A Panorama of the Christian Church: What in the World Has God Been Doing? Part 2: Middle Ages to the Reformation Pastor Mike Bogart January 24, 2010 Phase 1. The Growth and Survival of the Church: 30 -313 AD Issues faced by the earliest Christians: • What is the Church? The Church is the people bound to Jesus Christ under a new covenant. Luke 22:19-20. The Church includes all true believers in Jesus, from its birth on the Day of Pentecost until the end of the Age. •

Can Gentiles be included? Acts 15:28-29, Galatians 3:27-28

The completion of Scripture

Persecution and growth

God was preserving his Church during this time: John 10:14-16; 27-28 Phase 2. The Building of the Church: 313-800 AD • Constantine’s partnership of Church and State. • Battling heresies and clarifying biblical teaching. •

Leadership in a collapsing Empire. Barbarian invasions and the collapse of Rome’s western provinces created a vacuum, which was filled by visionary and capable Church leadership. Examples: Leo I and Gregory the Great.

Conversion of the barbarians. Barbarian tribes were Christianized and civilized using both persuasion and force.

God was building his Church during this time: Ephesians 2:19-22 Phase 3. The Dominance of the Church: 800 -1500 AD • The use and abuse of power. Church leaders used power to control politics. The Vatican was the single wealthiest institution of the Middle Ages. •

Providing for internal options. Monasticism was a powerful force in renewing civilization and providing an outlet for reform movements.

Dealing with internal disagreements. Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism split permanently in 1054.

Dealing with external threats. Reaction to and confrontation of Islam in the shrinking Byzantine Empire. In the Crusades and in Spain and Portugal.

Seizing new opportunities.

o The rediscovery of ancient Greek thought in the Renaissance (1400s) caused a questioning of Catholic medieval culture and a debate about options for change. o European colonization of new lands and Christianization of new peoples. God was expanding his Church during this time: Matthew 24:14 Phase 4.  Working Through Protest and Division: 1500‐1700  • Protest and revolt.  During the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church had  become wealthy and powerful.  Many believed it had strayed significantly  from certain biblical teachings.  Disillusionment with the Crusades, advances  in learning, cases of corrupt church leadership and inaccessibility of the Bible  were contributing factors. Beginning in the 1520s, these concerns exploded  into the branches of the Protestant Reformation:  o Martin Luther: The Lutheran movement  o John Calvin: The Reformed and Presbyterian Churches  o Menno Simons: The Anabaptist / Mennonite movement  o King Henry VIII: The Church of England    • New movements. Once the major branches of the Reformation were established, these groups continued to splinter over various secondary points of doctrine, eventually leading to groups like Baptists, Methodists, Quakers and Brethren. •

Colonial Christianity. Protestants and Catholics established churches in North and South America, converting native peoples and adapting to new cultures and situations.

God was disciplining his Church during this time: Hebrews 12:7-9   Conclusion:  As we deal with the issues of our own time, we need to keep several  things in mind:  o God is never surprised    o His plan is never ruined   o It is up to us to be faithful and courageous  o Christ’s Kingdom will surely come!      Phases 5‐6 will continue in the next session.    

A Panorama of the Christian Church (01-24) - Campus Bible Church

Jan 24, 2010 - become wealthy and powerful. Many believed it had strayed significantly from certain biblical teachings. Disillusionment with the Crusades, ...

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