National Federation of IndianRailwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD,NEWDELHI- 11O055 Affiliated to : IndianNationalTradeUnion Congress(INTUC) InternationalTransport Workers' Federation(lTF) No.I/8/CRC/09/Yol.9
The Secretary(E), Railway Board, New Delhi DearSir, Sub: Ref:
Restructuring of certain Group ,C, -reg. (i) RailwayBoard'sletrerNo.pc-ilt/t01. ,/cRC/4dated0g/10/2013. (iD NFIR's l€tterNo.I/8/CRC/09A/o1.9 dated091t0/20t3.
Pursuantto the instructionsvide letter dated08/10/2013 for restructuringof certain Group 'C' cadres, NFIR vide its letter dated 0911012013 had invited attentionof the Railway Board on the following items in accordancewith the agreementsreachedwith the Federations during various CRC meetings:(i) '
Agreedpercentageof Technicalsupervisors70:30 in Gp Rs.4600& GP 4200 has beenalteredarbitrarilyto 67:33, Agreedpercentagesof S&T, cMT and Ministerial staffhave not beenimplemented in toto. Federations had never agree{ and accepted for providing matching savings, consequ€ntsurrenderof postsfor implementationof cadreresiructuring,conditio--ns imposedunder paras l2.l & 12.2of Board letter dated 0B/lO/2013needs to be deleted.
Federationis yet to receivea response.
2' Besidesabove,NFIR has noticedthat the Railway Board in the letter dated Qg/10/2013 have added following additional conditions giving negative impact to the process of implementationof restructuringin the cadreswtrereit islo beImplemented. Federationhighlights below the superfluousconditions which were not at all warranted have been arbitrarily prescribed in the initructions issued by Railway Board vide letter dated 08/10/2013(i)
rgls . . 0 n l y t h o s e t e m p o r a rtetter y . p dated o s t 03/10/2013 |eastthreeyearsmayalso be taken into accoult fo-r the purpose of apptying revised p"r."ntue.s. This wil be -posts subject to clarification that th-ese are mean"ttor regiltar u.Uiiti". which will continueand not for any sporadic r6quirements,. ..However,inthosecas:swhetsstaffisrequiredtojoin
-.u;ir unqrl$ed, posts u,^|*eni statioi, staffmaynti airowea trre l:11":.i1.r!e fl " b.enefit-of upgradation/promotion
on" as is where is basis" for th6 time being and allowed.tojoin the pin-pointed post at the new station within six months iime irom ttre date of issueof promotion ordCr, subjebtto the satisfactionof HOD on merit in each case.
Phone: 011-23343305,65A27299, Rly,.A30-22283,22626, Fax: 011-23744013,R\y.22382, Telegram: RAILMAZDOR E-mail:
[email protected];
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3' In this connection,NFIR wishesto invite attentionof Railway Board is invited.tothe earlier instructionsissuedon restructuringof Group oc' &'D'cadres underletterNo.pc -lII/2003/cRC/6 dated09/10/2003whereinapplicabilityto variouscadreshas beendonein the following manner "These orders will be applicable on the regular_cadres(excluding surplus & supernumerary posts) of the open Line establishments including-W;;ffi;p. 'of and Production Units. Theseorderswill, however,not be uppri.unr" to staff RDSO for which separateorders will be irru"o. These orders will not be applicable to ex-cadre& work-charged postswhich will continue to be basedon worth of charge.
These instructions will also not- be applicable to construction Units and Projects, where posts are generally on worfir;f;h;." basisothough thoseshould broadly be coiforming to "."it.o thesepercentagedistributions.,,
NFIR furtherwishesto invite attentionof RailwayBoard to para l6 of Board,sletterdated 09/10/2003wherefollowing provisionhasbeenmade fo, pin_pointingof posts:_ "The Administration should take_steps to pin-point the additional postsarising out of this restructuring as per administraiiveiequirements. Perusalof position as brought out by NFIR in para 2&3 abovewould reveal as to how 1 .. Railway Board have tried to make the cadrl restructurin! complicated,dis-advantageous to the staff besideshard to implement.As a matter of fact, the-conditionsmentionedin the previous instructionsdated 09/X/2003 (para 2&16) mentioned in iuru 3 above could have servedthe purpose.The additionsnow made in para2&10 in letter dated0g/10/2013 which are giving negative effect has generated deep. sense of anguish and frustration among railway employeeson the zonal Railways and Production zonal Railways, new posts were sanctioned for maintainingnewly createdassets.and manningnewly introducei servicesduringthe e years2010' 20ll' 2012 and2013.The Board'sinstruction ao:teaoaltolzll3prohibit treatingthose posts as part of cadre for the purposeof cadrerestructuring. Federationstrongly protestsagainst theseanti-workerrestrictions. NFIR, therefore,requestsRailwayBoardto modify the instructionsissuedvide letterdated 08/10/2013on the linesbroughtout by the Federation. on cadrerestructuringand issueamendment earlybeforeeffectiveimprementation of the instructions.
(M.Raghavaiaff t General Secretarv copy to ExecutiveDirector/PC-II,RailwayBoard,Pragati Maidan,Metro Bhavan,New Delhi. Copy to President/NFlRal Jaipur. I---4opy to GenerarSecretaries oiAffiriated unions of NFIR. Copyto Piesidenr/SWRES at Benguluru. Copy to Media CentreA.rlFIR