Hoya Leaves from Holotype Sheets Taken from Herbarium Type sheets (or from the Type plant). Copied and cropped to isolate one or a few leaves. Species and author, date of publication and type number, Collection location, followed by leaf shape, size and nerve angle with the midrib.

Hoya acicularis Green & Kloppenburg, 1992. Type, Danum Valley, Sabah, Eastern Malaysia; Green No. 93031, (BISH) 1/24/91 from Tenom Orchid Center. needle-like, , 0.3 cm. x 0.66-1.8 cm., 1˚.

Hoya aeschynanthoides Schlechter. Borneo: on trees at Long Dett in the state of Koetei. Densely leaved; with leaves shortly petioled, broad ovate-elliptic, acute, pilose (felt like) on both sides, 1.5-2.3 cm. long, nearly 1-1.8 cm. wide, petiole hispid 0.3-0.5 cm. long.

Hoya alagensis (Schlechter) Kloppenburg 1990, Type 5524 (B). Elevation 150m. Collected by E D. Merrill November 1906 on the Alag River, Mindanao, Philippines. E Ac, 10 x 3.84.2, 53°.


Hoya aldrichii Hemsley 1890. No type listed. Picture from #94 (SING) leaves being 3 to 5 nerved longitudinally, all of them natives of the Malayan region. Captain Maclear collected the same plant, but without flowers. O Ac, 8 - 12 cm. long, 4 - 4.5 cm. wide, 32˚.

Hoya amblyoepsis Schlechter (unp.) Type 4545 (B). Collected on Palawan, Philippines May 1906 by H. M. Curran. Ob E Ob, 4.2-8.5 x 2.5-5, 22°.

Hoya amoena Bakhuizen 1950. Typus 20341b (L). Collected 19 Oct. 1895 from Besoeki, Java, Indonesia. Elevation 10m. E Ac, 8-11 x 3.5-3.7, 82 -104°.


Hoya andalensis Kloppenburg 2005, Typus #20051 (UC). Typus #20051 (UC). Collected by E. de Vogel? J. Vernaden at Padang, Air Sirah in a young secondary forest, Sumatra. Leaves opposite small, cupped below, ob-ovate 5.0 x 2.2 cm. Base cuneate.

Hoya angustisepala Schltr. Ex Elmer) ex Burton 1987, Type 10829 (B) a synonym of H. coriacea Blume 1826, Collected by A. E. D. Elmer in June 1909 on Mt. Apo, Mindanao, Philippines. O E Ac, 58-62°. Also at (US), 49-64°. Anastomosing.

Hoya anncajanoae Kloppenburg & Siar. Typus 56571 (CAHUP) collected 16-20 May 1991 Elevation 110-800m Bicol National Park, Luzon, Philippines. R Ob, 6.8-10.6 x 2.4-4.6.


Hoya angustisepala Schlechter Type of Hoya mindorensis Elmer. Isotype 10829 (L). Collected June 1909 on Mt. Apo, Mindanao, Philippine. Later described by Burton 1987 and subsequently placed into Synonymy as H. coriacea Blume 2001 by Kloppenburg. E Ac, 11-16.2 x 4-6, 57°.

Hoya anulata Schlechter 1902, Type 14185 (B). Collected 4 February 1902 by Schlechter at Ramu, New Guinea. Elevation 400m. E Ob, 5.5-7.7 x 3.2-4.3, 29°.


Hoya archboldiana C. Norman 1937 Type 3621 (NY). Collected by L. J. Brass April 1933, Rona, New Guinea. Elevation 450m. EC Ap, 12.3-14.8 x 6. 17, 60°.

Hoya attenuata Christophersen 1935. Type 2164 Christophersen UC). Savaii: forests above Letui, altitude 1000 meters, flowers, September 27, 1929, Christophersen no. 7595 x 1.66- 6.5 x 1.9 - 8 x 2.8 cm. 40˚ ?.

Hoya aurantiaca Kloppenburg & Siar 2009, Type 70395 (CAHUP).Oblanceolate acute, triplinerved, 7.5-13 x 3-5, 10°.

Hoya australis subsp nathalieae Kloppenburg & Siar, Type 69917 (CAHUP). Collected by Nathalie Evelensdaughter at the Morsby Botanical Garden, New Guinea in 2005. R C Ap, 6.5 x 3.6.


Hoya bandanensis Schlechter 1908, Type 13663 (B). Collected 8 October 1901 at Banda-Archipel, Molucca. E Ac, 10-12 x 5-7.

Hoya benguetensis Schlechter 1906, Type 5979 (B). Collected by A. E. D. Elmer March 1904 at Baguio, Benguit, Luzon, Philippines. O E Ac, 6-10 x 2.5- 4, 22°.


Hoya benvergarai Kloppenburg & Siar 2008 Typus 70357 (CAHUP). Collected by Siar & Cajano.Elevation 30m. E L Ac, 9-13 x 2-3, 15°. Anastomosing, quintuplinerved.

Hoya betchei (Schlechter) Whistler, Type s. n. (B). Collected by E Betche 11 December 1880. E Ac, 6.5-9 x 1.9-2.2, 45°.

Hoya bhutanica Grieson & Long 1979. Collected at S. Bhutan: Hastisar, 460 m, In dense forest”. Ludlow, Sherriff & Hicks 18506 (holo. BM). Leaves elliptic (6.5) 9-15 x (2.75) 3-4.5 cm., apex acute base rounded, trinerved, lateral veins produced ½ above, slightly leathery, glabrous, margined entire.


Hoya bicknellii Kloppenburg, Type 1470 (UC), ex hort. Collected by David Bicknell at Matutino, Bidian Cebu, Philippines. O Ap, 9-12 x 4.5-6, 35°.

Hoya bicolor Kloppenburg 2003, Typus 67050 (CAHUP) collected by Renaldo Pimentel from Mt. Banahaw, Quezon Province, Luzon, Philippines. E Ac, 9.4-12.8x4.8-6.4, 42°.

Hoya bilobata Schlechter 1906. Isotype 420 (L) collected by Copeland on Mindanao, Davao Dist., Philippines, March 1904. R, 1.5 x 1.5, 21°. Type at (B)


Hoya bordenii Schlechter 1906, Type 1213 (B). Collected by T. E. Borden June 1904 at Lamao river Mt. Merivales, Bataan, Luzon, Philippines. Elevation 650m. L Ac, 11-18 x 2.5-4.4, 15°.

Hoya brevialata Kleijn & van Donkelaar Type IPPS 8836 (L), Indonesia, Central Sulawesi. Province: Tentena, in clove plantation. O Ac, 5.2-4.6 cm. x 3.0-3.4 cm, pinnate, 46˚.


Hoya brittonii Kloppenburg Type 19519 (PNH). Collected by B. B. Britton 5 May 1953 at Badoc, Calapan, Mindoro, Philippines. Elevation 200m, Ob L Ac, 4.5-8 x 1.5-2.3, 24°.

Hoya buotii Kloppenburg, Typus 67049 (CAHUP). Collected from Mt. Banahaw, Quezon Province, Philippines. E Ro, 5.2-9.2 x 2-3, 52°.

Hoya burtoniae Kloppenburg 1990. Type s. n. (UC). Collected by Loher in Rizal Prov, Luzon. Philippines Sept. 1909 O, 3-4 x 1.4-2.


Hoya buruensis Miquel 1869. Type s. n. (L). Collected Moluccas, Indonesia. E Ro, 8-11 x 4-5.2, 25°.

Hoya cagayanensis (Schlechter) Burton 1987, Type 7374 (B). Collected by M. Ramos at Cagayan, Luzon, Philippines March 1909.E Ac, 8 x 3, 30°. Also at (US) 34°.

Hoya callistophylla Green 2000. Type 201 ex hort. (BISH). Collected From Nabawan, Sabah, Eastern Malaysia. Elliptic to lanceolate, 10-20cm long x 6-l0cm wide x l mm thick, matte surface, light green with dark green veins, lateral veins approx.60° to midvein; edge hard, irregular and sharp. Pinnate. 48-100˚.


Hoya calycina Schlechter 1908, Type 17510 (B). Collected by Schlechter 26 March 1905 Kani Mts. At 1100m elevation.. O C Ac, 9-11 x 3-3.5, 60°.

Hoya campanulata Blume. Type s. n. (L). Collected at Burangarang, Indonesia. E Ro, 7.1-12.5 x 35, 45°.

Hoya cardiophylla Merrill 1920, type Dinagat, Bur. Sci. 35160 Ramos & Pascasio, May 13, 1919, on tree trunks at low altitudes. 5 to 7 cm. long. 4.5 to 5 cm wide, pale when dry, glabrous or the younger ones slightly ciliate near the basal margins, the base broadly rounded and distinctly cordate. 50˚.


Hoya carrii Forster & Liddle. Type 15904 (NY) Collected by C.E. Carr in Paua New Guinea. Altitude 1376m. 8-10.2 x 2-3 mm. EL Ac. 25-30º.

Hoya caudata Hooker f. 1883 Isotype 1128 (L). Collected in Malaya by Maingay. Distributed to Kew 1871. O Ob Ac, 9-13 x 5-7, 42°.

Hoya cebuensis Kloppenburg & Siar, Type XXXX (CAHUP). Collected by David Bicknel at Matutenao, Bidian, Cebu, Philippines. Elevation 10m. O L Ac, 9 x 4.


Hoya cembra (H. leucantha Schltr. Unpublished) Kloppenburg 1990, Type 5650 (B). Collected by E. D. Merrill on the Alag River, Mindoro, Philippines Nov 1906. Elevation 300m. L Ro, 8-10 x 2-3, 73°. Also at (US), 63°.

Hoya chlorantha Rechinger Holotype # 1011 (BISH). Collected on the Island of Upolu, in the forest near Tiavi climbing high up in the trees. May 1905 Elliptic acute. 10 cm x 2 cm., 40˚.

Hoya chlorantha var. tutuilensis Christophersen type1011, type in B. P. Bishop Museum; scrub forest, top of Le Pioa, altitude 500 meters. Elliptic lanceolate acute, agreeing in characters of the leaf with the type of the variety. 32˚.


Hoya chloroleuca Schlechter 1913, Type 30314 (B). Collected 22 September 1909 by Schlechter in Torricelli Mts. NE New Guinea. Elevation 800m. E Ac, 6-8 x 2-2.3, 32°.

Hoya clandestina Blume 1848. (Under the H. macrophylla heading.) except for the corona structure, easily confused with a species hear-to-for unpublished, H. (Physostemma) clandestina, which I found in each mountain locality in Java and possessed in like manner with similar foliage nerves. 12.5-20 x 4-7.1 cm. L Ac, 23º.

Hoya collina Schlechter 1913, Type 18114 (B). Collected by Schlechter in August 1908 In the Finisterre Mts., New Guinea. Elevation 400m. E OE Ob, 3.5-5.5 x 1.8-2.7. 20°.

Hoya cumingiana Decaisne 1844. Type 1480 (L) collected by H. Cuming in Philippines. R E Ac, 2.7-3.1x 2-2.2. 55˚


Hoya coriacea Blume 1826 Type s. n. (L) Labeled first as Hoya fraterna Bl. Herb. Lugd. Batav. E Ac, 11-12 x 4.5-5.2, 40°.

Hoya crassicaulis Elmer ex Kloppenburg. Isotype 14440 (UC). Collected by A. E. D. Elmer at Mt. Buluson, Sorsegon, Luzon, Philippines, October 1915. Elevation 76m. E Ac, 21°.


Hoya crassipes Turczaninow 1848. Type Zoll. coll. n. 2581. From the Island of Java. Twining, leaves petiolate elliptic or obovate, the base attenuate, briefly acuminate, fleshy veinless glabrous. RO Ap, 7-9.5 x 4.2- 5.6, 42°.

Hoya darwinii Loher 1910. Holotypus 14574 (UC) collected by A. Loher Sept 1909 at Rizal, Luzon, Philippines. Ob L Ac, 8.5-11 x 2-3, 72°.

Hoya davidcummingii Kloppenburg 1995, Type: #9 (BISH); isotype (UC), discovered by David Cumming 1.5 Km. from Lake Bulusan turn off towards the lake at the forest edge, when coming from Irosin. Elevation ca. 500’. Elliptic acute, veins not visible but pinnate, 5-7.5 cm. long, widest about the middle 22.5 cm.


Hoya deykei Green 1990. Type 9912 ex hort (BISH). Collected from Atjeh Barat, Sumatra, Indonesia. truncate to emarginate leaves and ovate. 5 12cm long x 5 - 8cm wide x 2 - 2.5mm thick, matte surface. 45˚.

Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, type 320 Viti Levu and Taviuni, on trees, Fiji. Ovate-elliptic acute. 3.5-8 cm. long, (1-) 2-3.2 cm. broad

Hoya dischorensis Schlechter 1913, Type 19834 (B). Collected by Schlechter in the Dischore Mts., Wari region, NE New Guinea in June 1909. Elevation 900m. O E Ac, 6.5- 11.5 x 2.8-5, 44°.


Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826. Type s. n. (L) Collected in Java. E Ap, 7-8 x 4.3-5, 45°.

Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826. Type s. n. (L) Collected in Java. This is listed in Leiden under Hoya kuhlii Koorders in 1910. The original label says Hoya diversifolia Blume by Blume from Java. There are 4 stems on sheet and it seems to me 2 species. I have shown the 2 leaf types here. E Ac, 11-12 x 4.5-5.2, 45°.

Hoya dolichosparte Schlechter 1916, Type 20642 (B). Collected by Schlechter January 1910 in Sulawesi near Tolitoli. Elevation 10m. O R Ob, 9-13.5 x 6.5-9, 40°.


Hoya edanoi C. M. Burton 1990 type 11655 (A). rotund obtuse. 40˚.

Hoya eitapensis Schlechter 1909, Type 19964 (B). Collected by Schlechter 11 August 1909 at Eitape, NE New Guinea. Elevation 20m.. E Ob, 3-5 x 1.2-2, 31°.

Hoya elmeri Schlechter unpublished Type 88906 (B). collected by A. E. D. Elmer at Benguet, Baguio, Luzon, Philippines March 1907. O E Ac, 9 x 3.5, 31°.

Hoya epedunculata Schlechter 1913, Type 20102 (B) Collected by Schlechter 8 Sept. 1909 in Torricelli Mts. NE New Guinea. Elevation 900m. E Ap, 11-18.5 x 4.5-7.5, 55°.


Hoya erythrina Rintz Type 117 (L). Collected by Rintz 27 Sept. 1976 at Sungai, Teranum, Pahang, Malaysia. Elevation 610m. L Ac, 9-12.5 x 2.3-4, 12°.

Hoya exilis Schlechter 1913, Type 17865 (B). Collected by Schlechter in June 1907 at Albo. NE New Guinea. Elevation 300m. E L Ac (Ro), 5-10 x 1.5 – 3, 56°.

Hoya faoensis Kloppenburg & Siar, Type 5714 (HAW). Collected by Art Whistler on Mt. Fao, Upolu, Samoa. Elevation 500m. O E Ap, 4-5 x 2.2. anastomosing, 37°.


Hoya fetuana Kloppenburg, Type W2765 (HAW). Collected by Dr. Art Whistler 5 July 1975at Tutuila, Samoa. Elevation 500m. E At, 5.3-5.5 x 1.2-2, 43°.

Hoya fitchii Kloppenburg & Siar 2010. collected by Charles Marsden Fitch in 1988, Luzon, Philippines. Foliage is quintuplinerved, with the second pair of nerves nearly reaching the apex, outer connecting nerves anastomosing Nervation white or lighter green than the leaf blade color. 30˚.

Hoya flavescens Schlechter 1913, Type 17623 (B) Collected by Schlechter 28 April 1908 at Kani Mts, NE New Guinea. Elevation 800m. L Ob Ac, 10-16 x 3.7-4.3, 40°.

Hoya forbesii King & Gamble 1903, Type 2896 a (K). Collected by H. O. Forbes at Kaba Volcano, Sumatra in 1881. Elevation 1524m. E Ac, 10-17.5 x 6.3-10, 43°.


Hoya fraterna Blume 1849 twining, glabrous; leaves leathery ovate-oblong elliptic acuminate base rounded somewhat veined above the petiole callous-glandulose. Notation: The drawings in both Botanical Magazine and Fleur des Serres are not of Hoya fraterna. A mistake due to Lobb's deception of collection locations. There is no type mentioned nor designated in the Type description. The leaf here is taken from a 1910 sheet s.n. (L) designated as the Type. ? 10.5 x 4-5.3 cm. 42°.

Hoya fungii Merrill 1934. leaves leathery, penninerved, elliptic to oblong, 8 to 14 cm. long, 4.5 to 8 cm. wide, when dry pale, opaque, both sides glabrous uniform color or below a little paler, apexes acute and shortly acuminate, base rounded, midrib thick, below strongly elevated, lateral nerves on both sides about 7, not at all evident, arched meeting at the margins, about 30° angle with the midrib, reticulations loose, obscure; petiole 1.5 to 3 cm. long, glabrous.

Hoya gigantangensis Kloppenburg 1992, Type #36787 PNH collected by Yoshio Kondo & G. Edano 26 March 1957, at Gigantangan, Leyte, Philippines. Elliptic acute. 11-16 cm. x 2.4- 2 cm., pinnate venation, both surfaces glabrous. 31˚


Hoya gildingii Kloppenburg 2001, type Typus 97009 ex hort. Eva Karina Wiberg, Borlänge, Sweden, ex hort (BISH), From Mt. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia (Bukit Tapai Trail) 1995. Lanceolate elliptic, 85˚.

Hoya glabra Schlechter 1908, Type 13458 (B). Collected by Schlechter in August 1901 at Long-Wahau, Borneo. O Ac, 14-16 x 7.5- 9.5, 37°.


Hoya gracilipis Schlechter 1908 (not type) 20213 (B) Collected by Schlechter in Torricelli Mts, NE New Guinea. Elevation 1100m E L Ac, 7.5-10 x 2-3, 67°.

Hoya gracilis Schlechter 1908 Type s.n . (B). Collected by Sammlers (a native) in June 1886 at Talisso, Celebes (Sulawesi). L E Ac, 5.5-7.5 x 1.82.3, 18°.

Hoya greenii Kloppenburg 1995. Holotype BISH. #7. collected Mt. Apo, Mindanao, Philippines at 4000’ elevation, on trail to hot springs lake. 12-15 cm. long x 3-4 cm. wide, narrowly elliptic. 90˚.


Hoya hainanensis Merrill 1923. Typus 9750 (UC). Collected by McClure May 1922, Hainan, China. RE Ac, 31°.

Hoya halconensis (Schltr. ) Kloppenburg 1990 Type 5674 (B). Collected by E. D. Merrill on Mt. Halcon, Mindoro, Philippines. Elevation 900m, E Ac, 8-12 x 3.7-5.5, 35°.

Hoya halophila Schlechter 1913, Type 19968 (B). Collected by Schlechter in August 1909 on the beach at Eitape, NE New Guinea. Elevation 10m. R O Ap, 3.5-5 x 2.3-3.4, 70°.


Hoya heuschkeliana Kloppenburg 1989, Type 2175 (CAHUP) collected Luzon (northern portion of Lake Bulusan, Sorsogon, Philippines), epiphytic on trees at ca. 50 m alt. ovate-elliptic obtuse, base wedge-shaped. 2.5 cm. long x 0.5-2 cm. wide at the middle, 56˚.

Hoya heuschkeliana subsp. cajanoae Kloppenburg & Siar 2007. Type 56574 (CAHUP), ovate 2.5 – 4.8 x 1.9 -2.9 cm. glabrous. 56˚.

Hoya hyploasia Schlechter 1913, Type 18075 (B). Collected by Schlechter in July 1908 at Wabe river in the Finisterre Mts. N. New Guinea. Elevation 400m. L Ac. 12-20 x 3.3-5.3, 55°.

Hoya incurvula Schlechter 1916, Type 20451 (B). Collected by Schlechter in Minahassa, Sulawesi in November 1909. Elevation 800m. R E Ob, 2.5-4 x 1.2-2.


Hoya intermedia A. C. Smith. Type 399 (UC). Collected in Thankaunirove, Fiji 12 Nov. 1833. Elevation 10m. OE Ac, 4045°. Also at (US). 35°.- 40°.

Hoya intermedia Schlechter 1913. an unpublished species. Leaf blades: thin many in close clusters 6-10 cm. mostly 7.5 cm. long. glabrous, narrowly elliptic, thick base narrowing into petiole, apex acute long tapering to sub rounded. Waxy rounded leaf edge.Petiole 1-1.5 cm long, thin. There are sheets at (BO, UC, PNH) #75500 labeled as this sp but they are not the same as the type (misidentified).

Hoya ischnopus Schlechter 1913 Type 19965 (B). Collected by Schlechter in August 1909 at Bulu NE New Guinea. Elevation 10m. O E Ac, 9-11 x 5-6, 41°.


Hoya juannguoana Kloppenburg 2002, type #2001 ex hort. Fresno, CA., USA. (UC). Collected in 1994 at St. Paul’s Underground River, (Sabang Bay area), Palawan, Philippines. 10.8-15 x5-6.5 cm. Elliptic apiculate, 43˚.

Hoya kastbergii Kloppenburg 2003,. Holotypus 102003 (UC), collected at Bau, south West from Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, elevation of about 300 meters Rotund obtuse.

Hoya kenejiana Schlechter 1913, Type 18393 (B). Collected by Schlechter at Kenejia, NE New Guinea, on October 1908. Elevation 150m. O E Ob, 6-10 x 2 - 2.3. 60˚.

Hoya krohniana Kloppenburg & Siar 2009. Type 70365 (CAHUP) Leaf from type plant. R O C Ap, 1.5 x 1, 85-105°.


Hoya kuhlii Koorders. 1912 (also labeled Hoya rumphii var. Collected in Java (Herb. Lugd. Batav.) First as Dischidia longifolia (crossed out). Type s.n. (L). L Ac, 9.2-14.5 x 2-4.2, 3844°.

Hoya kuhlii Koorders s. n. (L) First labeled Acanthostemma Blume by Wight from Java. Later as Hoya rumphii Blume β kuhlii and in 1947 as H. kuhlii by Backhuizon. It should be (Bl,) Koorders. L Ac, 12 x 3.3, 18°.


Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826. Type s. n. (L) collected in Java Herb. Ludg. Batav. O Ac, 2.4-3 x 1.5-2, 85-90°.

Hoya lambii Green Holotype: Bishop Museum, Ted Green No 9905 ex hort. Ted Green of Kaaawa, Hawaii. From Sabah, Eastern Malaysia, 85-1979. Elliptic, 10-15cm long x 6-10cm wide. 50˚ looping.

Hoya lancilimba Merrill 1932. Collected at Hainan, Hung Mo Shan, Ip Yulc Shing 18261, August 23, 1929, on the north slope of the mountain. leaves lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, flashy, leathery 11 to 14 cm. long 2.5 to 3.5 cm. wide, both ends somewhat equally narrow, base acute, apex acute acuminate, in the dry state pale, wrinkled, with few primary nerves on either side, spreading, obscure arching and anastomosing; petioles thick, 2 to 3 cm. long.


Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, type 138a Native of Penang. Leaves 7 -10 in, long, and 4-10 broad. Broad-leaved Hoya. 33˚.

Hoya leucorhoda Schlechter 1913. Type 18212 (UC). 14 June 1908 In Keiser Wilhamsland , New Guinea. Elevation 1200m OS Ro, 40°. Holotype at (B).

Hoya liangii Tsiang 1936. Collected at Hainan: Nagi Yuen, H. Y Liang 62867 (Type), Sept. 3, 1933; Lingshui, C. F. How 73935m Oct. 21, 1935. Leaves fleshy obovate or obovate-oblong 4.5 to 7.5 cm. long 3 to 4.5 cm. wide, apex rounded or obtuse, base somewhat cordate or rounded, above shiny green below dull when dry pale yellow, lateral nerves 4 in pairs, veins faint, above the petiole 2 to 5 glands, petiole thick 1.5 cm. long. 44°.


Hoya linavergarae Kloppenburg & Siar 2006, Type (CAHUP). Collected in Isabella Province, Luzon, Philippines. Foliage opposite, glabrous blade 4-5 x 1.1-2.7 cm.

Hoya littoralis Schlechter 1905, Type 13675 (B). Collected by Schlechter in October 1901 at Keiser Wilhelmsland, New Guinea. Elevation low. E L Ac, 4.5-7 x 1.3-2.

Hoya loheri Kloppenburg 1991, Type s. n. (UC) Collected by A Loher March 1916 in Paningtingan, Rizal, Luzon, Philippines. E Ob.

Hoya loyceandrewsiana Green 1994.Type 9301, (BISH), 15-25 cm long 10-20 cm wide, triplinerved, 60˚.


Hoya luzonica Schlechter 1904, Type 13765 (B). Collected by Dr. Warburg on Lamo River, Mt. Mariveles, Luzon, Philippines. O OB-Ac, 9-13 x 5-6, 47°. Same as H. meliflua.

Hoya lyi Leveille 1907. Collected at Koay ToHedu; environs de Gan-Pin 20 Septembre 1891. Lion Matin et J. Seguin No. 1853 Tsien-Sen-kiao Novembre 1904 No. 1879 (Sean Ly). No type is specifically designated. The sheet at (NY) is Y. Tsing 4738. 5-8.6 x 2.1-2.8 cm.

Hoya macgregorii Schlechter 1906, Type 191 (B). Collected by McGregor April- May 1905 on Baco River, Mindanao, Philippines, L E Ac,.5-3.5, 35°.


Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826. Type s.n. (L). Also labeled Hoya clandestina Blume. LE Ac, 14-22 x 4.5-7.5, 18°.

Hoya marginata Schlechter 1905, type 13688 (B). Oct. 1901 elevation 200m Neu-Pommern Ovate acuminate, 5-7 nerved 13-17cm long, in the middle 5.5 - 10 cm. broad, 38˚.


Hoya matavanuensis Kloppenburg & Siar 2008, Type 9539 (HAW). Collected by Art Whistler 9 May 1994 On Savaii, Western Samoa. Elevation 650m. E Ac-Ro, 2.5-5 x 1-1.5, 48°.

Hoya mcgregorii Schlechter 1906, Type 191 (B), April- May 1905, Baco River, Mindoro, Philippines. Leaves lanceolate-elliptic, acuminate, glabrous coriaceous; 7-11 cm. long 2.5 -3.5 cm. wide in the middle, triplinerved, 20˚.

Hoya memoria Kloppenburg 2004, Type 81084 (UC). Collected from Memorial Gdns. Manila, Philippines, From they type plant. O L Ac.

Hoya mengtzeensis Mengtze, Taitang, in N. Y. Bot. Gard., isotype

Tsiang & Li 1974. Collected at Yunnan: elevated-over rocks, A. Henry 11368 Type Arn. Arb. and merotype Kwangtung Bot.


Inst. Foliage thinner than general, lanceolate, apexes acuminate, base attenuate and running down into the petiole 6-11 cm long, 1.5 -2 cm broad, midrib impressed above, nerves and veinlets when dried rugose, petioles 1-2 cm long provided with 2-3 small bunched glands at apex. 23°.

Hoya meredithii Green 1989, Type Meredith 80-05 (BISH), iso (NY) The foliage is rather rigid, the edge undulant, 3 to 7 inches wide and nearly 12 inches long. The pinnate reticulate venation is deep dark green. 36˚.

Hoya merrillii Schlechter 1904, Type 2218 (B). Collected BY E. D. Merrill at Polo, Mindro, Philippines in May 1903 (Type sheet says May 1898). O Ac, 6-9 x 5-6.5, 34°.

Hoya microphylla Schlechter 1913, Type 18614 (B). Collected in November 1908 in the Bismark Mts. Elevation 1100M NE New Guinea. E O Ob, 1.2-1.7 x 0.7-1.2. 45°.

Hoya microstemma Schlechter 1913, Type 20190 (B). Collected by Schlechter iin the Torricelli Mts. NE New Guinea, elevation 800m, in September 1908. L E Ob, 1.2-3.4 x 0.7-1.5, 35°.


Hoya minahassae Schlechter 1916, Type 20434 (B). Collected by Schlechter near Tomohon, Sulawesi, elevation 800m. in November 1909. L Ac, 3.5-7,5 x 1.52.1.

Hoya mindorensis Schlechter 1906, Type 332 (B). Collected by R. C. McGregor April-may 1905 in Mindoro, Baco River, Philippines. L Ap, 9-12 x 3.5-4.5, 33°.

Hoya mitrata Kerr 1940, Type Kerr 13152. Thailand (Siam). Surat, Ban Tong Tao, ca. 10 m., in evergreen forest, Leaves oblanceolate or elliptic, base rounded and lightly eared, apexes briefly acuminate, margins flat, 6.5 to l2 cm long, 4.7 to 6 cm wide, 55-75˚.


Hoya montana Schlechter 1913, Type 17859 (B). Collected by Schlechter in The Kani Mts. NE New Guinea, June 1908, elevation 600m. OB E Ac. 7.5-11 x 3.5-5, 48°.

Hoya multiflora Blume 1823. Type 354 (L) 2 sheets with same number. Collected in Tjibodas, Indonesis. Herb. Lugd. Batav. L Ac, 7 x 3, 55- 62°. LE Ro, 8.7-10 x 2.7-3.5, 45°.


Hoya Leaves from Holotype Sheets.pdf

Borneo: on trees at. Long Dett in the state of Koetei. Densely leaved; with leaves shortly. petioled, broad ovate-elliptic, acute, pilose (felt like) on both sides,.

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