This Planner belongs to:

Student Name ___________________________ Grade __________________________________ Academic Assist _________________________

WELCOME TO UPPER SANDUSKY MIDDLE SCHOOL The administrators, teachers, and staff of Upper Sandusky Middle School welcome you to what we hope will be an exciting year. During your years in middle school, you will grow and change in many ways, and our entire staff is committed to helping you become a mature, responsible citizen. Changes and new experiences are sources of questions. Remember that our staff has your best interest at heart; feel free to ask questions and take advantage of all the help that is available to you. In addition, you may be given a set of classroom rules from each teacher. Read your Student Handbook so that you can do your part to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment at Upper Sandusky Middle School. Mr. Jim Wheeler Mr. Matt Harp Principal

Assistant Principal

STUDENT EXPECTATIONS We have high expectations for Upper Sandusky Middle School students. Good citizenship involves being courteous and respectful to others and their property, being punctual, cooperative, orderly and following all guidelines and procedures. Students should understand that we are here to learn. Those who violate established rules and procedures will be treated fairly, firmly and swiftly. The right to due process will be afforded to every student. These general guidelines for good citizenship have been established for Upper Sandusky Middle School students: 1. Appropriate behavior will be expected at all times: coming to school, during school, after school, and at school functions. 2. Maintain a positive attitude. 3. Follow classroom expectations. 4. Respect the rights of others, their property and school property. 5. Proper language and dress will be expected of all students.



Be Engaged

Keep hands/feet and objects to yourself Take pride in your environment Keep assignment book with you at all times Be in the appropriate place at the expected time Be empathetic and an ally towards others Use kind words Show Ram Pride Demonstrate Union School Virtues

Wait for the bell to ring Enter the school in an orderly manner Stay to the right going down the hallway and up the stairs

Wait patiently in the gym or gym hallway until the bell rings or dismissed by an adult Use kind words Talk quietly while waiting

Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Use a quiet voice Keep moving and arrive on time Show respect to the classes in session

No gum Value Union School Property Clean up after yourself

Remove hats and hoods when entering building Keeps hands to yourself and feet on the floor

Walk on the right side Clean up after yourself Close lockers quietly with your hands Take the most direct route to class

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Lockers and Hallways Keep lockers cleaned and organized Be aware of your surroundings and considerate of others

Academic Area Complete assigned tasks Actively participate in learning Take pride and produce quality work

Be an active listener Be positive and open minded Use classroom materials appropriately Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Be respectful to the entire Union School Community Leave the classroom in better shape than when you found it Bring needed materials Be on time Accept consequences for your actions

Restroom Enter and exit in a timely manner Inform adults of any problems

Cafeteria and Gym Walk when entering and exiting Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself


Special Events

Stay to the right going down the hallway and stairs Walk orderly and quietly out of the building

Actively listen to the speaker Sit properly in bleachers

Respect Privacy Keep hands/feet and objects to yourself

Practice active listening Use kind words Share equipment

Use kind words Use sidewalks and crosswalks Be considerate of neighbors’ property

Respond in an appropriate manner Keep hands/feet and objects to yourself Cheer and clap appropriately

Use of facility needs a pass Use

Use equipment Appropriat ely Gently use Union School property Throw trash away Push in chair

Keeps hands to yourself and feet on the floor Walk bike until off school property

Use the designated stairs Follow entering and exiting directions Follow hallway Procedures Leave no trace Keep aisles clean and clear

equipment Appropriately

Develop healthy habits with washing hands Clean up after yourself

2017/2018 SCHOOL CALENDAR August 23 First Day for Students September 4 No School Labor Day September 14 No School Fair Day Teacher Professional Development September 15 No School Fair Day October 9 No School Parent/Teacher Conferences October 20 End of First Nine Weeks November 22-24 No School Thanksgiving Break December 21 End of Second Nine Weeks December 22-Jan. 2 No School Winter Break January 15 No School Martin Luther King Day January 16 No School Teacher Professional Development February 19 No School President’s Day February 20 No School Teacher Professional Development March 5 No School Parent/Teacher Conferences March 16 End of Third Nine Weeks March 26-April 2 No School Spring Break May 28 No School Memorial Day May 31 Last Day of School for Students/Early Release Daily Schedule 1st Period 7:55 a.m. – 8:35 a.m. 2nd Period 8:39 a.m. – 9:19 a.m. 3rd Period 9:23 a.m. – 10:03 a.m. 4th Period 10:07 a.m. – 10:47 a.m. 5th Period 10:51 a.m. – 11:31 a.m. 6th Period 11:35 a.m. – 12:49 p.m. A Lunch – 11:35 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. B Lunch – 11:55 a.m. – 12:25 p.m. C Lunch – 12:15 a.m. – 12:49 p.m. 7th Period 12:53 a.m. – 1:33 p.m. 8th Period 1:37 p.m. – 2:17 p.m. 9th Period 2:21 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. 2 Hour Delay Schedule 1st Period 9:55 a.m. - 10:12 a.m. 2nd Period 10:15 a.m. – 10:32 a.m. 3rd Period 10:35 a.m. – 10:52 a.m. 4th Period 10:55 a.m. – 11:12 a.m. 5th Period 11:15 a.m. – 11:32 a.m. 6th Period 11:35 – 12:49 p.m. Continue on regular schedule

OFFICE PROCEDURES Hours: The school office is open from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Students should check in the office if they have: • Forgotten something at home (lunch money, supplies etc.) • Their parent is delivering something from home. • They have lost something. MORNINGS The school day begins at 7:55 a.m. and ends at 2:45 p.m. 1. Students may congregate in the balcony until the bell rings at 7:40am. 2. Bus students may enter the building when they arrive and go directly to the balcony 3. Students are allowed to go elsewhere only Special permission from teachers or administration 4. Breakfast BREAKFAST All USMS/Union Elementary students are encouraged to participate in the breakfast program. Students who are approved for a free/reduced lunch are also approved to receive a free/reduced breakfast. Students walking to school or being dropped off who wish to eat breakfast are directed to go to the cafeteria at 7:30 a.m. On 2 hour delay days, a light breakfast will be served. As always, proper manners and behavior are expected in the cafeteria. ONLY students planning on eating breakfast are permitted to be in the cafeteria in the morning. ENTRANCE AND EXIT POLICY GRADES K&1 1. Enter and exit at Hazel Street Door, the NW entrance. 2. This is the same door all K-3 students use for recess. 3. Utilize marked crosswalk. 4. ALL parents of K-1 students must drop off and pick up their children on Hazel Street. GRADES 2&3 1. Enter and exit at the SW corner of the building, which is the corner of Walker and Hazel. 2. All parents of students in grades 2-3 must drop off and pick up their children off at the corner of Hazel and Walker. GRADES 4&5 1. Enter and exit at the SE corner of the building on Walker Street, which is the corner of the building closest to the Walker Street bicycle rack. 2. All parents of students in Grades 4 and 5 must drop off and pick up their children on Walker Street.

GRADES 6-8 1. Enter and exit via the Finley Street doors. 2. This entrance is the entrance to the gymnasium. 3. Parents of all 6-8 students should drop their children off on Finley Street. 4. All 6-8 Grade students must stand outside the gym doors until the doors open. Students should enter the gym doors and go directly upstairs to the balcony. Those older siblings who walk will go to their younger siblings EXIT and leave via the younger students EXIT. DISMISSAL Students are expected to be out of the building 10 minutes after the final bell unless engaged in school approved and supervised activity. Once students arrive at school, they must remain on school property until they are dismissed or excused. For example, a student may leave by a special excuse pass from the office or for a field trip. (Please see attendance/tardy procedures.) Students involved in extracurricular activities that have practice or meetings directly after school are to report to the scheduled practice/meeting locations immediately after the dismissal bell. Students involved in extracurricular activities that practice or meet at a time not immediately after school are to leave the school premises until the start of the scheduled practice or meeting time. LEAVING SCHOOL PREMISES Students are not to leave school grounds during school hours without permission from the office. Students coming or going after school begins or before it ends are required to sign in and out at the office following administrative approval. Leaving without permission will be treated as a truancy offense. Students must have someone sign them out when leaving. ATTENDANCE, ABSENCES AND TARDINESS ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES The Board of Education requires that the students enrolled in the schools of this District attend school regularly in accordance with the laws of the State. Attendance shall be required of all students enrolled in the school during the days and hours that the school is in session. We believe there is a correlation between attendance and success in school. The state requires a 93% attendance rate and grades our school on attendance. IF YOU ARE SICK School attendance must begin within the first week of the school term. Children moving into the school district must begin school attendance within one week after they begin to reside in the district. Parents or guardians have the primary responsibility for requiring school

attendance and the failure to send a child to school may result in a fine or, a jail sentence for the offending parent. IF YOU GET SICK WHILE AT SCHOOL In the event of illness, students should report to the main office. If necessary, someone from the office staff will contact a parent/guardian or designated person on the students EMF form. The student should not stay in the restroom, call home or leave school without permission. Missed assignments can be made up upon the student’s return to school. If a student is absent more than one day consecutively, assignments can be requested from the office by 11:00 a.m. and picked up by 3:00 p.m. that day. Messages and deliveries must be processed through the main office. Students should never use their cell phone to contact a parent or guardian without permission from the office. All parent contact should be made from the office phone. PARENT CALL AND FOLLOW UP 1. REQUIRED: Call 419-294-5721 between 7:30am and 9:00am on the day(s) of an absence. Parents are required to give their identity, name of the student who will be absent, reason for absence and phone number for possible follow-up. If no call is received, the attendance office secretary will make an attempt to call the home to inquire about the students’ absence. If neither call can be completed, a note signed by the parent or guardian is required before the absence is excused. 2. If calling before 7:00 a.m., listen to the voicemail and leave a message including, name reason and a phone number. 3. A note or excuse is required within two (2) days after student returns to school. 4. Notes/Calls must include: name, date, time, reason for absence, parent name/signature 5. If a note/call has not been received within the two (2) days, the absence will be regarded as truancy. If no call is received, the attendance office secretary will make an attempt to call the home to inquire about the students’ absence. If neither call can be completed, a note signed by the parent or guardian is required before the absence is excused. This note, indicating the date/s of the absence and the reason for the absence, is to be turned in by the student to the attendance office before school on the day the student returns. In accordance with the Missing Child Law, if no contact is made with a parent or guardian, police contact may be made to verify that a student is not missing. Missed assignments will be collected after the second day of absence. Students have one day for each day missed to make up missed assignments.

EXCUSED ABSENCE Excused absences as defined in the Ohio Administrative Code (Section 3301-51-13): 1. Acceptable reasons to miss school will be for medical, court, family, death, and religious holidays. 2. Appointment should always be made outside of school hours when possible. 3. Students should only miss the time necessary for the appointment. 4. The Administration will review attendance each week and give consideration for special circumstances such as extended illness and hospitalization. 5. Students are excused from classes for school related activities when a school employee supervises the student. Example: field trips, quiz bowl, athletic contests. APPROVED REASONS FOR ABSENCES PER STATE OF OHIO RULE 3301-69-02 1. Personal Illness: May require the certificate of a physician. 2. Illness in the Family: May require a written statement from the physician as to why his/her presence was necessary. 3. Quarantine of the Home: Absence is limited to the length of quarantine as fixed by the proper health officials. 4. Death of a Relative: Absence is limited to a period of three days unless a reasonable cause may be shown by the student for a longer absence. 5. Medical/Dental Appointment: May require a written statement from a physician/dentist as to the presence of the student. 6. Observance of Religious Holidays: Any child of any religious faith shall be excused if his/her absence was for the purpose of observing a religious holiday consistent with his truly held religious beliefs. 7. Emergency or Other Set of Circumstances: Circumstances which in good judgment of the superintendent of schools constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absence from school. DENIAL OF CREDIT (8TH GRADE STUDENTS) 1. A student who is absent from a class more than six (6) times in a semester may receive no credit for that semester. 2. All absences from class (except for school related activities) shall count in the cumulative total. 3. Exceptions to this policy may be granted by administrative approval in cases of medically approved extended illness, hospitalization, pregnancy, or other situations which would result in the student being placed on home instruction/tutoring. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE RELATING TO EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES All students must be in school at least a ½ day (4 periods) in order to participate in extracurricular activities/events on any given day. Special attendance circumstances must have prior permission from the

principal (or athletic director for an athletic activity) in order for the student to participate. APPLICATION FOR PLANNED EXTENDED ABSENCE Those students whose parents/guardians request permission for them to miss school three or more days for the purpose of vacation, trips, etc., should complete the Student Vacation form. This application should be picked up from and returned to the attendance office one week before the absence, so special arrangements can be made for make-up work and to advise teachers of the dates the student will be absent. The state mandated achievement tests will be given during the month of October, February and April, therefore, we encourage you not to schedule vacations during this time. PRE-PLANNED ABSENCE Students who do not fill out a pre-planned absence form will forfeit the right to make-up schoolwork for full credit under the following circumstances: Wyandot County Fair – During fair week students must attend school unless they are showing, selling, on the Junior Fair Board or a similar position. Family Vacation – Parents are strongly requested to schedule family vacations during summer months or school recesses. If parents insist upon removing students from regularly scheduled classes, the school should receive five (5) days advance notice. Students are required to complete a pre-planned absence form from the attendance office 1 – 5 days prior to scheduled absence. Deer Hunting (gun season only) - Our school recognizes and respects the family traditions of deer hunting. However the school must establish parameters allowing students who are deer hunters to be excused from school. It is our professional opinion students should be excused with permission no more than 1 (one) school day during deer gun season. Any additional days missed due to deer gun season will be unexcused. Whether excused or unexcused, ALL ABSENCES will count in the cumulative total. This includes out of school suspensions, family vacations, absences due to the fair and absences due to deer hunting. RETURNING TO SCHOOL FOLLOWING AN ABSENCE When you return to school after being absent, report to the attendance office for an admission slip. If returning from an all-day or morning absence, bring a note from a parent/guardian. ASSIGNMENTS DURING ABSENCES For excused absences, the student will receive credit for work, which has been missed. Generally, a student will be given an amount of time equal to the number of days absent to make-up work missed. It is the

student’s responsibility to contact his/her individual teachers to receive missed work and make the necessary arrangements to complete. For unexcused absences and out of school suspensions make-up work is not accepted and will be recorded as a “0” (no credit) for assignments. EXCESSIVE ABSENCES Students have both the right and the responsibility to attend all scheduled classes and study periods. Whenever a student's absences become of concern, the principal may require a written statement from a physician or the school may require that the student be examined by the school nurse. TARDIES TO CLASS/SCHOOL Students have four (4) minutes pass time between class periods. This is more than sufficient to go to a locker, utilize the restroom facilities, visit with classmates, and still arrive to the next class on time. If students arrive to class after the four (4) minute pass time has expired, they will be reported as tardy. Tardiness to school in the morning and tardiness to class throughout the day will be dealt with in the same manner. Tardy Number (Per Semester) 1-----5 6 - - - - - 10 11 - - - - 20 21 - - - - and above

Consequence None Detention (30 minutes) 2 Detention 1 Day ISS

TRUANCY When a pupil is absent from school or other assignment for an unexcused reason, the pupil is truant. Excused absences are for the following reasons: Personal illness or medical appointments, illness in the immediate family, death in the family, religious observances, quarantine of the home, any reason that qualifies as legitimate excuse under O.R.C. Section 2151-011, or other legitimate reasons where the principal receives prior notification. Absence for any reason other than those cited above constitutes truancy. Excessive tardiness is frequently indicative of potential excessive absence/truancy. Excessive tardiness may result in a letter from the principal to the parent, involvement of the attendance officer, a parent conference and/or court action. A student is truant when deliberately absent from school without the knowledge of the parents or the school authorities. A truancy offense is an unexcused absence and the proper authorities will be notified. HOUSE BILL 410 Habitual and Chronic Truancy It is important for every student in Ohio to attend school every day. Missing too much school has long-term, negative effects on students, such as lower achievement and graduation rates. There are many

reasons students miss school, but districts can often directly impact their students’ attendance. By using data to identify and assist students who may need extra supports and services, districts can target supports to get students to school every day. 1. Definition of ‘habitual truant’ changed from days to hours. The new definition is: a. Absent 30 or more consecutive hours without a legitimate excuse; b. Absent 42 or more hours in one month without a legitimate excuse; or c. Absent 72 or more hours in one year without a legitimate excuse. 2. Excessive absences: a. Absent 38 or more hours in one school month with or without a legitimate excuse; or b. Absent 65 or more hours in one school year with or without a legitimate excuse. ATTENDANCE LETTERS 1st Letter – When a student has accumulated 30 or more consecutive hours without a legitimate excuse, a letter of caution will be mailed to the parents. All subsequent absences for illness will require a physician’s statement. 2nd Letter – When students have accumulated 42 or more hours in ONE MONTH without a legitimate excuse, a letter will be sent informing parents that all future absences for illness during the month will be considered unexcused without a doctors excuse. 3rd Letter – After 72 or more hours in ONE YEAR without a legitimate excuse, a 3rd letter will be mailed warning students and parents of the legal consequences of truancy and require the parent or guardian to comply. The office will notify a child’s parent, guardian or custodian if the child is absent with or without legitimate excuse for 38+ hours in one school month or 65+ hours in a school year. – This notice must be made in writing within 7 days after the date of the absence that triggered the notice. A complaint in juvenile court will be filled when: Student is absent without excuse for 30+ consecutive hours, 42+ hours in a school month or 72+ hours in a school year. CLOSING DUE TO BAD WEATHER Please do not call the school. ALL CALL from the Superintendent will be placed to the homes of all students regarding school cancellations and delays.

Please listen to the radio and/or selected television channels. You may also visit the district website for updates. When school is closed all extra-curricular and athletic programs are also cancelled at the middle school level. STUDENT ACADEMIC AWARDS/PROCEDURES HELP SESSIONS All teachers are available during their conference periods, Academic Assist periods and after school each day to help students. Some teachers have regularly scheduled help sessions each week. GRADING SCALE The following is the Upper Sandusky Exempted Village School Board adopted grading scale: 100-95 A 94-92 A91-89 B+ 88-85 B 84-82 B81-79 C+ 78-75 C 74-72 C71-69 D+ 68-65 D 64-62 D61-0 F HONOR ROLL AND ACADEMIC AWARDS NINE WEEK HONOR ROLL Scholarship and academic excellence are encouraged through an academic honor roll. Names of students on the honor roll for Union Middle School are displayed on a bulletin board near the office. To make this honor roll board, a student must have at least a 3.0 or better average with no grades below C- or all A’s for the nine weeks in ALL COURSES TAKEN. Students with an incomplete grade are ineligible for honor roll. Students are eligible for the year end Honor’s Program based on the following: • A 3.2 or better cumulative GPA from the first, second and third nine weeks of the current school year • Presidential Award of Excellence – Given to 8th grade students who have: Cumulative GPA of 3.7 for 6th, 7th and 1st semester of 8th Staff member’s recommendations STUDENT OF THE MONTH At Union Middle School a student can be chosen as Student of the Month for many reasons, which may include: • measurable improvement in academics

• • • •

willingness to help other students and teachers shows a genuine concern towards school shows signs of personal improvement Involved in school and community activities.

This award is open to ALL 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. Teachers and staff nominate students to receive this award. One boy and one girl from each grade level will be chosen each month. GRIT WINNERS R.A.M.S *Respectful, Accountable, Motivated, Safe Based on the PBIS system – Positive, Behavioral, Interventions and Supports Students will be rewarded with a GRIT card when a teacher or staff member recognizes a student who demonstrates Respectful, Accountable, Motivated and/or Safe choices. Rewards may include but are not limited to: 1. BYOD/Cell Phone use during lunch/auditorium 2. Hat for a day pass 3. Free pass to a home athletic event 4. Sunglasses for a day pass 5. Choose music to be played during lunch 6. Sit wherever you want during lunch/auditorium 7. Jump to front of the line at lunch pass 8. Multiple coupons for food at local restaurants INCOMPLETES Students will have two (2) weeks from the end of the grading period in which to make up the work. If work is not made up, it becomes a credit of zero and is averaged with the rest of the grades for the grading period and that becomes the grade. Note: It is the responsibility of the student to complete all make-up work within the allotted time. MIDDLE SCHOOL PROMOTION/RETENTION The general policy for promotion of 6, 7, 8 grade students is the successful completion at least 3 of the major subjects; language arts, social studies, science, math and reading. Light’s Retention Scale may also be utilized in order for the administrator to make a more accurate decision on retention of a student. Excessive absenteeism may result in retention. A student may be retained, if in the opinion of the school Administration, it is warranted. ATHLETIC ELIGIBILTY The eligibility or ineligibility of a student commences with the start of the fall sports season. A student enrolling in the seventh grade for the first time will be eligible for the first grading period regardless of

previous academic achievement. Thereafter, in order to be eligible a student in grade 7or 8 must be currently enrolled and must have been enrolled in school the immediately preceding grading period. By state law, Upper Sandusky School District has adopted a minimum Grade Point Average of 1.5 for participating in interscholastic extracurricular activities. In determining eligibility, the GPA is calculated on the grades a student received the immediately preceding grading period. It is not a cumulative GPA. OHSAA Bylaws for students in grades 7 –8: To be eligible, a student athlete must be currently enrolled in a member school and have received passing grades in a minimum five (5) of all subjects in which enrolled the immediately preceding grading period. For eligibility, summer school grades will not be used to substitute for failing grades received in the final grading period of the regular school year or for lack of enough courses taken the preceding grading period. STUDENT SERVICES GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING The counselor provide many services to the middle school students. The counselor’s focus on three domains: Career, Personal-Social and Academic. If a student would like an appointment he/she may make the necessary appointment before or after school or during a class change. Individual appointments made during class time must be with the approval of classroom teachers, the counselor and/or administration. In addition to individual appointments, the counselor also present lessons in classrooms and provide groups that all help to improve student achievement. HEALTH SERVICES A registered nurse is in the building on a regular schedule. If the nurse is absent from the building and you become ill, check into the attendance office. If you need to take medicine at school, it must be stored in the nurse's office. Please take the medicine to the attendance office when you arrive at school. Your parent(s)/guardian(s) will need to sign a consent form in order for the medication to be dispensed at school. MEDICATION All medications both prescribed and non-prescribed must be kept in the office. Before medication can be administered, proper paperwork must be filled out and on file. Medication must be in original bottle. LICE Students with head lice infestation will be sent home. Students may return to school after treatment and an examination by a nurse at the Wyandot County Health Department. An admit slip from the Health Department must be presented when returning to school. The student will be permitted to miss the day of dismissal plus one day excused

absence. But every effort is to be made to have the student back the next school day. Any time away from school after the day off and plus one, will be considered unexcused. LIBRARY/MEDIA CENTER The library is open for student use during the school day. For the benefit of others, all students are urged to return checked-out materials on time. If for some reason checked-out materials are lost, etc., and cannot be returned, the librarian should be informed immediately. The students will be asked to pay for any lost material. BUSES Riding a bus is a privilege extended to those who qualify to ride school buses to and from school. Once these students arrive at school by buses, they are not permitted to leave the school grounds from the time of arrival until their bus departs after dismissal. Students will be informed about rules governing their behavior on school buses by their drivers. All school rules and procedures apply while students are being transported by school district vehicles. RESTROOMS Restroom facilities should be used before or after school, or at lunch. Students who must be excused from class to go to the restroom should have a pass signed by a teacher. Students should not be out of the classroom more than three to five minutes. Please help maintain restroom cleanliness by disposing of paper towels in the waste baskets, flushing toilets, etc. STUDENT ACTIVITIES/CONFLICTS Students are encouraged to participate in numerous activities offered at Upper Sandusky. We offer athletics, academic organizations and music performing groups. All activities contribute to the social, athletic and cognitive growth of children. Conflicts between events sometimes occur when students are involved in multiple activities. Advisors and coaches are expected to work together to handle meeting and/or practice conflicts. In the event of competition conflicts, our school policy recognizes that priority will be given to academic-related competitions. TELEPHONES Since the school office telephones are for business use only, they will be used by students in emergencies only. If a student must use the office phones during school hours, he/she must receive prior permission from a staff member. TEXTBOOKS The Upper Sandusky Exempted Village Schools Board of Education furnishes books to each student. You are responsible for books assigned to you. For your own protection, sign your name in ink in the

place provided in each book when it is issued to you. If you lose, mutilate, or damage a book, you must pay for the damage or loss. CAFETERIA EXPECTATIONS It is expected that students will use the Upper Sandusky Middle School cafeteria facilities in a proper fashion. This means that students will treat the cafeteria as they would treat their dining area at home. Students are expected to clean their own areas. Individual rules are established by the cafeteria monitors and are expected to be followed. A regular “type A” lunch is offered everyday as well as a la carte menu. The price for a regular lunch includes milk. Students are allowed to charge their lunch, but are expected to pay for it the next day. No more than two consecutive charges will be allowed. Free and Reduced lunch applications are accepted for review throughout the school year. Each student receives an application at the beginning of the year. Forms are available in the office by request thereafter. Proper behavior and manners are expected in the cafeteria at all times. We promote healthy dietary habits at USMS. To that end, if a student desires chips or other snack items in the a la carte line, that purchase must also include sandwich or salad. COMPUTER LAB/LAP TOP CART The Upper Sandusky E.V. Schools (USEVS), in cooperation with the Tri-Rivers Educational Computer Association (TRECA), provides students access to its computer network and the Internet for educational purposes only. If a student has doubts regarding whether a resource has educational merit, he/she should ask a staff member. In order for the USEVS to supervise student use of the computer network and the Internet, the Acceptable Use Guidelines must be read and all students who want to have access to educational resources must sign the Guideline Agreement form (at the front of the book). Parents/guardians of students under age 18 are also required to read and sign the agreement. Students 18 or older may sign the document themselves. Signing the document indicates that the student and parent/guardian have read and understand the expectations of Upper Sandusky E.V. Schools. Scope of Technology Policies Policies, guidelines and rules refer to all computing devices including but not limited to computers, handhelds or PDAs, MP3 players, portable memory storage devices, calculators with interfacing capability, cell phones or ECDs (electronic communication devices), digital cameras, etc., as well as technology infrastructure, associated peripheral devices and/or software: 1. Owned by, leased by and/or on loan to the Upper Sandusky E.V. Schools; 2. Owned by, leased by and/or on loan to any third party engaged in providing services for the District; 3. Any computing or telecommunication devices owned by, in the possession of or being used by district students and/or staff

that are operated on the grounds of any district facility or connected to any equipment at any district facility by means of direct connection, telephone line or other common carrier or any type of connection including both hardwired, fiber, infrared and/or wireless. All Acceptable Use Policies also apply to any online service provided directly or indirectly by the district for student use, including but not limited to: E-mail, Calendar and Docs (Google Apps for Education), PowerSchool (Parent/Student Grade Book Access), InfOhio, and Learn360 streaming video service. Expectation of Privacy At any time and without prior notice, the USEVS reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store any and all usage of the network and the Internet, as well as any information sent or received in connection with this usage. Because files remain the property of the USEVS, no one should have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials. Consequences for Violation of Technology Policies Use of the computer network and Internet is an integral part of research and class work, but abuse of this technology can result in loss of privileges. Students who use the computer network or the Internet inappropriately may lose their access privileges and may face additional disciplinary or legal action. The length of time for loss of privileges will be determined by building administrators and/or other staff members. If the user is guilty of multiple violations, privileges can be removed for one year or more. Unacceptable Uses of Technology Resources Inappropriate technology use includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Interfering with the normal functioning of computers, computer systems, or computer networks. 2. Damaging or theft of computers, computer systems, or computer networks. 3. Accessing, modifying, or deleting files / data that do not belong to you. 4. Giving your username or password to any other student, or using the username or password of someone else to access any part of the system. 5. Viewing, transmitting or downloading pornographic, obscene, vulgar and/or indecent materials. 6. Sending or publishing offensive or harassing messages and content. 7. Accessing dangerous information that, if acted upon, could cause damage or danger to others. 8. Violating copyright laws and/or the district policy on plagiarism. 9. Using the network / Internet to buy or sell products.

10. Recreational / non-educational use of electronic communication (e.g. e-mail, Instant Messaging, bulletin boards, etc.). 11. “Hacking” and other illegal activities in attempt to gain unauthorized access to restricted files, other computers or computer systems. Uploading any harmful form of programming, bypassing filters; installing any type of server, aliasing / spoofing, peer-to-peer networking or remote-control software. Possession of and/or distribution of any software tools designed to facilitate any of the above actions will also be considered an offense. 12. Saving inappropriate files to any part of the system, including but not limited to: • Music Files; • Movies; • Video games of all types, including ROMs and emulators; • Offensive images or files; • Programs that can be used for malicious purposes; • Any files for which you do not have a legal license; • Hobby or personal interest files, even if not offensive or inappropriate by other standards • Any file that is not needed for school purposes or a class assignment. Note: If you need a file for a class period project that you think may be considered inappropriate, then you need to have teacher and school administration permission prior to the class project. 13. Uses that contribute to the violation of any other student conduct code including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, hazing or harassment, theft, falsification of records, possession of banned substances/items, etc. FIELD TRIPS Students may not be permitted to attend field trips if any of the following four conditions exist: 1. Student fails the course during the previous nine weeks. 2. Student is currently failing the course. 3. Student was suspended during the grading period the field trip was to be taken. 4. Student has outstanding fees. STUDENT PROPERTY PERSONAL PROPERTY The Upper Sandusky Schools are NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR PERSONAL ITEMS ON SCHOOL PROPERTY; this includes, but is not limited to: musical instruments, clothing, bicycles, calculators, jewelry, cell phones, and iPod. The Upper Sandusky staff encourages students not to bring valuables to school.

BICYCLES Bicycle racks are provided for your convenience. For the safety of your bicycle, LOCK IT! In the event that your bicycle is stolen and/or damaged, the school is not liable. Students must walk their bicycle to/from the bike racks while on school property. LOCKERS All Union Middle School students will be assigned a locker for their use. This locker should be kept clean and neat. Use only the locker assigned to you. We encourage students to utilize a lock. Only school purchased locks are permitted. Students can purchase a lock for only $5 at school. The lock can be utilized by the student for the remainder of his/her school career, as USHS will also allow the same type of lock. Students should avoid tampering with another locker or allowing another person to share his locker and it is strictly advised that students DO NOT exchange locker combinations with each other. All lockers remain the property of the Board of Education and are not to be used for storing any illegal or inappropriate items. If there is reason to believe a locker is being used improperly or illegally, it MAY be searched. The school may, upon reasonable suspicion, open and search any locker at any time, with or without the student’s knowledge, presence, or permission. Anything found in a locker will be considered the property of the student to which the locker was assigned. Report any locker problems to the assistant principal's office. Students MUST lock their school locker and their gym locker to provide security from theft. Valuables should not be kept in a locker. The school maintains no responsibility for lost or stolen articles. Student who damages or defaces a locker will be assessed a cleaning/repair bill. SEARCH AND SEIZURE The following rules shall apply to the search and seizure of school property assigned to a specific student and/or any items brought onto school property or to a school related activity. 1. General searches of school property may be conducted at any time by school authorities and may be assisted by law enforcement authorities. 2. The school will cooperate fully with police investigations, including but not limited to the use of canine patrol programs subject to Board of Education policy. 3. Where it appears to school authorities that it is necessary to prevent immediate harm, either to a student himself or to others, a student, like any other citizen, may be questioned or searched. Any search of a person shall be done in private. 4. There shall be reasonable suspicion for school authorities to believe that the possession of certain items constitutes a rule violation. 5. Lockers are the property of the Board of Education and students are assigned lockers for storage of items. 6. Searches may be conducted at any time.



Illegal items (firearms, weapons, smoke bombs) or other possessions reasonably determined to be a threat to the safety or security of others shall be seized by school authorities and the student and parents involved shall be notified. Items which are used to disrupt or interfere with the education process will be removed from the student’s possession.

INTERROGATION School officials, social workers and local law enforcement officers have the right and duty to interview students concerning misconduct or crimes which may have occurred during school hours or on school property. *The following criteria apply to those situations involving outside agencies: • Permission must be secured from the Principal prior to the interrogation; • Every reasonable effort will be made to notify a parent/guardian when possible about the interrogation; • The Principal, or the person in charge of the building if the Principal is absent, must be present at the interrogation; SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Students are duly informed that behavior may be monitored on school property and/or adjacent property by security cameras. In accordance with FERPA, access to surveillance camera tapes and material is prohibited. LOST AND FOUND All items found at School should be turned in to the attendance office immediately. Students may check in the office before or after school each day for lost items. It is important that students regularly check for items they have misplaced. It is suggested that students place some form of identification on their belongings. Purses and wallets will be searched to find proper identification in order to return the item back to the original owner. HALLWAY PASSPORTS Hallway passports are included in the back of the student handbooks. Students must have them in their possession at all times and all documents must be intact. Failure to have hallway passports included in the handbook may result in not being allowed to leave classrooms for any reason whatsoever. HALLS AND PASSES Time is set aside for changing classes. If students move directly to the next class, there is plenty of time. Students are encouraged to stop at their lockers only before school, before or after lunch, and after school.

Yelling, running, or other inappropriate behavior such as jumping down steps is not permitted. Any time a student leaves a class, he/she must have a pass. The hall pass is a pass to only one place. Side trips to lockers, restrooms, or other places not designated on the pass are not permitted and could result in disciplinary action. STUDENT RULES AND REGULATIONS UPPER SANDUSKY EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT BEHAVIOR CODE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Upper Sandusky Board of Education shall, in compliance with state law, provide for the educational opportunity of all residents between the ages of six and twenty-one living within the district. Each student has a right to all educational resources necessary to operate in an instructional and extracurricular program. Students in the school system have the responsibility to act in such a way as not to interfere with the rights of others to the same educational opportunity. By accepting the right to participate in school programs on or off school property, the students shall also accept the responsibility to conduct themselves according to the rules, regulations and provisions governing the operation of these programs. CONDUCT CODE This code of conduct is in effect while students are under the authority of school personnel or involved in any school activity. This includes but is not limited to school buses and property under the control of school authorities, and while at interscholastic competitions, extracurricular events, or other school activities or programs. In addition, this Code of Conduct includes: 1. Misconduct by a student that occurs off school district property but is connected to activities or incidents that have occurred on school district property; 2. Misconduct by a student that, regardless of where it occurs, is directed at a district employee or official or the property of an official or employee. Violation of the Code of Conduct may result in verbal or written warning or reprimand, referral to guidance counselor, parental contact or conference, detention, in-school suspension, emergency removal, referral to law enforcement agencies or expulsion. METHODS OF DISCIPLINE 1. Verbal warning: A warning to a student that his/her conduct is in violation of school rules. It may be issued by any

authorized school official including teaching or non-teaching personnel. 2.

Parent notification: Direct contact by telephone or letter with a parent or legal guardian of a student to inform them that their student’s conduct was in direct violation of school rules.


Office referrals: Office referrals are communications between the assistant principal and teachers and the assistant principal and parents concerning discipline problems. Any questions concerning office referrals should be directed to the assistant principal’s office.


Detention: Teachers have the authority to detain a student for up to 60 minutes for purposes of detention. If 24 hr. written notice cannot be obtained, then a teacher will contact a parent by phone. Detention appointments must be kept by the student prior to participation in school activities. Students may be assigned administrative detention(s) for various reasons. All administrative detentions are 30 minutes after school.


Removal of privileges: The denial of special privileges or honorary positions for violation of school rules. This includes athletics, homecoming, class offices, honor society and other honorary awards of any kind.


Parent conference: A meeting with a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to discuss specific violations of school rules and the impending action school officials may take.


In-School Suspension: Students report to the office as soon as they arrive in the morning. Students should have all of their textbooks, notebooks and assignments with them when they arrive. Teachers will send down classwork periodically throughout the day for students to work on. Students assigned to ISS will be considered excused and all work will be provided from their classroom to be completed during the assigned time in ISS. Restroom and Lunch breaks will be assigned by the assistant principal.


Emergency removal: The removal of a student whose presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the curricular or co-curricular school activities, for a period not less than twenty-four (24) but not to exceed seventy-two (72) hours. During the period of emergency removal, a student will not be permitted to take part in any school function or activity. In addition a student

will not receive credit for class work during this period of emergency removal. 9.

Out of school suspension: a. OSS is reserved for severe misconduct and/or repetitive misbehavior. b. Students assigned to OSS are prohibited from attending or participating in any school functions or extra-curricular activities during their suspension. c. OSS is an UNEXCUSED absence from school therefore students are not allowed to make up assignments missed during their suspension and receive no credit. d. Depending on the severity and circumstances of the misconduct, the student may receive up to 10 days of suspension for the infraction. e. Formal due process procedures will be followed in accordance with state requirements for all OSS assignments. f. Written notice will be given stating the reason(s) for the intended suspension and informing the student of the right to the informal due process hearing before the administration or superintendent. g. If the outcome of the hearing is suspension, the building administration or superintendent shall, within twenty-four (24) hours after the time of the student's suspension, notify in writing, the parents, guardian or custodian of the pupil. This notice shall include the reasons for the suspension and shall also include notification of the right of the pupil or his parent, guardian, or custodian to appeal such action within 3 days through the Principal's Office, which will then notify the Superintendent's Office and the Board of Education, or their designee. Legal counsel or other persons at the appeal hearing may represent such pupil or his parent, guardian, or custodian.

10. Referral to Wyandot County prosecutor’s office: Referral by a school administrator to juvenile authorities for conduct which is not only in violation of school rules but also the law. 11. Recommended Expulsion: This is the removal of a student from school for a period of school days remaining in the semester or term in which the incident that gives rise to the removal takes place. This consequence may extend beyond semesters and school years. During the period of expulsion a student will not be permitted to take part in any school

function or activity. In addition, a student will not receive credit for class work during the period of expulsion. DISCIPLINARY PENALTIES - INFRACTIONS Violation, on the part of a student of any one or more of the following rules of conduct, while on school property or while under the jurisdiction of the school may result in disciplinary action, including after school Detentions, ISS assignment, OSS assignment (suspension), emergency removal, and/or expulsion or other alternatives deemed appropriate by the administration. NOTE: The examples used in this code are not intended to be allinclusive but rather to provide a reference for misconduct. The building principal will have final discretion in determining all misconduct and consequences. 1.

ACTS OF VIOLENCE a. Assault - A student shall not physically attack another student nor intentionally cause physical injury upon another student nor behave in such a way that could reasonably cause injuries to another person. Disciplinary action and/or criminal charge will be issued based on individual cases to be determined by the principal. b. Fighting - is discouraged at all times and not considered under any circumstances as a method to handle conflict. All students involved in a fight should expect some degree of consequences based upon their participation in the misconduct and their attempt to avoid provocation and/or incite the fight. If a fight breaks out, students are to leave the area immediately without comment. Any student who acts in any way, which encourages a fight or encourages a fight to continue, will be subject to disciplinary action. Self-defense is not an excuse to fight nor will it prevent consequences. However, all acts of violence will be thoroughly investigated and consequences determined based upon available evidence and information. Parents will be notified of all acts of violence at school or school sponsored/related activities. Consequences are subject to the principal. c. Provocation - any behavior that incites violence, or provokes another person/group will not be tolerated; including but not limited to inappropriate language, notes, comments, or gestures.


INSUBORDINATION a. Students are expected to follow all classroom rules established by individual teachers. b. Any act of disrespect, disobedience, or discourteous behavior toward a teacher, staff member, or administrator will not be tolerated. c. This includes refusing assigned discipline by a teacher or administrator. d. This includes refusing to follow reasonable requests and instructions from teachers or administrators. e. This includes repeated misbehavior and continuous misconduct despite consequences given.


THREATS AND INTIMIDATION a. Toward Teachers/School Staff: a student shall not behave in any way that may be reasonably interpreted as a threat to do bodily harm to a school employee, nor threaten to damage the personal property of an employee. b. Toward Students/Visitors: Students will not be permitted to behave in any manner that is interpreted as intimidating toward a student or visitor to UNION; including at any extracurricular or athletic events. c. Coercion / Collusion: Students will not be permitted to manipulate, coerce, or take advantage of another including misleading others into negative behavior.


HARASSMENT – INTIMIDATION – BULLYING/CYBERBULLYING GENDER/ETHNIC/RELIGIOUS/DISABILITY HARASSMENT a. Verbal: Written or oral innuendoes, comments, jokes, insults, threats or disparaging remarks concerning a person’s gender, national origin, religious beliefs, disabilities, etc. toward a fellow student, staff member or other person associated with the district. Conducting a “campaign of silence” toward a fellow student, staff member, or other person associated with the district by refusing to have any form of social interaction with the person. b. Nonverbal: Placing objects, pictures or graphic commentaries in the school environment or making insulting or threatening gestures toward a fellow student, staff member, or other person associated with the district.






Physical: Any intimidating or disparaging action such as hitting, hissing or spitting on a fellow student, staff member or other person associated with the district. Cyberbullying: Abusive behavior including but not limited to, taunting, threatening, stalking, intimidation, and/or coercing by one or more individuals against other students or staff, perpetrated with computers, cellular phones, internet websites, and or any other electronic device. Sexual Harassment: A student shall not engage in sexual harassment on school premises or off school premises at a school-sponsored activity. Sexual harassment is any activity of a sexual nature that is unwanted or unwelcome, including but not limited to: written, drawn, electronic or verbal comments of a sexual nature, unwanted touching, patting, verbal comments of a sexual nature, sexual name-calling, pressure to engage in sexual activity, repeated propositions or unwanted body contact. Extortion: A student shall not compel or attempt to compel any student, school employee or other person to give up anything of value by means of threat, harassment, intimidation, or injury to person, property, or reputation. Ethnic Intimidation: The Upper Sandusky Middle School Administration recognizes that in order to create an environment conducive to learning and to best facilitate the learning process, all students, regardless of their race, color, ancestry, national origin, or religion, have the right to an education in an atmosphere free of all forms of slurs, disparagement and intimidation. The Administration further recognizes that certain acts against persons or groups because of a person’s or group’s race, color, ancestry, religion, or national origin, for the purpose of inciting and provoking bodily injury, intimidation, or harassment, poses a threat to the order and safety of our schools and has a negative effect on the learning environment in the schools. Ethnic Intimidation is the harassment or intimidation of a person or group through the use of racial or religious slurs, profanity, denigrating racial or religious remarks, obscene gestures, and other conduct of this type. Other forms of ethnic intimidation might be fighting, vandalism or threats

and would be punishable under one or more sections of the Code of Conduct. 5.

HAZING a. Hazing activities are strictly prohibited. b. Defined as innuendoes, taunting, teasing or any other action that belittles another person is prohibited. c. Any misconduct that is interpreted as demeaning, disgraceful or discourteous. d. Including any act that involves an upperclassman threatening or taking advantage of an underclassman. It is a policy of the Upper Sandusky School Board of Education and school district that hazing activities of any type, are inconsistent with the educational process and shall be prohibited at all times. No student, including leaders of student organizations, shall plan, encourage, or engage in any hazing. Administrators, faculty members and all other employees of the school district shall be particularly alert to a possible situation, circumstance, or event, which might include hazing. If hazing or planned hazing is discovered, involved students shall be informed by the discovered school employee of the prohibition contained in this policy and shall be required to end all hazing activities immediately. All hazing incidents shall be reported immediately to the principal and/or superintendent for disciplinary action.


PROFANITY / ABUSIVE LANGUAGE / INAPPROPRIATE MATERIAL a. Including any use of profanity or abusive language on school grounds, school buses, or at any school function at any time. b. Including any use of profanity, profane gestures or abusive language when directly or indirectly addressing a teacher, administrator, or school employee. c. Including any use of profanity or abusive language in casual conversation or directed at other students. d. Including drawings, pictures, or any suggestive material written or downloaded by the student on the computer.


WEAPONS a. No student shall possess, handle, use, or transport any type of gun, knife, firearm or any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon on school property or at any school sponsored activity. b. No student shall possess, handle, use, or transport any type of explosive, fireworks, detonative device or any other potentially destructive object on school property or at any school sponsored event. c. State and Federal legislation requires a superintendent to expel a student for ONE YEAR for bringing a firearm on school property, in a school vehicle, or at any school sponsored event. This law may be applied to other weapons such as knives, explosives or other such item that seriously endanger the safety and welfare of others.


UNAUTHORIZED ABSENCES a. Leaving a classroom, leaving the building, or leaving school grounds without permission is strictly prohibited and disciplinary action will follow. b. Skipping a class and/or skipping school is considered truancy and will result in a loss of daily credit for classes missed and is subject to appropriate disciplinary action.


STEALING OR RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY a. Theft or possession of stolen property from a student, staff member or school owned property would not be tolerated. b. Including unauthorized consumption, transfer, or resale of someone else’s property. c. Consequences may include replacement or restitution for the stolen item, in addition to other disciplinarian action.


DECEPTION/FORGERY a. Students will not falsify documents, assignments, signatures or other acts of misleading identification. b. Students will not intentionally misuse a hall pass, transfer a hall pass to another student, or falsify a hall pass in any way. c. Students will not alter or falsify attendance slips, progress reports, official school forms, or recorded grades.


DISRUPTION OF SCHOOL a. Students should not engage in any behavior that disrupts the educational process, including hallway misconduct before school, after school, or during school; including running, loud verbal outbursts, profanity, annoying others, physical horseplay, cyber bullying outside of the school day via instant messaging, email, text messages, voice mail or posting on social networking sites or any activity that will incite misconduct/disruption in others. b. Includes proper conduct in non-instructional areas; student behavior in restrooms, corridors, cafeteria and locker rooms is expected to reflect rules of common courtesy and respect for the welfare and rights of others. c. Students are to follow all classroom policies and procedures at all times. This includes the library, study hall and cafeteria. d. To leave a classroom or study hall during class time, the student must have a pass/agenda book with them at all times. Students are to travel quietly in the halls, use the shortest distance between the classroom and destination, and not cause any disruption of classes.


DAMAGE TO SCHOOL BUILDINGS/PROPERTY/EQUIPMENT A student shall not cause, incite, or attempt to cause damage to school property, including buildings, grounds, equipment, or materials.


DAMAGE TO PRIVATE PROPERTY A student shall not cause, incite, or attempt to cause damage to private property, on or off school premises, at any school activity.


TOBACCO It is illegal for any minor to possess, let alone, smoke/use tobacco. This law will be strictly enforced in any area under the control of the school district or at any activity supervised by the school district. Students serving as "lookouts" or aiding and abetting smokers will also be disciplined as though they were violators of the NO TOBACCO POLICY. The penalty applied for those found to be in violation of the NO TOBACCO POLICY shall be as follows: • 1st Offense: three (3) day in school suspension • 2nd Offense: five (5) day in school suspension


3rd Offense: ten (10) day suspension. The suspension may be reduced to five (5) days if the student attends an administration approved tobacco counseling program.

Narcotics, Alcoholic Beverages, Caffeine Pills, Stimulant Drugs, Prescription Medications and Other Pills/Substances A student shall not possess, display, sell, attempt to sell, transmit, attempt to transmit, purchase, attempt to purchase, use or have used, or be under the influence of any steroid, narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, caffeine pills, alcoholic beverage or beverage promoted as an alcohol substitute, inhalant, drug paraphernalia, other pills/substances or any other mind altering substance within any school building, on school property, or while participating in or attending school or school sponsored activities. This includes the possession, sale and/or distribution of prescription drugs and over the counter medications. A student shall not possess, distribute, attempt to distribute, purchase, attempt to purchase, sell, use, or package any counterfeit drug (look alike). Empty alcohol containers are also prohibited on school property. A counterfeit controlled substance is defined as: • Any drug that bears, or whose container or label bears a trademark, trade name or identifying mark without authorization of the owner; • Any substance that is represented as a controlled substance; • Any substance other than a controlled substance that a reasonable person would believe to be a controlled substance. 1st Offense: ten (10) days out-of-school suspension. The suspension may be reduced to five (5) days if the student attends an administration approved alcohol or drug counseling program. If conditions warrant, the administration will refer the student for the prosecution and fully cooperate in any criminal investigation. 2nd Offense & any offense after: ten (10) days out-ofschool suspension with recommendation for expulsion. If conditions warrant, the administration will refer the student for prosecution.

3rd Offense: ten (10) days out-of-school suspension with recommendation for expulsion. If conditions warrant, the administration will refer the student for prosecution. 16.

SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION Students shall obey all reasonable directions given by bus drivers and comply with basic safety regulations.


DRESS & APPEARANCE A student shall not dress in a manner that will present health or safety problems or cause disruption of class. Examples of inappropriate dress include, but are not limited to: clothing or accessories that display inappropriate language/graphics, gang related apparel, spiked bracelets or necklaces, long linked chains, apparel depicting violence, tank tops/mesh tops exposing midriff, clothing with inappropriate cuts or slits, boxer shorts or shorts of inappropriate length, clothing showing under garments, pajamas, and all other dress deemed inappropriate by the administration. Students may not wear hats, head coverings or jackets of any kind in the building during the school day unless permitted to do so by the administration. The school administration/faculty/staff reserves the right to determine what is/is not acceptable. Dress that is deemed inappropriate by school administration will not be permitted. *For the safety of all students using the stairs – No flip flops, slides or strapless sandals will be permitted by students.


REPEAT VIOLATIONS A student shall not repeatedly fail to comply with directions, policies, rules, etc. of teachers, student teachers, substitute teachers, teacher aides, principals, or other authorized school personnel during any period of time when the student is under the authority of any such school personnel.


ACADEMIC INTEGRITY/CLASSROOM CONDUCT Cheating, stealing answers, plagiarizing, and academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated in the school environment. Although failure of a certain assignment(s) or failure of a class for a nine weeks or for the year may be the typical penalty, depending upon the frequency, extent, and severity of this offense, students may be suspended or expelled, among other penalties, for this offense. A student shall not alter, forge, or use a fraudulent form.


FALSE TESTIMONY/REPORTS Students may not falsely report incidents, make false accusations, or give false testimony. Students are expected to tell the truth at all times.


INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIORS a. Public Display of Affection (PDA): the school recognizes that relationships are a natural development in a student's life. But we expect mature and responsible behavior at all times. Excessive expression and inappropriate contact will be discouraged. b. Loitering: students are expected to be involved in academic activities at all times. Time loitering in restroom, parking lots, hallways, locker rooms and other areas of the building will be discouraged.


Students are expected to leave school grounds at the end of the school day unless they have a legitimate activity to attend after school that is supervised by an adult. Students are not permitted in the building prior to 7:40 am unless required to do so by a coach or advisor and should have a written pass to do so. BOMB THREATS/INDUCING PANIC Students shall not disrupt the academic process via school pranks, bomb threats, or any other type of act which induces panic or disrupts the academic process of any part of a school district’s classes or programs. A student shall not make any bomb threat to a school building or to any premises at which a school activity is occurring at the time of the threat.


GANG RELATED ACTVITY A “gang” is considered to be any group of two or more persons whose purpose includes the commission of illegal acts and/or displays or communication of any visible aspects of gangs or acts in violation of disciplinary rules. In order to ensure a safe and violence free school, gangs and gang activities are prohibited at Upper Sandusky Middle School.


INDECENCY Any student in violation of the public decency section of the Ohio Revised Code is subject to suspension or expulsion, should the incident take place on school grounds or at any school-related function. Considered a misdemeanor offense,

violators will be turned over to the local law enforcement authorities. 25.

CELL PHONES During the school day (7:55 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.) students will be permitted to carry their personal cell phone. Cell phones must be turned off. Personal cell phones may be used in the classroom for their technological advantages under the supervision and guidance of the instructor. All other times personal cell phone must be turned off and kept secured when not being used in class. Any personal cell phone will be subject to confiscation if it creates a disruption to the academic environment. A student using a cell phone, which creates a disruption, or refusing to follow a reasonable request from a staff members, will result in confiscation of the cell phone and an afterschool detention will be issued by the staff member. Using a cell phone to film/record/take pictures of any documents, students or staff members is strictly prohibited. In addition, using a cell phone for cheating or any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. The possessing, taking, disseminating, transferring, or sharing of nude, obscene, pornographic, lewd, or otherwise illegal images, whether by electronic data transfers or otherwise (commonly called texting, sexting, etc.) may constitute a crime under state and/or federal law. Any person possessing, taking, disseminating or sharing nude, obscene, pornographic, lewd or otherwise illegal images or photographs may be punished and will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Students are not permitted to post updates or communicate via social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) at any time during the school day. Anyone found making posts to social networking sites during school hours would be subject to disciplinary actions.


ELECTRONIC DEVICES Before students can bring any Electronic Device to school they must have a signed BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) form on file with the office. Students are not permitted to use ipods, Tablets, PS4, Gameboys, or other electronic devices in school, unless approved under the BYOD policy.


IMPROPER USE OF ELECTRONICS Although the normal penalty for such offenses will be the withdrawal of privileges concerning usage, downloading pornography, accessing inappropriate or forbidden websites, attempting to access inappropriate or forbidden websites, hacking, cyber-bullying, or other examples of inappropriate

usage may be cause for suspension or expulsion from school, depending upon the severity and / or the extent of the ramifications of such offenses. 28.

FOOD/BEVERAGE POLICY Shall only be consumed during breakfast or lunch periods in the cafeteria or other areas approved by teachers or administrators.


BOOK BAGS/PURSES Are not to be taken to classrooms or worn in the hallway and can only be worn when entering and leaving the building.


REPEAT OFFENSES Students may not repeatedly fail to comply with rules, directions, or reasonable requests made by teachers (including student teachers and substitute teachers), a principal, a bus driver, or any other authorized school official at any time when the student is properly under the official authority of such personnel.


OTHER CONDUCT Other possible student conduct violations reaching the gravity of the above examples in terms of gross misconduct or persistent disobedience or insubordination (defined as more than 3 times).

SUSPENSION, EXPULSIONS, AND REMOVALS – DUE PROCESS Due process for out-of-school suspensions, expulsions and removals will be in accordance with O.R.C. Section 3313.66. No due process guarantees are implied as to any in-school suspension (defined as a suspension where the student will serve all of the suspension in a school setting.) With respect to the suspension of any student from any particular extra-curricular activities, no due process guarantees beyond what appears in O.R.C. Section 3313.664 are implied The Superintendent may prohibit a student from participating in a particular or all extra-curricular activities independent of or in lieu of other disciplinary actions for any violation of this policy or any other duly promulgated rule applicable to the activity or activities in question. Similarly, the Athletic Director, relevant coach, or director, may prohibit a student from any particular or all extra-curricular activities falling within such person’s responsibility independent of or in lieu or other disciplinary action for any violation of this policy or any other duly promulgated rule applicable to the activity or activities in question. The period of such a suspension shall not extend beyond one calendar year from the time the suspension is imposed.

When out-of-school suspension is imposed the student may not attend school or extra-curricular activities. In the event that a student is suspended for a Friday, that student may not attend any extra-curricular events that may be on Saturday and Sunday of that weekend. DISCLAIMER School rules published in this handbook are subject to such changes as may be needed to ensure continued compliance with federal, state or local regulations and are subject to such review and alteration as becomes necessary for the routine operation of the school. Not all rules of behavior can be written and inserted in a guidebook; however, we expect students to follow reasonable rules and not violate the rights of others. The provisions of this handbook are in effect at school, on school property, at any school-sponsored activity, or otherwise subject to the authority of school officials. These rules apply off school property if the misconduct is connected to activities or incidents that have occurred on property owned or controlled by the District. These rules also apply off school property, if the misconduct is directed at a District official or employee or the property of a District official or employee. UNION ELEMENTARY/UPPER MIDDLE SCHOOL SECURITY Visitors (all non-employees of Upper Sandusky Schools) are to enter the school through the front center doors located on Walker Street. Visitors will need to be buzzed in by using the intercom. Upon entering the school all visitors should report directly to the office. The Board of Education is committed to providing a safe learning and work environment. All threats to the safety of District facilities shall be identified by appropriate personnel and responded to promptly in accordance with the plan for emergency preparedness. In the event of an emergency evacuation involving the pick-up of students, the local radio station (95.9 FM) will instruct parents/caregivers as to the designated pick-up location of their children. PUBLIC RECORDS Request for public records shall be granted in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws. For more specific information concerning the release of public records, please reference the board’s Policy #8310.

Use of Personal Equipment on District’s Network – BYOD As a student of Upper Sandusky E.V. Schools (USEVS), I hereby request authorization to use my persona mobile device (laptop, netbook, tablet, handheld, smartphone (Windows, Android, or Apple) on the District’s network for the benefit of student instruction. I hereby grant to the USEVS Board of Education a nonexclusive license to regulate any and all use of my equipment in accordance with the USEVS Acceptable Use Policy. I acknowledge that I have read and do understand the USEVS Student Acceptable Use Policy and all other applicable Board polices, including the student code of conduct. I specifically acknowledge and understand that the District will have the right to access, monitor, audit, log and intercept and all use of my equipment on the District’s network at all times and without notice. I further specifically acknowledge and understand that violations of the USEVS Student Acceptable Use Policy may subject me to disciplinary actions, up to and including expulsion from school. I recognize that my equipment may be exposed to both virus and spyware activity when used outside the District’s network. Therefore, at my sole cost, I will obtain and maintain at all times up-to-date and active anti-virus and spyware removal software on the equipment, where applicable. I will not install or allow to be installed on the equipment any software or other materials that could disrupt, infect or infiltrate the District’s network or technology resources. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless USEVS, its Board members, administrators, employees, and agents against and from any and all claims, costs, damages, and liabilities arising out of or pertaining in any way to any and all use of my equipment on the District’s network. I hereby release the District from any and all claims, cost, damages, and liabilities arising out of or pertaining to any damage or destruction of my equipment, and any item thereof, caused by or related to any use of my equipment on the District’s network.

_________________________________________________________ Student’s Name _________________________________________________________ Student’s Signature Date _________________________________________________________ Description of Student’s Equipment (Brand Name/Device Type) _________________________________________________________ Model Number _________________________________________________________ If Windows-based laptop, name of anti-virus software Approved: _________________________________________________________ District Representative

School Accounts Password Organizer SCHOOLOGY/RamMail User Name ________________________________________________________ Password _________________________________________________________ PowerSchool User Name ________________________________________________________ Password _________________________________________________________ iReady User Name ________________________________________________________ Password _________________________________________________________ Connect Ed – Math User Name ________________________________________________________ Password _________________________________________________________ Pearson Success – Science User Name ________________________________________________________ Password _________________________________________________________ Typing Pal User Name ________________________________________________________ Password _________________________________________________________ Account Name: ____________________________________________________ User Name ________________________________________________________ Password _________________________________________________________

2017-18 UPPER SANDUSKY MIDDLE SCHOOL handbook#2.pdf ...


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