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saqarTvelos prezidenti poloneTis seimis marSals Sexvda

President Margvelashvili Met with Marshal of the Sejm

saqarTvelos prezidenti giorgi margvelaSvili, poloneTSi oficialuri vizitis farglebSi, poloneTis seimis marSals marek kuxCinskis Sexvda. Sexvedrisas parlamentebs Soris urTierTobebis gaRrmavebis da intensifikaciis sakiTxebi, saqarTvelos okupirebul teritoriebze Seqmnili viTareba da evrointegraciis procesis mimdinareoba ganixiles. aRiniSna poloneTis parlamentis mxardaWeris mniSvneloba saqarTvelos evropuli da evroatlantikuri integraciis procesis mimarT iseT mravalmxriv saparlamento formatebSi rogoricaa: evropis sabWos saparlamento asamblea, nato da euTos saparlamento asambleebi. saqarTvelos interesebis dacvis TvalsazrisiT saqarTvelos prezidentma madloba gadauxada seimis Tavmjdomares saqarTvelos teritoriuli mTlianobisa da suverenitetis mxardaWerisaTvis saerTaSoriso asparezze.

As part of his official visit to Poland, the President of Georgia, H.E. Giorgi Margvelashvili has held a meeting with Marshal of the Sejm, Mr. Marek Kuchcinski. At the meeting, prospects of intensifying relations between the parliaments, situation in the occupied territories of Georgia, and the country’s progress in terms of European integration have been discussed. Importance of the Polish Parliament’s support of Georgia in European and Euro-Atlantic integration process and other multilateral formats such as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, NATO and OSCE parliamentary assemblies has been highlighted. President Margvelashvili has thanked Mr. Kuchcinski for supporting Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and advocating Georgia’s interest in the international arena.

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Meeting with Minister of Business and Industry of Romania

2017 wlis 3 noembers saqarTvelos premier-ministri giorgi kvirikaSvili rumineTis biznesgaremos, komerciisa da mewarmeobis ministr hari ilan laufers Sexvda. saubari Seexo sxvadasxva mimarTulebiT ori qveynis TanamSromlobas, romelic

On november 3 ,2017,Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili met with the Minister of Business Industry of Romania, Harry Ilan Laufer. Discussions focused on the Cooperation between two countries that is actively developing, as well as the investment environment in

President Margvelashvili Met with Marshal of the Sejm Sexvedra rumineTis biznesgaremos, komerciisa da mewarmeobis ministrTan

Meeting with Minister of Business and Industry of Romania Sexvedra ukrainis vice p r e mi e r T a n

Meeting with Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine gacnobiTi xasiaTis Sexvedra saberZneTis elCTan

Introductory Meeting with new ambassador of Greece Sexvedra ,,NUROL HOLDING”is xelmZRvanelTan

Meeting with The Head of Nurol Holding a z e r b a i r j a n u li tu r i s tuli kompaniebis menejerebi aWaras stumroben

Managers of Azerbaijan tourism companies visit Adjara uprecendento investicia mwvane koncxze

Unprecedented investment in green cape

aqtiurad viTardeba, aseve - saqarTveloSi arsebul sainvesticio garemos, mimdinare reformebs da makroekonomikur maCveneblebs. premier-ministrma rumineTis biznesgaremos, komerciisa da mewarmeobis ministrs miawoda informacia saqarTvelos ekonomikaSi arsebuli pozitiuri tendenciebis, turistebis ricxvis mzardi dinamikisa da mTis kurortebis potencialis Sesaxeb. hari ilan lauferma gamoTqva survili, saqarTveloSi arsebuli sainvesticio garemo ruminel investorebs gaacnos. mxareebma ganixiles 2018 wels rumineTsa da saqarTveloSi erToblivi biznesforumebis gamarTvisa da or qveyanas Soris pirdapiri aviareisebis daniSvnis perspeqtiva, aseve - turizmisa da teqnologiebis sferoSi gamocdilebis urTierTgaziarebis SesaZleblobebi. xazi gaesva saqarTvelos, rogorc evropisa da aziis damakavSirebeli umniSvnelovanesi derefnis rolsa da anakliis portis proeqtis mniSvnelobas. mxareebma saqarTvelosa da rumineTis portebis damakavSirebeli proeqtebis ganxorcielebis perspeqtivazec isaubres. rumineTis biznesgaremos, komerciisa da mewarmeobis ministrma saqarTvelos teritoriuli mTlianobisa daa suverenitetis, aseve qveynis evropuli integraciisadmi mtkice mxardaWera daadastura daa giorgi kvirikaSvils rumineTis premier-ministris mokiTxva gadasca.

Georgia, ongoing reforms and macroeconomic indicators. The Prime Minister provided the Minister of Business, Commerce and Industry of Romania with positive trends in the Georgian economy, the growing dynamics of the number of tourists and mountain resorts. Harry Ilan Laufer expressed his desire to introduce an investment environment in Georgia to Romanian investors. The sides discussed the prospect of holding joint business associations in Romania and Georgia in 2018 and the possibility of direct flights between the two countries, as well as the possibilities of sharing experience in tourism and technology. It emphasized the importance of Georgia’s role as the crucial corridor linking Europe and Asia and the Anaklia port project. The sides also talked about prospects of implementation of projects connecting Georgia and Romania ports. Romanian business environment, commercial and entrepreneurship minister confirmed support for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and send Prime minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili regards from Prime Minister of Romania.

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Meeting with Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine

2017 wlis 7 noembers, saqarTvelos premier-ministri giorgi kvirikaSvili ukrainis vice-premiers, socialuri politikis ministr pavlo rozenkos Sexvda, romelic, socialuri programebis mimarTulebiT, saqarTvelos gamocdilebas ecnoba. pavlo rozenkom aRniSna, rom ukrainisTvis saintereso da mniSvnelovania, gaiziaros janmrTelobis, socialuri dacvisa da iZulebiT gadaadgilebul pirTa mxardaWeris kuTxiT saqarTveloSi arsebuli Tanamedrove

On november 7, 2017 Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili met with the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and Social Policy Minister Pavlo Rozenko , who is familiar with Georgia’s experience in social programs. Pavlo Rozenko noted that it is interesting and important for Ukraine to share modern programs in Georgia with regard to health, social care and IDPs support. Prime Minister of Georgia informed the Vice


programebi. saqarTvelos premier-ministrma ukrainis vice-premiers miawoda informacia qveyanaSi bolo periodSi ganxorcielebuli da mimdinare reformebis Sesaxeb. Sexvedrisas saubari Seexo sxvadasxva mimarTulebiT ormxrivi urTierTobebis ganviTarebis pozitiur dinamikas da aRiniSna, rom amaze maRali donis vizitebic metyvelebs. mxareebma aseve isaubres ori qveynis winaSe arsebul saerTo gamowvevebze da teritoriuli mTlianobisa da suverenitetisadmi urTierTmxardaWera kidev erTxel daadastures. Sexvedras saqarTvelos okupirebuli teritoriebidan iZulebiT gadaadgilebul pirTa, gansaxlebisa da ltolvilTa ministri sozar subari da premier-ministris mrCeveli sagareo urTierTobaTa sakiTxebSi Tedo jafariZe daeswrnen.

Prime Minister of Ukraine about the recent and ongoing reforms in the country. The meeting touched upon the positive dynamics of development of bilateral relations in different directions and highlighted the high level of visits. The sides also talked about the common challenges facing the two countries and reaffirmed their mutual support for territorial integrity and sovereignty. The meeting was attended by Sozar Subari, Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia and Tedo Japaridze, Prime Minister’s Advisor on Foreign Relations Issues.

gacnobiTi xasiaTis Sexvedra saberZneTis elCT an

Introductory Meeting with new ambassador of Greece

2017 wlis 9 noembers, saqarTvelos premier-ministrma giorgi kvirikaSvilma gacnobiTi xasiaTis Sexvedra gamarTa saberZneTis axal elCTan dimitrios karabalisTan. mxareebma saqarTvelosa da saberZneTs Soris sxvadasxva sferoSi, maT Soris savaWroekonomikuri urTierTobebis gaaqtiurebaze isaubres da aRniSnes am kuTxiT arsebuli pozitiuri dinamika. aseve, yuradReba gamaxvilda ganaTlebisa da kulturis sferoSi TanamSromlobis ganviTarebis mniSvnelobaze. elCma karabalisma saqarTvelos teritoriuli mTlianobisa da suverenitetisadmi saberZneTis mtkice mxardaWera daadastura. saqarTvelos premier-ministrma di plomats warmatebuli saqmianoba usurva da ori qveynis urTierTobebis Semdgomi gaRrmavebis imedi gamoTqva. 

On November 9,2017, Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili held an introductory meeting with the new Ambassador of Greece Dimitrios Karabali. The sides talked about the activation of trade and economic relations between Georgia and Greece in various spheres, and noted positive dynamics in this regard. The focus was on the importance of development of cooperation in education and culture. Ambassador confirmed the strong support of Greece for Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. The Prime Minister of Georgia wished the diplomat successful activity and expressed his hope of deepening relations between the two countries.

Sexvedra ,,NUROL HOLDING”-is x elmZ R va n elTa n

Meeting with The Head of Nurol Holding

2017 wlis 10 noembers ,saqarTvelos premier-ministrma giorgi kvirikaSvilma Nurol Holding-is xelmZRvanels da saqarTvelos sapatio konsuls izmirSi, nureTin Carmiqlis umaspinZla. mxareebma isaubres saqarTvelosa da TurqeTs Soris sxvadasxva sferoSi arsebul TanamSromlobaze, romelic bolo wlebis ganmavlobaSi kidev ufro maRal doneze gadavida. giorgi kvirikaSvilma nureTin Carmiqlis saqarTvelos mxardaWerisa da megobrobisTvis madloba gadauxada da aRniSna, rom mTavroba afasebs Nurol Holding-is mier ganxorcielebul msxvil investiciebs. saubari aseve Seexo saqarTveloSi mimdinare da

On November 10,2017,The Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili hosted the head of Nurol Holding and the Honorary Consul of Georgia in Izmir, Nuretin Charmikli. The sides discussed cooperation between Georgia and Turkey in various spheres, Giorgi Kvirikashvili thanked Nuretin Charmikli for support and friendship of Georgia and noted that the government appreciates Nurol Holding’s large investments. Discussions also focused on ongoing and planned infrastructural projects in Georgia. The Prime Minister informed Nurol Holding’s head that the spending on infrastructural projects increased by 36-37% in the current


dagegmil infrastruqturul proeqtebs. premierma Nurol Holding-is xelmZRvanels miawoda informacia, rom infrastruqturul proeqtebze danaxarjebi mimdinare wels 36-37%-iT gaizarda, xolo momaval wels, 2016 wlis bazasTan SedarebiT, am mimarTulebiT 89-90%-iT meti daixarjeba. mxareebma samomavlo TanamSromlobis Sesaxebac imsjeles. nureTin Carmiqlim saqarTvelos premier-ministrTan da mTavrobis wevrebTan saqmiani da megobruli urTierTobebis gagrZelebis mzadyofna gamoTqva da aRniSna, rom yovelTvis mxars dauWers saqarTvelos.

year and 89-90% will be spent in the next year, compared to 2016. The sides discussed future cooperation, Nuretin Charmikli expressed willingness to continue business and friendly relations with the Prime Minister of Georgia and members of the Government and noted that he will always support Georgia.

azerbairjanuli turistuli kompaniebis menejerebi aWaras stumroben

Managers of Azerbaijan tourism companies visit Adjara

2017 wlis 7 noembers aWaris turizmis departamentis mowveviT regions azerbaijanuli turistuli kompaniebis menejerebi stumroben. infoturis monawileebi 4 dRis ganmavlobaSi regionis sastumro infrastruqturas, turistul da kulturul RirsSesaniSnaobebs ecnobian. adgilobriv turistul kompaniebTan TanamSromlobis mizniT stumrebisTvis sastumro inturistSi pirispir Sexvedrebi gaimarTa, sadac erToblivi turistuli paketebis SemuSavebis sakiTxebi ganixiles. Sexvedrebis dawyebamde ki maT regionis turistuli SesaZleblobebis Sesaxeb prezentacia CautardaT. dRes, azerbaijaneli stumrebi ukve baTumis botanikur baRsa da gionio-afsarosis cixe-muzeums ewvevian. isini regions ki xval datoveben. azerbaijani aWaraSi Semosuli vizitorebis mxriv meore adgilzea. 2017 wlis, 10 Tvis monacemebiT aWaras azerbaijanidan 137 304 vizitori stumrobda, rac 42%-iT aRemateba gasuli wlis analogiur periods.

On November 7, 2017, Ajara tourism department invited guests from Azerbaijan tourism companies. Infotours participants was familiar with the hotel’s infrastructure, tourism and cultural sights in the region for 4 days. For the purpose of cooperation with local tour companies, meetings were held in hotel Intourist and discussed the issues of development of joint tour packages. Before the start of the meeting, they were presented with a presentation on tourism opportunities in the region. Azerbaijanian guests visited Batumi Botanical Garden and Gonio-Apsaros Fortress. They left the region on November 8 . Azerbaijan is in second place in terms of visitors to Adjara.By 2017, Ajara has visited 137,304 visitors from Azerbaijan, which is 42% more than the same period last year.

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Unprecedented investment in green cape

2017 wlis 7 noembers, aWaris mTavrobis Tavmjdomare zurab pataraZe aWaris finansTa da ekonomikis ministrTan ramaz bolqvaZesTan erTad mwvane koncxze imyofeboda, sadac regionis turizmis ganviTarebisTvis umniSvnelovanesi da uprecedento proeqti iwyeba. saqarTvelos turizmis ganviTarebis

On nomvember 7, 2017, Chairman of the Government of Adjara Zurab Pataradze was accompanied by Minister of Finance and Economy of Ajara Ramaz Bolkvadze at Green Cape, where the most important and unprecedented project for regional tourism development begins. Georgian Tourism Develop-


fondi mwvane koncxze xuTvarskvlavian samkurnalogamajansaRebel sastumro kompleqss aSenebs. proeqti uprecedentoa Tavisi Sinaarsidan gamomdinare. igi sabagiro gziT mwvane koncxsa da Savi zRvis sanapiros daakavSirebs. samkurnalo-gamjansaRebeli kompleqsi, damsveneblebs weliwadis nebismier dros moemsaxureba, rac oTxi sezonis turizmis ganviTarebas Seuwyobs xels. 25 welze metia, rac mwvane koncxze 80-ian wlebSi mowyobili Ria savarZliani sabagiro gza dangreulia da aRar funqcionirebs. proeqtis farglebSi, umaRlesi standartis germanuli kompania, “dopelmaieris” mier axali, sazogadoebrivi daniSnulebis sabagiro gza moewyoba, romlis gamtarobac dReSi 5000 adamiani iqneba da nebismieri msurveli zRvidan ramdenime wuTSi mwvane koncxze aRmoCndeba. sabagiros ganviTarebis farglebSi qveda sadguris mimdebared moewyoba kafe-restorani da sacuarao auzi. proeqtisTvis saWiro miwis farTobi kompaniam SeiZina sabazro fasad, kompleqsis mimdebare sanapiro zoli, rogorc dagegmili iyo, iqneba Ria da sazogadoebrivi daniSnulebis. “Zalian mniSvnelovan investicias eyareba safuZveli. es aris daaxloebiT 110 mln dolaris Rirebulebis sainvesticio proeqti. kompania „biznes developmenti“ mravalfunqciuri daniSnulebis obieqtis mSeneblobas axorcielebs. saubaria sazogadoebrivi daniSnulebis sivrceebis arsebobaze. es aris xuTvarskvlaviani sastumo kompleqsi. pliaJi moqmedi kanonmdeblobis Sesabamisad bunebrivia ar gasxvisebula da is arc sargeblobis uflebiT gacemula, mis movla-patronobas saxelmwifo ganaxorcielebs”- ganacxada aWaris finansTa da ekonomikis ministrma ramaz bolqvaZem. 

ment Fund builds five-star Treatment and Recreation hotel complex on green cape. The project is unprecedented in terms of its content. It will connect the green cape and the Black Sea coastline. Theatment-recreational complex will serve the tourists at any time of the year, which will facilitate the development of four seasons of tourism. For more than 25 years, the open luggage rope-way that was built in the 80-ies on the green cape is destroyed and is no longer functioning. Within the framework of the project, the high standard german company”Doppelmayr” will be constructed by a new, publicpurpose rope-way, which will have 5,000 people a day, and any wishing to be found on the green cones within a few minutes from the sea. Cafe-restaurant and swimming pool will be arranged near the bottom of the fence. The land required for the project was purchased by the market price, the coastal area adjacent to the complex as planned, will be open and public. ,,Very important investment is based on the foundation. This is about $ 110 million worth of investment project. The company “Business Development” conducts construction of multi-purpose object. It is about the existence of public spaces. This is a five star hotel compartment. The beach is not naturally alienated under the existing legislation and it has not been granted the right to use it, The state will carry out her care, “said Ramaz Bolkvadze, the Minister of Finance and Economy of Adjara.

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Page 3 of 5. 3. Prime Minister of Ukraine about the recent and ongoing re- forms in the country. The meeting touched upon the positive. dynamics of development of bilateral relations in different. directions and highlighted the high level of visits. The sides. also talked about the common challenges facing the two coun- tries ...

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