to specify either the number of board seats or a method of determining the number of seats. For example, if the documents provide that the board should be composed of not less than five (5) and not more than seven (7) persons, most documents do not

contain the necessary procedure designed to set a precise number. Therefore, the board must consist of (5) members. An example of such a procedure placed in the bylaws could be as follows: “Prior to mailing the first notice of election, the board may determine the specific board size for the upcoming election within the range offered.” Many associations prefer to amend Article IV of the Bylaws, “Directors”, to set the board size at five (5) persons, since it has become increasingly difficult to find competent and interested volunteers to serve on the board. While we are on the subject, the 1999 UCO MODEL DOCUMENTS, which most associations have adopted, contain a provision in Article IV of the Bylaws which provides for “different voting and election procedures” which includes the use of general proxies in elections. As per Section 718.112(2)(d)8., F.S., these different voting and election procedures may only be used by

associations governing ten or fewer units, so all condominiums in Century Village with more 10 units, must conduct board elections as outlined by Statute, Section 718.112(2)(d), and the Florida Administrative Code (61B-23.0021). Therefore, those associations which have adopted this master declaration, may wish to delete this voting procedure in its entirety when amending their documents. I'd also like to clarify that an officer need not be a board member. If co-owners of a unit wish to be members of the board, they may only do so if they own more than one unit in the association, or there are insufficient candidates to serve on the board otherwise. An easy fix may be for one of the co-owners to be appointed as an officer by the newly constituted board and perform the duties customarily performed by such an officer of a corporation. Such officer does not have a vote at board meetings since he/she is not a board member.

the public on matters such as mishandling of calls for service or using inappropriate language or force. The more serious accusations, like violating state law, are handled by other Sheriff ’s Office detectives, often in conjunction with the public corruption unit of the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office. Internal Affairs also routinely reviews my agency’s many databases to identify and assist employees who display symptoms of job stress or performance problems. The Early Intervention System (EIS) detects troubling behaviors before they happen simply by monitoring in-house reports on use of force, vehicle accidents, canine usage, discharge of firearms, and community complaints. EIS categorizes deputies’ actions and generates alerts to my staff. For me, this system is

designed to get struggling employees the help they need to continue working for the Sheriff ’s Office. It’s also a proactive measure to reduce negligence and avoid costly lawsuits. We take complaints from citizens very seriously. When an accusation is received, Internal Affairs makes every effort to ensure a thorough, timely, and fair investigation. Their reviews are bound by stringent rules, dictated by Florida statute. Each case originates at Internal Affairs and works its way up to supervisors and eventually to me. I spend considerable time reviewing the outcomes of every complaint, making sure to balance an employee’s basic rights with a citizen’s concerns. Let me be clear: the buck stops with me. I don’t put up with any inappropriate con-

duct. We are a transparent agency. I don’t shy away from disciplining employees. No matter if it’s a rookie deputy, a seasoned sergeant, or an executive major who oversees million dollar operations, I treat them all equally when it comes to employee conduct. Police work is hard, stressful and often dangerous. Working under such conditions, my employees are bound to make mistakes. They are human. However, we have a responsibility to our employees and the community to investigate wrongdoing and problematic behavior. We are required to do so under the law. We are also morally obligated in our oath to serve the public trust. I encourage you to learn more about the work of our Division of Internal Affairs. Visit our website pbso.org and click to Internal Affairs.

wires that may connect to electronic devices. If a thief sees those he will know you own a GPS or similar device. This will invite him to break in and trash your vehicle looking for the equipment. Close your ash tray. This is also a give away that you have an electical device. Another tip DO NOT leave loose change in your ash tray either. In short, do not leave anything in your car that can tip off a thief that there is something in the vehicle worth stealing. Make a record of all serial numbers of electronic equipment owned. If you have a Dremel Tool or other obeject engrave your DRIVER LICENSE number into the back or bottom of these items. DO NOT use your

Social Security Numbers. Those of you living on the first floors of your buildings make sure you lock your windows and doors when leaving or retiring for the evening. Again, we have had bad guys trying doors and windows to get in. Do not help the bad guys to rob you. Think before you do anything. Just because this is a gated community does not mean we can not have a prrobelm. Another tip: if a problem occurs call 9-1-1 FIRST then call Century Village Security. As always, if anyone has any questions regarding any safety Issue, feel free to contact me at the UCO office. Until next time BE SAFE OUT THERE!

Security Committee PHIL DREISS The Security Committee met on August 5 in the UCO office and the meeting was well attended. Jeff Kornec, Major of the Weiser Security Company, distributed copies of the Century Village Monthly Security Report and there was discussion of particular "unusual" items. During the month of July there were 8 Gate Arm incidents. Based on information obtained from video cameras, it was determined that in one such incident the gate arm was completely demolished because it was hit by a car LEGAL UPDATES, continued on page B8


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HEALTH NEWS Health Committee

Have The Conversation: Help others plan their end-of-life care by taking control of your own by Tiffany Puhlman


FIRST AID REVIEW One of the scariest things that we may come across, is cardiac arrest. It is important that we know what to do without hesitation. First, try to determine if the person is breathing. Look for chest rise listen at the mouth and nose. If you believe that the person is not breathing, dial 911 first. Time is very important rescue can respond in as little as 6 minutes. Now you can do some good before rescue arrives. Nobody likes the idea of mouth to mouth. You no longer have to do this; there is enough oxygen in the blood to last until rescue arrives. What you need to do is get the blood circulating. Lay the person flat on their back, interlock your fingers, and start compressions with the heel of your hand on the center of the upper chest. Press hard and fast until rescue arrives. Try to tilt the head back so that the airway is clear.

First aid for a stroke is recognizing that it is happening. Time is very important. Strokes can often be cured if the person is treated within 3.5 hours of a witnessed stroke. Look for slurred speech or facial droop. Weakness on one side is common, as is confusion. If you recognize that it is happening and dial 911, you may save a life. Falls, especially with neck or back pain, need special care. Do not move the person, just make them comfortable on the floor or wherever they fall. If you have a blanket handy cover them. Do not put a pillow under the head as, if there is neck damage, you can cause damage. The big common mistake that people make is to ignore what is happening. People often feel that if they lay down in bed for a while the pain will go away. Remember time is very important.

A century ago death happened at home, and all that science could do to keep you alive was found in the doctor’s black bag. In the last 50 years medical technology has made it possible to keep someone alive virtually almost indefinitely. But at what cost? We see in the news what can happen when people fail to leave thorough instructions on how they want to be cared for when they can’t speak for themselves. Perhaps because of those stories of anguished families, Americans are more likely to make their wishes known. Still, studies show that less than 30 percent of Americans

have gone on record as to how they want to be cared for at the end of life. The best way to get others to discuss end-of-life care is to do so yourself. Use milestone events—weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, graduations— to hold “what if ” conversations. Be sure to include children and parents in the conversation. Five Wishes (www.agingwithdignity.org) helps people express how they want to be treated if they are seriously ill and unable to speak for themselves. It includes all of a person's needs: medical, personal, emotional and spiritual. Five Wishes lets your family and doctors know:

• Who you want to make health care decisions for you when you can't make them. • The kind of medical treatment you want or don't want. • How comfortable you want to be. • How you want people to treat you. • What you want your loved ones to know. For more information about end-of-life care planning, contact VITAS Innovative Hospice Care® at the Community Resource Center, 110 Century Boulevard (right next to Walgreens) or call us at 561-683-5012. You can also visit us on the web at www.vitas.com.

ing pain that feels as if it is stabbing or burning in your limbs, could be signs of peripheral neuropathy. Regardless of what caused the neuropathy, a new, nontoxic treatment is available. In only a few short months, you could reverse this horrific condition.

Feel free to visit us online at www.DrMorgen.com. Call (561) 964-9191 for a consultation to meet with Dr.Morgen. She can determine if you are a candidate for the treatment. The office is a provider for Medicare and most PPO’s

Neuropathy Treatment By Dr. Sabrina Morgan Neuropathy treatments are covered under many insurance plans, including Medicare. Neuropathy usually causes pain and numbness in the hands and feet. It can result from traumatic injuries, infections, metabolic disorders, and exposure to toxins. One of the most common causes of neuropathy is diabetes. Approximately 50% of diabetics will eventually succumb to neuropathy. Most people are unaware that neuropathy is commonly caused by statin drugs and/or damaged nerves from the lumbar spine. Neuropathy is also common in cancer survivors who have endured chemotherapy.

Peripheral neuropathy usually starts with numbness, prickling or tingling in the toes or fingers. The pain can be either constant or periodic and may spread up to the feet or hands causing burning, freezing, throbbing and/or shooting pain that is often worse at night. Some types of peripheral neuropathy develop suddenly, while others progress more slowly over many years. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy often include: • A sensation of wearing an invisible "glove" or "sock" • Burning sensation or freezing pain • Sharp, jabbing or electric-like pain • Extreme sensitivity to touch • Difficulty sleeping because of feet and leg pain • Loss of balance and coordination • Muscle

weakness • Difficulty walking or moving the arms • Unusual sweating • Abnormalities in blood pressure or pulse. Symptoms such as experiencing weakness, or not being able to hold something, not knowing where your feet are, and experienc-


In My Opinion... by Irv Rikon The real theater, the really BIG SHOW, took place in Washington, D. C., when the President and scores of Congresspersons publicly debated the national debt. Much of it at times seemed almost to be comic. Various politicians, impeccably

dressed, posed before TV cameras reciting wellrehearsed lines. We can imagine trained penguins posturing so. To this date, no final agreement has been reached; thus, one of the major rating agencies cut the nation's credit rating. The comedy becomes high drama. Does any responsible person in Washington fully

understand? The foremost issue is unemployment; job creation. For many seniors, the heart-rending question is, Can I make ends meet and stay healthy? Will my children, Baby Boomers, soon to retire, receive the Social Security benefits which they, as loyal citizens, have financially paid for through the years? Social Security is not an entitlement program, but the federal government has been raiding the Fund for decades, using it for "general

purposes". These politicians behave like feudal Dukes and Barons, as though we are their subjects, rather than they our salaried employees. Yet even in the terrible Age of Feudalism, feudal lords provided work, food and shelter. In order to demonstrate empathy and camaraderie with their fellow Americans, politicians should slash their salaries and pensions by at least 15%. Medicare? Whatever medical plan

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Congresspersons have, all Americans should have. Note, too, that many Congresspersons and the President don't want to extricate us from the foreign wars in which Americans -- and others -- die. In other words, Washington finds money to kill people but claims to lack funds that keep citizens at home well and secure. The Big Show continues at least through November 2012.


Labor Day

FOOD & ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment by: Sydelle Banks Leon Aaronson Rae Spitalnic Limited to 200 Reservations: Call: Rae Spitalnic at 561-478-3221 or The Temple weekday mornings at 561-684-3212


Need updates for Farbers ad FULL PAGE B&W


LEGAL UPDATES, continuedfrom page B3

traveling in excess of 50 miles an hour. Major Jeff reported that the volume of visitor entries during the month of July (21,443) seemed high for such a summer period. That unusual number of gate entries also caused a higher than normal number of those being denied access(558). The Guard Of The Month,

Sebastian Segade, was introduced to the Committee, and received a well deserved round of applause. The information regarding special security procedures and the relocation of the ID and WPRF offices, both made necessary by the closing of the Clubhouse for an extended period beginning August 8, has been distributed through a number of venues. A special

Local Attorney MARK FRIEDMAN New Laws and Clarification of Existing Laws – Part 2 This month’s column discusses suspension of use rights

Homeowners associations have been able to suspend their members for a number of years. However, it was not until 2010 that condominium associations could do the same for unit owners more than ninety days in arrears in the payment of any monetary

point was made concerning the fact that effective August 8, all satellite pools (with the exception of Hastings) will be open to all residents, renters and their guests with no age restrictions. The COP program is in a reorganization process, and new active members will be needed. Major Jeff has noticed an increase in the number of

instances which involve new owners and renters. The feeling is that this may be due to a relaxation of due diligence on behalf of some Century Village Associations in administering their screening/investigation of new owners and/or renters. This relaxation has caused an increase in security problems at the gates, Clubhouse and the satellite pools. It was noted during discussion on the sub-

ject that investigation data provided to some Associations which would normally call for rejection of an ownership and or rental application is sometimes being ignored by the Association. It would appear that some Associations might be taking this means to correct a delinquency or foreclosure situation in their Association without realizing its effect on the entire Village.

obligation to the association. Condominium associations can also suspend not only the unit owner but the unit owner’s tenants, guests, and invitees from using the common elements, common facilities and association property. In 2011, the ability to suspend use rights was also permitted for failure to comply with any provision of the declaration, bylaws or rules and regulations. When a condominium association wishes to suspend use rights for non-monetary violations, this must be done at a hearing, with fourteen days’

notice, before three unit owners who are not Board members or persons residing in the Board members’ households, giving the unit owner the right to be heard. This was also the method for suspensions due to arrearages. However, in 2011, the law changed. Now, if the Board wishes to suspend the use rights or voting rights of a unit owner who is more than ninety days delinquent in the payment of a monetary obligation, this is done at a properly noticed Board meeting, at which a quorum of the Board is present. Great caution must

be taken not to reveal the unit owner’s identity at Board meetings to avoid running afoul of debt collection laws. The unit owners name should never be revealed in the notice, agenda or during discussion by the Board. I strongly recommend that you consult with your community association attorney regarding the proper format for the Board resolution and subsequent letter that must be sent to the unit owner who is suspended.

Practical Realities No matter how great this enforcement mechanism may seem on paper, there are practical realities which often prevent its implementation. Often asked is, “how do we enforce the suspension?” The answer depends on how access is granted to the common elements, common facilities and association property. If your pool is surrounded by a chain-link fence, it will not be possible to block access and will require the association to seek an injunction from the Court. If, on the other hand, one must use an electronic key to enter the recreation facility, that key may be disconnected from service during the period of suspension. In addition, the facilities have to be your own or under your control. If the pool belongs to, or is controlled by, another entity you generally cannot enforce the suspension. Please note that you may never suspend limited common elements intended to be used only by that unit (such as their balcony), common elements needed to access the unit, utility services provided to the unit, parking spaces, or elevators. If you have questions about anything I’ve written contact me at [email protected] and I will answer them, as space permits, in future columns. Mark D. Friedman is a senior attorney with Becker & Poliakoff, P.A., This column is not a substitute for consultation with legal counsel. Mark D. Friedman is a senior attorney with Becker & Poliakoff, P.A. This column is not a substitute for consultation with legal counsel. Mr. Friedman may be contacted at [email protected]


POLITICAL UPDATES From Congressman TED DEUTCH Throughout this debt ceiling debate, my Democratic colleagues and I have fought for a balanced approach to deficit reduction. That is because we believe it is wrong to balance the budget on the backs of seniors, middle class families, and the most vulnerable Americans while ignoring special interest tax breaks

and tax cuts for millionaires. For months, tea party extremists have threatened to put America into default as a way to ram through Congress a plan to destroy Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security while enshrining subsidies for oil companies, tax breaks for millionaires, and other special interest giveaways. Their “cut,

From State Representative MARK PAFFORD The Federal Government should reject Medicaid Reforms

In a July 15 letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Representative Pafford, along with three other state repre-

cap, and balance,” scheme would have limited government spending just as the baby boomer generation retired, thereby mandating unprecedented cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits. Like many Americans, I was appalled by the willingness of Republicans to allow our nation to default for the first time in history. While the debt deal passed by Congress is far from perfect, it does finally take the tea party out of the driver’s seat and prevent them from holding our entire economy hostage. The first phase of the deal includes $900 billion in cuts negotiated by Vice President

Joe Biden, $350 billion of which come from the Pentagon’s bloated budget and none of which take away from the hard-earned benefits of retirees. The second phase forms a bipartisan congressional committee free of the ideological grip of the tea party. The plan puts Democrats on a level playing field, giving us a real shot at deficit reduction that ends lavish tax breaks for millionaires and special interests. This committee is our best shot at achieving a balanced approach to deficit reduction that ensures basic fairness and shared sacrifice. This deal is not what I wanted. I am sorely disappointed that increasing rev-

enues by ending lavish tax breaks for special interests were not included up front. I am also frustrated that Washington has spent months debating whether the full faith and credit of the United States is worth defending instead of focusing on the jobs crisis we face in this country. It is my hope this compromise will help put an end to this insanity and allow for a renewed focus in Washington on creating new jobs and economic opportunity for America’s families. In the coming weeks, I will be working hard to ensure this committee delivers the kind of balanced deficit reduction we need.

sentatives, asked for CMS to reject the state’s Medicaid reform proposal. During this past session, the Florida Legislature voted to implement a new statewide Medicaid program which would move Medicaid recipients into a managed care program. Representatives Jones, Perman, Schwartz, and Pafford are the ranking members on the four health care committees that dealt with Medicaid reform this year. Some of the issues with the

Medicaid proposal that they cited in the letter are: capitated plans which allow managed care plans extreme flexibility and less regulation in the benefits they offer, requirements of Medically Needy recipients with serious long-term illnesses to pay exceptionally high premiums for services, and reduced patient empowerment and education, all with a lack of resolution of the issues prevalent in the five county Medicaid pilot program. The passage of House Bills 7107 and 7109 requires that

the Agency for Health Care Administration submit a waiver proposal requesting approval from the federal government who helps the states pay for Medicaid benefits. If the application is accepted by CMS, the Medicaid managed care program will reach full implementation in 2014, and the more than $21 billion appropriated for Medicaid services will be given to corporations to run the Medicaid program.

Your Absentee Ballot Request Has Expired! From Supervisor of Elections SUSAN BUCHER If you would like to continue to receive an absentee ballot you should reapply! The Florida Legislature has made changes to laws that govern how long your request to receive an absentee ballot is valid in the past few years. This year, the legislature changed the law and if you request an absentee ballot now, your request will be valid for 2 general election cycles. That means if you submit an Absentee Ballot Request in person at any one of our offices, by telephone (561) 656-6200), by e-mail [email protected] or by

completing an Absentee Ballot Request Form, it will be valid through the General Election in 2014. Each request for an absentee ballot should include 1) the voter’s name and address, 2) the voter’s date of birth, and 3) the voter’s signature (written requests only). Any registered voter who does not wish to attend their voting precinct on Election Day may request an absentee ballot. You may request an absentee ballot for a specific election or for all elections through the next two general election cycles. Only the voter or a designated member of their immediate family or legal guardian can request a ballot for a voter. All requests for absentee ballots must be

received by 5:00 p.m. on the 6th day prior to the election. That gives us time to get it to you in the mail. Your absentee ballot will be mailed to you approximately 35 days prior to each election. Ballots cannot be forwarded, so make sure the Elections Office has your correct mailing address. If you plan to be away during any election, please make sure to contact us with your mailing address while you are away. We always receive large numbers of ballots back from the Post Office that indicate your mail is on hold while you are temporarily away. We also receive many calls close to Election Day from people who would like to vote, but they are out of town and forgot to give us a mailing address so we could mail their ballot to them. Not only does this cost you, the taxpayer, but many times we are unable to get a ballot to the out of town voter in time for them to return it and have their vote counted for the election.

You must return your voted absentee ballot to the Supervisor of Elections Office by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day in order to allow us to count your ballot. You may check the status of your request at www.pbc elections.org. Remember to sign the outside of the return envelope or your ballot cannot be

counted! If you complete the Absentee Ballot Request Form you can mail it to us at: P.O. Box 22309, West Palm Beach, FL 33416. If we may provide you with any additional information, please call us at (561) 656-6200.



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VERY HELPFUL NEWS Another tip on how to use your remote control How to look for a TV Program using your remote

by Marilyn Pomerantz Press "Menu" (Red Button) on right side of remote control. Arrow over to the "Magnifying Glass" Press "OK" TV TITLE search is HIGHLIGHTED Press "OK" Then type the name of show you are looking for eg: "ELLEN" Arrow over to "E" Press "OK" Arrow down and over to the letter "L" Press "OK" Press "OK" again for the 2nd "L" At this point on the right side of your TV Screen you will see a list of shows: eg: Ellen De Generes Show should appear Use the arrows over and down to Highlight this program. Press "OK" This screen will show what day and time and channels the show will air. Now, if you would like to see further upcoming times. Arrow over to the "Time Clock" That is the "4th" box over from the left on the bottom of your screen. Press "OK" This will then show you all the times and the different channels this program will appear. If you press "OK" this will give you further information about the shows. If you use the "Down Arrow" you will then see each day, who will be on the show for that particular day and any information about the show. Now, if you arrow down to the bottom of the screen and over to the last box with the "4 Lines" Press "OK" This will bring you back to the next time that this show will be on the air. Press the "EXIT" (White Button) on left side of remote control. This will bring you back to your regular TV Programming.

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Show Me The Funny:

What's In a Name by Sue Cohen At the touch of a button, our email boxes can fill with junk, so for mental discipline I was emptying the Reporters spam file when it became increasingly apparent that it contained millions of dollars, just mine for the taking. One official looking document stated: Dear Mr. Ucoreporterwpb, I have wonderful news for you. Well it may have been better news if they knew I wasn't called Mr. Ucoreporterwpb, Wouldn't you have thought that if someone was going to try and con you out of your life savings they would at least have the decency to get your name right. But then junk mail posters and spammers do seem to have this infuriating habit of misspelling names. I have a friend, or I did before I wrote this, who's surname is Shute. I leave it to your imagination as to how his mail was addressed when the incorrect vowel was inserted and another deleted, particularly since his first name is Oscar. The mail man was laughing for weeks. However, it seems that Mr. Ucoreporterwpb, who ever he is, had been chosen by the Scottish couple who won 160 million dollars in the European Lottery, as one of five names set to receive a large monetary gift. All I had to do is... etc. etc. etc. Was,

The New CV Camera Club Do you love photography? Or take lovely pictures? We are looking for members for our Camera Club starting next season. All skill levels welcome. For more info email: cameraclubcv@ gmail.com

See you in December! Ken Graff

yes you guessed it, send my bank details. The Reporter's luck didn't end there either. Awaiting my immediate attention was a Weston Union advance of $750,000. Another substantial amount, $891,934, to be precise, was waiting in the little hot hand of the Milton Mega Cash Lottery and I hadn't even had to go to the expense of buying a ticket!?! In fact there were no less than 22 prizes, amounting to millions Mr. Ucoreporterwpb had apparently won, and even a legacy after having been named in a tsunami victim's will. Apart from a pharmaceutical order form for Cialis in a plain wrapper and something a bit spooky from someone called Divine. The last remaining piece of spam offered an investment program from Josef Roosevelt and had I believed him, I would have been a fool not to join. Guess he must have heard how much I was worth and these days you don't even have to leave home to get mugged. All joking aside, I'm horrified that some people fall for these guises which prey on the vulnerable. I know that ISP providers do try and prevent this sort of thing and we have regular reminders from our Security Committee, so let's help them to help us, and don't respond other than to send these types of communications to the trash

folder. After all, if you press the reply button, it might not just be that your name is altered, but your finances as well!














Your pictures could be here! Want to see your photos in print? Email them to [email protected]

A Misty Morning in Century Village

Photo by Elaine Brown

The Camden Pool

The Clubhouse

Photo by Elaine Brown

Photo by Jean Dowling





R E S I D E N T P H O T O G R A P H Y Your pictures could be here! Want to see your photos in print? Email them to [email protected]

Photo by Jean Dowling

Please support our advertisers! ...and don’t forget to say you saw it in the UCO Reporter!


O R G A N I Z AT I O N Please note!!! Do not resubmit dates for events already appearing unless there is a correction. There is no charge for listings. Amit Women Rishona Chapter: Meets every 2nd Tue w/ collation at 12 noon and meeting at 1:00 pm at Aitz Chaim on Haverhill. Coming events: monthly trips to Hard Rock Casino (Ann 707-2096). FMI, call Ellie 471- 4935; Malca 6882698. Anshei Sholom: Please join us for the High Holidays beginning with Erev Rosh Hashanah on Sept. 28th and concludes with Yom Kippur on Sat. Oct. 8th. Yizkor services will begin approx. 10 a.m. so don’t be late. Anyone who has missed Yizkor services in the past are welcome – no questions asked. This year’s Adult education class, led by Rabbi Dr. Michael Korman discusses “Explor-ing Jewish Beliefs & Practices Part 1, focusing on Orthodoxy.” Classes will begin in Dec. at 9:30 followed by Conversational & Reading Hebrew led by Sarah Farkas. For info, call theTemple at 684-3212. Baby Boomers Club: We are looking for more members to volunteer to arrange an activity for the group. It could be simple or elaborate. Our group includes those who re-member iconic TV shows, movies, music, dances, and events of the 50s and 60s. e-mail [email protected] B’nai B’rith Century: This is B’nai B’rith International’s 167th anniversary. We meet every 4th Sun, 9:30 am (except holidays) at Anshei Sholom. Brooklyn U.S.A.: Meets every 2nd Wed Oct-Apr at 1:30 pm in Party Room. Our meets are entertaining and informative. We are open to former and present residents of Brook-lyn and their significant others. Coming events: Oct. 12 First meeting of the season. Oct. 27 A day at the Hard Rock Casino. Dec.19 Hol-iday Party Food and entertainment. Jan. 30 to Feb 3 Cruise - Royal Caribbean - Majesty of the sea: Key West - Bahamas - Cocoa Cay. Mar. 4 Annual Luncheon and dance. For programs call ROSE 6831564 for all others call STEVE 242-0481. Canadian Club: Meets 4th Wed, Party Room of CH, 1:00 pm. Membership open to all. Lots of great activities. Betty, 684-0766; Franne, 478-9526; Madelaine, 684-5595. Century Village Camera Club: We meet the 2nd Tue, 10:00 am, Classroom C. All are welcome. Just bring an interest in taking pictures. Spread the word. For info contact Ken, [email protected]. Century Village Computer Club: Meets 1st and 3rd Thu, Nov-Apr (1st Thu only rest of year), 1:00 pm in CR 103, and incl 30 min Q&A, biz portion, presentation, 50/50 and door prizes. Arrive by 12:15 if you wish to join, renew your membership, or register for free hands-on classes.

per-cussion players. Call Rickie 683-0869 or send e-mail to [email protected] Cenwest Fishing Club: Meets 1st Wed, CH Room B, 3:00-4:30 pm. Varied fishing every week. Call Al, 242-0351. Chit Chat Group: We meet at 2:00-3:30 pm, Classroom B of CH, every 1st & 3rd Tue from 2-3. Our discussions are friendly, informative, interesting and fun. This is a free program. FMI, call Rhoda @ 6860835. Senior Chit Chat Group will be suspended July and August, and will resume in Sept-ember. Christian Club: We meet 1st Wed, 1:00 pm, Party Room of CH. Democratic Club of Century Village: Will meet June 20 at 1:30 in Party Room, CH No meeting July or Aug. Deborah Hospital Found-ation: Meets 2nd Fri every other mo in CH Party Room, 12:00 noon. Call Bea 688-9478. Drama Society of Century Village: Meets 1st and 3rd Mon, 7:00 pm, CH Party Room. Join the fun. Play the hero or villain. We perform plays, skits, monologues, songs, you name it. New members welcome; no experience necessary. Call Chuck at 688-0071; Janet, 686- 4206. Duplicate Bridge at Hastings Clubhouse: All bridge players welcome Mon at 7:00 pm and Wed at 1:00 pm, upstairs at Hastings rec hall. Call Mimi, 697-2710, if you have questions or if you need to be matched with another player. Bridge lessons coming soon for beginners. Evangelical Christian Networking Club: Meets 1st Fri, 6:30 pm, Classroom B of CH. We share relevant info among ourselves and with our community. Dee, 8278748; Steve, 389-5300. Getting Younger, Getting Better: Meets last Fri, Nov-Apr, 3:00 pm in CH rm C. Guest speaker every month. Group discussion dedicated to the prop-osition that we can change to get younger biologically and spiritually. Greater Philadelphia Club: Now meets at Anshei Shalom on 2nd Thur at 12:00 noon. Sylvia, 683-5224. Hadassah, Judith Epstein Chapter at CVWPB: Meets 3rd Wed at 11:45 am for minilunch, 12:30 meeting at Anshei Sholom. Rosetta, 689-2459. Holocaust Survivors of the Palm Beaches: Meet 2nd Wed, 9:30 am, in Anshei Sholom. Kathy, 689-0393. Irish-American Cultural Club of CV: Meets 1st Tue in CH, 2:00 pm, Room C. For info, call Robert, 917-704-0223.

Century Village Gun Club: Meets every 2nd Tue at 7:00 pm in Classroom B of the CH. Every meet has a guest speaker. Come listen to great speakers; make new friends; view historic and modern firearms and other weapons. George, 471-9929.

Italian-American Culture Club: We meet every 3rd Wed, 1:00 pm, in the CH Party Room. FMI, call Fausto, 478-1821. We bowl at Verdes on Sat, 9:00 am (Fran, 616-3314). Bus Trip to Mardi Gras Casino, Friday June 24. Trip includes a Friday Night All-You-Can-Eat Buffet of Prime Rib/Fish & Chips dinner, a beverage, Transportation, driver’s tip and $5.00 bonus play. Seating is limited. Call Dolores @ 688-0876.

Century Village Orchestra: We would like to add a conductor, more strings (violins, violas, cellos and bass) bassoon and

Jewish War Veterans Post #501: Meets 1st Sun, Cypress Lakes CH. Breakfast at 9:00; meeting at 9:30; meets from Sept to

May with guest speakers. Activities include servicing VA patients. Ralph, 689-1271; Howard, 478-2780. Jewish War Veterans Ladies Auxiliary Post #520: Meets 3rd Mon at The Classic. A continental breakfast is served at 9:00 am, followed by our meeting. Our efforts go to creating welcome kits for the veterans at the VA Center at Military Trail and various positions at the Center. We find our volunteer work helpful and rewarding and welcome new members. Dorothy, 478-6521. Jewish War Veterans Post #520: Meets 4th Sun at Elks Lodge, Belvedere Rd. Continental breakfast at 9:00, followed by general meeting. Come as our guest and see what we’re all about! Walt, 478-6521; Phil, 686-2086. The Knights of Pythias, Palm Beach Rainbow Lodge #203 announce “LOOK WE HAVE A NEW HOME.” It is at the Vitas Community Resource Center in the Century Village Mediacal Building. Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 2:30 PM starting in September 2011. We Welcome all Pythians and new applicants. For Details Call – IRV at 6834049 Merry Minstrels: Meet Thu, 10:00-11:00 am, Music Room B. We are a group who enjoy singing at various nursing homes. We’re looking for new members, so if you enjoy music, contact GiGi at 689-6092; the feeling of giving joy to others is so rewarding. Mind Spa Discussion Group: Meets 2nd and 4th Thu, 1:30 pm, in CH, CR A. All are invited for in-depth discus-sions of significant issues. Allan, 687-3602. Mister Karaoke: Karaoke, dancing and general enter-tainment continues throughout the year every Fri eve in the Party Room in the CH from 6:00-9:00 pm. Come join the fun! Please call Jack at 616-0973 for further information. Na’Amat USA (Pioneer Women): Meets 4th Tue, 1:00 pm, at Cypress Lakes Auditorium for mini-lunch and interesting programs, guests are always welcome (Rhoda 478-8559). NYC Transit Retirees Club: We are looking for new members. For more info, call Kathy, 689-0393. OWLS (Older-Wiser-Loyal-Seniors): Trip to Ft. Meyers, July 30th. Bus will leave from Wells Fargo Bank at 9:30 a.m. Picnic – Thurs. Aug. 18 Dyer Park. Sarasota – Sept. 3-4. Not many seats left! Call 687-7575 or come to the meeting to hold your seat. Deposit is necessary – checks only. Meeting the 2nd Mon. of every month at the CH partry room 3 p.m. Queens NY Club: Meets 4th Tue from Sep to Mar at the Somerset Pool, 11:00 am-1:00 pm. Harriet, 684-9712. Russian Club: Meets every 1st Wed, 3:00 pm, rm C; every 2nd Thu, 3:00 pm, Party Room. Call Tamara, 712-1417. Sisterhood of Aitz Chaim: Will host a luncheon, card and game party at the Temple, 2518 N. Haverhill Rd. Reservations required. Charlotte, 4788756.

NEWS Solid Gold Karaoke: Continues every Tue (6:30-9:30) in the CH Party Room. All are welcome to sing along. For more info, call Tom and Dolores at 478-5060. Strictly Ballroom Dance Group: Meets every Sat, 6-8 pm, at CH Party Room (time/day subject to change). All dancers are welcome. No charge; music is good; come join us. Your hosts are Bill (plays the music) and Hugh (offers a helping hand to beginning couples). Call Bill 684-2451 or Hugh 689-3466. Super Seniors Club: Interesting convo about current issues affecting seniors at the CV 912 Super Seniors Group. We meet every 1st Thu, 10:00 am in the CH as a forum for sharing knowledge, asking questions and educating ourselves. Send an e-mail [email protected] This and That: Meet up with a group of intelligent people, discussing various topics, on the 1st Tue in CH Room A, 1:30 pm. Dr. Ducati, 687-3935. Three Friends: Two singers and a piano player enter-tain every last Thu in CH rm C w/ music of the 30s to the 60s. Come listen and enjoy w/Ellie, Wolf and Sonia. United Order Of True Sisters : (A nonsectarian Cancer Service Group) Meetings the 2nd Monday of each month 11:30 A.M. in the Clubhouse Party Room. No meetings in July & August. 1st meeting of the season Sept. 12 in the Clubhouse Party Room at 11:30 (subject to the re-opening) Cruise on the Navigator of the Sea - Eastern Caribbean - January 22-29 2012. Ports of call include Philipsburg, St. Maarten, San Juan, Puerto Rico & Labatee, Haiti. Prices start at $575. Please call Bobbi at 478-4433 or Roz at 616-3273 for details. Yiddish Advanced Reading Group: Menke Katz Read-ing Circle invites readers to join group headed by Troim Handler. Currently reading Night by Elie Wiesel in Yiddish. The group meets 2nd & 4th Fri of ea mo @ 10 am. Troim, 6848686. Yiddish Chorus: Men and women members wel-come. No knowledge of Yiddish necessary. Re-hearses every Wed at 1:30 pm in CH music rm B. Director/conductor: Shelley Tanzer. Call Edy, 687-4255 Yiddish Class: Meets Thu at 10:00 am, CH CR A. Taught by Golda Shore. Register at Class Office. Call 697-3367. Yiddish Vinkl: The Village’s unique and much-loved Vinkl meets all-year round every 1st and 3rd Sun, 1:30-3:00 pm, in CH music rm. All are welcome. Yiddish knowledge is not required, as all is translated to English. Call Edy, 687-4255. United Order True Sisters: (A nonsectarian Cancer Service Group): Meetings the 2nd Monday of each month 11:30 AM in the Clubhouse Party Room. No meetings in June - August. Luncheon & Card Party: Mon., June 27 at 11:30 AM at Palm Beach Nat’l. Country Club. Contact Barbara at 615-4527 or Harriet at 6895102. National True Sisters Day: Wed. August 3; Event TBA. Cruise On The Navigator Of The Sea: Eastern Caribbean - January 22-29, 2012. Prices starting from $575. Please call Bobbi at 471-7922 or Roz at 616-3273 for details.


Why are you just sitting there? by Jean Dowling Is old age setting in? Do you start each day with aches and pains? Do you need a dose of Geritol? Well, wake up friends and get involved. All of the folks that are up and doing things have the same aches and pains as those of you who are sitting and complaining but they ignore them by thinking of other things. The second benefit of action is saving the old gray matter. Yes, using it keeps from losing it. Does it matter what we do? Whatever makes us happy releases endorphins in our brains that make us feel better and gives us the incentive to keep going. Some people are so selfabsorbed that every little ache or pain takes them to bed or the doctor. We need to pay attention to the big pain or the

things that are different, however. To sit home with the little ones makes them worse. In this Village there is so much to do that anyone that complains that they are lonely or bored should take a look at all of the activities. Besides the classes there are sports, clubs, pools, buses to everywhere, shows, movies and meetings. This paper has listings of events and all of the above mentioned activities. Everything you read tells you to eat right and exercise but exercise also includes your brain. The advantage here is that most of the things to do are free. There is a lady in my building that is in her eighties and lives alone but she never stays that way. Each morning she is out and on a bus to somewhere. She tells me of her aches and pains, but that does not stop her from going out each day.

There’s finally something to smile about.

There is another volunteer in the Village that can barely walk but she cheerfully does her job every day. Not only does she do it but she does it with great enthusiasm Attitude is everything. Have you ever noticed that some people are old at forty and others are young at ninety? It is attitude. My husband does not like to spend money and one day I asked him what he was saving every cent for. His answer was, “My old age.” I asked when that was and he told me "when I am 75." I told him we were going to have a great time on his 75th birthday. And we did! At 80, he still goes fishing most days and still does what he wants. Stop dwelling on self and think of others. Get active and stay young. When we are celebrating our 100th, I'll see you there.


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SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Classified ads are printed on a space available basis. Ads may be placed for one, two or three months. For renewals after that, the UCO Reporter will need to be contacted. Ads should be submitted by the seventh of the month prior to the month of issue. All Classified ads must be on a full sheet of paper (81/2” x 11”). Scraps of paper will not be accepted. All items submitted must include name, address and phone number of contributor or they will not be printed.

FOR SALE Bedford H: Beautiful, bright, 1 BR, 1 ba, gr fl wtrvw, very conv, newly upgraded plbg, elect, etc, new tiles thruout, furn or unfurn, avail immed. $15,500. 333-2224 or [email protected] Berkshire C: gr fl on lake 1-1 1/2, furnished, rentable, avail immed. $21,500 negotiable. 561-683-5740. Berkshire I: gr fl, few steps to laund rm, new flr thruout, unit in mint cond. Priced for



Q-sale: $9,500. 697-3355 Greenbrier C: By owner, very lg 2- Br 2-Ba, FL rm, CAC & htr, tile fls, new kit, fans, hurr shutterss, next to laundry rm & storage, beautiful vw, front of pool. $89,999 negot. Home 561-478-6564; cell 786-473-2682 Greenbrier C: Very large 2Br 2-Ba fans & cenral ads, tile floors, hurricane shutters. Next to laundry room & storage. Beautiful view front of pool. $80,000 negotiable. Call 786-876-2682, 561-4786564. Waltham D: Upper, fully furn, MIR, close to CH, fans in all rooms, AC, Parkeywood fls, LR & DR, carpet, BR. For sale $16,900; for rent $550/ yr or $950/sea. 2421261 or 379-2731

FOR RENT 1 BR, 1 BA: furn, 2nd fl w/elev, newer appls, refurb bath, newly painted bathroom furn, close to bus stop. $550/mo +utilities, $650 sec, long term ann lease avail, 1st mo rent & sec req. No pets. 55+. Avail immed. Please call and leave message: 681-1432 Golf ’s Edge: 1/1-12, gr fl cnr, steps fr pvt htd pool, comp



remod, new tile, kit cabs w/granite ctr tops, all appls, bathroom cabs w/granite tops, freshly painted. Ann rent, call Sara 683-7515 Kingswood A: 1/1, AC, Grnd Fl. apt, newly renov & furn, DW, MW, CF, encl pat. $550/mo. Ready to move in, just bring your toothbrush. Call Elaine 688-8151 Kingswood D: 1/1 furn, gr fl, AC, newly dec, warm, friendly neighbors, excel full time prez, pristine cond, walk to HOW. $575/mo yearly. 512-9420 12 Northampton A: 1-Br 1/2 Ba newly renov. All new kitch w/breakfast bar. Micro. Tile fl, new bathrooms hi toilets, fresh paint & furn. Walk to Kent pool, bus stop at door. Must see, annual rental. Phone Gloria 686-7189 or Marilyn 686-9011. Northampton I: 1-1 gr fl unit, newly renov. $550/mo. 685-7655 Sheffield F: gr fl, 1/1, nr rec ctr. Ann $500 per mo + utils; sea $975 per mo + utils, DecApr. 734-994-4300 Sheffield I: 2/1-12, gr fl cnr, remod, furn, HDTVs, phone,



tile, nr gym & pool, avail for the 2011-12 season, info & pics at ltdinflorida. wordpress.com contact e-mail: svsummerwind@ hotmail.com. phone: 6869441). Stop by to have a look! Waltham D: 1 BR, 1 ba, gr fl apt, best loc. $525 furn; $500 unfurn; $900 sea/mo. 817313-3579 Waltham D: 1 BR, 1-12 ba, furn, 1st fl, encl pat, great loc, walk to CH, avail Apr. $550/mo. 536-8488 Waltham D: Lg cnr unit, CAC, 1 BR, 1-12 ba, Haverhill ent. $500/mo yearly. 805-965-2540 Waltham D: 1st fl apt, 1 BR, 1 ba, great loc, walk to CH. Monthly prices $525 furn or $500 unfurn; short lease avail. 817-313-3579. Windsor Q: gr fl, 1-1-12, nr pool, fully furn. Ann $525 per mo + utils; sea Dec-Apr $1,000 per mo + utils. 734-994-4300

MISCELLANEOUS Bed: One twin size elec bed, like new, w/remote control, has pillow top mattress, purchased from City Mattress. 471-8148



2002 Buick LeSabre: 4-dr has all factory extras, A/C auto p/s/bp like new tires silver car. Runs very good. Asking $5,700. Call Phil, Home: 640-9671 or Cell: 254-4484 Video camera stand: Single leg extends to 6 ft w/compact carry bag. Brand new; must sell. $9 OBO. 683-0057 New Craftmatic bed including linens. New $3,500 – sale $700 or best offer. Call 561640-5477 Beautiful blond entertainment center: new condition. Glass shelves. $600 or best offer. Call 561-640-5477 Apt./dorm sized refrigerator. Excellent condition. New $170 - sale $60. Call 561536-8488. FALL YARD SALE - by Andover L. Other assoc-iations may join us. Sat., Nov. 12, 8 AM - 2 PM. Call 318-5032 for additional information. 15" SHARP Flat screen TV. Perfect for kitchen or a college dorm room. Nice clear picture. $50 cash. Call 318-5032















Your pictures could be here! Want to see your photos in print? Email them to [email protected]

‘INFO’ UCO Holidays • New Year's Day • Memorial Day

Poolside Daises

Photos by Elaine Brown

• Fourth of July • Labor Day • Thanksgiving •Christmas Day

UCO Hours & Location UCO Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00-1:00 pm Friday 12:00-4:00 pm Address: 2102 West Drive, West Palm Beach, Florida 33417 Phone: 683-9189 (tel) 683-9904 (fax)





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For issues concerning the golf course... Visit the ProActive Committee’s blog at: http://proactivecommittee.blogspot.com. For information only, no comments.

No handwritten material will be accepted for the UCO Reporter. Please email your submissions to [email protected] Podiatry Services in Century Village SPECIALIZING IN: Ankle and Foot Care

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O B I T U A R I E S Sal Bummolo, long time Vice President of UCO, died on Monday, August 1. Sal had spent most of the years in Century Village as a volunteer, first as President of his building in Camden B and many other committees and offices. He was a member of the Infrastructure Committee for 16 years and the UCO Executive Committee. There were many contributions to the Village by Sal including the Presidency of the Wire, Stone and Glass Arts Club. He helped set up the Lapidary Room,

taught classes and was a promoter of the art classes in the Clubhouse. A list of Sal’s accomplishments does not describe the person who everyone liked and respected and who gave of himself to others. The UCO community and the residents of the Village will sorely miss this kind, nice man. Our sympathies go out to the family, especially Wendi, who was a very loving and devoted spouse.

Remembering Sal Bummolo I became acquainted with Sal Bummolo when he first moved into Century Village sometime in the 1990's. He was anxious to get involved in some volunteer position immediately upon his arrival and always showed a strong desire to help. It was then that he dropped around to the then UCO office in Camden in order to join some committee. I believe that history shows that he went on to much more when he became involved with the reclaimed water project so important to the Village and as a Vice President, the position he held until his passing.

Sal Bummolo Vice President, UCO

I have not been a resident of CV since 2002, so have missed a lot of what Sal did for the community. From his eulogy at the Delegate meeting I learned that it was much more. I will always remember his smiling face and good humor, and offer deepest condolences to his wife, Wendy and family. You were a down-to-earth fellow, Sal with whom I enjoyed many interesting conversations and laughs. May you rest in peace.

Ruth Bernhard-Dreiss, Former UCO Vice President


O B I T U A R I E S Remembering Celia Imberman By Judith Riven, Trustee, Cellia Imberman Revocable Trust Celia Imberman, one of the original residents of West Palm Beach's Century Village, passed away peacefully on June 25, 2011. Celia was born in Byelorussia on January 8, 1908 and emigrated with her father, Israel,

mother, Sarah, and three sisters to New York, when she was three years old. The family, as so many immigrant families did, lived in different parts of Brooklyn and Manhattan. When her mother died in the flu epidemic of 1918, the same Aunt who had raised Ceil's mother, Sarah stepped in to take care of the four sisters. Celia graduated from high

school in Brooklyn, and after graduating studied nutrition. She did office work to help out the family, and in her late 20's married her first husband, Julius Aaronson, an accountant. The couple never had children, but Celia was always closely involved with her nieces and nephews, all of whom have loving memories of her. Widowed in 1963, Celia

met Isadore Imberman, a widower. Subsequently, they were married in the Spring of 1965 and traveled to Europe and Israel for their honeymoon. In 1972 the couple moved from Brooklyn to West Palm Beach's Century Village and never looked back. Celia and Irving were founding and active members of Congregation Anshei Sholom. Irving Imberman passed away in 1985. Widowed a second time, Ceil created an active engaged life for herself. She served as President of B'nai B'rith Women For a number of years and was also very active in Hadassah Women here in Century Village. She tutored reading in one of the local elementary schools and trav-

eled with friends to Hawaii, England, and other destinations. For many years Ceil attended water exercise classes, dance classes, and many of the other activities provided by the Clubhouse. In recent years, she enjoyed watching many of them and when when Century Village began a tradition of having a luncheon to celebrate those residents who had reached 100 or more, she was photographed and interviewed by the West Palm Beach Post for its article on the festivities. Her warmth, energy, and good humor and positive spirit will be missed by all who were fortunate to know her.

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To All Seasonal Residents: Would you like to receive the UCO Reporter while you are away? If so, please come into the UCO Reporter office and write your name and address on envelopes we will provide. The cost is $2.50 per month.



















Your pictures could be here! Want to see your photos in print? Email them to [email protected] Photo by Ken Graff

Visit our website Our own website/blog for Century Village can be found by logging onto







MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS Butterflies & Moths by Jean Dowling Do you know the difference between a butterfly and a moth? Are all moths attracted to a flame or light? Just as there are many species of animals, there are many varieties of moths and butterflies. Both species start as a caterpillar. The largest I have seen was about 6 inches long and larger around than my thumb. Butterflies take nectar from the flowers just as bees, although at the butterfly garden, I watched them eating over-ripe bananas. Moths mostly feed on insects and that is why you observe them at night around lights. Lights attract many night bugs which create a perfect dining spot for moths. When I lived in Maryland, and my son was about 6 years old, we found the largest caterpillar I had ever seen. It was fall, about the time they cocoon for the winter. They go into their dormant stage where metamorphosis occurs so we took the chance that he was close, put him in a jar with fresh leaves and a small branch from a tree and observed him. In another day, he began to spin a cocoon which hung from the branch in the jar. He spent the winter hanging from the branch in his cocoon and when we began to see other moths flying around, we took him to my son Michael’s class in school. Several days later, he split open his tomb and emerged a lovely but huge moth which the children took outside and let fly away to start the cycle over again. His wing span was about 8” across. We have both moths and butterflies around us and both can be bright in color. One way to tell the difference is that when either are resting, the butterflies hold their wings up

while moths will spread theirs out flat. One of the most frequent visitors to Century Village is a butterfly with black stripes across the wings. It is a zebra butterfly and comes in several varieties. There are many varieties and it is interesting to purchase a soft cover butterfly book to help identify them. One way to brighten your day is to plant flowering shrubs to your landscape that will attract them. Our condo had several large bushes that produced hanging purple flowers. The name on the plants when I bought them was “Butterfly Bush.” I do not know the proper name, but they attracted butterflies, humming birds and honey and bumblebees. It is wonderful when we see the honey bees as they have become so endangered with all of the pesticides. Honey and bumble bees will not sting unless provoked. Yellow Jackets and Wasps will. You can observe the bees up close and they will not bother you. One of the once-in-alifetime events I witnessed in the Pennsylvania mountains, was a monarch migration. The Monarch is a large black and yellow butterfly that migrates to Mexico for the winter. The millions of butterflies were flying in a long line across route 81 through the mountains. The line of butterflies looked several miles long. It was a spectacular sight! When we look around us at all of our friends and neighbors (the non-human ones), it takes us, many times, into a lovely place. Learn to love your neighbors and give them a break. Most of them just want a good meal and be left in peace.

Photo by Elaine Brown


AROUND THE VILLAGE Guard of the Month Sebastian Segade Sebastian Segade received recommendations from several ladies that play cards in the Club House. They complimented him on his courtesy and willingness to help residents.

Answer This! by Jean Dowling

Question: What is your favorite part of the UCO Reporter? Bernice Zoller I like the whole paper. It is much nicer and easier to read. It is set up nice and is very informative. It presents each side impartially.

Eleanor Barnett The paper is interesting with so much more to read and is very informative. I also look forward to it each month.

Alex Fonseca I like transportation and entertainment. I like it all and I read it all. It is excellent and informative. I am very happy here in CV.

Marshall Seidler The Vice Presidents page has some good information. Before I never knew what was happening in the Village. The paper is very well done. Everything has changed in the last few years.

Millie Seidler It is the first time I read from page 1 to the end. The paper is set up good and I look forward to reading it each month. It has good ads, also.



ColorMeCentury Village

by Jean Dowling

Now the buildings are as colorful as our residents!

UCO Reporter 2011, September 2011.pdf

UCO-Business Coordinator: Edie Levine. • Office Assistants: Charlotte Brown,. Beverly Lyne, Florence Pires, Isabelle. Scherel. • Receptionists: Sonia Goldberg ...

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of 1 September 28, 2011 Dear FUMC members ... -
Mayor Tim Reed. • Councilor Keith Corbett ... Councilor Mike McClemans. Lyle Prussman ... Keith Corbett: (605) 695-7591 (cell) / [email protected] c.

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