April 29, 2018 Sunday Mass: Vigil 4:00pm; 9:00am, 11:00am Weekday Mass: 9:00am - Except Wednesday Morning Prayer 8:45am Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30pm Confessions Available First Saturday Mass: 9:00am

St. Athanasius Church 300 Haverhill St, Reading, 01867 Monday - Friday 9am-4pm www.StAthanasiusReading.org [email protected] Facebook: facebook.com/StAthanasiusReading Twitter: twitter.com/StAsReading

Phone: 781-944-0330 Fax: 781-944-1266

Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:153:45pm and during Eucharistic Adoration. Baptism: Celebrated the 3rd Sunday at 2pm. Call to register for Baptism Prep. Anointing of the Sick: Notify the office when a person is seriously ill. Extraordinary Ministers are available to bring the Eucharist to the homebound. Marriage: Call at least 6 months in advance of your wedding.

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

April 29, 2018

Please pray for our military and civilians who defend our freedom, especially: The 26th “Yankee” Brigade, and 1st Lts. Ryan & Nolan Johnson, US Army, Patrick Cavanaugh, PFC Christopher Lewis, CPL.Brenden Amico, Justin Whitmarsh, PFC Michael Goddard, Chaplain Tom Whiteman, Brian Basso US. Army, USMC Captain Zachary Johnson,LCPL Dean Lepore

Saturday, Apr 28 4:00pm Phyllis Cieplik Memorial Mass Sunday, Apr 29 9:00am Mass for the People 11:00am Florence Finocchio Memorial Monday, Apr 30 9:00am Rev David Meskell Memorial Tuesday, May 1 9:00am Daisy Pratt Memorial Thursday, May 3 9:00am Jean Perry Months Mind Friday, May 4 9:00am Lucyna Mierzejewski Memorial Saturday, May 5 9:00am First Saturday Mass 4:00pm Mass for the People Sunday, May 6 9:00am Frank DelGreco Birthday Memorial 11:00am John Brian Fields Memorial

Remember those in need of prayers, especially: Maryann Lucerto, Margaret Sumner, John Cadigan, Pat K & Family, Marie Brown, JDF & Family, Patrick & Brianna, Rick Q, Trudy, Sean T, Dianne, Dina Luongo, Anne B,Katy, Bernadette, Bryan, Guarino Family, Robert D, Richard D, Steve R, Nowicki family, Scott, Trudy, Carla, Patrick M, Matthew, Paula, Marie M, Sheila S, Bob C, Rose, Dom, Daniel, Sandra Cadigan, Lindsey, Matt & Chloe, Margie M, Kelly G, Frank G, Ben Goodhue, Jeff Eble, Peter, James B, John M, Christine M, Sheila D, Richard Rossi, Dottie Dillon, Richard, Andrew, Thomas, Anna W, Mary M, Terry G, Larry Y, Marion M, Phil T, Beth O, Denise S, Martha K, Noreen, Rosemary, Heather, Anne Marie, Barbara G, Tim Ervin and family, Barbara, Daniel, Asher, Brian,Caitlyn, Sue, Jill, Frank Thomas, Ryan Smith, Johnson Family, Elliott Family, Olivia Harper Johnson, Malin Family, Danny, Joan.B, Josephine.S, Bob Curran, David W, Morgan L, Enzo, David, Chip Case, Ed. S, Frank F ,Eddie, Ed .S, Marie M, Stephen O’Neill, Maddy M, Elijah & Family, Joel Rivera , Baby Wally, Diane S , Nancy, Costa Family, David Brey , Holly Benson, Pitman Family

SPECIAL DONATIONS: Altar Flowers : In Memory of Arthur Doucette Week of 4-28

W EEKLY O FFERTORY These names will stay in the Prayer Corner until Sunday, May 6th - Call the office or email [email protected] to add or renew a name of your loved ones on the list.

Mass Attendance Last Week : 534 Offertory: $ 6420

S CRIPTURE 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6

SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SUN




Acts 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8 Acts 14:5-18/Jn 14:21-26 Acts 14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31a Acts 15:1-6/Jn 15:1-8 1 Cor 15:1-8/Jn 14:6-14 Acts 15:22-31/Jn 15:12-17 Acts 16:1-10/Jn 15:18-21 Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/1 Jn 4:710/Jn 15:9-17 2

April , 28


Confirmation Ceremony

April, 29


May 3

Thur Prayer Shawl Meets in PC

Family Mass

11:00am 9:00am 10:00am

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

April 29, 2018

Parish Happenings !!!! SATURDAY NIGHT CLUB NEWS Thank you Pat Barletta (Chef Pasquale) for an informative demonstration and delicious dinner !!

Please Join Us! First Saturday Mass For the Blessed Mother Saturday, May 5th Rosary 8:45am Mass 9:00am

Family Mass Sunday, April 29

All in attendance enjoyed eating the fruits of Pat’s labor, i.e. Chicken Marsala, Risotto, Roasted Vegetables and Syrian salad. Attendees also enjoyed appetizers, wine, coffee/tea & desserts all while socializing with members of our own parish as well as some from St. Agnes. Saturday Night Club is a community outreach endeavor, sponsored by St. Athanasius and is open to ALL so please PASS THE WORD about our group . We meet every 3rd Saturday of the Month.

at 9am.

YOUTH MINISTRY Led by Brad Agostonelli please contact him Cell: 585-200-2831 Office: 781-944-0330 Fax: 781-944-1266 [email protected]

Upcoming events include: Trivia/Pizza Night -May 19, 6:30-9:00 - $5.00 pp.. (You need not have a team participate)-PRIZES will be awarded to winners.

FAMILY MASS (Please Note Mass time change for May) Our next Family Mass is April 29th and then on May 20th at 11:00am For our Family Masses we seek teens and youth to help by serving as lectors for the readings, bringing up the gifts, and assisting with the offering collection.

Sea Glass Creations – June 16th - signup will be online soon For more information, please contact Jody Roffi [email protected] 781-942-1841 or call the rectory at 781-944-0330.

MOTHERS DAY FUNDRAISER Flower bouquet fundraiser after all Masses on the weekend of May 12th & 13th with Brad. This fundraiser helps support our Catholic youth ministry program here in Reading. We need teen volunteers to help sell flower bouquets for 30 minutes after each Mass . This time can be used for Confirmation preparation service hours.

Join us for Eucharistic Adoration at St. Athanasius Every Thursday from 6:30-7:30pm With Confession 3

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

April 29, 2018

FROM THE HEART OF A YOUNG FATHER Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia. Bishops get a lot of unsolicited mail from strangers, some of it pleasant, some of it much less so. It goes with the job. But every once in a while a letter comes in that’s worth sharing with a wider audience. Last month, in preparation for the October 2018 synod, roughly 300 young adults from around the world gathered in Rome to discuss their views of faith and the Church. The result was a valuable experience of dialogue and learning—so valuable that I think that continuing the process of listening to a wide range of young adult experiences is important. In that spirit, I offer a letter below, which I received just after the March pre-synod gathering. It was unsolicited and from a stranger—but hardly the first such letter to come my way. Though I’ve removed the author’s name and other identifiers, the content is unchanged and used with his permission. It deserves consideration as we seek a fuller understanding of the pastoral challenges facing young adults in a changing world. I am 26 years old, a father of three young children, and I wish to offer my perspective, shared by many of my peers, on Rome’s upcoming synod [on “Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment”]. Though the Church’s growing focus on evangelization of the “Nones” is encouraging, there have been recent discussions emanating from several prominent figures in Rome and throughout Church leadership regarding a so-called “paradigm shift” relative to doctrine, the supremacy of individual conscience, and pastoral accommodation. My wife and I find these developments disturbing and potentially disastrous for the evangelization of the young and the fallen-away. We young people crave the truth and clarity of good teaching. On a secular level this is evidenced by the meteoric rise in popularity of Jordan Peterson. We crave the truth, no matter how blunt or difficult it is for us to swallow or for the shepherds of our flock to teach. Our culture is roiled in confusion concerning the basic tenets of human nature: From a very young age, we’re deluged with propaganda that distorts basic scientific truths about gender, paints virtue and chivalry as “toxic masculinity,” denigrates the family, and desecrates the nature of sex and its fruits, especially the unborn child. We urgently need the Church’s clarity and authoritative guidance on issues like abortion, homosexuality, gender dysphoria, the indissolubility of matrimony, the four last things, and the consequences of contraception (moral, anthropological, and abortifacient). My generation has never, or rarely, heard these truths winsomely taught in the parishes. Instead, we hear most forcefully and frequently from our bishops' conference and our dioceses regarding the federal budget, border policy, net neutrality, gun control, and the environment. Increasingly, we have noticed an appeasement of modern culture under the broad cloak of pastoral sensitivity, including cases of some high-profile clergy who deliberately blur the Church's teaching regarding homosexuality and transgenderism in the name of “building bridges.” The dubia remain unanswered. Discussions of beauty in the liturgy and reverent reception of the Eucharist are mocked. Heads are scratched at decreasing Mass attendance, yet young people who look to tradition to recover 4

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

April 29, 2018

This shift away from clarity is demoralizing for young faithful Catholics, particularly those with a heart for the New Evangelization and my friends raising children against an ever-stronger cultural tide. Peers of mine who are converts or reverts have specifically cited teachings like Humanae Vitae, Familiaris Consortio, and Veritatis Splendor as beacons that set the Church and her wisdom apart from the world and other faiths. Now they’re hearing from some in the highest levels of the Church that these liberating teachings are unrealistic ideals, and that “conscience” should be the arbiter of truth. Young Catholics crave the beauty that guided and inspired previous generations for nearly two millennia. Many of my generation received their upbringing surrounded by bland, ugly, and often downright counter -mystical modern church architecture, hidden tabernacles, and banal modern liturgical music more suitable to failed off-Broadway theater. The disastrous effect that Beige Catholicism (as Bishop Robert Barron aptly describes it) has had on my generation can’t be overstated. In a world of soulless modern vulgarity, we’re frustrated by the iconoclasm of the past 60 years. In sum, many of us feel that we’re the rightful heirs of thousands of years of rich teaching, tradition, art, architecture, and music. We young Catholics increasingly recognize that these riches will be crucial for evangelizing our peers and passing on a thriving Church to our children. If the Church abandons her traditions of beauty and truth, she abandons us. I offer these observations without bitterness or insult, but with love for my brothers and sisters who have not received the blessing, love, and formation God mysteriously granted to me and my friends. I am not alone. Though deeply troubled by the current state of affairs, we remain hopeful; and rooted in that confidence, we’re raising large families who will inherit the future of the Church. I sincerely hope this can be conveyed emphatically at the upcoming synod, and I thank every pastor and bishop who stands as a role model for evangelizing, preaching the truth, and promoting the beauty and richness our faith has to offer.

I can add little to that kind of witness. I’ll merely suggest the obvious: The future of the Catholic faith belongs to those who create it with their fidelity, their self-sacrifice, their commitment to bringing new life into the world and raising their children in truth, and their determination to walk Christ’s “narrow way” with joy. May God grant the 2018 synod fathers the grace and courage to lead young people on that path.

April 29 ~ Fifth Sunday of Easter Did you hear the words of today’s gospel? “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without you can do nothing.” What a consolation to have Jesus guiding and companioning us. With him, we have the ability to be his disciples. During this Easter season, hold fast to the truth that Christ accompanies us in the work of evangelization. So let’s get to work! 5

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

April 29, 2018

Parish Staff

3rd Annual Saint Joseph School 5K Saturday, May 19, 2018 Wakefield Town Common

Pastor ………………………………. Reverend Darin V. Colarusso [email protected]

Our registration platform is now open! Please sign up now at https://www.runreg.com/saint-joseph-5k for our chip-timed 5K run ($25), our untimed stroller-friendly 5K walk ($20), or our 1 mile Kid's (under 12) Fun Run around the Common ($10)! Donate to support the event overall or a specific runner or walker at https://www.pledgereg.com/saint-joseph5k!

Parochial Vicar………………………..Reverend Patrick Armano [email protected] Permanent Deacon………………………….Deacon Neil Sumner [email protected] Permanent Deacon…………..….………… Deacon Matt Baltier [email protected] Administrative Office Manager………………. Kerry Basford [email protected] Director of Religious Ed……………………………….. Jo-Ann Rossi [email protected]

26th Annual Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary Golf Tournament

Music Director..………………………………………..John Donovan [email protected]

Monday, May 21st Weston Golf Club This premier charity event is held to benefit the educational program for the seminarians. Tuition covers only half the cost of educating a seminarian and the proceeds from this tournament will help bridge the gap and keep the cost of educating them affordable. The $250 player entry includes lunch at the Club, 18 holes of golf with cart, and door prizes; followed by a social hour, silent auction and dinner at the Seminary for each golfer and a guest. To register, call Kate Folan at 781-899-5500 or visit www.psjs.edu/golf-tournament

Business Manager……………………………………...Janine Castro [email protected] Administrative Assistant ……………………….. Luann Barretto [email protected] Youth Ministry……………………………………….Brad Agostinelli [email protected] Religious Ed Administrative Assistant …..Michele Barrette [email protected]

Submissions for our bulletin are by Monday 9am [email protected]

OPEN HOUSE St. Augustine School would like to get to know your family! Located at 26 Central Street in Andover, St. Augustine School is a Catholic school serving students in Nursery through Grade Eight. Open House will be held Tuesday, May 8th, 6:30-8:00 pm. All inquiries can be sent to Meghan Lovett at [email protected] or 978-4752414. Please check out our website at www.staugustineandover.org.

READING FOOD PANTRY Suggestions for APRIL Mayonnaise, Juice Boxes, Canned hash, Sardines, Chopped Clams, Liquid Dish Detergent , Kleenex , Chili, Beef Stew Caring for the needs of our Community


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F r a n c is c o M o n to y a A c a d e m y D ir e c t o r

Ju n e 2 8 th t o J u ly 1 st What’s Inside N e w E n g l a n d J r. C la y C J u ly 1 0 t h t o J u ly 1 3 th o u r t C h a m p io n s h ip s N e w E n g l a n d Jr. H a rd C o u rt C A u g u st 1 4 h a m p io n s th to A u g u h ip s s t 1 7 th


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Pilot Bulletins

Saint Athanasius, Reading, MA


April 29, 2018 - The Boston Pilot

Apr 29, 2018 - coffee/tea & desserts all while socializing with members of our own parish as well as some from St. Agnes. Saturday Night Club is a community ...

2MB Sizes 5 Downloads 345 Views

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April 15, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 15, 2018 - disciples, we are not meant to stay in the upper room – that place of fear and confusion. Rather Jesus sends his disciples out into the world. Take with you today the message of Easter joy, the message that is for all people. 3rd Sun

April 8, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 8, 2018 - AT READING. SHORT TERM REHABILITATION. LONG TERM CARE. 1364 Main Street, Reading, MA 01867. Call for your private tour 781-942-1210. At Wingate at Reading, we're dedicated to maintaining a close connection to our community and offering

April 1, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 1, 2018 - again on the third day in accordance with the scriptures,” obviously refers to Our Lord and to that first Easter morning. However, that final line ... God, it's not that difficult a miracle-- no different than any other action He does

April 8, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 8, 2018 - gifts, and assisting with the offering collection. SOCIAL MEDIA. Follow us on Instagram ... who came out to volunteer for some community service hours. Lets not forget a big Thank You to Sue P ... More so, He reassures them and confers

April 15, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 15, 2018 - Sunday Mass: Vigil 4:00pm; 9:00am, 11:00am. Weekday Mass: 9:00am - Except Wednesday. Morning Prayer 8:45am. Eucharistic Adoration. Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30pm. Confessions Available. First Saturday Mass: 9:00am. St. Athanasius Church. 300

April 1, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 1, 2018 - Dillon, Richard, Andrew, Thomas, Anna W, Mary M, Terry. G, Larry Y, Marion M, Phil T, Beth O, .... Don & Peg Jackson. Max Dluznieski. Mrs. Max Dluznieski. Rev. A. Paul Gallivan, Dr. Jerrold Bernstein. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Doherty, Jr. Rus

January 29, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Jan 29, 2017 - 29 SUN Is 8:23-9:3/1 Cor 1:10-13, 17/Mt 4:12-23 or. 4:12-17 ... Social media ο Follow us ... Campaign to support A Woman's Concern – Learn.

October 29, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Oct 29, 2017 - simple fact is, as this passage shows: The saints in heaven offer to God the prayers of the saints on earth. However, since sin and final glorification are utterly incompatible, between the sinfulness of this life and the glories of he

April 30, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 30, 2017 - Facebook: facebook.com/StAthanasiusReading .... Language of Love features favorite songs from My. Fair Lady ... For Advertising call 617-779-3771 ... Banners, Bookmarks, Business Cards, Flyers/Brochures, Greeting Cards,.

April 24, 2016 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 24, 2016 - 24 SUN Acts 14:21-27/Rv 21:1-5a/Jn 13:31-33a, .... Comfort the sorrowful (give comfort to those who suffer) – Call or visit friends in difficult situations or .... ο Meet at 3:15pm in the St. Athanasius Parish Center .... Coffee Hou

April 17, 2016 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 17, 2016 - In granting mercy like our Heavenly Father does to us, we initiate reconciliation and spark joy, not just for those forgiven but also for ourselves and for all those affected. Bring others to receive ..... have the mission 'to repair t

April 30, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 30, 2017 - Facebook: facebook.com/StAthanasiusReading. Twitter: twitter.com/ ... These names will stay in the Prayer Corner until. Sunday, May 7th .... We need teens to work at the tables to help sell .... For Advertising call 617-779-3771.

April 17, 2016 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 17, 2016 - Adoration. Baptism: Celebrated the 3rd. Sunday at 1pm. Call to register for Baptism Prep. Anointing of the Sick: Notify the office when a person is seriously ill. Extraordinary Ministers are available to bring the Eucharist to the home

October 29, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Oct 29, 2017 - 12:00pm Mass for the People. 6:30 pm Mass for the People. Thursday, Nov 2 .... Those in heaven who offer to God our prayers aren't just angels, but humans as well. St. John sees that. "the twenty-four elders [the leaders of the .... 18

April 2, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 2, 2017 - Where: Parish Center ... call the Parish Office at (781) 944-0330. ..... Licensed Nursing 24 hours a day • Recreational Therapy • Strengthening ...

April 23, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 23, 2017 - [email protected]. Facebook: facebook.com/StAthanasiusReading ..... For Advertising call 617-779-3771. Pilot Bulletins.

April 3, 2016 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 3, 2016 - Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ .... business hours. Please contact the Parish office at .... For Advertising call 617-779-3771. Pilot Bulletins.

January 29, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Jan 29, 2017 - 29 SUN Is 8:23-9:3/1 Cor 1:10-13, 17/Mt 4:12-23 or ... Social media .... famous sites, Cathedrals and Abbeys, Historic ... most popular address.

April 9, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 9, 2017 - Sunday, May 7th Call the office or email ... Where: Parish Center ..... Licensed Nursing 24 hours a day • Recreational Therapy • Strengthening ...

April 16, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 16, 2017 - Facebook: facebook.com/StAthanasiusReading .... Business Manager… ..... For Advertising call 617-779-3771 .... 5% of my commission to.

April 3, 2016 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 3, 2016 - Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/. StAthanasiusReading ..... For Advertising call 617-779-3771 ... Through a unique collaboration with. The.

April 16, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 16, 2017 - facebook.com/StAthanasiusReading. Twitter: twitter.com/StAsReading .... Business Manager… ..... For Advertising call 617-779-3771.

April 23, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 23, 2017 - Sunday, May 7th Call the office or email ... or call the Fr. Colarusso at the Parish Office to ... center on Friday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30PM.

April 30, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 30, 2017 - facebook.com/StAthanasiusReading ..... Banners, Bookmarks, Business Cards, Flyers/Brochures, Greeting Cards, ... Advertise: 617-779-3788.